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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Multimedia Tools in the Teaching and Learning

Processes at Bajet-Castillo High School



Axel Dominic L. Adonis

John Andrew T. Rodriguez
Michelle Aregola
Annie Morillo
Cielo Reyes


Ma. Vilma L. Adonis Marissa D. Hermogenes

Head Teacher I School Principal


           Multimedia is a combination of more than one media type such as text (alphabetic or

numeric), symbols, images, pictures, audio, video, and animations usually with the aid of

technology for the purpose of enhancing understanding or memorization (Guan et al., 2018). It

supports verbal instruction with the use of static and dynamic images in the form of visualization

technology for better expression and comprehension (Alemdag and Cagiltay, 2018; Chen and

Liu, 2008). The hardware and software used for creating and running of multimedia applications

is known as multimedia technology (Kapi et al., 2017). Multimedia technology has some

characteristics like integration, diversity, and interaction that enable people to communicate

information or ideas with digital and print elements. The digital and print elements in this context

refer to multimedia-based applications or tools used for the purpose of delivering information to

people for better understanding of concepts.

              Indeed, various aspects of human endeavors, especially the educational sector, are being

transformed by the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT involves

the use of hardware and software for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, presenting,

and sharing of information mostly in digital forms. Multimedia technology is an important aspect

of ICT that deals with how information can be represented and presented digitally, using

different media such as text, audio, video, among others (Guan et al., 2018). It involves the

combination of several technologies to provide information in the best possible formats,

packages, and sizes.

The concept of multimedia took on a new meaning in the 1980s and 1990s, and it now

serves as a useful tool in educational technology. Furthermore, satellites, computers, audio, and
video fused to produce new media with immense potential, and these technologies were able to

give increased learning facilities and attention to the specific needs of individual users, thanks to

developments in hardware and software. Multimedia technology enhances the educational

process by allowing for more interaction between teachers, students, and courseware, as well as

novel ways to make learning more dynamic, durable, and useful outside of the classroom.

                 However, when used in the classroom or for educational purposes, the design quality

and sophistication of multimedia application must be high enough to combine the different

elements of the cognitive processes so as to achieve the best mimicking of the teacher. There are

different types of multimedia applications available in the market today. These applications have

been deployed for different educational purposes such as the works deployed for Mathematics

classes, Social Sciences, Sciences, Physiology, Physics and Physical Education Studies (Al-

Hariri and Al-Hattami 2017; Anderson, 1993; Chen and Liu, 2008; Chen and Xia, 2012; Ilhan

and Oruc, 2016; Jian-hua & Hong, 2012; Milovanovi et al., 2013; Shah and Khan, 2015).

Interactive Learning Tools - In addition to engaging students who are raised in a hyper-

stimulated environment, interactive learning sharpens critical thinking skills, which are

fundamental to the development of analytic reasoning. Interactive learning tools in teaching are

important because they create a visual and interactive experience for the students. 

Social Platforms - It is often easier and more convenient to access information, provide

information and communicate via social media. Teachers and students can be connected to each

other and can make good use of these platforms for the benefit of their learning and teaching.

Social media is the go to medium for people to interact.

Search Engines - Search engines allow teachers to become alternative learning resources. Search

is one of the facilities available on search engines to find the information needed. In this case, all

information related to the source of the information is unknown, so it uses search engines. The

students also use search engines to meet daily information needs, solve problems, increase

knowledge, reduce doubts, clarify things, entertain, fulfill curiosity about others,etc. 

Microsoft Applications - Microsoft word is an important education application. It is important to

process raw facts into meaningful information. Microsoft word can benefits teachers and

students to create new innovative methods of learning and teaching. Microsoft word and

Microsoft office suite for students help to transmit educational materials and practice

systematically in school and university faster with higher quality.

The central problem, however, remains the same. Which is, the problem of how to use

the applications to provide students with stimulating experience by delivering information for

better understanding of concepts. While it is important to develop various applications for

effective teaching delivery, each of these applications has its own focus area, peculiarities, target

age, merits and demerits. Thus, the taxonomy and component synthesis for the development of

the multimedia application need to be extensively investigated as these would affect the teaching

delivery, learning and wider applicability. Some of the multimedia solutions have been deployed,

tested and recorded significant success, while some did not record marginal success.

