GT 2022 - 2023 Truskowski Syllabus

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PEAKS Syllabus 2021-

What Should You Expect in Class

✓ Expect to be challenged! ✓ Expect your teacher to be available for extra

help. If you need after-school or before
✓ Expect to succeed. school help, expect we will be available if you
schedule in advance.
✓ Expect fairness, honesty and respect.
✓ Expect a safe, community atmosphere in which
✓ Expect your opinion to be respected and
you can help one another, share, and ask
respect the opinions of others.
✓ Expect to earn your own grade and master our
✓ Expect to part of a learning community that
helps, encourages, and supports one another.
✓ Expect to put time and effort towards your

Important Classroom Guidelines

➢ If students need assistance, please ask. Teachers are here to help, and are dedicated to helping students

➢ When one person has the attention of the class, they will be given the full, undivided attention and respect
of the rest of the class.

➢ Please DO NOT ask to leave during instructional time; passes may be used during student work time only.

➢ Students will be responsible for earning their grade. Therefore, do not expect extra credit opportunities,
however from time to time extra credit opportunities may be available. These will not replace a missing

➢ Students must prepare ahead of time and print assignments at home or in the media center PRIOR to the
due date!

➢ The teacher’s desk area is off limits to all students. Please do not touch or remove ANY items from this
area (including pencils and pens). This can lead to serious consequences. Students may not use the
teacher’s computer for any reason.

➢ Substitute teachers will be treated with respect, and students will listen and adhere to the rules and
requests given by the substitute. Names left by the substitute may receive a BSC referral, and possible
after-school detention, upon teacher’s return.

➢ Cell phones must be in your backpack, pocket, or left in your locker. This policy is in place even if there is a
guest teacher or a substitute in the classroom. You may only use your cell phone in class with permission.

➢ Please bring earbuds and headphones with you but keep them in your backpack
➢ Wearing hoods on your head during class will not be allowed; however, you can wear non-distracting hats and

Important Classroom Procedures

➢ Students must come prepared to class EVERY DAY! This includes bringing your Chromebook CHARGED, a
charger, SSR book, notebooks, pencils, homework, etc.

➢ Assignments are due at the beginning of each hour. If the assignment is turned in late, expect late credit.
A late assignment slip must be filled out correctly and attached to the work. Students must turn the
work into the required location - either Google Classroom or in the Turn-In bin.

➢ Assignments must have a correct heading (first and last name, date, class hour) when turned in to the
turn-in box. If the heading is missing or incorrect, students will be docked points on the assignment.

➢ Students MUST keep all handouts and bring them to class. Extra copies will not be available. If it is
lost, students are responsible to get the information from a peer.

➢ Students will be allowed to use a pass to the bathroom or to fill their water only during their work

➢ If students enter the classroom after the bell rings, they will receive a tardy (exceptions will be made if
they arrive with a valid pass signed by a teacher, counselor, or administrator).

➢ If a student is absent they are responsible for checking Google Classroom, or with peers and Mrs.
Truskowski for work done while they were gone. Students are responsible for picking up missing work and
asking a peer for the notes from the previous day. Being absent is NOT an excuse for missing work.

➢ As students enter class:

o Have all materials ready and be in your seat working when the bell rings.
o Sharpen your pencil PRIOR to the bell ringing.
o Write daily information in your classroom agenda - you should have one (physical or online)
o Complete “Bell Work” or warm-up activity
➢ During class
o Raise your hand and wait to be called upon. Do not speak out in a way that disrupts the class or
interrupts others.
o Pay attention and follow all directions the first time.
o Use class time wisely, and you may have time to begin the homework assignment.
➢ At the end of class
o Clean up your area (return supplies, check the floor for trash)
o Remain in your seat until you are dismissed by your teacher.

Class Participation

You are expected to participate in class. EVERYONE’S opinion will be heard and will be respected. Your
teachers truly want to hear what you are thinking and feeling, and therefore strive to create a safe
environment in which to share. No one has the right to put down another person’s idea, and this will not be
Tardy Policy

Punctuality is a desirable character trait. Eventually, in a student’s career, they will be evaluated not just on
their performance, but on punctuality and reliability. The PEAKS program will follow the Crestwood tardy
policy that will be posted in each classroom.

