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The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury

The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury

Prepared by
Jerome H. Smith
Copyright © 2016 by Jerome H. Smith
The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury is based upon The New Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge Copyright © 1992 by Jerome H. Smith and Nelson's Cross
Reference Guide to the Bible © 2007 by Jerome H. Smith. Produced under
arrangement with Thomas Nelson, Inc., P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214.
The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury is essentially a new work, featuring
vastly expanded and corrected cross references and notes.
Scripture quotations and notes marked LNT are taken from Malcolm L.
Lavender, Lavender's New Testament, A Literal Translation of the Robinson-
Pierpont Majority Text (1995), © 2015 by R. L. Lavender. ISBN 978-0-
9795014-7-0 Used by permission.
This new Bible study tool builds on my previous published works of cross
references compiled for serious Bible study, The New Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge, and Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible.
Does anyone really need a still more complete work of Bible cross references
than what I already produced? My personal experience is that I certainly do. I
believe anyone seeking to do serious Bible study will welcome this effort to
provide a new, vastly expanded, study tool for cross reference Bible study.
How is this work an improvement over what was previously provided? In no
particular order, let me share just a few of the improvements I have made
while expanding the cross references.
I have:
1. made these new references far more numerous and complete (see
Psalm 80:9; Romans 15:7);
2. more carefully sorted the references given at many verses to more
accurately reflect the connection to the associated keyword (see Genesis
26:24; Exodus 26:14; Leviticus 9:22; 26:6; Numbers 12:10; Deuteronomy
6:5; 29:18; 2 Samuel 7:23, 24; 2 Kings 13:21; 25:13; Job 8:13; Psalm
5:5; 34:6, 7; 74:20; 76:9; 92:4; 119:155; 140:13; Isaiah 32:17; 47:11;
Ezekiel 14:11; Hosea 9:11; Matthew 9:2; Luke 5:26; 15:10; John 9:39;
10:10; 15:20; 2 Corinthians 11:31; 1 Timothy 6:1; 2 Timothy 1:14).
3. repeated references when the reference has application to more than
one keyword in the verse, because often in study I am focusing on a very
narrow or precisely defined subject or topic, and the connections that are
really there would be missed if they are not given everywhere they apply
(see 2 Th 3:2, where reference to Ps +*32:7 is repeated at the keywords
"delivered" and also "from");
4. added many new keywords (see Leviticus 26:6; Numbers 12:10;
Deuteronomy 29:18; 2 Chronicles 7:3; Job 8:13; Psalm 5:5; 38:1; Ezekiel
14:11; Luke 5:29; John 10:10; 15:20; 1 Timothy 6:1; 2 Timothy 1:14);
5. corrected many "clipped" or orphaned references (see at Ezekiel 23:32
thou shalt be laughed reference to Psalm 79:3 which is only relevant
when reference to Psalm 79:4 is included with it; at Ezekiel 20:13 to
consume reference to Deuteronomy 32:27 is clarified greatly by supplying
Deuteronomy 32:26 with it; so likewise at Habakkuk 1:16 they reference
to Ezekiel 28:3 which lacks relevance without including Ezekiel 28:4;
similarly, Deuteronomy 26:18 reference to Ezekiel 36:25-27 has been
corrected to read Ezekiel 36:25-28; at Luke 1:25 hath reference to
Genesis 30:22 should have read Genesis 30:22, 23 since it is verse 23 that
is relevant, a frequent occurrence from the arbitrary cutting of references
in the original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge; at Acts 18:6 unto the
Gentiles is clarified by adding Acts 19:9 so as to read Acts 19:8, 9; and so
6. corrected many errors in the cross-references, so that it should be
almost impossible for any intensive user of these references to encounter
any more printing mistakes;
7. added many unique cross references never provided before in previous
published material (see 2 Chronicles 6:37; Psalm 98:2; Luke 5:29),
references discovered in my own study of the Bible during the nearly 25
years since the publication of The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge;
8. provided as many reciprocal references as could be found, given the
time available to me (now six full years, and according to my notes, more
than 2016 full days of study, morning, afternoon, and evening!). I have
often thought life is too short for one person to create this even more
complete study tool—but this tool is likely more complete than any similar
work previously produced. The initial motivation to begin this work stems
from requests made by students of the Bible asking for more references,
specifically references to the Old Testament to be given for verses in the
New Testament, especially for the Sermon on the Mount as given in
Matthew 5—7. I am sure I have fulfilled that request, and much more.
9. provided a full enumeration of the provisions of the Abrahamic (Genesis
12:2) and Davidic (2 Samuel 7:10) Covenants and greatly expanded cross
references for each provision. In studying Mr. George N. H. Peters' work,
The Theocratic Kingdom, I was motivated to study these great covenants
even further in response to Peters' well-founded Bible study suggestion in
Volume 1, page 285, under "Proposition 46: The Kingdom anticipated by
the Jews at the First Advent is based on the Abrahamic and Davidic
Covenants." In a paragraph under Observation 1, Peters states: "Indeed, it
is universally admitted, however explained afterward, that the covenants
are the proper basis of future Revelation, and that they contain in an
epitomized form the substance of God's Purpose in reference to man's
Salvation, the Messiah's Kingdom and glory, and the perfected Redemption
from the curse. Hence, men of all shades of opinion agreeing in this
matter, it is essential for any one who desires to become a real student of
God's Word to make himself familiar with these covenants, seeing, that, in
the nature of the case, all things following must correspond fully with these
previously given pledges and guides."
10. greatly expanded the references to the Figures of Speech (see, for
example, Genesis 8:22, FS148, the Figure Polysyndeton, or "Many Ands,"
where many more references are given);
11. added many more examples of cause/effect relationship verses to the
listing at Psalm 9:10;
12. added many significant new entries in the Subject Index (see, for
example, the entries for "general call," "effectual call," "prevenient grace,"
"TULIP" and its subcategories explaining this acronym and the full
Scriptural documentation for each subcategory);
13. corrected the Name Index, so it should now be a perfectly complete
listing of Bible names as they appear in the King James or Authorized
Version, including the Translators' marginal readings and renderings;
14. increased by several times over the number of entries in the Greek
Strong Number Index; I did this to meet the need of missionaries I have
heard from who complained that when they tried to follow the cross
references in the original Greek they did not seem to properly relate to
each other as they did in an English translation; I have placed the cross
references to the original language separately from the usual subject cross
references familiar to English users so that either study purpose is easy to
15. Added new enumerated studies on the Attributes of God (Genesis
18:25); the Angel of Jehovah (Genesis 22:15); the names and titles of the
Antichrist (Micah 5:5); and by the gracious full permission of Dr. Malcolm
L. Lavender and his son Dr. R. L. Lavender, given additional notes and
grammatical discussions to provide deeper, more accurate insight into the
doctrine of the Atonement of Christ throughout the New Testament, from
their just published (2016) Lavender's New Testament (LNT), A Literal
Translation of the Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text (1995), for which by
invitation I wrote the Preface.
16. Expanded my notes on the Rules of Interpretation at 2 Peter 1:20,
furnishing for some of the rules reference to specific examples of their
proper application.
17. Restored all the notes given in Bagster's original study Bible, The
Comprehensive Bible (prepared in 1826), the source of all the original
cross references and notes in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
(prepared in 1834): I have restored the full notes where the original
Treasury editors arbitrarily "truncated" them, and I have restored the
many notes which were left out altogether; I have restored the original
bibliographical documentation for these notes as given in The
Comprehensive Bible. These notes are always identified by a preceding
"Note:" designation.
18. Included a new and corrected Notes Index from The Comprehensive
Bible for its claimed 4000 notes.
19. Restored British spelling for keywords to conform more precisely to the
King James Version (KJV), also called the Authorized Version (AV), as well
as the notes;
20. Furnished new notes culled from over five years of my active
participation on Internet forums where I provided careful answers to Bible
questions, or developed apologetic material in defense of truly Biblical
doctrine in answer to the claims and objections of those who support
mistaken theological positions.
21. Expanded the major discussion of how to study the Bible at an
extensive note newly written for Hebrews 6:9.
I continue to key this major reference work to the King James Version (KJV),
also known as the Authorized Version (AV), because this English version of the
Bible does not undergo further revision as many modern English translations
do. That way, the keywords given in this resource continue to match the stable
text of the KJV/AV accurately.
The cross references given in this resource will work just fine with any Bible
There are many I must not forget to thank for the varied help, motivation,
inspiration, or instruction they have given as I have prepared this new Bible
study tool. I would like to mention in particular Dr. David Thomason who first
encouraged me in this new work, providing me access to more digital
resources and helping me determine the scope of this project; and to other
now unnamed individuals in an Internet discussion who voiced a strong
interest in having access to a far more complete system of cross references,
which at long last I have now provided. I must extend special thanks to Mr.
Ken Sagely who furnished me many books from his personal library, which
have proved of continuing help. I must also thank Dr. Malcolm L. Lavender and
his son Dr. R. L. Lavender who taught me much as they asked for my editorial
help on the many books they have written over the years, and for granting full
permission to use their works in this project. Dr. W. L. Wade, pastor of the
Lighthouse Bible Church in Danville, Virginia and Pastor Scott Cheatham in
Denver, Colorado have both been an inspiration for this work as they have
shared with me their own interest in cross-reference Bible study, and Pastor
Edward Barclay of Hope Baptist Church, Loveland, Colorado for invaluable help
received. I owe my plumber, Mr. Duane Froh, thanks for introducing me to the
e-Sword Bible software and for asking good Bible questions which motivated
my further study (see Hebrews 13:4). I must also thank Mr. Phil Stoner and
Mr. Rick Meyers for their encouragement to pursue this work. My brother
Martin A. Smith encouraged my study of many areas of Bible doctrine I might
have utterly missed. I must not forget to thank my mother-in-law, Mrs. Grace
Opificius, who read and approved my notes, checked many of my cross
references, and by diligent searching added a few good references beyond
what I found when I needed more help (see Job 5:15). Last but by no means
least, I must thank my wife Susanne for her continued encouragement and her
patience with the long hours I've expended to produce this work, and to my
sons Tim and Dan who have kept my computer and software functioning for
many years.
Jerome H. Smith
The following symbols and abbreviations used in this work are important to
understand to get the most benefit from its helpful features. An explanation of
each symbol follows:
* placed before a cross reference marks a very clear reference where the
connection is usually immediately obvious. Beginning users are encouraged
to use these references first. As more experience is gained, all the
references may be consulted. Another important benefit of this emphasis
marking is that when teaching a group and time is limited, these references
are the most helpful to consider when time will not permit consulting them
** placed before a cross reference indicates a critically clear very significant
reference which should not be missed.
+ This symbol means "find more here" and marks where more references
can be found at another main reference point on the same subject; also
may mark where a set of references to the underlying Greek or Hebrew
word is located, and for names, where the main entry for the name is to be
found. Following this symbol three layers deep in the cross references will
lead to a very full study, what I call "digging deeper." After reading the
cross-references given for a verse, dig deeper by following where the
references marked by the + symbol lead. The "first layer" involves following
the references given at the starting passage marked "+" by reading the
cross references given for each at those passages; the second layer
involves following where the cross references marked with the "+" at each
of those second layer passages that the second layer + symbol leads to; the
third layer involves following all the "+" references given that the third layer
verses with the + sign lead to. After this much study you will have covered
the related subjects very thoroughly. I have placed a detailed step-by-step
explanation of this Bible study method at the end of the note at Hebrews
6:9 in a section titled "How to dig deeper using cross reference Bible study"
giving a specific example to study 2 Corinthians 5:17 this way. This process
of following where successive "+" symbols lead will also work to find a verse
you know is "somewhere" when you cannot recall any specific words from
the verse so a concordance cannot be used to find it: just find any verse in
the Bible that has anything to do with the subject, and usually using the
above process of following the + symbol will get you to the desired verse
fairly quickly.
+* marks where still more references on this subject or topic are located.
*+ marks a clear reference which also serves as a main reference point.
+** marks either a very thorough collection of references or a set of
references which are potentially of life-changing significance or otherwise
most important to read.
% marks a reference which contrasts in some way, perhaps another aspect
of the subject, or a reference to the opposite subject.
= marks a type or an antitype. A type is a picture in the Old Testament
which is fulfilled in some way by a person, thing, or event in the New
Testament. An antitype is the New Testament person, thing, or event which
fulfills the picture in the Old Testament (see John 19:36).
=> type or antitype identified on Biblical authority (see 1 Corinthians 5:7).
> marks quotations in the New Testament from the Old Testament as well as
at Old Testament passages the fact that they are quoted in the New
Testament, and sometimes where the Old Testament or the New Testament
quotes itself.
<a marks an allusion to another Old or New Testament passage (1 T 6:7).
<rp identifies quotations from the Pentateuch in the prophets (see Isaiah
$ identifies references which mark the fulfillment of prophecy.
# indicates a strict parallel passage, as in the Gospels, or the books of
Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. Parallel texts in Proverbs are also marked.
These have not been noted exhaustively, but only selectively.
S# marks a reference to a Strong's Concordance lexical entry number for
Hebrew or Greek words.
*S# placed before a Strong's number (*S#2312h) indicates that all the
occurrences of the original Hebrew or Greek word so marked are given
+S# placed before a Strong's number (+S#2313g) indicates that all the
occurrences to the Hebrew or Greek word which are relevant or parallel to
the use there are given.
() When a cross-reference in a figure-of-speech listing is placed in
parentheses, this indicates that the figure is not apparent in English
versions (KJV, YLT = Young's Literal Translation, or Rotherham's
Emphasized Bible) and so is not cross-referenced back to the explanation of
the figure at the passage so listed.
() In a series of references to a Hebrew or Greek word identified by its
Strong's number, the English translation is given in parentheses when the
word is rendered differently in a particular reference.
() An English word in parentheses after a verse reference lets the reader
know which word in the verse translates the same underlying Hebrew or
Greek word even when the Strong's number is not given.
() A word placed in parentheses in connection with the figure of speech
Ellipsis indicates the word is not present in the original language, but is to
be supplied in accordance with the figure of speech as indicated.
[] Brackets enclose references to the original Greek words to separate
verbal references to the original language word from the normal subject-
related cross-references.
A.M. Anno Mundi, in Bible chronology, the year from the creation of Adam
(see Ge 4:3).
An.Ex.Is. In Bible chronology, years since the exodus of Israel from Egypt
(see Jsh 15:1).
B.C. In chronology, the year before Christ.
BDBG The New Brown, Driver, Briggs Gesenius Hebrew Aramaic English
CB Companion Bible. This scholarly resource has been used carefully with
reserve because of its editor's materialistic theology and hyper-
dispensational theology. See Ps 16:10n.
EGT Expositor's Greek Testament.
F/L In the book of Isaiah, sets of references to "first" (Isaiah chapters 1—39)
and "last" (Isaiah chapters 40—66) portions of Isaiah are given to
demonstrate the unity of the book. Words alleged by some authorities to
occur in only the first portion of the book are seen to be used in the latter
portion, demonstrating that the book is the work of a single author.
FS Figures of speech are identified with a reference number, such as FS148
(see Ge 8:22), followed by the name of the figure of speech in the main
entry, or a reference to where that figure is explained, and to where all the
other instances of that particular figure, or subset of that figure, can be
found. This feature is an essential aid to Bible interpretation. This is the first
time that such information has been made readily accessible to the ordinary
Bible reader in one resource. The Companion Bible identifies many of the
figures of speech in its margins, and has an alphabetical list of the figures
with brief definitions in its Appendix 6. However, users of the Companion
Bible who come across an important instance of the use of a figure of
speech are not led in that volume to the other instances of its use. But to
learn to identify a figure when it is used, one needs to see it in many
contexts until one has developed a "feel" for the figure, and can learn its
characteristics well enough to be able to identify it wherever it occurs. Of
course, one can consult E. W. Bullinger's Figures of Speech Used in the
Bible, but there are many instances given in the margins of the Companion
Bible which are not listed or discussed in that book, and many instances
given in the book which are not given in the Companion Bible. This new
resource remedies that, and furnishes additional references to the figures
not found in either of those two excellent sources. It is believed that this
new resource is the most comprehensive listing of the figures of speech in
the Bible ever produced in English.
FS1—180 The names of the figures of speech have been alphabetized and
given reference numbers from 1 to 180. Often the reference number is
followed by additional letters and numbers to clearly identify the category or
subcategory of the figure of speech. The full alphabetical list of the figures
with the subcategories is given in the Figures of Speech Index.
F/S F/S 542 means a reference is made to page 542 of E. W. Bullinger's
Figures of Speech Used in the Bible (see at Numbers 11:17, keyword spirit,
for FS121A3, Metonymy of the Cause). All main figure of speech entries are
so keyed to Bullinger's volume.
FWG F. W. Grant
g or h Indicates verbal references to the same Hebrew or Greek words when
used after a cross-reference. After a Strong's number, indicates whether the
number refers to the Hebrew or Greek lexicon at the back of Strong's
Gr. Greek
Heb. Hebrew
ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1929, 1939, 1960)
JFB Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on
the Whole Bible.
lit. Literally
LNT Lavender's New Testament, A Literal Translation of the Robinson-
Pierpont Majority Text (1995), by Malcolm L. Lavender, © 2015 by R. L.
Lavender. ISBN 978-0-9795014-7-0 Used by permission.
mg A reference to the marginal reading in the center column of many
editions of the King James or Authorized Version of the Bible. If preceded by
an Italicized or, the reading or rendering is that furnished by the KJV
translators; if preceded by an unitalicized "or," the suggested alternate
reading is from another source.
MM James Hope Moulton and George Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek
note Placed after a cross-reference (Ge 2:7n) means that there is a pertinent
note at that reference in this work about the subject of the reference. These
notes are of great importance. Four thousand of the notes are drawn from
Bagster's Comprehensive Bible and are now also indexed alphabetically in
the Notes Index, available to modern readers in this new resource for the
first time. This new feature employing the "n" symbol, now greatly
extended, makes the many notes throughout this resource far more
accessible than in previous editions, and provides a unique internal cross
referencing system for the notes.
or, Italicized "or," identifies a marginal reading supplied by the translators of
the Authorized or King James Version.
or, Unitalicized "or," identifies alternate renderings supplied by this editor
from Robert Young's Literal Translation and its accompanying Concise
Critical Comments, and other sources.
S# There are selected references to the lexicon numbers of Strong's
Concordance throughout this resource, so relating information given here to
other published Bible study tools keyed to Strong's Concordance. Consult
the Strong's Number Indexes at the end of this resource.
T Topic Numbers are furnished in this resource, together with an important
index to these topics, to give this resource all the advantages of a topical
Bible or topical arrangement of the Scriptures. Sometimes the full set of
references for more than one topic is keyed to the same verse. To assist the
user to more rapidly identify the appropriate set of references, the topic
numbers are given at each major collection of indexed topical references.
TDNT Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
w "with." This symbol is used whenever cross-references are listed out of
their normal biblical sequence in order to show important relationships
between passages. These relationships would be lost if references were
always cited only in their biblical order. Normally, however, references are
cited in their biblical order, excepting that references are first given to the
same chapter, then to the same biblical book. All other references are cited
in turn in biblical order. It is a sound rule of interpretation to seek first to
understand the meaning of the language of an author by reference to the
use of the same or similar language in the same book. The use of the
abbreviation "w" has been reduced in this resource by more often spelling
out "with" in full.
WKF Walter Kelly Firminger, The Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to the
Colossians and to Philemon with Introduction and Notes.
x placed after a topic number indicates the topic provides a set of proof texts
used to support a false doctrine. The importance of including selected
references of this category cannot be overestimated. Such reference sets
furnish the Bible-believing Christian with a defense against false doctrines
promulgated by what are sometimes known as "false cults." Thus, by means
of these symbols you can learn the commonly cited proof texts used to
support a mistaken interpretation, and by reference to the cross-references
not so marked, and especially by reference to cross-references marked with
a % or "contrast" symbol, the reader can learn the biblical answer to many
of the false positions of the cults. Such helpful sets of cross-references are
now marked out for the user more fully in this resource than in any other
single reference source available.
x x or ? placed before or sometimes after a cross-reference indicates
doubtful validity of the reference, for it is a wrong identification of the
source of a quotation (see Re 15:6), or it is a proof text underlying a
mistaken doctrinal (Ge 3:15. Ga 6:15) or prophetic interpretation (Re 4:1),
or it is a questionable identification of a figure of speech, questionable
because it is misidentified (Ge 1:26n), or arbitrarily supports a mistaken
(Ge 24:10n) viewpoint.
YLT Young's Literal Translation of the Bible.
Adams, Jay E. The Meaning and Mode of Baptism. Phillipsburg, New Jersey:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1975. 56 pp.
Alexander, Joseph Addison. The Psalms Translated and Explained. Edinburgh:
Andrew Elliot and James Thin, 1864. Zondervan reprint edition, n.d. 564 pp.
Alexander, J. A. Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. Zondervan reprint,
1962. Two volumes complete and unabridged in one. Vol. 1, 492 pp. Vol 2,
Alexander, J. A. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Scribner, New York,
1864. Zondervan reprint edition, n.d. 444 pp.
Alexander, J. A. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Scribner, Armstrong
& Company, 1875. Zondervan reprint edition, 1956 of the third edition, 1875,
two volumes in one, unabridged. 960 pp.
Alford, Henry. The Book of Genesis, and part of the book of Exodus: a Revised
Version, with Marginal References, and an Explanatory Commentary. Originally
published by Strahan & Company, 1872. Klock and Klock reprint, 1979. 338
Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois. Reprint
edition, 1968.
Allis, Oswald T. Bible Numerics. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
Company, Philadelphia, PA., 1961. 24 pp.
Allis, Oswald T. The Old Testament: Its Claims and Its Critics. Nutley, New
Jersey: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1972. 509 pp.
Allis, Oswald T. Prophecy and the Church. Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Company, Philadelphia, 1969. 339 pp.
Anderson, Robert. The Coming Prince. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1909.
Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1967 reprinting. 311 pp.
Anderson, Robert. The Lord from Heaven. A Study of the Deity of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Wheaton, Illinois: Van Kampen Press, Inc. n.d. 118 pp.
Andrews, Samuel J. The Life of Our Lord Upon the Earth. Zondervan reprint of
the 1891 edition, 1954. 651 pp.
Arndt, W.F. and F.W. Gingrich. A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament.
University of Chicago Press, 1957. Seventh Impression, 1963.
Baird, Samuel J. The Great Baptizer: A Bible History of Baptism. Richmond,
Virginia: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1892. Second Edition. 489 pp.
Baker, Charles F. A Dispensational Theology. Grace Bible College Publications,
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49509. 1971. 688 pp.
Baker, Dean A. My heart asks…Why LORD Jesus? Cloverdale, Indiana: Ministry
of Life. © 1971. 100 pp.
Barndollar, W.W. Jesus’ Title to the Throne of David: A Study in Biblical
Eschatology. Findlay, Ohio: The Dunham Publishing Company, 1963. 151 pp.
Bengel, John Albert. New Testament Word Studies. Reprint edition, Kregel
Publications, Grand Rapids, 1971, of Gnomen of the New Testament by
Perkinpine & Higgins, Philadelphia, 1864. 2 volumes.
Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1941. Tenth printing, 1968. 784 pp.
Blackwelder, Boyce W. Light from the Greek New Testament. The Warner
Press, Anderson, Indiana, 1958. 159 pp.
Blackwelder, Boyce W. Toward Understanding Thessalonians. The Warner
Press, 1965. 159 pp.
Blass, F. and A. Debrunner. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and
Other Early Christian Literature. Translated by Robert W. Funk. The University
of Chicago Press, 1961. Second Impression, 1962. 325 pp.
Bowen, Barbara M. Strange Scriptures that Perplex the Western Mind. Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, © 1944, Eighth
printing, April, 1957. 121 pp.
Bridges, Charles. Psalm 119: An Exposition. London: 1827, 1857. Banner of
Truth Trust, reprinted 1974. 490 pp.
Bridges, Charles. A Commentary on Proverbs. London, 1846. Banner of Truth
Trust reprint, 1968. 640 pp.
Bridges, Charles. A Modern Study in the Book of Proverbs. Charles Bridges’
Classic Revised for Today’s Reader by George F. Santa. Mott Media, Milford,
Michigan, 1978. 752 pp.
Bridges, Charles. The Christian Ministry. London, 1830. Banner of Truth Trust
reprint, 1967.
Brooks, James A. and Carlton L. Winbery. Syntax of New Testament Greek.
Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. © 1979. 204 pp.
Brown, John. An Exposition of Our Lord’s Intercessory Prayer. Minneapolis:
Klock and Klock Christian Publishers, 1978 reprint of the Second Edition,
published by William Oliphant, 1866. 303 pp.
Brown, Michael L. Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, vol. 2. Theological
Objections. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books. © 2000 by Michael L.
Brown. 332 pp.
Bullinger, E.W. Day of Apocalypse or The Day of the Lord. London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode, 1935. Third Edition. 741 pp.
Bullinger, E.W. The Chief Musician: Studies in the Psalms and their Titles.
London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1908. Reprint edition, 1987? Christelijke
Boekhandel, "Berea" b.v., Hogetraat 19-21, 7122 BN Aalten, Holland. London:
The Berean Publishing Trust. 314 pp.
Bullinger, E.W. The Church Epistles. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1905.
Second Edition. Reprinted by Johnson Graphics, Decatur, Michigan, 1989. 296
Bullinger, E. W. A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek
New Testament, together with An Index of Greek Words, and Several
Appendices. London: The Lamp Press. Eighth Edition, 1957. 1031 pp.
Bullinger, E.W. Figures of Speech used in the Bible Explained and Illustrated.
London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1898. Baker Book House reprint, 1968. 1104
Bullinger, E.W. The Giver and His Gifts: The Holy Spirit and His Work. London:
The Lamp Press, 1953. 223 pp.
Bullinger, E.W. How to Enjoy the Bible. London: The Lamp Press, 1955
printing. 436 pp.
Bullinger, E.W. Number in Scripture. London, 1894. Kregel Publications reprint,
1967. 303 pp.
Burgh, William. New Marginal Readings and References, Adapted to the
Authorized Version of The Holy Scriptures, with Occasional Notes: The Four
Gospels, with a Harmony. A New and Improved Edition. Dublin: William Curry,
Jun. and Company. Grant and Bolton. 1844. 307 pp.
Burgon, John William. The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of
the Holy Gospels. Edited by Edward Miller. London: George Bell and Sons,
1896. 290 pp.
Burgon, Dean John William. "Inspiration and Interpretation," Seven Sermons
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Burgon, John W. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark.
1871. Reprint edition, The Sovereign Grace Book Club, 1959. 416 pp.
Burgon, Dean John William. The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Vindicated
and Established. Edited by Edward Miller. London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.
317 pp.
Burgon, John W. The Woman Taken in Adultery and God Was Manifested in the
Flesh. Reprint edition, n.d., n.p. Possibly Sovereign Grace Book Club. pp. 232-
265; 424-501.
Burnap, George W. Expository Lectures on the Principal Passages of the
Scriptures which relate to the Doctrine of the Trinity. Boston: James Munroe
and Company, 1845. 336 pp.
Burton, Ernest De Witt. Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament
Greek. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1894. Second Edition. 215 pp.
Burton, Ernest De Witt. Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament
Greek. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1903. Fifth Edition. 215 pp.
Buswell, J. Oliver. A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962, 1963. Two volumes.
Byers, D.B. Physical Death Not the Penalty: A Complete Refutation of the
Doctrine of Annihilation. Freeport, Ill.: Journal Steam Printing House, 1869.
221 pp.
Canright, D. M. The Lord’s Day, From Neither Catholics Nor Pagans: An Answer
to Seventh-Day Adventism on this Subject. New York: Fleming H. Revell
Company. Reprint, BiblioLife. 262 pp.
Canright, D. M. Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced After an Experience of
Twenty-Eight Years by a Prominent Minister and Writer of that Faith. Reprinted
by B. C. Goodpasture, 1961, from the Fourteenth Edition of 1914. Grand
Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1961. 418 pp.
Carr, Arthur. Horae Biblicae: Short Studies in the Old and New Testaments.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1903. 226 pp.
Carson, Alexander. Baptism: Its Mode and Subjects. Philadelphia: American
Baptist Publication Society, 1853. Fifth American edition. Kregel Publications
reprint edition, 1981. 500 pp.
Carson, D.A. Exegetical Fallacies. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984.
Carson, D.A. The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism. Grand
Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979. 128 pp.
Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Grace. Dunham Publishing Company, Findlay, Ohio,
1947. © 1922. 373 pp.
Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Systematic Theology. Dallas: Dallas Seminary Press,
1947. Grand Rapids: Dunham Publishing Company, 1967. 8 volumes.
Chamberlain, William Douglas. An Exegetical Grammar of the Greek New
Testament. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. © 1941. 233 pp.
Chaney, Johnston M. The Life of Christ in Stereo. Portland, Oregon: Western
Baptist Seminary Press, 1969. 273 pp.
Chilton, David. The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of
Revelation. Fort Worth, Texas: Dominion Press, 1987.
Chilton, David. Paradise Restored: A Biblical Theology of Dominion. Fort Worth,
Texas: Dominion Press, 1985.
Clark, H. B. Biblical Law: Being a text of the statutes, ordinances, and
judgments established in the Holy Bible—with many allusions to secular laws:
ancient, medieval and modern—documented to the Scriptures, judicial
decisions and legal literature. By H. B. Clark, Law Editor. Second Edition.
Portland, Oregon: Binfords & Mort, 1944. 338 pp.
Clark, Samuel. Precious Bible Promises. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, n.d.
Original edition from 1750. 320 pp.
Colwell, Ernest Cadman. The Study of the Bible. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1964. 202 pp.
Conant, J.E. No Salvation Without Substitution. Grand Rapids: Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1941. 171 pp.
Conant, Thomas Jefferson. The Meaning and Use of Baptizein. New York:
American Bible Union, 1864. Kregel Publications reprint edition, 1977. 192 pp.
Countess, Robert H. The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New Testament: A Critical
Analysis of the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures.
Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company,
1982. 136 pp.
Cremer, Hermann. Biblico-theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1895. Reprinted 1954. 943 pp.
Crutwell, Rev. C. A Concordance of Parallels, collected from Bibles and
Commentaries, which have been publised in Hebrew, Latin, French, Italian,
Spanish, English, and other languages, with the authorities of each. London:
Printed for the Author, 1790. 397 pp. (Old Testament); 135 pp. (New
Custer, Stewart. Does Inspiration Demand Inerrancy? Nutley, New Jersey: The
Craig Press, 1968. 120 pp.
Custer, Stewart. From Patmos to Paradise: A Commentary on Revelation. BJU
Press, Greenville, South Carolina, © 2004. 392 pp.
Dabney, Robert L. Lectures in Systematic Theology. 1878. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Publishing House, 1972 reprint. 903 pp.
Daille, John. An Exposition of Philippians. Mac Dill AFB, Florida: Tyndale Bible
Society, n.d. 286 pp.
Dake, J. Finis. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible. Atlanta, Georgia: Dake Bible
Sales, 1963.
Dale, James Wilkinson. Classic Baptism: Baptizo, An Inquiry into the Meaning
of the Word as determined by the usage of Classical Greek Writers.
Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1867. 371 pp.
Dale, J.W. Classic Baptism. Reprint edition with new forward by Jay E. Adams,
new introduction by Robert H. Countess. Chicago: Bolchazy-Carducci
Publishers and Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
Company, 1989.
Dale, J.W. Judaic Baptism. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication,
1869. 400 pp.
Dale, J.W. Johannic Baptism. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication
and Sabbath-School Work, 1898. Copyright 1871 by J.W. Dale. 428 pp.
Dale, J.W. Christic and Patristic Baptism. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of
Publication, 1874. 670 pp.
Darby, J.N. The Collected Writings of J.N. Darby. Edited by William Kelly.
Prophetic No. 4. Volume 11. Oak Park, Illinois: Bible Truth Publishers, 1972
reprint. 387 pp.
Darby, J.N. Miscellaneous Writings. Volume 5. The Names and Titles of Christ.
pp. 7—144. Oak Park, Illinois: Bible Truth Publishers, n.d. 221 pp.
Davis, John D. A Dictionary of the Bible. Fourth Revised Edition, 1924. Grand
Rapids: Baker Book House, 1968 reprint. 840 pp.
Davis, John J. Biblical Numerology: A Basic Study of the Use of Numbers in the
Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1968. 174 pp.
Davis, John J. Contemporary Counterfeits. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House,
1973. 43 pp.
DeHoff, George W. Alleged Bible Contradictions Explained. Murfreesboro,
Tennessee: DeHoff Publications, 1950. 303 pp.
Dexter, Henry V. The Shining Way; or, Unerring Guide, being Scripture
Precepts, Topically Arranged. Augusta, Maine: E.C. Allen, n.d. 343 pp.
Ditzler, J. Baptism. 1880. 364 pp.
Douglas, Claude C. Overstatement in the New Testament. New York: Henry
Holt and Company, 1931. 252 pp.
Douty, Norman F. Another Look at Seventh-day Adventism: with special
reference to Questions on Doctrine. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book
House, 1962. 224 pp.
Douty, Norman F. The Case of D. M. Canright: Seventh-day Adventist Charges
Examined. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1964. 184 pp.
Douty, Norman F. The Death of Christ. Swengel, Pennsylvania: Reiner
Publications, 1972. 120 pp.
Douty, Norman F. Has Christ’s Return Two Stages? New York: Pageant Press,
1956. 127 pp.
Douty, Norman F. Union with Christ. Swengel, Pennsylvania: Reiner
Publications, 1973. 274 pp.
Drummond, William Hamilton. The Doctrine of the Trinity, founded neither on
Scripture, nor on Reason and Common Sense, but on Tradition and the
Infallible Church. Third edition, with considerable additions. London: R. Hunter,
1831. 176 pp.
Ellicott, Charles John. Commentary on the Epistle to the Thessalonians.
Zondervan edition of the second edition, published in 1861 by Parker and Son,
reprinted 1957. 167 pp.
Eerdman, W.J. The Unseen World: A Concordance with Notes. Chicago: F.H.
Revell, n.d. Second edition revised. 41 pp.
Fairfield, Edmund B. Letters on Baptism. Boston and Chicago: Congregational
Sunday-School and Publishing Society, 1893. 249 pp.
Fereday, W.W. Josiah and Revival. Kilmarnock: John Ritchie Limited, n.d. 113
Finegan, Jack. Handbook of Biblical Chronology. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1964. 338 pp.
Firminger, Walter Kelly. The Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colossians
and to Philemon with Introduction and Notes. The Indian Church
Commentaries. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1921. 355
Ford, David B. Studies on The Baptismal Question; Including a Review of Dr.
Dale’s "Inquiry into the Usage of Baptizo." Boston: H.A. Young & Company.
New York: Ward & Drummond, 1879. 416 pp.
Freeman, James M. Manners and Customs of the Bible. New York: Nelson and
Philips, 1874? Plainfield, New Jersey: Logos International, 1972 reprint. 515
Gaebelein, Frank E. The Christian Use of the Bible. Chicago: Moody Press,
Gallaher, Thomas. Baptism: A Short Method with the Dipping Anti-
pedobaptists, in three parts: Part I, What is Baptism? Part II, Who are the
Proper Subjects of Baptism? Part III, Perversions of Fact and History. St.
Louis: Presbyterian Publishing Company Print, 1878. 340 pp.
Garner, Albert. Defense of the Faith: or, Christian Doctrine. Texarkana, Ark.-
Texas: Baptist Sunday School Committee of the American Baptist Association,
1962. 334 pp.
Gebhardt, Herman. The Doctrine of the Apocalypse, and its relation to the
doctrine of the Gospel and Epistles of John. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1878.
424 pp.
George, Carl F. Prepare Your Church for the Future. Introducing the Meta-
Church: Large enough to celebrate, small enough to care. Tarrytown, New
York: Fleming H. Revell Company, Publishers. Copyright © 1991 by Carl F.
George. 240 pp.
Gibbs, Alfred P. Direct Address to the Lord Jesus. Kansas City, Kansas:
Walterick Publishers, n.d. 32 pp.
Gibbs, Alfred P. Through the Scriptures: Outlines for Teachers and Preachers.
St. Louis, Missouri: Faithful Words Publishing Company, 1957. © 1935. 263
Gibbs, Alfred P. Worship: The Christian’s Highest Occupation. St. Louis,
Missouri: Faithful Words Publishing Company. 238 pp.
Gibson, Edgar C.S. The Old Testament in the New. London: Wells Gardner,
Darton & Co., Ltd., 1907. 193 pp.
Gifford, E.H. The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, with Notes and
Introduction. London: John Murray, 1886. Reprint by The James Family
Publishing, Minneapolis, 1977. 238 pp.
Girdlestone, R.B. The Grammar of Prophecy: A Systematic Guide to Biblical
Prophecy. Kregel Publications reprint, 1955. 192 pp.
Girdlestone, R.B. Synonyms of the Old Testament: Their Bearing on Christian
Doctrine. London: J. Nisbet & Co. Second Edition, 1897. Reprint edition,
Eerdmans, n.d. 346 pp.
Girdlestone, R.B. Synonyms of the Old Testament. Numerically Coded to
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983. 388
Grant, F.W. Facts and Theories as to a Future State: The Scripture Doctrine
Considered with Reference to Current Denials of Eternal Punishment. Charlotte,
North Carolina: Books for Christians, 1972. The Serious Christian, vol. VI- A.
638 pp.
Grant, F.W. The Numerical Bible. New York: Loizeau Brothers, Bible Truth
Depot, 1890. Seventh printing, 1956. Seven volumes.
Grant, F.W. Papers on Eternal Punishment. New York: Loizeaux Brothers, n.d.
16 pp.
Grant, P.W. Christian Baptism the Baptism of Christians: or, Primitive,
Apostolic Baptism, the Immersion of Believers in Jesus Christ, into the Name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Edinburgh: Lorimer &
Gillies, Printers, 1900. 328 pp.
Green, Samuel G. Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament. London:
The Religious Tract Society, 1886. 564 pp.
Greenfield, W. (Ed.) The Comprehensive Bible. London, 1826. Philadelphia:
J.B. Lippincott & Company, 1862. 1460 pp.
Greenleaf, Simon. The Testimony of the Evangelists Examined by the Rules of
Evidence Administered in Courts of Justice. New York: James Cockroft &
Company, 1874. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1965 reprint edition. 613
Gundry, Robert H. The Church and the Tribulation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Publishing House, 1973. 224 pp.
Guy, A.M. Concordance to Prophecy. London: The Sovereign Grace Advent
Testimony, 1942. 32 pp.
Habershon, Ada R. Outline Studies of the Tabernacle. Grand Rapids: Kregel
Publications, 1974 reprint. 63 pp.
Habershon, Ada R. The Study of the Miracles. Grand Rapids: Kregel
Publications, 1968 reprint.
Habershon, Ada R. The Study of the Parables. Grand Rapids: Kregel
Publications, 1967 reprint.
Habershon, Ada R. The Study of the Types: A New Enlarged Edition. Containing
Priests and Levites: A Type of the Church. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications,
1974 reprint. 233 pp.
Haley, John W. An Examination of the Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible.
Nashville: B.C. Goodpasture, 1963 reprint of the 1875 edition published by
W.G. Holmes, Chicago. 473 pp.
Hamilton, Frank. Evidences that Jesus is the Messiah. Ventnor, New Jersey,
n.d. 128 pp.
Hamilton, William. A Compend of Baptism. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1883.
233 pp.
Hanna, Robert. A Grammatical Aid to the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Baker Book House, 1983. © 1983. 456 pp.
Harris, W.S. A Complete Index to the Thought and Teachings of Christ
Alphabetically and Topically Arranged. Nashville: Cokesbury Press, 1939. 191
Harrisville, Roy A. The Concept of Newness in the New Testament.
Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1960. 126 pp.
Hayes, Doremus Almy. Paul and His Epistles. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House
1969 reprint of the 1915 edition. 508 pp.
Heiser, Michael S. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the supernatural worldview
of the Bible. Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Press. © 2015. 389 pp. plus
Subject Index and Scripture Index unnumbered in the Logos Software edition.
Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible. Old
Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, n.d. Six volumes.
Henry, Matthew. The Complete Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry. Grand
Rapids: Baker Book House 1979 reprint of the 1855 edition published by A.
Fullarton and Co. of Edinburgh, London, and Dublin. Two volumes.
Henry, Matthew. Bible Themes from Matthew Henry. Passages selected and
edited by Selwyn Gummer, with Sermon Outlines on each subject by Frank
Colquhoun. Wheaton, Illinois: Van Kampen Press, 1953.
Henry, Matthew. A Topical Index to Matthew Henry’s A Commentary on the
Whole Bible. William T. Summers, Compiler. Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming
H. Revell Company, 1982.
Hibbard, F.G. Christian Baptism: in Two Parts. Part First: Infant Baptism, 328
pp. Part Second: Mode, Obligation, Import, and Relative Order, 234 pp. New
York: Nelson and Phillips, 1841, 1843.
Hill, David. Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings: Studies in the Semantics of
Soteriological Terms. Cambridge University Press, 1967. 333 pp.
Hislop, Alexander. The Two Babylons. Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux
Brothers, 1959. Reprint of 1858 edition. 330 pp.
Hobart, William Kirk. The Medical Language of St. Luke. Grand Rapids: Baker
Book House, 1954 reprint of the 1882 printing by Hodges, Figgis, & Co.,
Hodge, Charles. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Grand Rapids:
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1964 reprint of the Revised Edition of
1886. 458 pp.
Hodge, Charles. An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Grand
Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1965 reprint. 373 pp.
Hodge, Charles. An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Grand
Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, n.d. 314 pp.
Hodge, Charles. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Grand Rapids:
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1969 reprint. 398 pp.
Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, n.d. Three Volumes. Vol 1, Theology, 649 pp.; Vol 2,
Anthropology, 732 pp.; Vol 3, Soteriology, 880 pp.
Hogg, C.F., W.E. Vine, W.R. Lewis. The Ministry of Women: A Study in the
Scriptures. A Careful Consideration of the Many Passages of Scripture Bearing
on the Subject. Kansas City, Kansas: Walterick Publishers, n.d. 40 pp.
Hogg, C.F. and W.E. Vine. The Epistles to the Thessalonians with Notes
Exegetical and Expository. Fincastle, Virginia: Scripture Truth Book Company,
1959 reprint of 1929 Revised Edition. First published 1914. 307 pp.
Hoekema, Anthony A. The Four Major Cults. Grand Rapids: William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1963. 447 pp.
Holliday, F.C. A Bible Handbook, Theologically Arranged: Designed to Facilitate
the Finding of Proof-texts on the Leading Doctrines of the Bible. Cincinnati:
Cranston and Stowe. New York: Hunt and Eaton, 1869.
Horne, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge
of the Holy Scriptures. Seventh Edition. Four Volumes. London, 1834.
Horne, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge
of the Holy Scriptures. In two volumes, bound as one. New York: Hurst &
Company, n.d., second American edition (1864?).
Horton, Robert F. The Commandments of Jesus. London: Isbister and
Company Limited, 1898. 375 pp.
Hoskier, H.C. Concerning the Genesis of the Versions of the New Testament.
Two Volumes. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1910, 1911.
Hoskier, H.C. Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse: Collations of all Existing
Available Greek Documents with the standard text of Stephen’s Third Edition,
together with Versions, Commentaries and Fathers. A Complete Conspectus of
All Authorities. Volume I. London: Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., 1929. 751 pp.
Volume II. London: Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., 1929. 649 pp.
Hughey, G.W. Baptismal Remission; or, The Design of Christian Baptism.
Cincinnati: Cranston & Stowe. New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1891. 134 pp.
Hughey, G.W. The Scriptural Mode of Christian Baptism. Kansas City: Hudson
Press, 1907. 284 pp.
Hunt, Dave. What Love Is This? Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God. Updated
and Expanded. Bend, Oregon: The Berean Call. Third Edition. © 2006. 590 pp.
Jackson, J.B. A Dictionary of the Proper Names of the Old and New Testament
Scriptures. New York: Loizeaux Brothers, 1946. 100 pp.
Jenkins, Ferrell. The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. Grand Rapids:
Baker Book House, 1976. 151 pp.
Jones, R. Bradley. What, Where, and When Is the Millennium? Grand Rapids:
Baker Book House, 1975. 144 pp.
Kay, William. The Psalms Translated from the Hebrew with Notes Chiefly
Exegetical. London: Rivingtons, 1871. 470 pp.