Multimedia has the ability to capture the attention of the learner because it addresses a

variety of learning styles. Today’s students expect to use digital media devices in their daily

lives, so these devices, or similar media technology, should be woven seamlessly into their
classroom experiences (Shelly, Cashman, Gunter and Gunter, 2006). Basically, the teacher

controls the instructional process, the content is delivered to the entire class and the teacher tends

to emphasize factual knowledge. It has been found in most universities by many teachers and

students that the conventional lecture approach in the classroom is of limited effectiveness in

both teaching and learning. In such a lecture, students assume a purely passive role and their

concentration fades off after 15 - 20 min (Damodharan and Rengarajan, 2007). Some limitations

which may prevail in traditional teaching methods are: - Teaching in the classroom using chalk

and talk is “one way flow” of information (Figure 1). - Teachers often continuously talk for an

hour without knowing the students ' response and feedback. - The material presented is only

based on lecturer notes and textbooks. - Teaching and learning are concentrated on “plug and

play” methods rather than practical aspects. - The handwriting of the lecturer decides the fate of

the subject. - There is insufficient interaction with students in the classroom. - More emphasis

has been given on theory without any practical and real life time situations. - Learning from

memorization but not understanding. - Marks rather than result oriented. In order to solve the

problem, multimedia can be effectively used for instructional purposes (Burden and Byrd, 1999).

The use of multimedia in teaching and learning is not only able to maintain students’ interest but

also able to make them enjoy learning. Furthermore, Cairncross and Mannion (2001) pointed out

multimedia has the potential to create high quality learning environments. The key elements of

multiple media, user control over the delivery of information, and interactivity can be used to

enhance the learning process creating integrated  learning environments.

The goal of this quantitative study is to address how multimedia tools  help the students

to learn in this time of new normal and to address how useful and helpful multimedia is to the

teaching scheme of the teachers. As a result, learning more about the participants is important.
Students' academic success improves when they use multimedia. When correctly

designed, the usage of multimedia has a favorable impact on education in terms of academic

attainment when compared to traditional instruction. Students can improve their higher-order

thinking skills by using a multimedia approach. Users may easily access lessons, course

materials, tests, and quizzes, and they can receive them quickly. Students may study at home

without the need for a personal instructor or tutor thanks to multimedia. It also cuts down on the

amount of time it takes to write.

As a result, combining visuals, video, and animations with text stimulates the brain. The

memory and attentiveness of students improves. In these conditions, students can recognize and

solve difficulties more quickly in a multimedia learning environment than in a setting where

instruction is solely feasible through textbooks.

The Researchers conducted this study because it is relevant today, multimedia tools

are available and mostly used for searching such tutorials as well as Microsoft presentations

especially when  the pandemic comes. Students and teachers are more preferred on

multimedia tools because the government announced that social gatherings are not allowed.

The DepEd conduct or implement the LDM or the Learning Delivery Modalities in order to

continue the learning and teaching processes even in the midst of Pandemic these are online

learning, modular and now that Bulacan is on the alert level 1 the DepEd decided to have a

limited face to face classes on the different schools this includes Bajet-Castillo High School

but still the usage of Multimedia is continuously since there still a virus spreading worldwide

and we are in the midst of adapting or make an adjustment for new normal

The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review of scientifically published

studies that examined various multimedia tools in the teaching  and learning process with the

goal of identifying existing multimedia-based tools, understanding their usage, application areas,

and educational system impacts. In other words, the study aims to identify existing multimedia-

based tools for teaching and learning; understand their usage and limiting factors, application

areas, evaluation methodologies, technology components synthesis, and impacts on the education

system through a systematic review of literature.

To this end, the study is guided by the following research questions:

1.What multimedia tools are available for teaching and learning?

2.What type of multimedia component fits the teacher and student?

3.What are the relevance of multimedia applications in teaching and learning?

The participants in this study are the 12 Senior High School teachers, 20 grade-11 students and 8

grade-12 students from Bajet Castillo High School.

Significance Of Study

This study sought to determine the effectiveness of multimedia in the teaching and

learning process. Below are the following that will benefit from this study:

To The School:The result of this study is to give awareness to the school on how effective

multimedia is for both teachers and students.

To The Students: This study  provides the students to gather information through media that

encourages their imaginations, interests.

To The Parents: This study will give knowledge to the parents to know about how multimedia

helps their children in learning.

