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Be An


Section c VOL : 2

Practice 1 : At the Funfair

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

Last Saturday, Aiman went to a local funfair at his

He was fascinated by the various stalls and activities.

He saw a colourful clown giving out sweets to children.

Aiman wanted to ride on the Ferries wheel but he had to wait

as there was a long queue ahead of him.
He looked around and saw the mini-train.

Many children were waving to the crowd from the train as it

chugged along.
Aiman also saw a huge castle-themed attraction.

He walked towards the game stalls to try his luck at winning

some prizes
After spending a few hours there, Aiman went home.

He had an enjoyable time there.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 2 : A Local Holiday

Identify and circle the mistakes. Correct the mistakes and rewrite them in
the box given.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning.

Kevin and his family went to Cameron Highlands for a holiday.

They wanted to visit the Bharat Tea Plantation.

The drive up to the plantation was challenging as the roads

were narrow and winding.
At the plantation, Kevin saw many workers were
plucking tea leaves.
Then, they threw them into baskets strapped onto their
Later, Kevin and his family visited the tea factory.

A guide explained how tea leaves were processed and

packed into boxes to be sold.
Kevin’s parents were eager to sample the various types of
They sipped their delicious tea while enjoying the beautiful
scenery at the tea plantation.
Kevin and his family truly enjoyed their day at the tea

Teacher’s signature

Practice 3 : Going Camping by a Waterfall

Identify and circle the mistakes. Correct the mistakes and rewrite them in
the box given.

Last weekend, Amin and his fellow Scouts went on an

overnight camping trip with Mr. Ramu, their Scoutmaster.

They brought variety of food, beverages and camping gear in

their backpacks.

The path to the campsite was uneven, so the climb was tough
for them.

However, when they reached the campsite, they were

spellbound by the beauty of a nearby waterfall.

The water was crystal clear that it dazzled like


Amin and his friends put down their gear and Mr. Ramu
briefed them on their various duties.

They pitched their tents and settled in.

Later, they built a campfire and sat around it.

They truly enjoyed their night under the stars.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 4 : Visiting grandparents

Identify and circle the mistakes. Correct the mistakes and rewrite them in
the box given.

Alif and his family visited his grandparents during the school

Alif was looking forward to the visit because his grandparents

lived by the sea.

Alif’s grandparents lived in a big house with a huge


They were delighted to see Alif’s family.

Since they had arrived in the evening, everyone went to the

beach to watch the sunset.

The next day, Alif’s whole family plucked fruits in his

grandparents’ orchard.

Everyone feasted on ripe, sweet fruits under a huge tree.

Alif and his family enjoyed the beach and the orchard for three
wonderful days at his grandparents’ house.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 5 : A Gotong-Royong in School.

Identify and circle the mistakes. Correct the mistakes and rewrite them in
the box given.

Last Saturday, many pupils and their parents gathered at

Aisyah’s school compound.

Aisyah’s school had organised a gotong-royong to clear and

spruce up the school grounds.

Mr. Abu, the headmaster, welcomed everyone and

thanked them for sacrificing their time to lend a helping

Then everyone went to their designated areas.

Some collected unused or broken desks and


Others cleaned the clogged drains or tended to the flowers

and plants.

Meanwhile, Aisyah and her friends distributed cold drinks

to everyone.

After the gotong-royong was over, the volunteers were tired

but satisfied because the school looked really clean and tidy.

As the saying goes, many hands make light work.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 6 : Helping and old lady

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

One fine afternoon, Tiara was walking home from the park.

Suddenly, she saw an old lady slowly crossing the road.

A white car was speeding towards her.

The old lady did not notice the danger she was in.

Without thinking twice, Tina rushed towards her and quickly

pulled her to safety.
Both of them were badly shaken.

The old lady was trembling as she knew that she had almost
lost her life.
The old lady thanked Tiara repeatedly for reacting so quickly
and saved her life.
She told Tiara that her house was nearby, so Tiara walked her
Tiara was relieved that the old lady was safe.
Practice 7 : Saving A Cat

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning.

Lisa was watering the flowers in her garden.

Suddenly, she heard a cat meowing near the rambutan tree.

Lisa looked up curiously.

