Architect Service Proposal - Frias Home Office Final1

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for Full Detailed Architectural and Engineering (DA&E) Design Services

(In Full DA&E Design Services i.e. the Architect brings in all of the Design
Engineers as part of his Design Team. The Architect’s Fee is computed based on a
lump sum or fixed fee. The total fee shall also be based on the type of the


1.1 The project shall generally defined as follows:

Proposed: One-Storey Home Office Building with Attic

Location: 89 Elizalde Ave, BF Homes Parañaque, Metro Manila
Initial Approximate Area: 350 sqm

1.2 The ARCHITECT’s basic fee as set forth in this Agreement shall
compensate the ARCHITECT for services rendered in respect to the
project as defined herein

1.3 The scope of service of project of the architect and its professional
fees covers the following:

1.3.1 Project Definition Phase

This phase shall involve the definition of the requirements of

the Project by the Owner. The Architect in turn shall inform
the Owner of the technical requirements of the Project and the
concomitant professional fees. In this phase, the Architect

a. Consult with the Owner to ascertain the conceptual framework

and related requirements of the Project and confirm such
requirements with the Owner;
b. Gather relevant information and data leading to the
definition of the requirements of the Project, including the
scope of the Architect’s services;
c. Review and refine the Owner’s space requirements and
translate them into an architectural program;
d. Prepare an initial statement of probable construction cost.

1.3.2 Schematic Design Phase

This phase shall consist of the preparation of schematic design
studies derived from the Project Definition Phase, leading to
conceptual plans. The Architect shall:

a. Evaluate the Owner’s program, schedule, budget, project site

and proposes methods of Project deliveries;
b. Prepare the initial line drawings representing design
studies leading to a recommended solution, including a
general description of the Project for approval by the

1.3.3 Design Development Phase

Based on approved schematics and conceptual plans, the

Architect shall prepare:

a. The Design Development documents consisting of plans,

elevations, sections and other drawings;

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b. The outline specifications to fix and illustrate the size
and character of the entire Project as to type of materials,
type of structural, electrical, mechanical, sanitary,
electronic and communications systems;
c. The diagrammatic layout of construction systems; and
d. An updated Statement of the Probable Project Construction
Cost (SPPCC) for submission to the Owner.

Architect’s Fee ₱ 100.00 per square meter

Initial approximate maximum allowable construction (MACA) = 350 sqm

350 sqm x ₱ 100.00/sqm = ₱35,000.00

(Architect’s Fee for services under 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3)

1.3.4 Contract Document Phase

Based on the approved Design Development Documents, the


a. Prepare the complete Contract Documents consisting of

detailed designs and construction drawings, setting forth in
detail the work required for the architectural, structural,
electrical, plumbing/sanitary, mechanical works prepared by
the Architect and by the other State-regulated building
professionals involved;
b. Prepare the Technical Specifications describing type and
quality of materials, finish, manner of construction and the
general conditions under which the Project is to be
c. Submit to the Owner eight (8) sets of all construction
drawings and Technical Specifications for purposes of
obtaining a building permit;
d. Update the SPPCC based on changes in scope, requirements or
market conditions
e. Assist the Owner in filing the required documents to secure
approval of government authorities having jurisdiction over
the design of the Project;

For production of Construction Drawings (Site Planning and


For Preparation and Production of Complete set of

Construction Drawings
Architectural Design
Interiors, Detailing, Approx. ₱ 2,000.00
₱ 40,000.00
Estimates and 20 sheets per sheet
Exterior and Interior 6-8 ₱ 5,000.00
₱ 30,000.00
Perspective Rendering scenes per scene
Structural detailing,
Approx. ₱ 2,000.00
Estimates and ₱ 20,000.00
10 sheets per sheet
Electrical Design, Approx. 8 ₱ 1,600.00 ₱ 12,800.00
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Detailing, Estimates
sheets per sheet
and Specifications
Mechanical Design,
Approx. 6 ₱ 1,600.00
Detailing, estimates ₱ 9,600.00
Sheets per sheet
and specifications
Plumbing Design, and
Sanitary Detailing, Approx. 6 ₱ 1,500.00
₱ 9,000.00
Estimates and sheets per sheet
(depending on
the project
Structural Design
Lot as to ₱ 20,000.00
determines by
Initial Fees for Production of Building Plans,
Estimates and Specifications

Printing Cost (Site planning and Architectural)

