Role of Leaders Xii

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Role of Leaders in Promoting Good Health and Well-

being of the Employees

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The main objective of this research paper is to understand the role played by the
leaders in promoting good health and well-being of the employees. Within organizations, the
employees are engaged in various types of job duties in accordance to their educational
qualifications, skills and abilities. They need to ensure that they are in good health physically
and psychologically. As in order to perform well in one’s jobs and generate the desired
outcomes, they need to focus upon maintaining good health and promote well-being. The
leaders have an important role to play. They need to create an environment and provide the
facilities and amenities in such a manner that employees feel contented and focus upon their
job duties and responsibilities with interest and enthusiasm. Within the workplaces, there
have been initiation of health and well-being programs. Through these programs, the
employees are able to benefit to a major extent. Therefore, it can be stated, health and well-
being programs are essential and need to be focused upon in leading to effective growth and
development of the members and the organization as a whole. The main areas that are taken
into account in this research paper are, meaning and significance of health and well-being,
areas highlighting the role of leaders in promoting health and well-being, health and well-
being programs within the workplaces, sexual harassment of women at the workplace and
benefits of health and well-being programs.

Keywords: Facilities, Health, Leaders, Organizations, Sexual Harassment, Well-

being, Working Environmental Conditions

Health and well-being are factors, which need to be promoted among the places,
where the individuals put into operation their job duties, spend their time and live their lives.
Within various types of organizations, the leaders have an important role to play in promoting
good health and well-being. Their main job duty is to ensure that the working environmental
conditions are created in such a manner that leaders and their subordinates communicate with
each other in a decent manner and work with each other, taking into account the traits of
morality and ethics. When the members of the organization are implementing the traits of
morality and ethics and promoting mutual understanding, they will not only be able to
maintain a sociable working environment but render an important contribution in promoting
good health and well-being. The leaders as well as the employees need to be healthy
physically as well as psychologically. When they are healthy in both areas, they will be able
to render an important contribution in achieving organizational goals and up-grading the
overall structure of the organization.

The settings approach to health promotion generally takes into consideration both
individual and structural approaches (Eriksson, Orvik, Strandmark, Nordsteien & Torp,
2017). Within the working environmental conditions, in the implementation of production
and manufacturing processes or in case of other job duties as well, when the employees are
making use of chemicals, tools and machines, it is possible that they may get prone to
accidents and may sustain injuries and wounds. In such cases, the leaders need to ensure,
there are safety measures available. The employees need to be provided with proper training
and precautions need to be taken to carry out one’s job duties well. On the other hand, in
office jobs as well, when the employees are working on the computers for long hours, or
when they are to go out in the field for long hours, they may experience health problems.
When the job duties are tedious and demanding, the employees need to possess the abilities to
work under stress. In such cases, the role of the leaders is to put emphasis upon augmentation
of skills and abilities of the subordinates to carry out their job duties well and maintain good
health and well-being.

The working environmental conditions have effects upon the health conditions of the
individuals in a direct manner. On the other hand, the productivity and proficiency of the
individuals also have an effect upon their health and well-being. When the individuals are
well-aware in terms of their job duties and responsibilities and methods that need to be put
into operation to generate the desired outcomes, they will feel contented and pleasurable. On
the other hand, when the members will find the work duties complicated and do not carry
them out well, they feel concerned and stressed. Hence, the members of the organization need
to be well-aware of the fact that apart from other factors needed to promote good health, they
need to be well-aware in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. The role of the leaders
in promoting health and well-being of the employees is recognized in terms of number of
factors. The leaders need to ensure they augment their skills and abilities and are able to
render a significant contribution in promoting good health and well-being.
Meaning and Significance of Health and Well-being

Health is wealth. It is not merely the absence of the disease or health problem. It is
comprehensively understood, when the individuals will possess good health, only then they
will be able to carry out their job duties well and achieve organizational goals. The
individuals need to be healthy physically as well as psychologically. When they are healthy
physically, they will be able to carry out manual job duties, office jobs and field-work in a
well-ordered manner. On the other hand, when they are healthy psychologically, they will
learn to cope with psychological problems and manage emotions. Within the course of
implementation of their job duties, the individuals need to experience number of problems
and challenges. Furthermore, in some cases, it might happen, the leaders as well as the
subordinates may experience limitations as well. Hence, they need to be well-aware in terms
of measures and approaches to overcome the limitations. The members will be able to
overcome the limitations, when they will be healthy physically and psychologically.
Therefore, it can be stated, meaning and significance of health and well-being is recognized,
when they contribute in an efficient manner in carry out their job duties well and achieve
organizational goals.

