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Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

DOI 10.1007/s00267-016-0757-4

Dynamics of Soil Erosion as Influenced by Watershed Management

Practices: A Case Study of the Agula Watershed in the Semi-Arid
Highlands of Northern Ethiopia
Ayele Almaw Fenta 1,2 Hiroshi Yasuda1 Katsuyuki Shimizu3
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Nigussie Haregeweyn4 Aklilu Negussie5

Received: 22 March 2016 / Accepted: 9 August 2016 / Published online: 7 September 2016
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Since the past two decades, watershed manage- bare land (89 %), followed by cultivated land (56 %) and
ment practices such as construction of stone bunds and shrub land (49 %). Furthermore, the reduction in soil loss
establishment of exclosures have been widely implemented was more pronounced in steeper slopes where very steep
in the semi-arid highlands of northern Ethiopia to curb land slope and steep slope classes experienced over 70 %
degradation by soil erosion. This study assessed changes in reduction. Validation of soil erosion estimations using field
soil erosion for the years 1990, 2000 and 2012 as a result of observed points showed an overall accuracy of 69 %, which
such watershed management practices in Agula watershed is fairly satisfactory. This study demonstrated the potential
using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation. The of watershed management efforts to bring remarkable
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation factors were com- restoration of degraded semi-arid lands that could serve as a
puted in a geographic information system for 30 × 30 m basis for sustainable planning of future developments of
raster layers using spatial data obtained from different areas experiencing severe land degradation due to water
sources. The results revealed significant reduction in soil erosion.
loss rates by about 55 % from about 28 to 12 t ha−1 per year
in 1990–2000 and an overall 64 % reduction from 28 to 10 t Keywords Soil erosion RUSLE model Watershed
● ●

ha−1 per year in 1990–2012. This change in soil loss is management Semi-arid Ethiopia
● ●

attributed to improvement in surface cover and stone bund

practices, which resulted in the decrease in mean C and
P-factors, respectively, by about 19 % and 34 % in 1990–2000
and an overall decrease in C-factor by 29 % in 1990–2012.
Considerable reductions in soil loss were observed from Introduction

Soil erosion is one of the biggest global challenges with its

social, economic, and environmental effects (Pimentel
* Ayele Almaw Fenta 2006; Yang et al. 2003); and soil erosion by water is the
most critical problem as it has several on-site and off-site
Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, 1390 Hamasaka, effects. The severe on-site effects constitute loss of farm-
Tottori 680-0001, Japan land (Nyssen et al. 2006), nutrient depletion (Haregeweyn
Department of Land Resources Management and Environmental et al. 2008), and soil quality degradation (Solomon et al.
Protection, Mekelle University, P.O. Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia 2000). The off-site effects include siltation of downstream
Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, 4-101 Koyama-cho reservoirs (de Vente et al. 2008; Haregeweyn et al. 2006;
Minami, Tottori 680-8553, Japan Tamene et al. 2011) and lakes (Hrissanthou et al. 2010). In
International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, addition to its environmental effects, soil erosion has also
Tottori University, 1390 Hamasaka, Tottori 680-0001, Japan economic consequences that led to distressing food
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), P.O. Box 5689, Addis shortages and reduced farm income (Sonneveld and Keyzer
Ababa, Ethiopia 2003). The economic challenges are more serious in
890 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

developing and ecologically fragile areas of the world, studies at medium or large-scale watersheds (>100 km2),
where the subsistence farming population are unable to which are of great interest for land managers and policy-
replace lost soils and nutrients (Ananda and Herath 2003). makers are rather scarce (e.g., Nyssen et al. 2008). This is
Given the multiple impacts of soil erosion, concern for the partly due to the fact that estimation of soil erosion at
global environment has increased; however, soil erosion has watershed-scale is often difficult owing to the complex
accelerated in many parts of the world primarily driven by interaction of factors, such as climate, land use and land
demographic and socio-economic factors (Yang et al. cover (LULC), soil, topography, and human activities. In
2003). addition, up-scaling plot level erosion studies to larger
In developing countries like Ethiopia, increased human spatial domains is commonly constrained by limited num-
and livestock population, cultivation on steep slopes, ber of samples in complex environments (Lu et al. 2004).
clearing of vegetation and overgrazing are the major drivers However, recent advances in remote sensing with
that accelerate soil erosion (Amsalu et al. 2007; Hurni 1993; improved spatial accuracy and geographic information
Sonneveld and Keyzer 2003). El-Swaify and Hurni (1996) systems (GIS) facilitate derivation of input variables and
and Taddese (2001) reported that the Ethiopian highlands computation of soil erosion at larger spatial domains. This
constitute one of the most degraded lands in Africa; and soil character, coupled with the increased computing power of
erosion considerably damaged the ecology in many parts of computers, allows assessment of watershed-scale soil ero-
the highlands, some beyond recovery. Nation-wide soil sion dynamics with reasonable cost and better accuracy
erosion estimation by Hurni (1988) showed an annual gross (Wang et al. 2003). Quantitative information on soil erosion
soil loss of 1.5 × 109 t; and the highest loss is from crop- at watershed-scale helps guide conservation and develop-
lands (42 t ha−1 per year). In Ethiopia, soil erosion has been ment plans for sustainable use and management of water-
a major problem for many years as it led to decreased soil shed resources (e.g., Bewketand Teferi 2009; Chatterjee
productivity (Berry 2003; Girmay et al. 2009) and severely et al. 2014; Farhan et al. 2013; Haregeweyn et al. 2012;
affected the country’s agriculture sector, which is the main Meshesha et al. 2012). In this study, the Revised Universal
stay for about 85 % of the population. To reverse the Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model was applied in a GIS
situation, watershed management efforts have been under- environment to assess the dynamics of soil erosion as
taken through implementation of soil and water conserva- influenced by watershed management practices in the semi-
tion (SWC) measures in different parts of the country, arid highlands of northern Ethiopia, taking Agula watershed
especially since the past two decades (Gebremedhin and as a case study site. A recent study (Fenta et al. 2016) as
Swinton 2003; Haregeweyn et al. 2015; Osman and well as other previous watershed management related
Sauerborn 2001). impact studies in Agula watershed (e.g., Alemayehu et al.
The soil erosion problem is more severe in the northern 2009; Igbokwe and Adede 2001) reported considerable
highlands of Ethiopia due to overgrazing, further exacer- changes in LULC and improved vegetation cover that led to
bated by high rainfall intensity and steep topography changes in watershed runoff responses (Fenta et al. 2016).
(Nyssen et al. 2005). As a result, in the past few decades However, watershed-scale changes in soil erosion as a result
massive land restoration programs have been initiated in the of the watershed management practices and associated
semi-arid areas of northern Ethiopia especially in Tigray changes in LULC were not evaluated so far. Hence, this
region, which aimed to rehabilitate degraded areas, to study was initiated (i) to assess the temporal and spatial
improve water availability and vegetation cover, and to dynamics of annual soil erosion rates between 1990 and
enhance food security. The land restoration programs 2012, (ii) to identify the factors controlling this dynamics
mainly focused on implementation of different SWC mea- with particular emphasis on watershed management prac-
sures that include stone bunds with or without trenches on tices, and (iii) to assess the soil erosion vis-à-vis LULC and
cultivated lands and on hill-slopes (Esser et al. 2002; topographic factor (slope).
Gebremichael et al. 2005; Nyssen et al. 2007), check dams
in gullies (Haregeweyn et al. 2012; Nyssen et al. 2004), and
establishment of exclosures with or without enrichment Materials and Methods
plantations to restore degraded hill-slopes (Descheemaeker
et al. 2006; Mekuria et al. 2009; Mekuria and Veldkamp Study Area
2012). Considering this, several impact studies have
focused on effectiveness evaluation of the individual SWC The case study site, Agula watershed, covers a total area of
measures at plot-scale (e.g., Descheemaeker et al. 2006; 442 km2 and is located between 13°32’44” to 13°54’49”N
Gebremichael et al. 2005; Girmay et al. 2009; Nyssen et al. latitude and 39°34’40” to 39°47’42”E longitude in Eastern
2007) and small-scale watersheds (<100 km2) (e.g., Tigray region, northern Ethiopia (Fig. 1). The area drains
Haregeweyn et al. 2012; Nyssen et al. 2009a); however, east to west bordering the Agula rural town in the south to
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 891

