Asking The Demensions of Symptom

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Nama : Lusiyana Botutihe (02111010023)

Prodi : S1 Keperawatan, Semester IV

Kelas : Keperawatan B

Asking The Demensions Of Symptom

Task 1
1. I been have vomiting
2. I have lost a lot of weight in short time
3. My pain persists more than 3 days
4. My pain is mainly in the lower part of my back
5. The shoots pain down of the my back legs

Task 2
1. Have you notice other changes associated with this pain?
2. What makes it better?
3. When does it the pain change?
4. How long does the pain last?
5. Where do you feel it?
6. Does it move around?
7. Show me where the pain?
8. When did you first notice the pain?
9. What makes the pain worse?
10. On a scale of 1 to 10, with twn the worst, how would you rate what you feel right

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