Health and well-being can be described as the absence of physical illness, disease and
mental distress. On the other hand, health and well-being are described as the state of
achievement and physical fitness and mental stability. Health and well-being are essential for
the overall quality of lives. Furthermore, they are regarded as fundamental principles for
learning and development. Learning is the lifelong activity. The individuals need to get
engaged in continuous learning throughout their lives. When they are in jobs, in various
fields, such as, law, education, management, architecture, medical, health care, science,
technology, engineering and so forth, they need to get engaged in continuous learning. When
the individuals are engaged in learning on a continuous basis and are well-aware in terms of
modern, scientific and innovative methods, they are able to not only carry out their job duties
well and achieve desired goals and objectives, but are also able to promote good health and
well-being. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, when the individuals will get
engaged in learning on continuous basis throughout their lives, they recognize the meaning
and significance of health and well-being.

The leaders as well as the subordinates need to possess efficient knowledge in terms
of implementation of job duties and overall structure of the organization. Apart from the
knowledge, skills and aptitude, they need to focus upon enrichment of all the factors, which
would be essential in promoting good health and well-being. The important areas that are
necessary in promoting good health and well-being are, establishing positive thinking,
creating a pleasant and amiable environment within the workplace, implementing safety
measures, consuming a healthy and nutritious diet, forming cordial terms and relationships
with others, promoting cleanliness, getting engaged in physical activities, recognizing one’s
job duties and responsibilities, obtaining medical check-ups on regular basis and obtaining
counselling and guidance services. These factors are normally put into operation by the
individuals in promoting health and well-being. The leaders normally make provision of
information among the subordinates in terms of the factors to maintain good health and well-
being. When the subordinates will understand and put into operation all the factors, they will
be able to maintain as well as recognize the meaning and significance of health and well-

Health is a positive concept putting emphasis upon social and personal resources as
well as physical capacities. This means that health is regarded as the resource to assist in the
implementation of tasks and functions of the individuals. The leaders need to lead a healthy
lifestyle. Furthermore, they also need to make provision of knowledge and understanding
among the subordinates in terms of ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. An aimless life is a
meaningless life. All individuals have aims and objectives to achieve. When the individuals
are healthy physically as well as psychologically, they will be able to focus well upon the
achievement of aims and objectives. The research studies have indicated, when the
individuals are not healthy physically, when they are not ambulatory and are making use of
walking sticks and wheel chairs, then also they come to work, put in their best abilities to
carry out their job duties and responsibilities and lead to effective functioning of the
organization. Hence, it is understood that when the individuals are determined towards their
work as well as the implementation of job duties, they do not let their health problems and
illnesses to become barriers within the course of implementation of job duties in
organizations. Therefore, when the effective measures and approaches will contribute in
promoting good health and well-being, the individuals will recognize the meaning and
significance of health and well-being.

Well-being is regarded as the factor that is taken into consideration not only within
homes but also within the organizations and various types of employment settings. Within
organizations, there have been introduction of well-being programs in various types of
organizations. The well-being programs are regarded as significant in the implementation of
job duties and responsibilities in a satisfactory manner as well as in promoting health and
well-being. The leaders put emphasis upon the development of health and well-being
programs within the organizations. They ensure these programs are comprised of modern,
scientific and innovative methods in the implementation of tasks and activities related to
promoting health and well-being. Furthermore, it needs to be ensured these programs prove
to be effective and worthwhile to all the members of the organization. By bringing about
improvements in the health and well-being of the individuals, progressions are not only
brought about in the quality of lives of the individuals, but also in development of interest
and motivation among them to achieve organizational goals and in leading to overall
enhancement of the entire organization. Therefore, the introduction of health and well-being
programs contributes efficiently in generating understanding among the individuals in terms
of meaning and significance of health and well-being.