Keach, Benjamin. Tropologia; A Key to Open Scripture Metaphors. London:
William Hill Collingbridge, 1856. 1007 pp.
Keeler, R.F. Christian Baptism; The Mode, Design, and Subjects. Cleveland:
The Imperial Press, 1901. 436 pp. ?
Kittel, Gerhard. (Ed.) Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Grand
Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1964. Ten volumes.
Kuyper, Abraham. The Work of the Holy Spirit. New York: Funk and Wagnalls,
1900. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1973 reprint. 664
Laidlaw, John. The Biblical Doctrine of Man. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1895.
Reprinted by Klock and Klock, 1983. 363 pp.
Lansdell, Henry. The Sacred Tenth; or, Studies in Tithe-giving Ancient and
Modern. Complete in Two Volumes. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1955
reprint of the 1905 edition. 672 pp.
Lansdell, Henry. The Tithe in Scripture. London: Society for the Promotion of
Christian Knowledge, 1908. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1963 reprint
edition. 156 pp.
Lardner, Nathaniel. The Works of Nathaniel Lardner. In Ten Volumes. London:
Holdsworth and Ball, 1831.
Lavender, Malcolm L. Lavender’s New Testament: A Literal Translation of the
Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text (1995) With Notes, Commentary,
Grammatical Concordance, and Light from the Greek. Translated by Malcolm L.
Lavender, Th.D., Litt.D. For Lavender’s New Testament the following materials
have been added by R. L. Lavender, Th.D., Litt. D.—Notes, Commentary, and
Grammatical Concordance. © 2015 by R. L. Lavender. ISBN 978-0-9795014-7-
Lavender, Malcolm L. Expository Notes on Romans with Interlinear and
Translation. Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, 2009. 259 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. The Fallacy of the "Sinning Christian" … A Call to Reform.
Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, © 1996. 295 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. The Gospel Under Siege. Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis
Publications, © 1991. 240 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. Greek Grammar and Syntax Versus Calvinism. Port
Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, © 2007. 643 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. He Offered Himself, or Priestly-Sacrificial Atonement: A
Recovery of Apostolic Atonement. Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, ©
2005. 262 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. A Look Into the Calvinistic Mind. Port Huron, Michigan:
Crisis Publications, © 2008. 117 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. The New Testament Salvation Vocabulary Recovered.
Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, © 2008. 98 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. The Potter’s Freedom to Love the World: A Refutation of
Dr. James R. White. Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, © 2005. 218 pp.
Lavender, Malcolm L. TULIP in the Light of Scripture. Port Huron, Michigan:
Crisis Publications, © 2005. 126 pp.
Lavender, R. L. The Attributes of God. Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis
Publications. © 2007 by R. L. Lavender. 215 pp.
Lavender, R. L. Taking Calvary Back! New Testament Atonement Recovered.
Port Huron, Michigan: Crisis Publications, © 2009. 80 pp.
Leeser, Isaac. Twenty-four Books of the Holy Scriptures carefully translated
after the best Jewish authorities by Isaac Leeser. New York: Hebrew Publishing
Company, n.d.
LeMahieu, D.L. The Mind of William Paley: A Philosopher and His Age. Lincoln,
Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1976. 215 pp.
Liddon, H.P. The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London:
Rivingtons, 1871. 552 pp.
Liddon, H.P. Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. 1892.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1961. 309 pp.
Lightfoot, J.B. Saint Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon.
Zondervan 1965 reprint of the revised 1879 edition published by MacMillan.
430 pp.
Linton, Irwin H. A Lawyer and the Bible. With an introduction by Charles
Gallaudet Trumbull. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929. First edition. 204
Linton, I.H. A Legal Man and the Bible. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd.,
n.d. 176 pp.
Linton, Irwin H. A Lawyer Examines the Bible: An Introduction to Christian
Evidences. New Revised Edition. Boston: W.A. Wilde Company, 1943. 318 pp.
Locke, John. A Commonplace Book to the Holy Bible: or, the Scripture’s
sufficiency practically demonstrated, wherein the substance of Scripture,
respecting doctrine, worship, and manners, is reduced to its proper heads:
weighty cases are resolved, truths confirmed, and difficult texts illustrated and
explained. From the fifth London edition, revised by Rev. William Dodd, with an
enlarged index. New York: American Tract Society, n.d. 413 pp.
Lucas, Jerry and Del Washburn. Theomatics: God’s Best Kept Secret Revealed.
New York: Stein and Day, 1977. 347 pp.
Lund, N. W. Chiasmus in the New Testament. A Study in Formgeshichte. N.
Carolina, 1942. 428 pp.
Marchbanks, John B. Great Doctrines Relating to Salvation. Neptune, New
Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1970. 96 pp.
Martin, Ralph P. Worship in the Early Church. Westwood, New Jersey: Fleming
H. Revell, 1964. 144 pp.
Martin, Walter. Cults Reference Bible. Santa Ana, California: Vision House,
1981. 1083 pp.
Martin, Walter R. The Kingdom of the Cults: An Analysis of the Major Cult
Systems in the Present Christian Era. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1965. 443 pp.
Martin, Walter R. The Kingdom of the Cults. Revised edition, 1968.
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany Fellowship, 1969. 443 pp.
Masselink, William. Why Thousand Years? or Will the Second Coming be Pre-
Millennial? Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1930. 224
McClintock, John and James Strong. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and
Ecclesiastical Literature. Twelve Volumes. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House,
1968 reprint.
Memes, J. S. Christian Literature: Evidences. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1840.
Consisting of: Watson’s Apology for Christianity; Watson’s Apology for the
Bible; Paley’s Evidences of Christianity; Paley’s Horae Paulinae; Jenyns’ View of
the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion; Leslie’s Truth of Christianity
Demonstrated; Leslie’s Short and Easy Method with the Deists; Leslies Short
and Easy Method with the Jews; Chandler’s Plain Reasons for being a
Christian; Lyttelton’s Observations on the Conversion of Saint Paul; Campbell’s
Dissertation on Miracles; Sherlock’s Trial of the Witnesses, with the Sequel to
the Trial; West on the Resurrection. 710 pp.
Memes, J. S. The Christian Treasury; A selection of standard treatises on
subjects of doctrinal and practical Christianity: containing Magee’s Discourses
and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice;
Witherspoon’s Practical Treatise on Regeneration; Boston’s Crook in the Lot;
Stuart’s Letters on the Divinity of Christ; Guild’s Moses Unveiled; Guild’s
Harmony of All the Prophets; Less’s Authenticity, Uncorrupted Preservation,
and Credibility of the New Testament. Edited by the Rev. J. S. Memes, LL.D.
London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, 1863.
Menzies, Mrs. Stephen. How to Mark Your Bible. London: Pickering and Inglis
Ltd, 1917. Reprinted 1959. 174 pp.
Metzger, Bruce M. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jesus Christ. Princeton, New
Jersey: The Theological Book Agency, 1953. 85 pp.
Metzger, Bruce Manning. The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission,
Corruption and Restoration. New York: Oxford University Press, 1964. 268 pp.
Metzger, Bruce M. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament.
London: United Bible Societies, 1971. 775 pp.
Monser, Harold E. The Cross-Reference Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker Book
House, 1959. Reprinted from the 1910 edition printed by the Cross-Reference
Bible Company. 2405 pp.
Monser, Harold E. Monser’s Topical Index and Digest of the Bible. New York:
Cross Reference Bible Company, 1914. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1960
reprint. 681 pp.
Moody, Clement. The New Testament Expounded and Illustrated According to
the usual Marginal References in the very words of Holy Scripture. Together
with the Notes and Translations, and a Complete Marginal Harmony of the
Gospels. The Preface cites in full a letter by Dr. Blayney, originally published in
the Gentleman’s Magazine for November 1769, vol. xxxix, regarding cross
Mooney, S.C. Usury: Destroyer of Nations. Warsaw, Ohio: Theopolis, 1988.
248 pp.
Morgan, James. The Scripture Testimony to the Holy Spirit. Edinburgh: T. & T.
Clark, 1865. 494 pp.
Morris, T.D. A Grouped and Annotated Subject-Index to St. Paul’s Epistles.
With an Accessory Forepart. 1910. 361 pp.
Moule, C.F.D. An Idiom Book of New Testament Greek. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1959. Reprinted 1986. 246 pp.
Moulton, James Hope. A Grammar of New Testament Greek. Volume I:
Prolegomena. Third Edition with corrections and additions. Edinburgh: T. & T.
Clark, 1908. Reprinted 1957. 293 pp.
Moulton, James Hope. A Grammar of New Testament Greek. Volume II:
Accidence and Word-formation. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1920. Reprinted
1960. 543 pp.
Moulton, James Hope. A Grammar of New Testament Greek. Volume III:
Syntax. By Nigel Turner. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1963. 417 pp.
Moulton, James Hope. A Grammar of New Testament Greek. Volume IV: Style.
By Nigel Turner. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1976. 174 pp.
Moulton, James Hope and Albert William Greenup. The New Testament in the
Revised Version of 1881 with Fuller References. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1910. 634 pp.
Moulton, James Hope, and George Milligan. A Vocabulary of the Greek
Testament. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 1930. 1963 printing. 705
Muller, Richard A. Dictionary of Latin and Greek Terms Drawn Principally from
Protestant Scholastic Theology. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House,
1986. © 1985. 340 pp.
Munk, Johannes. Christ and Israel: An Interpretation of Romans 9-11.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967. 156 pp.
Nave, Orville J. and Anna Semans Nave. Nave’s Study Bible. Chicago: Moody
Press reprint, n.d. Copyright 1907. 1716 pp.
Nee, Watchman. The Latent Power of the Soul. New York: Christian Fellowship
Publishers, 1972.
Nee, Watchman. The Normal Christian Church Life. Washington, D.C.:
International Students Press, 1962.
Newell, William R. The Book of the Revelation. Chicago: Moody Press. © 1935
by Willilam R. Newell. 405 pp.
Newmark, Herman. Prophecies of Centuries Fulfilled in a Day. London: Eduth
Le-Israel, n.d. 8 pp.
Nicholson, W.R. Popular Studies in Colossians: Oneness With Christ. Edited by
James M. Gray. Fincastle, Virginia: Scripture Truth Book Company, n.d. 284
Nicoll, W. Robertson. The Expositor’s Greek Testament. Five volumes. Grand
Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1961 reprint.
Nolan, Frederick. An Inquiry into the Integrity of the Greek Vulgate, or
Received Text of the New Testament. London: Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington,
1815. 576 pp.
Oden, Thomas C. The Transforming Power of Grace. Nashville, TN: Abingdon
Press, 1993. 208 pp.
O’Hare, Terrence D. The Sabbath Complete And the Ascendency of First-Day
Worship. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, © 2011. 395 pp.
Olson, Roger E. Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities. Downer’s Grove,
Illinois: IVP Academic. © 2006 by Roger E. Olson. 250 pp.
Orr, James. (Ed.) The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Five volumes.
Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1960. Original copyright
1929, Howard-Severance Company.
Paley, William. Horae Paulinae; or, the truth of the Scripture history of St. Paul
evinced by a comparison of the epistles which bear his name with the Acts of
the Apostles and with one another. A New Edition, with Introduction, Notes,
and Questions, by William Binnie. London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1879. 240 pp.
Paley, William. The Works of William Paley. Complete in one Volume.
Philadelphia: Crissy & Markley, n.d. (1866?) 604 pp.
Paley, William. The Works of William Paley. Complete in six volumes.
Cambridge: Hilliard and Brown, 1830.
Panin, Ivan. Bible Chronology. Second Edition, 1950. Preface by Mr. Gustav E.
Hoyer, Chicago. Aldershot, Ontario: Bible Numerics, 1950. 199 pp.
Pardington, George P. Outline Studies in Christian Doctrine. Harrisburg, PA:
Christian Publications. © 1926 by Christian Alliance Publishing Co. Eighth
Edition. 370 pp.
Parsons, J.U. The Biblical Analysis; or a Topical Arrangement of the
Instructions of the Holy Scriptures. Boston: Whipple & Damrell, 1837.
Pentecost, J. Dwight. Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology. Findlay,
Ohio: Dunham Publishing Company, © 1958. 633 pp.
Peters, George N.H. The Theocratic Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, the Christ, as
covenanted in the Old Testament and presented in the New Testament.
Complete in three volumes. Preface by Wilbur M. Smith. Grand Rapids: Kregel
Publications, 1957.
Pick, Aaron. The Bible Student’s Concordance. London: Hamilton, Adams &
Company, 1845. 590 pp.
Pink, Arthur W. The Prophetic Parables of Matthew Thirteen. Covington,
Kentucky: Kentucky Bible Depot, 1946. 103 pp.
Pink, Arthur W. Exposition of the Gospel of John. Three Volumes Complete and
Unabridged in One Volume. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1968.
Seventh printing, 1973.
Poole, Matthew. A Commentary on the Holy Bible. London: Banner of Truth
Trust, 1962. Reprinted 1968. Originally published in 1683 and 1685. Three
Pope, William Burt. A Compendium of Christian Theology: being Analytical
Outlines of a Course of Study, Biblical, Dogmatic, Historical. Three volumes.
London: Published for the Author at the Wesleyan Conference Office, 1879.
Potts, Cyrus A. Dictionary of Bible Proper Names. Addison, Illinois: Bible Truth
Publishers, 1981. 288 pp.
Price, A.C. Biblical Studies: A Guide to What the Bible Actually Says as to the
Nature and Meaning of Christianity. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited,
1939. 416 pp.
Pusey, E.B. The Minor Prophets: A Commentary, Explanatory and Practical.
Two Volumes. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, reprinted 1956, 1970.
Rackham, Richard Belward. The Acts of the Apostles: An Exposition. London:
Methuen, 1901. Reprinted, 1953. 524 pp.
Rea, John. (Ed.) Layman’s Commentary on the Holy Spirit. Plainfield, New
Jersey: Logos International, 1972. 120 pp.
Reese, Alexander. The Approaching Advent of Christ. Grand Rapids: Grand
Rapids International Publications, 1975. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott,
1937. 328 pp.
Rhodes, Ron. Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, © 1993. 437 pp.
Ritchie, John. Scripture Proper Names. Kilmarnock: John Ritchie, Limited. n.d.
Robertson, A.T. The Divinity of Christ in the Gospel of John. New York: Fleming
H. Revell Company, 1916. 172 pp.
Robertson, A.T. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of
Historical Research. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1934. 1154 pp.
Robertson, A.T. The Minister and His Greek New Testament. London: Hodder &
Stoughton, 1923. 139 pp.
Robertson, A.T. Paul’s Joy in Christ: Studies in Philippians. Copyright, 1917, by
Fleming H. Revell Company. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1970 reprint.
265 pp.
Robertson, A.T. Studies in the Text of the New Testament. New York: George
H. Doran Company. Joplin, Missouri: College Press, 1969 reprint.
Robertson, A.T. Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, Tennessee:
Broadman Press, 1930. Six volumes.
Robertson, A. T. and W. Hersey Davis. A New Short Grammar of the Greek
Testament For Students Familiar with the Elements of Greek. New York:
Harper & Brothers Publishers. © 1931, 1933. 454 pp.
Russell, Bertrand. Why I Am Not a Christian and other essays on religion and
related subjects. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. 266 pp.
Ryle, John Charles. Old Paths: Being Plain Statements on Some of the
Weightier Matters of Christianity. London: James Clarke & Company Ltd.,
reprinted 1972. 521 pp.
Ryrie, Charles C. Basic Theology. Chicago: Moody Publishers. © 1986, 1999 by
Charles C. Ryrie. 655 pp.
Sauer, Eric. From Eternity to Eternity. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, 1954. Fifth printing, 1966. 207 pp.
Scott, Thomas. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments,
according to the Authorized Version, with explanatory notes, practical
observations, and copious marginal references. Stereotype edition, from the
fifth London edition, with the author’s last corrections and improvements.
Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1864. Six volumes.
Scott, Thomas. Scott’s Commentary. London, 1851. Six volumes.
Scrivener, F.H.A.
Introduction to Textual Criticism. A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the
New Testament for the use of Biblical students. Fourth edition, edited by the
Rev. Edward Miller. London: George Bell & Sons, 1894. Two volumes.
Serle, Ambrose. The Church of God; or, Essays upon some Descriptive Names
and Titles. Glasgow: J. Kirk, & Co., 1814. 384 pp.
Serle, Ambrose. Horae Solitariae: or, Essays upon some remarkable Names
and Titles of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit occurring in the Old and New
Testaments, and declarative of their Essential Divinity and Gracious Offices in
the Redemption and Salvation of Men: to which is annexed, an essay, chiefly
historical, upon the doctrine of the Trinity; and a brief account of the heresies
relative to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, which have been published since the
Christian era. New York: Robert Carter, 1842. 708 pp.
Shedd, William G.T. The Doctrine of Endless Punishment. New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1886. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Klock and Klock Christian
Publishers, 1980 reprint. 163 pp.
Shedd, William G.T. Dogmatic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1969 reprint of the 1888 edition. Three volumes.
Shepherd, J.W. Handbook on Baptism. Nashville, Tennessee: Gospel Advocate
Company, 1972. Third edition, a reprint of the second edition of 1912. 517 pp.
Simmons, Charles. A Scripture Manual. Alphabetically and Systematically
Arranged, designed to facilitate the finding of Proof Texts. New York: M.W.
Dodd, Brick Church Chapel, 1850. 750 pp.
Slaten, Arthur Wakefield. Qualitative Nouns in the Pauline Epistles and Their
Translation in the Revised Version. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,
1918. 70 pp.
Smith, J.B. Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament. A Tabular and
Statistical Greek-English Concordance based on the King James Version with
an English-to-Greek Index. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1955. 430
Smith, J.B. A Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of
Revelation. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1961. 369 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. The Biblical Doctrine of Heaven. Chicago: Moody Press, 1968.
317 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. Chats from a Minister’s Library. Boston: W.A. Wilde, 1951.
283 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. Egypt in Biblical Prophecy. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House,
1957. 256 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. Israeli/Arab Conflict and the Bible. Glendale, California: Regal
Books, 1967. 162 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. The Minister in His Study. Chicago: Moody Press, 1973. 128
Smith, Wilbur M. A Preliminary Bibliography for the Study of Biblical Prophecy.
Boston: W.A. Wilde Co., 1952. 44 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. Profitable Bible Study. Seven Simple Methods with an
Annotated List of the First One Hundred Best Books for the Bible Student’s
Library. Boston: W.A. Wilde Co., 1939. New revised edition, 1953. 227 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. Profitable Bible Study. Eight methods of studying the Bible.
An annotated list of over one hundred basic books. Second revised edition.
Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1963. Reprinted 1971. 166 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. The Supernaturalness of Christ: Can We Still Believe In It?
Boston, Massachusetts: W. A. Wilde Company, 1954. © 1940. 235 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. Therefore Stand. A Plea for a Vigorous Apologetic in This
Critical Hour of the Christian Faith. Boston: W.A. Wilde Co., 1945. 614 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. A Treasury of Books for Bible Study. Natick, Massachusetts:
W.A. Wilde Company, 1960. 289 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. World Crises and the Prophetic Scriptures. Chicago: Moody
Press, 1950. 384 pp.
Smith, Wilbur M. You Can Know the Future. Glendale, California: Regal Books,
1971. 152 pp.
Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible. Unabridged edition in four volumes.
Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1971 reprint of the 1896 edition.
Smyth, Herbert Weir. Greek Grammar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press, Renewed © 1984.
Smyth, Herbert Weir. Greek Grammar. © 2010 Benediction Classics, Oxford.
Reprint of the 1915 edition. 492 pp.
Smyth, Herbert Weir. A Greek Grammar for Colleges. New York: American
Book Company. © 1920. 722 pp. plus English and Greek Indexes with pages
unnumbered in Logos software edition.
Stanton, Gerald B. Kept from the Hour: Biblical Evidence for the
Pretribulational Return of Christ. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1964.
320 pp.
Steele, David N. and Curtis C. Thomas. Romans: An Interpretive Outline. A
Study Manual of Romans, Including a Series of Interpretive Notes and Charts
on the Major Doctrines of the Epistle. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, © 1963. Reprinted 1967. 200
Stoner, Peter W. Science Speaks. Scientific Proof of the Accuracy of Prophecy
and the Bible. Chicago: Moody Press, 1958. Third revised edition, 1969. 128
Strauch, Alexander. Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical
Church Leadership. Littleton, Colorado: Lewis and Roth Publishers, 1986. 422
Strong, Augustus Hopkins. Systematic Theology. Westwood, New Jersey:
Fleming H. Revell Company, 1907. Twenty-third printing, 1963. 1166 pp.
Summers, Ray. Essentials of New Testament Greek. Nashville, Tennessee:
Broadman Press. © 1950. 171 pp.
Summers, Thomas O. Baptism: A Treatise on the Nature, Perpetuity, Subjects,
Administrator, Mode, and Use of the Initiating Ordinance of the Christian
Church. With an Appendix, containing strictures on Dr. Howell’s "Evils of Infant
Baptism," etc. Richmond, Virginia: John Early, for the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, 1853. 252 pp.
Swete, Henry Barclay. The Apocalypse of St. John. The Greek Text with
Introduction, Notes and Indices. London: MacMillan and Company, 1906. 335
Taylor, C. Apostolic Baptism: Facts and Evidences on the Subjects and Mode of
Christian Baptism. New York: Saxton and Miles, 1844. 236 pp.
Taylor, Fred E. A Christian’s Bill of Responsibilities In Business. Rules of
Business Conduct to help Christian Workers, Pastors, and Christians in secular
employment. Portland, Oregon: Christian Supply Center, 1959. 22 pp.
Terry, Milton S. Biblical Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing
House, n.d. (1956). Originally published 1883. 782 pp.
Thayer, Joseph Henry. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1963 reprint of 1889 edition. 726 pp.
Thirtle, James William. The Lord’s Prayer: An Interpretation Critical and
Expository. London: Morgan and Scott, 1915. 287 pp.
Thirtle, James W. The Titles of the Psalms: Their Nature and Meaning
Explained. London: Henry Frowde, 1904. 386 pp.
Thomas, F.W. Masters of Deception. A Christian Analysis of the Anti-Biblical
Teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, n.d.
(1980?) 162 pp.
Thomas, Robert L. Understanding Spiritual Gifts: An Exegetical Study of 1
Corinthians 12-14. Chicago: Moody Press, 1978. 238 pp.
Torrey, R. A. What the Bible Teaches: A Thorough and Comprehensive Study of
what the Bible has to Say Concerning the Great Doctrines of which it Treats. ©
1898-1933 by Fleming H. Revell Company. 539 pp.
Torrey, R.A., A.C. Dixon, and others (Eds.) The Fundamentals: A Testimony to
the Truth. Reprinted without alteration or abridgement from the original four-
volume edition issued by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in 1917. Grand
Rapids: Baker Book House, 1972.
Tregelles, S.P. The Hope of Christ’s Second Coming. London: The Sovereign
Grace Advent Testimony. Fifth edition, 1964. First edition appeared in 1864.
104 pp.
Trench, R.C. Synonyms of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1953 reprint of the ninth edition published in
London in 1880. 405 pp.
Trueblood, Elton. The Humor of Christ. New York: Harper and Row, 1964. 127
Turner, George A. and Julius R. Mantey. The Gospel of John: An Evangelical
Commentary. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, 1964? 420 pp.
Turner, Nigel. Grammatical Insights into the New Testament. Edinburgh: T. &
T. Clark, 1965. 198 pp.
Turpie, David McCalman. The Old Testament in the New. London: Williams and
Norgate, 1868. 279 pp.
Unger, Merrill F. Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1973. 1192
Vincent, Marvin R. Word Studies in the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1965 reprint edition in four volumes of the
original edition of 1887.
Vine, W.E. Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Westwood, New
Jersey: Fleming H. Revell, 1966.
Walker, Thomas. The Acts of the Apostles. Chicago: Moody Press, 1965.
Reprinted from the original 1910 edition. 586 pp.
Walvoord, John F. The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation: A Historical and
Biblical Study of Posttribulationism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1976. 176 pp.
Walvoord, John F. The Rapture Question. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1969 reprint of 1957 edition. 204 pp.
Walvoord, John F. The Rapture Question. Revised and Enlarged Edition. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1979. 304 pp.
Wardlaw, Ralph. Lectures on the Book of Proverbs. London: A. Fullerton & Co.,
1861. Minneapolis: Klock and Klock, 1981 reprint. Two volumes.
Warfield, Benjamin B. Counterfeit Miracles. London: Banner of Truth Trust,
1972 reprint of the 1918 edition. 327 pp.
Warfield, B.B. An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1907. Seventh edition. 225 pp.
Warfield, Benjamin B. The Lord of Glory: A Study of the Designations of Our
Lord in the New Testament with Especial Reference to His Deity. New York:
American Tract Society, 1907. 332 pp.
Waterland, Daniel. The Works of the Rev. Daniel Waterland, D.D. Third edition,
with copious indexes. In Six Volumes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1856.
Watters, Philip. The Prayers of the Bible. New York: Phillips and Hunt, 1883.
Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1959 reprint. 334 pp.
Webster, William, and William Francis Wilkinson. The Greek Testament with
Notes Grammatical and Exegetical. London: John W. Parker and Son West
Strand, 1855. Two volumes.
West, Nathaniel. The Thousand Years in Both Testaments. Fincastle, Virginia:
Scripture Truth Book Company, n.d. Original edition, 1880? 493 pp.
Whitelaw, Thomas. The Gospel of John: An Exposition Exegetical and
Homiletical. Fincastle, Virginia: Scripture Truth Book Company, n.d. 464 pp.
Whitla, William. Sir Isaac Newton’s Daniel and the Apocalypse. London: John
Murray, 1922. 356 pp.
Wight, Fred H. Devotional Studies of Old Testament Types. Chicago: Moody
Press, 1956. 255 pp.
Wigram, George V. The Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the
Old Testament. Fifth edition, 1890. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons,
Limited, n.d.
Wigram, George V. The Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the
Old Testament: Numerically Coded to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. Grand
Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. Milford, Michigan: Mott Media, 1982.
Wigram, George V. The Englishman’s Greek Concordance: Numerically Coded
to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979.
Fifth printing, 1985.
Wilmore, J.A. Wilmore’s New Analytical Reference Bible. New York: Funk &
Wagnalls Company, 1891, 1918.
Wilson, Daniel. The Divine Authority and Perpetual Obligation of the Lord’s
Day. London: Lord’s Day Observance Society, 1956. First published in 1831.
225 pp.
Wilson, Robert Dick. Studies in the Book of Daniel. Grand Rapids: Baker Book
House, 1972 reprint of the 1917 edition. Vol. 1, 402 pp. Vol 2, 286 pp., two
volumes in one.
Wilson, Robert Dick. Is the Higher Criticism Scholarly? Clearly attested facts
showing that the destructive "assured results of modern scholarship" are
indefensible. Chicago: The Bible Institute Colportage Association. © 1922 by
The Sunday School Times Company. 62 pp.
Wilson, Robert Dick. Is Higher Criticism Scholarly? See a selection from this
monograph in David Otis Fuller, Which Bible?, which reproduces a selection
from What is an Expert? (Bible League Quarterly, 1955), pp. 77-83. Grand
Rapids: Grand Rapids International Publications, 1970.
Wilson, T. Ernest. Mystery Doctrines of the New Testament. Neptune, New
Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1975. 123 pp.
Wilson, Walter Lewis. Wilson’s Dictionary of Bible Types. © 1957 by Walter L.
Wilson. Fourth printing, March 1965. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company. 519 pp.
Wilson, William. Old Testament Word Studies: An English and Chaldee Lexicon
and Concordance. London: Macmillan, 1870. Grand Rapids: Kregel
Publications, 1978 reprint. 566 pp.
Wordsworth, Chr. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in
the Original Greek: with Introductions and Notes. Fifth edition. London:
Rivingtons, 1867.
Wright, William Heber. New Testament Quotations from the Old. Swengel,
Pennsylvania: Reiner Publications, n.d. 30 pp.
Young, Edward J. The Prophecy of Daniel: A Commentary. Grand Rapids: Wm.
B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1949. Seventh printing, 1970. 330 pp.
Young, Robert. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. New York: Funk and
Wagnalls Company, n.d. Twentieth American Edition, thirteenth printing,
revised throughout by Wm. B. Stevenson.
Young, Robert. Concise Critical Comments: Young’s Bible. Concise
Commentary on the Holy Bible, being a companion to the new translation of
the Old and New Covenants. Edinburgh: Geo. Adam Young & Co., publishers,
n.d. Old Testament, 608 pp.; New Testament, 191 pp.
Young, Robert. Dictionary and Concordance of Bible Words and Synonyms: A
Key to the Hidden Meanings of the Sacred Scripture. Edinburgh: George Adam
Young and Company, 1883.
Young, Robert. Twofold Concordance to the New Testament. Edinburgh:
George Adam Young and Company, 1884.
Young, Robert. Young’s Literal Translation of the Holy Bible. Grand Rapids:
Baker Book House, 1956 reprint of the third edition of 1898.
Zodhiates, Spiros. The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker
Book House, 1984.
(Anonymous.) The Commentary Wholly Biblical: An Exposition in the Very
Words of Scripture. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons, n.d. Three volumes.

Names Index
Aaron, H175, Exo_4:14.
Aaron, G2, Heb_5:4.
Aaronites, H175, 1Ch_12:27.
Abaddon, G3, Rev_9:11.
Abagtha, H5, Est_1:10.
Abana, H71, 2Ki_5:12.
Abarim, H5682, Num_27:12.
Abba, G5, Mar_14:36.
Abda, H5653, Neh_11:17.
Abdeel, H5655, Jer_36:26.
Abdi, H5660, 1Ch_6:44.
Abdiel, H5661, 1Ch_5:15.
Abdon, H5658, Jdg_12:13.
Abednego, H5664, Dan_1:7.
Abel, H1893, Gen_4:2.
Abel, H59, 1Sa_6:18.
Abel, G6, Mat_23:35.
Abelbethmaachah, H62, 1Ki_15:20.
Abelmaim, H66, 2Ch_16:4.
Abelmeholah, H65, Jdg_7:22.
Abelmizraim, H67, Gen_50:11.
Abelshittim, H63, Num_33:49.
Abez, H77, Jos_19:20.
Abi, H21, 2Ki_18:2.
Abia, G7, Mat_1:7.
Abia, H29, 1Ch_3:10.
Abiah, H29, 1Sa_8:2.
Abialbon, H45, 2Sa_23:31.
Abiasaph, H23, Exo_6:24.
Abiathar, H54, 1Sa_22:20.
Abib, H24, Exo_13:4.
Abida, H28, 1Ch_1:33.
Abidah, H28, Gen_25:4.
Abidan, H27, Num_7:60.
Abiel, H22, 1Sa_9:1.
Abiezer, H44, Jos_17:2.
Abiezrite, H33, Jdg_6:11.
Abigail, H26, 1Sa_25:3.
Abihail, H32, Num_3:35.
Abihu, H30, Exo_6:23.
Abihud, H31, 1Ch_8:3.
Abijah, H29, 1Ki_14:1.
Abijam, H38, 1Ki_15:1.
Abilene, G9, Luk_3:1.
Abimael, H39, Gen_10:28.
Abimelech, H40, Gen_20:2.
Abinadab, H41, 1Sa_16:8.
Abinoam, H42, Jdg_4:6.
Abiram, H48, Num_16:1.
Abishag, H49, 1Ki_1:3.
Abishai, H52, 1Sa_26:6.
Abishalom, H53, 1Ki_15:2.
Abishua, H50, 1Ch_6:4.
Abishur, H51, 1Ch_2:28.
Abital, H37, 2Sa_3:4.
Abitub, H36, 1Ch_8:11.
Abiud, G10, Mat_1:13.
Abner, H74, 1Sa_14:50.
Abraham, G11, Luk_3:34.
Abraham, H85, Gen_17:5.
Abram, H87, Gen_11:26.
Absalom, H53, 2Sa_13:1.
Accad, H390, Gen_10:10.
Accho, H5910, Jdg_1:31.
Aceldama, G184, Act_1:19.
Achaia, G882, Act_18:12.
Achaicus, G883, 1Co_16:17.
Achan, H5912, Jos_7:1.
Achar, H5917, 1Ch_2:7.
Achaz, G881, Mat_1:9.
Achbor, H5907, Gen_36:38.
Achim, G885, Mat_1:14.
Achish, H397, 1Sa_21:10.
Achmetha, H307, Ezr_6:2.
Achor, H5911, Jos_7:24.
Achsa, H5915, 1Ch_2:49.
Achsah, H5915, Jos_15:16.
Achshaph, H407, Jos_11:1.
Achzib, H392, Jos_15:44.
Adadah, H5735, Jos_15:22.
Adah, H5711, Gen_4:19.
Adaiah, H5718, Neh_11:5.
Adalia, H118, Est_9:8.
Adam, H120, Gen_2:19.
Adam, G76, Luk_3:38.
Adam, H121, Jos_3:16.
Adamah, H128, Jos_19:36.
Adami, H129, Jos_19:33.
Adar, H143, Est_3:7.
Adar, H146, Jos_15:3.
Adbeel, H110, Gen_25:13.
Addan, H135, Ezr_2:59.
Addar, H146, 1Ch_8:3.
Addi, G78, Luk_3:28.
Addon, H114, Neh_7:61.
Ader, H5738, 1Ch_8:15.
Adiel, H5717, 1Ch_4:36.
Adin, H5720, Ezr_2:15.
Adina, H5721, 1Ch_11:42.
Adino, H5722, 2Sa_23:8.
Adithaim, H5723, Jos_15:36
Adlai, H5724, 1Ch_27:29.
Admah, H126, Gen_10:19.
Admatha, H133, Est_1:14.
Adna, H5733, Ezr_10:30.
Adnah, H5734, 1Ch_12:20.
Adonai, H136, Gen_18:3.
Adonibezek, H137, Jdg_1:5.
Adonijah, H138,1Ki_1:5.
Adonikam, H140, Neh_7:18.
Adoniram, H141, 1Ki_4:6.
Adonizedec, H139, Jos_10:1.
Adoraim, H115, 2Ch_11:9.
Adoram, H115, 2Sa_20:24.
Adrammelech, H152, 2Ki_19:37.
Adramyttium, G98, Act_27:2.
Adria, G99, Act_27:27.
Adriel, H5741, 1Sa_18:19.
Adullam, H5725, Jos_12:15.
Adullamite, H5726, Gen_38:1.
Adummim, H131, Jos_15:7.
Aeneas, G132, Act_9:33.
Aenon, G137, Joh_3:23.
Agabus, G13, Act_11:28.
Agag, H90, Num_24:7.
Agagite, H91, Est_3:1.
Agar, G28, Gal_4:24.
Agee, H89, 2Sa_23:11.
Agrippa, G67, Act_25:13.
Agur, H94, Pro_30:1.
Ahab, H256, 1Ki_16:28.
Aharah, H315, 1Ch_8:1.
Aharhel, H316, 1Ch_4:8.
Ahasai, H273, Neh_11:13.
Ahasbai, H308, 2Sa_23:34.
Ahasuerus, H325, Est_1:1.
Ahava, H163, Ezr_8:15.
Ahaz, H271, 1Ch_8:35.
Ahaziah, H274, 1Ki_22:40.
Ahban, H257, 1Ch_2:29.
Aher, H313, 1Ch_7:12.
Ahi, H277, 1Ch_5:15.
Ahiah, H281, 1Ch_8:7.
Ahiam, H279, 2Sa_23:33.
Ahian, H291, 1Ch_7:19.
Ahiezer, H295, 1Ch_12:3.
Ahihud, H282, Num_34:27.
Ahihud, H284, 1Ch_8:7.
Ahijah, H281, 1Ki_14:6.
Ahikam, H296, 2Ki_22:12.
Ahilud, H286, 2Sa_8:16.
Ahimaaz, H290, 1Sa_14:50.
Ahiman, H289, 1Ch_9:17.
Ahimelech, H288, 2Sa_8:17.
Ahimoth, H287, 1Ch_6:25.
Ahinadab, H292, 1Ki_4:14.
Ahinoam, H293,1Sa_14:50.
Ahio, H283, 2Sa_6:3.
Ahira, H299, Num_1:15.
Ahiram, H297, Num_26:38.
Ahiramites, H298, Num_26:38.
Ahisamach, H294, Exo_31:6.
Ahishahar, H300, 1Ch_7:10.
Ahishar, H301, 1Ki_4:6.
Ahithophel, H302, 2Sa_15:12.
Ahitub, H285, 1Sa_14:3.
Ahlab, H303, Jdg_1:31.
Ahlai, H304, 1Ch_11:41.
Ahoah, H265, 1Ch_8:4.
Ahohite, H266, 2Sa_23:9.
Aholah, H170, Eze_23:4.
Aholiab, H171, Exo_31:6.
Aholibah, H172, Eze_23:4.
Aholibamah, H173, Gen_36:41.
Ahumai, H267, 1Ch_4:2.
Ahuzam, H275, 1Ch_4:6.
Ahuzzath, H276, Gen_26:26.
Ai, H5857, Jos_7:2.
Aiah, H345 2Sa_3:7.
Aiath, H5857, Isa_10:28.
Aija, H5857, Neh_11:31.
Aijalon, H357, Jos_21:24.
Aijeleth Shahar, H365, Psalm 22: Title.
Ain, H5871, Num_34:11.
Ajah, H345, Gen_36:24.
Ajalon, H357, Jos_10:12.
Akan, H6130, Gen_36:27.
Akkub, H6126, 1Ch_3:24.
Akrabbim, H6137, Num_34:4.
Alameth, H5964, 1Ch_7:8.
Alammelech, H487, Jos_19:26.
Alamoth, H5961, 1Ch_15:20.
Alemeth, H5964, 1Ch_6:60.
Alexander, G223, Mar_15:21.
Alexandria, G221, Act_27:6.
Alexandrians, G221, Act_6:9.
Aliah, H5933, 1Ch_1:51.
Alian, H5935, 1Ch_1:40.
Allon, H438, 1Ch_4:37.
Allon-bachuth, H439, Gen_35:8.
Almodad, H486, Gen_10:26.
Almon, H5960, Jos_21:18.
Almon-diblathaim, H5963, Num_33:46.
Aloth, H1175, 1Ki_4:16.
Alphaeus, G256, Mat_10:3.
Alush, H442, Num_33:13.
Alvah, H5933, Gen_36:40.
Alvan, H5935, Gen_36:23.
Amad, H6008, Jos_19:26.
Amal, H6000, 1Ch_7:35.
Amalek, H6002, Exo_17:8.
Amalekites, H6003, Num_14:45.
Amam, H538, Jos_15:26.
Amana, H549, Son_4:8.
Amariah, H568, Ezr_7:3.
Amasa, H6021, 2Sa_17:25.
Amasai, H6022, 2Ch_29:12.
Amashai, H6023, Neh_11:13.
Amasiah, H6007, 2Ch_17:16.
Amaziah, H558, 1Ch_4:34.
Ami, H532, Ezr_2:57.
Aminadab, G284, Luk_3:33.
Amittai, H573, 2Ki_14:25.
Ammah, H522, 2Sa_2:24.
Ammi, H5971, Hos_2:1.
Ammiel, H5988, 1Ch_3:5.
Ammihud, H5989, 2Sa_13:37.
Amminadab, H5992, 1Ch_15:11.
Ammishaddai, H5996, Num_1:12.
Ammizabad, H5990, 1Ch_27:6.
Ammon, H5983, Gen_19:38.
Ammonites, H5984, 1Sa_11:11.
Amnon, H550, 2Sa_3:2.
Amok, H5987, Neh_12:7.
Amon, H526, Neh_7:59.
Amon, G300, Mat_1:10.
Amorites, H567, Deu_20:17.
Amos, H5986, Amo_1:1.
Amos, G301, Luk_3:25.
Amoz, H531, 2Ki_19:2.
Amphipolis, G295, Act_17:1.
Amplias, G291,Rom_16:8.
Amram, H2566, 1Ch_1:41.
Amram, H6091, Exo_6:18.
Amramites, H6020, Num_3:27.
Amraphel, H569, Gen_14:1.
Amzi, H557, Neh_11:12.
Anab, H6024, Jos_11:21.
Anah, H6034, Gen_36:20.
Anaharath, H588, Jos_19:19.
Anaiah, H6043, Neh_8:4.
Anak, H6061, Num_13:33.
Anakims, H6062, Deu_1:28.
Anamim, H6047, Gen_10:13.
Anammelech, H6048, 2Ki_17:31.
Anan, H6052, Neh_10:26.
Anani, H6054, 1Ch_3:24.
Ananiah, H6055, Neh_3:23.
Ananias, G367, Act_5:1.
Anath, H6067, Jdg_3:31.
Anathoth, H6068, 1Ch_7:8.
Andrew, G406, Mat_4:18.
Andronicus, G408, Rom_16:7.
Anem, H6046, 1Ch_6:73.
Aner, H6063, Gen_14:13.
Anethothite, H6069, 2Sa_23:27.
Anetothite, H6069, 1Ch_27:12.
Aniam, H593, 1Ch_7:19.
Anim, H6044, Jos_15:50.
Anna, G451, Luk_2:36.
Annas, G452, Luk_3:2.
Antioch, G490, Act_11:19.
Antipas, G493, Rev_2:13.
Antipatris, G494, Act_23:31.
Antothijah, H6070, 1Ch_8:24.
Antothite, H6069, 1Ch_11:28.
Anub, H6036, 1Ch_4:8.
Apelles, G559, Rom_16:10.
Apharsachites, H671, Ezr_6:6.
Apharsathchites, H671, Ezr_4:9.
Apharsites, H670, Ezr_4:9.
Aphek, H663, Jos_12:18.
Aphekah, H664, Jos_15:53.
Aphiah, H647, 1Sa_9:1.
Aphik, H663, Jdg_1:31.
Aphrah, H1036, Mic_1:10.
Aphses, H6483, 1Ch_24:15.
Apollonia, G624, Act_17:1.
Apollos, G625, Act_18:24.
Apollyon, G623, Rev_9:11.
Appaim, H649, 1Ch_2:30.
Apphia, G682, Phm_1:2.
Appiforum, G675, Act_28:15.
Aquilla, G207, Act_18:2.
Ar, H6144, Num_21:15.
Ara, H690, 1Ch_7:38.
Arab, H694, Jos_15:52.
Arabah, H6160, Jos_18:18.
Arabia, H6152, 2Ch_9:14.
Arabia, G688, Gal_1:17.
Arad, H6166, 1Ch_8:15.
Arah, H733, 1Ch_7:39.
Aram, H758, Gen_22:21.
Aram, G689, Mat_1:3.
Aramitess, H761, 1Ch_7:14.
Aramna-haraim, H763, Psalm 60: Title.
Aramzobah, H760, Psalm 60: Title.
Aran, H765, Gen_36:28.
Ararat, H780, Gen_8:4.
Araunah, H728, 2Sa_24:16.
Arba, H704 Jos_15:13.
Arbah, H704, Gen_35:27.
Arbathite, H6164, 2Sa_23:31.
Arbite, H701, 2Sa_23:35.
Archelaus, G745, Mat_2:22.
Archevites, H756, Ezr_4:9.
Archi, H757, Jos_16:2.
Archippus, G751, Col_4:17.
Archite, H757, 2Sa_15:32.
Arcturus, H5906, Job_9:9.
Ard, H714, Gen_46:21.
Ardites, H716, Num_26:40.
Ardon, H715, 1Ch_2:18.
Areli, H692, Gen_46:16.
Arelites, H692, Num_26:17.
Areopagite, G698, Act_17:34.
Areopagus, G697, Act_17:19.
Aretas, G702, 2Co_11:32.
Argob, H709, 1Ki_4:13.
Aridai, H742, Est_9:9.
Aridatha, H743, Est_9:8.
Arieh, H745, 2Ki_15:25.
Ariel, H740, Isa_29:1.
Arimathaea, G707, Mat_27:57.
Arioch, H746, Gen_14:1.
Arisai, H747, Est_9:9.
Aristarchus, G708, Act_19:29.
Aristobulus, G711, Rom_16:10.
Arkite, H6208, Gen_10:17.
Armageddon, G717, Rev_16:16.
Armenia, H780, 2Ki_19:37.
Armoni, H764, 2Sa_21:8.
Arnan, H770, 1Ch_3:21.
Arnon, H769, Num_21:13.
Arod, H720, Num_26:17.