Attendance Policy & Grading Scale

The PEAKS program follows Kentwood Public Schools and Crestwood Middle School grading scale and policies.
Your grade in my class will be based on homework, participation, projects, and tests.

Late Work, Missing Work, or Incorrect Heading Policy

A late assignment is any assignment not complete or present when it is supposed to be turned in to the teacher.
Turning in work anytime after the hour it is due will be considered late. If you are present and do not turn
in an assignment, a missing grade will be entered into the online grade book. Any assignments turned in late will
result in a 30% decrease.

Students and parents are responsible for checking the online grade book. Teachers will send progress
reports, and this will serve as a reminder for missing assignments. Teachers will then advise students as to
when all missing assignments will be due. Any missing assignments turned in after the late turn-in date will
become a zero. Assignments turned in after the late deadline will receive no credit but the grade book will
reflect the assignment has been turned in; this is to show the work was turned in, but the student missed the
due date and the late deadline.

Having missing or late assignments negatively impacts a student’s overall grade.

For excused absences, students are given the amount of time they missed, plus one day, to
turn in work. If an assignment is given PRIOR to the student’s absence and is due when they
are out for an excused absence, then the work is due the day they return. This applies to all
assignments including, but not limited to: homework, essays, papers, projects, and extended
deadlines. For extended absences, please see the student handbook and contact the PEAKS

It is a student’s responsibility to pick up their late work. Students are also responsible for
scheduling make-up dates with their teachers for missed assessments and presentations.

Assignments turned without a name and heading will be placed in the “No-Name” bin. A missing grade will be
placed in the grade book as I will not know it was your work. If you believe you turned in the work, but you have
a missing assignment, please check the “No-Name” bin. When you find your assignment, please fill out the
missing assignment slip with - “I forgot to put a name on my work,” and then turn it in to the late bin. It will be
graded, but 10% will be deducted from your grade.


In order for a student to pass their classes, they must study for every test. However, we realize that in some
circumstances students can do poorly. If a student earns less than 70% on a test, they may have the
opportunity to retake the test. The opportunity for a retake is up to the teacher’s discretion, but the student
(not the parent) is responsible for advocating and asking for the test retake. However, for a retake to be
considered, the student must show evidence of studying based on completion of the study guide The retake will
be scheduled with the teacher, and the format will be up to the teacher’s discretion. Please note the higher of
the two grades will be entered into the grade book.

Online Grades

Teachers will post grades online regularly, and we encourage students and parents to monitor
progress through “StudentVue” and “ParentVue”. We firmly believe it helps students stay on
track and increases accountability. If there is a question regarding grades, it is up to the
student to ask the teacher at an appropriate time during the school day. If you have any issues
with these programs, please contact the Crestwood office.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is the copying of ANY text without giving credit to the author. Plagiarism, copying,
and all other forms of cheating will result in an automatic “0” on the assignment. Allowing
another student to copy work results in a “0” for both students! In severe cases, the issue will
be sent to administration for additional consequences. We take this very seriously as in high
school students will lose credit for their classes, and in college students may be expelled.

PEAKS Syllabus 2022-2023

I have read through the syllabus and I understand its contents and
expectations. I will ask my teachers if I have any questions, and I
understand that my teachers will hold me accountable to these
expectations. I also understand that the syllabus is a living document
and can be revised if changes occur to school policy or if the PEAKS
teachers are in consensus that changes need to occur. I also have the
expectation that any changes will be communicated to my parents, my
peers, and myself in writing and explained in class.

Student Name Printed: ______________________________

Student Signature: _________________________________

Date: __________

Parent Name Printed: _______________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________

Date: __________

This sheet (ONLY THIS SHEET- keep the syllabus) will be

returned to Mrs. Truskowski byMonday, August 29th FOR A GRADE!

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