In promoting good health physically as well as psychologically, the leaders need to

learn to cope with anger and stress (Felman, 2020). In some cases, it may happen that when
the subordinates have not carried out their job duties well or their conduct has been
inappropriate, the leaders may feel angry. But anger is depicted by imposing disciplinary
action and implementation of penalties. On the other hand, the leaders need to ensure they
should not make use of obscene language and indecent words and communicate in a polite
manner. Hence, the leaders need to exercise control on the feelings of anger and frustration.
In the implementation of job duties, the leaders as well as the subordinates feel stressed.
Stress takes place, particularly when the job duties are tedious and cumbersome. The
individuals need to be well-aware in terms of measures and approaches to manage stress. The
feelings of anger and stress may give rise to barriers within the course of implementation of
job duties in a well-organized manner and in promoting health and well-being. There are
number of approaches and strategies that need to be put into practice to manage these
psychological problems, which the individuals need to be aware of. The effective
implementation of these methods and strategies will enable the individuals to recognize the
meaning and significance of health and well-being.

Areas highlighting the Role of Leaders in Promoting Health and

The role of leaders in promoting health and well-being is indispensable. In some
cases, the employees are not completely aware of the fact that within the working
environmental conditions, they not only have to be well-aware in terms of job duties, but they
also need to pay attention towards promoting good health and well-being. In various types of
organizations, there are organization of discussion meetings, where the leaders exchange
ideas and viewpoints in terms of various factors, which are needed to carry out their job duty
of imparting information to the subordinates in terms of measures and approaches to promote
good health and well-being. The various areas, which highlight the role of leaders in
promoting health and well-being are stated as follows:

Providing Health Care Facilities – Within the organizations, the members need to
have access to health care facilities as well (Yassi & Warshaw, n.d.). When the employees
are engaged in hazardous occupations, when they are working with chemicals, tools,
machines and other hazardous materials, there is a need to ensure that they do not have any
unfavorable effects upon their health conditions. When the leaders ensure there are provision
of health care facilities, the leaders recruit well-qualified, trained and competent medical
practitioners and health care specialists. The first aid box is regarded as vital and it is made
available in all types of organizations. The job duties of the leaders is to ensure that within
the working environmental conditions, the employees should not experience any health
problems, injuries and wounds. They should carry out their job duties in a comfortable
manner. Therefore, it is well-understood, providing health care facilities is regarded as
indispensable in promoting good health and well-being of the employees.

Communicating in a Respectful Manner – Within the organizations, when

communication takes place among the individuals in terms of various aspects, it needs to take
place in a respectful manner. The communication process takes place in a verbal as well as in
a written form. In both these forms, the leaders as well as the other members of the
organization need to ensure, they make use of polite language and decent words. It is
comprehensively understood, when the individuals are communicating with each other in a
respectful manner, they will form the viewpoint that in hard times and when there will be
occurrence of complexities, they will obtain help and support from each other. When the
communication processes are respectful in nature, the members will feel contended and will
be able to generate the desired outcomes and promote good health and well-being. Therefore,
it can be stated, communicating in a respectful manner is an important aspect that leaders put
into operation in promoting health and well-being.
Formulating Laws and Policies – Within the working environmental conditions, the
leaders need to formulate proper laws and policies. The main objective of laws and policies is
to ensure that overall functioning of the organization takes place in a well-ordered manner
and all the members form pleasant and amiable terms and relationships with each other. In
accordance to the research studies, it has been found that women are being subjected to
discriminatory treatment. They are not been given equal pay as their male counterparts. In
some cases, they are being subjected to criminal and violent acts as well, such as, sexual
harassment, verbal abuse and physical abuse. These factors have an effect upon their physical
as well as psychological health and well-being. Therefore, when the leaders formulate laws
and policies in terms of treating women with respect and courtesy, making provision of equal
rights and opportunities to all and not discriminating against others on the basis of any
factors, such as, caste, class, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, culture, educational
qualifications, personality traits and socio-economic background, they will be able to
contribute effectively in promoting good health and well-being of their employees.

