Coaching Mastery The New Coach Mini Quest 5

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MQ 5.

Packages & Pricing

In this Mini-Quest we’ll talk about Your Business. In particular your packages and your

Lesson 1: Empowering Communities

Big ideas from this lesson:

• Christina started her coaching career by building her community. Organising a

regular event around the topic she was coaching on.
• Growing your community gives you the opportunity to be seen as a leader.
• You don’t need to wait, you can begin sharing what you really love right now.
• It’s important for your potential clients to be able to come and get a taste of what
you do.
• How you build a community…
• Online: Join a few groups and see what they do. Then create your own group.
• In-person: What do you love doing? Go do it & invite others to come with you.
• Keep in mind that everyone who is invited has chosen to be in it.
• Other ways to build community: Email Newsletter, Zoom Webinars. How can you
keep it light and very informative? Observe how others do it, then do your own.
• Be ready to invite whoever you meet in your community.
• How do you get somebody from your community into your 1-on-1 coaching: Give
value upfront. Mention your program/offer every now and then.
• How do you keep people continuously engaged?
• It’s up to you to keep it engaged and exciting.
• Maintain your inspiration & body of knowledge. Keep going on the adventure.
• What do you do about trouble makers in your community:
• Notice what triggers you?
• Notice what this person is pointing at?
• Notice where this person is completely off?
• Then, privately engage with the trouble maker. Own your own stuff first. Then
make a request.
• Give your rockstars a little more extra attention and love. Keep an eye on them.

#1: Community Building

• Reflect on your personality. Do you love to create communities and lead them?
• What type of community speaks most to you?
• What is it that you love doing?
• Take the first step to build your community. Be ready to invite people into it at the
click of a button.

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Lesson 2: Powerful 1-on-1

Big ideas from this lesson:

• The scale of impact that you can do with just 1 person in depth and breadth can be
• What medium do you coach your clients in?
• Phone
• Online video (zoom, skype, etc.)
• In person/at home
• Try avoid having coaching sessions over food / do it in a neutral space
• Frequency Options: Bi-weekly sessions, 3 weeks on - 1 week off, monthly sessions
• Duration Options: 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours
• Coaching is not about how much time someone spends with you, it’s about their
insights and how their lives change.
• Once you’ve signed a client use either a contract and/or very strong agreements
• E.g. ‘no refunds, I don’t promise you any results or success’
• What should they expect from you in terms of accessibility?
• How much are you going to do for them? And how much are they going to do
• What happens in the weeks in between your sessions? Can you give any great
homework? Your client needs to agree or give permission to receive homework & a
• Keep it fun, exciting and like a game. Sometimes it’s more serious. What’s most
important: Your client needs to understand why the challenge / assignment you
give them leads to the result they desire.
• Your client is the one who needs to hold the power in the coaching relationship.
• Renewals are at least as important as new clients. Two sessions before your
contract expires, review the before and after of your coaching relationship. Remind
them how far they’ve come.
• Referrals are just as important. Ask for referrals in the moments of their biggest wins.
Ask for testimonials in the moment of the most exciting change.
• Send a feedback form: What has really worked, what hasn’t worked, etc.
• Show them their own power.

#2: Powerful 1-on-1s

• Reflect on the where, how often, how long and in what medium of your coaching
• Decide on the accessibility they get, the agreements you set with them and what
happens in between sessions.
• Keep those notes somewhere that you can access in the future with ease

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Lesson 3: Dynamic Group Coaching

Big ideas from this lesson:

• Benefits of groups: Clients get to see you coach others & meet others who keep
them motivated.
• Benefits for you: Lower price point option. Time freedom.
• Models
• 3 x 2 hour calls/month. 7 people in the group. Duration: 6 months
• High level executives: 1 call/mont. 7 people. 6 months.
• Let people know when the call is happening. Use doodle if you want to find the
best time for everyone.
• How to facilitate:
• Start with a sentence and let people finish the sentence. Start yourself and lead
when who can go.
• Freeflow: Checkins, silence.
• Give content so people can start off in a certain direction. Adapt when needed.
• What you can do in each call.
• Call 1: Get to Know
• e.g. play the game: What I don’t want you to know about me is …; round 2; round 3
• go through agreements, mention your agreements and let people agree to them
or negotiate them.
• Call 2: Coaching
• e.g. go really deep with one person / put multiple people on the hot seat during 1
• e.g. John shares, everyone else asks questions.
• e.g. everyone coaches 1 other person.
• Bring in other people & experts on your programs if you like.
• Let people journal while on the call. (e.g. the 21 secret fears)
• Let them give each other homework.
• Enrolling for a group: Give yourself time to find the right people for the group (2-3

#3: Group Coaching

• Reflect on the type of group coaching package you’d like to create

• What are some tools & content that you’d like to share when you kick it off
• When do you want to launch your first group program?
• Who would you love to invite into this group program?

