35 Self Dev Tips

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1. Learn to live with risk dont try to avoid it. 2. Acknowledge your fears dont deny it. 3. Decide what you really desire to do then do it! 4. Develop yourself as a resource for others by networking. 5. Volunteer your services whenever you can. 6. Do not be afraid of failure remember failure is success turned inside out! 7. Maintain balance in your life focus on the 4 dimensions, physical, mental, socioemotional and spiritual. 8. Eliminate one time waster a week from your life. 9. Learn from your mistakes and avoid it in future. 10. Try to learn something that is new every day. 11. Remove your watch for one day and experience timelessness. 12. Leave your cell-phone at home and try not to be contactable. 13. Face your own fears and make them your ally and not your enemy. Dont push your fears away by denying them. 14. Try to do one good deed per day for yourself and somebody else. Learn to extend yourself and become bigger. 15. Learn to travel more. Try to visit a new place from time to time. The road can be a great teacher! 16. Pay others genuine compliments when they deserve it. 17. Learn to smile and greet everybody. 18. Visit old friends and make new ones. 19. Stop cluttering and get rid of those things that have lost their value in your life. 20. Learn to forgive and forget and move on with your life. Remember, you cannot face the future of opportunities if you are trapped in the past of revenge! 21. Dont make the issues of other people your issues. Let them deal with it themselves. Give them a chance to grow. 22. Compliment yourself on a job well done. Remember, happiness is an inside job. 23. Stop waiting for others to compliment you. If they do, regard it as a bonus, but do not expect it.

24. Learn to love what you are doing. And remember, if you love what you do, you never have to work again! 25. Be hungry for what life has to offer and go for it! 26. Read at least one new book a month. 27. Take out some old books and re-read them. It is amazing how many new things you will learn from the same books. 28. Learn to love and give unconditionally without expecting something in return. 29. Spend time with the people that matters in your life. 30. Raise your standards continuously. Try to improve what you are already doing. 31. Try to achieve more by doing less. Focus on the quality of your work and not just the quantity. 32. Break out of routine, stop behaving like a robot. Try taking different routes to work everyday. 33. Make time to listen to your inner voice! Take time out to communicate with yourself. 34. Learn to use three expressions everyday namely: thank you, please and I am sorry. 35. Explore, be adventurous. Live dangerously sometimes!

Frank Julie is the author of The Art of Leadership and Management on the Ground (A practical guide for leaders and managers to build sustainable organizations for permanent social change). www.frankjulie.blogpsot.com (go to this site for more info on our consultancy, our latest book on leadership, foreword by Dr. Linda Cooper, full introduction to the book and its full contents, management articles featured in journals and websites around the world, feedback from leaders and managers on our workshops and various services as well as interesting links) If your organization needs free copies of sample human resource and financial management policies as well as free databases of donors in South Africa and internationally, please email us with your request. If you are aware of organizations with no access to email facilities, please pass on the information to them!

Frank Julie and Associates offers the following services and workshops: Professional Fundraising, Proposal Writing and Building Sustainability Strategies, Effective Governance, Personal Development and Self-Management, Effective Money Management, Facilitation Skills, Relationship Building, Leadership and Management for NGOs, Strategic Planning and Evaluation of Projects/Programmes.

We provide FREE 90 minute motivational seminars to NGO management, staff and volunteers! Join our Leadership Circle, meet other directors and managers and deepen your learning to enhance your performance and effectiveness!

Thank you. Zandile Stols (PA)

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