History Study Guide For The Final Exam Second Semester Layaaaaaaaaa

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History Study Guide for The Final Exam Second Semester

What means hijra?
The journey on which Prophet Mohammed and his followers fled Mecca to

What means Flanders?

A region included parts of what is today northern France, Belgium and the

What means Engraving?

A method of making prints from metal plates.

What means Indulgence?

A type of pardon that lessened the time of punishment a soul faced for sins
committed during a person’s lifetime.

What means Canonized?

Recognized as a saint

What means Inquisition?

A church court set up during the Middle Ages

What means Cartographers?


What means Circumnavigate?

Sail around the world

What means Peninsulares?

Spanish people who were born in Spain.
What means Creoles?
American-born descendants of Spanish settlers.

What means Mestizos?

People of Native American and European descent.

What means Mulattoes?

People of African and European descent.

What was the date when Prophet Muhammad was born?
570 AD

Where was Prophet Muhammad born in?


What age did Prophet Muhammad get married?


What was Prophet Muhammad was known for?

He was known as an honestly in business and devotion to his family.

At what age did Prophet Muhammad became a prophet?


At what year did Prophet Muhammad went to Yathrib?


What was Yathrib called after?

When did Prophet Muhammad returned to mecca?

When did Prophet Muhammad died?


An emphasis on knowledge
What did ibn rushed believed in?
That knowledge should meet the standards of reason.

What did Al-Khaldun do?

Studied history scientifically and advised others in avoiding errors in

What did Al-Khwarizmi do?

Pioneered the study of algebra.

What was ibn Sina famous for and why?

Persian physician, because he compiled an encyclopedia of medical

What’s Safavids capital city?

Who was the greater king of the Safavids?
Shah Abbas the Great

Where did the renaissance began in?
How did the renaissance in Italy spread?
Italy in the mid-1300s and later spread north to the rest of Europe. It
reached its height in the 1500s.

What are the three main reasons the renaissance started in Italy?
1. People of Italy started having interest in their history of Rome and
2. They started trading with people from far away land.
3. Rich families were financial supporting individual achievement.
What are 4 main features on medieval Europe 400s to 1300s?
1. Agricultural society
2. less long-distance trade between countries
3. focus on religion for studies
4. individual achievement less highly valued

What are the 4 main features on renaissance Europe in 1300s to

1. Urban society
2. Long-distance trade increases
3. Focus on humanities in studies
4. Celebrates individual achievements

What was Raphael best work?

School of Athens.

What is School of Athens?

an imaginary gathering of great thinkers and scientists

How many plays did William Shakespeare wrote?
What are some of William Shakespeare play’s called?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, and

What is A Midsummer Night’s Dream?

Laughs of the follies and joys of a young people in love.

What is Richard III?

Chronicle the power struggles of English kings.

What is Romeo and Juliet?

They were two teenagers fall victim to an old family feud.

What is Macbeth?
Depicts an ambitious couple whose desire for political power leads them
to murder

What are the 4 impacts of the printed books?

1. It made books cheaper
2. Knowledge became cheaper and more available
3. More people learned to read and write
4. People are exposed to new ideas.


Who is Johann Tezel?

A German priest

What did Johann Tezel do?

He set up pulpit on the outskirts of Wittenberg with the pope’s approval.
He sold indulgences to any Christian who contributed money for the
rebuilding of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.

What did Luther drew up?

95 theses

How the radical reformer became Anabaptists?
Because they thought that only adults should receive the sacrament of
baptism and not infant, because they argued that they were too young
to understand Christian faith.

What were the beliefs of the Anabaptists?

Their belief that infants are too young to understand Christian faith and
only adults should receive the sacrament of baptism.

Who stood firmly against the protestant revolt?

Henry VIII

Who awarded Henry VIII?


What did the pope gave as a title?

Defender of the faith

What did henry write?

Denouncing Luther

Why did Henry VIII want to divorce Catherine?

To marry a new wife hoping she could bear him a son.
Why Henry VIII went to the pope?
Because he wanted to cancel his marriage.

Why did the pope refused to cancel the marriage?

He did not want to offend the Holy Roman emperor Charles V,
Catherine’s nephew.

What are the two main reasons for the catholic reformation?
1. To end the corruption within the church
2. To stop the protestant

Who was the Catholic Church leader?

Pope Paul III

What was the protestant was often called?

The Counter Reformation

What is the geocentric theory and who taught it?
Earth was the center of the universe and Ptolemy taught it.

What was Nicolaus Copernicus theory?

The sun stands at the center of the universe and Earth is one of several
planets that revolve around the sun.

What did Galileo Galilei used?

A technology to assemble an astronomical telescope.

Who was first person to see mountains on the moon?

Galileo Galilei
What did Galileo Galilei observed?
The 4 moons of Jupiter slowly around that planet- exactly.

What did Galileo Galilei realized?

The way Copernicus said that Earth moves around the sun.

Why did the Europeans wanted to explore?
1. They wanted to cut out Muslim and Italian to gain access to the
riches of Asia.
2. Many explorers hoped to get rich by entering the spice trading or
take over other lands.
3. Some soldiers and missionaries traveled aboard to convert people
to Christianity.

What did the Europeans sailed learned to use?


What did the Portuguese developed?


When and where Magellan was killed?

In march ; Philippines

Who were wealthy and what is the company called?
Dutch; Dutch East India Company

Who controlled Portuguese and Spanish?

Dutch East India Company
What did the company had full of?
Sovereign powers

What does the power do?

The power is to build armies, wage war, negotiate peace treaties, and
govern overseas territory, it came to dominate the region.

What did Magellan claimed?

Archipelago for Spain

Who renamed the colonized islands?

Spanish king Philip II.

Who were united?

Southeast Asia

Who were not united?



Who did Columbus first encounter in the West Indies?

What made the Spanish stronger than the Native American?
1. The Spanish had guns and the Native Americans had no gun but
weaker weapons
2. The Spanish had horses but the Native Americans have never seen
any horses in their life.
3. The Spanish carried a lot of diseases and the Native Americans had
never had these diseases before so they end up dying because of
these diseases

What did the Spanish monarchs grant the conquistadors?


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