Arodi, H722, Gen_46:16.
Arodites, H722, Num_26:17.
Aroer, H6177, Num_32:34.
Aroerite, H6200, 1Ch_11:44.
Arpad, H774, 2Ki_18:34.
Arphad, H774, Isa_36:19.
Arphaxad, H775, Gen_10:22.
Arphaxad, G742, Luk_3:36.
Artaxerxes, H783, Ezr_4:7.
Artemas, G734, T 3:12.
Aruboth, H700, 1Ki_4:10.
Arumah, H725, Jdg_9:41.
Arvad, H719, Eze_27:8.
Arvadite, H721, 1Ch_1:16.
Arza, H777, 1Ki_16:9.
Asa, H609, 1Ch_9:16.
Asa, G760, Mat_1:7.
Asahel, H6214, 1Ch_2:16.
Asahiah, H6222, 2Ki_22:14.
Asaiah, H6222, 2Ch_34:20.
Asaph, H623, 2Ki_18:18.
Asareel, H840, 1Ch_4:16.
Asarelah, H841, 1Ch_25:2.
Asenath, H621, Gen_41:45.
Aser, G768, Luk_2:36.
Ashan, H6228, Jos_15:42.
Ashbea, H791, 1Ch_4:21.
Ashbel, H788, Gen_46:21.
Ashbelites, H789, Num_26:38.
Ashchenaz, H813, Jer_51:27.
Ashdod, H795, Jos_11:22.
Ashdodites, H796, Neh_4:7.
Ashdothites, H796, Jos_13:3.
Ashdothpisgah, H798, Deu_3:17.
Asher, H836, Gen_30:13.
Asherites, H843, Jdg_1:32.
Ashima, H807, 2Ki_17:30.
Ashkelon, H831, Jdg_14:19.
Ashkenaz, H813, Gen_10:3.
Ashnah, H823, Jos_15:33.
Ashpenaz, H828, Dan_1:3.
Ashriel, H844, 1Ch_7:14.
Ashtaroth, H6252, Jdg_2:13.
Ashteroth Karnaim, H6255, Gen_14:5.
Ashtoreth, H6252, 1Ki_11:5.
Ashur, H804, 1Ch_2:24.
Ashurites, H843, 2Sa_2:9.
Ashvath, H6220, 1Ch_7:33.
Asia, G773, Act_2:9.
Asiel, H6221, 1Ch_4:35.
Askelon, H831, Jdg_1:18.
Asnah, H619, Ezr_2:50.
Asnapper, H620, Ezr_4:10.
Aspatha, H630, Est_9:7.
Asriel, H844, Num_26:31.
Asrielites, H845, Num_26:31.
Asshur, H804, Gen_10:22.
Asshurim, H805, Gen_25:3.
Assir, H617, Exo_6:24.
Assos, G789, Act_20:13.
Assur, H804, Ezr_4:2.
Assyria, H804, Gen_2:14.
Astaroth, H6252, Deu_1:4.
Asuppim, H624, 1Ch_26:15.
Asyncritus, G799, Rom_16:14.
Atad, H329, Gen_50:10.
Atarah, H5851, 1Ch_2:26.
Ataroth, H5852, Num_32:3.
Atarothadar, H5853, Jos_18:13.
Ater, H333, Ezr_2:16.
Athach, H6269, 1Sa_30:30.
Athaiah, H6265, Neh_11:4.
Athaliah, H6271, 1Ch_8:26.
Athenians, G117, Act_17:21.
Athens, G116, Act_17:15.
Athlai, H6270, Ezr_10:28.
Atroth, H5855, Num_32:35.
Attai, H6262, 1Ch_2:35.
Attalia, G825, Act_14:25.
Augustus, G828, Luk_2:1.
Ava, H5755, 2Ki_17:24.
Aven, H206, Eze_30:17.
Avim, H5761, Jos_18:23.
Avims, H5757, Deu_2:23.
Avith, H5762, Gen_36:35.
Azal, H682, Zec_14:5.
Azaliah, H683, 2Ch_34:8.
Azaniah, H245, Neh_10:9.
Azarael, H5832, Neh_12:36.
Azareel, H5832, 1Ch_12:6.
Azariah, H5838, 1Ch_6:36.
Azaz, H5811, 1Ch_5:8.
Azaziah, H5812, 1Ch_27:20.
Azbuk, H5802, Neh_3:16.
Azekah, H5825, Jos_10:10.
Azel, H682, 1Ch_8:37.
Azem, H6107, Jos_15:29.
Azgad, H5803, Ezr_2:12.
Aziel, H5815, 1Ch_15:20.
Aziza, H5819, Ezr_10:27.
Azmaveth, H5820, 2Sa_23:31.
Azmon, H6111, Num_34:4.
Aznothtabor, H243, Jos_19:34.
Azor, G107, Mat_1:13.
Azotus, G108, Act_8:40.
Azriel, H5837, 1Ch_5:24.
Azrikam, H5840, 1Ch_3:23.
Azubah, H5806, 1Ki_22:42.
Azur, H5809, Jer_28:1.
Azzah, H5804, Deu_2:23.
Azzan, H5821, Num_34:26.
Azzur, H5809, Neh_10:17.
Baal, H1168, 1Ch_5:5.
Baal, H1168, Jdg_6:25.
Baal, G896, Rom_11:4.
Baalah, H1173, Jos_15:9.
Baalath, H1191, Jos_19:44.
Baalathbeer, H1192, Jos_19:8.
Baalberith, H1170, Jdg_8:33.
Baale, H1184, 2Sa_6:2.
Baalgad, H1171, Jos_11:17.
Baalhamon, H1174, Son_8:11.
Baalhanan, H1177, Gen_36:38.
Baalhazor, H1178, 2Sa_13:23.
Baalhermon, H1179, Jdg_3:3.
Baali, H1180, Hos_2:16.
Baalim, H1168, Jdg_2:11.
Baalis, H1185, Jer_40:14.
Baalmeon, H1186, Num_32:38.
Baalpeor, H1187, Num_25:3.
Baalperazim, H1188, 2Sa_5:20.
Baalshalisha, H1190, 2Ki_4:42.
Baaltamar, H1193, Jdg_20:33.
Baalzebub, H1176, 2Ki_1:2.
Baalzephon, H1189, Exo_14:2.
Baana, H1195, 1Ki_4:12.
Baanah, H1195, 2Sa_4:5.
Baara, H1199, 1Ch_8:8.
Baaseiah, H1202, 1Ch_6:40.
Baasha, H1201, 1Ki_15:16.
Babel, H894, Gen_10:10.
Babylon, H894, 2Ki_17:24.
Babylon, H895, Ezr_5:12.
Babylon, G897, Rev_14:8.
Babylonians, H896, Jos_7:21.
Baca, H1056, Psa_84:6.
Baharumite, H978, 1Ch_11:33.
Bahurim, H980, 2Sa_3:16.
Bajith, H1006, Isa_15:2.
Bakbakkar, H1230, 1Ch_9:15.
Bakbuk, H1227, Ezr_2:51.
Bakbukiah, H1229, Neh_11:17.
Balaam, H1109, Num_22:5.
Balaam, G903, 2Pe_2:15.
Balac, G904, Rev_2:14.
Baladan, H1081, 2Ki_20:12.
Balah, H1088, Jos_19:3.
Balak, H1111, Num_22:2.
Bamah, H1117, Eze_20:29.
Bamoth, H1120, Num_21:19.
Bamothbaal, H1120, Jos_13:17.
Bani, H1137, Ezr_2:10.
Barabbas, G912, Mat_27:16.
Barachel, H1292, Job_32:2.
Barachias, G914, Mat_23:35.
Barak, H1301, Jdg_4:6.
Barak, G913, Heb_11:32.
Barhumite, H1273, 2Sa_23:31.
Bariah, H1282, 1Ch_3:22.
Barjesus, G919, Act_13:6.
Barjona, G920, Mat_16:17.
Barkos, H1302, Ezr_2:53.
Barnabas, G921, Act_4:36.
Barsabus, G923, Act_15:22.
Bartholomew, G918, Mat_10:3.
Bartimaeus, G924, Mar_10:46.
Baruch, H1263, Jer_32:12.
Barzillai, H1271, 2Sa_21:8.
Bashan, H1316, Num_21:33.
Bashanhavothjair, H2334, Deu_3:14.
Bashemath, H1315, Gen_36:3.
Basmath, H1315, 1Ki_4:15.
Bathrabbim, H1337, Son_7:4.
Bathsheba, H1339, 2Sa_11:3.
Bathshua, H1340, 1Ch_3:5.
Bavai, H942, Neh_3:18.
Bazlith, H1213, Neh_7:54.
Bazluth, H1213, Ezr_2:52.
Bealiah, H1183, 1Ch_12:5.
Bealoth, H1175, Jos_15:24.
Bebai, H893, Ezr_2:11.
Becher, H1071, Gen_46:21.
Bechorath, H1064, 1Sa_9:1.
Bedad, H911, Gen_36:35.
Bedan, H917, 1Ch_7:17.
Bedeiah, H912, Ezr_10:35.
Beeliada, H1182, 1Ch_14:7.
Beelzebub, G954, Mat_10:25.
Beer, H876, Num_21:16.
Beera, H878, 1Ch_7:37.
Beerah, H880, 1Ch_5:6.
Beerelim, H879, Isa_15:8.
Beeri, H882, Gen_26:34.
Beerlahairoi, H883, Gen_16:14.
Beeroth, H881, Jos_9:17.
Beeroth of the children of Jaakan, H885, Deu_10:6.
Beerothite, H886, 2Sa_4:2.
Beersheba, H884, Gen_21:31.
Beeshterah, H1203, Jos_21:27.
Bel, H1078, Isa_46:1.
Bela, H1106, Gen_14:2.
Belah, H1106, Gen_46:21.
Belaites, H1108, Num_26:38.
Belial, H1100, Deu_13:13.
Belial, G955, 2Co_6:15.
Belshazzar, H1113, Dan_5:1.
Belteshazzar, H1095, Dan_1:7.
Ben, H1122, 1Ch_15:18.
Benaiah, H1141, 1Ch_15:24.
Benammi, H1151, Gen_19:38.
Beneberak, H1139, Jos_19:45.
Benejaakan, H1142, Num_33:31.
Benhadad, H1130, 1Ki_15:18.
Benhail, H1134, 2Ch_17:7.
Benhanan, H1135, 1Ch_4:20.
Beninu, H1148, Neh_10:13.
Benjamin, H1144, Gen_35:18.
Benjamin, G958, Rom_11:1.
Beno, H1121, 1Ch_24:26.
Benoni, H1126, Gen_35:18.
Benzoheth, H1132, 1Ch_4:20.
Beon, H1194, Num_32:3.
Beor, H1160, Num_22:5.
Bera, H1298, Gen_14:2.
Berachah, H1294, 1Ch_12:3.
Berachiah, H1296, 1Ch_6:39.
Beraiah, H1256, 1Ch_8:21.
Berea, G960, Act_17:10.
Berechiah, H1296, Zec_1:7.
Bered, H1260, Gen_16:14.
Beri, H1275, 1Ch_7:36.
Beriah, H1283, 1Ch_7:23.
Beriites, H1284, Num_26:44.
Berites, H1276, 2Sa_20:14.
Berith, H1286, Jdg_9:46.
Bernice, G959, Act_25:13.
Berodach-baladan, H1255, 2Ki_20:12.
Berothah, H1268, Eze_47:16.
Berothai, H1268, 2Sa_8:8.
Berothite, H1307, 1Ch_11:39.
Besai, H1153, Ezr_2:49.
Besodeiah, H1152, Neh_3:6.
Besor, H1308, 1Sa_30:9.
Betah, H894, 2Sa_8:8.
Beten, H991, Jos_19:25.
Bethabara, G962, Joh_1:28.
Bethanath, H1043, Jos_19:38.
Bethanoth, H1042, Jos_15:59.
Bethany, G963, Joh_11:18.
Betharabah, H1026, Jos_15:61.
Betharam, H1027, Jos_13:27.
Betharbel, H1009, Hos_10:14.
Bethaven, H1007, Jos_7:2.
Bethazmaveth, H1041, Neh_7:28.
Bethbaalmeon, H1010, Jos_13:17.
Bethbarah, H1012, Jdg_7:24.
Bethbirei, H1011, 1Ch_4:31.
Bethcar, H1033, 1Sa_7:11.
Bethdagon, H1016, Jos_15:41.
Bethdiblathaim, H1015, Jer_48:22.
Beth-eden, H1004, Amo_1:5 mg.
Bethel, H1008, Gen_12:8.
Bethelite, H1017, 1Ki_16:34.
Bethemek, H1025, Jos_19:27.
Bether, H1336, Son_2:17.
Bethesda, G964, Joh_5:2.
Bethezel, H1018, Mic_1:11.
Bethgader, H1013, 1Ch_2:51.
Bethgamul, H1014, Jer_48:23.
Beth-Gilgal, H4480, H1004, H1537. Neh_12:29 mg.
Bethhaccerem, H1021, Jer_6:1.
Bethharan, H1028, Num_32:36.
Bethhogla, H1031, Jos_15:6.
Bethhoglah, H1031, Jos_18:19.
Bethhoron, H1032, Jos_10:10.
Bethjeshimoth, H1020, Jos_12:3.
Bethjesimoth, H1020, Num_33:49.
Bethlebaoth, H1034, Jos_19:6.
Bethlehem, H1035, Jos_19:15.
Bethlehem, G965, Mat_2:1.
Bethlehemite, H1022, 1Sa_16:1.
Bethmaachah, H1038, 2Sa_20:14.
Bethmarcaboth, H1024, 1Ch_4:31.
Bethmeon, H1010, Jer_48:23.
Bethnimrah, H1039, Jos_13:27.
Bethpalet, H1046, Jos_15:27.
Bethpazzez, H1048, Jos_19:21.
Bethpeor, H1047, Deu_3:29.
Bethphage, G967, Mat_21:1.
Bethphelet, H1046, Neh_11:26.
Bethrapha, H1051. 1Ch_4:12.
Bethrehob, H1050, 2Sa_10:6.
Bethsaida, G966, Mar_6:45.
Bethshan, H1052, 1Sa_31:10.
Bethshean, H1052, Jos_17:11.
Bethshemesh, H1053, Jer_43:13.
Bethshemite, H1030, 1Sa_6:14.
Bethshittah, H1029, Jdg_7:22.
Bethtappuah, H1054, Jos_15:53.
Bethuel, H1328, Gen_22:22.
Bethul, H1329, Jos_19:4.
Bethzur, H1049, Jos_15:58.
Betonim, H993, Jos_13:26.
Beulah, H1166, Isa_62:4.
Bezai, H1209, Neh_7:23.
Bezaleel, H1212, Exo_31:2.
Bezek, H966, Jdg_1:4.
Bezer, H1221, Deu_4:43.
Bichri, H1075, 2Sa_20:1.
Bidkar, H920, 2Ki_9:25.
Bigtha, H903, Est_1:10.
Bigthan, H904, Est_2:21.
Bigthana, H904, Est_6:2.
Bigvai, H902, Ezr_2:2.
Bikath-aven, H1237, Amo_1:5 mg.
Bildad, H1085, Job_2:11.
Bileam, H1109, 1Ch_6:70.
Bilgah, H1083, Neh_12:5.
Bilgai, H1084, Neh_10:8.
Bilhah, H1090, Gen_29:29.
Bilhan, H1092, Gen_36:27.
Bilshan, H1114, Ezr_2:2.
Bimhal, H1118, 1Ch_7:33.
Binea, H1150, 1Ch_8:37.
Binnui, H1131, Ezr_10:30.
Birsha, H1306, Gen_14:2.
Birzavith, H1269, 1Ch_7:31.
Bishlam, H1312, Ezr_4:7.
Bithiah, H1332, 1Ch_4:18.
Bithron, H1338, 2Sa_2:29.
Bithynia, G978, Act_16:7.
Bizjothjah, H964, Jos_15:28.
Biztha, H968, Est_1:10.
Blastus, G986, Act_12:20.
Boanerges, G993, Mar_3:17.
Boaz, H1162, Rth_2:1.
Bocheru, H1074, 1Ch_8:38.
Bochim, H1066, Jdg_2:1.
Bohan, H932, Jos_15:6.
Booz, G1003, Mat_1:5.
Boscath, H1218, 2Ki_22:1.
Bosor, G1007, 2Pe_2:15.
Bozez, H949, 1Sa_14:4.
Bozkath, H1218, Jos_15:39.
Bozrah, H1224, Gen_36:33.
Bukki, H1231, Num_34:22.
Bukkiah, H1232, 1Ch_25:13.
Bul, H945, 1Ki_6:38.
Bunah, H946, 1Ch_2:25.
Bunni, H1138, Neh_9:4.
Buz, H938, Gen_22:21.
Buzi, H941, Eze_1:3.
Buzite, H940, Job_32:2.
Cabbon, H3522, Jos_15:40.
Cabul, H3521, Jos_19:27.
Caesar, G2541, Joh_19:12.
Caesarea, G2542, Act_8:40.
Caesarea Philippi, G2542, G5375, Mat_16:13.
Caiaphas, G2533, Mat_26:3.
Cain, H7014, Gen_4:1.
Cain, G2535, 1Jn_3:12.
Cainan, H7018, Gen_5:9.
Cainan, G2536, Luk_3:36.
Calah, H3625, Gen_10:12.
Calcol, H3633, 1Ch_2:6.
Caleb, H3612, Num_13:6.
Calebephratah, H3613, 1Ch_2:24.
Calneh, H3641, Gen_10:10.
Calno, H3641, Isa_10:9.
Calvary, G2898, Luk_23:33.
Camon, H7056, Jdg_10:5.
Cana, G2580, Joh_2:1.
Canaan, H3667, Gen_10:6.
Canaan, G5478, Mat_15:22.
Canaanite, G2581, Mat_10:4.
Canaanites, H3669, Gen_24:3.
Candace, G2582, Act_8:27.
Canneh, H3656, Eze_27:23.
Capernaum, G2584, Mat_4:13.
Caphthorim, H3732, 1Ch_1:12.
Caphtor, H3731, Jer_47:4.
Caphtorim, H3732, Gen_10:14.
Caphtorims, H3732, Deu_2:23.
Cappadocia, G2587, Act_2:9.
Carcus, H3752, Est_1:10.
Carchemish, H3751, Isa_10:9.
Careah, H7143, 2Ki_25:23.
Carmel, H3760, Jos_15:55.
Carmelite, H3761, 1Sa_30:5.
Carmelitess, H3762, 1Sa_27:3.
Carmi, H3756, 1Ch_4:1.
Carmites, H3757, Num_26:6.
Carpus, G2591, 2Ti_4:13.
Carshena, H3771, Est_1:14.
Casiphia, H3703, Ezr_8:17.
Casluhim, H3695, Gen_10:14.
Castor, G1359, Act_28:11.
Cedron, G2748, Joh_18:1.
Cenchrea, G2747, Act_18:18.
Cephas, G2786, Joh_1:42.
Chalcol, H3633, 1Ki_4:31.
Chaldaeans, G5466, Act_7:4.
Chaldea, H3778, Jer_50:10.
Chaldean, H3779, Dan_2:10.
Chaldees, H3778, 2Ki_25:26.
Chanaan, G5477, Act_7:11.
Charashim, H2798, 1Ch_4:14.
Charchemish, H3751, 2Ch_35:20.
Charran, G5488, Act_7:2.
Chebar, H3529, Eze_1:1.
Chedorlaomer, H3540, Gen_14:1.
Chelal, H3636, Ezr_10:30.
Chelluh, H3622, Ezr_10:35.
Chelub, H3620, 1Ch_4:11.
Chelubai, H3621, 1Ch_2:9.
Chemarims, H3649, Zep_1:4.
Chemosh, H3645, Num_21:29.
Chenaanah, H3668, 1Ch_7:10.
Chenani, H3662, Neh_9:4.
Chenaniah, H3663, 1Ch_15:22.
Chephar-haammonai, H3726, Jos_18:24.
Chephirah, H3716, Jos_9:17.
Cheran, H3763, Gen_36:26.
Cheethims, H3774, Eze_25:16.
H3774, 2Sa_8:18.
Cherith, H3747, 1Ki_17:3.
Cherub, H3743, Ezr_2:59.
Chesalon, H3693, Jos_15:10.
Chesed, H3777, Gen_22:22.
Chesil, H3686, Jos_15:30.
Chesulloth, H3694, Jos_19:18.
Chezib, H3580, Gen_38:5.
Chidon, H3592, 1Ch_13:9.
Chileab, H3609, 2Sa_3:3.
Chilion, H3630, Rth_1:2.
Chilmad, H3638, Eze_27:23.
Chilham, H3643, 2Sa_19:40.
Chimham, H3643, 2Sa_19:40.
Chimhan, H3643, 2Sa_19:40 mg.
Chinnereth, H3672, Deu_3:17.
Chinneroth, H3672, Jos_11:2.
Chios, G5508, Act_20:15.
Chisleu, H3691, Zec_7:1.
Chislon, H3692, Num_34:21.
Chisloth-tabor, H3696, Jos_19:12.
Chittim, H3794, Num_24:24.
Chiun, H3594, Amo_5:26.
Chloe, G5514, 1Co_1:11.
Chorashan, H3565, 1Sa_30:30.
Chorazin, G5523, Mat_11:21.
Chozeba, H3578, 1Ch_4:22.
Christ, G5547, Mat_16:16.
Christians, G5546, Act_11:26.
Chub, H3552, Eze_30:5.
Chun, H3560, 1Ch_18:8.
Chushanrishathaim, H3573, Jdg_3:8.
Chuza, G5529, Luk_8:3.
Cilicia, G2791, Act_6:9.
Cinneroth, H3672, 1Ki_15:20.
Cis, G2797, Act_13:21.
Clauda, G2802, Act_27:16.
Claudia, G2803, 2Ti_4:21.
Claudius, G2804, Act_18:2.
Clement, G2815, Php_4:3.
Cleopas, G2810, Luk_24:18.
Cleophas, G2832, Joh_19:25.
Cnidus, G2834, Act_27:7.
Colhozeh, H3626, Neh_3:15.
Colosse, G2857, Col_1:2.
Conaniah, H3562, 2Ch_35:9.
Coniah, H3659, Jer_22:24.
Cononiah, H3562, 2Ch_31:12.
Coos, G2972, Act_21:1.
Corban, G2878, Mar_7:11.
Core, G2879, Jud_1:11.
Corinth, G2882, Act_18:1.
Corinthians, G2881, Act_18:8.
Cornelius, G2883, Act_10:1.
Cosam, G2973, Luk_3:28.
Coz, H6976, 1Ch_4:8.
Cozbi, H3579, Num_25:15.
Crescens, G2913, 2Ti_4:10.
Crete, G2914, Act_27:7.
Cretes, G2912, Act_2:11.
Cretians, G2912, Tit_1:12.
Crispus, G2921, Act_18:8.
Cush, H3568, Gen_10:6.
Cushan, H3572, Hab_3:7.
Cushi, H3569, Zep_1:1.
Cuth, H3575, 2Ki_17:30.
Cuthah, H3575, 2Ki_17:24.
Cyprus, G2954, Act_11:19.
Cyrene, G2957, Act_2:10.
Cyrenian, G2956, Mar_15:21.
Cyrenius, G2958, Luk_2:2.
Cyrus, H3566, Isa_45:1.
Dabareh, H1705, Jos_21:28.
Dabbasheth, H1708, Jos_19:11.
Daberath, H1705, Jos_19:12.
Dagon, H1712, 1Ch_10:10.
Dalaiah, H1806, 1Ch_3:24.
Dalmanutha, G1148, Mar_8:10.
Dalmatia, G1149, 2Ti_4:10.
Dalphon, H1813, Est_9:7.
Damaris, G1152, Act_17:34.
Damascenes, G1153, 2Co_11:32.
Damascus, H1834, Gen_14:15.
Damascus, G1154, Act_9:2.
Dan, H1835, Gen_30:6.
Daniel, H1840, Dan_1:8.
Daniel, G1158, Mat_24:15.
Danites, H1839, Jdg_13:2.
Danjaan, H1842, 2Sa_24:6.
Dannah, H1837, Jos_15:49.
Dara, H1873, 1Ch_2:6.
Darda, H1862, 1Ki_4:31.
Darius, H1867, Ezr_4:5.
Darkon, H1874, Ezr_2:56.
Dathan, H1885, Num_16:1.
David, H1732, 1Sa_16:19.
David, G1138, Mat_1:6.
Debir, H1688, Jos_10:3.
Deborah, H1683, Gen_35:8.
Decapolis, G1179, Mat_4:25.
Dedan, H1719, Gen_10:7.
Dedanim, H1720, Isa_21:13.
Dehavites, H1723, Ezr_4:9.
Dekar, H1857, 1Ki_4:9.
Delaiah, H1806, Jer_36:12.
Delilah, H1807, Jdg_16:4.
Demas, G1214, Col_4:14.
Demetrius, G1216, Act_19:24.
Derbe, G1191, Act_14:6.
Deuel, H1845, Num_1:14.
Devil, G1228, Mat_4:1.
Diana, G735, Act_19:27.
Diblaim, H1691, Hos_1:3.
Diblath, H1689, Eze_6:14.
Dibon, H1769, Num_21:30.
Dibon-gad, H1769, Num_33:45.
Dibri, H1704, Lev_24:11.
Didymus, G1324, Joh_20:24.
Diklah, H1853, Gen_10:27.
Dilean, H1810, Jos_15:38.
Dimnah, H1829, Jos_21:35.
Dimon, H1775, Isa_15:9.
Dimonah, H1776, Jos_15:22.
Dinah, H1783, Gen_30:21.
Dinaites, H1784, Ezr_4:9.
Dinhabah, H1838, Gen_36:32.
Dionysius, G1354, Act_17:34.
Diotrephes, G1361, 3Jn_1:9.
Dishan, H1789, Gen_36:21.
Dishon, H1788, 1Ch_1:38.
Dizahab, H1774, Deu_1:1.
Dodai, H1737, 1Ch_27:4.
Dodanim, H1721, Gen_10:4.
Dodavah, H1735, 2Ch_20:37.
Dodo, H1734, 2Sa_23:24.
Doeg, H1673, 1Sa_21:7.
Dophkah, H1850, Num_33:12.
Dor, H1756, Jos_12:23.
Dorcas, G1393, Act_9:36.
Dothan, H1886, Gen_37:17.
Drusilla, G1409, Act_24:24.
Dumah, H1746, Gen_25:14.
Dura, H1757, Dan_3:1.
Ebal, H5858, Gen_36:23.
Ebed, H5651, Ezr_8:6.
Ebed-melech, H5663, Jer_38:7.
Ebeh, H16, Job_9:26 mg.
Ebenezer, H72, 1Sa_4:1.
Eber, H5677, Gen_10:24.
Ebiasaph, H43, 1Ch_6:23.
Ebronah, H5684, Num_33:34.
Ed, H5707, Jos_22:34.
Edar, H4029, Gen_35:21.
Eden, H5731, Gen_2:8.
Eder, H5740, 1Ch_23:23.
Edom, H123, Gen_25:30.
Edomites, H130, Gen_36:9.
Edrei, H154, Num_21:33.
Eglah, H5698, 2Sa_3:5.
Eglaim, H97, Isa_15:8.
Eglon, H5700, Jdg_3:12.
Egypt, H4714, Gen_13:1.
Egypt, G125, Mat_2:13.
Egyptian, G124, Act_7:28.
Egyptians, H4714, Gen_12:12.
Ehi, H278, Gen_46:21.
Ehud, H261, 1Ch_8:6.
Eker, H6134, 1Ch_2:27.
Ekron, H6138, Jos_13:3.
Ekronites, H6139, Jos_13:3.
Eladah, H497, 1Ch_7:20.
Elah, H425, Gen_36:41.
Elam, H5867, Gen_10:22.
Elamites, H5962, Ezr_4:9.
Elasah, H501, Ezr_10:22.
Elath, H359, Deu_2:8.
Elbethel, H416, Gen_35:7.
Eldaah, H420, Gen_25:4.
Eldad, H419, Num_11:26.
Elead, H496, 1Ch_7:21.
Elealeh, H500, Num_32:3.
Eleasah, H501, 1Ch_2:39.
Eleazar, H499, Exo_6:23.
Eleazar, G1648, Mat_1:15.
Elelohe-Israel, H415, Gen_33:20.
Eleph, H507, Jos_18:28.
Elhanan, H445, 2Sa_21:19.
Eli, H5941, 1Sa_1:3.
Eli, G2241, Mat_27:46.
Eliab, H446, Num_1:9.
Eliada, H450, 2Sa_5:16.
Eliadah, H450, 1Ki_11:23.
Eliah, H452, 1Ch_8:27.
Eliahba, H455, 2Sa_23:32.
Eliakim, H471, 2Ki_18:18.
Eliakim, G1662, Luk_3:30.
Eliam, H463, 2Sa_11:3.
Elias, G2243, Mat_11:14.
Eliasaph, H460, Num_1:14.
Eliashib, H475, 1Ch_3:24.
Eliathah, H448, 1Ch_25:4.
Elidad, H449, Num_34:21.
Eliel, H447, 1Ch_8:20.
Elienai, H462, 1Ch_8:20.
Eliezer, H461, Gen_15:2.
Eliezer, G1663, Luk_3:29.
Elihoenai, H454, Ezr_8:4.
Elihoreph, H456, 1Ki_4:3.
Elihu, H453, 1Sa_1:1.
Elijah, H452, 1Ki_17:1.
Elika, H470, 2Sa_23:25.
Elim, H362, Exo_15:27.
Elimelech, H458, Rth_1:2.
Elioenai, H454, 1Ch_26:3.
Eliphal, H465, 1Ch_11:35.
Eliphalet, H467, 2Sa_5:16.
Eliphaz, H464, Gen_36:4.
Elipheleh, H466, 1Ch_15:18.
Eliphelet, H467, 1Ch_3:6.
Elisabeth, G1665, Luk_1:5.
Eliseus, G1666, Luk_4:27.
Elisha, H477, 1Ki_19:16.
Elishah, H473, Gen_10:4.
Elishama, H476, Num_1:10.
Elishaphat, H478, 2Ch_23:1.
Elisheba, H472, Exo_6:23.
Elishua, H474, 2Sa_5:15.
Eliud, G1664, Mat_1:14.
Elizaphan, H469, Num_3:30.
Elizur, H468, Num_1:5.
Elkanah, H511, Exo_6:24.
Elkoshite, H512, Nah_1:1.
Ellasar, H495, Gen_14:1.
Elmodam, G1678, Luk_3:28.
Elnaam, H493, 1Ch_11:46.
Elnathan, H494, 2Ki_24:8.
Eloi, G1682, Mar_15:34.
Elohim, H430, Gen_1:1.
Elon, H356, Gen_26:34.
Elon-beth-hanan, H358, 1Ki_4:9.
Elonites, H440, Num_26:26.
Eloth, H359, 1Ki_9:26.
Elpaal, H508, 1Ch_8:11.
Elpalet, H467, 1Ch_14:5.
Elparan, H364, Gen_14:6.
Eltekeh, H514, Jos_21:23.
Eltekon, H515, Jos_15:59.
Eltolad, H513, Jos_15:30.
Elul, H435, Neh_6:15.
Eluzai, H498, 1Ch_12:5.
Elymas, G1681, Act_13:8.
Elzabad, H443, 1Ch_26:7.
Elzaphan, H469, Exo_6:22.
Emims, H368, Gen_14:5.
Emmanuel, G1694, Mat_1:23.
Emmaus, G1695, Luk_24:13.
Emmor, G1697, Act_7:16.
Enam, H5879, Jos_15:34.
Enan, H5881, Num_1:15.
Endor, H5874, Jos_17:11.
Eneglaim, H5882, Eze_47:10.
Engannim, H5873, Jos_19:21.
Engedi, H5872, Jos_15:62.
Enhaddah, H5876, Jos_19:21.
Enhakkore, H5875, Jdg_15:19.
Enhazor, H5877, Jos_19:37.
Enmishpat, H5880, Gen_14:7.
Enoch, H2585, Gen_5:21.
Enoch, G1802, Luk_3:37.
Enos, H583, Gen_4:26.
Enos, G1800, Luk_3:38.
Enosh, H583, 1Ch_1:1.
Enrimmon, H5884, Neh_11:29.
Enrogel, H5883, Jos_15:7.
Enshemesh, H5885, Jos_15:7.
Entappuah, H5887, Jos_17:7.
Epaenetus, G1866, Rom_16:5.
Epaphras, G1889, Col_1:7.
Epaphroditus, G1891, Php_4:18.
Ephah, H5891, Gen_25:4.
Ephai, H5778, Jer_40:8.
Epher, H6081, Gen_25:4.
Ephes-dammin, H658, 1Sa_17:1.
Ephesians, G2180, Act_19:28.
Ephesus, G2181, Act_18:19.
Ephlal, H654, 1Ch_2:37.
Ephod, H641, Num_34:23.
Ephphatha, G2188, Mar_7:34.
Ephraim, H669, Gen_41:52.
Ephraim, G2187, Joh_11:54.
Ephraimites, H669, Jos_16:10.
Ephrain, H6085, 2Ch_13:19.
Ephratah, H672, 1Ch_2:50.
Ephrath, H672, Gen_48:7.
Ephrathites, H673, Rth_1:2.
Ephron, H6085, Gen_23:8.
Epicureans, G1946, Act_17:18.
Er, H6147, Gen_38:3.
Er, G2262, Luk_3:28.
Eran, H6197, Num_26:36.
Eranites, H6198, Num_26:36.
Erastus, G2037, Act_19:22.
Erech, H751, Gen_10:10.
Eri, H6179, Gen_46:16.
Erites, H6180, Num_26:16.
Esaias, G2268, Mat_3:3.
Esarhaddon, H634, 2Ki_19:37.
Esau, H6215, Gen_25:25.
Esau, G2269, Heb_12:16.
Esek, H6230, Gen_26:20.
Eshbaal, H792, 1Ch_8:33.
Eshban, H790, Gen_36:26.
Eshcol, H812, Num_13:23.
Eshean, H824, Jos_15:52.
Eshek, H6232, 1Ch_8:39.
Eshkalonites, H832, Jos_13:3.
Eshtaol, H847, Jos_15:33.
Eshtaulites, H848, 1Ch_2:53.
Eshtemoa, H851, 1Sa_30:28.
Eshtemoh, H851, Jos_15:50.
Eshton, H850, 1Ch_4:11.
Esli, G2069, Luk_3:25.
Esrom, G2074, Luk_3:33.
Esther, H635, Est_2:8.
Etam, H5862, 1Ch_4:32.
Etham, H864, Exo_13:20.
Ethan, H387, 1Ch_2:6.
Ethanim, H388, 1Ki_8:2.
Ethbaal, H856, 1Ki_16:31.
Ether, H6281, Jos_19:7.
Ethiopia, H3568, 2Ki_19:9.
Ethiopian, H3569, Jer_13:23.
Ethnan, H869, 1Ch_4:7.
Ethni, H867, 1Ch_6:41.
Eubulus, G2103, 2Ti_4:21.
Eunice, G2131, 2Ti_1:5.
Euodias, G2136, Php_4:2.
Euphrates, H6578, Gen_2:14.
Euphrates, G2166, Rev_9:14.
Euroclydon, G2148, Act_27:14.
Eutychus, G2161, Act_20:9.
Eve, H2332, Gen_3:20.
Eve, G2096, 2Co_11:3.
Evi, H189, Num_31:8.
Evil-merodach, H192, 2Ki_25:27.
Ezar, H687, 1Ch_1:38.
Ezbai, H229, 1Ch_11:37.
Ezbon, H675, Gen_46:16.
Ezekias, G1478, Mat_1:9.
Ezekiel, H3168, Eze_1:3.
Ezel, H237, 1Sa_20:19.
Ezem, H6107, 1Ch_4:29.
Ezer, H687, Gen_36:21.
Ezer, H5829, 1Ch_4:4.
Ezer, H5827, 1Ch_7:21.
Ezion-gaber, H6100, Num_33:35.
Ezion-geber, H6100, 1Ki_9:26.
Eznite, H6112, 2Sa_23:8.
Ezra, H5830, Ezr_7:12.
Ezrahite, H250, 1Ki_4:31.
Ezri, H5836, 1Ch_27:26.
Fair Havens, G2568, Act_27:8.
Felix, G5344, Act_23:24.
Festus, G5347, Act_24:27.
Fortunatus, G5415, 1Co_16:17.
Gaal, H1603, Jdg_9:26.
Gaash, H1608, Jos_24:30.
Gaba, H1387, Jos_18:24.
Gabbai, H1373, Neh_11:8.
Gabbatha, G1042, Joh_19:13.
Gabriel, H1403, Dan_8:16.
Gabriel, G1043, Luk_1:19.
Gad, H1410, Gen_30:11.
Gad, G1045, Rev_7:5.
Gadarenes, G1046, Mar_5:1.
Gaddi, H1426, Num_13:11.
Gaddiel, H1427, Num_13:10.
Gadi, H1424, 2Ki_15:14.
Gadites, H1425, Deu_3:12.
Gaham, H1514, Gen_22:24.
Gahar, H1515, Ezr_2:47.
Gaius, G1050, Rom_16:23.
Galal, H1559, 1Ch_9:15.
Galatia, G1054, Act_16:6.
Galatians, G1052, Gal_3:1.
Galeed, H1567, Gen_31:47.
Galilaeans, G1057, Luk_13:1.
Galilee, H1551, Jos_20:7.
Galilee, G1056, Mat_2:22.
Gallim, H1554, 1Sa_25:44.
Gallio, G1058, Act_18:12.
Gamaliel, H1583, Num_1:10.
Gamaliel, G1059,
Gammadims, H1575, Eze_27:11.
Gamul, H1577, 1Ch_24:17.
Gareb, H1619, 2Sa_23:38.
Garmite, H1636, 1Ch_4:19.
Gashmu, H1654, Neh_6:6.
Gatam, H1609, Gen_36:11.
Gath, H1661, Jos_11:22.
Gath-hepher, H1662, 2Ki_14:25.
Gath-rimmon, H1667, Jos_21:25.
Gaza, H5804, Gen_10:19.
Gaza, G1048, Act_8:26.
Gazathites, H5841, Jos_13:3.
Gazer, H1507, 2Sa_5:25.
Gazez, H1495, 1Ch_2:46.
Gazites, H5841, Jdg_16:2.
Gazzam, H1502, Ezr_2:48.
Geba, H1387, 1Sa_13:3.
Gebal, H1380, Psa_83:7.
Geber, H1398, 1Ki_4:19.
Gebim, H1374, Isa_10:31.
Gedaliah, H1436, 1Ch_25:3.
Gedeon, G1066, Heb_11:32.
Geder, H1445, Jos_12:13.
Gederah, H1449, Jos_15:36.
Gederathite, H1452, 1Ch_12:4.
Gederite, H1451, 1Ch_27:28.
Gederoth, H1450, Jos_15:41.
Gederothaim, H1453, Jos_15:36.
Gedor, H1446, Jos_15:58.
Gehazi, H1522, 2Ki_4:12.
Geliloth, H1553, Jos_18:17.
Gemalli, H1582, Num_13:12.
Gemariah, H1587, Jer_36:10.
Gennesaret, G1082, Mat_14:34.
Gentiles, H1471, Gen_10:5.
Gentiles, G1672, Joh_7:35.
Genubath, H1592, 1Ki_11:20.
Gera, H1617, Gen_46:21.
Gerar, H1642, Gen_20:1.
Gergesenes, G1086, Mat_8:28.
Gerizim, H1630, Deu_11:29.
Gershom, H1647, Exo_2:22.
Gershon, H1648, Gen_46:11.
Gershonites, H1649, Num_3:21.
Gesham, H1529, 1Ch_2:47.
Geshem, H1654, Neh_6:1.
Geshur, H1650, 2Sa_3:3.
Geshuri, H1651, Deu_3:14.
Geshurites, H1651, Jos_12:5.
Gether, H1666, Gen_10:23.
Gethsemane, G1068, Mat_26:36.
Geuel, H1345, Num_13:15.
Gezer, H1507, 1Ki_9:16.
Gezrites, H1511, 1Sa_27:8.
Giah, H1520, 2Sa_2:24.
Gibbar, H1402, Ezr_2:20.
Gibbethon, H1405, Jos_19:44.
Gibea, H1388, 1Ch_2:49.
Gibeah, H1390, Jdg_19:12.
Gibeath, H1394, Jos_18:28.
Gibeathite, H1395, 1Ch_12:3.
Gibeon, H1391, 1Ch_14:16.
Gibeonites, H1393, 2Sa_21:1.
Giblites, H1382, Jos_13:5.
Giddalti, H1437, 1Ch_25:4.
Giddel, H1435, Ezr_2:47.
Gideon, H1439, Jdg_6:11.
Gideoni, H1441, Num_1:11.
Gidom, H1440, Jdg_20:45.
Gihon, H1521, Gen_2:13.
Gilalai, H1562, Neh_12:36.
Gilboa, H1533, 1Sa_28:4.
Gilead, H1568, Gen_31:23.
Gileadites, H1569, Num_26:29.
Gilgal, H1537, Jos_4:19.
Giloh, H1542, Jos_15:51.
Gilonite, H1526, 2Sa_15:12.
Gimzo, H1579, 2Ch_28:18.
Ginath, H1527, 1Ki_16:21.
Ginnetho, H1599, Neh_12:4.
Ginnethon, H1599, Neh_10:6.
Girgashites, H1622, Gen_15:21.
Girgasite, H1622, Gen_10:16.
Gispa, H1658, Neh_11:21.
Gittah-hepher, H1662, Jos_19:13.
Gittaim, H1664, 2Sa_4:3.
Gittite, H1663, 2Sa_6:10.
Gittites, H1663, Jos_13:3.
Gittith, H1665, Psalm 8: Title.
Gizonite, H1493, 1Ch_11:34.
Goath, H1601, Jer_31:39.
Gob, H1359, 2Sa_21:18.
God, H430, Gen_1:1.
Gog, H1463, 1Ch_5:4.
Gog, G1136, Rev_20:8.
Golan, H1474, Deu_4:43.
Golgotha, G1115, Mat_27:33.
Goliath, H1555, 1Sa_17:4.
Gomer, H1586, Gen_10:2.
Gomorrah, H6017, Gen_10:19.
Gomorrha, G1116, Mat_10:15.
Goshen, H1657, Jos_10:41.
Gozan, H1470, 2Ki_17:6.
Grecia, H3120, Dan_8:21.
Grecians, G1675, Act_6:1.
Greece, H3120, Zec_9:13.
Greek, G1674, Mar_7:26.
Gudgodah, H1412, Deu_10:7.
Guni, H1476, Gen_46:24.
Gunites, H1477, Num_26:48.
Gur, H1483, 2Ki_9:27.
Gurbaal, H1485, 2Ch_26:7.
Haahashtari, H326, 1Ch_4:6.
Habaiah, H2252, Ezr_2:61.
Habakkuk, H2265, Hab_1:1.
Habaziniah, H2262, Jer_35:3.
Habor, H2249, 2Ki_17:6.
Hachaliah, H2446, Neh_1:1.
Hachilah, H2444, 1Sa_23:19.
Hachmoni, H2453, 1Ch_27:32.
Hachmonite, H2453, 1Ch_11:11.
Hadad, H1908, Gen_36:35.
Hadad, H2301, 1Ch_1:30.
Hadad, H111, 1Ki_11:17.
Hadadezer, H1909, 2Sa_8:3.
Hadadrimmon, H1910, Zec_12:11.
Hadar, H1924, Gen_36:39.
Hadarezer, H1928, 2Sa_10:16.
Hadashah, 2322, Jos_15:37.
Hadassah, H1919, Est_2:7.
Hadid, H2307, Ezr_2:33.
Hadlai, H2311, 2Ch_28:12.
Hadoram, H1913, Gen_10:27.
Hadrach, H2317, Zec_9:1.
Hagab, H2285, Ezr_2:46.
Hagaba, H2286, Neh_7:48.
Hagabah, H2286, Ezr_2:45.
Hagar, H1904, Gen_16:1.
Hagarenes, H1905, Psa_83:6.
Hagarites, H1905, 1Ch_5:10.
Hagerite, H1905, 1Ch_27:31.
Haggai, H2292, Hag_1:1.
Haggedolim, H1419, Neh_11:14 mg.