Implementing Anti-Discrimination Policies – Within the organizations, there are

number of employees, who are different from each other in terms of various factors. These
are, caste, class, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, culture, educational qualifications,
personality traits and socio-economic background. The leaders need to play an important role
in the implementation of anti-discrimination policies. They need to ensure that the members
are provided with equal rights and opportunities and there is not any discrimination on the
basis of any of the factors. Within organizations, when the subordinates are allowed to
participate in the decision making matters and express their ideas and viewpoints, they form
constructive viewpoints in terms of their job duties and working environmental conditions
and develop motivation as well. But giving of rewards is dependent upon the job performance
as well as the personality traits of the individuals. Therefore, it is comprehensively
understood that implementing anti-discrimination policies is regarded as an important
measure of promoting good health and well-being of the members within the working
environment and forming cordial terms and relationships among them.

Organization of Seminars and Workshops – Within various types of organizations,

there are organization of seminars and workshops. The leaders normally organize them when
they form the viewpoint that they need to provide information to their employees in terms of
any area or subject. There are organization of discussion meetings, where the leaders
exchange ideas and viewpoints in terms of various factors. Normally, discussion is facilitated
in terms of various areas, when there are organization of seminars and workshops. In
seminars and workshops, the members of the organization are provided with information in
terms of measures to promote good health and well-being. The individuals are invited from
other organizations as well, who are in leadership positions as well as subordinates. They
usually give lectures, speeches and make presentations regarding the topics. The members are
required to attend seminars and workshops and generate awareness in terms of various areas.
Therefore, it can be stated, the role of the leaders is regarded as meaningful and suitable in
the organization of seminars and workshops.

Offering Healthy Nutritional Choices – It is comprehensively understood that when

the individuals are carrying out tedious and complicated job duties, they need to eat healthy.
Healthy and nutritious diet is regarded as essential in obtaining the energy needed to carry out
the job duties well and attain the desired goals. In organizations, there are cafeterias, where
the individuals have their meals. In these cafeterias, the leaders ensure that healthy and
nutritional food is made available. Some of the examples of healthy nutritional choices are,
vegetables, bread, rice, eggs, and so forth. Whereas, in other cases, they get their meals from
homes. Healthy and nutritious diet is beneficial to the individuals in providing the energy,
preventing the occurrence of health problems and illnesses and promoting good health and
well-being. When the individuals are having their meals, they need to consume only the
required amount. On the other hand, when consumption is excessive, it tends to make the
individuals feel lethargic. Therefore, it is well-understood that offering of healthy nutritional
choices is a necessary area that the leaders need to pay attention to in promoting health and

Implementing Peaceful Conflict Resolution Methods – In some cases, there are

occurrence of conflicting situations and disagreements among the individuals. These are
regarded as unhealthy for the overall functioning of the organization. Furthermore, they have
an effect upon the physical and psychological health conditions of the individuals,
particularly, when they assume a major form. The role of leaders is mainly recognized in the
implementation of peaceful conflict resolution methods. The leaders normally impart
knowledge and understanding to the members that they need to cooperate with each other in
an effective manner, promote mutual understanding and prevent the occurrence of conflicting
situations and disagreements. The subordinates need to understand them and put into
operation in an efficacious manner. The important aspects that needs to be taken into account
is, the members need to understand each other, accept each other’s cultures and values, form
positive viewpoints and treat each other with respect and courtesy. When the members will
be well-aware in terms of these factors, they will be able to contribute in an efficacious
manner in promoting good health and well-being and formation of an amiable and pleasant
environment. Therefore, implementing peaceful conflict resolution methods is a fundamental
area, which is highlighted in the role of leaders in promoting health and well-being.

Making Use of Resources in a Satisfactory Manner – The various types of resources

are, human, technical, material and financial resources. The leaders as well as the employees
need to work in co-ordination and integration with each other to manage the resources well
and prevent any form of misuse and wastage. Management of resources is the key aspect in
leading to effective functioning of the organization. Furthermore, they also play an important
part in promoting health and well-being. When the members of the organization are well-
aware in terms of measures and approaches to manage the resources, they will feel contended
and put into operation their job duties in an efficient manner. On the other hand, when there
is wastage of resources, the leaders and subordinates will feel concerned. In addition, it
would have unfavorable effects upon the overall functioning of the organization. Therefore, it
can be stated, making use of resources in a satisfactory manner is a fundamental area in
highlighting the role of leaders in promoting health and well-being.