To The Researchers: This Study helps the researchers to gain more knowledge and help

researchers to seek information related to this study

To the Future Researchers: To advocate people about multimedia ,inform them of the

effectiveness of using media in teaching an

Assumption of the Study

This research aimed to demonstrate the value of multimedia tools in the teaching and learning

process. The following assumptions are made:

1. The researchers expected that the respondents would provide credible information, ensuring

the success of the study.

2. The researchers assumed that the respondents would be honest in answering the questions.

3. Multimedia tools, the researchers assumed, are beneficial to the teaching and learning process.

4. The researchers would be able to deeply explain the purpose of the study to its respondents.


                      This study focuses on how multimedia tools help teachers and students to use the

applications needed to provide quality/good education.The Researchers chose the Grade 11 and

12 senior high school students and also the Teachers as the respondents of this study because

Researchers considered the number of students and the number of teachers in senior high school

as well as Bajet-Castillo High school. The Researchers aims to emphasize the multimedia tools

that really helps both teachers and students for their school works related such as Google,Internet

explorer, Yahoo and etc for search engines as well as Microsoft application such as Ms

PowerPoint, Ms word and Ms Excel for their presentations.These Multimedia tools mentioned

are just the main tools that students and teachers mostly encountered when they're about to make

a research and make a presentations but while you are reading this paper you will discover the

different multimedia tools that students and teachers used for their projects.


Multimedia Tools- are the tools used by the teachers and students to have a creative and

innovative approach in education 

Effectiveness - this is the basis of whether multimedia has really helped students to their

learning processes and to the teachers' teaching strategies 

Learning and Teaching Processes - are the processes by which teachers and students need to

improve by the use of multimedia in order to achieve the good quality education even in the

midst of adapting new normal 

Learning Delivery Modalities (LDM) - These are the Modalities where implemented by DepEd

in order to continue the learning and teaching processes of students as well as teachers with the

help of multimedia



   Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter provided a review of related literature and studies about multimedia tools in

teaching and learning processes. For the best understanding of the analysis to be conducted, this

also included a conceptual framework. Finally, this chapter further described the terminologies

mentioned in this paper for a more precise interpretation and to provide comprehensive parlance

used in this study.

Multimedia learning and teaching

                   Multimedia or digital learning resources assist learners to get on well with mental

representations with the use of different media elements, which support information processing.

Information, which is made up of content and sometimes learning activities, are presented with

the use of the combination of text, image, video and audio by digital learning resources. It has

been demonstrated, by research on using multimedia for learning, that there are more positive
results observed in learners who combine pictures and words than those who use words only

(Chen and Liu, 2008; Mayer, 2008). As stated in Eady and Lockyer (2013), different pedagogy

methods were implemented by the use of digital resources. Their paper presented how the

authors were able to introduce topics to students, demonstrate to them, stimulate a group, make

different text types available and engage students in an interactive manner.

Generally speaking, multimedia technology for educational purposes can be categorized

according to whether they are used for teaching or for learning. Some of the different multimedia

or digital learning resources are listed in Eady and Lockyer (2013). Furthermore, according to

Guan et al. (2018), several studies have established the importance of multimedia technologies to

education and the widespread adoption of multimedia tools. Multimedia generally involves the

use of technology and the widespread adoption of multimedia applications in education is as a

result of its many benefits (Almara'beh et al., 2015). Some of the benefits of the multimedia

application tools for teaching and learning are summarized as follows:

     Multimedia designed for learning refers to the process of building mental representation

from words and pictures in different contexts. They are designed to assist learning with tools

which can be used in presentations, classroom or laboratory learning, simulations, e-learning,

computer games, and virtual reality, thereby allowing learners to process information both in

verbal and pictorial forms (Alemdag and Cagiltay, 2018). Multimedia designed for learning

requires understanding of some theories such as cognitive theory of multimedia learning, which

postulates three assumptions that describe how people learn from instructional multimedia

materials. These assumptions can be phrased as dual-channel, limited capacity, and active
processing (Alemdag and Cagiltay, 2018). Dual-channel assumes that learners have many

channels to separate visual and auditory information. The restricted/limited capacity assumes that

there is a limit to the load of data that can be processed in each channel. Understanding these will

allow teachers not to overwhelm learners with much information. On the other hand, learners

will be aware of their information processing limitations or capabilities

         Anboucarassy (2010 conducted a study to find out the effectiveness of multimedia

approach over the conventional method in teaching Biological Science among ninth standard

students. The study revealed that there was a significant difference in the achievement of the

experimental group over the control group. It was also found that multimedia helped the students

in the experimental group to sustain their interest and also their retention power as compared to

the traditional method of teaching. The investigator concluded that the multimedia approach is

considered to be one of the best techniques forteaching Biology at ninth standard level.

