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A Research Paper Presented to:

A Faculty of the English Department of Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English 10

Presented by:
Grade 10 – St. Augustine

May 26, 2023




Researchers : Bryane Jayke M. Fernandez
Genesis Villafranca Cabansay
Ronnel R. Roldan
Niña Faith Ferraren
School : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Adviser : Mary Jane D. Cabiluna
Date Completed : May 26, 2023
This study discussed the Ways of Grade 10 Students in Overcoming Laziness to
Get Good Grades. Its objectives are: (1) to find the reason why students are being lazy,
(2) to find the effects of laziness to students, (3) to propose any recommendations or tips
to overcome laziness. The type of research method used in this study was Quantitave-
descriptive method. This was done through making a survey questionnaire containing
relevant questions beneficial to the study which was then distributed to the randomly
selected fifty (50) respondents. Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that
laziness is the result of having low academic performance, but can be managed through
thinking positively when studying or doing school-related tasks to lessen the effects of
laziness. With these in mind, the researchers recommended that students experiencing
laziness should create a proper study plan: that parents should always remind them that
being lazy can lead to low grades in class, and that teacher should guide and give proper
discipline by making the class more interesting and more appealing.


This research became successful because of the kind support of many

individuals directly or indirectly making this research possible. We would like to extend
our sincere gratitude to all of them.

First on the list, we are grateful to the Almighty God for the wisdom He
showered upon us, the strength, serenity, and good health throughout the completion of
this study.

Secondly, we would like to thank one of our school head, Mrs. Evelyn R.
Pielago, and the entire Junior High School Faculty and Staff for making this research

Next to thank is our English teacher, Mrs. Mary Jane D. Cabiluna whose
expertise, understanding, strict guidance, and support made it possible for us to finish this
study. We are hugely indebted to you, Ma’am, for being kind, patient, and enthusiastic in
making corrections.

Fourthly, we also would like to thank Mr. Warren P. Verzales for helping us in
the computation of the data gathered.

Next in line is our friend and fellow researchers, we thank you for the
cooperation in the completion of this study.

Fifth, is our parents, we would like to thank them for their unending support
and encouragement in academic venture.

Lastly, we would like to thank the respondents for taking their time in
answering the survey questionnaire despite their busy schedule.

The Researchers



Title Page





Table of Contents





Theoretical and/or Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms


Related Literature


Related Studies


Overall Summary of the Review









Sampling Technique




Data Gathering Procedure





Summary of Findings









Appendix A: Sample Survey Questionnaire


Appendix B: School Location Map


Appendix C: Sample Conclusion


Appendix D: Curriculum Vitae



Figure 1: Attribution Theory 4

Figure 2: Percentage of Respondents’ Experiencing Laziness in Studying or Not



Table 1: Reasons of Respondent’s Experiencing Laziness in Studying


Table 1.1: Reasons of Respondent’s Not Experiencing Laziness in Studying


Table 2: Negative Impacts of Laziness to Respondents’ Academic Performance


Table 3: Ways of Respondents in Overcoming Laziness in Studying



Double Space 2.0

Margin 3.81 cm Double Space 2.0
Can a student be successful in every endeavor that he/she undertakes if he or she is Margin 2.54 cm

not diligent enough to exert effort in accomplishing it? Is it merely a state of the mind or

simply a negative attitude towards work? Does it help or not? Not being diligent and

industrious is a vice that slowly creeps in and begins to hold an individual captive. It

interrupts one’s life and prevents him/her form getting to where he/she is supposed to be.

At first, he/she feels as though he/she is having a deserved rest, then gradually he/she

starts tolerating and entertaining laziness, and finally, it fully sets in and become a part of

who he/she is. Understanding this vice and everything that comes with it will help a

person curb, escape, and even recover from it. The question that everyone should be

asking is “Why are students lazy?”, “What negative impact does it have?”, and “How can

they overcome laziness?”

In an article taken from (2018) entitled The Reasons of

Students’ Laziness, it says that the reasons of students becoming lazy are the following:

1. Absent-mindedness. They are not focused on one task. They do many tasks at the same


2. Procrastination. Lots of assignments are to be done but they constantly postpone them

for the next day and when deadline comes, he/she cannot do all the tasks simultaneously.

Margin 2.54 cm

3. Fatigue. Every person is well familiar with this feeling when one works too hard, does

not get enough sleep, and simply sick and tired of the mode of life they lead.

4. Scanty Nourishment. Not keeping a balanced diet makes one feel exhausted and

squeezed like a lemon.