Fig. 1 Location map of the study area: bottom left—Ethiopia and neighboring countries, top left—Tigray region in northern Ethiopia, right—
Agula watershed with locations of meteorological stations, elevation information, and stream lines

join Geba River which is tributary of the Tekeze River the major crop types of the study area are barley (Hordeum
basin. Topographically, the area is characterized by highly vulgare), wheat (Triticum aestivum), teff (Eragrostis teff)
dissected and rugged terrain. Based on topographic infor- and millet (Eleusine coracana).
mation extracted from the 1 arc second (30 m spatial reso-
lution) Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Assessment of Watershed Management Practices in
Elevation Model (DEM)(, the Agula Watershed
elevation in the watershed ranges from 1980 meters above
sea level (masl) in the valley to 2887 masl on the hills with a In an effort to combat land degradation by soil erosion,
mean value of 2341 masl. The dominant geological forma- implementation of watershed management practices started
tions are Limestone with Shale intercalations, Meta-volca- in Tigray region of northern Ethiopia in the 1970s. How-
nic, Agula Shale, and Sandstones (Adigrat and Enticho ever, the earlier management interventions were largely
sandstone formations). Based on meteorological data unsuccessful because of top–down approach and negative
(1992–2012) from Atsbi and Wukro stations, the mean attitudes of farmers; which was further exacerbated by a
annual rainfall is 593 mm mainly concentrated during the continuous civil war (from 1974 to 1991) in northern
wet season (June–September); the mean daily minimum and Ethiopia (Esser et al. 2002). During the civil war, more
maximum temperature is 10 and 26 °C, respectively. The resource was shifted from development to war effort which
dominant tree species of the watershed are Juniperus led to complete disregard for environmental restoration and
procera, Ficus vasta, Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata, continued land degradation with substantial damage to the
Acacia saligna, and Eucalyptus species; while the common physical environment in Ethiopia in general and Tigray
shrub species are Acacia etbaica, Dodonaea angustifolia, region in particular (Lanckriet et al. 2015). However, after
and Euclea schimperi (Getachew 2007). The community in the downfall of the Derg regime in 1991, environmental
the watershed is dependent on subsistence agriculture; and rehabilitation has become top agenda of the regional
892 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

Table 1 Cumulative soil and

Year Free World vision World food program Irish aid Plantation
water conservation measures in
Agula watershed, summarized
from Getachew (2007) Stone Stone Check Stone Check Stone Check Planted Survived
bunds bunds dams (m) bunds dams (m) bunds dams (m)
(km) (km) (km) (km)

1990 1543 845 200 90 0 0 0 4.9 × 106 3.1 × 106

1992 2278 1339 463 1560 2925 0 0 5.8 × 106 3.6 × 106
1995 3989 1603 463 4992 4008 8382 4400 8.8 × 106 5.7 × 106
1998 10931 1603 693 5026 5178 8539 5110 9.1 × 106 5.8 × 106
2000 11432 1603 693 5026 5178 8539 5110 9.1 × 106 5.8 × 106

government and more coordinated and resolute efforts to Check Dams

remedy environmental degradation have been under way.
Agula watershed was one of the target areas in the region Check dams are 1–2 m high barriers constructed from
where massive SWC measures have been implemented by gabion and/or dry masonry and placed across rivers and
the regional government and the local community in the gullies (Fig. 2d). Check dams reduce the effective slope of
form of free labor (40 free days per year from each the channel, thereby reducing the velocity of flowing water,
household) with the support of World Vision, World Food allowing sediment to settle and hence reducing channel
Program and Irish Aid. The components of the conservation erosion. As part of the integrated watershed management,
practices include: construction of stone bunds and check about 14 km of check dams were constructed between 1990
dams and establishment of exclosures with or without and 2000 with the support of different non-governmental
enrichment plantation. The data on SWC measures imple- organizations (Table 1).
mented in Agula watershed since the late 1980s and until
2000 (Table 1) was summarized from the report of Geta- Exclosures
chew (2007).
In addition to physical structures, the regional authorities
have promoted rehabilitation of degraded lands through
Stone Bunds establishment of exclosures since 1991 (Mekuria et al.
2009). Exclosures are a type of land management by which
The stone bunds (Fig. 2a–c) were constructed by building areas are prohibited from human and livestock
stone walls (0.3–1 m high) along the contour with large interference (Aerts et al. 2009); with the aim to improve
rocks, using small sized rock fragments as backfill. The environmental conditions and to enhance rehabilitation of
backfill is topped with stone-rich soil or with small rock steep slopes and degraded marginal lands. In Agula
fragments, which serve to reduce overland flow and also act watershed, hill-slopes which include shrub lands and degra-
as a filter for sediment during major rainfall events (Nyssen ded bare lands (Fig. 2b, c) were set-aside as exclosures since
et al. 2007). Combined with stone bunds, often additional the mid 1990s so that the regeneration of the natural
trenches (Fig. 2c) were dug behind the stone bunds, vegetation is enhanced. Exclosures are implemented using
increasing their runoff and sediment trapping efficiencies. guards, not fences since fences are more expensive. After
Until 1990, there were only small-scale conservation mea- implementation, the recovery process in exclosures starts
sures mainly construction of stone bunds (about 10 % of the with a rapid increase in diversity and cover of grass, shrub
total) on cultivated lands; whereas following the rise to and tree species and gradual development of afromontane
power of the current Ethiopian government in 1991, large- forest (Mekuria and Veldkamp 2012). Furthermore, for
scale watershed management practices were implemented improved restoration of hill-slopes, exclosures were often
and stone bunds with improved quality were constructed on combined with construction of backfilled stone bunds and
cultivated lands, shrub lands and bare lands (Table 1, with or without enrichment plantations (forage grass and
Fig. 2a–c). Stone bunds have multiple effects such as to multi-use tress) (Fig. 2b, c). Exclosures have multiple
reduce slope length and to create small retention basins for benefits such as regeneration of natural vegetation (Mekuria
runoff and sediment thereby reducing the volume and ero- et al. 2009; Mekuria and Veldkamp 2012), significant
sivity of overland flow, as well as to reduce slope gradient reduction of runoff (Descheemaeker et al. 2006; Girmay et
and form bench terraces in the long-term (Nyssen et al. al. 2009) and soil loss (Girmay et al. 2009; Mekuria et al.
2007). 2009; Nyssen et al. 2008).
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 893