Haggeri, H1905, 1Ch_11:38.
Haggi, H2291, Gen_46:16.
Haggiah, H2293, 1Ch_6:30.
Haggites, H2291, Num_26:15.
Haggith, H2294, 2Sa_3:4.
Hai, H5857, Gen_12:8.
Hakkatan, H6997, Ezr_8:12.
Hakkoz, H6976, 1Ch_24:10.
Hakupha, H2709, Ezr_2:51.
Halah, H2477, 2Ki_17:6.
Halak, H2510, Jos_11:17.
Halhul, H2478, Jos_15:58.
Hali, H2482, Jos_19:25.
Hallohesh, H3873, Neh_10:24.
Halohesh, H3873, Neh_3:12.
Ham, H2526, Gen_5:32.
Haman, H2001, Est_3:1.
Hamath, H2574, Num_13:21.
Hamathite, H2577, 1Ch_1:16.
Hamathzobah, H2578, 2Ch_8:3.
Hammath, H2575, Jos_19:35.
Hammedatha, H4099, Est_3:1.
Hammelech, H4429, Jer_36:26.
Hammoleketh, H4447, 1Ch_7:18.
Hammon, H2540, Jos_19:28.
Hammothdor, H2576, Jos_21:32.
Hamonah, H1997, Eze_39:16.
Hamon-gog, H1996, Eze_39:15.
Hamor, H2544, Gen_33:19.
Hamran, H2566, 1Ch_1:41 mg,note.
Hamuel, H2536, 1Ch_4:26.
Hamul, H2538, Gen_46:12.
Hamulites, H2539, Num_26:21.
Hamutal, H2537, 2Ki_23:31.
Hanameel, H2601, Jer_32:7.
Hanan, H2605, 1Ch_9:44.
Hananeel, H2606, Zec_14:10.
Hanani, H2607, 1Ch_25:4.
Hananiah, H2608, 1Ch_25:23.
Hanes, H2609, Isa_30:4.
Haniel, H2592, 1Ch_7:39.
Hannah, H2584, 1Sa_1:2.
Hannathon, H2615, Jos_19:14.
Hanniel, H2592, Num_34:23.
Hanoch, H2585, Gen_25:4.
Hanochites, H2599, Num_26:5.
Hanun, H2586, 2Sa_10:1.
Haphraim, H2663, Jos_19:19.
Hara, H2024, 1Ch_5:26.
Haradah, H2732, Num_33:24.
Haran, H2039, Gen_11:26.
Haran, H2771, 1Ch_2:46.
Hararite, H2043, 2Sa_23:11.
Harbona, H2726, Est_1:10.
Harbonah, H2726, Est_7:9.
Hareph, H2780, 1Ch_2:51.
Hareth, H2802, 1Sa_22:5.
Harhaiah, H2736, Neh_3:8.
Harhas, H2745, 2Ki_22:14.
Harhur, H2744, Ezr_2:51.
Harim, H2766, 1Ch_24:8.
Hariph, H2756, Neh_7:24.
Harnepher, H2774, 1Ch_7:36.
Harod, H5878, Jdg_7:1.
Harodite, H2733, 2Sa_23:25.
Haroeh, H7204, 1Ch_2:52.
Harorite, H2033, 1Ch_11:27.
Harosheth, H2800, Jdg_4:2.
Harsha, H2797, Ezr_2:52.
Harum, H2037, 1Ch_4:8.
Harumaph, H2739, Neh_3:10.
Haruphite, H2741, 1Ch_12:5.
Haruz, H2743, 2Ki_21:19.
Hasadiah, H2619, 1Ch_3:20.
Hasenuah, H5574, 1Ch_9:7.
Hashabiah, H2811, 1Ch_9:14.
Hashabnah, H2812, Neh_10:25.
Hashabniah, H2813, Neh_3:10.
Hashbadana, H2806, Neh_8:4.
Hashem, H2044, 1Ch_11:34.
Hashmonah, H2832, Num_33:29.
Hashub, H2815, Neh_3:11.
Hashubah, H2807, 1Ch_3:20.
Hashum, H2828, Ezr_2:19.
Hashupha, H2817, Neh_7:46.
Hasrah, H2641, 2Ch_34:22.
Hassenaah, H5570, Neh_3:3.
Hasshub, H2815, 1Ch_9:14.
Hasupha, H2817, Ezr_2:43.
Hatach, H2047, Est_4:5.
Hathath, H2867, 1Ch_4:13.
Hatipha, H2412, Ezr_2:54.
Hatita, H2410, Ezr_2:42.
Hattil, H2411, Ezr_2:57.
Hattush, H2407, Ezr_8:2.
Hauran, H2362, Eze_47:16.
Havilah, H2341, Gen_10:7.
Havothjair, H2334, Num_32:41.
Hazael, H2371, 2Ki_8:8.
Hazaiah, H2382, Neh_11:5.
Hazaraddar, H2692, Num_34:4.
Hazarenan, H2704, Num_34:9.
Hazargaddah, H2693, Jos_15:27.
Hazarhatticon, H2694, Eze_47:16.
Hazarmaveth, H2700, Gen_10:26.
Hazarshual, H2705, Jos_15:28.
Hazarsusah, H2701, Jos_19:5.
Hazarsusim, H2702, 1Ch_4:31.
Hazazontamar, H2688, 2Ch_20:2.
Hazelelponi, H6753, 1Ch_4:3.
Hazerim, H2699, Deu_2:23.
Hazeroth, H2698, Num_11:35.
Hazezontamar, H2688, Gen_14:7.
Haziel, H2381, 1Ch_23:9.
Hazo, H2375, Gen_22:22.
Hazor, H2674, Jos_15:23.
Heber, H2268, Gen_46:17.
Heber, G1443, Luk_3:35.
Heberites, H2277, Num_26:45.
Hebrew, H5680, Gen_14:13.
Hebrewess, H5680, Jer_34:9.
Hebrews, H5680, Gen_40:15.
Hebrews, G1445, Act_6:1.
Hebron, H2275, Exo_6:18.
Hebronites, H2276, Num_3:27.
Hegai, H1896, Est_2:8.
Hege, H1896, Est_2:3.
Helah, H2458, 1Ch_4:5.
Helam, H2431, 2Sa_10:16.
Helbah, H2462, Jdg_1:31.
Helbon, H2463, Eze_27:18.
Heldai, H2469, 1Ch_27:15.
Heleb, H2460, 2Sa_23:29.
Heled, H2466, 1Ch_11:30.
Helek, H2507, Num_26:30.
Helekites, H2516, Num_26:30.
Helem, H1987, 1Ch_7:35.
Helem, H2494, Zec_6:14.
Heleph, H2501, Jos_19:33.
Helez, H2503, 1Ch_2:39.
Heli, G2242, Luk_3:23.
Helkai, H2517, Neh_12:15.
Helkath, H2520, Jos_19:25.
Helkath-hazzurim, H2521, 2Sa_2:16.
Helon, H2497, Num_1:9.
Heman, H1967, Gen_36:22.
Heman, H1968, 1Ch_2:6.
Hemath, H2575, 1Ch_2:55.
Hemdan, H2533, Gen_36:26.
Hen, H2581, Zec_6:14.
Hena, H2012, Isa_37:13.
Henadad, H2582, Ezr_3:9.
Henoch, H2585, 1Ch_1:3.
Hepher, H2660, Num_26:32.
Hepherites, H2662, Num_26:32.
Hephzibah, H2657, Isa_62:4.
Heres, H2776, Jdg_1:35.
Heresh, H2792, 1Ch_9:15.
Hermas, G2057, Rom_16:14.
Hermes, G2060, Rom_16:14.
Hermogenes, G2061, 2Ti_1:15.
Hermon, H2768, Deu_3:8.
Hermonites, H2769, Psa_42:6.
Herod, G2264, Mat_2:1.
Herodians, G2265, Mat_22:16.
Herodias, G2266, Mat_14:3.
Herodion, G2267, Rom_16:11.
Hesed, H2618, 1Ki_4:10.
Heshbon, H2809, Num_21:25.
Heshmon, H2829, Jos_15:27.
Heth, H2845, Gen_10:15.
Hethlon, H2855, Eze_47:15.
Hezeki, H2395, 1Ch_8:17.
Hezekiah, H2396, 2Ki_16:20.
Hezion, H2383, 1Ki_15:18.
Hezir, H2387, 1Ch_24:15.
Hezrai, H2695, 2Sa_23:35.
Hezro, H2695, 1Ch_11:37.
Hezron, H2696, Gen_46:9.
Hezronites, H2697, Num_26:6.
Hiddai, H1914, 2Sa_23:30.
Hiddekel, H2313, Gen_2:14.
Hiel, H2419, 1Ki_16:34.
Hierapolis, G2404, Col_4:13.
Higgaion, H1902, Psa_9:16.
Hilen, H2432, 1Ch_6:58.
Hilkiah, H2518, 2Ki_18:18.
Hillel, H1985, Jdg_12:13.
Hinnom, H2011, Jos_15:8.
Hirah, H2437, Gen_38:1.
Hiram, H2438, 2Sa_5:11.
Hittites, H2850, Deu_20:17.
Hivites, H2430, Exo_3:8.
Hizkiah, H2396, Zep_1:1.
Hizkijah, H2396, Neh_10:17.
Hobab, H2246, Num_10:29.
Hobah, H2327, Gen_14:15.
Hod, H1936, 1Ch_7:37.
Hodaiah, H1939, 1Ch_3:24.
Hodaviah, H1938, 1Ch_5:24.
Hodesh, H2321, 1Ch_8:9.
Hodevah, H1937, Neh_7:43.
Hodiah, H1940, 1Ch_4:19.
Hodijah, H1941, Neh_8:7.
Hoglah, H2295, Num_26:33.
Hoham, H1944, Jos_10:3.
Holon, H2473, Jos_15:51.
Homam, H1950, 1Ch_1:39.
Hophni, H2652, 1Sa_1:3.
Hor, H2023, Num_20:22.
Horam, H2036, Jos_10:33.
Horeb, H2722, Exo_3:1.
Horem, H2765, Jos_19:38.
Horhagidgad, H2735, Num_33:32.
Hori, H2753, Gen_36:22.
Horims, H2752, Deu_2:12.
Horites, H2752, Gen_14:6.
Hormah, H2767, Num_14:45.
Horonaim, H2773, Isa_15:5.
Horonite, H2772, Neh_2:10.
Hosah, H2621, 1Ch_16:38.
Hosai, H2374, 2Ch_33:19 mg.
Hosea, H1954, Hos_1:1.
Hoshaiah, H1955, Neh_12:32.
Hoshama, H1953, 1Ch_3:18.
Hoshea, H1954, 2Ki_15:30.
Hotham, H2369, 1Ch_7:32.
Hothan, H2369, 1Ch_11:44.
Hothir, H1956, 1Ch_25:4.
Hukkok, H2712, Jos_19:34.
Hukok, H2712, 1Ch_6:75.
Hul, H2343, Gen_10:23.
Huldah, H2468, 2Ki_22:14.
Humtah, H2547, Jos_15:54.
Hupham, H2349, Num_26:39.
Huphamites, H2350, Num_26:39.
Huppah, H2647, 1Ch_24:13.
Huppim, H2650, Gen_46:21.
Hur, H2354,
Hurai, H2360, 1Ch_11:32.
Huram, H2361, 1Ch_8:5.
Huri, H2359, 1Ch_5:14.
Hushah, H2364, 1Ch_4:4.
Hushai, H2365, 2Sa_15:32.
Husham, H2367, Gen_36:34.
Hushathite, H2843, 2Sa_23:27.
Hushim, H2366, Gen_46:23.
Huz, H5780, Gen_22:21.
Huzzab, H5324, Nah_2:7.
Hymenaeus, G5211, 1Ti_1:20.
Ibhar, H2984, 2Sa_5:15.
Ibleam, H2991, Jdg_1:27.
Ibneiah, H2997, 1Ch_9:8.
Ibnijah, H2998, 1Ch_9:8.
Ibri, H5681, 1Ch_24:27.
Ibzan, H78, Jdg_12:8.
Ichabod, H350, 1Sa_4:21.
Iconium, G2430, Act_13:51.
Idalah, H3030, Jos_19:15.
Idbash, H3031, 1Ch_4:3.
Iddo, H3035, 1Ch_27:21.
Iddo, H5714, Ezr_5:1.
Iddo, H112, Ezr_8:17.
Idumaea, G2401, Mar_3:8.
Idumea, H123, Isa_34:5.
Igal, H3008, 2Sa_23:36.
Igdaliah, H3012, Jer_35:4.
Igeal, H3008, 1Ch_3:22.
Iim, H5864, Num_33:45.
Ijeabarim, H5863, Num_33:44.
Ijon, H5859, 1Ki_15:20.
Ikkesh, H6142, 2Sa_23:26.
Ilai, H5866, 1Ch_11:29.
Illyricum, G2437, Rom_15:19.
Imla, H3229, 2Ch_18:7.
Imlah, H3229, 1Ki_22:8.
Immanuel, H6005, Isa_7:14.
Immer, H564, 1Ch_9:12.
Imna, H3234, 1Ch_7:35.
Imnah, H3232, 1Ch_7:30.
Imrah, H3236, 1Ch_7:36.
Imri, H566, 1Ch_9:4.
India, H1912, Est_1:1.
Iphedeiah, H3301, 1Ch_8:25.
Ir, H5893, 1Ch_7:12.
Ira, H5896, 2Sa_20:26.
Irad, H5897, Gen_4:18.
Iram, H5902, Gen_36:43.
Iri, H5901, 1Ch_7:7.
Irijah, H3376, Jer_37:13.
Irnahash, H5904, 1Ch_4:12.
Iron, H3375, Jos_19:38.
Irpeel, H3416, Jos_18:27.
Irshemesh, H5905, Jos_19:41.
Iru, H5902, 1Ch_4:15.
Isaac, H3327, Gen_17:19.
Isaac, G2464, Heb_11:9.
Isaiah, H3470, Isa_1:1.
Iscah, H3252, Gen_11:29.
Iscariot, G2469, Mat_10:4.
Ishbah, H3431, 1Ch_4:17.
Ishbak, H3435, Gen_25:2.
Ishbibenob, H3430, 2Sa_21:16.
Ishbosheth, H378, 2Sa_3:8.
Ishi, H3469, 1Ch_2:31.
Ishi, H376, Hos_2:16.
Ishiah, H3449, 1Ch_7:3.
Ishijah, H3449, Ezr_10:31.
Ishma, H3457, 1Ch_4:3.
Ishmael, H3458, Gen_16:11.
Ishmaelite, H3459, 1Ch_27:30.
Ishmaiah, H3460, 1Ch_27:19.
Ishmeelite, H3459, 1Ch_2:17.
Ishmerai, H3461, 1Ch_8:8.
Ishod, H379, 1Ch_7:18.
Ishpan, H3473, 1Ch_8:22.
Ishtob, H382, 2Sa_10:8.
Ishuah, H3438, Gen_46:17.
Ishuai, H3440, 1Ch_7:30.
Ishui, H3440, 1Sa_14:49.
Ismachiah, H3253, 2Ch_31:13.
Ismaiah, H3460, 1Ch_12:4.
Ispah, H3472, 1Ch_8:16.
Israel, H3478, Gen_32:28.
Israel, G2474, Mat_2:6.
Israelite, H3481, Num_25:14.
Israelitish, H3482, Lev_24:10.
Issachar, H3485, Gen_30:18.
Issachar, G2466, Rev_7:7.
Isshiah, H3449, 1Ch_24:21.
Isuah, H3440, 1Ch_7:30.
Isui, H3440, Gen_46:17.
Italian, G2483, Act_10:1.
Italy, G2482, Act_18:2.
Ithai, H863, 1Ch_11:31.
Ithamar, H385, Exo_6:23.
Ithiel, H384, Pro_30:1.
Ithmah, H3495, 1Ch_11:46.
Ithnan, H3497, Jos_15:23.
Ithra, H3501, 2Sa_17:25.
Ithran, H3506, Gen_36:26.
Ithream, H3507, 2Sa_3:5.
Ithrite, H3505, 2Sa_23:38.
Ittahkazin, H6278, Jos_19:13.
Ittai, H863, 2Sa_15:19.
Ituraea, G2484, Luk_3:1.
Ivah, H5755, 2Ki_18:34.
Izehar, H3324, Num_3:19.
Izeharites, H3325, Num_3:27.
Izhar, H3324, Exo_6:18.
Izharites, H3325, 1Ch_24:22.
Izrahiah, H3156, 1Ch_7:3.
Izrahite, H3155, 1Ch_27:8.
Izri, H3339, 1Ch_25:11.
Jaakan, H3292, Deu_10:6.
Jaakobah, H3291, 1Ch_4:36.
Jaala, H3279, Neh_7:58.
Jaalah, H3279, Ezr_2:56.
Jaalam, H3281, Gen_36:5.
Jaanai, H3285, 1Ch_5:12.
Jaareoregim, H3296, 2Sa_21:19.
Jaasau, H3299, Ezr_10:37.
Jaasiel, H3300, 1Ch_27:21.
Jaazaniah, H2970, 2Ki_25:23.
Jaazer, H3270, Num_21:32.
Jaaziah, H3269, 1Ch_24:26.
Jaaziel, H3268, 1Ch_15:18.
Jabal, H2989, Gen_4:20.
Jabbok, H2999, Gen_32:22.
Jabesh, H3003, 2Ki_15:10.
Jabesh-gilead, H1568, Jdg_21:8.
Jabez, H3258, 1Ch_4:10.
Jabin, H2985, Jos_11:1.
Jabneel, H2995, Jos_15:11.
Jabneh, H2996, 2Ch_26:6.
Jachan, H3275, 1Ch_5:13.
Jachin, H3199, Gen_46:10.
Jachinites, H3200, Num_26:12.
Jacob, H3290, Gen_25:26.
Jacob, G2384, Mat_1:2.
Jada, H3047, 1Ch_2:28.
Jadau, H3035, Ezr_10:43.
Jaddua, H3037, Neh_12:11.
Jadon, H3036, Neh_3:7.
Jael, H3278, Jdg_4:17.
Jagur, H3017, Jos_15:21.
Jah, H3050, Psa_68:4.
Jahath, H3189, 1Ch_4:2.
Jahaz, H3096, Num_21:23.
Jahaza, H3096, Jos_13:18.
Jahazah, H3096, Jos_21:36.
Jahaziah, H3167, Ezr_10:15.
Jahaziel, H3166, 1Ch_24:23.
Jahdai, H3056, 1Ch_2:47.
Jahdiel, H3164, 1Ch_5:24.
Jahdo, H3163, 1Ch_5:14.
Jahleel, H3177, Gen_46:14.
Jahleelites, H3178, Num_26:26.
Jahmai, H3181, 1Ch_7:2.
Jahzah, H3096, 1Ch_6:78.
Jahzeel, H3183, Gen_46:24.
Jahzeelites, H3184, Num_26:48.
Jahzerah, H3170, 1Ch_9:12.
Jahziel, H3185, 1Ch_7:13.
Jair, H2971, Num_32:41.
Jairite, H2972, 2Sa_20:26.
Jairus, G2383, Mar_5:22.
Jakan, H3292, 1Ch_1:42.
Jakeh, H3348, Pro_30:1.
Jakim, H3356, 1Ch_8:19.
Jalon, H3210, 1Ch_4:17.
Jambres, G2387, 2Ti_3:8.
James, G2385, Mat_10:2.
Jamin, H3226, Gen_46:10.
Jaminites, H3228, Num_26:12.
Jamlech, H3230, 1Ch_4:34.
Janna, G2388, Luk_3:24.
Jannes, G2389, 2Ti_3:8.
Janoah, H3239, 2Ki_15:29.
Janohah, H3239, Jos_16:6.
Janum, H3241, Jos_15:53.
Japheth, H3315, Gen_5:32.
Japhia, H3309, Jos_10:3.
Japhlet, H3310, 1Ch_7:32.
Japhleti, H3311, Jos_16:3.
Japho, H3305, Jos_19:46.
Jaran, H3294, 1Ch_9:42.
Jareb, H3377, Hos_5:13.
Jared, H3382, Gen_5:15.
Jared, G2391, Luk_3:37.
Jaresiah, H3298, 1Ch_8:27.
Jarha, H3398, 1Ch_2:34.
Jarib, H3402, 1Ch_4:24.
Jarmuth, H3412, Jos_21:29.
Jaroah, H3386, 1Ch_5:14.
Jashen, H3464, 2Sa_23:32.
Jasher, H3477, Jos_10:13.
Jashobeam, H3434, 1Ch_11:11.
Jashub, H3437, Num_26:24.
Jashubilehem, H3433, 1Ch_4:22.
Jashubites, H3432, Num_26:24.
Jasiel, H3300, 1Ch_11:47.
Jason, G2394, Act_17:5.
Jathniel, H3496, 1Ch_26:2.
Jattir, H3492, Jos_15:48.
Javan, H3120, Gen_10:2.
Jazer, H3270, Num_32:1.
Jaziz, H3151, 1Ch_27:31.
Jearim, H3297, Jos_15:10.
Jeaterai, H2979, 1Ch_6:21.
Jeberechiah, H3000, Isa_8:2.
Jebus, H2982, Jdg_19:10.
Jebusi, H2983, Jos_18:16.
Jebusite, H2983, Gen_10:16.
Jecamiah, H3359, 1Ch_3:18.
Jecholiah, H3203, 2Ki_15:2.
Jechonias, G2423, Mat_1:11.
Jecoliah, H3203, 2Ch_26:3.
Jeconiah, H3204, Jer_24:1.
Jedaiah, H3042, Neh_3:10.
Jedaiah, H3048, 1Ch_9:10.
Jediael, H3043, 1Ch_7:6.
Jedidah, H3040, 2Ki_22:1.
Jedidiah, H3041, 2Sa_12:25.
Jeduthun, H3038, 1Ch_9:16.
Jeezer, H372, Num_26:30.
Jeezerites, H373, Num_26:30.
Jegarshadutha, H3026, Gen_31:47.
Jehaleleel, H3094, 1Ch_4:16.
Jehalelel, H3094, 2Ch_29:12.
Jehdeiah, H3165, 1Ch_24:20.
Jehezekel, H3168, 1Ch_24:16.
Jehiah, H3174, 1Ch_15:24.
Jehiel, H3273, 1Ch_9:35.
Jehiel, H3171, Ezr_8:9.
Jehieli, H3172, 1Ch_26:21.
Jehizkiah, H3169, 2Ch_28:12.
Jehoadah, H3085, 1Ch_8:36.
Jehoaddan, H3086, 2Ki_14:2.
Jehoahaz, H3059, 2Ki_10:35.
Jehoash, H3060, 2Ki_12:1.
Jehohanan, H3076, 2Ch_17:15.
Jehoiachin, H3078, 2Ki_24:8.
Jehoiada, H3077, 2Ki_11:4.
Jehoiada, H3111, Neh_3:6.
Jehoiakim, H3079, 1Ch_3:15.
Jehoiarib, H3080, 1Ch_24:7.
Jehonadab, H3082, 2Ki_10:15.
Jehonathan, H3083, 1Ch_27:25.
Jehoram, H3088, 2Ki_1:17.
Jehoshabeath, H3090, 2Ch_22:11.
Jehoshaphat, H3092, 2Sa_8:16.
Jehosheba, H3089, 2Ki_11:2.
Jehoshua, H3091, Num_13:16.
Jehoshuah, H3091, 1Ch_7:27.
Jehovah, H3068, Exo_6:3.
Jehovah-jireh, H3070, Gen_22:14.
Jehovah-nissi, H3071, Exo_17:15.
Jehovah-shalom, H3073, Jdg_6:24.
Jehozabad, H3075, 1Ch_26:4.
Jehozadak, H3087, 1Ch_6:15.
Jehu, H3058, 2Ki_9:2.
Jehubbah, H3160, 1Ch_7:34.
Jehucal, H3081, Jer_37:3.
Jehud, H3055, Jos_19:45.
Jehudi, H3065, Jer_36:14.
Jehudijah, H3057, 1Ch_4:18.
Jehush, H3266, 1Ch_8:39.
Jeiel, H3273, 1Ch_5:7.
Jekabzeel, H3343, Neh_11:25.
Jekameam, H3360, 1Ch_24:23.
Jekamiah, H3359, 1Ch_2:41.
Jekuthiel, H3354, 1Ch_4:18.
Jemima, H3224, Job_42:14.
Jemuel, H3223, Gen_46:10.
Jepthae, G2422, Heb_11:32.
Jephthah, H3316, Jdg_11:1.
Jephunneh, H3312, Num_13:6.
Jerah, H3392, Gen_10:26.
Jerahmeel, H3396, 1Ch_2:9.
Jerahmeelites, H3397, 1Sa_27:10.
Jered, H3382, 1Ch_1:2.
Jeremai, H3413, Ezr_10:33.
Jeremiah, H3414, Jer_1:1.
Jeremias, G2408, Mat_16:14.
Jeremoth, H3406, Ezr_10:26.
Jeremy, G2408, Mat_2:17.
Jeriah, H3404, 1Ch_23:19.
Jeribai, H3403, 1Ch_11:46.
Jericho, H3405, Num_22:1.
Jericho, G2410, Mat_20:29.
Jeriel, H3400, 1Ch_7:2.
Jerijah, H3404, 1Ch_26:31.
Jerimoth, H3406, 1Ch_7:7.
Jerioth, H3408, 1Ch_2:18.
Jeroboam, H3379, 1Ki_11:26.
Jeroham, H3395, 1Sa_1:1.
Jerubbaal, H3378, Jdg_6:32.
Jerubbesheth, H3380, 2Sa_11:21.
Jeruel, H3385, 2Ch_20:16.
Jerusalem, H3389, Jos_10:1.
Jerusalem, G2419, Mat_2:1.
Jerusha, H3387, 2Ki_15:33.
Jerushah, H3388, 2Ch_27:1.
Jesaiah, H3470, 1Ch_3:21.
Jeshaiah, H3470, 1Ch_25:3.
Jeshanah, H3466, 2Ch_13:19.
Jesharelah, H3480, 1Ch_25:14.
Jeshebeab, H3428, 1Ch_24:13.
Jesher, H3475, 1Ch_2:18.
Jeshimon, H3452, Num_21:20.
Jeshishai, H3454, 1Ch_5:14.
Jeshohaiah, H3439, 1Ch_4:36.
Jeshua, H3442, Neh_8:17.
Jeshuah, H3442, 1Ch_24:11.
Jeshurun, H3484, Deu_32:15.
Jesiah, H3449, 1Ch_12:6.
Jesimiel, H3450, 1Ch_4:36.
Jesse, H3448, 1Ch_2:12.
Jesse, G2421, Mat_1:5.
Jesui, H3440, Num_26:44.
Jesuites, H3441, Num_26:44.
Jesurun, H3484, Isa_44:2.
Jesus, G2424, Mat_1:16.
Jether, H3500, 1Ch_2:32.
Jetheth, H3509, Gen_36:40.
Jethlah, H3494, Jos_19:42.
Jethro, H3503, Exo_3:1.
Jetur, H3195, Gen_25:15.
Jeuel, H3262, 1Ch_9:6.
Jeush, H3266, Gen_36:5.
Jeuz, H3263, 1Ch_8:10.
Jew, H3064, Est_2:5.
Jews, G2453, Joh_4:9.
Jewess, G2453, Act_16:1.
Jewish, G2451, Tit_1:14.
Jewry, H3061, Dan_5:13.
Jewry, G2449, Joh_7:1.
Jezaniah, H3153, Jer_40:8.
Jezebel, H348, 1Ki_16:31.
Jezebel, G2403, Rev_2:20.
Jezer, H3337, Gen_46:24.
Jezerites, H3340, Num_26:49.
Jeziah, H3150, Ezr_10:25.
Jeziel, H3149, 1Ch_12:3.
Jezliah, H3152, 1Ch_8:18.
Jezoar, H3328, 1Ch_4:7.
Jezrahiah, H3156, Neh_12:42.
Jezreel, H3157, 1Ch_4:3.
Jezreelite, H3158, 1Ki_21:1.
Jezreelitess, H3159, 1Sa_27:3.
Jibsam, H3005, 1Ch_7:2.
Jidlaph, H3044, Gen_22:22.
Jimna, H3232, Num_26:44.
Jimnah, H3232, Gen_46:17.
Jimnites, H3232, Num_26:44.
Jiphtah, H3316, Jos_15:43.
Jiphthahel, H3317, Jos_19:14.
Joab, H3097, 1Sa_26:6.
Joah, H3098, Isa_36:3.
Joaha, H3099, 2Ch_34:8.
Joanna, G2490, Luk_3:27.
Joanna, G2489, Luk_8:3.
Joash, H3135, 1Ch_7:8.
Joash, H3101, Jdg_6:11.
Joatham, G2488, Mat_1:9.
Job, H347, Job_1:1.
Job, H3102, Gen_46:13.
Job, G2492, Jas_5:11.
Jobab, H3103, Gen_10:29.
Jochebed, H3115, Exo_6:20.
Joed, H3133, Neh_11:7.
Joel, H3100, 1Sa_8:2.
Joel, G2493, Act_2:16.
Joelah, H3132, 1Ch_12:7.
Joezer, H3134, 1Ch_12:6.
Jogbehah, H3011, Num_32:35.
Jogli, H3020, Num_34:22.
Joha, H3109, 1Ch_8:16.
Johanan, H3110, 2Ki_25:23.
John, G2491, Luk_1:13.
Joiada, H3111, Neh_12:10.
Joiakim, H3113, Neh_12:10.
Joiarib, H3114, Ezr_8:16.
Jokdeam, H3347,
Jokim, H3137, 1Ch_4:22.
Jokmeam, H3361, 1Ch_6:68.
Jokneam, H3362, Jos_12:22.
Jokshan, H3370, Gen_25:2.
Joktan, H3355, Gen_10:25.
Joktheel, H3371, Jos_15:38.
Jona, G2495, Joh_1:42.
Jonadab, H3122, Jer_35:6.
Jonadab, H3082, Jer_35:8.
Jonah, H3124, Jon_1:1.
Jonan, G2494, Luk_3:30.
Jonas, G2495, Mat_12:39.
Jonathan, H3129, 1Sa_13:2.
Jonathan, H3083, 1Sa_14:6.
Jonathelemrechokim, H3128, Psalm 56: Title.
Joppa, H3305, 2Ch_2:16.
Joppa, G2445, Act_9:43.
Jorah, H3139, Ezr_2:18.
Jorai, H3140, 1Ch_5:13.
Joram, H3141, 1Ch_26:25.
Joram, G2496, Mat_1:8.
Jordan, H3383, Jos_2:7.
Jordan, G2446, Mat_3:5.
Jorim, G2497, Luk_3:29.
Jorkoam, H2421, 1Ch_2:44.
Josabad, H3107, 1Ch_12:4.
Josaphat, G2498, Mat_1:8.
Jose, G2499, Luk_3:29.
Josedech, H3087, Hag_1:1.
Joseph, H3130, Gen_30:24.
Joseph, G2501, Mat_1:16.
Joses, G2500, Mat_13:55.
Joshah, H3144, 1Ch_4:34.
Joshaphat, H3146, 1Ch_11:43.
Joshaviah, H3145, 1Ch_11:46.
Joshbekashah, H3436, 1Ch_25:4.
Joshua, H3091, Exo_17:9.
Josiah, H2977, 1Ki_13:2.
Josias, G2502, Mat_1:10.
Josibiah, H3143, 1Ch_4:35.
Josiphiah, H3131, Ezr_8:10.
Jotbah, H3192, 2Ki_21:19.
Jotbath, H3193, Deu_10:7.
Jotbathah, H3193, Num_33:33.
Jotham, H3147, Jdg_9:5.
Jozabad, H3107, 2Ch_31:13.
Jozachar, H3108, 2Ki_12:21.
Jozadak, H3136, Ezr_3:2.
Jubal, H3106, Gen_4:21.
Jucal, H3116, Jer_38:1.
Juda, G2455, Luk_3:30.
Judaea, G2449, Mat_19:1.
Judah, H3063, Gen_35:23.
Judah, G2455, Heb_8:8.
Judas, G2455, Luk_6:16.
Jude, G2455, Jud_1:1.
Judea, H3061, Ezr_5:8.
Judith, H3067, Gen_26:34.
Julia, G2456, Rom_16:15.
Julius, G2457, Act_27:1.
Junia, G2458, Rom_16:7.
Jupiter, G2203, Act_14:12.
Jushabhesed, H3142, 1Ch_3:20.
Justus, G2459, Act_1:23.
Juttah, H3194, Jos_15:55.
Kabzeel, H6934, Jos_15:21.
Kadesh, H6946, Gen_14:7.
Kadesh barnea, H6947, Num_34:4.
Kadmiel, H6934, Ezr_2:40.
Kadmonites, H6935, Gen_15:19.
Kallai, H7040, Neh_12:20.
Kanah, H7071, Jos_16:8.
Kareah, H7143, Jer_40:8.
Karkaa, H7173, Jos_15:3.
Karkor, H7174, Jdg_8:10.
Kartah, H7177, Jos_21:34.
Kartan, H7178, Jos_21:32.
Kattath, H7005, Jos_19:15.
Kedar, H6938, Gen_25:13.
Kedemah, H6929, Gen_25:15.
Kedemoth, H6932, Jos_13:18.
Kedesh, H6943, Jos_15:23.
Kedesh naphtali, H5321, Jdg_4:6.
Kehelathah, H6954, Num_33:22.
Keilah, H7084, Jos_15:44.
Kelaiah, H7041, Ezr_10:23.
Kelita, H7042, Ezr_10:23.
Kemuel, H7055, Num_34:24.
Kenan, H7018, 1Ch_1:2.
Kenath, H7079, Num_32:42.
Kenaz, H7073, Gen_36:11.
Kenezite, H7074, Num_32:12.
Kenite, H7014, Num_24:22.
Kenizzites, H7074, Gen_15:19.
Kerenhappuch, H7163, Job_42:14.
Kerioth, H7152, Jos_15:25.
Keros, H7026, Ezr_2:44.
Keturah, H6989, Gen_25:1.
Kezia, H7103, Job_42:14.
Keziz, H7104, Jos_18:21.
Kibrothhattaavah, H6914, Num_11:34.
Kibzaim, H6911, Jos_21:22.
Kidron, H6939, 2Sa_15:23.
Kinah, H7016, Jos_15:22.
Kir, H7024, Amo_9:7.
Kirharaseth, H7025, 2Ki_3:25.
Kirharesh, H7025, Isa_16:11.
Kirheres, H7025, Jer_48:31.
Kiriathaim, H7156, Jer_48:1.
Kirioth, H7152, Amo_2:2.
Kirjath, H7157, Jos_18:28.
Kirjathaim, H7156, Num_32:37.
Kirjatharba, H7153, Jos_15:54.
Kirjatharim, H7157, Ezr_2:25.
Kirjathbaal, H7154, Jos_15:60.
Kirjathhuzoth, H7155, Num_22:39.
Kirjathjearim, H7157, Jos_9:17.
Kirjathsannah, H7158, Jos_15:49.
Kirjathsepher, H7158, Jos_15:15.
Kish, H7027, 1Sa_9:1.
Kishi, H7029, 1Ch_6:44.
Kishion, H7191, Jos_19:20.
Kishon, H7191, Jdg_5:21.
Kison, H7028, Psa_83:9.
Kithlish, H3798, Jos_15:40.
Kitron, H7003, Jdg_1:30.
Kittim, H3794, Gen_10:4.
Koa, H6970, Eze_23:23.
Kohath, H6955, Gen_46:11.
Kohathite, H6956, Num_3:27.
Kolaiah, H6964, Neh_11:7.
Korah, H7141, Gen_36:5.
Korahite, H7145, 1Ch_9:19.
Korathites, H7145, Num_26:58.
Kore, H6981, 1Ch_9:19.
Korhites, H7145, Exo_6:24.
Koz, H6976, Ezr_2:61.
Kushaiah, H6984, 1Ch_15:17.
Laadah, H3935, 1Ch_4:21.
Laadan, H3936, 1Ch_23:7.
Laban, H3837, Gen_24:29.
Lachish, H3923, Jos_10:3.
Lael, H3815, Num_3:24.
Lahad, H3855, 1Ch_4:2.
Lahairoi, H883, Gen_24:62.
Lahmam, H3903, Jos_15:40.
Lahmi, H3902, 1Ch_20:5.
Laish, H3919, 1Sa_25:44.
Lakum, H3946, Jos_19:33.
Lamech, H3929, Gen_4:18.
Lamech, G2984, Luk_3:36.
Laodicea, G2993, Rev_1:11.
Laodiceans, G2994, Col_4:16.
Lapidoth, H3941, Jdg_4:4.
Lasea, G2996, Act_27:8.
Lasha, H3962, Gen_10:19.
Lasharon, H8289, Jos_12:18.
Latin, G4513, Luk_23:38.
Lazarus, G2976, Joh_11:1.
Leah, H3812, Gen_29:16.
Lebana, H3838, Neh_7:48.
Lebanah, H3838, Ezr_2:45.
Lebanon, H3844, Deu_1:7.
Lebaoth, H3822, Jos_15:32.
Lebbaeus, G3002, Mat_10:3.
Lebonah, H3829, Jdg_21:19.
Lecah, H3922, 1Ch_4:21.
Legion, G3003, Mar_5:9.
Lehabim, H3853, Gen_10:13.
Lehi, H3896, Jdg_15:9.
Lemuel, H3927, Pro_31:4.
Leshem, H3959, Jos_19:47.
Letushim, H3912, Gen_25:3.
Leummim, H3817, Gen_25:3.
Levi, H3878, Gen_29:34.
Levi, G3017, Luk_3:24.
Levite, G3019, Luk_10:32.
Levitical, G3020, Heb_7:11.
Libertines, G3032, Act_6:9.
Libnah, H3841, Num_33:20.
Libni, H3845, 1Ch_6:29.
Libnites, H3846, Num_3:21.
Libya, H6316, Eze_30:5.
Libya, G3033, Act_2:10.
Libyans, H6316, Jer_46:9.
Likhi, H3949, 1Ch_7:19.
Linus, G3044, 2Ti_4:21.
Loammi, H3818, Hos_1:9.
Lod, H3850, Neh_7:37.
Lodebar, H3810, 2Sa_17:27.
Lois, G3090, 2Ti_1:5.
Lord, H3068, Gen_2:4.
Loruhamah, H3819, Hos_1:6.
Lot, H3876, Gen_11:27.
Lot, G3091, Luk_17:28.
Lotan, H3877, Gen_36:20.
Lubim, H3864, Nah_3:9.
Lubims, H3864, 2Ch_12:3.
Lucas, G3065, Phm_1:24.
Lucifer, H1966, Isa_14:12.
Lucius, G3066, Act_13:1.
Lud, H3865, Gen_10:22.
Ludim, H3866, Gen_10:13.
Luhith, H3872, Isa_15:5.
Luke, G3065, Col_4:14.
Luz, H3870, Gen_28:19.
Lycaonia, G3071, Act_14:6.
Lycia, G3073, Act_27:5.
Lydda, G3069, Act_9:32.
Lydia, H3865, Eze_30:5.
Lydia, G3070, Act_16:14.
Lydians, H3866, Jer_46:9.
Lysanias, G3078, Luk_3:1.
Lysias, G3079, Act_23:26.
Lystra, G3082, Act_14:6.
Maacah, H4601, 2Sa_3:3.
Maachah, H4601, 1Ki_2:39.
Maachathi, H4602, Deu_3:14.
Maachathite, H4602, 2Sa_23:34.
Maadai, H4572, Ezr_10:34.
Maadiah, H4573, Neh_12:5.
Maai, H4597, Neh_12:36.
Maalehacrabbim, H4610, Jos_15:3.
Maarath, H4638, Jos_15:59.
Maaseiah, H4641, Jer_21:1.
Maasiai, H4640, 1Ch_9:12.
Maath, G3092, Luk_3:26.
Maaz, H4619, 1Ch_2:27.
Maaziah, H4590, 1Ch_24:18.
Macedonia, G3110, Act_16:9.
Macedonian, G3110, Act_27:2.
Machbanai, H4344, 1Ch_12:13.
Machbenah, H4343, 1Ch_2:49.
Machi, H4352, Num_13:15.
Machir, H4353, Gen_50:23.
Machirites, H4354, Num_26:29.
Machnadebai, H4367, Ezr_10:40.
Machpelah, H4375, Gen_23:9.
Madai, H4074, Gen_10:2.
Madian, G3099, Act_7:29.
Madmannah, H4089, Jos_15:31.
Madmen, H4086, Jer_48:2.
Madmenah, H4088, Isa_10:31.
Madon, H4068, Jos_11:1.
Magbish, H4019, Ezr_2:30.
Magdala, G3093, Mat_15:39.
Magdalene, G3094, Mar_16:9.
Magdiel, H4025, Gen_36:43.
Magog, H4031, Gen_10:2.
Magog, G3098, Rev_20:8.
Magormissabib, H4036, Jer_20:3.
Magpiash, H4047, Neh_10:20.
Mahalah, H4244, 1Ch_7:18.
Mahalaleel, H4111, Gen_5:12.
Mahalath, H4258, 2Ch_11:18.
Mahalath, H4257, Psalm 53: Title.
Maahali, H4249, Exo_6:19.
Mahanaim, H4266, Gen_32:2.
Mahanehdan, H4265, Jdg_18:12.
Maharai, H4121, 2Sa_23:28.
Mahath, H4287, 2Ch_29:12.
Mahavite, H4233, 1Ch_11:46.
Mahazioth, H4238, 1Ch_25:4.
Mahershalalhashbaz, H4122, Isa_8:1.
Mahlah, H4244, Num_26:33.
Mahli, H4249, Num_3:20.
Mahlites, H4250, Num_3:33.
Mahlon, H4248, Rth_1:2.
Mahol, H4235, 1Ki_4:31.
Makaz, H4739, 1Ki_4:9.
Makheloth, H4722, Num_33:25.
Makkedah, H4719, Jos_10:10.
Maktesh, H4389, Zep_1:11.
Malachi, H4401, Mal_1:1.
Malcham, H4445, 1Ch_8:9.
Malchiah, H4441, Jer_38:1.
Malchiel, H4439, Gen_46:17.
Malchielites, H4440, Num_26:45.
Malchijah, H4441, 1Ch_9:12.
Malchiram, H4443, 1Ch_3:18.
Malchishua, H4444, 1Ch_8:33.
Malchus, G3124, Joh_18:10.
Maleleel, G3121, Luk_3:37.
Mallothi, H4413, 1Ch_25:4.
Malluch, H4409, Neh_10:4.
Mamre, H4471, Gen_14:13.
Manaen, G3127, Act_13:1.
Manahath, H4506, Gen_36:23.
Manahethites, H2679, 1Ch_2:52.
Manasseh, H4519, Gen_41:51.
Manasses, G3128, Mat_1:10.
Manassites, H4520, Deu_4:43.
Manoah, H4495, Jdg_13:2.
Maoch, H4582, 1Sa_27:2.
Maon, H4584, Jos_15:55.
Maonites, H4584, Jdg_10:12.
Mara, H4755, Rth_1:20.
Marah, H4785, Exo_15:23.
Maralah, H4831, Jos_19:11.
Maranatha, G3134, 1Co_16:22.
Marcus, G3138, 1Pe_5:13.
Mareshah, H4762, Jos_15:44.
Mark, G3138, Act_12:12.
Maroth, H4796, Mic_1:12.
Marsena, H4826, Est_1:14.
Mars Hill, G697, Act_17:22.
Martha, G3136, Luk_10:38.
Mary, G3137, Mat_1:16.
Maschil, H7919, Psalm 32: Title.
Mash, H4851, Gen_10:23.
Mashal, H4913, 1Ch_6:74.
Masrekah, H4957, Gen_36:36.
Massa, H4854, Gen_25:14.
Massah, H4532, Exo_17:7.
Mathusala, G3103, Luk_3:37.
Matred, H4308, Gen_36:39.
Matri, H4309, 1Sa_10:21.
Mattan, H4977, 2Ki_11:18.
Mattanah, H4980, Num_21:18.
Mattaniah, H4983, 2Ki_24:17.
Mattatha, G3160, Luk_3:31.
Mattathah, H4992, Ezr_10:33.
Mattathias, G3161, Luk_3:26.
Mattenai, H4982, Neh_12:19.
Matthan, G3157, Mat_1:15.
