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Joshua Macas

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Free Write 8/24/22:
“What type of work environment do you prefer?”
I prefer a work environment where people get together and brainstorm ideas to create or
improve something. I want to be in an environment where everyone is serious about what
they’re doing. I also want an environment where it’s okay to ask your coworkers for help. But I
want the environment to provide opportunities for others and myself to be the leader of a
project. An environment that I would also work well in is an environment where you work alone,
I’m used to working independently.

The three colleges I’m researching are USC, Caltech, and MIT.

Free Write 8/26/22

“What are your strengths?”
My strengths are working alone and working in a group. I also know how to share ideas
and give constructive feedback. I believe I am a pretty good leader, but I know when to take a
backseat. I like to be on time with my attendance. I like to think that I am flexible and versatile.

Small Colleges vs. Large Colleges 8/26/22

Small colleges give you more opportunities to bond with your professors and advisers. A
lot of hands-on learning. Large colleges have plenty of courses and majors. As well as campus
housing and state-of-the-art research facilities.
Characteristics in college that I am looking for are:
1. Making new friends
2. Joining recognized clubs/groups
3. Specialized area/major
4. Opportunity to “shine”
5. Beautiful environment
Exit Ticket: Small College vs. Large College Reflection
1. I think large colleges still apply to me because it just has more life and social
interactions. It feels diverse.
2. Three small colleges in Southern California are Caltech, Pomona, and Occidental
3. Caltech does have aerospace engineering listed in their majors. I am pretty set on doing
aerospace engineering so nothing else is interesting to me when it comes to majors.
4. It did because it made me consider different colleges with my major listed. I now care
about the student population and the college's beauty.

Free Write 8/3022

“Tell me about yourself”
I’m a very ambitious person, I often set big goals for myself. I feel very proud of myself
when I manage to accomplish my goals. I like being in charge of things,or at least playing a big
role in something. When I can’t accomplish something, I question my ability. I plan to do great
things with my life. That’s a goal I MUST achieve.
Joshua Macas
Major: Aerospace Engineering

List of Colleges
. Reach: Caltech, MIT, USC, and Stanford.
Target: UC Berkeley, UC San DIego, UCLA, and UC Irvine.
Safety: Cal Poly SLO, CSULB, Cal Poly Pomona, and San Diego State

Class Artifact name and Learner Profiles ATL, Skills

evidence (link (use each one at
evidence here) least one, sometimes

Individuals and Unit 7 DBQ Open-minded Critical Thinking and

Societies Creative Thinking

Math Compound Interest Communicators Collaboration


Art Realism Practice Inquirers and Caring Affective Skills

Language & Final Essay on Album Thinkers Information Literacy


World Languages Museum Artifact Principled Interaction and


Science Black Hole Project Knowledgeable and None


P.E. FitnessGram Pacer Reflective and None

Test Balanced

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