5. Flippant Attitude to Education. One is used to letting others do the task for him/her.

6. Unmotivated. When students are not motivated, they will get sloppy on an ongoing


     In one of the articles written by Ramos, C.,entitled The Effect of Being Laziness In

Academic Performance of Grade 11 ABM Students In Asia Source College of Arts and

Technology dated March 23, 2017, they said that generally, laziness occurs at anytime,

anywhere, or to everyone in their daily activities. Students feel lazy to finish their

homework; not attending classes at school, failure to complete the given tasks assigned

by teachers within the allocated time; workers delay organizing files; not settling their

job; entrepreneurs relaxing in the office without planning anything for the company,

graduates lazy to prepare their own resumes and everybody has many kinds of laziness. It

is normal to feel lazy at a certain time, but it will become a crucial problem if the attitude

is out of control. Hence, the person neglects to self-regulate or manage him/herself

positively. According to an article written by Maanasi, et. Al. entitled Disadvantages of

Laziness, the researchers’ said that being lazy leads to reactant mental health issues such

as anxiety, indifference, substance abuse, and depression toward education. Laziness

among students has become a serious problem in schools which is closely related to some

of the disciplinary problems.


Five effective tips for overcoming Laziness in studying were mentioned in a blog

written by Ranido, Odaia, entitled Effective Tips On How To Overcome Laziness While

Studying dated March 14, 2022. They said that the simplest method to quit being lazy is

to simply start working and attempt to do it effectively like Attaining Discipline,

Eliminating Distractions, Creating a Timetable, Taking Breaks from time to time, and

Setting Achievable Goals. It should always be kept in mind that it is one of the most

significant things one can do to advance in life and achieve success.

To sum up everything, the main purpose of this study is to determine how Grade 10

students can overcome laziness in studying to get good grades. In this way, Grade 10

students will learn how to overcome their laziness in studying by putting priorities and

goals first on their academics.


Theoretical and/or Conceptual Framework


This study is based on the theory “Attribution Theory” proposed by Fritz Heider

(1958). The theory assumes that people try to determine why people do what they do, i.e.,

attribute causes to behavior. A person seeking to understand why another person did

something may attribute one or more causes to that behavior. A three-stage process

underlies an attribution: (1) the person must perceive or observe the behavior, (2) then the

person must believe that the behavior was intentionally performed, and (3) then the

person must determine if they believe the other person was forced to perform the

behavior (in which case the cause is attributed to the situation) or not (in which case the

cause is attributed to the other person). Weiner focused his attribution theory on

achievement (Weiner, 1974). He identified ability, effort, task difficulty, and luck as the

most important factors affecting attributions for achievement. Attributions are classified

along three causal dimensions: locus of control, stability, and controllability. The locus of

control dimension has two poles: internal versus external locus of control. The stability

dimension captures whether causes change over time or not. For instance, ability can be

classified as a stable, internal cause, and effort classified as unstable and internal.

Controllability contrasts causes one can control, such as skill/efficacy, from causes one

cannot control, such as aptitude, mood, others’ actions, and luck. Attribution theory has

been used to explain the difference in motivation between high and low achievers.

According to attribution theory, high achievers will approach rather than avoid tasks

related to succeeding because they believe success is due to high ability and effort which

they are confident of. Failure is thought to be caused by bad luck or a poor exam, i.e., not

their fault. Thus, failure doesn’t affect their self-esteem, but success builds pride and

confidence. On the other hand, low achievers avoid success-related chores because they

tend to (a) doubt their ability and/or (b) assume success is related to luck or to “who you

know” or to other factors beyond their control. Thus, even when successful, it isn’t as

rewarding to the low achiever because he/she doesn’t feel responsible, i.e., it doesn’t

increase his/her pride and confidence. This theory is related to the present study because

it also signifies the Ways of Overcoming Laziness to Grade 10 Students. Since laziness is

a common syndrome that most people suffer from.



Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to determine the ways of Grade 10 Students in

Overcoming Laziness in Studying to Get Good Grades. This study will be conducted at

Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School within the academic year 2022 –


Specifically, the study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. Why are Grade 10 students lazy in studying?

2. What negative impacts does laziness in studying have on the academic performance of

Grade 10 students?

3. How can Grade 10 students overcome their laziness in studying in order to get good


Significance of the Study

The problem of this study is to determine Ways of Overcoming Laziness In

Studying To Get Good Grades. This is important because one can discover new things on

a certain existing problem. With this idea in mind, this study serves as a tool for

determining the Ways of Grade 10 Students In Overcoming Laziness In Studying To Get

Good Grades at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School. The outcome of this

study would benefit the following groups of people.

Principal – He/She Should prioritize the problem of laziness of a student and have an

extra activity for the school to overcome the laziness of a student, like an activity that

they are interested in. For example joining an activity like MTAP or joining a club like

Science Club, these activities can help them overcome their laziness in studying.

Teachers – They serve as the children’s substitute parents. This study informs

teachers about the effects of their students’ academic performance and how it affects their

method of obtaining good grades. It also informs teachers about how they can assist their

students with this.

    Parents – This article will serve as a guiding tool for parents. They should advice their

children not to be lazy in doing tasks at home and in school. They can properly guide

them throughout their inexperienced journey.