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Lesson 4: Apprenticeship & Mentorship

Big ideas from this lesson:

• The idea of apprenticeship started in the middle ages. A master craftsman would
be able to take on an apprentice who would learn everything about the craft.
• You learn principles from books, the rest you learn by doing, modelling and
• Apprentices have the unique opportunity to fast-track their success.
• This is one of the more expensive ways for people to work with you. Of course you
can also take on mentees pro bono if that feels right for you.
• How are apprenticeships set up? Here are some examples of what can be included
in an apprenticeship:
• 1-on-1 session aspect (similar like the classic coaching model)
• Access to the behind the scenes of what you do as a master to build your
• Supervision
• Book reports
• Recorded coaching sessions with feedback
• Other coaching experiences / intensives
• Are you still at the learning stages or are you ready to take on a mentee /

#4: Apprenticeship & Mentorship

1. Would you like to add an apprenticeship offer to your packages? Consider if

you’re ready for it and if so, add it in.
2. Would you rather like to become an apprentice yourself?
3. Do a quick research on your mentors and see if they offer something like an
apprenticeship? Don’t be afraid to ask.

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Lesson 5: Intensives

Big ideas from this lesson:

• Intensives go beyond 1-on-1 sessions.

• You either take someone out of their environment or you go into their environment.
• Possible places: Their home. Your home. A neutral setting or experience.
• Intensives can be both: A One-Time Event or Part of a Journey.
• The hardest intensives is your 1st one, after that it gets a lot easier.
• Pay attention to the logistics. Do you want them to figure out lodging, airfare, etc.?
Or do you want to take care of it for them?
• Here’s an example of an intensives model:
• First third: Past. What are the stories they like to tell themselves?
• Second third: Present. What are you strong, weak at, feeling, etc.?
• Third third: Future. Where do they want to go?
• Be flexible. Have your tools and exercises with you but let them be exchangeable.
• Three examples of intensives with Christina:
• The Tango Intensive
• The Past Chart with Peak States & Lows
• The French Chalet
• Intensives are designed to catapult clients into their new life.

#5: Intensives

1. Make a rough-draft of an intensive that would excite you.

2. List down the tools, exercises & experiences that you’d love to draw from.

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Lesson 6: Sales

Big ideas from this lesson:

• How do you price yourself? There is no governing body that regulates pricing.
• What often ends up happening is beginner coaches charging very low for a really
long time or charging really high.
• What you want to make sure is to always have clients.
• There is no coach without clients. Fill up your practice and then slowly start raising
your prices.
• Thought experiment: Imagine charging by the hour and Christina calling you up
telling you ‘I have a client who would love to be coached by you for…
• $50/hour
• $100/hour
• $200/hour
• $225/hour
• $300/hour
• Notice your feeling as you read these numbers. Pick the price that you’re genuinely
happy at, make a package out of it (e.g. 1 month package, $50/hour, 4 sessions =
$200). Fill up your coaching at that price.
• You’re not stuck at your rate - sometimes your practice will be full and you’ll be
charging low, sometimes there will be nobody. Change your rate at any time when it
serves the purpose.
• Consider always having somebody Pro-Bono that you coach with.
• What do you do when someone asks for your prices?
• Putting your rate out filters out the people who don’t want to invest in themselves
(use when your practice is full and you don’t have time).
• Remember: The example of the box.
• Whether online or offline, be genuinely curious about people and prioritise places
where you’re already seen as the leader (e.g. your own meetup, you as the speaker,
• If you notice that you’ve done enough, ask them ‘are we complete?’ to know if it
makes sense to end the session early.
• Explain what coaching is for everyone who hasn’t experienced it before.
• Ask your clients to write down: Vision, Strategy, Mindset, Skillset, Energy.

#6: Sales

1. Choose a price that you’re happy with & create a package with it.
2. Fill your practice with clients (pro-bono or paid)

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Lesson 7: Deep Inner Work

Big ideas from this lesson:

• Nowadays you can find the ‘how to’ for everything online.
• The real issue is not the ‘not knowing how’, it’s the burning desire to do it.
• You need patience to get better, so good that they can’t ignore you.
• Why spend time creating your own, when there are so many great coaches out
there? There’s nobody the same like you.
• Stop trying to be like everybody else. Show who you are.
• Fear of Failure: Every time you listen to the fear, you lose. Every time that you do it
anyway, you win (even if you failed).
• This fear shows that you’re moving in the right direction.
• When you take off the story you’ve made up about your fears, you’ll quickly notice
that it’s the same energy as excitement.
• Time is more valuable than money.
• First create the lifestyle that you want, then fill in the rest with what you love.
• Remember your Why.

#7: Fears

1. Identify a fear that you have in regards to any of the milestones in this program:
Coaching 50 people, creating 10 paying clients, making 10k in revenue.
2. Take away the story behind the feeling, what’s the feeling like?
3. Identify 1 action that you have pushed out for a long time.
4. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

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