Fig. 2 Watershed management practices: a stone bunds on cultivated lands developed as bench terraces, b stone bunds on shrub lands combined
with enrichment plantation, c stone bunds combined with trenches on degraded bare lands, and d check dam across river

Assessment of LULC Change in Agula Watershed

Based on a recent study (Fenta et al. 2016), cultivated land,

grass land, shrub land, forest, bare land, and settlement are
the main LULC types in Agula watershed. Cultivated land
is the dominant LULC type which covered about 50 % of
the watershed between 1990 and 2012. Shrub land is the
second dominant LULC type (20 %) followed by forest
cover and bare land each accounting for about 10 % of the
watershed in 1990. The grass land cover and settlement
account for the least area coverage (about 5 %) of the
watershed during the study periods. In the period 1990–
Fig. 3 Changes in area (km2) of land use/land cover of Agula
2000, major change in LULC was observed for bare land watershed: CL cultivated land, GL grass land, SL shrub land, FR forest,
(a decrease by 23 km2) while shrub land and forest cover BL bare land, ST settlement
increased by 18 km2and 10 km2, respectively (Fig. 3).
Overall, between 1990 and 2012, considerable increase in
shrub land and forest cover was observed primarily at the of exclosures combined with or without enrichment plan-
expense of bare land, which decreased by about 36 km2. tations and construction of stone bunds to rehabilitate
Fenta et al. (2016) attributed these changes in LULC to the degraded areas of the watershed. More elaborated details
watershed management practices, primarily establishment including LULC transition matrices between the study
894 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

periods as well as the image processing and classification settings (e.g., Gebremichael et al. 2005; Haregeweyn et al.
procedures used to produce the LULC maps can be found in 2013; Nyssen et al. 2009a).
Fenta et al. (2016). The descriptions of the LULC types are In this study, the RUSLE model parameters adapted to
given as follows: the Ethiopian conditions (Gebremichael et al. 2005;

Haregeweyn et al. 2013; Hurni 1985; Nyssen et al. 2009a)
Cultivated land-Land used for growing crops, including
were used to assess the dynamics of soil erosion for three
areas currently under crop and land under preparation.

selected periods: 1990, 2000 and 2012. The study periods
Grass land-Landscapes where grasses are the dominant
were selected to assess the changes in soil erosion before
vegetation forms.

and after implementation of large-scale watershed man-
Shrub land-Areas covered with shrubs, bushes and
agement practices in the study area (Table 1). Furthermore,
small trees with little wood mixed with grasses. Shrub
the model has also been successfully applied for similar
lands of the 1990 were degraded by human and
studies in different parts of Ethiopia (e.g., Bewketand Teferi
livestock interference, whereas after establishment of
2009; Haregeweyn et al. 2012; Meshesha et al. 2012;
exclosures since the mid1990s, shrub lands of 2000 and
Nyssen et al. 2008). Despite the fact that the RUSLE is an
2012 were non-degraded.

empirical model, its compatibility for use with remote
Forest-Land with high density of trees which include
sensing data and GIS tools is a merit as it enables soil
eucalyptus and coniferous or deciduous trees.

erosion estimation at different space-time scales. However,
Bare land-Areas with little or no vegetation cover
the model has limitations as it provides long-term averages
consisting of exposed soil degraded due to soil erosion
of soil erosion without estimating deposition, sediment
or misuses.

yield, and channel/gully erosion and land slide (Renard et
Settlement-Built-up and residential areas mainly rural
al. 1991). The RUSLE model estimates average annual soil
erosion taking four major factors these are: climatological
(rainfall erosivity), pedological (soil erodability), topo-
graphic (slope length and steepness), and anthropogenic
Assessment of the Spatiotemporal Changes in the Rate (cropping and LULC and conservation support practices).
of Annual Soil Erosion Each of these factors are empirically standardized with the
logic of lower values are less vulnerable and higher values
Various classes of soil erosion models ranging from simple refer to more vulnerability for erosion. The RUSLE model
empirical models such as the USLE (Wischmeier and Smith is given as:
1978) and its revised version RUSLE (Renard et al. 1991)
A ¼ R ´ K ´ LS ´ C ´ P ð1Þ
to process-based models such as European Soil Erosion
Model (Morgan et al. 1998) and Water Erosion Prediction where, A is the amount of soil erosion (t ha per year), R is
Project (Nearing et al. 1989) have been developed to assess the rainfall erosivity factor (J cm m−2 hr−1 per year), K is the
soil erosion at different spatio-temporal scales. Process- soil erodibility factor (t m2 hr ha−1 J−1 cm−1), LS is a slope
based models require representation of the physical pro- length and steepness factor (dimensionless), C is a cover
cesses responsible for erosion (Jetten et al. 2003) and hence factor that accounts for the LULC class (dimensionless),
are data intensive. Such models enable understanding of soil and P is a conservation support practice factor
erosion at detailed spatio-temporal scales; however, the (dimensionless).
return in increased accuracy of soil erosion prediction is When the RUSLE model is used in a GIS environment,
limited (Jetten et al. 2003; Tiwari et al. 2000). Despite the each factor in Eq. 1 is described as a specific thematic layer
development of a range of process-based models, empirical and an overlay of these layers, through appropriate map
models are the most commonly used to predict soil erosion algebra functions, allows computation of spatially dis-
because of their minimal data requirements and ease of tributed soil erosion at the watershed level. Spatial varia-
application; and among the empirical models, the RUSLE is tions in watershed characteristics such as soil erodibility,
most commonly used. The RUSLE model was initially surface cover, slope length and steepness and rainfall ero-
developed to estimate soil loss by sheet and rill erosion at sivity can lead to variability in estimated soil erosion;
small hill-slope and plot scale, but also applied for use at therefore, the RUSLE model was used in raster-based GIS
watershed and regional scales (e.g., Bewketand Teferi 2009; file format to assess soil erosion changes on a spatially
Erdogan et al. 2007; Haregeweyn et al. 2012; Meshesha explicit basis. Since the Landsat images and the SRTM-
et al. 2012). Moreover, several parameters of the RUSLE DEM used in this study have 30 m spatial resolution, all the
model have been modified to Ethiopian conditions by Hurni data layers were set to a grid size of 30 m by 30 m and were
(1985) (Table 2); other studies also adapted the RUSLE re-projected to the Universal Transverse Mercator map
model and calibrated some of the input factors for Ethiopian projection (zone 37N), Adindan datum and Ellipsoid-Clark
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 895