Managing Emotions – Within the course of implementation of job duties, the leaders
and the subordinates need to be well-aware in terms of ways of managing emotions (Cherry,
2019). One can manage the emotions by possessing the ability to realize, readily accept and
successfully control the feelings in oneself is known as the emotional management skill. This
is important because the change in the thoughts and feelings is what assists in leading to
changes in the emotions and preventing from receiving reactive outbursts. The leaders and
other members of the organization need to learn to understand and manage emotions in an
appropriate manner. When the supervisors or employers are depicting their anger and
frustration, particularly for the job duty not performed well, then too, the subordinates need to
calmly listen and not take it personally. They need to ensure, they bring about improvements
in their job performance and please their employers. When the individuals learn to manage
emotions, they are able to carry out their job duties well and communicate with others in a
professional manner. Furthermore, they are able to maintain their image in a positive manner
within the organization. Therefore, it can be stated, managing emotions is a key area
highlighting the role of leaders in promoting health and well-being.
Taking out Time for all Job Duties – It is apparent that when the members of the
organization are overwhelmed by number of job duties and responsibilities, they will feel
stressed and anxious. But one of the crucial methods of overcoming the psychological
problems of anger, stress, anxiety and frustration is to take out time for all job duties. Hence,
the members need to be well-aware in terms of implementation of time management skills in
an effective manner. Hence, it is well-understood, when the leaders as well as the other
members of the organizations will be able to take out time for all job duties, they will be able
to contribute efficiently in promoting good health and well-being. The leaders need to guide
their subordinates that when they will put into operation time management skills, they will be
able to take out time for all tasks and activities. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that
taking out time for all job duties is an effective measure to incur the feeling of job satisfaction
and promote good health and well-being.

Health and Well-being Programs within the Workplaces

The various types of health and well-being programs within the workplaces have been
stated as follows:

Creation of Pleasant and Amiable Working Environment – In order to promote health

and well-being, the individuals need to contribute effectively in the creation of pleasant and
amiable working environment. In the implementation of this program, there are number of
factors that need to be taken into consideration. These are, implementing peaceful conflict
resolution methods, making use of resources in a suitable manner, managing psychological
problems, making provision of infrastructure, resources, amenities, facilities, tools,
equipment and technologies, communicating in a respectful manner, generating awareness in
terms of job duties and responsibilities, developing mutual understanding, promoting
teamwork, implementing time management skills and augmenting one’s understanding in
terms of factors to promote health and well-being. The leaders as well as the subordinates
need to work in cooperation and integration with each other to create a pleasant and amiable
working environment. Therefore, it can be stated, creation of pleasant and amiable working
environment is a type of health and well-being program, which is put into operation in all
types of organizations.

Teamwork – Within organizations, one cannot carry out their job duties in seclusion.
They need to obtain support and assistance from each other and promote teamwork. The
leaders encourage teamwork, as they want their employees to develop mutual understanding
and work in collaboration with each other. When the individuals are working in a team, they
obtain support and assistance from each other, particularly in the case of implementation of
job duties well. When their colleagues are helpful and assisting to them, they feel contended
and pleasurable. In this manner, they are rendering a significant contribution in promoting
good physical as well as psychological health. One of the important aspects that needs to be
understood is, teamwork encourages socialization and members are able to alleviate the
feelings of seclusion and loneliness. Therefore, it is understood, when there are initiation of
health and well-being programs within the workplaces, focus is put upon promoting

Health Clubs and Gymnasiums – It is comprehensively understood that getting

engaged in physical activities and exercises will contribute efficiently in maintaining good
health and well-being. Within various types of organizations, there are establishment of
health clubs and gymnasiums with modern machinery and equipment. The members of the
organization at all levels maintain their health and de-stress by getting engaged in exercises.
There is recruitment of the physical trainer as well. The job duty of the physical trainer is to
assist and guide the individuals in making use of machines and equipment. They need to use
them to the extent required. Whereas, excessive usage or less usage may not produce the
desired results. In addition, the physical trainers provide information in terms of diet as well.
When the individuals are obese, they need to keep a diet control. Therefore, initiation of
health clubs and gymnasiums is a significant health and well-being program within the

Counselling and Guidance Services – Counselling and guidance services are provided
in some organizations, particularly when the individuals experience physical as well as
psychological health problems. When the members experience physical health problems, they
usually make visits to medical and health care centers. The medical practitioners and health
care specialists are the ones, who make provision of counselling and guidance services.
Whereas, when the individuals experience various types of psychological problems, they
obtain counselling and guidance services from professional counsellors. When the individuals
experience anger, stress, anxiety, trauma, frustration and depression, their consultation with
professional counsellors will enable them to obtain ideas and suggestions, which would help
them recuperate and cope up with all the problems suitably. When the counsellors are guiding
them and imparting adequate knowledge, the individuals need to put them into practice to
obtain the desired outcomes. Therefore, counselling and guidance services are fundamental
health and well-being programs within the workplaces.

