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23 (Serving-men raise the Commandant, and hear him into the palace) °. et ‘oe! ~ ni-tha mia, ~~ con-so-la-ti! terror! Look up,my dearest, ohsturnto me! o L——~ aoe Allegro. 5 Donna Anna. (springing up and repulsing Don Octavio as if insane) fa Co - re! Fug - gi,cru-de-le, fug-gil la ~ scia,che moraanchiol I'm near thee! Gru - elywhy art thou near me? Leave me a -lone to perish! Serge ® 0 - rachémorte,o Di-o! chia me Sincehe I most did cherish Is lost nf Don Octavio. Senti, cor mio, deh sen- ti, uar- da-miun so- -loi- Listen tome, oh, list - en ‘urn but thine eyes up- sacs par - laj] ca-roamante, che vi- know thou'lt not disown me, Who love eo) | Sees bea |e 15197 te. Tu Sei_ per-don, mio be - ne, faf-fan-no mi-0, le more. "Tis thou. for- give, oh, dear - est, Of all nor left. me the i oe (approaching the spot where the een Comniandant fell) Don Octavio. 2 == i pe Ah,il pa-dre miodow’ 8? IL Wire? My fa-ther I would see! Your father? Lasciago ca-ra, Ja ——_ri-membi a - ma-ra! Hush, oh, dearest, Breathe notthe word thou fearesty 9... ee hai, spo-so e pa- Ureih the. An! il Thow’st hus-band and fa - ther in me. Ah! my M4. Don Octavio 36 Ge ett rk jacdre, il padre mio dow" Lascia, 0 ca-ra, fa-ther, my fa-ther I would see! Hush, oh dearest, = 15197 Ta fionembrenzaa- ma-ral Breathe not the world thou fearest, hai spo-so e pa- dre, hai_ thou'st hus-band and fa - ther,thou'st (D. Anna, going {o the other side, stands with lofty demeanor sh opposite! Don Octavio) “GE? se = épo.s0 ep ref me hysband and fa - ther’ in Sanna Anna. 3 Maestoso. Don Octavi Ay hm 7 =the i {rae 2 Eta Sigg Ah! Venii- car, s¢ilpuo- 1, giv - raquel Sangue ognor! Lo gin- fo, lo Ah! if thou canst, a-venge him, swear it by heav'n a -bove! I swearit, I ———— ——— $i - B hand as for taking an osth) Adagio in tempo. 2 ofS == caste giu - Fo, fo giu-roa-glioe-chi_ tuo - i, Lo giu-roalno- -stroa- swear it, by. heavn [ will a - venge him, 1 swear it _ by. our Pp Tempo I. Donna Anna. Che giu - ta - mento, oh Don Octavio. Qh vow of wrath and Che giu - ra- ménto, oh Oh vow of wrath and 15107 26 che bar - ba-ro —mo-men-to! Oh night of dread 1a-ment-ing! che bar - Wa-ro mo-men-t0! )o4 ru ters ror! Oh night of dread la- menting! ‘a TP 5 stp tra cen-toaf-fet - tie cen-to vammion-deg-gian-doil cor, Oh when will heavin re - lent-ing grantus of hope a ray, tra cen-toa-tet - tie cen-to “vainmion-deg-gian -dQil €or, Oh when will heav’n re - lent-ing grantus of hope a ray, Oh te ‘jaehap~> 0 eet = centoat - fet tig con fo wamamign-deg - gian- dajl when Will heavn re - lent - ing grantis of hope a ~cen-tdaf - fet - tie cen- -to vam-mion-deg- gian- doal when will heavn re - lent - ing grantus of hope a Ven-Mi- car quel san- gue, If thou canst, a - venge him, Lo ‘giu - Fo 1 swear it, 15187 a7 =ehi tuo ~ i, ~stroa-mor! a -venge him, it by our love! giu- ra-men-tqoh De - it D.dctavio. vow of wrath and ter- ror! ‘giu-ra-mien-tojoh De - i! vow of wrath and ter-ror! aS fp. — che bar - Ba-ro mo-men-to! ‘Tra cen-toaf-fet Oh night ofwild 1a - menting! Oh when willheav’n re- che bar - Va-ro mo- men-to! Tra cen-toaf-fet. tie Oh night of wild la- menting! * Oh when will heavin re- —~ =~ : Ps tweet tee = P <5 cen-to yam-mion-deg-gian do} ‘a f - fet- tie lent-ing grant us of hope a heav'n re - cen-t0 vam-mion-deg-gian-dgil centoaf - fet- tle Jent-ing grant us of hope a when will heavn re - < is 15187 a , er A ‘vam-mion-deg - dojl_ cor, vam-mton -deg- grant us of a ray,_ oh_ when will vam-mion-deg - Kian - dojl grant us of hope a ‘doo - deg-gian- -dojl iheavn grant of hope a } és = 5 5 Yam mion- deg - gian- =dojl cor, vam- -mign- deggian - dojl Oh when will heav’n. re - lent - ing grant of hope a — 5 Sans NGES cor, vammbon-dex - gian- - = = - = doon-deg- ray, oh— when will Reavin——_—________ grant of Vam-— -mion-deg - gian- =dojl cor, vam - ray, oh when will heav’n. re - lent’ = ing B gian- -dgil cor,vam - mion - deg - gian-" -dojl cor, hope a ray,when will heavn grant tous, ee inion - deg-gian - dQjl cor,vam - mion - deg — gian- -dajl cor, grant of hope a ray,when will__heavn grant__ tous, of -doilcor, —to us, ‘dail cor, to us, mion - degeian -dojl cor, pieatiber ieeatesonicraa mion - degglan- adil cor, aed will heav - en Grant 15197 Vam-mion -deg - gian-dojl Grant us" of Hope oa Vam-mion-deg - gian-doil Grant i7i495 — tor, vam - mjon- deg-gian- fapWHen, wil-cheavagrant cor, vam - injon- deg- gian- us of hope a —ray,When will_heavn grant — yammiondeg- gian-dojl Grant us of hope a vammi_on-deg-gian-dojl Grant us of” hope @ vam - mion-deggian-dojl cor, on - deg-gian-doil to "us of hope “a rayrGrant of hope a vam - mion-deggian-dail cor, on - deg-gian-doil to us of hope a ray,Grant of hope a a’ #\ te “CeSC. Curtain falls rapidly)

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