Table 2 The RUSLE factors adapted to Ethiopian conditions modified after Hurni (1985)

Annual rainfall (mm) 100 200 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
R: Rainfall erosivity
Annual R-factor 48 104 217 441 666 890 1115 1340
K: Soil erodibility
Soil color Black – Brown – Red – Yellow –
K-factor 0.15 – 0.20 – 0.25 – 0.30 –
L: Slope length
Length (m) 5 10 20 40 80 160 240 320
L-factor 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.9 2.7 3.2 3.8
S: Slope gradient
Slope (%) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60
S-factor 0.4 1.0 1.6 2.2 3.0 3.8 4.3 4.8
C: Land cover
Dense forest – – 0.001 – Dense grass – 0.01
Other forest – – 0.01 – Degraded grass – 0.05
Badlands hard – – 0.05 – Fallow hard – 0.05
Badlands soft – – 0.40 – Fallow ploughed – 0.6
Sorghum, maize – – 0.10 – Ethiopian teff – 0.25
Cereals, pulses – – 0.15 – Continuous fallow – 1.00
Shrub land (degraded)a – – 0.05 – Settlementa 0.01
Shrub land (non-degraded) a
– – 0.03 – – – – –
P: Management factor
Ploughing up and down – – 1.00 – Stone cover 40 % – 0.80
Strip cropping – – 0.80 – Ploughing on – 0.90
Applying mulch – – 0.60 – Intercropping 0.80
Stone cover 80 % – – 0.50 – Dense intercropping 0.70
Stone bund-remains (crop land)a – 0.70 – Stone bund-moderate (non-crop 0.60
Stone bund-moderate (crop land)b – 0.32 – – – – –
Haregeweyn et al. (2013)
Gebremichael et al. (2005)
Nyssen et al. (2009a)

1880 for computation of the soil erosion. Using Eq. 1, the Based on the estimated annual soil loss rates and expert
RUSLE factor layers were multiplied together to estimate judgment, five erosion severity classes were identified: very
the average soil loss for the years 1990, 2000 and 2012 slight (0–2 t ha−1 per year), slight (2–10 t ha−1 per year),
using the raster calculator functionality of the ArcGIS moderate (10–20 t ha−1 per year), severe (20–40 t ha−1 per
software. The temporal changes in the rate of soil erosion year) and very severe (> 40 t ha−1 per year). This classifi-
for the periods 1990–2000, 2000–2012 and 1990–2012 cation scheme also considered the tolerable soil erosion rate
were analyzed in a GIS environment by using the change suggested by Hurni (1985) for Ethiopia, which ranges from
statistics as: 2 to 18 t ha−1 per year. Furthermore, the spatial variation of
  soil erosion in relation to different LULC types and slope
Afinal year  Ainitial year
Changeð%Þ ¼ ´ 100 ð2Þ ranges was assessed by using zonal statistics function of the
Ainitial year
spatial analyst tools in ArcGIS software. Slope map was
where, A is the mean annual rate of soil loss (t ha−1 per generated from SRTM-DEM and reclassified into six slope
year). Positive percentage values suggest an increase categories: flat (0–3 % slope), gentle (3–8 % slope), sloping
whereas negative values imply a decrease in the rate of (8–15 % slope), moderately steep (15–30 % slope), steep
soil loss. (30–50 % slope), and very steep (≥50 % slope). Such
896 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of

a rainfall erosivity, b soil
erodibility, and c slope steepness
factors of Agula watershed

assessment enabled to identify the LULC types and slope as:

categories that are most vulnerable for high soil erosion.
R ¼ 0:562RF  8:12 ð3Þ
Computation of the RUSLE-Factors where, RF is the mean annual rainfall in mm.

Rainfall Erosivity (R)-Factor Soil Erodibility (K)-Factor

In the original USLE model (Wischmeier and Smith 1978), The soil erodibility (K)-factor is an empirical measure of the
the rainfall erosivity (R)-factor was determined from total average long term susceptibility of soil to water erosion as
storm energy and maximum 30 minrainfall intensity. determined by intrinsic soil properties; mainly soil texture,
However, there were no records of storm energy and rainfall organic matter, soil structure and permeability of soil pro-
intensity for Agula watershed. For areas where insufficient file. The K-factor is rated on a scale from 0 to 1, with 0
rainfall data is available, different empirical equations have indicating soils with the least susceptibility to erosion and 1
been developed that estimate R values from mean rainfall. indicates soils, which are highly susceptible to soil erosion
In this study, the empirical equation which was tested and by water. The most commonly used method is the use of
adapted for the highlands of northern Ethiopia by Hurni soil erodibility nomograph (Wischmeier and Smith 1978) to
(1985) was used to calculate the R-factor from mean annual determine K-factor values from physical and biochemical
rainfall. Meteorological data (1992–2012) for Atsbi and soil properties. Soil map (scale 1:50000) of Agula water-
Wukro stations and mean annual 20 mm interval isohyets shed was digitized from reports of Hunting Technical Ser-
(line rainfall data) for the whole country were obtained from vices (HTS 1976) and Tekeze River Basin Integrated
the National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia. Since the Development Master Plan (MoWIE 1997). However,
number of rainfall meteorological stations within and determining the physical and biochemical properties from a
around the watershed was limited, rainfall grids were gen- soil map is difficult. To overcome such data constraints, the
erated from interpolation of the national isohyets for better experiment-based recommendations of Helldén (1987) and
representation of rainfall variation across space. Simple Hurni (1985) were adopted to use soil color which is a
comparison of the mean annual rainfall records from Atsbi reflection of soil properties as a proxy to determine K-factor
and Wukro stations with the corresponding interpolated grid values (Fig. 4b). The four major soil colors considered were
values showed that the rainfall data from the isohyets were black, brown, red and yellow, with corresponding K-factor
close to the measurements from meteorological stations. values of 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3, respectively (Table 2).
Hence, the R-factor was calculated from the interpolated
rainfall grids and extracted for the study watershed Topographic (L and S)-Factors
(Fig. 4a). Several studies in different parts of Ethiopia used
similar methods of determining R-factor from annual rain- The effect of topography on soil erosion is accounted for by
fall totals (e.g., Bewketand Teferi 2009; Haregeweyn et al. the LS-factor, which combines the effects of slope length
2012; Meshesha et al. 2012). The R-factor was calculated (L) and slope steepness (S)-factors. In general, as L-factor
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 897