    Students – The students can determine their limitations so as to overcome their

laziness. It will give them an idea to set priorities in life and to discipline themselves in

their studies.

    Future Researchers – They can make some changes by putting in additional

information to have a full understanding of this problem. 


In every research study, there are always terms that need to be given meanings for a

full understanding of the research problem. These are the following terms found in the

research title and in the in the sub-problems that have to be defined conceptually and


Good Grades – is exceptional, outstanding end result of an excellent performance. In

this study, it is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short

or long-term educational goals, and this is the independent variable.

Grade 10 students – are learners in the last year of the union High School curriculum.

In this study, they serve as respondents, and the dependent variable.

Laziness – defined as disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to

act or to exert oneself. In this study, it is the problem that students are involved in, and

this is also the independent variable.

Overcoming – to defeat or succeed in controlling and dealing with something. In this

study, it relates to getting better off laziness in studying and it is also one of the

dependent variables.

Ways – This is the significant and helpful means of doing something with regard to

how one can successfully accomplish or achieve something. In this study, it is the proper

or correct set of procedures that should be taken by the students in order to achieve good

grades, and this is also the independent variable.




This chapter presents the literature and studies that provide facts relevant to the

present study which is the Ways of Grade 10 Students In Overcoming Laziness To Get

Good Grades.

Related Literature

This section presents the literature relevant to the proposed study.

In an article taken from a school magazine named Study Zone Institute entitled Lazy

student: Keeping the class lively dated on September 1, 2017 taken from the website text=A%20lazy %20

student%20has%20little,Scrabble%2C%20team%20debates%20and%20charades, it said

that there are 5 top reasons of students becoming lazy. One is lack of sleep. For a kid in

school, not getting enough sleep at home is a big problem. It is possible to let kids stay up

late to watch TV or play video games. They feel drowsy at school the following day.

They could have lived in poverty and struggle to sleep at night due to hunger. They might

not get enough sleep in an abusive home. Second, fear of failure. Some disorganized

students may delay their work out of a fear of failing. The time between now and the tests

can be passed by sleeping and daydreaming. They prefer to say that they did not try,

rather than admitting that they tried hard yet they failed. Third, Poor diet. A bad diet is

another significant cause of fatigue. Some students might consume inappropriate foods,

excessive amounts, or very little food. Hypoglycemia, below normal, maybe a problem

for some people. This occurs when a person overeats or consumes insufficient amounts of

carbs. Fourth, lack of exercise. A person’s level of laziness increases when they are not

active. Students who are constantly tired need to move their bodies desperately. A

fatigued mind follows a tired body. A slothful learner is not very interested in learning

anything. Lastly, Depression. A lazy learner maybe depressed, and there are countless

possible causes of depression. The student can be bullied at school, have low self-esteem,

or experience maltreatment at home. They may be unhappy with his or her parent’s

relationship or denied fundamental privileges due to poverty.

The cited literature is relevant to the proposed study since it involved the reasons of

students being lazy about studying which is the first sub-problem of the study. The cited

literature has a broader focus on the participants because it discusses students as a whole,

whereas the proposed study is targeted at a particular group, namely Grade 10 students.

The cited literature does not mention any locality or its origin, while in the proposed

study was held at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School. Since laziness is a

factor in the problem, the literature also discusses the same problem as the study that is

being presented.

According to Diego Olivaries in an University – maintained website named Elac

Campus News entitled Laziness Affects Student’s Education dated on October 28, 2015

take from the website

education/ , he said that given that many college students are in their 20s, it is typical for

them to dislike working hard. These are known as college slackers. It is a common adage

that “it is simpler to do anything, then it is to do anything”, is true for many college

slackers. They should be conscious that the implication of their indolence could be

severe. This sort of lethargy leads to a lack of effort being placed into the assigned

classwork. Their class grades drop as a result. Stress that individuals may experience

from finishing classwork at the last minute just compounds that. Occasionally they

completely fail to complete a task. Although many people find it challenging to alter this

behavior, they must do so before it compromises their ability to perform well in school.

They do not always want to do the classwork that has been given to them. They

occasionally discover themselves avoiding the assignments entirely. They fell behind in

his academic work as a result. There are several explanations for why college students

behave in that manner. Self – doubt might contribute to some of it. Many students believe

they can not complete their classwork well. They refuse at doing the work out of concern

for failure. Much of their self – doubt might also be brought upon by the influence of

others. These college slackers maybe negatively influence by some teachers and friends.

They do not push kids hard enough to finish their task. Another aspect is students lack of

interest in their lectures. Sometimes, students attend these classes to fulfill a duty to their

families or their place of education.

The cited literature is relevant to the proposed study since it involves the negative

impacts of students being lazy in studying which is the second sub-problem of the study.