Matthat, G3158, Luk_3:24.
Matthew, G3156, Mat_9:9.
Matthias, G3159, Act_1:26.
Mattithiah, H4993, Ezr_10:43.
Mazzaroth, H4216, Job_38:32.
Meah, H3968, Neh_3:1.
Mearah, H4632, Jos_13:4.
Mebunnai, H4012, 2Sa_23:27.
Mecherathite, H4832, 1Ch_11:36.
Medad, H4312, Num_11:26.
Medan, H4091, Gen_25:2.
Medeba, H4311, Num_21:30.
Mede, H4075, Dan_11:1.
Medes, H4074, Ezr_6:2.
Medes, G3370, Act_2:9.
Media, H4074, Est_1:3.
Median, H4077, Dan_5:31.
Megiddo, H4023, Jos_12:21.
Megiddon, H4023, Zec_12:11.
Mehetabeel, H4105, Neh_6:10.
Mehetabel, H4105, Gen_36:39.
Mehida, H4240, Ezr_2:52.
Mehir, H4243, 1Ch_4:11.
Meholathite, H4259, 1Sa_18:19.
Mehujael, H4232, Gen_4:18.
Mehuman, H4104, Est_1:10.
Mehunim, H4586, Ezr_2:50.
Mehunims, H4586, 2Ch_26:7.
Mejarkon, H4313, Jos_19:46.
Mekonah, H4368, Neh_11:28.
Melatiah, H4424, Neh_3:7.
Melchi, G3197, Luk_3:24.
Melchiah, H4441, Jer_21:1.
Melchisedec, G3198, Heb_5:6.
Melchishua, H4444, 1Sa_14:49.
Melchizedek, H4442, Gen_14:18.
Melea, G3190, Luk_3:31.
Melech, H4429, 1Ch_8:35.
Melicu, H4409, Neh_12:14.
Melita, G3194, Act_28:1.
Melzar, H4453, Dan_1:11.
Memphis, H4644, Hos_9:6.
Memucan, H4462, Est_1:14.
Menahem, H4505, 2Ki_15:14.
Menan, G3104, Luk_3:31.
Mene, H4484, Dan_5:25.
Menucha, H4496, Jer_51:59 mg.
Meonenim, H6049, Jdg_9:37.
Meonothai, H4587, 1Ch_4:14.
Mephaath, H4158, Jos_13:18.
Mephibosheth, H4648, 2Sa_21:8.
Merab, H4764, 1Sa_14:49.
Meraiah, H4811, Neh_12:12.
Meraioth, H4812, Neh_12:15.
Merari, H4847, Gen_46:11.
Merarites, H4848, Num_26:57.
Merathaim, H4850, Jer_50:21.
Mercurius, G2060, Act_14:12.
Mered, H4778, 1Ch_4:17.
Meremoth, H4822, Ezr_8:33.
Meres, H4825, Est_1:14.
Meribah, H4809, Exo_17:7.
Meribah-Kadesh, H6946, Deu_32:51.
Meribbaal, H4807, 1Ch_9:40.
Merodach, H4781, Jer_50:2.
Merodach-baladan, H4757, Isa_39:1.
Merom, H4792, Jos_11:5.
Meronothite, H4824, 1Ch_27:30.
Meroz, H4789, Jdg_5:23.
Mesech, H4902, Psa_120:5.
Mesha, H4852, Gen_10:30.
Mesha, H4337, 2Ki_3:4.
Mesha, H4338, 1Ch_2:42.
Mesha, H4331, 1Ch_8:9.
Meshach, H4335, Dan_1:7.
Meshech, H4902, Gen_10:2.
Meshelemiah, H4920, 1Ch_9:21.
Meshezabeel, H4898, Neh_3:4.
Meshillemith, H4921, 1Ch_9:12.
Meshillemoth, H4919, 2Ch_28:12.
Meshobab, H4877, 1Ch_4:34.
Meshullam, H4918, 1Ch_9:12.
Meshullemeth, H4922, 2Ki_21:19.
Mesobaite, H4677, 1Ch_11:47.
Mesopotamia, H763, Gen_24:10.
Mesopotamia, G3318, Act_7:2.
Messiah, H4899, Dan_9:25.
Messias, G3323, Joh_1:41.
Methegammah, H4965, 2Sa_8:1.
Methusael, H4967, Gen_4:18.
Methuselah, H4968, Gen_5:21.
Meunim, H4586, Neh_7:52.
Meuzal, H235, Eze_27:19 mg.
Mezahab, H4314, Gen_36:39.
Miamin, H4326, Neh_12:5.
Mibhar, H4006, 1Ch_11:38.
Mibsam, H4017, Gen_25:13.
Mibzar, H4014, Gen_36:42.
Micah, H4318, Mic_1:1.
Micah, H4319, Jdg_17:1.
Micah, H4316, 1Ch_9:15.
Micah, H4320, Jer_26:18.
Micaiah, H4321, 1Ki_22:8.
Micaiah, H4319, 2Ch_18:8.
Micaiah, H4318, 2Ch_18:14.
Micha, H4316, 2Sa_9:12.
Michael, H4317, Dan_12:1.
Michael, G3413, Rev_12:7.
Michah, H4318, 1Ch_24:24.
Michaiah, H4320, 2Ki_22:12.
Michal, H4324, 1Sa_14:49.
Michmas, H4363, Ezr_2:27.
Michmash, H4363, 1Sa_13:2.
Michmethah, H4366, Jos_16:6.
Michri, H4381, 1Ch_9:8.
Michtam, H4387, Psalm 16: Title.
Middin, H4081, Jos_15:61.
Midian, H4080, Gen_25:2.
Midianite, H4084, Num_10:29.
Midianitish, H4084, Num_25:6.
Migdalel, H4027, Jos_19:38.
Migdalgad, H4028, Jos_15:37.
Migdol, H4024, Exo_14:2.
Migron, H4051, 1Sa_14:2.
Mijamin, H4326, 1Ch_24:9.
Mikloth, H4732, 1Ch_27:4.
Mikneiah, H4737, 1Ch_15:18.
Milalai, H4450, Neh_12:36.
Milcah, H4435, Gen_11:29.
Milcom, H4445, 1Ki_11:5.
Miletum, G3399, 2Ti_4:20.
Miletus, G3399, Act_20:15.
Millo, H4407, 2Sa_5:9.
Miniamin, H4509, Neh_12:17.
Minni, H4508, Jer_51:27.
Minnith, H4511, Jdg_11:33.
Miphkad, H4663, Neh_3:31.
Miriam, H4813, Exo_15:20.
Mirma, H4821, 1Ch_8:10.
Misgab, H4870, Jer_48:1.
Mishael, H4332, Exo_6:22.
Mishal, H4861, Jos_21:30.
Misham, H4936, 1Ch_8:12.
Misheal, H4861, Jos_19:26.
Mishma, H4927, Gen_25:14.
Mishmannah, H4925, 1Ch_12:10.
Mishraites, H4954, 1Ch_2:53.
Mispereth, H4559, Neh_7:7.
Misrephothmaim, H4956, Jos_11:8.
Mithcah, H4989, Num_33:28.
Mithnite, H4981, 1Ch_11:43.
Mithredath, H4990, Ezr_1:8.
Mitylene, G3412, Act_20:14.
Mizar, H4706, Psa_42:6.
Mizpah, H4708, Gen_31:49.
Mizpar, H4558, Ezr_2:2.
Mizpeh, H4708, Jos_15:38.
Mizraim, H4714, Gen_10:6.
Mizzah, H4199, Gen_36:13.
Mnason, G3416, Act_21:16.
Moab, H4124, Gen_19:37.
Moabite, H4125, Deu_23:3.
Moabitess, H4125, Rth_1:22.
Moabitish, H4125, Rth_2:6.
Moadiah, H4153, Neh_12:17.
Moladah, H4137, Jos_15:26.
Molech, H4432, Lev_18:21.
Molid, H4140, 1Ch_2:29.
Moloch, H4432, Amo_5:26.
Moloch, G3434, Act_7:43.
Morad, H4174, Jos_7:5 mg.
Morasthite, H4183, Jer_26:18.
Mordecai, H4782, Est_2:5.
Moreh, H4176, Gen_12:6.
Moreshethgath, H4182, Mic_1:14.
Moriah, H4179, Gen_22:2.
Mosera, H4149, Deu_10:6.
Moseroth, H4149, Num_33:30.
Moses, H4872, Exo_2:10.
Moses, G3475, Mat_8:4.
Moza, H4162, 1Ch_8:36.
Mozah, H4681, Jos_18:26.
Muppim, H4649, Gen_46:21.
Mushi, H4187, Exo_6:19.
Mushites, H4188, Num_3:33.
Muthlabben, H4192, Psalm 9: Title.
Myra, G3460, Act_27:5.
Mysia, G3465, Act_16:7.
Naam, H5277, 1Ch_4:15.
Naamah, H5279, Gen_4:22.
Naaman, H5283, Gen_46:21.
Naaman, G3497, Luk_4:27.
Naamathite, H5284, Job_2:11.
Naamites, H5280, Num_26:40.
Naarah, H5292, 1Ch_4:5.
Naarai, H5293, 1Ch_11:37.
Naaran, H5295, 1Ch_7:28.
Naarath, H5292, Jos_16:7.
Naashon, H5177, Exo_6:23.
Naason, G3476, Mat_1:4.
Nabal, H5037, 1Sa_25:3.
Naboth, H5022, 1Ki_21:1.
Nachon, H5225, 2Sa_6:6.
Nachor, H5152, Jos_24:2.
Nachor, G3493, Luk_3:34.
Nadab, H5070, Exo_6:23.
Nagge, G3477, Luk_3:25.
Nahalal, H5096, Jos_21:35.
Nahaliel, H5160, Num_21:19.
Nahallal, H5096, Jos_19:15.
Nahalol, H5096, Jdg_1:30.
Naham, H5163, 1Ch_4:19.
Nahamani, H5167, Neh_7:7.
Naharai, H5171, 1Ch_11:39.
Nahash, H5176, 1Sa_11:1.
Nahath, H5184, Gen_36:13.
Nahbi, H5147, Num_13:14.
Nahor, H5152, Gen_11:22.
Nahshon, H5177, 1Ch_2:10.
Nahum, H5151, Nah_1:1.
Nain, G3484, Luk_7:11.
Naioth, H5121, 1Sa_19:18.
Naomi, H5281, Rth_1:2.
Naphish, H5305, Gen_25:15.
Naphtali, H5321, Gen_30:8.
Naphtuhim, H5320, Gen_10:13.
Narcissus, G3488, Rom_16:11.
Nathan, H5416, 2Ch_9:29.
Nathan, G3481, Luk_3:31.
Nathanael, G3482, Joh_1:47.
Nathan-melech, H5419, 2Ki_23:11.
Naum, G3486, Luk_3:25.
Nazarene, G3480, Mat_2:23.
Nazareth, G3478, Mat_4:13.
Nazarite, H5139, Num_6:2.
Neah, H5269, Jos_19:13.
Neapolis, G3496, Act_16:11.
Neariah, H5294, 1Ch_3:22.
Nebai, H5109, Neh_10:19.
Nebaioth, H5032, Isa_60:7.
Nebajoth, H5032, Gen_25:13.
Neballat, H5041, Neh_11:34.
Nebat, H5028, 1Ki_11:26.
Nebo, H5015, Num_32:3.
Nebuchadnezzar, H5019, 2Ki_24:1.
Nebuchadrezzar, H5019, Jer_21:2.
Nebuschasban, H5021, Jer_39:13.
Nebuzaradan, H5018, 2Ki_25:8.
Necho, H5224, 2Ch_35:20.
Nedabiah, H5072, 1Ch_3:18.
Neginah, H5058, Psalm 61: Title.
Neginoth, H5058, Psalm 4: Title.
Nehelamite, H5161, Jer_29:24.
Nehemiah, H5166, Neh_1:1.
Nehiloth, H5155, Psalm 5: Title.
Nehum, H5149, Neh_7:7.
Nehushta, H5179, 2Ki_24:8.
Nehushtan, H5180, 2Ki_18:4.
Neiel, H5272, Jos_19:27.
Nekeb, H5346, Jos_19:33.
Nekoda, H5353, Ezr_2:48.
Nemuel, H5241, Num_26:12.
Nemuelites, H5242, Num_26:12.
Nepheg, H5298, 2Sa_5:15.
Nephish, H5305, 1Ch_5:19.
Nephishesim, H5300, Neh_7:52.
Nephthalim, G3508, Mat_4:13.
Nephtoah, H5318, Jos_15:9.
Nephusim, H5304, Ezr_2:50.
Ner, H5369, 1Ch_9:36.
Nereus, G3517, Rom_16:15.
Nergal, H5370, 2Ki_17:30.
Nergalsharezer, H5371, Jer_39:3.
Neri, G3518, Luk_3:27.
Neriah, H5374, Jer_32:12.
Nero, G3505, 2 Timothy: Subscription.
Nethaneel, H5417, Num_1:8.
Nethaniah, H5418, 1Ch_25:12.
Nethinims, H5411, 1Ch_9:2.
Netophah, H5199, Ezr_2:22.
Netophathi, H5200, Neh_12:28.
Netophathite, H5200, 2Sa_23:28.
Neziah, H5335, Ezr_2:54.
Nezib, H5334, Jos_15:43.
Nibhaz, H5026, 2Ki_17:31.
Nibshan, H5044, Jos_15:62.
Nicanor, G3527, Act_6:5.
Nicodemus, G3530, Joh_3:1.
Nicolaitanes, G3531, Rev_2:6.
Nicolas, G3532, Act_6:5.
Nicopolis, G3533, Tit_3:12.
Niger, G3526, Act_13:1.
Nimrah, H5247, Num_32:3.
Nimrim, H5249, Isa_15:6.
Nimrod, H5248, Gen_10:8.
Nimshi, H5250, 1Ki_19:16.
Nineve, G3535, Luk_11:32.
Nineveh, H5210, Gen_10:11.
Ninevites, G3536, Luk_11:30.
Nisan, H5212, Neh_2:1.
Nisroch, H5268, 2Ki_19:37.
No, H4996, Nah_3:8.
Noadiah, H5129, Neh_6:14.
Noah, H5146, Gen_5:29.
Noah, H5270, Num_26:33.
Noah, G3575, Heb_11:7.
Nob, H5011, 1Sa_22:11.
Nobah, H5025, Num_32:42.
Nod, H5113, Gen_4:16.
Nodab, H5114, 1Ch_5:19.
Noe, G3575, Luk_3:36.
Nogah, H5052, 1Ch_3:7.
Nohah, H5119, 1Ch_8:2.
Non, H5126, 1Ch_7:27.
Noph, H5297, Isa_19:13.
Nophah, H5302, Num_21:30.
Nun, H5126, Exo_33:11.
Nymphas, G3564, Col_4:15.
Obadiah, H5662, Oba_1:1.
Obal, H5745, Gen_10:28.
Obed, H5744, Rth_4:17.
Obed, G5601, Luk_3:32.
Obededom, H5654, 2Sa_6:10.
Obil, H179, 1Ch_27:30.
Oboth, H88, Num_21:10.
Ocran, H5918, Num_1:13.
Oded, H5752, 2Ch_15:1.
Og, H5747, Num_21:33.
Ohad, H161, Gen_46:10.
Ohel, H169, 1Ch_3:20.
Olives, G1636
Olivet, H2132, 2Sa_15:30.
Olivet, G1638, Act_1:12.
Olympas, G3652, Rom_16:15.
Omar, H201, 1Ch_1:36.
Omega, G5598, Rev_1:8.
Omri, H6018, 1Ki_16:16.
On, H203, Num_16:1.
Onam, H208, Gen_36:23.
Onan, H209, Gen_38:4.
Onesimus, G3682, Phm_1:10.
Onesiphorus, G3683, 2Ti_1:16.
Ono, H207, Ezr_2:33.
Ophel, H6077, 2Ch_27:3.
Ophir, H211, Gen_10:29.
Ophni, H6078, Jos_18:24.
Ophrah, H6084, 1Ch_4:14.
Oreb, H6159, Jdg_7:25.
Oren, H767, 1Ch_2:25.
Orion, H3685, Job_9:9.
Ornan, H771, 1Ch_21:15.
Orpah, H6204, Rth_1:4.
Osee, G5617, Rom_9:25.
Oshea, H1954, Num_13:8.
Othni, H6273, 1Ch_26:7.
Othniel, H6274, Jos_15:17.
Ozem, H684, 1Ch_2:15.
Ozias, G3604, Mat_1:8.
Ozni, H244, Num_26:16.
Oznites, H244, Num_26:16.
Paarai, H6474, 2Sa_23:35.
Padan, H6307, Gen_48:7.
Padan-aram, H6307, Gen_25:20.
Padon, H6303, Ezr_2:44.
Pagiel, H6295, Num_1:13.
Pahath-moab, H6355, Ezr_2:6.
Pai, H6464, 1Ch_1:50.
Palal, H6420, Neh_3:25.
Palestina, H6429, Exo_15:14.
Palestine, H6429, Joe_3:4.
Pallu, H6396, Num_26:5.
Palluites, H6384, Num_26:5.
Palmoni, H6422, Dan_8:13 mg.
Palti, H6406, Num_13:9.
Paltiel, H6409, Num_34:26.
Paltite, H6407, 2Sa_23:26.
Pamphylia, G3828, Act_13:13.
Pannag, H6436, Eze_27:17.
Paphos, G3974, Act_13:6.
Parah, H6511, Jos_18:23.
Paran, H6290, Gen_21:21.
Parbar, H6503, 1Ch_26:18.
Parmashta, H6534, Est_9:9.
Parmenas, G3937, Act_6:5.
Parnach, H6535, Num_34:25.
Parosh, H6551, Ezr_2:3.
Parshandatha, H6577, Est_9:7.
Parthians, G3934, Act_2:9.
Paruah, H6515, 1Ki_4:17.
Parvaim, H6516, 2Ch_3:6.
Pasach, H6457, 1Ch_7:33.
Pasdammim, H6450, 1Ch_11:13.
Paseah, H6454, 1Ch_4:12.
Pashur, H6583, Jer_20:1.
Patara, G3959, Act_21:1.
Pathros, H6624, Isa_11:11.
Pathrusim, H6625, Gen_10:14.
Patmos, G3963, Rev_1:9.
Patrobas, G3969, Rom_16:14.
Pau, H6464, Gen_36:39.
Paul, G3972, Act_13:9.
Paulus, G3972, Act_13:7.
Pedahel, H6300, Num_34:28.
Pedahzur, H6301, Num_1:10.
Pedaiah, H6305, 2Ki_23:36.
Pekah, H6492, 2Ki_15:25.
Pekahiah, H6494, 2Ki_15:22.
Pekod, H6489, Eze_23:23.
Pelaiah, H6411, Neh_8:7.
Pelaliah, H6421, Neh_11:12.
Pelatiah, H6410, 1Ch_3:21.
Peleg, H6389, Gen_10:25.
Pelet, H6404, 1Ch_12:3.
Peleth, H6431, Num_16:1.
Pelethites, H6432, 2Sa_8:18.
Pelonite, H6397, 1Ch_11:27.
Peniel, H6439, Gen_32:30.
Peninnah, H6444, 1Sa_1:2.
Pentecost, G4005, Act_2:1.
Penuel, H6439, 1Ch_4:4.
Peor, H6465, Num_23:28.
Perazim, H6556, Isa_28:21.
Peres, H6537, Dan_5:28.
Peresh, H6570, 1Ch_7:16.
Perez, H6557, 1Ch_27:3.
Perezuzza, H6560, 1Ch_13:11.
Perezuzzah, H6560, 2Sa_6:8.
Perga, G4011, Act_13:13.
Pergamos, G4010, Rev_1:11.
Perida, H6514, Neh_7:57.
Perizzite, H6522, Gen_13:7.
Persia, H6539, 2Ch_36:22.
Persian, H6543, Dan_6:28.
Persians, H6539, Est_1:19.
Persians, H6540, Dan_5:28.
Persis, G4069, Rom_16:12.
Peruda, H6514, Ezr_2:55.
Peter, G4074, Mat_16:18.
H6611, Neh_11:24.
Pethor, H6604, Num_22:5.
Pethuel, H6602, Joe_1:1.
Peulthai, H6469, 1Ch_26:5.
Phalec, G5317, Luk_3:35.
Phallu, H6396, Gen_46:9.
Phalti, H6406, 1Sa_25:44.
Phaltiel, H6409, 2Sa_3:15.
Phanuel, G5323, Luk_2:36.
Pharaoh, H6547, Gen_12:15.
Pharaoh, G5328, Act_7:10.
Pharaoh-hophra, H6548, Jer_44:30.
Pharaoh-necho, H6549, Jer_46:2.
Pharaoh-nechoh, H6549, 2Ki_23:29.
Phares, G5329, Mat_1:3.
Pharez, H6557, Gen_46:12.
Pharisees, G5330, Mat_3:7.
Pharosh, H6551, Ezr_8:3.
Pharpar, H6554, 2Ki_5:12.
Pharzites, H6558, Num_26:20.
Phaseah, H6454, Neh_7:51.
Phebe, G5402, Rom_16:1.
Phenice, G5403, Act_11:19.
Phenicia, G5403, Act_21:2.
Phichol, H6369, Gen_21:22.
Philadelphia, G5359, Rev_1:11.
Philemon, G5371, Phm_1:1.
Philetus, G5372, 2Ti_2:17.
Philip, G5376, Joh_1:43.
Philippi, G5375, Act_16:12.
Philippians, G5374, Php_4:15.
Philistia, H6429, Psa_87:4.
Philistim, H6430, Gen_10:14.
Philistines, H6430, Jer_47:4.
Philologus, G5378, Rom_16:15.
Phinehas, H6372, Exo_6:25.
Phlegon, G5393, Rom_16:14.
Phrygia, G5435, Act_16:6.
Phurah, H6513, Jdg_7:10.
Phut, H6316, Gen_10:6.
Phuvah, H6312, Gen_46:13.
Phygellus, G5436, 2Ti_1:15.
Pibeseth, H6364, Eze_30:17.
Pihahiroth, H6367, Exo_14:2.
Pilate, G4091, Mat_27:2.
Pildash, H6394, Gen_22:22.
Pileha, H6401, Neh_10:24.
Piltai, H6408, Neh_12:17.
Pinon, H6373, Gen_36:41.
Piram, H6502, Jos_10:3.
Pirathon, H6552, Jdg_12:15.
Pirathonite, H6553, Jdg_12:15.
Pisgah, H6449, Num_21:20.
Pisidia, G4099, Act_13:14.
Pison, H6376, Gen_2:11.
Pispah, H6462, 1Ch_7:38.
Pithom, H6619, Exo_1:11.
Pithon, H6377, 1Ch_8:35.
Pleiades, H3598, Job_9:9.
Pochereth, H6380, Ezr_2:57.
Pollux, G1359, Act_28:11.
Pontius, G4194, Luk_3:1.
Pontus, G4195, Act_2:9.
Poratha, H6334, Est_9:8.
Porcius, G4201, Act_24:27.
Potiphar, H6318, Gen_39:1.
Potipherah, H6319, Gen_41:45.
Prisca, G4251, 2Ti_4:19.
Priscilla, G4252, Act_18:2.
Prochorus, G4402, Act_6:5.
Ptolemais, G4424, Act_21:7.
Pua, H6312, Num_26:23.
Puah, H6326, Exo_1:15.
Publius, G4196, Act_28:7.
Pudens, G4227, 2Ti_4:21.
Puhites, H6336, 1Ch_2:53.
Pul, H6322, 2Ki_15:19.
Punites, H6324, Num_26:23.
Punon, H6325, Num_33:42.
Pur, H6332, Est_3:7.
Purim, H6332, Est_9:26.
Put, H6316, Nah_3:9.
Puteoli, G4223, Act_28:13.
Putiel, H6317, Exo_6:25.
Quartus, G2890, Rom_16:23.
Raamah, H7484, Gen_10:7.
Raamiah, H7485, Neh_7:7.
Raamses, H7486, Exo_1:11.
Rabbah, H7237, Jos_13:25.
Rabbath, H7237, Deu_3:11.
Rabbi, G4461, Mat_23:7.
Rabbith, H7245, Jos_19:20.
Rabboni, G4462, Joh_20:16.
Rabmag, H7248, Jer_39:3.
Rabsaris, H7249, Jer_39:3.
Rabshakeh, H7262, 2Ki_18:17.
Raca, G4469, Mat_5:22.
Rachab, G4477, Mat_1:5.
Rachal, H7403, 1Sa_30:29.
Rachel, H7354, Gen_29:28.
Rachel, G4478, Mat_2:18.
Raddai, H7288, 1Ch_2:14.
Ragau, G4466, Luk_3:35.
Raguel, H7467, Num_10:29.
Rahab, H7343, Jos_2:1.
Rahab, G4460, Heb_11:31.
Raham, H7357, 1Ch_2:44.
Rahel, H7354, Jer_31:15.
Rakem, H7552, 1Ch_7:16.
Rakkath, H7557, Jos_19:35.
Rakkon, H7542, Jos_19:46.
Ram, H7410, Job_32:2.
Rama, G4471, Mat_2:18.
Ramah, H7414, Jer_31:15.
Ramath, H7418, Jos_19:8.
Ramathaimzophim, H7436, 1Sa_1:1.
Ramathite, H7435, 1Ch_27:27.
Ramathlehi, H7437, Jdg_15:17.
Ramathmizpeh, H7434, Jos_13:26.
Rameses, H7486, Gen_47:11.
Ramiah, H7422, Ezr_10:25.
Ramoth, H7216, 1Ch_6:73.
Ramoth-gilead, H7433, 1Ki_4:13.
Rapha, H7498, 1Ch_8:2.
Raphu, H7505, Num_13:9.
Reaia, H7211, 1Ch_5:5.
Reaiah, H7211, 1Ch_4:2.
Reba, H7254, Num_31:8.
Rebecca, G4479, Rom_9:10.
Rebekah, H7259, Gen_22:23.
Rechab, H7394, 2Sa_4:2.
Rechabites, H7397, Jer_35:2.
Rechah, H7397, 1Ch_4:12.
Reelaiah, H7480, Ezr_2:2.
Regem, H7276, 1Ch_2:47.
Regem-melech, H7278, Zec_7:2.
Rehabiah, H7345, 1Ch_23:17.
Rehob, H7340, Num_13:21.
Rehoboam, H7346, 1Ki_14:21.
Rehoboth, H7344, Gen_10:11.
Rehum, H7348, Neh_12:3.
Rei, H7472, 1Ki_1:8.
Rekem, H7552, 1Ch_2:43.
Remaliah, H7425, 2Ki_15:25.
Remeth, H7432, Jos_19:21.
Remmon, H7417, Jos_19:7.
Remmon-methoar, H7417, Jos_19:13.
Remphan, G4481, Act_7:43.
Rephael, H7501, 1Ch_26:7.
Rephah, H7506, 1Ch_7:25.
Rephaiah, H7509, 1Ch_9:43.
Rephaim, H7497, 2Sa_5:18.
Rephaims, H7497, Gen_14:5.
Rephidim, H7508, Exo_17:1.
Resen, H7449, Gen_10:12.
Resheph, H7566, 1Ch_7:25.
Reu, H7466, Gen_11:18.
Reuben, H7205, Gen_29:32.
Reuben, G4502, Rev_7:5.
Reubenites, H7206, Num_26:7.
Reuel, H7467, Gen_36:4.
Reumah, H7208, Gen_22:24.
Rezeph, H7530, 2Ki_19:12.
Rezia, H7525, 1Ch_7:39.
Rezin, H7526, 2Ki_15:37.
Rezon, H7331, 1Ki_11:23.
Rhegium, G4484, Act_28:13.
Rhesa, G4488, Luk_3:27.
Rhoda, G4498, Act_12:13.
Rhodes, G4499, Act_21:1.
Ribai, H7380, 2Sa_23:29.
Riblah, H7247, Num_34:11.
Rimmon, H7417, 2Ki_5:18.
Rimmon-parez, H7428, Num_33:19.
Rinnah, H7441, 1Ch_4:20.
Riphath, H7384, Gen_10:3.
Rissah, H7446, Num_33:21.
Rithmah, H7575, Num_33:18.
Rizpah, H7532, 2Sa_3:7.
Roboam, G4497, Mat_1:7.
Rogelim, H7274, 2Sa_17:27.
Rohgah, H7303, 1Ch_7:34.
Romamtiezer, H7320, 1Ch_25:4.
Roman, G4514, Act_22:25.
Rome, G4516, Act_2:10.
Rosh, H7220, Gen_46:21.
Rufus, G4504, Mar_15:21.
Ruhamah, H7355, Hos_2:1.
Rumah, H7316, 2Ki_23:36.
Ruth, H7327, Rth_1:4.
Ruth, G4503, Mat_1:5.
Sabachtani, G4518, Mat_27:46.
Sabaoth, G4519, Rom_9:29.
Sabeans, H7614, Job_1:15.
Sabeans, H5436, Isa_45:14.
Sabeans, H5433, Eze_23:42.
Sabeans, H7615, Joe_3:8.
Sabta, H5454, 1Ch_1:9.
Sabtah, H5454, Gen_10:7.
Sabtecha, H5455, Gen_10:7.
Sabtechah, H5455, 1Ch_1:9.
Sacar, H7940, 1Ch_11:35.
Sadducees, G4523, Mat_3:7.
Sadoc, G4524, Mat_1:14.
Sala, G4527, Luk_3:35.
Salah, H7974, Gen_10:24.
Salamis, G4529, Act_13:5.
Salathiel, H7597, 1Ch_3:17.
Salathiel, G4528, Mat_1:12.
Salcah, H5548, Jos_13:11.
Salchah, H5548, Deu_3:10.
Salem, H8004, Gen_14:18.
Salem, G4532, Heb_7:1.
Salim, G4530, Joh_3:23.
Sallai, H5543, Neh_12:20.
Sallu, H5543, 1Ch_9:7.
Salma, H8007, 1Ch_2:11.
Salmon, H8009, Rth_4:20.
Salmon, H8012, Rth_4:21.
Salmon, H6756, Psa_68:14.
Salmon, G4533, Luk_3:32.
Salmone, G4534, Act_27:7.
Salome, G4539, Mar_15:40.
Salu, H5543, Num_25:14.
Samaria, H8111, 1Ki_16:24.
Samaria, G4540, Joh_4:4.
Samaritans, G4541, Mat_10:5.
Samgarnebo, H5562, Jer_39:3.
Samlah, H8072, Gen_36:36.
Samos, G4544, Act_20:15.
Samothracia, G4543, Act_16:11.
Samson, H8123, Jdg_13:24.
Samson, G4546, Heb_11:32.
Samuel, H8050, 1Sa_1:20.
Samuel, G4545, Act_3:24.
Sanballat, H5571, Neh_2:10.
Sansannah, H5578, Jos_15:31.
Saph, H5593, 2Sa_21:18.
Saphir, H8208, Mic_1:11.
Sapphira, G4551, Act_5:1.
Sara, G4564, Heb_11:11.
Sarah, H8283, Gen_17:15.
Sarah, G4564, Rom_9:9.
Sarai, H8297, Gen_16:6.
Saraph, H8315, 1Ch_4:22.
Sardis, G4554, Rev_3:1.
Sardites, H5625, Num_26:26.
Sarepta, G4558, Luk_4:26.
Sargon, H5623, Isa_20:1.
Sarid, H8301, Jos_19:10.
Saron, G4565, Act_9:35.
Sarsechim, H8310, Jer_39:3.
Saruch, G4562, Luk_3:35.
Satan, H7854, Job_1:6.
Satan, G4567, Mat_4:10.
Saul, H7586, 1Sa_9:2.
Saul, G4569, Act_8:3.
Sceva, G4630, Act_19:14.
Scythian, G4658, Col_3:11.
Seba, H5434, Gen_10:7.
Sebat, H7627, Zec_1:7.
Secacah, H5527, Jos_15:61.
Sechu, H7906, 1Sa_19:22.
Secundus, G4580, Act_20:4.
Segub, H7687, 1Ch_2:21.
Seir, H8165, Gen_36:20.
Seirath, H8167, Jdg_3:26.
Sela, H5554, Isa_16:1.
Selah, H5554, 2Ki_14:7.
Selah, H5542, Psa_9:16.
Selahammahlekoth, H5555, 1Sa_23:28.
Seled, H5540, 1Ch_2:30.
Seleucia, G4581, Act_13:4.
Sem, G4590, Luk_3:36.
Semachiah, H5565, 1Ch_26:7.
Semei, G4584, Luk_3:26.
Senaah, H5570, Ezr_2:35.
Seneh, H5573, 1Sa_14:4.
Senir, H8149, 1Ch_5:23.
Sennacherib, H5576, 2Ki_18:13.
Senuah, H5574, Neh_11:9.
Seorim, H8188, 1Ch_24:8.
Sephar, H5611, Gen_10:30.
Sepharad, H5614, Oba_1:20.
Sepharvaim, H5617, 2Ki_17:24.
Sepharvites, H5616, 2Ki_17:31.
Serah, H8294, Gen_46:17.
Seraiah, H8304, 2Sa_8:17.
Sered, H5624, Gen_46:14.
Sergius, G4588, Act_13:7.
Serug, H8286, Gen_11:20.
Seth, H8352, Gen_4:25.
Seth, G4589, Luk_3:38.
Sethur, H5639, Num_13:13.
Shaalabbin, H8169, Jos_19:42.
Shaalbim, H8169, Jdg_1:35.
Shaalbonite, H8170, 2Sa_23:32.
Shaaph, H8174, 1Ch_2:47.
Shaaraim, H8189, 1Sa_17:52.
Shaashgaz, H8190, Est_2:14.
Shabbethai, H7678, Ezr_10:15.
Shachia, H7634, 1Ch_8:10.
Shadrach, H7714, Dan_1:7.
Shage, H7681, 1Ch_11:34.
Shaharaim, H7842, 1Ch_8:8.
Shahazimah, H7831, Jos_19:22.
Shalem, H8003, Gen_33:18.
Shalim, H8171, 1Sa_9:4.
Shalisha, H8031, 1Sa_9:4.
Shallecheth, H7996, 1Ch_26:16.
Shallum, H7967, 2Ki_15:10.
Shallun, H7968, Neh_3:15.
Shalmai, H8073, Ezr_2:46.
Shalmai, H8014, Neh_7:48.
Shalman, H8020, Hos_10:14.
Shalmaneser, H8022, 2Ki_17:3.
Shama, H8091, 1Ch_11:44.
Shamariah, H8114, 2Ch_11:19.
Shamed, H8106, 1Ch_8:12.
Shamer, H8106, 1Ch_6:46.
Shamgar, H8044, Jdg_3:31.
Shamhuth, H8049, 1Ch_27:8.
Shamir, H8053, 1Ch_24:24.
Shamir, H8069, Jos_15:48.
Shamma, H8037, 1Ch_7:37.
Shammah, H8048, 1Sa_16:9.
Shammai, H8060, 1Ch_2:28.
Shammoth, H8054, 1Ch_11:27.
Shammua, H8051, Num_13:4.
Shammuah, H8051, 2Sa_5:14.
Shamsherai, H8125, 1Ch_8:26.
Shapham, H8223, 1Ch_5:12.
Shaphan, H8227, 2Ki_22:3.
Shaphat, H8202, 1Ch_3:22.
Shapher, H8234, Num_33:23.
Sharai, H8298, Ezr_10:40.
Sharaim, H8189, Jos_15:36.
Sharar, H8325, 2Sa_23:33.
Sharezer, H8272, 2Ki_19:37.
Sharon, H8289, Isa_35:2.
Sharonite, H8290, 1Ch_27:29.
Sharuhen, H8287, Jos_19:6.
Shashai, H8343, Ezr_10:40.
Shashak, H8349, 1Ch_8:14.
Shaul, H7586, Gen_46:10.
Shaulites, H7587, Num_26:13.
Shaveh, H7740, Gen_14:17.
Shavehkiriathaim, H7741, Gen_14:5.
Shavsha, H7798, 1Ch_18:16.
Sheal, H7594, Ezr_10:29.
Shealtiel, H7597, Hag_1:1.
Sheariah, H8187, 1Ch_8:38.
Shearjashub, H7610, Isa_7:3.
Sheba, H7614, 1Ki_10:1.
Sheba, H7652, 2Sa_20:1.
Shebah, H7656, Gen_26:33.
Shebam, H7643, Num_32:3.
Shebaniah, H7645, 1Ch_15:24.
Shebarim, H7671, Jos_7:5.
Sheber, H7669, 1Ch_2:48.
Shebnah, H7644, 2Ki_18:18.
Shebuel, H7619, 1Ch_23:16.
Shecaniah, H7935, 1Ch_24:11.
Shechaniah, H7935, 1Ch_3:22.
Shechem, H7927, Gen_33:18.
Shechemites, H7930, Num_26:31.
Shedeur, H7707, Num_1:5.
Shehariah, H7841, 1Ch_8:26.
Shelah, H7956, Gen_38:5.
Shelah, H7974, 1Ch_1:18.
Shelanites, H8024, Num_26:20.
Shelemiah, H8018, 1Ch_26:14.
Sheleph, H8026, Gen_10:26.
Shelesh, H8028, 1Ch_7:35.
Shelomi, H8015, Num_34:27.
Shelomith, H8019, Lev_24:11.
Shelomoth, H8013, 1Ch_24:22.
Shelumiel, H8017, Num_1:6.
Shem, H8035, Gen_5:32.
Shema, H8090, Jos_15:26.
Shema, H8087, 1Ch_2:43.
Shemaah, H8094, 1Ch_12:3.
Shemaiah, H8098, 1Ch_9:16.
Shemariah, H8114, 1Ch_12:5.
Shemeber, H8038, Gen_14:2.
Shemer, H8106, 1Ki_16:24.
Shemida, H8061, Num_26:32.
Shemidah, H8061, 1Ch_7:19.
Shemidaites, H8062, Num_26:32.
Sheminith, H8067, 1Ch_15:21.
Shemiramoth, H8070, 1Ch_15:18.
Shemuel, H8050, Num_34:20.
Shen, H8129, 1Sa_7:12.
Shenazar, H8137, 1Ch_3:18.
Shenir, H8149, Deu_3:9.
Shepham, H8221, Num_34:10.
Shephathiah, H8203, 1Ch_9:8.
Shephatiah, H8203, 2Sa_3:4.
Shephi, H8195, 1Ch_1:40.
Shepho, H8195, Gen_36:23.
Shephuphan, H8197, 1Ch_8:5.
Sherah, H7609, 1Ch_7:24.
Sherebiah, H8274, Ezr_8:18.
Sheresh, H8329, 1Ch_7:16.
Sherezer, H8272, Zec_7:2.
Sheshach, H8347, Jer_25:26.
Sheshai, H8344, Num_13:22.
Sheshan, H8348, 1Ch_2:31.
Sheshbazzar, H8339, Ezr_1:8.
Sheth, H8352, Num_24:17.
Shethar, H8369, Est_1:14.
Shetharboznai, H8370, Ezr_5:3.
Sheva, H7724, 2Sa_20:25.
Shibboleth, H7641, Jdg_12:6.
Shibmah, H7643, Num_32:38.
Shicron, H7942, Jos_15:11.
Shiggaion, H7692, Psalm 7: Title.
Shigionoth, H7692, Hab_3:1.
Shihon, H7866, Jos_19:19.
Shihor, H7883, 1Ch_13:5.
Shihorlibnath, H7884, Jos_19:26.
Shilhi, H7977, 1Ki_22:42.
Shilhim, H7978, Jos_15:32.
Shillem, H8006, Gen_46:24.
Shillemites, H8016, Num_26:49.
Shiloah, H7975, Isa_8:6.
Shiloh, H7886, Gen_49:10.
Shiloh, H7887, Jdg_21:19.
Shiloni, H8023, Neh_11:5.
Shilonite, H7888, 1Ki_11:29.
Shilshah, H8030, 1Ch_7:37.
Shimea, H8092, 1Ch_3:5.
Shimeah, H8092, 2Sa_21:21.
Shimeah, H8093, 2Sa_13:3.
Shimeah, H8039, 1Ch_8:32.
Shimeam, H8043, 1Ch_9:38.
Shimeath, H8100, 2Ki_12:21.
Shimeathites, H8101, 1Ch_2:55.
Shimei, H8096, 2Sa_16:5.
Shimeon, H8095, Ezr_10:31.
Shimhi, H8096, 1Ch_8:21.
Shimi, H8096, Exo_6:17.
Shimites, H8097, Num_3:21.
Shimma, H8092, 1Ch_2:13.
Shimon, H7889, 1Ch_4:20.
Shimrath, H8119, 1Ch_8:21.
Shimri, H8113, 1Ch_4:37.
Shimrith, H8116, 2Ch_24:26.
Shimrom, H8110, 1Ch_7:1.
Shimron, H8110, Gen_46:13.
Shimronites, H8117, Num_26:24.
Shimronmeron, H8112, Jos_12:20.
Shimshai, H8124, Ezr_4:8.
Shinab, H8134, Gen_14:2.
Shinar, H8152, Gen_10:10.
Shiphi, H8230, 1Ch_4:37.
Shipmite, H8225, 1Ch_27:27.
Shiphrah, H8236, Exo_1:15.
Shiphtan, H8204, Num_34:24.
Shisha, H7894, 1Ki_4:3.
Shishak, H7895, 1Ki_11:40.
Shitrai, H7861, 1Ch_27:29.
Shittim, H7851, Num_25:1.
Shiza, H7877, 1Ch_11:42.
Shoa, H7772, Eze_23:23.
Shobab, H7727, 1Ch_2:18.
Shobach, H7731, 2Sa_10:16.
Shobai, H7630, Ezr_2:42.
Shobal, H7732, Gen_36:20.
Shobek, H7733, Neh_10:24.
Shobi, H7629, 2Sa_17:27.
Shocho, H7755, 2Ch_28:18.
Shochoh, H7755, 1Sa_17:1.
Shoco, H7755, 2Ch_11:7.
Shoham, H7719, 1Ch_24:27.
Shomer, H7763, 2Ki_12:21.
Shophach, H7780, 1Ch_19:16.
Shophan, H5855, Num_32:35.
Shoshannim, H7799, Psalm 45: Title.
Shoshannimeduth, H7802, Psalm 80: Title.
Shua, H7770, 1Ch_2:3.
Shuah, H7744, Gen_25:2.
Shual, H7777, 1Ch_7:36.
Shubael, H7619, 1Ch_24:20.
Shuham, H7748, Num_26:42.
Shuhamites, H7749, Num_26:42.
Shuhite, H7747, Job_2:11.
Shulamite, H7759, Son_6:13.
Shumathites, H8126, 1Ch_2:53.
Shunammite, H7767, 1Ki_1:3.
Shunem, H7766, Jos_19:18.
Shuni, H7764, Gen_46:16.
Shunites, H7765, Num_26:15.
Shupham, H8197, Num_26:39.
Shuphamites, H7781, Num_26:39.
Shuppim, H8206, 1Ch_7:12.
Shur, H7793, Gen_16:7.
Shushan, H7800, Dan_8:2.
Shushaneduth, H7802, Psalm 60: Title.
Shuthalhites, H8364, Num_26:35.
Shuthelah, H7803, 1Ch_7:21.
Sia, H5517, Neh_7:47.
Siaha, H5517, Ezr_2:44.
Sibbecai, H5444, 1Ch_11:29.
Sibbechai, H5444, 2Sa_21:18.
Sibboleth, H5451, Jdg_12:6.
Sibmah, H7643, Isa_16:8.
Sibraim, H5453, Eze_47:16.
Sichem, H7927, Gen_12:6.
Siddim, H7708, Gen_14:3.
Sidon, H6721, Gen_10:19.
Sidon, G4605, Mat_11:21.
Sidonians, H6722, Deu_3:9.
Sihon, H5511, Num_21:21.
Sihor, H7883, Jos_13:3.
Silas, G4609, Act_15:22.
Silla, H5538, 2Ki_12:20.
Siloah, H7975, Neh_3:15.
Siloam, G4611, Joh_9:7.
Silvanus, G4610, 2Co_1:19.
Simeon, H8095, Gen_29:33.
Simeon, G4826, Luk_3:30.
Simeonites, H8099, Num_25:14.
Simon, G4613, Mat_4:18.
Simri, H8113, 1Ch_26:10.
Sin, H5512, Eze_30:15.