 Abbas (2012) developed and tested a metacognition integrated science learning package for

students at Secondary School level. She found that the prepared package is effective in

enhancing achievement in Chemistry, metacognitive ability, self-efficacy, scientific

creativity, social skills and retention capacity as well as in reducing anxiety of secondary

school students. The study implies application of modern technologies embedded with

metacognition in the teaching-learning process in our classroom.

Multimedia has the ability to capture the attention of the learner because it addresses a variety of

learning styles. Today’s students expect to use digital media devices in their daily lives, so these

devices, or similar media technology, should be woven seamlessly into their classroom

experiences (Shelly, Cashman, Gunter and Gunter, 2006). Basically, the teacher controls the
instructional process, the content is delivered to the entire class and the teacher tends to

emphasize factual knowledge. It has been found in most universities by many teachers and

students that the conventional lecture approach in the classroom is of limited effectiveness in

both teaching and learning. In such a lecture, students assume a purely passive role and their

concentration fades off after 15 - 20 min (Damodharan and Rengarajan, 2007). Some limitations

which may prevail in traditional teaching methods are: - Teaching in the classroom using chalk

and talk is “one way flow” of information (Figure 1). - Teachers often continuously talk for an

hour without knowing the students ' response and feedback. - The material presented is only

based on lecturer notes and textbooks. - Teaching and learning are concentrated on “plug and

play” methods rather than practical aspects. - The handwriting of the lecturer decides the fate of

the subject. - There is insufficient interaction with students in the classroom. - More emphasis

has been given on theory without any practical and real life time situations. - Learning from

memorization but not understanding. - Marks rather than result oriented. In order to solve the

problem, multimedia can be effectively used for instructional purposes (Burden and Byrd, 1999).

The use of multimedia in teaching and learning is not only able to maintain students’ interest but

also able to make them enjoy learning. Furthermore, Cairncross and Mannion (2001) pointed out

multimedia has the potential to create high quality learning environments. The key elements of

multiple media, user control over the delivery of information, and interactivity can be used to

enhance the learning process creating integrated  learning environments.

 Conceptual framework




The researchers used quantitative and descriptive approaches in order to attain

greater knowledge and understanding of the social world. Researchers use quantitative

methods to observe situations or events that affect people. Quantitative research produces

objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers.The

Researchers used descriptive methods to describe the relationship between the

effectiveness of multimedia tools to the usage of teachers and students for their creative

works and strategies in learning as well as teaching processes. 

So as to achieve the study's objective the researchers employed a descriptive

survey technique of research to uncover and quantify the attitudes and behaviors of the

target group as well as their approach to the subject. It can also be used to create a survey

that asks about demographic characteristics such as age and status

Respondents and Sampling

The participants in this study are the senior high students and teachers from Bajet Castillo

High School.The participants in this study are the 12 Senior High School teachers, 15 grade-11

students and 15 grade-12 students from Bajet Castillo High School. Nowadays, especially in the

new normal,Senior high school students and teachers are in their houses facing their computers

and other gadgets to use in teaching and learning.Participants selected to participate in this study,

Senior high school students and teachers of bajet Castillo high school are chosen. The

researchers used a stratified random sampling method for the selection of  a population that they

were interested in to determine their study. Furthermore, the researchers determined their target

participants by considering the number of senior high school students and the number of teachers

in senior high of bajet Castillo high school


The researchers used a survey approach to collect data, with participants answering

questions on a scale of agreement. In such instances, the researchers will have access to the
most up-to-date data. This instrument saves time, money, is simple to make, and gathers the

most accurate data for quantitative research. Part I of the research contains the respondents'

profile, whereas Part II contains categories linked to the IVDV model.


Before we conduct the survey, we create a permission letter to inform the

teachers that we will conduct the survey form.  The researchers made a hard copy

questionnaire to distribute to the respondents for them to know the exact numbers of

students and teachers that can use multimedia in learning and teaching processes as a

result of the study. The guideline on the number of participants who know

multimedia   After collecting the survey form, the researchers will find the

information about students and teachers that can use multimedia to determine the

effectiveness of multimedia applications in learning and teaching processes.









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