The cited literature discusses college students as a whole, however, the proposed study is

focused on a specific group, namely Grade 10 students, and has a narrower focus on the

participants. The cited literature mentioned an origin which was at the Los Angeles

College Campus from United States in California, Los Angeles County, while the

proposed study was held at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School. The

literature also discusses the same problem as the study that is being presented because

laziness is a contributing factor to the problem.


In an article written by Animesh Prasad taken from an online magazine named

UniAcco entitled How To Overcome Laziness While Studying: 15 Effective Tips dated on

May 6, 2021 taken from the website

while-studying, he said that there are 15 Effective Ways to overcome laziness in

studying. Firstly, Be in a comfortable place. Secondly, Breakdown bigger tasks into

smaller tasks. Thirdly, Make a study plan. Fourthly, remove all sort of distractions.

Fifthly, Look for motivation. Moreover, consider doing easier tasks. Next, make a to-do

list followed by Mix-up the subjects. In addition, Think about the consequences.

Furthermore, Reward oneself. Again, Take breaks for physical exercise. Then, Avoid

procrastination. Lastly, Discipline is the key. Being lazy while studying is common.

Everyone goes through it, especially if there is a lot of material to learn and they are

unsure of where to begin. But students must take it seriously, whether it is for a

challenging exam or a quick test. People should make a commitment to stop being lazy

and start working harder. They should always bear in mind that the higher the effort, the

larger the outcome.

The cited literature is relevant to the proposed study because it discusses ways on

how to overcome laziness in studying, which is the third sub-problem of the proposed

study. The proposed study is focused on a specific group, namely the Grade 10 students

of Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School, while the cited literature

discusses students as a whole and mentions no site. The literature also discusses the same

problem as the study that is being presented.


Related Studies

This section presents the studies relevant to the proposed study

In a journal on Don State Technical University, a research study entitled

Procrastination and laziness rates among students with different academic performance

as an organizational problem written by Dautov,, was published in the year 2020.

In that research study, the results of the research on procrastination and laziness patterns

shown by students with various academic performance rates, are described in the article.

The levels and causes of laziness and procrastination for students with different academic

performance were defined by means of diagnostic methodology. Based on the methods of

Mathematical Statistics, such as the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the

Mann–Whitney U test, the levels of procrastination and laziness were compared in

correspondence with students’ academic performance rates. A negative correlation was

discovered between the level of academic procrastination and students’ academic

performance. Another correlation was established for such causes of laziness as

“Capability deficiency” and “Lack of interest”. The differences in laziness levels as well

as causes of laziness and procrastination were identified between students with high and

low academic performance rates. A conclusion was made that in the process of forming

the basic conditions for studying, it is highly important to recognize displays of

procrastination and laziness among students with different academic performance rates.

Since the cited study examines laziness and the academic performance of students,

it is relevant to the proposed study. The cited study discusses a specific group of students

specifically from Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, while the

proposed study examines a specific group of students, namely the Grade 10 students from

Don Vicente Rama National Memorial High School. Both the cited study and the

proposed study tackle the same problem which is laziness.

Based on a thesis entitled An Analysis Of Contributing Factors On Students’

Laziness In Learning English At The First Year Students Of SMPN 2 Jatiwangi

Kabupaten Majalengka conducted by Nisa,, and published in the English Education

Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of Syekh Nurjati State Institute for Islamic Studies In

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Islamic Education (2013), the

researchers discussed the elements that influence students’ lack of interest in studying

English. The teacher at SMPN 2 Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka did a professional job

of teaching the topic for the English subject utilizing a range of media, methods, and

learning resources, however occasionally the students are still unmotivated to learn this

subject. Motivating oneself is crucial when learning a language. For some people,

learning English is enjoyable, while for others it is boring. So, it is crucial for the writer

to examine the causes of students’ laziness in learning English and the initiatives taken by

the teachers to overcome them. The author is attempting to investigate the variables that

may be causing students at SMPN 2 Jatiwangi to be unmotivated to learn English. The

objectives of the study are to discover the factors that influence first-year students at

SMPN 2 Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka’s lack of interest in learning English as well

as how hard their teachers are working to change it. Interviews with students and

teachers, as well as observation utilizing field notes, are some of the strategies utilized for

data collecting. The researchers looked into the main tool used in this study’s qualitative

method for obtaining and analyzing data as well as its significance. After analyzing the

data, the researcher discovered that students’ lack of self-confidence in learning the

English language, low motivation to learn the language because they dislike the subject,

feeling lazy to find a vocabulary for writing English sentences, and difficulty

pronouncing English words are the main causes of students’ laziness in learning English

among the first-year students at SMPN 2 Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka. Moreover,

visual and conversation approaches are used by the instructors to overcome the first-year

students at SMPN 2 Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka’s laziness in studying English. To

ensure that the teaching and learning processes are successful, the teacher must be aware

of the circumstances of the pupils when presenting the subject in the classroom. The

environment for teaching and learning needs to be made more exciting for both to the

students and the teacher.