Sina, G4614, Act_7:30.
Sinai, H5514, Exo_16:1.
Sinai, G4614, Gal_4:24.
Sinim, H5515, Isa_49:12.
Sinite, H5513, Gen_10:17.
Sion, H7865, Deu_4:48.
Sion, H6726, Psa_65:1.
Sion, G4622, Rev_14:1.
Siphmoth, H8224, 1Sa_30:28.
Sippai, H5598, 1Ch_20:4.
Sirah, H5626, 2Sa_3:26.
Sirion, H8303, Deu_3:9.
Sisamai, H5581, 1Ch_2:40.
Sisera, H5516, Jdg_4:2.
Sitnah, H7856, Gen_26:21.
Sivan, H5510, Est_8:9.
Smyrna, G4667, Rev_1:11.
So, H5471, 2Ki_17:4.
Socho, H7755, 1Ch_4:18.
Sochoh, H7755, 1Ki_4:10.
Socoh, H7755, Jos_15:35.
Sodi, H5476, Num_13:10.
Sodom, H5467, Gen_10:19.
Sodom, G4670, Mat_10:15.
Sodoma, G4670, Rom_9:29.
Sodomite, H6945, Deu_23:17.
Solomon, H8010, 2Sa_5:14.
Solomon, G4672, Mat_1:6.
Sopater, G4986, Act_20:4.
Sophereth, H5618, Neh_7:57.
Sorek, H7796, Jdg_16:4.
Sosipater, G4989, Rom_16:21.
Sosthenes, G4988, Act_18:17.
Sotai, H5479, Ezr_2:55.
Spain, G4681, Rom_15:24.
Stachys, G4720, Rom_16:9.
Stephanas, G4734, 1Co_1:16.
Stephen, G4736, Act_6:5.
Stoicks, G4770, Act_17:18.
Suah, H5477, 1Ch_7:36.
Succoth, H5523, Gen_33:17.
Succoth-benoth, H5524, 2Ki_17:30.
Suchathites, H7756, 1Ch_2:55.
Sukkims, H5525, 2Ch_12:3.
Sur, H5495, 2Ki_11:6.
Susanchites, H7801, Ezr_4:9.
Susanna, G4677, Luk_8:3.
Susi, H5485, Num_13:11.
Sychar, G4965, Joh_4:5.
Sychem, G4966, Act_7:16.
Syene, H5482, Eze_29:10.
Syntyche, G4941, Php_4:2.
Syracuse, G4946, Act_28:12.
Syria, H758, Isa_7:8.
Syria, G4947, Act_15:23.
Syriack, H762, Dan_2:4.
Syriadamascus, H758, 1Ch_18:6.
Syriamaachah, H758, 1Ch_19:6.
Syrian, H761, Gen_25:20.
Syrophenician, G4949, Mar_7:26.
Taanach, H8590, Jos_17:11.
Taanath-shiloh, H8387, Jos_16:6.
Tabbaoth, H2884, Neh_7:46.
Tabbath, H2888, Jdg_7:22.
Tabeal, H2870, Isa_7:6.
Tabeel, H2870, Ezr_4:7.
Taberah, H8404, Num_11:3.
Tabitha, G5000, Act_9:36.
Tabor, H8396, Jdg_4:6.
Tabrimon, H2886, 1Ki_15:18.
Tachmonite, H8461, 2Sa_23:8.
Tadmor, H8412, 2Ch_8:4.
Tahan, H8465, 1Ch_7:25.
Tahanites, H8470, Num_26:35.
Tahapanes, H8471, Jer_2:16.
Tahath, H8480, Num_33:26.
Tahpanhes, H8471, Jer_43:7.
Tahpenes, H8472, 1Ki_11:19.
Tahrea, H8475, 1Ch_9:41.
Tahtimhodshi, H8483, 2Sa_24:6.
Talithacumi, G5008, Mar_5:41.
Talmai, H8526, Num_13:22.
Talmon, H2929, 1Ch_9:17.
Tamah, H8547, Neh_7:55.
Tamar, H8559, Gen_38:6.
Tammuz, H8542, Eze_8:14.
Tanach, H8590, Jos_21:25.
Tanhumeth, H8576, 2Ki_25:23.
Taphath, H2955, 1Ki_4:11.
Tappuah, H8599, 1Ch_2:43.
Tarah, H8646, Num_33:27.
Taralah, H8634, Jos_18:27.
Tarea, H8390, 1Ch_8:35.
Tarpelites, H2967, Ezr_4:9.
Tarshish, H8659, Gen_10:4.
Tarsus, G5019, Act_9:30.
Tartak, H8662, 2Ki_17:31.
Tartan, H8661, 2Ki_18:17.
Tatnai, H8674, Ezr_5:3.
Tebah, H2875, Gen_22:24.
Tebaliah, H2882, 1Ch_26:11.
Tebeth, H2887, Est_2:16.
Tehaphnehes, H8471, Eze_30:18.
Tehinnah, H8468, 1Ch_4:12.
Tekel, H8625, Dan_5:25.
Tekoa, H8620, 1Ch_2:24.
Tekoah, H8620, 2Sa_14:2.
Tekoite, H8621, 2Sa_23:26.
Telabib, H8512, Eze_3:15.
Telah, H8520, 1Ch_7:25.
Telaim, H2923, 1Sa_15:4.
Telassar, H8515, Isa_37:12.
Telem, H2928, Ezr_10:24.
Telharesha, H8521, Neh_7:61.
Telharsa, H8521, Ezr_2:59.
Telmelah, H8528, Ezr_2:59.
Tema, H8485, Gen_25:15.
Teman, H8487, Gen_36:11.
Temani, H8489, Gen_36:34.
Temanite, H8489, Job_2:11.
Temeni, H8488, 1Ch_4:6.
Terah, H8646, Gen_11:26.
Teresh, H8657, Est_2:21.
Tertius, G5060, Rom_16:22.
Tertullus, G5061, Act_24:1.
Tetrarch, G5075, Luk_3:1.
Thaddaeus, G2280, Mat_10:3.
Thahash, H8477, Gen_22:24.
Thamah, H8547, Ezr_2:53.
Thamar, G2283, Mat_1:3.
Thara, G2291, Luk_3:34.
Tharshish, H8659, 1Ch_7:10.
Thebez, H8405, Jdg_9:50.
Thelasar, H8515, 2Ki_19:12.
Theophilus, G2321, Luk_1:3.
Thessalonians, G2331, 1Th_1:1.
Thessalonica, G2332, Act_17:1.
Theudas, G2333, Act_5:36.
Thimnathah, H8553, Jos_19:43.
Thomas, G2381, Joh_11:16.
Thummim, H8550, Exo_28:30.
Thyatira, G2363, Rev_2:18.
Tiberias, G5085, Joh_6:1.
Tiberius, G5086, Luk_3:1.
Tibhath, H2880, 1Ch_18:8.
Tibni, H8402, 1Ki_16:21.
Tidal, H8413, Gen_14:1.
Tiglathpileser, H8407, 2Ki_15:29.
Tikvah, H8616, 2Ki_22:14.
Tikvath, H8616, 2Ch_34:22.
Tilgathpilneser, H8407, 1Ch_5:26.
Tilon, H8436, 1Ch_4:20.
Timaeus, G5090, Mar_10:46.
Timna, H8555, Gen_36:12.
Timnah, H8555, Gen_36:40.
Timnath, H8553, Gen_38:12.
Timnath-heres, H8556, Jdg_2:9.
Timnath-serah, H8556, Jos_19:50.
Timnite, H8554, Jdg_15:6.
Timon, G5096, Act_6:5.
Timotheus, G5095, Act_16:1.
Timothy, G5095, 2Ti_1:2.
Tiphsah, H8607, 2Ki_15:16.
Tiras, H8494, Gen_10:2.
Tirathites, H8654, 1Ch_2:55.
Tirhakah, H8640, 2Ki_19:9.
Tirhanah, H8647, 1Ch_2:48.
Tiria, H8493, 1Ch_4:16.
Tirshatha, H8660, Ezr_2:63.
Tirzah, H8656, Num_26:33.
Tishbite, H8664, 1Ki_17:1.
Titus, G5103, Tit_1:4.
Tizite, H8491, 1Ch_11:45.
Toah, H8430, 1Ch_6:34.
Tob, H2897, Jdg_11:3.
Tobadonijah, H2899, 2Ch_17:8.
Tobiah, H2900, Ezr_2:60.
Tobijah, H2900, 2Ch_17:8.
Tochen, H8507, 1Ch_4:32.
Togarmah, H8425, Gen_10:3.
Tohu, H8459, 1Sa_1:1.
Toi, H8583, 2Sa_8:9.
Tola, H8439, Gen_46:13.
Tolad, H8434, 1Ch_4:29.
Tolaites, H8440, Num_26:23.
Tophel, H8603, Deu_1:1.
Tophet, H8612, Jer_7:31.
Topheth, H8612, 2Ki_23:10.
Tormah, H8649, Jdg_9:31 mg.
Tou, H8583, 1Ch_18:9.
Trachonitis, G5139, Luk_3:1.
Troas, G5174, Act_16:8.
Trogyllium, G5175, Act_20:15.
Trophimus, G5161, Act_20:4.
Tryphena, G5170, Rom_16:12.
Tryphosa, G5173, Rom_16:12.
Tubal, H8422, Gen_10:2.
Tubalcain, H8423, Gen_4:22.
Tychicus, G5190, Act_20:4.
Tyrannus, G5181, Act_19:9.
Tyre, H6865, 1Ki_7:13.
Tyre, G5184, Mat_11:21.
Tyrus, H6865, Jer_25:22.
Ucal, H401, Pro_30:1.
Uel, H177, Ezr_10:34.
Uknaz, H7073, 1Ch_4:15 mg.
Ulai, H195, Dan_8:2.
Ulam, H198, 1Ch_7:16.
Ulla, H5925, 1Ch_7:39.
Ummah, H5981, Jos_19:30.
Unni, H6042, 1Ch_15:18.
Upharsin, H6537, Dan_5:25.
Uphaz, H210, Jer_10:9.
Ur, H218, Gen_11:28.
Urbane, G3773, Rom_16:9.
Uri, H221, Exo_31:2.
Uriah, H223, 2Sa_11:3.
Urias, G3774, Mat_1:6.
Uriel, H222, 1Ch_15:5.
Urijah, H223, Jer_26:20.
Urim, H224, Exo_28:30.
Uthai, H5793, 1Ch_9:4.
Uz, H5780, Gen_10:23.
Uzai, H186, Neh_3:25.
Uzal, H187, Gen_10:27.
Uzza, H5798, 2Ki_21:18.
Uzzah, H5798, 2Sa_6:3.
Uzzensherah, H242, 1Ch_7:24.
Uzzi, H5813, 1Ch_6:5.
Uzzia, H5814, 1Ch_11:44.
Uzziah, H5818, 2Ch_26:1.
Uzziel, H5816, Exo_6:18.
Uzzielites, H5817, Num_3:27.
Vajezatha, H2055, Est_9:9.
Vaniah, H2057, Ezr_10:36.
Vashni, H2059, 1Ch_6:28.
Vashti, H2060, Est_1:11.
Vophsi, H2058, Num_13:14.
Zaanaim, H6815, Jdg_4:11.
Zaanan, H6630, Mic_1:11.
Zaanannim, H6815, Jos_19:33.
Zaavan, H2190, Gen_36:27.
Zabad, H2066, 1Ch_2:36.
Zabbai, H2079, Ezr_10:28.
Zabbud, H2072, Ezr_8:14.
Zabdi, H2067, Jos_7:1.
Zabdiel, H2068, Neh_11:14.
Zabud, H2071, 1Ki_4:5.
Zabulon, G2194, Mat_4:13.
Zaccai, H2140, Neh_7:14.
Zacchaeus, G2195, Luk_19:2.
Zacchur, H2139, 1Ch_4:26.
Zaccur, H2139, 1Ch_25:2.
Zachariah, H2148, 2Ki_14:29.
Zacharias, G2197, Luk_1:5.
Zacher, H2144, 1Ch_8:31.
Zadok, H6659, 2Sa_8:17.
Zaham, H2093, 2Ch_11:19.
Zair, H6811, 2Ki_8:21.
Zalaph, H6764, Num_3:30.
Zalmon, H6756, 2Sa_23:28.
Zalmonah, H6758, Num_33:41.
Zalmunna, H6759, Jdg_8:5.
Zamzummims, H2157, Deu_2:20.
Zanoah, H2182, Jos_15:34.
Zaphnathpaaneah, H6847, Gen_41:45.
Zaphon, H6829, Jos_13:27.
Zara, G2196, Mat_1:3.
Zarah, H2226, Gen_38:30.
Zareah, H6881, Neh_11:29.
Zareathites, H6882, 1Ch_2:53.
Zared, H2218, Num_21:12.
Zarephath, H6886, 1Ki_17:9.
Zaretan, H6891, Jos_3:16.
Zarethshahar, H6890, Jos_13:19.
Zarhites, H2227, Num_26:13.
Zartanah, H6891, 1Ki_4:12.
Zarthan, H6891, 1Ki_7:46.
Zatthu, H2240, Neh_10:14.
Zattu, H2240, Ezr_2:8.
Zavan, H2190, 1Ch_1:42.
Zaza, H2117, 1Ch_2:33.
Zebadiah, H2069, 1Ch_26:2.
Zebah, H2078, Jdg_8:5.
Zebaim, H6380, Ezr_2:57.
Zebedee, G2199, Mat_4:21.
Zebina, H2081, Ezr_10:43.
Zeboiim, H6636, Gen_14:8.
Zeboim, H6636, Gen_10:19.
Zebudah, H2080, 2Ki_23:36.
Zebul, H2083, Jdg_9:28.
Zebulonite, H2075, Jdg_12:11.
Zebulun, H2074, Gen_30:20.
Zebulunites, H2075, Num_26:27.
Zechariah, H2148, Zec_1:1.
Zedad, H6657, Num_34:8.
Zedekiah, H6667, 1Ki_22:11.
Zeeb, H2062, Jdg_7:25.
Zelah, H6762, Jos_18:28.
Zelek, H6768, 2Sa_23:37.
Zelophehad, H6765, Num_26:33.
Zelotes, G2208, Luk_6:15.
Zelzah, H6766, 1Sa_10:2.
Zemaraim, H6787, Jos_18:22.
Zemarite, H6786, 1Ch_1:16.
Zemira, H2160, 1Ch_7:8.
Zenan, H6799, Jos_15:37.
Zenas, G2211, T 3:13.
Zephaniah, H6846, Zep_1:1.
Zephath, H6857, Jdg_1:17.
Zephathah, H6859, 2Ch_14:10.
Zephi, H6825, 1Ch_1:36.
Zepho, H6825, Gen_36:11.
Zephon, H6827, Num_26:15.
Zephonites, H6831, Num_26:15.
Zer, H6863, Jos_19:35.
Zerah, H2226, Gen_36:13.
Zerahiah, H2228, Ezr_7:4.
Zered, H2218, Deu_2:13.
Zereda, H6868, 1Ch_11:26.
Zeredathah, H6868, 2Ch_4:17.
Zererath, H6888, Jdg_7:22.
Zeresh, H2238, Est_5:10.
Zereth, H6889, 1Ch_4:7.
Zeri, H6874, 1Ch_25:3.
Zeror, H6872, 1Sa_9:1.
Zeruah, H6871, 1Ki_11:26.
Zerubbabel, H2216, Hag_1:1.
Zeruiah, H6870, 1Ch_2:16.
Zetham, H2241, 1Ch_23:8.
Zethan, H2133, 1Ch_7:10.
Zethar, H2242, Est_1:10.
Zia, H2127, 1Ch_5:13.
Ziba, H6717, 2Sa_9:2.
Zibeon, H6649, Gen_36:2.
Zibia, H6644, 1Ch_8:9.
Zibiah, H6645, 2Ki_12:1.
Zichri, H2147, 1Ch_9:15.
Ziddim, H6661, Jos_19:35.
Zidkijah, H6667, Neh_10:1.
Zidon, H6721, Gen_49:13.
Zidonians, H6722, Jdg_10:12.
Zif, H2099, 1Ki_6:1.
Ziha, H6727, Ezr_2:43.
Ziklag, H6860, Jos_15:31.
Zillah, H6741, Gen_4:19.
Zilpah, H2153, Gen_29:24.
Zilthai, H6769, 1Ch_8:20.
Zimmah, H2155, 2Ch_29:12.
Zimran, H2175, Gen_25:2.
Zimri, H2174, 1Ch_2:6.
Zin, H6790, Num_13:21.
Zina, H2126, 1Ch_23:10.
Zion, H6726, 2Sa_5:7.
Zior, H6730, Jos_15:54.
Ziph, H2128, Jos_15:24.
Ziphah, H2129, 1Ch_4:16.
Ziphims, H2130, Psalm 54: Title.
Ziphion, H6837, Gen_46:16.
Ziphites, H2130, 1Sa_23:19.
Ziphron, H2202, Num_34:9.
Zippor, H6834, Num_22:2.
Zipporah, H6855, Exo_2:21.
Zithri, H5644, Exo_6:22.
Ziz, H6732, 2Ch_20:16.
Ziza, H2124, 1Ch_4:37.
Zizah, H2125, 1Ch_23:11.
Zoan, H6814, Num_13:22.
Zoar, H6820, Gen_13:10.
Zoba, H6678, 2Sa_10:6.
Zobah, H6678, 1Sa_14:47.
Zobebah, H6637, 1Ch_4:8.
Zohar, H6714, Gen_46:10.
Zoheleth, H2120, 1Ki_1:9.
Zoheth, H2105, 1Ch_4:20.
Zophah, H6690, 1Ch_7:35.
Zophai, H6689, 1Ch_6:26.
Zophar, H6691, Job_2:11.
Zophim, H6839, Num_23:14.
Zorah, H6881, Jos_19:41.
Zorathites, H6882, 1Ch_4:2.
Zoreah, H6881, Jos_15:33.
Zorites, H6882, 1Ch_2:54.
Zorobabel, G2216, Mat_1:12.
Zuar, H6686, Num_1:8.
Zuph, H6689, 1Sa_1:1.
Zur, H6698, Num_25:15.
Zuriel, H6700, Num_3:35.
Zurishaddai, H6701, Num_1:6.
Zuzims, H2104, Gen_14:5.

Notes Index
From Index to the Notes, Introductions, and Concluding Remarks of the
Comprehensive Bible.
The Reader, when he meets with a passage of Scripture which appears not to
be illustrated in this work, is particularly requested not to conclude that it is
really the case till he has consulted this Index for the principal subjects; for it
very frequently happens that one Note illustrates many, not only similar, but
very dissimilar texts: this is particularly, and generally the case with respect to
the names of Places and Persons, Natural Productions, Manners and Customs.
It is to be observed, that the notes which are merely explanatory of the
passage under consideration, unless it be a Proper Name, have been omitted in
the following Index.
Aaron’s tomb, description of, Num_20:22.
Ab, month, account of. Introduction, p. 86.
Abana, now Barrada, account of, 2Ki_5:12.
Abarith, mountains of, description of, Num_33:47.
Abel Beth-maacha, situation of, 2Sa_20:14.
Abel-maim, why called Abel Beth-maacha, 2Ch_16:4.
Abel-mehola, situation of, Jdg_7:22.
Abel-mizraim, meaning of, Gen_50:11.
Abel-shittim, situation of, Num_33:49.
Aben Ezra, account of, Introduction, p. 74.
Abia, or Abija, course of, 1Ch_24:10.
Abiathar also calld Ahimelech, 1Ch_24:3. Mar_2:26.
Abib, month of, to what it corresponds, Introduction, p. 86.
Abihail, probably the granddaughter, and not the daughter, of Eliab,
Abijam, should be Abijah, 1Ki_14:31.
Abilene, situation of, Luk_3:1.
Abimelech, meaning of the word, Gen_26:26.
Abraham, meaning of the word, Gen_17:5.
Abram, the age of his father Terah when he was born, Act_7:4.
Absalom’s pillar, account of, 2Sa_18:18.
Abshai, the same as Abishai, 1Ch_19:11.
Accho, now Acre, situation of, Jdg_1:31.
Aceldema, description of, Act_1:19.
Achad, rendered one, probably the same as Adad, a Syrian idol, Isa_66:17.
Achaia, description of, Act_18:12.
Achaa and Jakan the same, 1Ch_1:42.
Achan and Achar the same, 1Ch_2:7.
Achbor and Abdon the same person, 2Ch_34:20.
Achish, why called Abimelech, Psalms 34, title.
Achmetha, or Echbatana, description of, Ezr_6:2.
Achzib, now Zib, situation of, Jdg_1:31.
Acrostic Psalms, see Alphabetical Psalms. Psalms 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119,
Acts of the Apostles, authenticity and high importance of. Introduct. and
Concluding Remarks.
Adam, meaning of the word, Gen_1:26.
Adam, a type of Christ, Rom_5:14.
Adar, probably the same as Hazar-addar, Jos_14:3.
Adar, month, account of, Introduction, p. 86.
Addan and Addon the same, Neh_7:61.
Adder, deaf, account of, Psa_58:4.
Addressing a great man in the East, mode of, 2Sa_16:2.
Adithaim, situation of, Jos_15:36.
Adoration, import of, Deu_4:26.
Adramyttium, situation of, Act_27:2.
Adria, sea of, described, Act_27:27.
Adullum, situation of, Gen_38:1. 1Sa_22:1.
Adultery, ancient punishment of, Eze_23:25.
Adultery, woman taken in, evidence of the genuineness of the account,
Adummim, situation of, Jos_15:7.
Affection, maternal, instance of, 1Sa_20:30.
Agabus, a famine predicted by, Act_11:28.
Agar, how it answereth to Jerusalem, Gal_4:25.
Agate, description of, Exo_39:12.
Agrippa, king, account of, Act_25:24.
Agur, probably a teacher, Pro_30:1.
Aha! Aha! a note of extreme contempt, etc., Psa_70:3.
Ahasuerus, or Cambyses, account of, Ezr_4:6.
Ahasuerus, the same as Artaxerxes Longimanus, Est_1:1.
Ahasuerus, or Astyages, account of, Dan_9:1.
Ahava, river, description of, Ezr_8:15.
Ahaziah, Jehoahaz, and Azariah, the same person, 2Ch_22:6.
Ahimelech, Abiathar so called, 1Ch_24:3.
Aholah, a name applied to Samaria, meaning of, Eze_23:4.
Aholibah, a name given to Judah, import of, Eze_23:4.
Ai, situation of, Gen_13:3. Jos_8:17.
Aiath, or Ai, situation of, Isa_10:28.
Aijaleth Shahar, meaning of, Psalms 22, title.
Ajah, or Aiah, the same in the original, 1Ch_1:40.
Ajalon, situation of, Jos_19:42.
Ain and Ashan the same place, 1Ch_6:59.
Alamoth, meaning of, Psalms 46, title.
Alexander the Great and his conquests predicted, Dan_8:5-6.
Alexander, predictions concerning his kingdom, Dan_11:3.
Alexander, probably Alexander Lvsimachus, alabarch of Alexandria, Act_4:6.
Alexandria, situation of, Act_27:6.
Algum, or Almug trees, what, 2Ch_2:8.
Alhenna, description of, Deu_21:12.
All to, meaning of the phrase, Jdg_9:53.
Allon-bachuth, meaning of, Gen_35:8.
Almighty, import of word rendered, Exo_6:3.
Almon, why called also Alemeth, 1Ch_6:60.
Almon diblathaim, probably the same as Beth-diblathaim and Diblath,
Almond-tree blossoms early, and is the symbol of promptitude, Jer_1:11.
Almond-tree when flourishing like an old man with white locks, Ecc_12:5.
Almonds, Gen_43:11.
Aloes, Lign, description of, Num_24:6.
Alphabetical Psalms, Psalms 25, Psalms 34, Psalms 37, Psalms 111, Psalms
112, Psalms 119, Psalms 145.
Altar of burnt offering, description of, Exo_38:1.
Altar of incense, account of, Exo_30:1.
Altar in the temple of Ezekiel, description of, Eze_43:14-15.
Altars without steps, reasons of, Exo_20:26.
Altars, places of refuge, 1Ki_2:34.
Al-taschith, meaning of, Psalms 57, title; Psalms 59, title.
Alvah and Aliah, the same, 1Ch_1:51.
Alvan and Alian, the same, 1Ch_1:40.
Amalekites, country inhabited by, Introduction, page 87; 1Sa_15:3.
Ambassador, import and illustration of the word thus rendered, Jos_9:4.
Amber, description of, Eze_8:2.
Amen, import of, Psa_41:13.
Amethyst, description of, Exo_39:12.
Ami and Amon, the same, Neh_7:59.
Ammonites, account of, Introduction, page 87.
Ammonites, fulfillment of the prediction of their destruction, Eze_21:32.
Amorites, where they inhabited, Introduction, page 86; Deu_7:1.
Amorites, a general name for the Canaanites, 2Sa_20:2.
Amos, some account of, Introduction to Amos.
Amos, character of, as a poet and prophet, Concluding Remarks.
Amphipolis, description of, Act_17:1.
Ananias, account of his miserable death, Act_23:3.
Anathema, Maran-atha, meaning of, 1Co_16:22.
Anathoth, situation of, Jos_21:18.
Anathoth, situation of, Isa_10:28.
Anathoth, situation of, Introduction to Jeremiah.
Anethothite and Antothite, the same, 1Ch_11:28.
Angels, why said always to behold the presence of God in heaven, Mat_18:10.
Anger, ill-effects of, Pro_16:32.
Anglo-Saxon version, account of, Introduction, page 72.
Animals, distinction of, into clean and unclean, reason of, Lev_11:46.
Animals, worshipped by the Egyptians, Exo_9:3.
Anise, properly dill, Mat_23:23.
Annas, account of, Joh_18:24.
Anointing of Christ at Bethany only once, Mar_14:8.
Ant, economy of, Pro_6:6.
Ants, wisdom of, Pro_30:25.
Antediluvians, longevity of, confirmed by heathen writers, Introduction, page
Antelope or gazelle, description of, Deu_15:22.
Antioch of Syria, description of, Act_15:22.
Antioch of Pisidia, description of, situation of, Act_14:19.
Antiochus Epiphanes, predictions respecting, Dan_11:21; Dan_11:25;
Dan_11:28; Dan_11:30.
Antiochus Theos, predictions respecting, Dan_11:6.
Antiochus the Great, predictions respecting, Dan_11:10-11; Dan_11:15;
Antipatris, description of, Act_23:31.
Antithetic parallels, account of, Pro_10:1.
Antwerp polyglot, account of, Introduction, page 66.
Apes, rather monkeys, 1Ki_10:22.
Aphek of Syria, situation of, Jos_13:4. 1Ki_20:26.
Aphek of Judah, situation of, 1Sa_4:1.
Apollonia, situation of, Act_17:1.
Apostasy in the latter days, prophecy respecting, Concluding remarks to 1
Apostle, meaning of, Luk_6:13.
Apparel, exchange of, between the sexes, the reasons why prohibited,
Apparel, changeable suits of, meaning of word so rendered, Isa_3:22.
Appeal to Cesar highly respected, Act_25:11.
Appearances of the heathen gods derived from those of Jehovah, Exo_19:9.
Apphia, meaning of, Phm_1:1.
Appii forum, situation of, Act_28:15.
Apples of gold in pictures of silver, illustration of, Pro_25:11.
Aquila, version of, account of, Introduction, page 70.
Ar, or Areopolis, situation of, Deu_2:9.
Arab chiefs, despotic conduct of, not imitated by David, 1Sa_25:7.
Arabah, meaning of the word, Jos_18:18.
Arabia, description of, Gal_1:17.
Arabians, compared to locusts, Rev_9:4.
Arabic versions, account of, Introduction, page 70.
Arabs, eagerness with which they lie in wait for travelers, Jer_3:2.
Arabs, their sudden retreat into the deserts, Jer_49:8.
Arad, situation of, Jos_12:14.
Ararat, the same as Armenia, Gen_8:4. Jer_51:27.
Archippus, import of the name, Phm_1:1.
Ard and Adar, the same, 1Ch_8:3.
Aretas, account of, 2Co_11:32.
Ariel, a name for Jerusalem, and also the altar, Isa_29:2.
Ark of Noah, mentioned by heathen writers, Introduction, page 56.
Ark, dimensions of, Gen_6:19.
Ark of the covenant, description of, Exo_25:10.
Ark of the covenant, contents of, 2Ch_5:9.
Ark of the covenant, imitations of, Exo_40:21.
Armed men, attendance of, in Palestine, when sowing, Neh_4:16.
Armenia, or Ararat, account of, 2Ki_19:37.
Armenian version, account of, Introduction, page 74.
Armor, whole, what, Eph_6:13.
Armor of an enemy greatly desired by ancient warriors, 2Sa_2:21.
Armor placed in temples as a trophy, 1Sa_31:10.
Arms anciently hung up in temples by soldiers when they retired from war,
Arnon, river, description of, Num_21:26.
Aroer, now Araayr, situation of, Num_32:34.
Arpad, or Arphad, the same in the original, Isa_36:19.
Arpad, situation of, 2Ki_18:34.
Arrow, shooting of, a symbolical action, 2Ki_13:17.
Arrows, fiery, what, Psa_76:3.
Arrows, divination by, description of, Eze_21:21.
Arrows of the Almighty, used metaphorically for calamities, fine illustration of,
Arrows termed the sons of the quiver, Lam_3:13.
Artaxerxes, or Smerdis, account of, Ezr_4:7.
Artaxerxes Longimanus, account of, Ezr_6:14.
Artillary, singular use of the word, 1Sa_20:40.
Arumah, where situated, Jdg_9:41.
Arvad, or Aradius, situation of, Eze_27:8.
Asahiah and Asaiah, the same in the original, 2Ch_34:20.
Asarelah and Jesharelah, 1Ch_25:14.
Ashan, or Bethashan, situation of, 1Ch_4:32; 1Sa_30:30.
Ashchenaz, a part of Phrygia, Jer_51:27.
Ashdod, description of, 1Sa_5:1.
Asher, meaning of the name, Gen_30:13.
Asher, town of, where situated, Jos_17:7.
Ashima, account of, 2Ki_17:30.
Ashteroth Karnaim the same as Ashteroth, Gen_14:5.
Asherites, who, 2Sa_2:9.
Asia Minor, description of, Act_19:31.
Asia, Procounsular, account of, Act_16:6.
Asia, chiefs of, who, Act_19:31.
Asps, gall of, what, Job_20:14.
Ass, why requiring only a bridle in the East, Pro_26:3.
Ass, prophecy that the Messiah should enter Jerusalem on one, fulfilled by
Jesus, Mat_21:5.
Ass, wild, description of, Job_39:5.
Ass of bread, what, 1Sa_16:20.
Asses, honourable for riding, and sometimes made presents of in the East,
Ass’s head, exorbitant price of, 2Ki_6:25.
Assos, situation of, Act_20:13.
Assur and Asshur, the same in the original, Psa_83:8.
Assupim, import of, 1Ch_26:15.
Assyria, description of, Isa_36:4.
Atad, import of the word, Gen_50:10.
Atad, threshing floor of, situation of, Gen_50:10.
Athens, description of, Act_17:15.
Attalia, situation of, Act_14:25.
Augustus, import of the term, Act_25:25.
Authority, to exercise, import of word so rendered, Mat_20:25.
Aven, situation of, Amo_1:5.
Awake, the morn, illustration of, Psa_57:8.
Azariah the same as Uzziah, 2Ki_15:6.
Azariah and Seraiah, the same person, Ezr_2:2.
Azekah, situation of, Jos_15:35.
Azmon, situation of, Jos_15:4.
Aznoth-tabor, situation of, Jos_19:34.
Azotus, or Ashdod, description of, 1Sa_5:1.
Baal, high places of, where situated, Jos_15:9.
Baalah, where situated, Jos_15:9.
Baal-berith, account of, Jdg_8:33.
Baali, meaning of the word, Hos_2:16.
Baal-meon, situation of, Num_32:38.
Baal-shalisha, situation of, 2Ki_4:42.
Baal-tamar, situation of, Jdg_20:33.
Baal-zebub, account of, 2Ki_1:16.
Baal-zephon, situation of, Exo_14:2; Num_33:7.
Babel, import of the word, Gen_11:9.
Babel, tower of, description of, Gen_11:9.
Babylon, description and history of, Isa_13:18.
Babylon, built with the spoils and blood of nations, and therefore destroyed,
Babylon, inhabited by a mixture of people, Isa_47:15.
Babylon, rivers of, what, Psa_137:1.
Babylon, taking of, by the Medes and Persians, as foretold, Isa_21:1;
Babylon, account of the taking of, by Cyrus, Isa_45:1.
Babylon, her great stores, when taken by Cyrus, Jer_50:26.
Babylon, the stratagem by which it was taken, Jer_50:24; Jer_50:30;
Babylon, her young men killed in the streets, Jer_50:30.
Babylon, cowardice of the mighty men of, Jer_51:30.
Babylon, gradual desolation of, Isa_13:18.
Babylon, the judgment on her graven images, Isa_46:1; Jer_51:52.
Babylon, ceased to be the lady of kingdoms after it was taken by Cyrus,
Babylon, taken suddenly by Cyrus, and also by Darius, Isa_47:9.
Babylon, the destruction of her walls and gates, Jer_51:58.
Babylon, the complete fulfilment of the predictions respecting, Jer_51:59.
Babylon the Great, the Roman church so called, Rev_17:5.
Babylonians, antiquity of, Jer_5:15.
Babylonians, dress of, Dan_3:21.
Babylonians, destruction of their navigation by Cyrus, predicted, Isa_43:14.
Babylonians, vanquished by Darius Hystaspes, Zec_2:7.
Babylonish garment, what, Jos_7:21.
Baca, valley of, account of, Psa_84:6.
Backsliding, origin of the term, Jer_3:22.
Badger’s skins, what, Exo_26:14.
Bags, money placed in and sealed, 2Ki_12:16.
Baking, Arabian mode of, 2Sa_13:8.
Bahurim, probably the same as Alemeth, 2Sa_16:5.
Baladan, the same as Belesis, 2Ki_15:29.
Baldness, making, on the head, reason why forbidden, Lev_21:4.
Balm, description of, Gen_37:25.
Balm of Gilead, what, Jer_8:22.
Bamoth-baal, same as the high places of Baal, Jos_13:17.
Bank, or mount, used in a siege, description of, 2Sa_20:15.
Banquet, description of a Persian one, Est_5:4.
Banquets in the East frequently spread by the side of fountains, 2Ki_1:9.
Baptism for the dead, what, 1Co_15:29.
Barhumite, probably a mistake for Baharumite, 1Ch_11:33.
Barley, import of the word, Exo_9:31.
Barley harvest, time of, Rth_1:22.
Barrenness deemed a reproach, Gen_30:23.
Baruch, some account of, Jer_36:4.
Bashan, situation and description of, Deu_3:1.
Bashan, kine of, meaning of, Amo_4:1.
Basket, import of, Deu_28:5.
Basons, probably such wooden bowls as the Arabs eat out of, 2Sa_17:28.
Bat, description of, Isa_2:20.
Bath, capacity of, Eze_45:11; Luk_16:6.
Battlement, necessity of, to Eastern houses, Deu_22:8.
Bay tree, meaning of word so rendered, Psa_37:35.
Bazluth and Bazlith, the same, Neh_7:54.
Bdellium, description of, Gen_2:12.
Be used for the indicative plural are, Mat_9:2.
Be, not to, import of the phrase, Gen_5:24.
Beard, combing and dying of, in the East, 2Sa_19:24.
Beard, high estimation of, in the East, 2Sa_10:4; Isa_50:6.
Beard, kissing of, in the East, 2Sa_20:9.
Beard, cutting off, a mark of mourning, degradation, or slavery, 2Sa_10:4.
Beard, not to be rounded, reason why, Lev_21:4.
Beard, inconvenience of, in battle, 2Sa_2:16.
Beast, an emblem of an idolatrous and tyrannical kingdom, Dan_7:3.
Beast, number of, what, Rev_13:11.
Beasts, of the earth, meaning of, Gen_1:24.
Beasts, wild, ancient mode of hunting, Isa_24:17.
Beasts, swift, import of word so rendered, Isa_66:20.
Beautiful, gate of the temple so called, account of, Act_3:2.
Bedan, probably a mistake for Barak, 1Sa_12:11.
Bed, decorations of an Eastern one, Pro_7:16.
Beds, construction of Eastern, 1Sa_19:15.
Bed, raised situation of, in Eastern houses, 2Ki_1:16.
Bed of skins, mats, and carpets, 2Sa_17:28.
Bed of ivory, what, Amo_6:4.
Bed of gold, properly couches, Est_1:8.
Bed chamber, properly a repository for beds, 2Ki_11:2.
Beelzebub, why called Beelzebul, Mat_10:25.
Be-er, situation and description of, Jdg_9:21.
Beeroth of Benjamin, situation of, Jdg_18:25.
Beersheba, meaning of the name, Gen_26:33.
Beersheba, situation of, 1Ch_4:28.
Bees, formidable enemies, Deu_1:44.
Beesh-terah, probably the same as Ashtaroth, Jos_21:27.
Before, used to denote the east, 1Ki_11:7.
Behemoth, or hippopotamus, description of, Job_40:15.
Behind, used for the west, 1Ki_11:7.
Belial, import of the word, Num_13:13.
Believed, most surely, import of the word so rendered, Luk_1:1.
Bellerophon, story of, supposed to be founded on the history of Joseph,
Belshazzar, account of, Dan_5:2; Dan_5:13.
Ben-ammi, meaning of, Gen_19:37.
Benjamin, meaning of the word, Gen_35:18.
Benjamin, borders of the tribe of, Jos_18:19.
Ben-oni, meaning of the word, Gen_35:18.
Berea, situation of, Act_17:10.
Berenice, prediction respecting her marriage with Antiochus Theos, Dan_11:6.
Bernice, account of, Act_25:13.
Berodach-bladan, the same as Merodach-baladan, Isa_39:1.
Berothai, situation of, 2Sa_8:8.
Berothai, probably the same as Chun, 1Ch_18:8.
Beryl, description of, Exo_39:13; Eze_10:19.
Betah, situation of, 2Sa_8:8.
Betah, probably the same as Tibhath, 1Ch_18:8.
Beten, situation of, Jos_19:25.
Beth-anath, situation of, Jos_19:38.
Bethany, description of, Mat_21:17.
Bethany, whence our Lord ascended, where situated, Act_1:12.
Beth-aram, or Livias, situation of, Jos_13:27.
Beth-arbel, situation of, Hos_10:14.
Beth-barah, situation of, Jdg_7:24.
Beth-car, situation of, 1Sa_7:11.
Bethel, import of the name, Gen_28:19.
Bethel, situation of, Gen_13:3; Jos_8:17.
Bethel, probably the same as Bethul in Simeon, situation of, 1Sa_30:17.
Bether, situation of, 2Sa_2:29.
Bethesda, pool of, described, Joh_5:2.
Beth-haccerem, situation of, Neh_3:14.
Beth-hogla, situation of, Jos_15:6.
Beth-horon, situation of, Jos_16:5.
Beth-jesimoth, situation of, Num_33:49.
Bethlehem, description of, 2Ch_11:6.
Beth-nimrah, probably now Nemrim, where situated, Num_32:36.
Beth-palet and Beth-phelet, the same in the original, Neh_11:26.
Beth-peor, situation of, Deu_4:46.
Bethphage, situation of, Mat_21:1.
Bethsaida, situation of, Mar_6:45.
Bethshean, or Bisan, situation and description of, Jos_17:11.
Beth-shemesh, situation of, Jos_15:10.
Beth-shemesh, in Egypt, or Heliopolis, description of, Isa_44:13.
Beth-zur, situation of, 1Ch_2:45.
Betrothing, mode of, Deu_20:7.
Bezek, situation of, Jdg_1:4.
Bezer, the same as Bozra, Deu_4:43.
Bezor, brook, description of, 1Sa_30:10.
Binnui and Bani the same, Ezr_2:10.
Bird, word so rendered, also denotes a sparrow, Lev_14:4.
Bird, the mother, why not to be taken with her young, Deu_22:7.
Bird, a ravenous, or eagle, the ensign of Cyrus, Isa_46:11.
Birds, migration of, Job_39:26.
Bishop, meaning of the word, Php_1:1.
Bithron, or Betarus, situation of, 2Sa_2:29.
Bittern, import of word so rendered, Isa_34:11.
Blasphemy, import of, Mat_12:31.
Blind, cure of by Jesus, perfectly miraculous, Joh_9:32.
Blindness, meaning of word thus rendered, Gen_19:11.
Blood, possessed of life, Lev_17:11.
Blood, prohibited, Lev_3:17; Lev_7:26.
Blood, to be poured out at the bottom of the altar, Lev_4:18.
Blood, necessary for the expiation of sin, Heb_10:4.
Blood, defiling nature of, Num_31:19; 1Ch_22:8.
Blood, houses built, and fortunes made by, visited with the Divine judgments,
Blood, a sweat of, sometimes happens, Luk_22:44.
Blotting out, import of, Exo_32:32.
Blue colour, properly azure, Exo_25:4.
Boar, wild, description of, Psa_80:13.
Boaz, import of, 1Ki_7:21.
Boaz, supposed to be the same with Ibzan, Rth_2:1.
Body, human, wonderful texture and formation of, Psa_139:14; Psa_139:16.
Body, Christians, one, 1Co_10:17.
Body, and its members, a fine allegory of, 1Co_12:12.
Body used for carcase, Luk_17:37.
Bodies, dead, thrown to the dogs, 1Sa_17:44; 1Ki_21:19.
Boil, import of word so rendered, 2Ki_20:7.
Boils, sore, probably the black leprosy, Job_2:7.
Bones used for the body, Psa_32:3.
Bones of kings, etc., not unfrequently burnt at the sacking of cities, Jer_8:1.
Bonnets of the priests, description of, Jer_8:12.
Book of the generations, meaning of, Gen_5:1.
Bosom, the lap, or fold, in the bosom of a garment so called, Luk_6:38.
Bosom, lying in, what, Joh_13:23.
Bottle in the smoke, illustration of, Psa_119:83.
Bottle, putting tears into, illustration of, Psa_56:8.
Bottles, anciently of skin, and capable of mending, Jos_9:4.
Bottles, old, why unfit to hold new wine,
Boughs, an emblem of apostles, evangelists, and ministers, Eze_17:23.
Bow, import of word rendered, Gen_47:31.
Bow, probably the name of a song, 2Sa_1:18.
Bowels, disease of, probably a violent dysentery, 2Ch_21:15.
Bowl,, what, Num_7:31.
Bozra, situation of, Gen_36:32.
Bracelet, meaning of, Gen_24:22.
Bracelet, one of the insignia of royalty, 2Sa_1:10.
Bracelet, description of, Gen_38:18; Exo_35:22.
Branch, putting one to the nose, an idolatrous rite, Eze_8:17.
Branch of the cedar, the highest, an emblem of Jeconiah, Eze_17:3.
Branch, the Messiah so called, Zec_3:8; Zec_6:12.
Brass, word rendered, properly copper, Exo_25:3.
Brazen gates and bars, illustration of, 1Ki_4:13.
Bread, why to be cast on the waters, Ecc_11:1.
Bread, of men, what, Eze_24:17.
Breastplate, description of, Exo_28:4; Eph_6:14.
Breeches of the priests, Exo_39:28.
Bricks, mode of making, Exo_5:7.
Brigandines, what, Jer_46:4.
Brimstone, meaning of, Gen_19:24.
Brother, the term, applied to a person of the same tribe, or a companion,
Bruit, meaning of the word, Jer_10:22.
Buffalo, flesh of, eaten in the East, 1Ki_4:23.
Buffeted, import of word so rendered, Mat_26:67.
Building, sometimes means fortifying, 1Ki_15:17.
Bull, wild, import of word so rendered, Isa_51:20.
Bulrushes, vessels of, used by the Egyptians, Exo_2:3; Isa_18:2.
Bundle of life, being found in, import of, 1Sa_25:29.
Burning woods, a practice in uncultivated countries, Psa_83:14.
Burnt offering, account of, Lev_1:10.
Bushel, capacity of, Mat_5:15.
Butler, properly a cupbearer, Gen_40:1.
Butter, probably buttermilk, Jdg_5:25.
Butter, words said to be smoother than, illustrated, Psa_55:21.
