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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII – Central Visayas
Schools Division of Cebu Province
S.Y. 2020 – 2021


Subject: Statistics & Probability Grade Level: 11 Quarter: 3 Week: 7-8

Illustrates the Central Limit Theorem. M11/12SP-IIIe-2
Defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean using M11/12SP-III-3
the Central Limit Theorem.
Solves problems involving sampling distributions of the M11SP-IIIe-f-1
sample mean.

Learning Objectives:
Knowledge: The learners define the sampling distribution of sample mean using the Central Limit Theorem.
Skill: The learners solve word problem that involve sampling distributions of the sample mean.
Attitude: The learners display enthusiasm in illustrating the Central Limit Theorem.

Name: ________________________________________Section: __________________ Date: __________

School: _______________________________________District: __________________________________

Directions: Study and analyze the illustration below. Then answer the questions
that follow.

 What have you noticed about the sample sizes n in the illustration? _______________________________
 Describe the shape of the graph when n = 2, when n = 3, when n = 4 and when n = 5.
 Make a generalization by completing the statement below:
As the sample size n ___________________________________, the shape of the sampling distribution
approaches to a _______________________________________.

What was being illustrated in page 1 is the Central Limit Theorem. In this lesson, we will discuss this theorem and
apply it in solving word problems that involve sampling distribution of sample mean.


When samples with size n are taken from a normally distributed population, the sampling distribution follows a
normal distribution.
But does it follow that when samples of size n are taken from a not normally distributed large or infinite
population, the sampling distribution will follow a normal distribution? What do you think? Why?

The Central Limit Theorem or simply CLT, will answer this question.

What is the CLT all about?

The central limit theorem states that, “In selecting simple random samples of size n from a large or infinite
population, the sampling distribution of the sample mean X , as the sample size n gets larger, approaches the
normal distribution, regardless of the shape of the population distribution of X.”

Take note that the central limit theorem emphasizes the phrase “as the sample size n gets larger”. We can only
assume that the sampling distribution to be normal when the sample size is large enough. Most of the time, n ≥ 30
is sufficient enough to approximate the normality of the sampling distribution of the sample means.

Recall that in a sampling distribution of sample means:

 The mean of the sampling distribution of sample means is equal to the population mean. In symbols,
μ X =μ.
 The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means, where samples are taken from a
large or infinite population, is equal to the ratio of the population standard deviation and the square root of
the sample size n. In symbols, σ X = .
Recall also that to compute for the standard normal variable z, we can use the formula:
X −μ

Where, X = any score in the population distribution

μ = population mean
σ = population standard deviation

The CLT, assures us that the sampling distribution will follow a normal distribution when the sample taken is large
enough, even though the population distribution of X is not normally distributed. It follows that when we compute
for the standard normal variable z, we can use the formula:
X −μ
Where, X = sample mean
μ = population mean
σ = population standard deviation
n = the sample size

This time let us apply CLT!

Directions: Let us study and analyze the following illustrative examples.

Illustrative Example #1: Time to Complete an Examination

The average time it takes a group of college students to complete the examination in College Algebra is 60
minutes. The standard deviation is 5 minutes. Assume that the variable is normally distributed.

(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected college student completes the examination in less than 55

(b) If 100 randomly selected college students take the examination, what is the probability that the mean time it
takes the group to complete the test will be less than 55 minutes?


(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected college student completes the examination in less than 55
*Remember that to compute for the probabilities, we need to convert normal values to standard normal values
and consult the z-table.

1. Identify the given μ=60 , σ=5 , X =55
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that a randomly selected college student will finish the
examination in less than 55 minutes. In symbols, P( X < 55) .
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with an individual data obtained from the
used. X −μ
population. So, we will use the formula, z= .
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.
X −μ
To identify the area or probability when z is 1, refer to the z-table
A(z = -1) = 0.3413

Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area less than -1 and compute
for its probability.

P ( X <55 ) =P ( z <1 )=0.5000−0.3413

P ( X <55 ) =P ( z <1 )=0.1587
b) If 100 randomly selected college students take the examination, what is the probability that the mean time it
takes the group to complete the test will be less than 55 minutes?

1. Identify the given μ=60 , σ=5 , X =55 , n=100
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that a randomly selected college student will finish the
examination in less than 55 minutes. In symbols, P( X < 55) .
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with sample means. So, we will use the formula,
used. X −μ
σ .
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.
X −μ
√ 100

To identify the area or probability when z is -10, refer to the z-table. For
z-values that is greater than 3.09, we use 0.4999 as the area.
A(z = -10) = 0.4999

Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area less than -10 and
compute for its probability.