increases, total soil erosion and soil erosion per unit area way, proposed by Jain and Kothyari (2000), is to compare
increase due to the progressive accumulation of runoff in rivers and streams generated using a given threshold with
the down-slope direction; and as the S-factor increases, the observed rivers and streams manually digitized from topo-
velocity and erosivity of runoff increase (Wischmeier and graphic maps. In this study, the rivers and streams digitized
Smith 1978). In the literature, several approaches are from topographic maps (scale 1:50000) were well repre-
available for computing the LS-factor. The RUSLE model is sented when stream definition threshold was set at 25 pixels
sensitive to topographic factors, and hence it is imperative of the flow accumulation layer. Hence, pixels representing
to select the most appropriate formula especially when it is rivers and streams (flow accumulation >25) were excluded
implemented in areas with steep-slopes. Given the moun- from the analysis. It should be noted that the threshold area
tainous topography of the study watershed, Eq. (4) which is an average indicator and different physiographic regions
was proposed by Moore and Wilson (1992), was used to may have different thresholds for defining rivers and
calculate the LS-factor (Fig. 4c): streams. Furthermore, to account for erosion that occurred
 0:4   in pixels with local maxima in height and following Zhang
βχ sinðθÞ 1:3 et al. (2013), a value of 1 was added to the flow accumu-
LS ¼ ´ ð4Þ
22:13 0:0896 lation layer.

where, β is flow accumulation which denotes the accumu-

lated upslope contributing area for a given cell, χ is cell size Cropping and Land Cover (C)-Factor
(for this study 30 m), and θ is slope in degrees. The com-
bined LS-factor was computed for the watershed by means The cropping and land cover (C)-factor reflects the effects
of ArcGIS spatial analyst tools and ArcHydro tools exten- of cropping system in agricultural lands or vegetation cover
sion using the SRTM-DEM. Based on Van Remortel et al. in plantation or forested areas on soil erosion rates (Renard
(2001), the assumption is that the 30 m spatial resolution et al. 1991). This wide range of factors is difficult and costly
DEM represents the natural micro-relief of the slopes being to measure and often vary considerably during the year. A
modeled. However, upon implementation two drawbacks good estimation of the C-factor can be derived from clas-
were identified: first, the LS-factor showed exceptionally sification of remote sensing images. In this study, to
high values along rivers and streams that led to unrealistic determine the C-factor values, LULC maps of Agula
erosion rates along these areas; second, in the flow accu- watershed produced from Landsat Thematic Mapper and
mulation layer, pixels without any upslope contributing Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus images in our recent study
areas (local maxima in height) showed a value of zero, and (Fenta et al. 2016) were used for the years 1990, 2000 and
this resulted in an erosion estimate of zero, which does not 2012. To produce the C-factor maps (Fig. 5), the LULC
represent the reality. Therefore, in the present study, adap- maps were reclassified and the C-factor values were
tation of the flow accumulation layer was done to obtain assigned for different LULC types based on literature
realistic estimates of soil erosion. Since RUSLE is primarily review of RUSLE factors adapted to Ethiopian conditions
suitable for estimating soil loss due to sheet and rill erosion (Table 2). In the case of cultivated lands, the
processes, there is an upper bound on the accumulated C-factor values vary annually; however, the dominant crop
upslope contributing area that should be used by defining a types in the watershed remain the same. Hence, a value of
threshold for the flow accumulation layer. One possible 0.15 suggested for cereals and pulses by Hurni (1985) was

Fig. 5 Spatial distribution map

of C-factor values of Agula
898 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

used for all cultivated lands. In addition, considering the vertical accuracy of the DEM relative to stone bund height
establishment of exclosures in the study area since the mid (0.3–1 m high) and lack of multi-temporal DEMs con-
1990s and as given on the descriptions of LULC types, strained derivation of the P-factor from change of DEM. In
shrub lands of the 1990 were degraded especially by addition, mapping individual SWC structures through field
overgrazing, whereas shrub lands of the 2000 and 2012 survey for large areas is difficult if not impossible and as a
were kept as exclosures and considered as non-degraded result the P-factor is often considered as the most uncertain
with improved grass cover within shrubs. Thus, as sug- of the RUSLE factors (Panagos et al. 2015). An alternative
gested by Haregeweyn et al. (2013), C-factor values of 0.05 approach is to estimate the P-factor either from image
and 0.03 were assigned for shrub lands (degraded) of the classifications using remote sensing data or from experi-
1990 and shrub lands (non-degraded) of the 2000 and 2012 ment-based recommendations of previous studies. Recently,
LULC maps, respectively. Assigning different C-factor Hurni et al. (2015) attempted to map SWC structures of the
values for shrub lands based on the years is appropriate Ethiopian highlands using automated model and high spa-
given the historical and political perspectives of environ- tial resolution images (<1 m); however, the resulting maps
mental degradation and land rehabilitation activities in the were not satisfactory as crop and vegetation cover sig-
region as well as the improved vegetation condition after nificantly impaired detection of conservation structures. In
1991 as confirmed by field observation and results of pre- Agula watershed, SWC measures were implemented on
vious studies conducted in the same study region (e.g., specific LULC types and hence the P-factor maps (Fig. 6)
Mekuria et al. 2009; Nyssen et al. 2008). were produced by reclassification of the LULC maps con-
sidering the SWC history, expert judgment on the status of
Conservation Practices (P)-Factor the SWC structures from field observation, and experiment-
based recommendations from literature. Given that until
The conservation practices (P)-factor represents the ratio of 1990, there were only small-scale SWC measures such as
soil loss with a specific conservation practice to the corre- construction of stone bunds on cultivated lands (Table 1,
sponding loss with up-and-down-slope tillage. As such, it Getachew 2007), a P-factor value of 0.7 was assigned for
reflects the effects of conservation measures to reduce the cultivated lands of the1990 as suggested by previous studies
amount the erosion potential of runoff by their influence on (Haregeweyn et al. 2013; Nyssen et al. 2008). After 1991,
drainage patterns, runoff concentration, runoff velocity and large-scale SWC measures were implemented and stone
hydraulic forces exerted by the runoff on the soil surface bunds with improved quality were constructed on cultivated
(Renard et al. 1991). The P-factor can be derived from lands, shrub lands and bare lands (Table 1, Fig. 2a–c). In the
change of DEM through examining change of LS-factor due same study region, Gebremichael et al. (2005) reported that
to management practices. This, however, requires high stone bunds of moderate quality installed on cultivated
spatial resolution DEMs with a fine vertical accuracy lands decrease erosion rates on average by 68 %, corre-
acquired before and after implementation of the SWC sponding to a P-factor value of 0.32. For stone bunds on
measures or a field survey on SWC structures. To date, a non-crop lands, P-factor values vary from 0.4 to 0.8
global high quality DEM available is the 1 arc second (30 m depending on conditions and density of stone bunds
spatial resolution) SRTM-DEM which was acquired in (Nyssen et al. 2009a). Therefore, for the 2000 and 2012
February 2000. The SRTM-DEM has ±16 m absolute and LULC maps, P-factor value of 0.32 was assigned for cul-
±6 m relative vertical accuracy (Rabus et al. 2003). The low tivated lands (Gebremichael et al. 2005); whereas P-factor