Smoking Cessation Programs – The individuals, who smoke within the organization
cost their employers more money due to health issues as compared to the non-smokers (Rise,
2019). Smoking is injurious to health. It is likely to cause health problems and illnesses,
which are likely to prove to be fatal. Hence, the leaders want all the members of the
organization to quit smoking and promote good health and well-being. Hence, the
introduction of smoking cessation programs within the workplace have the main aim of
imparting knowledge and understanding among the individuals in terms of ill effects of
smoking and how to curb or eliminate this problem. Some of the workplaces have found that
it is in their interest, both ethically and economically to offer smoking cessation programs to
their team members. Therefore, it is well-understood, smoking cessation programs is a vital
health and well-being programs within the workplaces.

Health Education – Health education can be defined as the principle by which the
individuals and groups of the individuals learn to conduct themselves in a manner that is
conducive to the promotion maintenance or restoration of health. The subject of health
education has been introduced in organizations. The primary objective of this education is to
make provision of knowledge and understanding among the individuals in terms of ways to
promote good health and well-being. The main areas that are taken into account are,
establishing positive thinking, creating a pleasant and amiable environment within the
workplace, implementing safety measures, consuming a healthy and nutritious diet, forming
cordial terms and relationships with others, promoting cleanliness, getting engaged in
physical activities, recognizing one’s job duties and responsibilities, obtaining medical check-
ups on regular basis and obtaining counselling and guidance services. There are recruitment
of well-qualified, competent and experienced trainers. They make use of effective teaching-
learning methods and instructional strategies in imparting knowledge and understanding
among the individuals in terms of concepts and lesson plans. Therefore, health education is
regarded as a key in making provision of knowledge and understanding among the
individuals in terms of ways to promote good health and well-being.

Medical Services – The medical services are focused upon making provision of health
care and medical assistance to the individuals, when they are at work. When the leaders
ensure there needs to be provision of health care facilities, they recruit well-qualified, trained
and competent medical practitioners and health care specialists. They need to be well-aware
not only in terms of their occupations, but also various aspects of the organizations. In
hazardous occupations in industries, the medical services are regarded as significant, as the
individuals may experience accidents and health problems and they need medical services.
On the other hand, in service organizations as well, there are availability of medical services,
as health problems and illnesses may be experienced by any of the members. Therefore, it is
well-understood, making provision of medical services is an important health and well-being
program within the workplaces.

Yoga and Meditation – Yoga and meditation are regarded as indispensable ways of
promoting health and well-being. The leaders impart understanding among the individuals in
terms of significance and benefits of yoga and meditation. The benefits of yoga are, increased
flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality,
maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health,
improved athletic performance and protection from injury. Whereas, meditation is the
practice of focused concentration and bringing oneself back to the moment over and over
again. The individuals are able to cope with stress and maintain a normal, calm and
composed mind-set. Meditation can also lead to reduction in the health problems of anxiety,
chronic pain, depression, heart disease and high blood pressure. In organizations, the leaders
ensure that they impart information among the subordinates in terms of practices of yoga and
meditation. Therefore, it is well-understood, yoga and meditation is an indispensable health
and well-being program within the workplaces.

Employee Assistance Programs – The employee assistance program is a confidential

service designed to connect employees and their families. The experienced counselling
professionals for help with personal or family issues or keep them from performing when
they are at work (Employee Assistance Program, 2020). Assistance is aimed at providing
solutions to problems and challenges at the cost-effective and short-term problem resolution.
The employees experience various problems and setbacks within the course of
implementation of their job duties. Hence, there is a need to put into operation adequate
grievance redresser procedures. The opportunities need to be provided to the employees to
redress their grievances and seek solutions. When the employees are able to obtain solutions
to their problems and are able to promote good health and well-being, they feel pleasurable
and contended. Hence, the leaders need to pay attention to employee assistance programs and
bring about improvements in them on a regular basis. It needs to be ensured, they are
beneficial to the members. Therefore, it is well-understood, employee assistance programs is
a crucial health and well-being program within the workplaces.