P ( X <55 ) =P ( z ←10 )=0.5000−0.4999

P ( X <55 ) =P ( z ←10 )=0.0001
5. State the final answer. So if 100 randomly selected college student will take the examination,
the probability that they will complete it in less than 55 minutes is
0.0001 or 0.01%

Illustrative Example # 2: The Average Age of Teachers

The average age of teachers in a Cebu Province is 35 with a standard deviation of 4. If a certain school has 36
teachers, find the following:
(a) the probability that the average age of these teachers is less than 37,
(b) the probability that the average age of these teachers is greater than 37,
(c) the probability that the average age of these teachers is below 35,
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.
a) Find the probability that the average age of these teachers is less than 37.
X −μ
1. Identify the given μ=35 , σ=4 , X=37 ,n=36
information. √n
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that the averagez= 37−35
age of teachers in a certain school is
less than 37. In symbols, P( X < 37). 4
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with sample means.√36 So we will use the formula,
used. X −μ2
z= z=
σ 4.
√ n6
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step2 1.
X −μ2
To identify the area or probability37−35
when z is 3, refer to the z-table.
A(z = 3) = 0.4987 z=
Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area greater than 3 and
compute for its probability. 2
P ( X >37 ) =P ( z >3 ) =0.5000−0.4987
P ( X >37 ) =P ( z >3 ) =0.0013
5. State the final answer. To
Soidentify the area that
the probability or probability when
the average age zofisthe
3, refer to the
teachers in z-table.
a certain school
A(z = 3) = 0.4987
is greater than 37 is 0.0013 or 0.13%.

Let usage
(c) Find the probability that the average draw a normal
of these curveisillustrating
teachers below 35. the area less than 3 and compute
for its probability.
1. Identify the given μ=35 , σ=4 , X=35 ,n=36
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that the average age of teachers in a certain school is less
than 35. In symbols, P( X < 35) .
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with sample means. So we will use the formula,
used. X −μ
σ .
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.
P ( X <37 ) =P ( z <3 ) =0.5000+0.4987X −μ
P ( X <37 ) =P ( z <3 ) =0.9987 σ
5. State the final answer. So the probability that the average age√ofn the teachers in a certain school
is less than 37, is 0.9987 or 99.87%.35−35
(b) Find the probability that the average age of these teachers is greater than
1. Identify the given μ=35 , σ=4 , X=37
6 ,n=36
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that the average age of teachers in a certain school is
To identify the area or probability when z is 0, refer to the z-table.
greater than 37. In symbols, P(X > 37).
A(z = 0) = 0.0000
Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area below 0.
(d) Find the probability that the average age of these teachers is above 35.

1. Identify the given μ=35 , σ=4 , X=35 ,n=36
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that the average age of teachers in a certain school is
greater than 35. In symbols, P( X > 35) .
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with sample means. So we will use the formula,
used. X −μ
σ .
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.
X −μ
To identify the area or probability when z is 0, refer to the z-table.
A(z = 0) = 0.0000

Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area above 0.

Notice that the shaded part is upper half of the normal curve, so we can
say that the area of the shaded part is 0.5000. In symbols,
P ( X >35 ) =P ( z >0 ) =0.5000
5. State the final answer. So the probability that the average age of the teachers in a certain school
is above 35 is 0.5000 or 50.00%.

(e) Find the probability that the average age of these teachers is above 34.

1. Identify the given μ=35 , σ=4 , X=34 , n=36
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that the average age of teachers in a certain school is
greater than 34. In symbols, P(X > 34).
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with sample means. So we will use the formula,
used. X −μ
σ .
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.
X −μ
√ 36
6 6
Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area greater than -1.5 and
compute for its probability.

P ( X >34 )=P ( z>−1.5 )=0.5000+0.4332

P ( X >34 )=P ( z>−1.5 )=0.9332
5. State the final answer. So the probability that the average age of the teachers in a certain school
is above 34 is 0.9332 or 93.32%.

(f) Find the probability that the average age of these teachers are in between 34 and 37.

1. Identify the given μ=35 , σ=4 , X=34 , X=37 n=36
2. Identify what is asked. The probability that the average age of teachers in a certain school is
greater than 24 but less than 37. In symbols, P(24 < X <37).
3. Identify the formula to be Since we are dealing with sample means. So we will use the formula,
used. X −μ
σ .
4. Solve the problem. Substitute the given information, in Step 1.

X =34 X =37
X −μ X −μ
z= z=
σ σ
√n √n
34−35 37−35
z= z=
4 4
√ 36 √36
−1 2
z= z=
4 4
6 6
−1 2
z= z=
2 2
3 3
−3 z=3
z= =−1.5

