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Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 42

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat The shopping centre opened at nine but the day in
pierwszego dnia w pracy. Na podstawie informacji the bakery lasted from 7am until 9pm, as we had to
zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 1–5, tak aby jak take the delivery of bread and cakes and put them
najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego on the shelves. The long working hours weren’t a
tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. problem as I needed the money. However, I soon
found out why they had so much trouble keeping
Name What Where When staff. The work was so dull. I stood, waiting for
Cheryl  Give employees Administration 9.00am – customers, gave them a loaf of bread or some cake
a desk. department 2 ______ and waited impatiently for the next person. By late
 Explain email afternoon, the shelves were almost empty and the
rules, e.g. words manager told me she and the other employee were
to 1 ______.
going home. She left instructions that, after closing
Mr  Employees The factory 10.50am – time I had to clean all the shelves, surfaces and the
Davies watch as the (the building at 12.30pm
floor before I went home. The other girl had been
company’s the back of the
3______ are 4 ______) quiet but sympathetic. Now I had no-one even to
made. exchange smiles with.
Mrs  Give a Conference 1.15pm – Thursday came and, during a break I went to the
Heard presentation room 3.45pm café I had visited the week before for an interview.
on sales. I was offered a job but had to do some training on
 Video
how to use the coffee machine first. Before the
conference – you
can 5 ______ if
bakery manager left that afternoon, I told her I was
you wish. going to quit at the end of the day. She didn’t seem
at all surprised to lose another employee. After my
training at the café I was ready to start my new job
____ / 10 properly with a 6am start to help get the café ready
2 Przeczytaj tekst. Które z podanych odpowiedzi to open at nine. Unfortunately, when my alarm
A–D są właściwe i zgodne z treścią tekstu? went off, I switched it off without getting up and
the next thing I knew, it was almost seven. I stayed
Third time lucky in bed for a while wondering if it was worth going in
but I thought it would be rude not to and there was
I’ve got a summer job now but for a while I thought still a slight possibility that they would let me off
I had lost my chance. It all started when I decided with a warning. Unfortunately, before I could say
to look for work in the local shopping centre. I took anything or show him how well I remembered my
my short but professional looking CV to all the training, I was sacked.
shops and cafés. Workers in some of the shops took
I thought about going back to the bakery but would
one and promised to give it to the manager but I
you re-employ someone who had left you after four
wasn’t sure that they would. Others told me they
days? In the end, I got a job in a burger bar and I’ve
weren’t hiring anyone. It was a time when there
been really lucky. I get decent pay, free food and I
were lots of adverts for employees but, even
start at 3pm every day. Even I can’t oversleep for
though I was confident of finding something
this job!
eventually, it was still an effort to keep going.
Fortunately I did, and a pleasant cashier in a café 1 From what the writer says in the first paragraph we
told me that the manager would be there the can say that
following Thursday. I felt sure she would pass the A he didn’t think that he would find employment.
CV on and at least now I had a definite time to B he didn’t believe that the managers weren’t there.
return. Finally, I went into a bakery. The manager C he thought that the employees he spoke to weren’t
was there, alone, and, without even looking at my honest.
CV, offered me a job starting the next day. D he was unconfident that his CV was suitable for the

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników, Poziom podstawowy z materiałem rozszerzonym
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 42

2 The thing that made him appreciate the café when For all summer work, you need to be hard-working
he was looking for work was and reliable. You might not get much job 5______
A the attitude of the cashier. (SATISFY) but remember, it’s only for a few weeks and
B that they were happy to take his CV. the reward will come when you finish and you can
C that he knew that they were definitely employing enjoy all the money you have earned.
people. ____ / 10
D the manager was often there.
4 Niedawno brałeś / brałaś udział w rozmowie o
3 How did the writer feel at the bakery? pracę wakacyjną, która nie poszła zbyt dobrze.
A He was bored with his duties. Napisz post na forum internetowym, a w nim:
B Angry at the long hours.
C Exhausted because of the work. • wyjaśnij krótko, co się stało,
D Unhappy with the other employees. • opisz swoje uczucia przed i w trakcie
4 Why did he get sacked on the first day at the café? • wyraź i uzasadnij swoją opinię na temat
A He was impolite to the manager. zachowania osoby prowadzącej rozmowę,
B He didn’t turn up at all. • udziel innym rad, jak uniknąć twoich błędów.
C He arrived much later than expected.
D He wasn’t able to use the machinery. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 100 do 150 słów, nie
5 The overall impression we can get from the writer is licząc zdania, które jest podane.
A he feels that life is not fair at times. Forum – Summer jobs
B his experiences have all taught him valuable lessons.
C he now has a better idea of how to find work. Hi Everyone,
D after some problems, everything turned out well in I’d like to tell you about the job interview I took
the end. part in last Monday.
____ / 10
3 Przeczytaj tekst. Wyrazy podane w nawiasach ________________________________________________
przekształć w taki sposób, aby otrzymać logiczny ________________________________________________
i poprawny gramatycznie tekst.
Choosing your job carefully ________________________________________________
A lot of young people look for 1______ (SEASON)
work during their school or university holidays. Some ________________________________________________
jobs might require you to fill in a form and hand in a ________________________________________________
CV, other business owners might interview 2______
(APPLY) and offer them a job as soon as they come in
to ask if there are any positions available, especially if ________________________________________________
they need workers quickly. Popular summer jobs ________________________________________________
include working in a shop or restaurant. It seems easy
but it is important to be careful when choosing where ________________________________________________
to work. Some 3______ (EMPLOY) expect their ________________________________________________
workers to carry on non-stop all day. Another
alternative is to work on a 4______ (CONSTRUCT) site,
and the great thing about this is that it is like having a ________________________________________________
free, outdoor, gym pass because you get so much ________________________________________________
____ / 12
Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników, Poziom podstawowy z materiałem rozszerzonym
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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