Communication in terms of Health and Well-being - The leaders as well as the other
members of the organization need to ensure, they make use of courteous language and honest
words. It is comprehensively understood, when the individuals are communicating with each
other in a reverential manner, they will form the viewpoint that during the time of problems
and difficulties, they need to communicate well. On the other hand, when there will be
occurrence of complexities, they will obtain assistance and support from each other. When
the communication processes are courteous in nature, the members will feel contended and
will be able to generate the desired outcomes and promote good health and well-being.
Within organizations, communication needs to take place among the individuals in terms of
health and well-being. They may be leaders and subordinates as well as subordinates
themselves. Therefore, it can be stated, communication in terms of health and well-being is
an essential health and well-being program within the workplaces.

Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace

Sexual harassment of women at the workplace is regarded as the criminal and violent
act, which imposes detrimental effects upon their physical and psychological health. This act
even compels women to quit their jobs. Sexual harassment at the workplace is considered as
the violation of women’s right to life, liberty and equality (Usman, 2019). It creates an
insecure and a hostile working environment and discourages women from participation in the
job duties. The reason being, when the women are not provided with the opportunities, they
are deprived of their rights and it has an effect upon their health and well-being. In order to
lead to empowerment opportunities and promote health and well-being, the women need to
be given empowerment opportunities and need to be treated with respect and courtesy. In
leading to effective growth and progression of the organization, it needs to be ensured,
women are not subjected to sexual harassment and treated with respect.

Sexual harassment has been a universal issue, which has been prevalent not only in
India, but in other countries as well. It is a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or
implicit sexual overtones. These include, unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in
exchange of sexual favors. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from verbal
transgressions to sexual abuse or assault. In some cases, this form of criminal and violent act
may not have severe effects upon the physical and psychological health conditions of the
individuals. But this act causes increase in the feeling of insecurity among women. When
they feel insecure, they are unable to concentrate upon their job duties well and achieve the
desired outcomes. In accordance to the research studies, the women have reported to the
leaders as well in terms of this act. The leaders have taken into consideration their problems
and have put into practice the solutions. They have imposed penalties and have taken
disciplinary action against the doers. These factors have enabled the women to retain their
jobs. In addition, they are able to feel safe and secure within the working environment.

There have been cases of women, who have been subjected to this criminal act to such
an extent that they have been compelled to leave their jobs. These women need to obtain
medical and health care treatment to recuperate. The role of the leaders is regarded as crucial
in promoting empowerment opportunities among women. They need to ensure, the women
are provided with equal rights and opportunities and treated with respect and courtesy. When
the women will be subjected to criminal and violent acts and will be sexually harassed within
the workplace, it is regarded as the major barrier within the course of effective growth and
progression of not only women, but also organization as a whole. In the implementation of
job duties in an efficacious manner, the women need to be mentally sound. The act of sexual
harassment imposes barriers within the course of performance of job duties in a well-
organized manner and achievement of organizational goals. Hence, the leaders need to ensure
that women feel safe within the working environmental conditions. The implementation of
laws and policies need to be beneficial in promoting good health and well-being among
women within the workplace.

An act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at the workplace

and for the prevention and redresser of complaints of sexual harassment and for the matters
connected therewith or incidental threats. Sexual harassment results in violation of the
fundamental rights of a women to equality under articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution of
India and her right to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the Constitution and
right to practice any profession or to carry out any occupation, trade or business, which
includes a right to a safe environment free from sexual harassment. Protection against sexual
harassment and the right to work with dignity are the universally recognized human rights by
international conventions and instruments such as Convention on the Elimination of all forms
of discrimination against women (The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, 2013).
This act has made provision of information among the individuals that they need to treat
women with respect and courtesy and curb the criminal and violent act of sexual harassment.