The cited study is partially relevant to the proposed study because it looks at a

student’s academic performance and laziness. The cited study discusses a specific group

of first-year students of SMPN2 specifically from Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka,

India, while the proposed study examines a specific group of students, namely the Grade

10 students from Don Vicente Rama National Memorial High School. Both the cited

study and the proposed study tackle the same problem which is laziness.

In a research study entitled Efforts to Overcome Procrastination through Individual

Construction Using Self-Introspection Methods in Achieving Santri Scholarship Program

Students (PBSB) conducted by Afiyatin, (2019), the researchers discussed about

how students procrastinate and the effects of teaching people self-introspection skills to

help them stop being lazy. Students from the Santri Achievement Scholarship Program

(PBSB) were the subject of the research. Data collection method was carried out which

involved interviewing and observing the participants. Subjects included 3 students who

underwent in-depth interviews and 7 students who were special subjects. According to

the study’s findings and the discussion that followed, postponement, laziness, and delay

all contribute to the overall picture of student procrastination. Students’ use of self-

introspection to overcome laziness has been shown to minimize tardiness, as evidenced

by the following indicators: attentive attention to activities that are priorities, initial

contemplation before taking action, and improved change.


Overall Summary of the Review

The cited literature and studies are relevant to the current study since they all address

the problem of laziness in academic pursuits. They only differ in the basic points, as in

the literature, where one source focuses on the reasons why people become lazy in

studying. Another source examines the negative impacts of being lazy in studying, and

the last source discusses ways to overcome laziness. The present study also focuses on

the same subject as the cited literatures. The cited literatures only mentioned the general

term “students” when referring to the participants and the setting, but the current study

specifically focuses on a grade level and a school. On the part of the cited studies, it still

tackles on laziness in studying but it varies on the targeted individuals and problems. One

study talks about the causes of being lazy in studying. Another study tackles on the

contributing factors to students’ laziness in studying and the last study points out the

efforts to overcome laziness and procrastination. The individuals involved, the place of

study, and the time frame in the three cited studies are varied in comparison to the present

study. Since the present study specifically selected the Grade 10 Students of Don Vicente

Rama Memorial National High School year 2022-2023 to be the respondents of the

research problem on the Ways of Overcoming Laziness In Studying To Get Good

Grades, it is more unique and relevant.




This chapter presents the method and processes that were used to gather data

regarding the present study.


Quantitative-Descriptive method was used in the study to determine the ways of

overcoming laziness in studying to get good grades of grade 10 students. The process was

done by giving sets of questions through an approved survey questionnaire which is

related to the study.


The study was conducted in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School

located at Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City which is the first national high school in the

south of Cebu City. It was opened on June 7, 1993 and acquired its name as Cebu City

Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School – Basak Extension through

DECS Order No. 5, series of 1989. This was made possible through the joint effort of the

then Department of Education, Culture and Sports now Dep-Ed, Division of Cebu City

Government with Hon. Alvin B. Garcia as Mayor. The first principal was Dr. Matilde R.

Mayonila. The school started with 300 first year students with 50 students per section.

The school became independent with national funding last October 9, 1993. The

following year, in 1993, the school acquired its new name, Basak National High School.

Through Sanggumang Panglungsod resolution in 2003, Basak National High School was

converted into Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School. This school’s

namesake was there presentative of Cebu’s 3rd district instrumental as the author and

sponsor of the bill of creating the City of Cebu and was enacted into a law as

Commonwealth Act No. 58 by the Philippines Congress on the October 20, 1936. He is

also known as the “Father of the Cebu City Charter”.

The school mainly serves the entire portion of Basak – San Nicolas and Basak –

Pardo. It also serves the near barangays around it like Mambaling, Punta Princes, Tisa,

Kinasang – an Pardo, and Quiot. It aims to produce learners who do ordinary things

extraordinarily well to achieve a culture of excellence.

At present, the school is being headed by Mrs. Evelyn R. Pielago Principal IV and

assisted by Mrs. Mary Christine Abas – Head Teacher III (1st shift) and Mr. Noel

Nacorda – Head Teacher II (2nd shift). The school is a fast – growing community of

students and one of the biggest public schools in the south of Cebu City. It has an active

Supreme Student Government and Student organizations which facilitate and mediate

school activities. The latter also assists the school officials, Faculty and Staff in all events

within the school.

Currently, there are twelve buildings in the entire school vicinity, nine of which are

used by the Junior High School students and three of which are used by the Senior High

School students. The researchers conducted the study to Grade 10 students from St.

Dominic (1st shift) and St. Henry (2nd shift) occupying building 10 room 21, 2nd floor, St.

Gregory (1st shift) occupying building 10 room 22, 2nd floor, St. Florian (1st shift) and St.

