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Cognitive Psychology A-Level Psychology Edexcel

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is a representation of how memory works in terms of 3 stores. It
describes how information gets into the memory system (encod-
ing) through storage in STM and how it remains there (LTMW)

Multi-Store Model of Memory (MSM)

Who developed the idea of MSM? - Atkinson and Shiffrin (1974)

- Sensory register (SR)
- Short-term memory (STM)
- Long-term memory (LTM)

What are the three stores in MSM?

the processing of information into the memory system

What is encoding?

The memory store for each of our five senses, such as vision
(iconic store) and hearing (echoic store)

Sensory register

It depends on the sense. eg. iconic store will store info received
How does encoding work in the SR?
from the eye or echoic from the ears

Cognitive Psychology A-Level Psychology Edexcel
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The duration of information lasts for a very short time (less than a
Sensory register duration and capacity second) and the capacity of sensory registers is huge (millions of
is a temporary store. Information only lasts 30s before is forgotten

Short-term memory

Mainly acoustic - Baddeley found that when people recall words

from a list immediately after hearing them any mistakes are
acoustic. eg. substituting words that sound the same

How does encoding work in STM?

Duration is less than 30 seconds but can keep information for

longer if we rehearse it (maintenance rehearsal). If rehearsal
occurs long enough info will pass into the LTM.

Capacity is limited as it can only keep a certain amount of things.

Miller's magic number 7 or -2, suggested that the span/capacity
of STM is between 5-9 items

STM duration and capacity

working memory

Cognitive Psychology A-Level Psychology Edexcel
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Short-term memory is also known as.....

is the permanent memory store of information that can be main-

tained over long periods or a lifetime because info has been
rehearsed for a prolonged time

Long-term memory

Mainly semantic (based on meaning) - Baddeley found that mis-

takes in recalling words in LTM were mainly substituting a word
with another that had a similar meaning

How does encoding work in LTM?


LTM duration and capacity

How can psychologists' understanding of memory help patients

What's the key question for cognitive Psychology?
with dementia?

Cognitive Psychology A-Level Psychology Edexcel
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