To identify the area or probability when z is -1.5 and 3, refer to the z-

A(z = -1.5) = 0.4332
A(z = -3) = 0.4987

Let us draw a normal curve illustrating the area between -1.5 and 3 and
compute for its probability
5. State the final answer. So the probability that the average age of the teachers in a certain school
is between 34 and 37 is 0.9319 or 93.19%.
1. In a study of the life expectancy in the Province of Cebu, the mean lifespan in years was 65, and the
standard deviation is 8 years. If a sample of 50 people in Cebu is selected, what is the probability that
(b) the mean life expectancy will be less than 68 years?
1. Identify
Exercise # 1: Compute
1. Identify the for the Z-Value
2. Identify what is asked.
information. X −μ
2. IdentifyCompute the corresponding z value by substituting the given on each item to the formula
what is asked. σ
3. Identify the formula to be
3. Identify
. Round theanswer
off your formula to nearest
to the be hundredths. Show your solution.
4. Solve the problem.
1. 4.μ=30
Solve, σ=5
the problem.
, X =32, n=36
2. μ=50 ,σ =10 , X=48 , n=100
3. μ=20 , σ=2 , X=21, n=49
4. μ=77 , σ=11 , X=80 ,n=100
5. μ=660 , σ=35 , X =670 , n=10

Exercise # 2: Compute for the Probability

Directions: Compute for the probability on each item. Make sure to draw a normal curve to illustrate your

1. P(X > 1)
2.5.P(X < 1)
State the final answer.
3. 5.P(X < 1)
State the final answer.
4. P(X >−2)
5. P(−2< X <1)

2. The average number of students in public high school is 550 students, with a standard deviation of
(a) Explain
Directions: If a public
the high schoolofis the
usefulness selected,
Centralwhat is the
Limit probability
Theorem that the
in solving number
word of students
problems enrolled
involving is
means. Refer
Directions: greater
to the
Solve than 600?
therubrics on page
following word12. problems that involve sample means. Apply the Central Limit Theorem in
(b) If a random sample of
answering the word problem. Refer to the36 public highbelow
rubrics schoolsin are selected, what is the probability that the
number of students enrolled is between 500 and 600?
STEPSCompleteness AccuracySOLUTION Total Points
1. Identify the given
Step 1 All the given information are accurately identified (3 points) 3
information.A 0.5 deduction for every lacking and/or incorrect information.
2. Identify
Step 2 what is asked.N/A What is asked is accurately 2
represented using symbols. (2
3. Identify the formula to be points)
Step 3 N/A The formula used is appropriate 2
4. Solve the problem. and accurate. (2 points)
Step 4 The solution is complete with Every detail in the solution is 10
all its parts, including the accurate. (5 points)
illustration (normal curve). (5 A 0.5-point deduction for every
points) incorrect/missing detail.
A 0.5-point deduction for
every missing part.
Step 5 The conclusion or the final The conclusion or the final 3
answer is stated in a complete answer is accurate and answers
statement and is also what is asked in the problem. (2
expressed in symbols. (1 points)
5. State the A
final answer.
0.5 deduction for
incompleteness. 8
Total 20
Note: No answer, no point for every step.
Source: Reazon Systems, Inc. 2020. RCampus, Inc. Accessed August 26, 2020.
No Answer Needs Improvement Adequate Quality Exemplary
0 pts. 2 pts. 3 pts. 4pts. 5 pts.
Content (5 pts.) Did not Answers are partial or Answers are not Answers are accurate Answers are
answer the incomplete. Key points comprehensive or and complete. Key comprehensive, accurate
question. are not clear. completely stated. Key points are stated and and complete. Key ideas
points are addressed but supported. are clearly stated, well-
not well supported. explained and well-
Organization Did not Organization and Inadequate organization Organization is mostly Well-organized,
(5 pts.) answer the structure detract from or development. Structure clear and easy to coherently developed,
question. the answer. of the answer is not easy follow. and easy to follow.
to follow.
Writing Did not Displays over five Displays three to five Displays one to three Displays no errors in
Conventions answer the errors in spelling, errors in spelling, errors in spelling, spelling, punctuation,
(5 pts.) question. punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, and sentence
and sentence structure. and sentence structure. grammar, and structure.
sentence structure.

Disclaimer: Writer does not claim ownership over any of the words, questions and answers, images and graphics
used in this Self-Learning Home Task (SLHT). All rights belong to respective copyright owner.

Belecina, Rene R., 2016. Statisitic & Probability. 1st Ed. Rex Book Store, Inc.
Canlapan, Raymond B., et. al. 2016. Diwa Senior High School Series: Statistics & Probability. Diwa
Learning Systems Inc.
Reston, Enriqueta D., et al. 2017. Seeing the World Through Statistics & Probability. A
Comprehensive Worktext in Statisitcs and Probability for Senior High School. SoLINE Publishing
Company Inc.
Anderson,David R. , et al. 1993. Statistics for Business & Economics. West Publishing Company

Prepared by: Noted by:


Special Science Teacher 1 Principal IV

For the Teacher: You may give other exercises/reinforcement activities other than the ones provided for in
this SLHT.
For the Learner: Please read and analyze carefully the key points and the illustrative examples in the
readings part. Also, follow the instructions in accomplishing task/exercises assessments
For the Parent/Home Tutor: Kindly guide the learners in accomplishing this home task. Should you need
assistance, you may contact the subject teacher to address questions or ask for clarifications and discussions.

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