Fig. 6 Spatial distribution map

of P-factor values of Agula
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 899

Fig. 7 Soil loss maps of Agula

watershed in northern Ethiopia
computed using RUSLE

value of 0.6 was assigned for shrub and bare lands (Nyssen erosion severity map to generate a confusion matrix and
et al. 2009a). Based on Nyssen et al. (2007), the P-factor compute overall accuracy. Such validation approach fol-
values may be considered as medium-term values (up to 20 lows similar procedure with image classification accuracy
years) for stone bunds in the Ethiopian highlands. For other assessment described by Congalton (1991).
LULC types where no conservation measures were applied,
a value of 1 was assigned.
Results and Discussion
Soil Erosion Model Validation
Temporal Variability of Soil Erosion Rates Between
Validation of the RUSLE model erosion estimations is 1990 and 2012
important to ascertain the credibility of the model. How-
ever, lack of measured erosion data constrained the direct The annual soil loss rates for 1990, 2000, and 2012 were
validation of the model estimations using the regular calculated based on the soil erosion maps (Fig. 7). The
objective functions. Under such circumstances, the most mean specific soil loss rates were about 28, 12 and 10 t ha−1
common approaches of validating the results of model per year for the years 1990, 2000 and 2012, respectively;
estimations are through comparison of erosion rates with while the corresponding absolute soil loss rates were
reported measured values in the literature (Meshesha et al. 1220 × 103, 550 × 103 and 440 × 103 t per year, respectively.
2012; Nyssen et al. 2008) or through qualitative erosion Between 1990 and 2000, both the specific and absolute soil
surveys by visual estimation of erosion status (Cohen et al. loss rates decreased considerably with annual rates of
2005; Jiang et al. 2012; Meshesha et al. 2012). For quali- change of −1.5 t ha−1 per year and −67 × 103 t per year,
tative field erosion survey, the soil erosion status was respectively; and for the whole study period (1990–2012),
defined based on the apparent soil erosion indicators such as the respective annual rates of change were −0.8 t ha−1 per
the amount of vegetation, the presence of rills and small year and −35 × 103 t per year.The results also showed that
channels, whether the subsoil is exposed, thickness of between 1990 and 2000, the absolute soil loss rate by sheet
topsoil and exposure of tree roots. During field survey, three and rill erosion decreased by about 55 %; and an overall
erosion severity classes (slight, moderate, and severe ero- reduction by 64 % was registered during 1990–2012. The
sion) were defined and their locations were recorded using overall reduction of soil loss from the watershed can be
global positioning system. Slight erosion represented areas attributed to the combined effects of the extensive SWC
with good vegetation cover and/or where the loss of topsoil measures implemented until 2000 (Table 1) and the asso-
was insignificant, whereas severe erosion referred to areas ciated changes in LULC that resulted in better surface cover
with very sparse grass cover, exposed subsoil, and visible conditions and improved vegetation cover through
rills/small channels. Moderate erosion class represented increased shrub land and forest cover (Fig. 3). It is obvious
areas with erosion status between slight and severe classes. that vegetation cover plays an important role for the pro-
Similarly, the 2012 soil erosion map was reclassified into tection of the soil surface from the beating action of rain-
three classes of severity: slight (0–10 t ha−1 per year), drops (rain splash) and erosion by surface runoff. In
moderate (10–20 t ha−1 per year), and severe (>20 t ha−1 per addition, large scale implementation of stone bunds on
year) erosion. Overlay analysis was performed between the cultivated lands and on hill-slopes played a considerable
field collected categorical data and the reclassified soil role to reduce the soil loss. The hill-slopes of the watershed
900 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