To her surprise, she saw a cat up in the tree branches.

She recognised the cat as Timmy, her neighbour’s cat.

Lisa quickly called the fire department.

A few minutes later, a fire engine arrived.

A fireman carried a ladder to the tree and used it to climb

the tree.
Timmy was afraid when the fireman approached it.

However the fireman managed to calm it down and she

brought Timmy down from the tree.
Lisa returned the cat to her neighbour.

They thanked her for helping them to save the cat.

Practice 8 : Burglary

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

One night, Mike and his older sister, Nancy, were staying at
home alone.
Mike was upstairs in his room, studying.

Suddenly, he heard his dog barking.

He looked out his window.

To his horror, he saw two men climbing up his front

Mike quickly ran out of his room to look for Nancy.

He found her watching television in the living room.

Mike quietly told her what he had seen.

Without delay, Nancy called the police and both of them

locked themselves in a room downstairs.
After a while, they heard a police siren.

The policemen were able to catch the thieves.

Mike and her sister from the room and they were very

Teacher’s signature

Practice 9 : Food Poisoning

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

Ahmad and Arif are in their school’s football team.

One evening, after their football practice, they were walking

home together.
On their way, they saw a rojak stall.

The stall was next to a big monsoon drain and there were a lot
of flies.
Since they were feeling hungry, they decided to have some
The boys sat at the rojak stall and ordered the rojak.

The next day, Ahmad woke up with a stomach ache.

He could not go to school.

His mother had to take him to the clinic.

He told the doctor what he had eaten.

The doctor gave him some medicine and advised him not to
eat at the rojak stall again.
He had learned his lesson.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 10 : Incident during a cross-country race

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

Last Saturday. Ju Ann’s school held a cross-country race.

She was excited to participate in the race.

She was one of the best runners in school.

All the pupils gathered at the gate.

When the whistle blew, they started running.

Halfway through the race, Ju Ann saw her friend, Julia at her
She was not looking at where she was going.

She tripped and fell down.

Julia helped Ju Ann up and they walked slowly back to

Julia took Ju Ann to see a doctor at a nearby clinic.

Although they did not finish the race, Ju Ann was happy.

She was glad her friend had stopped to help her. As the
saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 11 : A Playground on Fire

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

It was a bright Saturday morning, a perfect day for

outdoor activity.
Rajan and his sister jogged near their house.

They decided to jog around the playground before going

As they were running, they smelled smoke.

They saw a man burning rubbish in the playground.

There was a thick cloud of smoke.

Without delay, Rajan called the fire department.

He knew that people were not allowed to burn rubbish.

A little while later, a fire engine arrived and the firemen

quickly put out the fire.
One of them gave a stern warning to the man who started
the fire.
Another fireman praised Rajan and his sister for their quick

Teacher’s signature

Practice 12 : A Visit To The Zoo

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

During the school holidays, Iman and his cousins visited the
National Zoo.
They were excited to see a lot of animals.

They stood at the lion’s enclosure and watched them eagerly.

The lions were growling loudly and walking around

Later, they walked past the mischievous monkeys which were
trying to snatch food from the visitors.
They stopped to watch the colourful birds too.

They were lucky as they saw a peacock dancing and

spreading its beautiful, spectacular tail.
After looking at all the various animals, they went to see the
seals performing tricks.
It really was an unforgettable day for Iman and his cousins.

Teacher’s signature

Practice 13 : A Day at The Beach

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

It was a hot day.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky.

The birds were singing and there was a brisk breeze

Jonah and his family were spending a day at the beach.

They were resting on a mat and enjoying their lunch.

Jonah saw many other picnickers who were resting, playing

and swimming.
Some beach-goers were strolling along the beach of fine
white sand.
Jonah and his brother were building sandcastles.

The sandcastles were impressive and looked like a

Jonah’s parents were resting near a big shady tree.

They were enjoying the beautiful scenery of the beach that

looked calm and peaceful.
After spending a few hours at the beach, Jonah and his family
went home.
It was a wonderful day for everyone.


Practice 14 : Blackout
Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

One evening, Encik Ali and his family were watching

an interesting movie on television.
His children were enjoying the movie.

It was raining slightly outside.

All of a sudden, the electricity in the house went out.