Printing Cost of Building Plans (20x30 size), including

estimates and specifications in 8sets for Building Permit
Application and reference copy for construction
Approx. 160
sheets (8 ₱ 60.00 per
Drawings, estimates ₱ 9,600.00
sets of 20 sheet
and specifications
Approx. 80
Structural Drawings,
sheets (8 ₱ 60.00 per
estimates and ₱ 4,800.00
sets of 10 sheet
Approx. 64
Electrical Drawings,
sheets (8 ₱ 60.00 per
estimates and ₱ 3,840.00
sets of 8 sheet
Approx. 48
Mechanical Drawings,
sheets (8 ₱ 60.00 per
estimates and ₱ 2,880.00
sets of 6 sheet
Plumbing Design, and Approx. 48
Sanitary drawings, sheets (8 ₱ 60.00 per
₱ 2,880.00
estimates and sets of 6 sheet
specifications sheets)
Structural Design
Analysis (for 2 8 sets (₱1,500) ₱ 1,500.00
stories and up)
Total Cost of Printing of Complete Building
₱ 25,500.00

Signing and Sealing of Fees of the Architect and Allied


Signing and Sealing Fees

Architect ₱ 60.00 per sqm ₱21,000.00
Structural Engineer ₱ 60.00 per sqm ₱21,000.00

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Electrical Engineer ₱ 40.00 per sqm ₱14,000.00
Mechanical Engineer ₱ 40.00 per sqm ₱14,000.00
Master Plumber ₱ 30.00 per sqm ₱10,500.00
Initial Fee (per Initial Area) ₱80,500.00

1.3.5 Construction Phase

In this phase, the Architect shall perform the following:

a. Submit the Project Development Cost (PDC) based on the

estimated cost of the completed building to the Owner,
including the architectural interiors (AI), site development
plan elements, structure, plumbing/sanitary and electrical
fixtures, air-conditioning system, fire protection system,
attached to the building and all items indicated in the
plans, designs, drawings and specifications prepared by the
ARCHITECT and his/her consultants. The cost of materials used
and the labor for their installation are also included. If
these items are furnished by the Owner below its market cost,
the cost of the material and labor shall nonetheless be
computed on the basis of the current (and fair market value)
costs, as well as all professional fees, permits, clearances
and utilities and cost of acquiring the project site / lot,
cost of money, etc
b. Make decisions on all claims of the Owner and Contractors on
all matters relating to the execution and progress of work or
the interpretation of the Contract Documents;
c. Prepare change/ variation orders (CVOs), gather and turn over
to the Owner written guarantees required of the Contractor
and Sub-Contractors;
d. Make periodic visits to the Project site to familiarize with
the general progress and quality of work and to ascertain
that the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract
Documents; during such project site visits and on the basis
of the Architect’s observations, he/she shall report to the
Client defects and deficiencies noted in the work of
Contractors, and shall condemn work found failing to conform
to the Contract Documents;
e. Determine the amount owing and due to the Contractor and
issue corresponding Certificates for Payment for such amounts
based on Architect’s observation/s and the Contractor's
Applications for Payment. These Certificates will constitute
a certification to the Client that the work has progressed to
the state indicated and that to the Architect’s best
knowledge, the quality of work performed by the Contractor is
in accordance with the Contract Documents; the Architect
shall conduct the necessary inspection to determine the date
of substantial and final completion and issue the final
Certificate of Payment to the Contractor.


2.1 The total cost of the Architect’s services based in the above tabulated
scope of services to be render shall be with a sum of Two Hundred
Eighty-Two Thousand Four Hundred Pesos only (Php 282,400) plus 10%
architect’s office overhead cost of Twenty Eight Thousand Two Hundred
Forty Pesos Only (Php 28,240.00)
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Sum of Architect’s Fee for services under 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 (See
formula above) + item 1.3.4 + 10% Architect’s office overhead = Total
Architect’s Fees

₱35,000.00 + ₱141,400.00 + ₱ 25,500.00 + ₱80,500.00 x 1.10

2.2 The total sum of Architects Professional fee as enumerated above shall
be: Three Hundred Ten Thousand Six Hundred Forty Pesos only

2.3 Payments to the ARCHITECT on account of his fee shall be payable as


2.3.1 Upon signing this Architects service proposal, an amount of

equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the fee as set forth in
section 2.2 of this service proposal
2.3.2 Upon Completion and approval by the client of the Preliminary/
Site Development Plan, the ARCHITECT may request and received
sum of which, together with previous payment, shall increase
the total amount paid to her to fifty percent (50%) of the
basic fee of the ARCHITECT in section 2.2 of this service
2.3.3 Upon advice by the Client to proceed with the production of the
construction drawings, the ARCHITECT may request to receive a
sum together with previous payments equivalent to eighty
percent (80%) of the fee of the production of drawings as
provided for under section 2.2.
2.3.4 The balance of the architect’s fee for the production of
drawings shall be payable upon the completion of the working
drawings for construction together with the fees of the
architect and the allied professionals in signing and sealing
of the said plans and specifications as provided for under this
service proposal together with previous payments equivalent to
one hundred percent (100%) of the basic fee under section 2.2
of this proposal.