were established as exclosures combined with or without 40 % and 80 % reduction, respectively. However, the area
enrichment plantations which also led to restoration of of moderate erosion class showed only small changes.
degraded lands and subsequent decrease in soil erosion. Based on Hurni (1985) for Ethiopian condition, the mini-
Analysis of the RUSLE reduction factors showed that the C mum and maximum tolerable soil loss rates are 2 and
and P-factors decreased, respectively, by about 19 and 34 % 18 t ha−1 per year, respectively. Hence, it is worth noting
in the period 1990–2000; and an overall decrease in the that the very slight to moderate severity classes require less
C-factor by about 29 % in the period 1990–2012. to medium priority, whereas the severe and very severe
The results of this study are in agreement with reports of classes need high priority for soil conservation measures. In
similar studies on the impact of SWC measures in Tigray this regard, the results of this study also indicated that the
region and elsewhere. For instance, in the Tigray highlands SWC measures implemented in Agula watershed targeted
of northern Ethiopia, Haregeweyn et al. (2012) reported that primarily the areas experiencing the severe and very severe
integrated watershed management improves vegetation erosion and were effective in reducing the soil loss. How-
cover and reduce sheet and rill soil loss rates by about 89 % ever, it is important to note that for the recent year (2012),
from all LULC classes with mean soil loss rate of 9.8 t ha−1 about 14 % of the watershed experienced severe to very
per year. In another study, Nyssen et al. (2009a) demon- severe erosion with soil loss rate >20 t ha−1 per year which
strated that integrated catchment management is an effective is higher than the maximum tolerable value. This implies
approach to combat land degradation thereby decreasing that further planning and implementation of SWC measures
soil loss rate by 37 % from 14·3 t ha−1 per year in 2000 to on prioritized areas is required to reduce the soil erosion
9·0 t ha−1 per year in 2006. Similar study from this region from the severe and very severe areas of the watershed.
based on a multi-scale assessment of environmental reha-
bilitation for a time span of 30 years by Nyssen et al. (2008) Changes in Soil Erosion Rates Under Different LULC
showed that sheet and rill erosion rates have decreased by Types
about 68 % and vegetation cover has improved.
Gebremichael et al. (2005) also reported that stone bunds on Analysis based on zonal-statistics showed considerable
crop lands reduce the annual soil loss by 68 % (from 57 to reduction in soil loss (between 1990 and 2012) across the
18 t ha−1 per year). A study by Mekuria et al. (2009) on the different LULC types (Table 4). Extreme soil erosion (>60
effectiveness of exclosures to control soil erosion in t ha−1 per year) was observed in degraded bare lands of the
northern Ethiopia reported that soil loss from exclosures watershed during 1990–2012; followed by cultivated land
decrease by 47 % compared with soil loss from free grazing (about 24 t ha−1 per year)in 1990 and grass land (about 18
lands. In the central highlands of Ethiopia, Adimassu et al. t ha−1 per year) in 2000 and 2012. The results showed that
(2014) investigated the effect of soil bunds on runoff and in 1990 about 80 % of the total soil loss was generated from
soil loss, and demonstrated that soil bunds reduce the cultivated and degraded bare lands combined. In 2000 and
average annual runoff and soil loss by 28 % and 47 %, 2012, cultivated land had a lower specific soil loss rate
respectively. (about 11 t ha−1 per year) than grass land (about18 t ha−1 per
The result of erosion severity classes is presented in year) and bare land (>59 t ha−1 per year); however, the total
Table 3. Between 1990 and 2012, the areas of very slight soil loss rate for cultivated land was much higher due to its
and slight erosion categories each showed about 50 % larger coverage of the watershed (about 50 %). Overall,
increment from 86 km2and 118 km2to 130 km2and 176 km2, between 1990 and 2012, significant reductions in absolute
respectively. By contrast, the areas of severe and very soil loss were observed for bare land (89 %), cultivated land
severe erosion categories decreased from 72 km2 and (56 %) and shrub land (49 %). This reduction in soil loss
88 km2 in 1990 to 43 km2 and 18 km2in 2012 which is a from different LULC types can be attributed to a combi-
nation of factors including the decrease in P-factor as a
Table 3 Erosion severity classes and area (km2 and %) of each result of construction of stone bunds (Fig. 2a–c) and the
decrease in C-factor, attributed to establishment of exclo-
Soil loss (t ha−1 per Erosion 1990 2000 2012 sures since the mid 1990s that resulted in improved vege-
year) severity tation cover (Fig. 2b). Also, as a result of rehabilitation of
km2 % km2 % km2 % degraded hill-slopes, considerable increase in shrub land
0–2 Very slight 86 19 124 28 130 29 cover was observed in the years 2000 and 2012 (Fig. 3;
2–10 Slight 118 27 169 38 176 40 Table 4); and this as well contributed for the reduction in
10–20 Moderate 78 18 76 17 75 17
soil loss. The order of magnitude of the estimated soil loss
20–40 Severe 72 16 47 11 43 10
rates in this study are generally realistic compared with
results from previous studies in the highlands of Ethiopia.
>40 Very severe 88 20 26 6 18 4
For example, plot level study by Gebremichael et al. (2005)
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 901

Table 4 Changes in soil

Area (km2) Mean soil loss Total soil loss % of total soil loss
erosion rates under different
(t ha−1 per year) (103 t year)
land use/land cover types of
Agula watershed LULC type 1990 2000 2012 1990 2000 2012 1990 2000 2012 1990 2000 2012

Cultivated land 235 227 231 23.7 10.8 10.7 558 245 248 46 45 56
Grass land 20 22 18 21.5 17.8 18.3 44 39 34 3 7 8
Shrub land 91 109 113 16.1 7.5 6.6 149 82 75 12 15 17
Forest 50 60 66 7.7 5.8 5.5 38 35 37 4 6 8
Bare land 44 21 8 98.3 69.4 59.4 435 146 49 35 27 11
Settlement 2 3 6 1.2 1.0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0

in the Tigray highlands of northern Ethiopia, showed that

soil loss rate from crop lands treated with stone bunds is
about 18 t ha−1 per year. In the same study region, Nyssen
et al. (2009a) assessed the impact of SWC on catchment
sediment budget and reported that soil loss from crop lands
is about 9.9 t ha−1 per year. Another study by Nyssen et al.
(2009b), revealed that mean annual soil loss rate by sheet
and rill erosion is about 3.5 t ha−1 in exclosures and forest
and 17.4 t ha−1 in rangelands. Furthermore, some extreme
soil loss rates (over 80 t ha−1 per year) were reported in the
north-western Ethiopian highlands where steep-lands are
cultivated or overgrazed (e.g., Bewket and Teferi 2009;
Herweg and Ludi 1999). At national level, Hurni (1993)
estimated that soil loss by water erosion is the dominant
driver of land degradation in Ethiopian highlands, with
annual soil erosion rates of 42 t ha−1 for croplands, and up to
300 t ha−1 in extreme cases.
The change in soil erosion severity and LULC transi-
tion was also assessed by overlay operation of the soil
erosion severity maps against the LULC maps in a GIS
environment. The results of changes in soil erosion
Fig. 8 Changes in soil erosion severity under different land use/land
severity under different LULC for the reference years are cover types: CL cultivated land, GL grass land, SL shrub land, FR
shown in Fig. 8. Most noticeable changes in the percen- forest, BL bare land, ST settlement
tage of severe to very severe soil erosion categories were
observed for cultivated land and shrub land. For instance,
in 1990, about 40 % of the cultivated land experienced very severe erosion categories; whereas settlement was
severe to very severe erosion; while in 2012, the com- only subject to very slight to slight erosion.
bined percentage reduced to about 20 %. Similarly, for
shrub land, in 1990 about 25 % underwent severe to very Changes in Soil Erosion Rates Under Different Slope
severe erosion; however, in the year2012, less than 10 % Ranges
of the shrub land had severe to very severe erosion. The
changes in the distribution of erosion severity in the two Given slope is one of the major controlling factors that
LULC types can primarily be attributed to the imple- significantly influence rates of soil erosion, assessment of
mentation of SWC structures (stone bunds) and estab- soil loss from different slope ranges was made. The slope
lishment of shrub lands as exclosures to rehabilitate the categories of Agula watershed showed 5 % flat (0–3 %
degraded areas of the watershed. Figure 8 also shows that slope), 19 % gentle (3–8 % slope), 28 % sloping (8–15 %
more than 75 % of bare land and about 35 % of grass land slope), 33 % moderately steep (15–30 % slope), 12 % steep
experienced severe to very severe erosion during the (30–50 % slope), and 3 % very steep (≥50 % slope). In
entire study period. By contrast, forest cover was the least general, soil loss increases as the slope steepness increases
vulnerable LULC type with less than 10 % of severe to in the watershed (Table 5). The steep and very steep slope
902 Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905