Buyers, dishonest conduct of, Pro_20:14.
Cabul, signification and situation of, Jos_19:27; 1Ki_9:13.
Caiaphas, account of, Mat_26:3.
Cainan, improperly inserted by the Septuagint, Gen_10:24; Gen_11:12.
Calamus, description of, Exo_30:23.
Caleb, son of Hur, 1Ch_2:50.
Caleb, why said to have another spirit, Num_14:23.
Caleb, son of Hezron, time when he lived, 1Ch_2:18.
Caleb, situation of, 1Sa_30:14.
Call on the name, import of the phrase, Gen_21:33.
Callinicus, prediction respecting, Dan_11:7-8.
Calno, Calneh, or Ctesiphon, description of, Isa_10:9.
Camel, description of, 1Ch_5:21.
Camel, she, importance of, Gen_32:14.
Camel, to go through the eye of a needle, illustration of the phrase,
Mat_19:24; Luk_18:25.
Camels, meaning of the word so rendered, Est_8:10.
Camp, circular form of an Arab one, 1Sa_26:5.
Camp of the Israelites, description of, Num_2:2; Num_2:28.
Cana of Galilee, description of, Joh_2:11; Joh_4:46.
Canaan, prophecy against, fulfilled, Gen_9:25.
Canaan, land of, description of, Gen_12:5.
Canaan, boundaries of, to the Israelites, Jos_1:4.
Canaan, division of, Num_26:56.
Canaanite, the same as Zelotes, Mar_3:18.
Canaanites, chiefly inhabited Phoenicia, Deu_7:1.
Canaanites, probably infected with idolatry in the time of Abraham,
Canaanites, justly exterminated by the Israelites, Jos_6:21.
Candle, or lamp, to light, meaning of, Psa_18:28.
Candlestick, description of, Exo_35:14.
Cane, sweet, account of, Jer_6:20.
Canker-worm, meaning of word so rendered, Joe_1:4.
Canopy, origin of, 1Sa_19:13.
Capernaum, situation of, Mar_1:21.
Captain of the temple, who, Luk_22:4; Act_4:1.
Captains, import of word so translated, Dan_3:3.
Captives, effect produced upon, when their liberty was proclaimed, illustrated,
Carbuncle, description of, Exo_28:17.
Carcases of detestable things, what, Jer_16:18.
Cardinal, import of the word, Jos_9:4.
Carmel, mount in Asher, description of, 1Ki_18:19.
Carmel, altar erected by Elijah upon, accounts of from heathen authors,
Carmel in Judah, situation of, 1Sa_25:2.
Carpenters, four, emblematical signification of, Zec_1:20.
Carriage, word so rendered properly baggage, Joh_18:21; Act_21:15.
Casement, properly a lattice, Pro_7:6.
Casiphia, probably the Caspian mountains, Ezr_8:17.
Castle of Antonia, description of, Act_21:34.
Castles, import of the word so rendered, Gen_25:16.
Caterpillars, probable meaning of word so rendered, 2Ch_6:28; Psa_78:46;
Joe_1:4; Amo_7:1.
Cattle, import of the word, Gen_1:24; Gen_47:6.
Cauls, meaning of word thus rendered, Isa_3:18.
Caves, used as places of retreat, Jdg_6:2; 1Sa_24:3.
Cedar, description of, 1Ki_4:33.
Cedar, used as an emblem of the royal family of David, Eze_17:3.
Cedron, see Kidron.
Ceilings of wood in the East, Jer_22:13.
Cenchrea, situation of, Act_18:18.
Cesar, some of the household of, converted to the Christian faith, Php_4:22.
Cesarea of Palestine, description of, Act_10:24.
Cesarea Philippi, now Banias, situation and description of, Mat_16:13.
Chain, a prisoner bound with one to a soldier among the Romans, Act_28:20.
Chains, two, Roman mode of securing a prisoner with, Act_12:7.
Chains of gold worn round the necks of Eastern ladies, Son_1:10.
Chains, word so rendered, denotes earrings or drops, Isa_3:19.
Chalcedony, description of, Rev_21:19.
Chaldean monarchy represented by a head of gold, Dan_2:28.
Chaldean monarchy represented as a lion with eagle’s wings, Dan_7:4.
Chaldean cavalry, swiftness, courage, and ferocity of, Hab_1:8.
Chaldee, though a dialect of the Hebrew, in many respects very dissimilar,
Chamber, little, or oleah, description of, 2Ki_4:10.
Chambers, inner, description of, 2Ch_18:24.
Chambers of God, represented as built upon the waters, Psa_104:3.
Chamberlain, meaning of word so rendered, Rom_16:23.
Chamelion, word so rendered, the waril lizard, Lev_11:30.
Chamois, word so rendered, probably a species of goat or deer, Deu_14:5.
Chapters, improper division of, Jos_5:15.
Charchemish, or Circesium, situation of, 2Ch_35:20.
Charger, what, Num_7:31.
Chariot, word so rendered probably denotes a palanquin, Son_3:9.
Chariot of love, what, 2Ki_2:11.
Chariots of iron, description of, Jdg_4:13.
Chariots, four, emblematical meaning of, Zec_6:1.
Charity, proper signification of, Rom_14:15.
Charmer, import of the term, Deu_18:10.
Charming of serpents, possibility of, Psa_58:5.
Chebar, river, account of, Eze_1:1.
Cheeks of ladies decorated with coins in the East, Son_1:10.
Chelubai, the same as Caleb, 1Ch_2:18.
Cherethites, who they were, 1Sa_30:14.
Cherubim, description of, Exo_36:8.
Cherubim, probable meaning of their symbolical figures, Eze_10:14.
Chestnut tree, word so rendered, properly the plane-tree, Gen_30:37.
Chesuloth, probably the same as Chisloth-tabor, Jos_19:18.
Chezib, situation of, Gen_38:5.
Child, word so rendered, properly means a lad or youth, Gen_21:14;
Child, disgraceful to fall from the hands of, Jdg_8:21.
Children, little, words so rendered denote young men, 2Ki_2:23; Dan_1:4.
Children, numerous, instances of, 2Ki_10:1.
Children, considered as the property of parents, and disposeable, 2Ki_4:1.
Children mean not only descendants, but inhabitants, Ezr_2:3.
Children, bringers up of, what, 2Ki_10:6.
Chileab, probably the same as Daniel, son of David, 1Ch_3:1.
Chimham, habitation of, what, Jer_41:17.
Chinneroth, probably Tiberias, Jos_11:2.
Chinneroth, sea of, description of, Jos_12:3.
Chios, now Scio, account of, Act_20:13.
Chisleu, month of, account of, Zec_7:1.
Chisloth-tabor, situation of, Jos_19:12.
Chiun, probably Saturn, Amo_5:26.
Chor-ashan, probably the same as Ashan, 1Sa_30:30.
Chorazin, situation and total destruction of, Luk_10:13.
Christ, genealogy of, by Matthew and Luke, reconciled, Luk_3:23; Luk_3:36.
Christ, how said not to be come to send peace, but a sword, Mat_10:34.
Christ fully aware of the sufferings that awaited him, Joh_18:4.
Christs, false, predictions of, Mat_24:26; Luk_21:8.
Christians, persecutions of, foretold, Mat_24:9.
Chronicles, interesting nature of, among the Persians, Est_6:1.
Chrysolite, description of, Eze_10:9; Rev_21:20.
Chrysoprasus, description of, Rev_21:20.
Church, kings her nursing fathers, and queens her nursing mothers,
Cilicia, description of, Act_15:23.
Cinnamon, description of, Exo_30:23.
Circumcision, first practiced by Abraham, Gen_17:10.
Circumcision, practiced by the Arabs, as well as Jews, and at what age,
Circumcision of the heart, what, Rev_2:29.
Cistern, the right ventricle of the heart, so called, Ecc_12:6.
Cities, ancient fortifications of, 2Ki_9:13.
Cities, walled up to heaven, import of the phrase, Deu_1:28.
Clauda, description of, Act_27:16.
Claudius Cesar, account of, Act_11:28.
Cleanliness, necessity of, in camps, Deu_23:12.
Cleave, proper meaning of word so rendered, Mat_19:5.
Cleopatra, prediction respecting, Dan_11:17.
Cloak, a kind of gown, Luk_6:29.
Close, keeping oneself, import of, 1Ch_12:1.
Cloth, new, why unfit to put in an old garment, Mat_9:16.
Clothes, presentation of, a mode of honouring in the East, Gen_45:22.
Clothes, accumulation of, by great men, Job_27:16; Isa_3:7.
Clouds, the strength of God said to be in, Psa_68:34.
Clouds, meaning of the word so rendered, Job_35:5.
Clouted, meaning of the word, Jos_9:5.
Cnidus, situation of, Act_27:7.
Coal, metaphorically used for a man and his descendants, 2Sa_14:7.
Coals of fire, why doing acts of kindness to an enemy is compared to heaping
them on his head, Pro_25:22.
Coat, properly a tunic, or under garment, Luk_6:29.
Coat of many colours, description of, Gen_37:3.
Coats of the priests, description of, Lev_8:13.
Cockle, import of word so rendered, Job_31:40.
Coin, the currency of, an acknowledgment of subjection to a king, Mat_22:21.
College, probable meaning of the word so rendered, 2Ch_34:22.
Coney, or shaphan, account of, Lev_11:5.
Coney, wisdom of, Pro_30:26.
Conscience, used for consciousness, 1Co_8:7; Heb_10:2.
Constantine, prediction concerning, Dan_11:36.
Constantine, prediction of his accession to the throne, and of the changes it
introduced, Rev_6:12; Rev_7:3.
Consulter of familiar spirits, meaning of, Deu_18:10.
Contention, meaning of word so rendered, 1Th_2:2.
Conversant, import of the word, Jos_8:35.
Conversation, meaning of, 2Co_1:12.
Coos, account of, Act_21:1.
Copper, fine, as precious as gold, what.
Cor, capacity of, 2Ch_27:5; Luk_16:6.
Coral, description of, Job_28:18.
Corban, meaning of, Mar_7:11.
Corinth, description of, Act_18:1.
Corinthian brass, what, Ezr_8:27.
Corinthians, second Epistle, genuineness and authenticity of, 2Co_8:19.
Cormorant, probably the cataract, Deu_14:17.
Cormorant, word so rendered, properly the pelican, Isa_34:11.
Corn prepared by God, Psa_65:9.
Corn with seven ears on one stalk, Gen_41:5.
Corn, parched, a frequent food in the East, 2Ki_4:42.
Corn, a certain quantity of, allowed to soldiers in the East, 2Sa_4:6.
Corn, plucking ears of, on the Sabbath, why found fault with by the Pharisees,
Corner, the place of honour in the East, Isa_38:2.
Cornet, description of, 1Ch_15:28.
Cornet, meaning of the word so rendered, Dan_3:5.
Corruption, mount of, the same as the mount of Olives, 2Ki_23:13.
Council, the Sanhedrin, or Senate of the Jewish nation, Mat_5:22.
Councils, or Sanhedrins, what, Mar_13:9.
Counsellors, word so rendered, illustrated, Dan_3:3.
Counsellors, seven, why employed by the kings of Persia, Ezr_7:14.
Coup de soleil [sunstroke], occurrence of in Palestine, 2Ki_4:19.
Covenant, ancient ceremony of entering into, Deu_29:12; Jos_9:6.
Covenant, to be in, with death, or any thing, illustrated, Isa_28:15.
Covering of badgers’ skins for the tabernacle, account of, Isa_28:15.
Coverings of the tabernacle, description of, Exo_36:19.
Covetous man, his insatiableness, Job_3:15.
Cracknells, import of word so rendered, 1Ki_14:3.
Crane, the proper name of, in Hebrew, Jer_8:7.
Creeping things, import of, Gen_1:24.
Crete, description of, Act_27:7.
Crowns, extraordinary size and weight of some ancient ones, 2Sa_12:30.
Crucifixion, description of, Joh_19:6.
Crystal, description of, Eze_1:22.
Crystal, word so rendered, probably glass, Job_28:17.
Cubit, length of, Eze_40:10.
Cubit, used to signify any short duration, Mat_6:27.
Cuckoo, probably the sea-gull, Deu_14:15.
Cucumber, description of, Num_11:5.
Cummin, description of, Mat_23:23.
Cup used for divination, Gen_44:5.
Cup of blessing, what, Psa_116:13.
Cup of consolation, what, Jer_16:7.
Cup of salvation, what, Psa_116:13.
Cup of intoxicating liquors an emblem of the judgments of God, Oba_1:16.
Cupbearer, honourable office of, Neh_1:11.
Curious arts, what, Act_19:19.
Curse, or devote, people to destruction, supposed power of men to,
Cush the Benjamite, who, Psalms 7, title.
Custom, receipt of, what, Mat_9:9.
Cut off, import of the term, Lev_22:3.
Cuth, situation of, 2Ki_17:30.
Cymbals, description of, 1Ch_15:16; Psa_150:5.
Cyprus, description of, Act_4:36.
Cyrene, situation of, Act_13:1.
Cyrenius, an account of his taxing, Luk_2:2.
Cyrus, account of, Ezr_1:1.
Cyrus, the various nations he conquered, Isa_45:1.
Cyrus, extent of his kingdom, Ezr_1:2.
Cyrus, foretold, as drying up the rivers of Babylon, a century before his birth,
Cyrus, prediction of his victories over the Chaldeans and their allies,
Cyrus, the nations which composed his army, Jer_50:9.
Cyrus, the amount of gold and silver taken by him, when he conquered Asia,
Daberath, now Daboura, situation of, Jos_19:12.
Dagon, an account of, 1Sa_5:4.
Dalmanutha, situation of, Mar_8:10.
Damascus, description of, 1Ki_11:24.
Damascus, taken by Alexander, Zec_9:1.
Damascus, wilderness of, where situated, 1Ki_19:15.
Damn, properly means to condemn, Rom_14:23.
Damnation, properly judgment or punishment, 1Co_11:29.
Dan, meaning of the name, Gen_30:6.
Dan, Laish, or Leshem, situation of, Jdg_18:7.
Darda and Dara, the same, 1Ch_2:6.
Darius Hystaspes, account of, Dan_5:31; Dan_6:1.
Darkness, a metaphor for affliction, or calamity, Psa_18:28; Lam_3:2;
Darkness and night, worshipped by the Egyptians, Exo_10:21.
Darkness, at the crucifixion, supernatural, Mat_27:25.
Darmesek, the same as Damascus, 2Ch_16:2.
Darts, fiery, what, Psa_76:3.
Daughters frequently given in marriage to slaves by persons in the East, when
they have no sons, 1Ch_2:35.
Daughters, inheritance of, Num_27:2; Num_36:2; Num_36:7; Num_36:12.
David, properly the eighth son of Jesse, though termed the seventh,
David, probable time of the year when he was crowned, 1Ch_12:40.
David, disinterested and gallant conduct of, 1Sa_23:2.
David, noble conduct of, in choosing the pestilence, 1Ch_21:13.
David, review of his life and character, 1Ch_29:28.
David, the Messiah so called, Jer_30:9; Eze_34:23; Hos_3:5.
David, city of, stairs of, what. Neh_12:37.
David, tower of, the neck compared to, Son_4:4.
Day, division of into hours by the Jews, Mat_20:9.
Day, extreme heat of, in the East, Jer_36:30.
Day, let it perish, import of, Job_3:3.
Days, fortunate and unfortunate ones marked in the calendar, Job_3:3.
Days, full of, illustration of the expression, 2Ch_24:15.
Daysman, meaning of the word, Job_9:33.
Deacon, import of the word, Php_1:1.
Dead men, the gods of the heathen such, Psa_106:28.
Deal, meaning of the word, Exo_29:40.
Death, the pestilence so called, Jer_15:2.
Death, a step between one and, illustration of the phrase, 1Sa_20:3.
Death, shadow of, illustration of, Job_10:22.
Death, to see, meaning of, Luk_2:26.
Debir, situation of, Jos_10:38.
Decapolis, account of, Mat_4:25.
Dedan, situation of, Eze_27:15.
Dedications among the heathen, Num_7:35; Num_7:51; Num_7:84.
Deep, what, Luk_8:31.
Degrees, song of, what, Psalms 122 :title.
Deluge, duration of, Gen_8:14.
Deluge, truth of, established, Gen_7:19; Gen_7:23.
Demoniacal possession, reality of, Mat_12:43; Mar_5:2; Mar_9:18; Mar_9:25;
Derbe, situation of, Act_14:6.
Desert of the sea, a periphrasis for Babylon, Isa_21:1.
Desire of all nations, the Messiah so called, Hag_2:6.
Destruction, city of, where situated, Isa_19:18.
Deuel and Reuel, the same person, Num_1:14.
Devils, import of the word rendered, Lev_17:7.
Devils really possessed persons, Mat_9:33.
Dew, definition of, Pro_3:20.
Dew, genial influence of, Psa_72:6.
Dew, an emblem of a numerous army, 2Sa_17:12.
Dial of Ahaz, probable form of, Isa_38:8.
Diamond, description of, Exo_39:11.
Diamond, really the import of word so rendered, Jer_17:1.
Diana of Ephesus, some account of, Act_19:28.
Diblath, situation of, Eze_6:14.
Dibon, now Diban, where situated, Num_32:34; Jos_13:17.
Didrachma, value of, Mat_17:24.
Dimon and Dibon the same, Isa_15:9.
Dinah, meaning of the name, Gen_30:21.
Dipping the bread in the dish common in the East, Rth_2:14.
Distaff, mode of using, Pro_31:19.
Divination, import of the term, Deu_18:10.
Divorce, women had the power of, among the Jews, Mar_10:12.
Divorces, excess of, among the Jews, Mat_5:31.
Dizahab, a place near Moab, Deu_1:1.
Dodai and Dodo, the same, 1Ch_11:12.
Dogs, the heathen so called by the Jews, Mat_15:26.
Dogs, bodies thrown to, in the East, Psa_79:3.
Dog’s head, a proverbial expression illustrated, 2Sa_3:8.
Dominion, to exercise, meaning of word so rendered, Gen_19:6.
Door, import of word so rendered, Gen_19:6.
Door, used metaphorically for entrance, occasion, or opportunity, Col_4:3.
Dor, now Tortura, situation of, Jos_17:11.
Dorcas, meaning of, Act_9:36.
Dothan, situation of, 2Ki_6:13.
Dove, account of, Lev_14:22.
Dove, rapidity of, Psa_55:6.
Doves, the eye compared to, Son_5:12.
Doves’ dung, as an article of food, what, 2Ki_6:25.
Drachma, value of, Luk_15:8.
Dragons, why represented as snuffing in the wind, Jer_14:6.
Dragons used for the Egyptian people, Psa_74:13.
Dram, or daric, value of, Neh_7:70.
Draught house, making a place one, an Eastern mode of degradation,
Drink, strong, account of, Lev_10:9.
Drinking, various modes of, in the East, Jdg_7:5.
Dromedaries, young, meaning of word thus rendered, Est_8:10.
Drunken, but not with wine, illustration of the expression, Isa_51:21.
Dulcimer, import of word so rendered, Dan_3:15.
Dumah, probable situation of, Isa_21:11.
Dumb, word so rendered properly means silent, Luk_1:20.
Dumb person really possessed with a devil, Mat_9:33.
Dung port, situation of, Neh_2:13.
Dust, laying of, customary in the East before persons of distinction,
Dust, casting of, in the air, import of the action, 1Sa_16:23.
Dwelling deep, meaning of, Jer_49:3.
Eagle, description of, Lev_11:13.
Eagle, longevity and vigour of, Psa_103:5.
Eagle, its quick sight, Job_39:29.
Eagle, rapidity of, Lam_4:19.
Eagle, an emblem of Nebuchadnezzar, Eze_17:3.
Eagle, an emblem of Pharaoh-hophra, Eze_17:7.
Eagles, emblems of the Roman armies, Luk_17:37.
Ear, why said to be planted, Psa_94:9.
Ear bored with an awl, import of, Exo_21:6.
Earing, meaning of the word, Gen_45:6.
Earnest, import of, 2Co_1:22.
Earring, word so rendered, properly a nose-ring, and still worn in the East,
Earrings, meaning of word rendered, Isa_3:20.
Earrings, immense spoils of, Jdg_8:26.
Earth, originally in a fluid state, 2Pe_3:5.
Earth, foundations of, what, Pro_8:29.
Earth, how said to be visited by God, Psa_65:9.
Earth, used for the land of Judea, Psa_37:9.
Earthen vessels, given as presents in the East, 2Sa_17:28.
East country, what, Gen_25:6; Gen_29:1.
East wind, or Simoom, account of, Gen_41:23.
Easter, properly the Passover, Act_12:4.
Eastern dress, description of, Jdg_14:12.
Eat, to, a book, import of, Eze_3:1.
Eating bread always at a royal table, meaning of, 2Sa_9:10; 2Sa_9:13.
Ebal, mount, description of, Deu_11:29.
Ebed-melech, excellent character of, Jer_38:12.
Ebiasaph and Asaph the same, 1Ch_26:1.
Ebronah, situation of, Num_33:34.
Ecbatana, description of, Ezr_6:2.
Eden, import of the word, Gen_2:10.
Eden, garden of, where situated, Gen_2:10.
Eden, country of, situation of, Isa_37:12.
Eden, or Beth-eden, where situated, Amo_1:5.
Edom, import of the name, Gen_25:30.
Edom, land of, where situated, Gen_32:3.
Edom, ancient fertility of, Gen_27:39.
Edom, mountainous and rocky, Oba_1:3.
Edom, subjugation of by the Israelites, Eze_25:14.
Edom, total desolation of, Eze_35:9.
Edom, a name applied to the enemies of the church, Isa_63:3.
Edrei, now Draa, situation of, Deu_3:1.
Eglah, probably the same as Michal,
Eglaim, situation of, Isa_15:8.
Egypt, description of, Isa_18:2.
Egypt, fertility of, Gen_41:31.
Egypt, the anarchy which prevailed in it after the death of Tirhakah, foretold,
Egypt, its conquest by Nebuchadnezzar, the Persian kings, and Alexander the
Great, foretold, Isa_19:4.
Egypt, its conquest by Nebuchadnezzar foretold, Jer_46:13.
Egypt, the propagation of the knowledge of the true God in, foretold,
Egypt, Ethiopia, and Seba, given as a ransom for the Jews, Isa_43:3.
Egypt, the basest of kingdoms, according to the prediction, Eze_29:15.
Egypt, idols of, Eze_8:10.
Egypt, river of, what, Gen_15:18.
Egypt, put for bondage, Hos_9:3.
Egyptian impostor, a seditious one, some account of, Act_21:38.
Egyptians, dispersion of, by Nebuchadnezzar, Eze_30:21.
Egyptians, captivity of, by Nebuchadnezzar, and probable restoration by Cyrus,
Ekron, situation of, Jos_19:43.
Elah, valley of, situation and description of, 1Sa_17:19.
Elam, description of, Jer_49:34.
Elamites celebrated as archers, Jer_49:35.
Elath, Eloth, or Æla, account of, 2Ki_14:22.
Elealah, now El-Aal, situation of, Num_32:37.
El-beth-el, meaning of the word, Gen_35:7.
Elect Lady, who, 2Jn_1:1.
Election put for the elect, Rom_11:5.
El-elohe-Israel, meaning of, Gen_33:20.
Elephantiasis, account of, Job_2:7.
Eliada, probably written Beeliada by mistake, 1Ch_14:7.
Eliezer, import of the name, Exo_18:4.
Elihu and Eliab, the same, 1Ch_27:18.
Elijah really fed by ravens, 1Ki_17:5.
Elim, situation of, Exo_15:27.
Eliphalet and Eliphelet, the same, 1Ch_14:7.
Elishah, probably Elis, Eze_27:7.
Elishama, probably a mistake for Elishuah, 1Ch_14:5.
Ellasar, probably the same as Telassar, Isa_37:12.
Embalming, description of, Gen_50:1; Gen_50:3.
Emerald, description of, Exo_28:18.
Emmaus, situation of, Luk_24:13.
Enchanter, import of the term, Deu_18:10.
Enchantments, meaning of word rendered, Exo_7:11.
Endor, description of, 1Sa_28:7.
Engedi, situation of, Jos_15:62.
Engines to shoot arrows and stones, what, 2Ch_26:15.
En-hakkore, meaning of, Jdg_15:19.
Enjoy, power to, the gift of God, Ecc_2:25; Ecc_6:2.
En-mishpat, or Kedesh, situation of, Gen_14:7.
En-Rimmon of Judah, situation of, Neh_11:29.
En-rogel, situation of, Jos_15:7.
En-shemesh, import of, Jos_18:17.
En-shemesh, situation of, Jos_15:7.
Ephah, capacity of, Eze_45:11.
Ephes-dammim and Pas-dammim the same, 1Ch_11:13.
Ephesus, description of, Act_19:1.
Ephod, description of, Exo_28:4; Lev_8:7.
Ephraim, import of the name, Gen_41:52.
Ephraim, humanity and excellent conduct of the heads of, 2Ch_28:9.
Ephraim, situation of, Joh_11:54.
Ephraim, wood of, where situated, 2Sa_18:6.
Ephrain, situation of, 2Ch_13:19.
Epicureans, some account of, Isa_37:38.
Esar-haddon, account of, Isa_37:38.
Esau, import of the word, Gen_25:25.
Esau, in temporal condition, equal to his brother, Gen_27:39.
Esek, meaning of, Gen_26:20.
Eshcol, meaning of the name, Num_13:24.
Eshtaol, situation of, Jos_15:33.
Eshtemoa, situation of, Jos_21:14.
Etam, situation of, 1Ch_4:32.
Etham, situation of, Num_33:6.
Etham, wilderness of, where situated, Num_33:8.
Ethan, probably the same as Jeduthun, 1Ch_25:1.
Ether or Etham, situation of, 1Ch_4:32.
Ethiopia, or Cush, three countries so called, Isa_37:9.
Ethiopia, or Cush, the country of the Cussæi, Gen_2:13.
Ethiopia, proper, description of, Isa_37:9.
Eunuch, signification of, Gen_37:36.
Eunuchs, black, bad character of in the East, Jer_38:12.
Euroclydon, wind, what, Act_27:14.
Evenings, two, among the Hebrews, Exo_12:6.
Evil, merodach, account of, 1 K 25:27.
Execrations upon the rebuilders of cities, Jos_6:26.
Executioner, import of the word so rendered, Mar_6:27.
Exodus, a modern one, Num_1:46.
Expedient, import of word so rendered, 1Co_6:12.
Ezer and Ezar, the same in the original, 1Ch_1:38.
Ezion-gaber, situation of, Num_33:35.
Ezra, amiable spirit of, Ezr_7:27.
Ezra and Nehemiah, difference between, in the numbers of the captives, who
returned, Ezr_2:64.
Face, covering of, a token of reverence, 1Ki_19:13.
Face, covering of, sign of condemnation, Est_7:8.
Faces, differences of, wonderful, Gen_27:22.
Fair havens, situation of, Act_27:8.
Faith, as a grain of mustard seed, what, Mat_17:20.
Faith, growing of, illustrated, 2Th_1:3.
Fallow deer, word so rendered, probably denotes the buffalo, 1Ki_4:23.
Familiar spirit, one who has, import of, 1Sa_28:7.
Families carried to war in the East, 2Sa_15:22.
Family, a large, considered a blessing, Gen_24:60.
Famous, used for notorious, Eze_23:10.
Farthing, meaning of the word, Mar_12:42.
Farthing, value of word so rendered, Mat_10:29.
Fat prohibited, Lev_3:17; Lev_7:23; Lev_7:26.
Fat, heart to be, illustration of the expression, Psa_119:70.
Father, the term frequently used to denote an ancestor, Dan_5:12.
Father, applied to the founder or prince of a city or people, 1Ch_2:42.
Father, sometimes reckoned with his sons, 1Ch_3:22; 1Ch_7:3.
Father and mother, to be without, meaning of, Heb_7:3.
Fathers, their authority over their children, Jdg_1:12.
Fear, or terror, a line strung with feathers used to frighten beasts into the pit,
Feast of trumpets, design of, Lev_23:24.
Feast of tabernacles, account of, Lev_23:34.
Feathers, used to denote subjects, Eze_17:3.
Feet, dressing of, customary in the East, 2Sa_19:24.
Feet, having washed, an excuse for not rising from bed, in the East, Son_5:3.
Felix, Claudius, account of, Act_23:24; Act_24:2.
Females employed in drawing water and collecting fuel, in the East, Jos_9:23.
Ferret, word rendered, a spotted lizard, Lev_11:30.
Festus, Porcius, account of, Act_24:27.
Field, treasures of corn in, what, Jer_41:8.
Fig-tree, description of, Mar_11:13.
Figs, various crops of, Isa_28:4.
Figs, the early and winter, account of, Jer_24:2.
Figs, poultice of, beneficial effects of, 2Ki_20:7.
Filled with a person, meaning of, Rom_15:24.
Fining pot, Jerusalem, represented as, Eze_22:19.
Fingers, instances of persons having six on each hand, and six toes on each
foot, 1Ch_20:6.
Fire, sacred, imitations of, Lev_6:13; Lev_9:24.
Fire, the heathen priests boasted that it had no power over them, Dan_3:27.
Fire, tongue of, a fine metaphor for a flame, Isa_5:24.
Fire, the word of God compared to, Jer_23:29.
Fire and water worshipped by the Egyptians, Exo_9:18.
Firmament, import of, Psa_19:1.
Firmament displays the power of God, Psa_150:1.
First-born, slaying of the, perfectly equitable, Exo_12:29.
First-born, redemption of, Num_18:16.
First-fruits, illustration of the law of, Lev_23:10.
Fish, very prolific, Gen_48:16.
Fish, an emblem of converts, Eze_47:10.
Fishers, Apostles and preachers so termed, Eze_47:10.
Fitches, import of the word so rendered, Isa_28:25; Eze_4:9.
Flax, description of, Exo_9:31.
Flea, metaphor taken from one, 1Sa_26:20.
Flesh of peace-offerings not to be left, Lev_7:15.
Flies, swarms of, import of word rendered, Exo_8:21.
Flies have often proved plagues, Exo_8:24.
Flock, great care requisite in driving, Isa_40:11.
Flute, meaning of word so rendered, Dan_3:5.
Fly, dog, description of, Psa_105:31.
Folly, a little tarnishes the reputation, Ecc_10:1.
Food, the providing of, for various animals, a proof of the wisdom, providence,
and goodness of God, Psa_136:25.
Food of heathens first offered to their idols, Dan_1:8.
Fool, how said to eat his own flesh, Ecc_4:5.
Foot, irrigation of land by, Deu_11:10.
Foreheads, writings worn on, Exo_13:9.
Forgetfulness, land of, what, Psa_88:12.
Forswearing, the execrable morality of the Jews on this point, Mat_5:33.
Fountain, the left ventricle of the heart so called, Ecc_12:6.
Fountains of the great deep, what, Gen_7:11.
Fountains, stopping up of, when an enemy invades a land, a practice in the
East, 2Ch_32:4.
Fowl, meaning of the word, Gen_1:20.
Fowl of every wing, a metaphor for all the inhabitants of the earth, Eze_17:23.
Foxes, or rather jackals, account of, Jdg_15:4.
Foxes, lying prophets compared to, Eze_13:4.
Fray, significance of, Zec_1:21.
Friend, how the countenance of one is sharpened by another, Pro_27:17.
Friend, why one who blesseth with a loud voice, is to be suspected, Pro_27:14.
Friend, probably a companion, Mat_26:50.
Fringes, form and use of, Num_15:38.
Frog, import of the word, Exo_8:2.
Frogs have sometimes proved great plagues, Exo_8:6.
Fruit, the term used for children, Eze_17:9.
Fruit, an emblem of converts, Eze_17:23.
Frying pan, description of, Lev_2:7.
Fruit-trees, to be spared in a siege, Deu_20:19.
Funeral banquets usual in the East, Jer_16:7.
Furbish, origin and import of, Jer_46:4.
Furniture, camel’s, description of, Gen_31:34.
Gaba, or Geba, where situated, Jos_18:24.
Gad, import of the name, Gen_30:11.
Gad, inheritance of the tribe of, Num_34:15.
Gad, the name of an idol, probably means good fortune, Isa_65:11.
Gadara, situation and description of, Mat_8:28.
Galatia, description of, Act_16:6.
Galbanum, description of, Exo_30:34.
Galeed, import of the name, Gen_31:47.
Galileans, the peculiar dialect of, Mar_14:70.
Galileans, seditious character of, Luk_13:1.
Galilee, description of, Mar_1:39.
Galilee, Jewish traditions that the Messiah should be first manifested there,
Gall, meaning of word so rendered, Psa_69:21.
Gallim, situation of, 1Sa_25:44.
Gallio, some account of, Act_18:12.
Games, allusions to the Isthmian and Olympic, 2Co_10:13.
Gardens, mode of irrigating, Pro_21:1.
Garments, spreading of, before or under persons, illustration of, 2Ki_9:13.
Gate, sitting in, an ancient eastern custom, 2Sa_19:8.
Gate, sitting in, illustration of, Est_3:2.
Gate, exalting of, in the East, danger of, Pro_17:19.
Gate, east, or sun, where situated, Jer_19:6.
Gate of the fountain, where situated, Neh_2:14.
Gate of the valley, situation of, Neh_2:15.
Gate, horse, situation of, 2Ch_23:15.
Gates, the place for the transaction of public business, Gen_23:10.
Gates, courts of judicature held in, Deu_16:18.
Gates, used as markets in the East, 2Ki_7:1.
Gates, not opened in the East after sunset nor before sunrise, Neh_7:3.
Gates of the tents of the Lord, meaning of,
Gath, situation of, 1Sa_21:10.
Gath-rimmon, situation of, Jos_21:24.
Gaulonitis, now Djolan, account of, Deu_4:43.
Gaza, situation and account of, Jdg_16:1.
Gaza which is desert, meaning of, Act_8:26.
Geba, situation of, Isa_10:28.
Gebal, a part of Seir, account of, Psa_83:7.
Gebal, or Byblos, situation and description of, Jos_13:5.
Gedor, situation of, 1Ch_4:18.
Geliloth, meaning and situation of, Jos_18:17.
Genealogies, difference in, probably occasioned by the same person having
different names, 1Ch_4:24.
Generations, import of the word, Gen_37:2.
Generations, a usual mode of reckoning, Gen_15:16.
Gennesaret, land of, description of, Mat_14:34.
Gennesaret, lake of, description of, Jos_12:3.
Geography of the Scriptures, difficulties attending, Jos_15:1; Jos_17:7.
Gerar, where situated, Gen_20:1.
Gergesenes, who, Mat_8:28.
Gerizim, mount, description of, Deu_11:29.
Gershom, meaning of the name, Exo_2:22; Exo_18:3.
Gershom and Gershon the same, 1Ch_23:6.
Geshur of Syria, situation of, 2Sa_13:38.
Gethsemane, description of, Mat_26:36.
Gezer, where situated, Jos_10:33; Jos_12:12.
Gezrites, or Gerzites, habitation of, 1Sa_27:8.
Giants, account of some, 1Sa_17:4.
Giants, Argob the land of, tradition respecting, Deu_3:13.
Gibbar and Gibeon the same, Neh_7:25.
Gibbethon, situation of, Jos_21:23.
Gibea in the tribe of Judah, 1Ch_2:49.
Gibeah, situation of, Jdg_19:12.
Gibeah of Saul, situation of, Isa_10:28.
Gibeon, situation of, Jos_10:2.
Giblites, the inhabitants of Gebal or Byblos, Jos_13:5.
Gideon, known by the name of Jerubbeal, or Jerombalus, among heathen
writers, Jdg_7:1.
Gier-eagle, a species of vulture, Deu_14:17.
Gifts or offerings, include sacrifices, Heb_8:4.
Gihon, the Araxes, now Arass, Gen_2:13.
Gihon, fountain of, situation and description of 1Ki_1:45.
Gilboa, mount, situation of, 1Sa_31:1.
Gilead, the same as Galeed, Gen_31:48.
Gilgal, why so called, Gen_31:46.
Gilgal, situation of, Jos_4:19.
Gilgal, house of, situation of, Neh_12:29.
Ginnetho a mistake for Ginnethon, Neh_12:4.
Girdle, description of, Exo_39:29.
Girdle, curious, description of, Exo_29:5.
Girdle, use of, Psa_18:2.
Girgashites dwelt beyond Jordan, Deu_7:1.
Gittah-hepher, situation of, Jos_19:13.
Gittith, meaning of, Psalms 8 :title.
Glass, invention of, Deu_33:19.
Glean, import of the term, Rth_2:15.
Gleaning, right of, not recognized by law, Rth_2:15.
Glede, import of the word so rendered, Deu_14:13.
Glory, the word used for wealth, Gen_31:1.
Goad, description of, Jdg_3:31.
Goat, wild, account of, Deu_14:5; Psa_104:18.
Goat, wild, description of the female, Pro_5:19.
Goats, hair of, very fine in the East, Gen_27:16.
Goats’ hair, description of, Exo_26:7.
God, import of the word Elohim, so rendered, Deu_5:9; Deu_6:4.
God, none like him, Psa_71:19.
God, Jesus Christ so called, 2Pe_1:1.
God, frequently said to do what he only permits, Eze_14:9.
God, supposed danger from the appearance of, Exo_33:20; Jdg_13:22.
God, appearances of, gave rise to the mythological representations of the
Greeks and Romans, Gen_18:22.
God, spoken of in the language of men, Gen_18:21.
God, how said to minister seed to the sower, 2Co_9:10.
God, as an antecedent, frequently understood, Psa_73:15.
God, the term, frequently used to denote the superlative, 2Sa_9:3.
God, we ought to obey him, rather than men, illustrated, Act_5:29.
God forbid, this phrase not justified by the original, Rom_3:31.
God, daughter of a strange, what. Mat_2:11.
Gods, monuments of deliverance offered to, 1Sa_6:5.
Gods, heathen, degrading notions respecting, 1Ki_18:27.
Gods, each district supposed to have a tutelary one, 1Ki_20:23.
Gog and Magog, probable meaning of the prophecy respecting, Eze_38:16;
Eze_39:2; Eze_39:6; Eze_39:9; Eze_39:11; Eze_39:25.
Gog and Magog mentioned by St. John different from those mentioned by
Ezekiel, Rev_20:8.
Golan, where situated, Deu_4:43.
Gold-dust put in the hair by the Jews, 2Sa_14:27.
Golden bowl, the brain so called, Ecc_12:6.
Golden candlestick, imitations of, Exo_37:17.
Goliath, extraordinary size of, 1Sa_17:4.
Goliath, traditions respecting, 1Sa_17:50.
Goldsmiths, import of word so rendered, Neh_3:32.
Goodly person, import of, Gen_39:6.
Goshen, country of, where situated, Gen_45:10.
Goshen, city of, situation of, Gen_46:28.
Goshen in Judah, where situated, Jos_10:41.
Go to, import of the phrase, Gen_11:7.
Gourd, probable meaning of the word so rendered, Jon_4:6.
Gourds, wild, or colocynth, description of, 2Ki_4:39.
Governor, import of the word, Gen_42:6; Dan_3:3.
Gozan, river, where situated, 2Ki_18:11.
Grace, a charitable contribution so called, 2Co_8:19.
Grass, an emblem of the transitory condition of man, Psa_103:15.
Grass upon the housetops, an emblem of the evanescent condition of the
wicked, Psa_129:6.
Grass, mown, rather pastured, Psa_72:6.
Grave, the common receptacle of all, Job_3:19.
Grave-clothes, what, Joh_11:44.
Grecian or Macedonian empire, represented by the belly and thighs of brass,
Grecian empire, represented by a leopard with four wings and four heads,
Grecian empire, represented by a he-goat, Dan_8:5.
Grecian empire, division of into four kingdoms predicted, Dan_8:22.
Greece, description of, Act_20:2.
Grinders, teeth so called, Ecc_12:3.
Grisled, import of the word, Gen_31:10.
Grove, import of word so rendered, Gen_21:33.
Grove, word so rendered probably the same as Ashtaroth, 1Ki_18:19.
Groves, idolatrous worship in, Deu_12:2; Deu_16:22.
Habergeon, meaning of the word, Neh_4:16.
Habor, situation of, 2Ki_18:11.
Hachilah, situation of, 1Sa_23:19.
Hadadezer, probably a mistake for Hadarezer, 1Ch_18:3.
Hadar and Hadad, the same person, 1Ch_1:50.
Hadid, or Adida, situation of, Ezr_2:33.
Hadrach, probably Cœle-Syria, Zec_9:1.
Hagaba and Hagabah, the same, Ezr_2:45.
Hagarites, where they inhabited, 1Ch_5:19.
Hai, the same as Ai, Gen_13:3.
Hail, the formation of, Psa_147:17.
Hair, long, why a glory to a woman, 1Co_11:15.
Hair, long, why a shame to a man, 1Co_11:14.
Hair, the weight of Absalom’s, 2Sa_14:27.
Hair of the Nazarite dedicated to God, Num_6:7; Num_6:18.
Hair, employed as an expressive emblem, Eze_5:1.
Hairy-man, meaning of the expression, 2Ki_1:8.
Halah, situation of, 2Ki_18:11.
Hallel, great, what, Psa_113:1.
Ham, signification of, Gen_10:6.
Ham, descendants of, Gen_10:6.
Ham, land of Egypt so called, Psa_106:22.
Hamath, now Hamah, description of, 2Ki_18:34.
Hammer, the word of God compared to, Jer_23:29.
Hammoth, situation of, Jos_21:32.
Hamonah, signification of, Eze_39:16.
Hamon-Gog, import of, Eze_39:11.
Hamor, signification of, Gen_34:13.
Hand, lifting up the, a mode of swearing, Exo_6:8.
Hand, plucking of, from the bosom illustrated, Psa_74:11.
Hand, the soul or life, to be in, illustrated, Psa_119:109.
Hand or arm placed on a pillar as a trophy, 1Sa_15:12.
Hands, stretching out of in prayer, Lev_9:22; Psa_77:2.
Hands, clapping of, curious mode of, 2Ki_11:12.
Hands, to strike, illustration of, Pro_6:1.
Hands, giving or joining the, a pledge of friendship and fidelity, 2Ki_10:15;
Hands, marks made on, by the Orientals, Exo_13:9.
Hanes, probable situation of, Isa_30:4.
Hang upon one when speaking, illustration of, Luk_19:48.
Hanging of the door of the tabernacle, description of, Luk_19:48.
Haphraim, situation of, Jos_19:19.
Haran, or Charræ in Mesopotamia, situation of, Gen_11:32; Isa_37:12.
Harem, how supplied, Est_2:3.
Harem, inviolability of, 1Sa_19:16.
Harhas, probably written Hasrah by mistake, 2Ch_34:22.
Harlot, real import of, Gen_38:21.
Harlot, word rendered, properly denotes a tavern-keeper, Jdg_2:1; Jdg_11:1;
Harness, import of the word, 1Ki_20:11.
Harness, properly a coat of mail, 2Ch_18:33.
Harnessed, import of word rendered, Exo_13:18.
Harodite and Harorite the same, 1Ch_11:27.
Harp, ancient, description of, 1Ch_13:8.
Harp, word so rendered the guitar, Dan_3:15.
Hart, import of the word so rendered, 1Ki_4:23.
Hart ensnared, and Egyptian emblem of a man overthrown by flattery,
Harvests, two, in Egypt, Exo_9:31.
Hasenuah and Pediah the same, Neh_11:7.
Hashupha and Hasupha the same, Ezr_2:43.
Hath not, to take from him who, meaning of the expression, Luk_19:26.
Havilah, situation of, 1Sa_15:7.
Hawk, rapidity of its flight, Job_39:26.
Hawk, night, probably the oriental owl, Deu_14:15.
Hay, word so rendered denotes herbage, Pro_27:25.
Hazar-gaddah, situation of, Jos_15:27.
Hazel, word so rendered properly the almond, Gen_30:37.
Hazeroth, situation of, Num_12:16.
Hazeroth, a place near Moab, Deu_1:1.
Hazezon-tamar, situation of, Gen_14:17.
Hazor, situation of, Jos_15:23; Jos_15:25; Jer_49:33.
Hazor in Naphtali, situation of, 1Ki_9:15.
He, sometimes equivalent to the true and eternal God, Jer_14:22.
He that cometh, a title of the Messiah, Mat_11:3.
Head, why a man dishonoreth it, by having it covered, 1Co_11:4.