Work Phase Breakdown of PF Cumulative Payments

Upon signing of the Agreement 25% of 25% of
₱ 77,660.00 ₱ 77,660.00
as the mobilization component the PF the PF
Upon the completion of the 25% of 50% of
₱ 77,660.00 ₱ 155,320.00
Schematic Design Services the PF the PF
Upon the completion of Design 30% of 80% of
₱ 93,192.00 ₱ 248,512.00
Development Services the PF the PF
Upon Completion of the working 20% of 100% of
₱ 62,128.00 ₱ 310,640.00
drawings the PF the PF

2.4 The following items are specifically including scope of other allied
Engineering services, i.e., Structural Design, Electrical Design,
Mechanical Design, Sanitary and Plumbing Design Services.

2.5 The ARCHITECTS basic services are purely for the Architectural and Site
Planning schematics and design development only and exclude other scope
relating to engineering aspects of the project.

2.6 The cost of surveys, soil investigation and other tests shall be made
at the Client expense

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3.1 The ARCHITECTS fee applies to work under one general contract only
which is only intended for this project, for other projects similar in
nature shall be quoted separately.


4.1 If the ARCHITECT, after the construction documents have been delivered
and submitted, is caused extra drafting or other expense due to changes
ordered by the CLIENT and through no fault of his/her own, or a result
of damage or destruction, he/she shall be equitably paid for such extra
expenses for additional drawings as maybe required based on the fees
enumerated in Contract Document Phase in section 1.3.4.
4.2 Reimbursable expenses such as transportation and living expenses when
travel is authorized by the CLIENT in connection with the project, long
distance calls and telegrams, postage and handling, fees paid for
securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the project
shall be paid by the CLIENT separately. The ARCHITECT shall maintain an
accurate cost accounting system as to all such additional expenses and
shall make available to the CLIENT, upon request
4.3 Other services that may be needed in order to complete the Project such
as services of acoustic and illumination engineers/ specialists, mural
painters, sculptors, and other service providers are to be recommended
by the ARCHITECT for the CLIENT’s approval. Costs for these services
are to be paid for separately by the Owner and shall be subject to a
coordination fee payable to the Architect.
4.4 Extra Sets of Contract Documents - The CLIENT shall pay the ARCHITECT
for additional sets of Contract Documents.


5.1 So far as the project contemplated by this Agreement may require, the
ARCHITECT and his/her consultants shall be entitled to information
giving a complete and accurate survey of the site and the grades and
lines of the streets, pavements and adjoining properties; information
as to the rights, restrictions, easements, surface water courses,
boundaries and contours of the building site; and full information as
to existing sanitary sewer, water, gas and electrical services
5.2 The CLIENT, at its expense, shall furnish all such data to the
ARCHITECT or at its option may require the ARCHITECT to procure such
information, in which event the cost incident thereto shall either be
paid directly by the client or reimburse to the ARCHITECT, as the
ARCHITECT may request. The Client likewise shall pay for all the
boring, or test pits and for any mechanical, chemical, or other tests
as well as professional verifications and inspections incident to
proper appraisal of the site for the contemplated construction provided
such borings, test pits, other test and inspections are done by
individuals outside of the ARCHITECT’s organization
5.3 Specialized engineering services, other than the normal services as
provided in Section1, when specifically requested by the CLIENT, will
be paid for by the CLIENT.


6.1 The budget for the construction of the project and for which the
ARCHITECT shall have sole responsibility for planning, will be
established upon approval of the Preliminary drawings base on the
elemental cost per area per square meter only.

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6.2 Upon completion of the working drawings, the ARCHITECT then may submit
to the CLIENT a cost estimate of the Bill of Quantities for as basis of
the construction cost for then project.


The drawings and specifications as instruments of service are the property

of the ARCHITECT whether the work for which they are made was executed or
not and are not to be use by others without the consent of the ARCHITECT for
reproduction, repetition or to copy the said documents for the other
projects not intended for.


For the projects beyond this contract, the CLIENT reserves no right to
construct another project form the set of plans and specifications developed
for this project without full authority to use by the ARCHITECT


The ARCHITECT may not assign this Agreement or any sum becoming due to the
ARCHITECT under the provisions of this Agreement without the prior written
consent of the OWNER


This agreement shall be binding upon or inure to the benefit of the

partners, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the
respective parties hereto:


This proposal is limited only to the above-mentioned project; anu other

projects will be quoted separately.

We trust that the foregoing Service Proposal shall merit your favorable
consideration and kind approval.
Should this service proposal acceptable you may deposit payment of 25% of
the initial Architect’s Fee set forth under item 2.2 of this service
proposal to my account detailed as follows:

Name: Ma Jeanne Elyza Muniz

Bank Name: Bank of the Philippines (BPI)
Bank Account No.: 1289444757
Account: Savings Account

Your signature below indicates your acceptance to the terms and conditions
herein presented, and shall constitute as a valid agreement between you and
the undersigned.

Truly yours,





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