There was total darkness in the house.

Encik Ali’s daughter was afraid and she hugged her father.

His wife and son slowly walked to the kitchen and they get
some candles from the kitchen cabinet.
She then lighted three of the candles.

She left one in the kitchen, one the dining room and
brought one to the living room.
The room was quite bright now.

The family sat down and both Encik Ali and his wife told them
stories about their younger days.
About an hour later, the electricity was on again.

As it was getting late, they decided to go to bed.


Practice 15 : A Blood Donation Campaign

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

A ‘Blood Donation Campaign’ was held at the Taman

Kencana Community Hall last week.
Many residents around that area went to the hall to donate
their blood.
One of them was Encik Hassan, who had been donating
blood for a few years.
He felt proud of himself after donating his blood.

He said that donating blood was a noble act because it

can save someone’s life.
He persuaded other people to donate their blood.

There were many adults and students came to join the

None of them were afraid to donate their blood.

They were in fact happy and ready to donate their blood.

The donation drive lasted from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m..

It was a successful event as the hospital staff felt happy that a

lot of blood had been collected for the hospital’s ‘ Blood Bank’.


Practice 16 : Injury

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

It was a cheery Sunday morning.

Musa and his friends were playing ‘sepak takraw’.

They were practising for the ‘Inter School Sepak Takraw

Competition’ that will be taking place soon.
Unfortunately, Musa accidentally hurt his left knee when he
somersaulted to kick the ball while playing.
His coach took him to the clinic.

The doctor bandaged his knee.

In a day or two, Musa was fit and well to play again.

He played well in the finals and his school won and

emerged as champions.
His headmaster, teachers and parents were proud of him.

Musa and his friends were indeed very happy.


Practice 17 : Mother’s Day

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

Mother’s Day is coming soon.

Raisya planned to buy a present for her mother on the special

She wanted to buy her mother a purse.

However, she did not have enough money yet.

So, she decided to save her pocket money daily into her
piggy bank.
Instead of buying food at the canteen, she brought her own
food and drinks to school.
After one month, she had saved enough money.

She went to the supermarket and bought a leather purse

for her mother.
On Mother’s Day, Raisya gave the leather purse to her
Her mother was surprised and touched by her gift.


Practice 18 : A Fun Raising Fair

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

Last week, Iman’s English teacher asked the class to

do a project.
Miss Sheila asked them to bring some materials to the class
the next day.
They were very excited.

Miss Sheila taught Iman and his classmates on how to make

a Beak Book.
She gave them clear instructions to follow.

Later, Miss Sheila instructed them to write a story in the Beak

The pupils who wrote the best story would be given a
The next day, Miss Sheila announced that Iman wrote the
best story.
She gave her a present and asked him to read his story
to the class.
Iman was on cloud nine because his effort was rewarded.


Practice 19 : Tripped While Cycling

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

One morning Vinesh woke up late because he

played online games the night before.
He showered quickly and got ready for school.

He cycled as fast as he could to school.

He was afraid of being scolded by his teacher.

While he was cycling, he did not see a big stone in front of

His bicycle tripped over and he fell off his bicycle.

His knees were badly injured and he was crying loudly in

He tried to stand but he could not do so.

Luckily, a kind-hearted passer-by saw him.

He quickly sent Vinesh to the nearest hospital.

Then, he informed Vinesh’s parents about the incident.

He had learned his lesson.


Practice 20 : A Snatch Thief

Identify and circle the mistakes. Write the correct answer in the box given.

One morning, Zaim was jogging in the park near his

There were also several other people exercising there.

He jogged pass them.

Suddenly, when he was near an isolated area, he saw a

snatch thief sprang out from some bushes.
He tried to attack a lady jogger.

Without thinking twice, Zaim immediately blew the whistle he

kept in his pocket.
He ran fast towards the lady jogger.

The thief did not realise that Zaim was nearby.

He was very shocked upon seeing Zaim and he ran for

his life.
Later, Zaim accompanied the lady back to her home
The lady praised Zaim for his quick and brave action.

She thanked him for his help.

Zaim felt happy because he had done a good deed.


“Never stop dreaming,
never stop believing,
never give up,
never stop t r ying, and
never stop learning.”

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