Head, why a woman dishonoreth it, by having it uncovered, 1Co_11:5.
Head, to have it shaven, a punishment of adultery, 1Co_11:5.
Head, to lift up, meaning of, Jer_52:31.
Heads of enemies, brought to the conqueror, Jdg_7:25.
Heads, barbarous mode of making heaps, 2Ki_10:8.
Health, proper sense of word so rendered, Jer_33:6.
Heaps of stones, description of, Gen_31:46.
Heart, perfect, meaning of, 1Ch_12:38.
Heart, double, meaning of, 1Ch_12:38.
Hearth, rather a brazier, Jer_36:22.
Heaven, corn of, what, Psa_78:24.
Heaven, used metaphorically for an empire, Eze_32:7.
Heaven of heavens, import of, Deu_10:14; 2Ch_6:18.
Heavens made by the wisdom of God, Psa_136:5.
Heavens, God spreading them out as a curtain, illustrated, Isa_40:22.
Heavens, he who rideth upon, illustration of the expression, Psa_68:33.
Hebrew, Abram so called from Eber, Gen_14:13.
Hebrew, simplicity and force of, Gen_26:13.
Hebron, description of, Jos_10:3; Luk_1:39.
Heifer, red, institution of, Num_19:2.
Helbon, or Chalybon, now Aleppo, description of, Eze_27:18.
Heleb, Heled, and Heldai, the same, 1Ch_11:30.
Helez, why called the Paltite and Pelonite, 1Ch_27:10.
Hell, meaning of the word,
Psa_16:10; Mat_5:30.
Heman the Earahite, who, Psalms 88, title.
Heman and Homam, the same person, 1Ch_1:39.
Hamdan and Amram, the same person, 1Ch_1:41.
Hermon, mount, description of, Deu_3:9.
Hermon, dew of, account of, Psa_133:3.
Herod Antipas, account of, Luk_13:32.
Herod, dreadful death of, confirmed by Josephus, Act_12:21.
Herodias, account of, Mat_14:1; Mat_14:3.
Herodias’s daughter, account of, Mat_14:11.
Heshbon, now Heshban, situation of, Num_21:26.
Heshbon, the eyes compared to the fish-pool of, Son_7:4.
Hieropolis, account of, Col_4:13.
Higgaion, meaning of, Psa_9:16.
High Priest, consecration of, among the Romans, Lev_8:24.
Hinnom, valley of, where situated, Jos_15:8.
Hinnom, valley of, described, Jer_19:6.
Hiram and Huram, the same, 2Ch_4:16.
Hittites, where they dwelt, Deu_7:1.
Hivites, their country, Deu_7:1.
Hoar-frost, the formation of, Psa_147:16.
Hodaviah, Hodevah, and Judah, the same, Ezr_3:9.
Hodaviah and Joed, the same, Neh_11:7.
Holon and Hilen, the same, 1Ch_6:58.
Holy of Holies, not always accessible, Lev_16:2.
Holy Land, extent and boundaries of, as described by Ezekiel, Eze_47:17.
Holy Land, division of among the tribes, as described by the prophet,
Holy city, vast dimensions of, Eze_48:30.
Homer, capacity of, Lev_27:16; Eze_45:11.
Honey, wild, abundance of in Judea, 1Sa_14:25.
Honey, date, account of, Gen_43:11; 2Ch_31:5.
Honouring, singular mode of, Est_6:11.
Hook usually put in the nose of beasts in the East, 2Ki_19:28.
Hooks of the pillars of the tabernacle, what, Exo_26:32.
Hor, mount, situation of, Num_20:22.
Horeb, situation and description of, Exo_19:2.
Horeb, rock of, description of, Exo_17:6.
Horn, the son of oil, meaning of, Isa_5:1.
Horn, defiling of, in the dust, Job_16:15.
Horns used to ancient altars, Exo_38:2.
Horns of the altar, use of, Exo_27:2.
Horns worn in the East, 2Ch_18:10.
Horns worn by the Abyssinian kings, Psa_75:5.
Horns, the enemies of the Jews so represented, Zec_1:18.
Hornet, description of, Exo_23:28.
Horonaim, situation of, Jer_48:4.
Horse, why requiring a whip, Pro_26:3.
Horse in a chariot, a lady compared to, Son_1:9.
Horse, red, the emblem of war, Zec_6:1.
Horse, red, an emblem of the Divine judgments on the enemies of Christianity,
Horse, black, the emblem of famine and pestilence, Zec_6:1; Rev_6:5.
Horse, white, the emblem of removal of these judgments, Zec_6:1.
Horse, white, an emblem of the triumphs of Christianity, Rev_6:2.
Horse, grisled, the emblem of a mingled dispensation, Zec_6:1.
Horses, why not to be multiplied, Deu_17:16; 2Ch_9:28.
Horses unshod in the East, Jdg_5:22.
Horses, peculiar kind used by the kings of Persia, Est_6:8.
Horses, dedicated to the sun, 2Ki_23:11.
Horses, a company of, meaning of word so rendered, Son_2:9.
Hospitality, eastern and primitive, Gen_18:1.
Hospitality, high notions respecting, in the East, Jdg_19:24.
House of God, the tabernacle so called, Mat_12:4.
House, keepers of, the hands so called, Ecc_12:3.
Houses, description of, in the East, Psa_128:3.
Houses, redemption of, Lev_25:29.
House tops used in the East for the purpose of announcing any thing,
House tops, used for sleeping, 1Sa_9:26.
House tops resorted to in the East in the event of an alarm, etc., Isa_22:1.
House tops have stairs on the outside, and form continued terraces in walled
towns, Luk_17:31.
Humility, advantages of, Pro_25:7; Luk_14:8.
Huppim, Hupham, and Huram, the same, 1Ch_8:5.
Hyæna, description of, Jer_12:9.
Hyke, or plaid, of the Arabs, description and use of, Deu_24:13.
Hymns, import of, Eph_5:19.
Hyperbaton, instance of, Deu_32:42.
Hyperbole, strong eastern one, Joh_21:25.
Hyperbolical expressions used in the East, instances of, 2Sa_14:17;
Hyssop, description of, Exo_12:22.
Hyssop, a species with a reedy stalk, Joh_19:29.
I AM, import of, Exo_3:15.
I AM, a title claimed by Jesus, Joh_8:58.
Ibleam, called Bileam, by a transposition of letters, 1Ch_6:70.
Iconium, situation of, Act_13:51.
Idle word, meaning of, Mat_12:36.
Idolatry, objects of Egyptian, Deu_4:17.
Idolatry retained among the Israelites, Jos_24:14.
Idolatry, folly of, exhibited, Isa_44:12.
Idols, vanity of, illustrated, Psa_115:4.
Idols, the memory of some of them totally perished, Isa_65:11.
Idols, contrast between them and God, Psa_115:13.
Ignorance, law relative to sins of, Num_15:22.
Ije-abarin, meaning of, Num_21:11; Num_33:44.
Ijon, situation of, 1Ki_15:20.
Ilex, or holly-oak, description of, Isa_1:29.
Illyricum, description of, Rom_15:19.
Imagination, extensive import of the word, Gen_6:5.
India, description of, Est_8:9.
Iniquity, used for the punishment of it, Job_21:19.
Iniquity, they who plough, also reap it, illustration of, Job_4:8.
Ink, word so rendered proved to have this meaning, Jer_36:18.
Inkhorn, shewn to be a proper rendering of the original word, and the mode of
wearing it illustrated, Eze_9:2.
Inn, description of an eastern, Gen_42:27.
Interest, exorbitant rate of, Neh_5:11.
Interpreter, import of the word rendered, Gen_42:23.
Ir-shemesh, situation of, Jos_19:41.
Iron, northern, what, Jer_15:12.
Isaac, import of the name, Gen_17:19.
Iscah, probably the same as Sarai, Gen_11:29.
Ishi, import of the name, Hos_2:16.
Ishmael, import of the name, Gen_16:11.
Ishmael, prophecies concerning the descendants of, verified, Gen_16:12.
Israel, chief of the fathers of, who, 2Ch_23:2.
Israel, the term, applied in a general way to Judah, 2Ch_23:2; 2Ch_28:27.
Israel, wonderful continuance of, as a nation, while the very names of their
enemies have become extinct, Jer_31:36.
Israelites preserved a distinct people, Num_23:9.
Israelites, order of their march, Num_10:14.
Israelites, families of, Num_26:25.
Israelitish tribes, numbers of, Num_26:51.
Issachar, meaning of the name, Gen_30:18.
Isthmian games, referred to by St. Paul, 1Co_9:24.
Instructed, import of word so rendered, Php_4:12.
Isui and Ishui, the same in the original, 1Ch_7:30.
Italian band, account of, Act_10:1.
Italy, account of, Act_27:1.
Ithra and Jether, the same, 1Ch_2:17.
Ittai the same as Ithai, 1Ch_11:31.
Iturea, account of, Luk_3:1.
Ivory houses, what, 1Ki_22:39.
Izeharites and Izharites, the same, 1Ch_24:22.
Jaalah and Jaala, the same, Neh_7:58.
Jabbok, now the Zerka, situation of, Gen_32:22.
Jabesh-gilead, situation of, Jdg_21:8.
Jabneh, or Jamnia, description of, 2Ch_26:6.
Jachin, meaning of, 1Ki_7:21.
Jacinth, description of, Rev_21:20.
Jacob’s well, description of, Joh_4:6.
Jaddua, account of, Neh_12:11.
Jah, signification of, Psa_68:4.
Jahaz, or Jahaza, situation of, Jos_13:18.
Janohah, situation of, Jos_16:6.
Japheth, enlargement of the boundaries of, Gen_9:27.
Japhia, situation of, Jos_19:12.
Jarmuth, situation of, Jos_12:11.
Jarmuth, probably the same as Remeth and Ramoth, Jos_21:29.
Jasher, book of, what, 2Sa_1:18.
Jashobeam, probably called by a mistake Adino the Ezrite, 2Sa_23:8.
Jasper, description of, Exo_39:13.
Jattir, situation of, Jos_21:14.
Javan, denotes the Grecians, Isa_66:19.
Javelin, or spear, an emblem of royal authority, 1Sa_18:10.
Jazer, situation of, Jos_13:29.
Jealousy, spirit of, Num_5:14.
Jealousy, trial of, Num_5:15; Num_5:18.
Jebusi, where situated, Jos_18:16.
Jebusites inhabited about Jerusalem, Deu_7:1.
Jeconiah, why called Assir, 1Ch_3:17.
Jedidiah, signification of, 2Sa_12:25.
Jeduthun, same as Ethan, 1Ch_23:1; Psalms 39, title.
Jegar-sahadutha, meaning of, Gen_31:47.
Jehiel and Hehieli, the same, 1Ch_26:22.
Jehoahaz, why called Shallum, 1Ch_3:15.
Jehoash, how called Joash, 2Ch_24:1.
Jehoiarib and Joiarib, the same, Neh_11:10.
Jehoram associated with his father, 2Ch_21:3.
Jehoshaphat, meaning of the name, Joe_3:12.
Jehoshaphat, pious conduct of, 2Ch_20:28.
Jehoshaphat, valley of, where situated, Joe_3:12.
Jehozadak and Josedech, the same in the original, Hag_1:1.
JEHOVAH, meaning of, Exo_3:15.
Jehovah-nissi, import of, Exo_17:15.
Jemsheed, cup of, traditions respecting, Gen_44:5.
Jerahmeelites, who they were, and where they inhabited, 1Sa_30:19.
Jeremiah, disinterested and patriotic conduct of, Jer_40:6.
Jericho, road to, from Jerusalem, dangerous, Luk_10:30.
Jerijah and Jeriah the same in the original, 1Ch_24:23.
Jerubbaal, why called Jerubbesheth, Jer_11:13.
Jeruel, wilderness of, where situated, 2Ch_20:16.
Jerusalem, description and history of, 1Ch_8:28; 1Ch_9:3.
Jerusalem surrounded by mountains, Psa_125:2.
Jerusalem, a fast kept by the Jews for the destruction of by Nebuchadnezzar,
Jerusalem, dedication of the wall of, Neh_12:27.
Jerusalem, great population of, after the captivity, Zec_2:4.
Jerusalem surrounded with a rampart by Titus, Luk_19:43.
Jerusalem, the destruction of, preceded by false Christs, Luk_21:8.
Jerusalem, the destruction of, preceded by wars and rumours of wars,
Jerusalem, the destruction of, preceded by nation rising against nation,
Jerusalem, the destruction of, preceded by earthquakes and famines,
Jerusalem, the destruction of, preceded by fearful sights and signs from
heaven, Luk_21:11.
Jerusalem, distress from famine at the siege of, Deu_28:54.
Jerusalem, terrible calamities of the Jews at the destruction of, Luk_23:29.
Jerusalem, dreadful slaughter and captivity of the Jews at the destruction of,
Jerusalem, no Christian perished at, Luk_21:21.
Jerusalem, utter destruction of, Luk_21:24.
Jeshaiah, probably contracted or corrupted into Isshiah, 1Ch_24:21.
Jeshanah, situation of, 2Ch_13:19.
Jeshimon, situation of, 1Sa_25:19.
Jeshua and Joshua, the same, Hag_1:1.
Jesiah and Isshiah, the same in the original, 1Ch_24:25.
Jether and Ithram the same, 1Ch_7:37.
Jetur, the father of the Itureans, Gen_25:13.
Jew, name of, a proverbial mark of contempt, Deu_28:37.
Jew, one inwardly, what, Rom_2:29.
Jews, a blessing to all nations, Zec_8:13.
Jews, various minor captivities of, Jer_52:28.
Jews, have wholly forsaken idolatry since the Babylonian captivity, s predicted,
Jews, destruction of at, and subsequent to the siege of Jerusalem, Deu_28:62.
Jews, numbers sold as slaves in Egypt,
Jews, their miserable dispersion, Deu_28:65.
Jewels, import of word so rendered, Gen_24:53.
Jezreel, signification of, Hos_1:4; Hos_1:11.
Jezreel, situation and account of, 1Sa_29:11.
Jimnah and Imnah the same in the original, 1Ch_7:30.
Jogbehah, situation of, Jdg_8:11.
John the Baptist, Josephus’s account of his imprisonment and death,
John, probably the same as Johanan ben Zaccai, Act_4:6.
Joiarib, a contraction of Jehoiarib, 1Ch_24:7.
Joiarib, thought an honour to be descended from, 1Ch_24:7.
Joined together, proper meaning of, Mat_19:6.
Jokneam, river before, what, Jos_19:11.
Joktheel, the same as Selah or Petra, which see, 2Ki_14:7.
Jonadab, some account of, Jer_35:6.
Jonath-elim-rechokim, meaning of, Psalms 56, title.
Joppa, now Yaffa, description of, Ezr_3:7.
Jorah and Hariph the same, Neh_7:24.
Joram, probably a mistake for Hadoram, 1Ch_18:10.
Jordan, description of, Jos_3:1.
Jordan, banks, width, and overflowing of, Jos_3:15.
Jordan, miraculous passage of, Jos_3:17.
Joseph, import of the name, Gen_30:24.
Joseph, beauty of, celebrated in the East, Gen_39:6.
Josiah, amiable character of, 2Ki_22:1.
Josiah’s conduct in fighting against Necho vindicated, 2Ch_35:22.
Jothbathah, where situated, Num_33:33.
Jubilee, an account of, Lev_25:11; Lev_25:21; Lev_25:52.
Jubilee, typical design of, Isa_61:1.
Judah, meaning of the name, Gen_29:35.
Judah, perhaps a town so called, Jos_19:34.
Judas of Galilee, account of, Act_5:37.
Judea, or Jewry, description of, Joh_7:1.
Judea, represented as a woman sitting on the ground, Lam_2:10.
Judges, Israelitish, Jos_1:10; Jdg_2:16.
Judges, meaning of the word so rendered, Dan_3:3.
Judgment, meaning of, Deu_4:1.
Judgment, import of word so rendered, Mat_5:22.
Juniper, word so rendered probably denotes broom, Job_30:4; Psa_120:4.
Jupiter, some account of, Act_14:12.
Juttah, situation of, Jos_21:16.
Kadesh, or En-mishphat, situation of, Gen_14:7.
Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, where situated, Num_20:1.
Kanah brook, where situated, Jos_17:9.
Kanah town, situation of, Jos_19:28.
Karkas, situation of, Jos_15:3.
Kartan, probably the same as Kiriathaim, Jos_21:32.
Kedar, the father of the Cedreans, Gen_25:13.
Kedar, or Kedarenians, account of, Psa_120:5.
Kedar, a clan of Arabians, Isa_42:11.
Kedemoth, situation of, Jos_13:18.
Kedesh in Galilee, situation of, Jos_20:7.
Keilah, situation of, 1Sa_23:1.
Kemuel, probably the father of the Kamilites, Gen_22:1.
Kenath, or Kanatha, situation of, 1Ch_2:23.
Kenites, where they inhabited, 1Sa_30:29.
Kerchief, import of the term, Eze_13:18.
Keys, ancient ones very large, and a mark of office, Isa_22:22.
Kibroth-hattaavah, meaning of, Num_33:16.
Kid, mode of dressing in the East, Jdg_6:19.
Kid, why not to be boiled in its mother’s milk, Exo_23:19.
Kidron, or Cedron, description of, 2Sa_15:23.
King, word rendered, sometimes denotes a governor or ruler, Jdg_18:1.
King of Kings, a title of the Persian monarchs, Ezr_7:12.
King’s pool, situation of, Gen_14:5.
Kir, situation of, 2Ki_16:9.
Kir-haraseth, probably the same as Ar, or Areopolis, 2Ki_3:25.
Kiriathaim, situation of, Gen_14:5.
Kirjathaim, situation of, Jos_13:19.
Kirjath-arim, probably a mistake for Kirjath-jearim, Neh_7:29.
Kirjath-huzoth, meaning and situation of, Num_22:39.
Kirjath-jearim, situation of, Jdg_18:12.
Kishi and Kushaiah the same, 1Ch_15:17.
Kishon, river, account of, Jos_19:11.
Kison and Kishon the same in the original, Psa_83:9.
Kissing the hand towards an idol, and kissing the idol, a mode of adoration,
Kitron, situation of, Jdg_1:30.
Kneading-troughs, description of, Exo_12:34.
Knives of stone anciently used, Jos_5:2.
Know, to, nothing to oneself, meaning of, 1Co_4:4.
Knowledge, meaning of the term, Exo_35:31.
Korah and Kore the same, 1Ch_26:19.
Laban, a place near Moab, Deu_1:1.
Labours used for the produce of labour, Jer_20:5.
Lachish, situation of, Jos_10:31; Jos_12:11.
Ladies, eastern, often prepare cakes, pastry, etc., themselves, 2Sa_13:8.
Laish, or Dan, situation of, Jdg_18:7.
Lamb, word so rendered also denotes a kid, Exo_12:3.
Lamb of God, an allusion to the morning and evening sacrifice, Joh_1:36.
Lamp of the tabernacle always burning, Exo_27:20.
Land flowing with milk and honey, illustration of, Lev_20:24.
Land marks, what, and laws relative to, Deu_19:11.
Laodice, wife of Antiochus Theos, predictions respecting, Dan_11:6.
Laodicea, description of, Col_4:13.
Lap, shaking of, illustrated, Neh_5:13.
Lapwing, import of word so rendered, Deu_14:18.
Lasea, situation of, Act_27:8.
Latter days, meaning of, Joe_2:28.
Lattices, or ballustrades, on the roofs of Eastern houses, account of, 2Ki_12:2.
Law, extensive meaning of the term, Rom_4:15.
Law, the term, used by the Jews for the whole Scriptures, 1Co_14:21.
Law, he who offends in one point of, is guilty of all, illustrated, Jas_2:10.
Lazarus, on the raising of, Joh_11:1.
Lead anciently employed for the purpose of separating alloy from metals,
Leaves, the term, used for nobles, Eze_17:9.
Lebana and Lebanah, the same, Ezr_2:45.
Lebanon, mount, description of, Deu_3:25.
Lebanon, snow of, utility of, Jer_18:14.
Lebanon, why the nose is compared to the tower of, Son_7:4.
Lebanon used for Jerusalem, Eze_17:3.
Lebanon, the temple so called, Zec_11:1.
Lebonah, situation of, Jdg_21:19.
Left-handed, import of the phrase, Jdg_20:16.
Legion, number of men which composed it, Mat_26:53.
Legs, breaking those of criminals, a usual custom, Joh_19:31.
Lepers, and the unclean, reason for their expulsion from the camp of the
Israelites, Num_5:2.
Leprosy, account of, Lev_13:2.
Leprosy, a species harmless, Lev_13:13.
Leprosy, a species called bohak, account of, Lev_13:39.
Leprosy, propriety of the rules respecting, Lev_13:22.
Leprosy in garments, account of, Lev_13:47.
Leprosy in houses, account of, Lev_14:34; Lev_14:45.
Leshem, Laish, or Dan, situation of, Jdg_18:7.
Let, meaning of the word, Exo_5:4.
Letters, sealed up in a bag in the East, and an insult to send one open,
Levi, import of the name, Gen_29:34.
Leviathan, or crocodile, description of, Job_41:7; Job_41:30; Job_41:32.
Leviathan used for the Egyptian government, Psa_74:14.
Levites, choice of, for the service of God, Num_3:12.
Levites, given for the redemption of the first-born, Num_3:46.
Levites, how offered to God, Num_3:6; Num_8:13; Num_8:19.
Levites, number of, Num_3:39; Num_4:36.
Levites, numbered from a month old, Num_3:28.
Levites, charge of, Num_3:25.
Levites, each appointed to his several office, Num_4:27.
Levites, families of, adapted to their several services, Num_4:24; Num_7:2.
Levites, term of their servitude, Num_8:24; 1Ch_23:24.
Levites, portion of, Deu_14:28.
Levitical cities, Jos_21:41.
Levitical cities, suburbs of, Num_35:4.
Lex talionis, existence of, among various nations, Exo_21:24.
Libnah, where situated, Jos_10:29; Jos_12:15.
Libni and Laadan, the same person, 1Ch_23:7.
Libya, situation of, 2Ch_12:3.
Lice, meaning of the word so rendered, Exo_8:16.
Light, wonderful celerity of, Psa_139:9.
Light of the world, one of the titles of the Messiah, claimed by Jesus, Joh_9:6.
Light, shining, path of the just compared to, Pro_4:18.
Light, an emblem of prosperity, Lam_3:2; Amo_5:20.
Lights, import of word so rendered, Gen_1:14.
Lightning produces rain, Job_38:26; Psa_135:7.
Ligure, description of, Exo_39:12.
Lily, description of, Luk_12:27.
Line, to stretch out over a place, import of, 2Ki_21:13.
Line, or cord, used for sound, Psa_19:4.
Line, import of word so rendered, 2Co_10:13.
Linen, fine, meaning of word so rendered, Pro_31:22.
Linen yarn, various senses given to the word so rendered, 2Ch_1:16.
Lion, word so rendered probably a kind of serpent, Psa_91:13.
Lion, young, Pharaoh compared to, Eze_32:5.
Lioness, an emblem of Judea, Eze_19:2.
Lions, emblems of kings, Eze_19:2.
Lions, young, emblems of princes, Eze_19:2.
Lips, to put a bridle in, illustrated, Isa_37:29.
Lips, burning, and a wicked heart, why compared to a potsherd covered with
silver dross, Pro_26:23.
Litters, meaning of word so rendered, Isa_66:20.
Live for ever, may the king, illustrated, Neh_2:3.
Living creatures, an emblem of what, Eze_1:6.
Lizard, import of word rendered, Lev_11:30.
Lo-ammi, import of, Hos_1:9.
Loaves, eastern, form and size of, 1Sa_25:18.
Locust, description of, Exo_10:4.
Locust, four species of, Joe_1:4.
Locusts, brought and carried off by winds, Exo_10:13.
Locusts, wisdom of, Pro_30:27.
Locusts, dreadful ravages of, Joe_1:12; Joe_2:2; Joe_2:7.
Lod or Lydda, situation and description of, 1Ch_8:12.
Lo-debar, probably the same as Debir, 2Sa_9:4.
Loins, necessity of girding, on account of the eastern dress, 2Ki_9:1.
Looking-glasses, properly brazen mirrors, Exo_38:8.
Lord, the Messiah so called, Mic_4:7; Mal_3:1.
Lord, a title refused by Augustus and Tiberius, but demanded by Nero,
Lord our Righteousness, proper rendering and import of, Jer_33:16.
Lo-ruhamah, meaning of, Hos_1:6.
Lot, the division of the land among the Israelites by, Jos_14:2.
Love, not to be in word, but in deed and in truth, illustration of, 1Jn_3:18.
Love, a chariot paved with, probable meaning of, Son_3:10.
Lubim, probably the inhabitants of Libya, 2Ch_12:3.
Luhith, situation of, Jer_48:5.
Lunatic, meaning of, Mat_17:15.
Lycaonia, description of, Act_14:6.
Lycaonia, speech of, what, Act_14:11.
Lydda, or Lod, description of, 1Ch_8:12.
Lying, erroneous notions of heathens respecting, 1Sa_21:2.
Lystra, situation of, Act_14:6.
Maacah, probably the father of the Macetes, in Arabia Felix, Gen_22:24.
Maachah, daughter of Absalom, and Michaiah the daughter of Uriel, the same,
Maacah, king, the same as king of Maachah, 1Ch_19:7.
Macedonia, description of, Act_19:29.
Madman, instances of persons acting as such, 1Sa_21:14.
Madmannah, situation of, 1Ch_2:49.
Madon, situation of, Jos_11:7.
Magdala, situation of, Mat_15:39.
Magi, attended the kings of Persia in war, Jer_39:3.
Magicians, account of, Gen_41:8.
Magog, probably the Scythians or Tartars, Eze_38:2.
Magor-missabib, meaning of, Jer_20:3.
Mahalath, meaning of, Psalms 53, title.
Mahanaim, import of the name and where situated, Gen_32:2.
Maimed, word so rendered properly denotes one who had lost a limb,
Makkedah, situation of, Jos_10:28.
Malchiah and Malchijah, the same, Neh_10:3.
Male, any, proverbial mode of expressing, 1Sa_25:22.
Mallows, import of word so rendered, Job_30:4.
Mammon, signification of, Mat_6:24.
Man, meaning of the Hebrew word, Gen_1:26.
Man, the term, signifies both man and woman, Rom_7:2.
Man, how said to have no pre-eminence over a beast, Ecc_3:19.
Manasseh, meaning of the name, Gen_41:51.
Manasseh, inheritance of the half tribe of, east of Jordan, Num_34:15.
Manasseh, son of Joiada, account of, Neh_13:28.
Mandrakes, description of, Gen_30:14.
Maneh, weight and value of, Eze_45:12.
Manna, description of, Exo_16:22; Exo_16:31.
Manslaughter, laws of, Num_35:26.
Man-stealing, a capital crime, Exo_21:16.
Maps, probably used in the time of Joshua, Jos_18:9.
Mara, meaning of the word, Rth_1:20.
Marah, signification of, Exo_15:23.
Marble stones, probably Persian marble, 1Ch_29:2.
Mareshah, situation and account of, 1Ch_4:21.
Marriage with near relatives, Gen_38:26.
Marriage, various m odes of, Gen_38:26.
Marriages, prohibited, Lev_18:6.
Marriage-feast, nature and duration of, Gen_29:28.
Marrying, oriental and royal mode of, 1Sa_25:39.
Maschil, import of, Psalms 42, title.
Massah, import of the word, Exo_17:7.
Meadow, import of word so rendered, Gen_41:2.
Measure, first, what, 2Ch_3:4.
Measure, word so rendered, the cor, 2Ch_27:5.
Measure, capacity of word so rendered, Mat_13:33.
Measure, meaning of word so rendered, 2Co_10:13.
Measures, word so rendered baths, Luk_16:6.
Measures, word so rendered cors, Luk_16:7.
Measures, divers, prohibited, Deu_25:14.
Meat, meaning of word rendered, Gen_45:23.
Meat-offering, account of, Lev_2:1.
Meat-offerings among the heathen, Lev_2:14.
Mebunnai and Sibbecai the same, 1Ch_11:29.
Megiddo, situation of, 2Ki_23:29.
Media, description of, Est_10:2.
Medes and Persians, empire of, represented by the breast and arms of silver,
Medes and Persians, empire of, represented as a bear, Dan_7:5.
Medo-Persian empire represented by a ram with two horns, Dan_8:3.
Mehunim and Meunim, the same in the original, Neh_7:5.
Mekonah, situation of, Neh_11:18.
Melchizedek, probably Shem, Gen_14:18.
Melita, or Malta, description of, Act_28:1.
Memphis, or Moph, account of, Jer_46:19.
Men, sacrificed by the Egyptians, Exo_9:8.
Men, strong, legs so called, Ecc_12:3.
Men and women, figures of, cities so represented, Dan_2:31.
Meni, probably a name for the moon, Isa_65:11.
Mensuration, necessity of in Egypt, Isa_18:2.
Mephaath, situation of, Jos_13:18.
Merchants, a city of, Babylon so called, Eze_17:4.
Mercury, some account of, Act_14:12.
Mercury, the god of highways, Pro_26:8.
Meribah, meaning of the name, Exo_17:7.
Merodach-baladan, account of, Isa_39:1.
Merom, waters of, description of, Jos_11:5.
Meshech, probably the Moschi, Isa_66:19; Eze_32:26.
Meshech, situation of, Psa_120:5.
Mesopotamia, situation and account of, Jdg_3:8.
Messenger of the covenant, a name of the Messiah, Mal_3:1.
Messes proportioned to the rank of the guests, Gen_43:34.
Messiah, pre-existence of, believed by the Jews, Joh_8:58.
Messiah, the miraculous conception of, foretold, Jer_31:22.
Messiah, to be pierced by the Jews, Zec_12:10.
Messiah, the consequences of the advent of, Mal_3:5.
Messiah, took our infirmities, Mat_8:17.
Messiah, prophecy respecting his sitting at the right hand of God, Mat_22:44.
Messiah, kingdom of, represented by a stone cut out without hands, Dan_2:44.
Messiah expected by the Jews to give them bread from heaven, Joh_6:51.
Metheg-ammah, import of, 2Sa_8:1.
Miamin, Mijamin, and Miniamin the same, Neh_10:7; Neh_12:17.
Micah and Michah the same in the original, 1Ch_24:24.
Mice, accounts of devastations by, 1Sa_6:5.
Michaiah, called by abbreviation, Micah, 2Ch_34:20.
Michmas and Michmash, the same, Neh_7:31.
Michmash, situation of, 1Sa_13:2; Isa_10:28.
Michmash to Ajalon, distance from, 1Sa_14:31.
Michmethah, situation of, Jos_17:7.
Michtam, import of, Psalms 57, title.
Midian, situated on the coast of the Red sea, Exo_4:19.
Midian, east of the Dead sea, 1Ki_11:18.
Migdol, signification and situation of, Exo_14:2.
Migdol, or Magdolus, situation of, Jer_46:14.
Miletus, situation of, Act_20:13.
Military harangues, instances of fine ones, 2Sa_10:12.
Millennium, what, Rev_20:2.
Millet, import of word so rendered, Eze_4:9.
Millo, description of, 1Ki_9:15.
Mill, hand, description of, Mat_24:41.
Millstones, description and necessity of, Deu_24:6.
Millstones, the absence of the sound of, a sign of desolation, Jer_25:10.
Millstone, punishment of criminals by drowning with one around the neck,
Mina, weight and value of, Luk_19:13.
Mingled people, who dwell in the desert, probably the Bedouin Arabs,
Miniamin the same as Mijamin, 1Ch_24:9.
Minister, properly a servant at table, Mat_20:26.
Minni, the lesser Armenia, Jer_51:27.
Minnith, situation of, Jdg_11:31.
Mirth, why commended, Ecc_8:15.
Miry places, emblematical meaning of, Eze_47:11.
Mishnah, account of, Mat_15:2.
Mischief, or evil devisers of, themselves punished, Est_7:9.
Misheal, situation of, Jos_19:26.
Misperith and Mizpar the same, Ezr_2:2.
Mite, meaning and value of, Mar_12:42.
Mitre, description of, Exo_29:6.
Mitylene, situation of, Act_20:13.
Mixtures of various kinds forbidden, Lev_19:19.
Mizpah, import of the name, Gen_31:40.
Mizpah, several places of this name, 2Ki_25:23.
Mizpeh, of Benjamin, situation of, Jos_18:25.
Mizpeh, of Gilead, situation of, Jer_11:11.
Mnason, some account of, Act_21:16.
Moab, import of the name, Gen_19:37.
Moab, situation of, Deu_23:3.
Moab, judgments upon, Eze_25:4.
Moab, destruction of, Jer_48:4; Jer_48:42.
Moab, restoration of, foretold, Jer_48:47.
Moadiah and Maachiah, the same, Neh_12:5.
Mohammed, prediction of his rise, Rev_9:4.
Mohammedanism, prediction concerning, Dan_12:11.
Moladah, situation of, Jos_15:26; 1Ch_4:28.
Mole, word rendered, the chamelion, Lev_11:30.
Mole, description of, Isa_2:20.
Molech, the sun, Lev_18:21.
Molech, an account of, Lev_20:2.
Molech, passing through the fire to, Lev_18:21.
Monarchs, despotic power of eastern, 1Sa_8:13.
Money weighed in the East, Gen_23:15.
Money, how said to answer all things, Ecc_10:19.
Money, unsatisfying nature of, Ecc_5:10.
Money, meaning of word so rendered, Mar_6:8; Mar_12:41.
Month, fourth, when it commenced, Jer_39:2.
Month, fifth, when it commenced, Jer_28:1.
Month, seventh, when it commenced, Jer_41:1.
Month, tenth, when it commenced, Jer_39:1.
Moon, time measured by, Psa_89:37.
Moon, light of, how caused, and how it may be said to rule the night,
Moon, an emblem of a queen, or some state less than a kingdom, Eze_32:7.
Morning and evening made to rejoice by God, Psa_65:8.
Moseroth, situation of, Num_33:30.
Mosaic laws, superiority of, Lev_19:9.
Moses, meaning of the name, Exo_2:10.
Moses, extraordinary beauty of, Heb_11:23.
Moses, life of, distinguished into three remarkable periods, Deu_31:2.
Mosquito-nets used in the East, 1Sa_19:13.
Mote, meaning of word so rendered, Mat_7:3.
Mother, reproach of one, galling nature of, 1Sa_20:30.
Mountains, shadow of, like men, Jdg_9:36.
Mountains used for idolatrous worship, Deu_12:2; Deu_12:13.
Mountains, removing, meaning of, Mar_11:23.
Mountains singing, illustrated, Isa_55:12.
Mounts used to plant engines on in sieges, description of, 2Sa_20:15;
Mourning, signs of, Jer_41:5.
Mourning, various modes of evincing, Jos_7:6.
Mourning, rending clothes, etc, signs of, 1Sa_4:11.
Mourning, instances of laceration in, Deu_14:1.
Mourning, women employed in the East, Jer_9:17.
Mourning of the easterns boisterous, Gen_45:2.
Mournings among the Egyptians frantic, Exo_12:30.
Mouse, extensive meaning of the word, Lev_11:29.
Mowings, king’s, what, Amo_7:1.
Music, soothing influence of, 2Ki_3:15.
Music, daughters of, the voice and ear so called, Ecc_12:14.
Musical instrument, three stringed, what, 1Sa_18:6.
Mulberry-tree, probable meaning of the word so rendered, 2Sa_5:23.
Mules, import of word so rendered, Gen_36:24; Est_8:10.
Mustard, description of, Mar_4:31.
Muth-labben, import of, Psalms 9, title.
Myra, situation of, Act_27:5.
Myriad, the highest number known in Greek arithmetical notation, Mat_18:24.
Myrrh, description of, Exo_30:23.
Myrrh, meaning of word so rendered, Gen_37:25.
Mysia, description of, Act_16:7.
NAARAN, or Naarath, situation of, 1Ch_7:28.
Nain, situation of, Luk_7:11.
Naked, import of the term, Exo_32:25; 2Sa_5:20.
Naked, frequent meaning of the word, Joh_21:7.
Name of the Lord, on blaspheming of, Lev_24:11; Lev_24:16.
Name, change of, meaning and prevalence of the custom, 2Ki_24:17.
Names, variations in, probable causes of, 1Ch_6:36; 1Ch_6:70.
Naomi, meaning of the name, Rth_1:20.
Naphtali, meaning of the name, Gen_30:8.
Natural man, who, 1Co_2:14.
Nature, wheel, or course of, what, Jdg_3:6.
Nazarites, account of, Num_6:2.
Nazarites, institution of, Num_6:3.
Nazarites, a common practice for persons to bear their expenses for sacrifices,
Nazareth, description of, Luk_2:39.
Neapolis, description of, Act_16:11.
Nebajoth, the father of the Nabatheans, Gen_25:13.
Nebo, mount, situation and description of, Num_33:47.
Nebo, city, situation of, 1Ch_5:8.
Nebo in Judah, situation of, Ezr_2:29.
Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuchadrezzar the same, Jer_21:7.
Nebuchadnezzar, account of, 2 KL24:1; Jer_21:7.
Nebuchadnezzar associated with his father, two years before his death,
Nebuchadnezzar’s madness, nature of, illustrated, Dan_4:25.
Nebuchadnezzar, the success of, predicted, Jer_27:8.
Necho, why so called, 2Ch_35:20.
Neck, stiff, illustration of, Psa_75:5.
Necks, hardening of, origin of the phrase, Jer_19:15.
Necromancer, import of the term, Deu_18:10.
Neginoth, meaning of, Psalms 4, title.
Nehelamite, meaning of, Jer_29:24.
Nehemiah, vindication of,
Nehiloth, meaning of, Psalms 5, title.
Nehum, written Rehum, probably by mistake, Ezr_2:2.
Nephusim and Nephishesim, the same, Neh_7:52.
Nergal, account of, 2Ki_17:30.
Nergal-sharezer, who, Jer_39:3.
Net, sacrificing unto, illustrated, Hab_1:16.
Net, drag, description of, Mat_13:47.
Nettles, import of word so rendered, Job_30:7.
New, nothing, under the sun, Ecc_1:9.
New, sometimes denotes excellent, Psa_149:1.
New-year’s-day, celebration of, Num_29:1.
Nibhaz, account of, 2Ki_17:30.
Night, extreme cold of, in the East, Jer_36:30.
Nile, fertility of Egypt, dependant upon its overflowing, Gen_41:31.
Nile worshipped by the Egyptians, Exo_7:20.
Nineveh, description of, Jon_3:2.
Nineveh, population of, Jon_4:11.
Nineveh, taken and destroyed by the Medes and Babylonians, exactly in the
same manner as foretold, Nah_2:6; Nah_2:10; Nah_3:11; Nah_3:18.
Nitocris, queen of Babylon, who, Dan_10:13.
Nitre, or natron, account of, Pro_25:20.
Nitre used for washing in the East, Jer_2:22.
Noah, meaning of the name, Gen_5:28.
No-amon, or Diospolis, description of, Nah_3:8.
Nob, situation of, 1Sa_21:1; Isa_10:28.
Nobah, situation of, Jdg_8:11.
Nod, import of the word, Gen_4:16
Noon, to rest at, customary in the East, 2Sa_4:5.
Noph, Moph, or Memphis, account of, Jer_46:19.
Numbering of the Israelites, reason of, Num_1:2.
Numbers, variations in, probable causes of, 1Ch_6:60;. 1Ch_19:18; 1Ch_21:1.
Nursing-fathers, instances of, 2Ki_10:6.
Nuts, pistacio, account of, Gen_43:11.
Oak, word so rendered, probably the ilex or holly oak, Isa_1:29.
Oak, longevity of, Isa_65:22.
Oath, mode of taking, by placing the hand under the thigh, origin of,
Oath, how understood by the ancients, Gen_24:39.
Obed, meaning of the name, Rth_4:17.
Oboth, situation of, Num_21:11.
Observer of times, import of, Deu_18:10.
Oded, the prophet, affecting speech of, 2Ch_28:9.
Offered, proper meaning of the word rendered, Php_2:17.
Offering, import of the term, Lev_1:2.
Officers of the Israelites in Egypt, Exo_5:6.
Officers among the Israelites, Jos_1:10.
Oil, said to be pernicious to a naked bone, Psa_109:18.
Oil, olive, pure beaten, description of, Exo_27:20.
Oil-tree, what, Isa_41:19.
Old age, infirmities of, exemplified in the case of the good old Barzillai,
Olive-tree, what, Isa_41:19.
Olivet, mount, description of, 2Sa_15:30.
Omer, capacity of, Lev_27:16.
Omission, instance of, in the Hebrew text, Gen_2:24.
On, or Heliopolis, description of, Jer_44:13.
Onesimus, meaning of the name, Phm_1:1.
Ono, situation of, 1Ch_8:12.
Onycha, description of, Exo_30:34.
Onyx, description of, Gen_2:12; Exo_39:6.
Onyx stones, word so rendered, probably denotes a kind of marble, called
onychites, 1Ch_29:2.
Open a book, properly to unroll, Luk_4:17.
Ophel, a tower or fort in the city wall, 2Ch_27:3.
Ophir, where situated, 2Ch_8:18.
Ophni, or Gophna, situation of, Jos_18:24.
Ophra, situation of, Jos_18:23.
Oracle in the temple, what, 1Ki_6:16.
Oracles, heathen, ambiguous answers of, 1Ki_22:6; 1Ki_22:15.
Oreb, rock, situation of, Jdg_7:25.
Organ, a kind of pipe, Gen_4:21; Psa_150:4.
Ospray, word so rendered, the black eagle, Lev_11:13.
Ossifrage, account of, Lev_11:13.
Ostracism, early instance of, Gen_16:16.
Ostrich, description of, Lam_4:3.
Ouches, properly sockets, Exo_39:6.
Oven, eastern, description of, Lev_2:4.
Owl, meaning of word so rendered, Isa_34:11.
Owl, great, import of word so rendered, Isa_34:15.
Owls, word so rendered properly ostriches, Job_30:29.
Ox, wild, properly the oryx, Deu_14:5.
Oxen, round the molten sea, probably a mistake for knops, 2Ch_4:3.
Palaces, eastern, description of, Jdg_16:27.
Palmer-worm, import of word so rendered, Joe_1:4.
Palm-tree, description of, 1Ki_6:29.
Palm-tree, various uses of, Psa_92:12.
Pamphylia, description of, Act_15:38.
Pan for cooking, description of, Lev_2:5.
Panic, origin of the word, and instances of persons seized with, 1Ki_20:20.
Papal supremacy represented by a little horn, Dan_7:24-25.
Paphos, situation of, Act_13:6.
Papyrus, description of, Exo_2:3.
Parable, import of the term, Num_23:7.
Parable, properly a poetic composition, Psa_78:2.
Parable, meaning and definition of, Mat_13:3.
Paran, wilderness of, where situated, Num_13:3.
Paran, city, situation of, 1Ki_11:8.
Paran, a place near Moab, Deu_1:1.
Parbar, signification of, 1Ch_26:18.
Paring of the nails, meaning of, Deu_21:12.
Parlour, summer, what, Jdg_3:20.
Paronomasia, instances of, Num_18:2; Jdg_15:16; Isa_5:7; Jer_1:11;
Eze_7:6; Amo_5:5; Amo_8:2; Zep_2:4; Phm_1:1.
Parosh and Pharosh, the same in the original, Ezr_8:3.
Partridge, Arab mode of hunting, an illustration of Saul’s mode of pursuing
David, 1Sa_25:20.
Parvaim, probable situation of, 2Ch_3:6.
Paschal lamb, why to be wholly eaten, Num_9:12.
Paseah and Phaseah, the same, Neh_7:50.
Passover, typical nature of, acknowledged by the Jews, Luk_22:19.
Passengers, valley of, where situated, Eze_39:11.
Patara, situation of, Act_21:1.
Patmos, situation of, Rev_1:1.
Pau and Pai, reason of the variation, 1Ch_1:50.
Paul, his conversion a demonstration of the truth of Christianity, Act_22:5.
Paul, account of his death, Act_28:30.
Pavilion, import of the word, 1Ki_20:12.
Peacocks, word rightly rendered thus, 2Ch_9:21.
Pearls, description of, Pro_8:11.
Peep, meaning of the word, Isa_10:14.
Pelican, description of, Psa_102:6.
Peniel or Penuel, import of the name, and situation of, