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City-Level Area-Level Analysis Summary Appendix

Performance Performance and I. Methodology
II. Benchmarking KPIs
Highlights III. Coverage
IV. Receive (Rx) Quality
V. City-Level Ranking
VI. City-Level KPI

The independent drive test has been carried out by M/s IMRB International on behalf of TRAI
1. City-Level Performance

City-Level Details
2. Area-Level Performance

Area-Level Details

2. Area-Level Performance

Area-Level Details

2. Area-Level Performance

Area-Level Details

2. Area-Level Performance

Area-Level Details

3. Analysis
Detailed Analysis of

Other observations:
1. High Fall back time from 2G to 3G for Tata 3G and
Reliance 3G:

2. Higher RLT Values but not impacting performance

4. Summary & Highlights

Summary & Highlights

5. Appendix

Ancillary Details

Ancillary Details

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Ancillary Details

Ancillary Details

Ancillary Details

Ancillary Details

Ancillary Details

Ancillary Details

Ope rator Total Call Atte m pt Block e d Calls Block Call Rate * CSSR
Airte l 2G 363 7 1.93% 98.07%
Airte l 3G 303 5 1.65% 98.35%
BSNL 2G 334 19 5.69% 94.31%
BSNL 3G 260 39 15.00% 85.00%
Ide a 2G 350 15 4.29% 95.71%
Ide a 3G 269 10 3.72% 96.28%
Re liance 2G 323 20 6.19% 93.81%
Re liance 3G 279 13 4.66% 95.34%
Re liance CDMA 339 1 0.29% 99.71%
Tata 2G 337 16 4.75% 95.25%
Tata 3G 270 8 2.96% 97.04%
Tata CDMA 347 0 0.00% 100.00%
Vide ocon 2G 356 10 2.81% 97.19%
Vodafone 2G 358 12 3.35% 96.65%

Ope rator Total Call Es tablis he d Total Call Drop CDR CCSR
Airte l 2G 356 3 0.84% 99.16%
Airte l 3G 298 7 2.35% 97.65%
BSNL 2G 315 39 12.38% 87.62%
BSNL 3G 221 49 22.17% 77.83%
Ide a 2G 335 33 9.85% 90.15%
Ide a 3G 259 37 14.29% 85.71%
Re liance 2G 303 26 8.58% 91.42%
Re liance 3G 266 43 16.17% 83.83%
Re liance CDMA 338 36 10.65% 89.35%
Tata 2G 321 20 6.23% 93.77%
Tata 3G 262 24 9.16% 90.84%
Tata CDMA 347 22 6.34% 93.66%
Vide ocon 2G 346 20 5.78% 94.22%
Vodafone 2G 346 4 1.16% 98.84%

Ope rators Total HO Atte m pt HO Failure HO Succe s s HO Failure Rate HO Succe s s Rate

Airte l 2G 1171 42 1129 3.59% 96.41%

Airte l 3G 5513 1 5512 0.02% 99.98%
BSNL 2G 858 41 817 4.78% 95.22%
BSNL 3G 2291 2 2289 0.09% 99.91%
Ide a 2G 1112 47 1065 4.23% 95.77%
Ide a 3G 2565 12 2553 0.47% 99.53%
Re liance 2G 766 53 713 6.92% 93.08%
Re liance 3G 1467 14 1453 0.95% 99.05%
Re liance CDMA 1642 0 1642 0.00% 100.00%
Tata 2G 1021 81 940 7.93% 92.07%
Tata 3G 2190 4 2186 0.18% 99.82%
Tata CDMA 905 0 905 0.00% 100.00%
Vide ocon 2G 531 4 527 0.75% 99.25%
Vodafone 2G 790 20 770 2.53% 97.47%

Ancillary Details

Operators (Summary)

Call Events Videocon Vodafone


2G 3G 2G 3G 2G 3G 2G 3G CDMA 2G 3G CDMA 2G 2G

Call Attempt (May-16) 363 303 334 260 350 269 323 279 339 337 270 347 356 358

Blocked Call Rate (May-16) 1.93% 1.65% 5.69% 15.00% 4.29% 3.72% 6.19% 4.66% 0.29% 4.75% 2.96% 0.00% 2.81% 3.35%

CSSR (Accessibility) (May-16) 98.07% 98.35% 94.31% 85.00% 95.71% 96.28% 93.81% 95.34% 99.71% 95.25% 97.04% 100.00% 97.19% 96.65%

Dropped Call Rate (May-16) 0.84% 2.35% 12.38% 22.17% 9.85% 14.29% 8.58% 16.17% 10.65% 6.23% 9.16% 6.34% 5.78% 1.16%

Mobility HOSR (May-16) 96.41% 99.98% 95.22% 99.91% 95.77% 99.53% 93.08% 99.05% 100.00% 92.07% 99.82% 100.00% 99.25% 97.47%

Rx Quality (May-16) 92.20% 98.30% 83.00% 95.30% 87.90% 95.30% 84.20% 95.70% 81.20% 88.40% 97.10% 87.40% 91.80% 94.50%

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