Lorenzo (2nd shift) occupying building 10 room 23, 2nd floor, St. Elizabeth (1st shift)

occupying building 11 room 33, 3rd floor, St. Ignatius (2nd shift) occupying building 11

room 24, 2nd floor, and St. Jude (2nd shift) occupying building 11 room 23, 2nd floor.


The researchers randomly selected fifty (50) Grade 10 students to be the respondents

of the study. Out of the fifty (50), twenty – two (22) were females and twenty – eight (28)

were males. Two (2) students were from Grade 10 St. Elizabeth, twenty – three (23) from

Grade 10 St. Florida, eight (8) from Grade 10 St. Dominic, one (1) from Grade 10 St.

Gregory, ten (10) from Grade 10 St. Lorenzo, two (2) from Grade 10 St. Ignatius, two (2)

from Grade 10 St. Henry and two (2) from Grade 10 St. Jude. The respondents were

given 3 – 5 minutes to answer the survey questionnaire. There are four hundred fifty

(450) Grade 10 students from the 1st shift and three hundred thirty – four (334) from the

2nd shift. Overall, there are seven hundred eighty four (784) Grade 10 students in Don

Vicente Rama Memorial National High School, year 2022 – 2023. Only six percent (6%)

of the total population was surveyed.

Sampling Technique

The study used the Random Sampling Convenience Technique in conducting the

survey because the researchers selected a group of students randomly and at the

convenient time of the respondents.



To gather data in determining the ways of Grade 10 students in overcoming laziness

in studying to get good grade, a survey questionnaire was formulated by the researchers.

It is divided into three sections. Section A used the Dichotomous and Contingency

Questions which determine if the respondents experienced laziness in studying or not,

followed by the reasons of such laziness. Section B used the Rank Order Scaled

Questions wherein the respondents ranked the given negative effects of laziness to their

academic performance from 1 – 5, 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest. Section C

used the Likert Type Scale in which the respondents checked the column of their choice

regarding the ways and tips in overcoming laziness in studying.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made a survey questionnaire which underwent many corrections and

revisions until it was approved by the research adviser. After the approval, the instrument

was encoded, photocopied in fifty (50) copies, and distributed to the randomly selected

respondents. They were given 3 – 5 minutes to answer the survey questionnaire which

directly relates to the study’s objectives. After the allocated time ended, the researchers

retrieved the fifty (50) distributed survey questionnaire copies for them to tally the

responses and analyze it.




This chapter provides the graphical and tabular presentation of the data gathered, its

analysis and interpretation on the Ways of Grade 10 Students in Overcoming Laziness in

Studying to Get Good Grades.

Figure 2

Percentage of Respondents’ Experiencing Laziness in Studying or Not



Figure 2 shows that out of fifty (50) respondents, ninety percent (90%) of them have

experienced laziness while ten percent (10%) have not. This means that the majority of

the respondents have experienced laziness in studying.


Table 1

Reasons of Respondents’ Experiencing Laziness in Studying

Indicator Number of Respondents Percentage

1. Playing too much online games 13 18.06%
2. Spending more time on social media 15 20.83%
3. Having low motivation 10 13.89%
4. Being easily distracted 25 34.72%
5. Lacking in interest of studies 9 12.5%
Total 72 100%

Table 1 shows that indicator 4 got the highest percentage while indicator 5 got the

lowest percentage. This means that most respondents experienced laziness because they

are easily distracted.


Table 1.1

Reasons of Respondents’ Not Experiencing Laziness in Studying

Indicator Number of Respondents Percentage

1. Having proper time management 3 33.33%
2. Being organized in his/her study plan 2 22.22%
3. Being afraid to be scolded by parents 1 11.11%
4. Having fear of failure 2 22.22%
5. Being productive in studying 1 11.11%
Total 9 99.99%

Table 1.1 shows that indicator 1 got the highest percentage while indicators 3 and 5

got the lowest. This means that most respondents have not experienced laziness because

they have proper time management.


Table 2

Negative Impacts of Laziness to Respondents’ Academic Performance

Indicator Number of Responses Rank

1. Leads to lack of effort put into studying 153 5
2. Causes anxiety and stress 143 2
3. Leads to poor performance on tests 150 4
4. Leads to low self-esteem 144 3

5. Leads to low academic performance 141 1

Table 2 shows that indicator 5 ranks 1 st while indicator 1 ranks 5th. This reveals that

the negative impact of laziness on the academic performance of the respondents is, it can

lead to low academic performance.


Table 3

Ways of Respondents’ in Overcoming Laziness in Studying

Indicator Weighted Interpretation Rank

1. Students should create a proper study plan. 3.50 Strongly Agree 1
2. Students should seek help from others. 3.08 Agree 2
3. Students should focus on their studies. 3.38 Strongly Agree 1
4. Students should think positive in studying. 3.54 Strongly Agree 1
5. Students should reward their self after 3.20 Agree 2
achieving a stressful task.
Total Weighted Mean 3.34 Strongly Agree 1

3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree 1

2.51 – 3.25 Agree 2

1.76 – 2.50 Disagree 3

1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree 4

Table 3 shows that indicator 4 got the highest weighted mean of 3.54 while

indicator 2 got the lowest weighted mean of 3.08. The average weighted mean is 3.34

which is interpreted as “Strongly Agree”. This reveals that most of the respondents

strongly agree that thinking positively in studying is the best way for students in

overcoming laziness in studying.