Benefits of Health and Well-being Programs

The benefits of health and well-being programs is that the welfare of the staff
members is not simply an individual or personal matter for each employee. The health and
well-being programs are organized with the main aim of making provision of knowledge,
guidance and assistance to the employees to promote good health and well-being. The
individuals in leadership positions also attend health and well-being programs, particularly
when they need to generate awareness in terms of various areas, necessary in promoting good
health and well-being. The main areas in terms of which the individuals generate information
are, how to bring about improvements in mental health, energy levels, weight management,
blood pressure, sleep patterns and nutrition. These areas are regarded to be of utmost
significance to be focused upon in living an enriched life. The individuals need to possess
efficient knowledge in terms of various factors, necessary in bringing about improvements in
these areas (6 Benefits of Health and Wellbeing Programs, 2014).

The benefits of health and well-being programs are focused upon various areas, which
are, improved morale, better teamwork and social networks, increased productivity, reduced
rate of absenteeism, higher job satisfaction and stronger engagement (6 Benefits of Health
and Wellbeing Programs, 2014). When all the members of the organization, irrespective of
their job positions in the hierarchy are well-aware in terms of the ways to bring about
improvements in these areas, they will be able to contribute effectively in carrying out their
job duties well and achieving organizational goals and objectives. When the individuals are
physically not feeling well or they are psychologically upset and stressed, it is apparent that
they will not take pleasure in communicating with others as well as in carrying out their job
duties well. Hence, they need to recognize the benefits of health and well-being programs and
make use of them in enriching their lives. Therefore, it is well-understood that in order to
carry out one’s job duties well and achieve organizational goals, the members need to
recognize the benefits of health and well-being programs.

All individuals aspire to live healthy lives. They are not only focused upon achieving
organizational goals, but personal goals as well. One of the important personal goal is to
promote well-being of the families. When the individuals will be healthy physically and
psychologically, only then they will be able to contribute well in achieving personal and
professional goals and in bringing about improvements in one’s overall quality of lives. The
other benefits of health and well-being programs are, creation of pleasant and amiable
working environment, promoting teamwork among members, counselling and guidance
services is provided in terms of various areas by expert counsellors, individuals are provided
with information and assistance to quit smoking, knowledge is provided in terms of health
education, medical services are provided, all the members are encouraged to do yoga and
meditation, and employee assistance programs make provision of help and assistance to the
employees in terms of various areas. Therefore, these are regarded as crucial benefits, which
have contributed to a major extent in bringing about improvements in the overall quality of
lives of the individuals.

The individuals will be able to carry out their job duties well and enhance their career
prospects, when they will maintain good health. The research studies have indicated that
performing job duties and generating a source of income is not a manageable task, the
individuals need to undergo number of problems and challenges. Good health and well-being
are regarded as fundamental aspects in carrying out their job duties well and achieving
organizational and personal goals. Hence, the leaders as well as the other members need to be
well-aware in terms of benefits of health and well-being programs. With advancements
taking place, the leaders need to ensure they bring about improvements in these programs, so
they are beneficial and worthwhile in leading to effective growth and development of the
organization. Therefore, it can be stated, health and well-being programs need to be
introduced in all types of organizations and be favorable to the members and organization as
a whole.


Health and well-being are factors, which need to be promoted among areas, where the
individuals put into operation their job duties, spend their time and live their lives. Within
various types of organizations, the leaders have an important role to play in promoting good
health and well-being. The areas highlighting the role of leaders in promoting health and
well-being are, providing health care facilities, communicating in a respectful manner,
formulating laws and policies, implementing anti-discrimination policies, organization of
seminars and workshops, offering healthy nutritional choices, implementing peaceful conflict
resolution methods, making use of resources in a satisfactory manner, managing emotions
and taking out time for all job duties.

The various types of health and well-being programs within the workplace are,
creation of pleasant and amiable working environment, teamwork, health clubs and
gymnasiums, counselling and guidance services, smoking cessation programs, health
education, medical services, yoga and meditation, employee assistance programs and
communication in terms of health and well-being. Sexual harassment of women at the
workplace is regarded as the criminal and violent act, which imposes unfavorable effects
upon their physical and psychological health. Finally, it can be stated, the role of leaders in
promoting good health and well-being are regarded as indispensable. The reason being, this is
crucial in generating the desired outcomes and in leading to effective growth and progression
of the members and the organization as a whole.

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