Table 5 Changes in soil

Slope (%) Area Mean soil loss (t ha−1 Total soil loss (103 % of total soil loss
erosion rates under different
per year) t per year)
slope ranges
km2 % 1990 2000 2012 1990 2000 2012 1990 2000 2012

0–3 20 5 8.8 4.4 3.7 16 8 7 1 1 1

3–8 85 19 10.9 5.4 4.6 95 47 40 8 9 9
8–15 124 28 17.2 8.6 7.1 213 107 88 17 19 20
15–30 146 33 30.5 15.8 12.3 475 231 180 38 42 40
30–50 53 12 62.4 22.6 18.7 331 120 99 27 22 22
>50 14 3 83.3 25.3 22.5 117 35 32 9 6 7

classes together account for 15 % of the total area; however, Table 6 Error matrix between actual erosion map and filed observation
the contribution of this area to soil erosion was relatively
high (more than 35 % in 1990 and about 30 % in 2000 and RUSLE severity class
2012). This demonstrates the significance of slope for soil Field Nil/slight Moderate Severe Total Accuracy (%)
erosion in Agula watershed, before and after implementa- observation
tion of extensive SWC measures. During the entire study
Nil/slight 26 6 4 36 72
period, about 40 % of the annual soil loss was from mod-
Moderate 5 13 3 21 62
erately steep slope category, followed by steep slope (more
Severe 3 7 23 33 70
than 20 %) and sloping land which contributed about 20 %
of the soil loss from Agula watershed (Table 5). The soil Overall accuracy 69
loss estimated from the flat lands was the lowest
(1 %) as compared to the other slope categories, and this
shows that soil loss due to sheet and rill erosion can be as moderate; which resulted in relatively low overall accu-
counteracted by deposition within the flat landforms of the racy. Compared to the results of similar studies elsewhere
watershed. The result also showed that between 1990 and that reported overall accuracies of 65 % (Cohen et al. 2005)
2012, soil loss substantially decreased from all slope classes and 71 % (Meshesha et al. 2012), the overall accuracy in the
by about more than 60 %; and the maximum reduction was present study (69 %) is fairly satisfactory. In general, the
observed from very steep slope (73 %) followed by steep validation results indicated that the RUSLE model can
slope (70 %) categories. reasonably indicate the soil loss distribution at the water-
shed scale. Even so, it is worth to note that model estima-
Validation of Erosion Estimations tions are approximations of reality and, therefore,
uncertainties with respect to the RUSLE factor maps are
As discussed in the preceding sections (Temporal Varia- unavoidably present. Hence, equally important is to identify
bility of Soil Erosion Rates Between 1990 and 2012 and the constraints encountered in the soil erosion estimations
Changes in Soil Erosion Rates Under Different LULC for future improvements. The following section highlights
Types), the order of magnitude of soil erosion rates from the limitations of the input data used in the present study
different LULC types in this study were within the range of that should be taken into account in similar studies.
field measured soil erosion rates by several researchers (e.g.,
Gebremichael et al. 2005; Herweg and Ludi 1999; Hurni
1993; Nyssen et al. 2009a,b). Furthermore, representative Limitations of Erosion Estimations
sample points collected from field survey for the three
qualitative erosion severity classes (slight, moderate, and When applying erosion models such as RUSLE at regional
severe erosion) were also used for validation. As such, an or larger scale, a number of issues arise. First, the RUSLE
error matrix (Table 6) was produced by superimposing or model was initially developed at plot or field-scale, and
overlay analysis of the collected sample points on the when it is applied over large areas the model output has to
reclassified soil erosion map for validation. The summary be interpreted carefully. Obviously, a model that was
statistics showed an overall accuracy of 69 %; with highest designed to predict soil loss from agricultural plots may not
accuracy of 72 % for slight erosion category and lowest produce accurate erosion estimates when applied at regional
accuracy of 62 % for moderate erosion category. The error or large-scale watersheds on a grid of 30 m pixels or coar-
matrix showed that there were high chances for areas with ser. Second, uncertainties in the soil loss results obtained in
severe (7) and slight (6) erosion categories to be classified this study could result from limitations in some of the input
Environmental Management (2016) 58:889–905 903

parameters used. The absence of storm energy and max- ● Comparisons of erosion estimations with the results of
imum 30 min rainfall intensity data constrained a more previous studies in Ethiopia and based on ground-truthing
accurate estimation of the R-factor. Further, the assumption using visual estimations of erosion status confirm that the
is that the 30 m spatial resolution DEM is good enough to RUSLE-based soil loss estimations are fairly satisfactory.
represent the LS-factor; however, if the actual topography ● This study demonstrates that the use of GIS-based RUSLE
reflects slope breaks that are more or less frequent than the model and remote sensing data are effective approaches to
pixel size, any estimates of the LS-factor from the DEM can assess changes in soil erosion brought about by watershed
be expected to deviate accordingly. In addition, for large- management practices and associated changes in LULC at
scale watersheds it is usually difficult to measure the watershed scale.
model’s input data such as soil and cover management ● The methods used in the present study can be applied in
factors directly in the field; and as such the model input other regions to estimate soil loss and facilitate sustainable
parameter values were assigned to mapping units on the soil environmental management through appropriate conserva-
and LULC maps based on suggestions on the literature. tion planning of areas experiencing severe land degrada-
However, this will yield parameter values that are less tion due to water erosion.
accurate than the results of field measurement. With all its
limitations, the model results provide useful information on Acknowledgments The authors highly acknowledge ICRAF-Ethio-
the general pattern of the relative differences in soil loss, pia staff and ICRAF-Irish Aid Project “Enhancing Integrated Water-
rather than providing accurate absolute erosion rates. Fur- shed Management with Climate Smart Agriculture” for providing
thermore, at regional and large-scale watersheds, usually no information and assistance during primary data collection from Agula
watershed. Special thanks to Agula watershed community and office of
reliable data exist for validation of model estimates with Agriculture and Rural Development for their support during our field
actual soil losses, and hence the biggest challenge with work. The two anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for
erosion modeling is the difficulty of validating the estimates their valuable comments on the earlier version of this paper.
produced. In the present study, model validation was done
by visual estimation of erosion status based on observed Compliance with Ethical Standards
features; however, it is worth to note that such comparisons Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
do not substitute for actual measurements. interest.

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