Upon making the study, the researchers encountered difficulties and limitations in

gathering the data about the problem. The first limitation that the researchers encountered

was the citation of the source. The source should be within the 10-year range for it to be

considered recent. Second was the number of respondents. Out of the seven hundred

eighty-four (784) Grade 10 students, only fifty (50) Grade 10 students were surveyed.

Seventy percent (70%) of the population was supposed to be surveyed, but the

researchers were limited to survey only six percent (6%) of the population. Lastly was the

grade level of the respondents. The researchers were limited to survey only a specific

grade level of the respondents, for it to be related to the study. In making the survey

questionnaire, the researchers met many corrections and did revisions for it to be

approved by the research adviser. In the process of doing the survey, few of the

respondents did not thoroughly read the instructions and understand the questions that led

them to answer the survey incorrectly, but the researchers resurveyed them again. To

overcome these problems, first, the researchers guided the respondents in answering the

survey questionnaire. Next, the researchers monitored the respondents to see if they were

following the instructions correctly as they answered the survey questionnaire, to avoid

confusion in the process. Lastly, if the researchers noticed that there were mistakes in the

answers, they had to do the resurvey.



This chapter contains the summary of findings undertaken, conclusion drawn, and

recommendations made as an outgrowth of the study: Ways of Grade 10 Students in

Overcoming Laziness in Studying to Get Good Grades.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the Ways of Grade 10

Students in Overcoming Laziness in Studying to Get Good Grades in Don Vicente Rama

Memorial National High School. It specifically answered the following sub-problems: the

reasons of Grade 10 students experiencing laziness in studying, the effects of laziness in

studying to the academic performance of Grade 10 students, and the ways of Grade 10

students in overcoming laziness in studying. The quantitative-descriptive method was

utilized and the random and convenience sampling technique was used to gather data

from randomly selected fifty (50) respondents who experienced laziness in studying

using the self-made survey questionnaire as the instrument. The inquiry was conducted

during the school year 2022-2023.

Based on the gathered results, these are the findings:

1. Out of the fifty (50) respondents, forty-five (45) of them experienced laziness

because they are easily distracted comprising 90% while the remaining five (5)

have not because they have proper time management comprising 10%.

2. Laziness does have affect negative impacts on the academic performance of the

respondents because it can lead to low academic performance which is 1 st in rank,

it can cause anxiety and stress which is 2 nd in rank, and it can lead to low self-

esteem which is 3rd in rank.

3. The most effective way to overcome laziness in studying of the respondents is

that they should think positively when they are studying or doing school-related

tasks with a total weighted mean of 3.54. With that, the most common way to

think positive when studying are: Focus on the good things and get a restful

night’s sleep.


From the given findings, the researchers concluded that laziness affects the

respondents’ academic performance for it can lead to low academic performance, anxiety

and stress, and low self-esteem and in the process, they find it difficult to avoid laziness

while studying because they are easily distracted. So, to avoid being easily distracted,

respondents should think positively when they are studying.


With the given conclusion, the researchers recommended that:

Students Experiencing Laziness. They should create a proper study plan. They should

know that focusing on their studies can help their future bright and seek help from other


Family. If parents notice that their child is too lazy to make their school work, they

should always remind him/her that being lazy can lead to low grades in class.

Teachers. They should guide and give proper discipline to lazy students by making the

class more interesting and more appealing to them.

School. They should initiate programs that would help the students overcome their

laziness like establishing a new event related to their interest and problem.

Another topic which is relevant to the present study is the Ways of Grade 10 Students

to Prevent Procrastination in Output Submission.


Afiyatin, Al. (2019). Efforts to overcome procrastination through individual construction

using self-introspection methods in achieving santri scholarship program

students (PBSB). Retrieved from

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_Santri_Scholarship_Program_ Students_ PBSB

Prasad, A. (2021). How to overcome laziness while studying: 15 effective tips. Retrieved


Nisa, A. A. (2013). An analysis of contributing factors on students’ laziness in learning

English at the first-year students of SMPN 2 Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka.

Retrieved from http:// reposit ory .sy ekh nurjati. 175 2/1/ ANN E% 20

AWALUN%20NISA_ 59430759_ok-min.pdf

Dautov, D. (2020). Procrastination and laziness rates among students with different

academic performance as an organizational problem. Retrieved from articles/ e3sconf/ pdf/ 2020/ 70/ e3sconf_


Olivaries, D. (2015). Laziness affects student education. Retrieved from
34 (2018). The reasons of students’ laziness. Retrieved from

Ranido, O. (2022). 15 Effective tips on how to overcome laziness while studying. Retrieve



Ramos, C. (2017). The effect of being laziness in academic performance of grade 11

ABM students in Asia source college of arts and technology.

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Study Zone Institute (2017). Lazy student: keeping the class lively. Retrieved from

%20student %20has% 20little, Scrabble% 2C% 20team% 20debates% 20and%






Name: __________________Grade and Section: ________ Sex: _______

I. Introduction
The purpose of this survey is to determine the Ways of Grade 10 Students in

Overcoming Laziness in Studying at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National Highschool.

In relation to the study, the researchers have come up with a set of questions that require

honest answers from the respondents. This will only take at least 3-5 minutes to answer.

Rest assured that your responses will be kept safe, secured, and confidential.

II. Questions

Direction: Put a check (✔) mark on your desired answer.

1. Have you experienced laziness in studying?

Yes No

1.1. If Yes, why?

Playing too much online games Being easily distracted

Spending more time on social media Lacking in interest of studies

Having low motivation


1.2. If No, why?

Having proper time management Having fear of failure

Being organized in his/her study plan Being productive in studying

Being afraid to be scolded by parents

2. Direction: On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, rank the

following items according to the Negative Impact of Laziness to the Academic

Performance of Grade 10 Students.

___ leads to lack of effort put into studying

___ causes anxiety and stress

___ leads to poor performance on tests

___ leads to low self-esteem

___ leads to low academic performance


3. Direction: Check the column that best fits your response to the given statements

regarding the Ways of Grade 10 Students in Overcoming Laziness in Studying to Get

Good Grades.

Legend: SA – Strongly Agree SD – Strongly Disagree

A – Agree D – Disagree

Statements / Indicators SA A SD D
1. Students should create a proper study plan.
2. Students should seek help from others.
3. Students should focus on their studies.
4. Students should think positive in studying.
5. You should reward yourself after achieving a stressful task.






FIGURE 2 / Table 1 / Table 1.1

45 90%

Given: 45 = number of respondents / responses

50 = total number of respondents / responses

Formula: Number of respondents

Total number of respondents

Solution: 45 X 100% = 90%

Table 2
19 1

Given: 5 = number of indicators

5 = number of rankings (1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest)
750 = total number of respondents / responses
731 = rest of the respondents / responses
Formula: Total number of respondents / responses = Rest of the respondents / responses

Solution: 750 – 731 = 19

Table 3
175 3.50

Given: 27 + 22+ 0 + 1 = number of respondents / responses

50 = total number of respondents / responses
Formula: Number of respondents
Total number of respondents
Solution: 4 (27) + 3 (22) + 2 (0) + 1 (1) = 175
175 = 3.50




Sitio Baskio, Basak Pardo, Cebu City
Personal Data

Date of Birth : October 23, 2006

Place of Birth : Sacred Heart Hospital Urgello Cebu City
Sex : Male
Height (cm) : 157.48 cm
Weight (kg) : 40.50 kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Cebuano, Tagalog, English
Educational Attainment
Junior High : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2019 - 2023
Elementary : SouthWesternUniversity PHINMA
Villa Aznar Urgello St., Cebu City
2013 - 2019
Kindergarten : SPM Academy Inc.
Tipolo, Mandaue City
2011 - 2013

63 – A Rizal Ave. Ext. St. Basak San Nicolas Cebu City


Personal Data

Date of Birth : November 22, 2006

Place of Birth : Cebu City
Sex : Female
Height (cm) : 167.64 cm
Weight (kg) : 52 kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Seventh Day Adventist
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Cebuano, Tagalog, English

Educational Attainment
Junior High : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2021 - 2023
Elementary : Basak Community School
7VPCTC74, Rizal Ave. St., Cebu City
2013 - 2019
Kindergarten : Basak Community School
7VPCTC74, Rizal Ave. St., Cebu City
2011 - 2013




Personal Data

Date of Birth : September 2, 2007

Place of Birth : Sacred Heart, Cebu City
Sex : Male
Height (cm) : 158.49 cm
Weight (kg) : 92 kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Cebuano, Tagalog, English

Educational Attainment
Junior High : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2019 - 2023
Elementary : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2013 - 2019
Kindergarten : Don Vicente Rama Memorial Elementary School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2011 - 2013


Sitio Villa. San Pedro, Basak Pardo, Cebu City


Personal Data

Date of Birth : February 22, 2007

Place of Birth : Guinatilan, Cebu City
Sex : Female
Height (cm) : 147.32 cm
Weight (kg) : 45 kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Christian
Citizenship : Filipino
Language Spoken : Cebuano, Tagalog, English

Educational Attainment
Junior High : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2019 - 2023
Elementary : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2013 - 2019
Kindergarten : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City
2012 - 2013

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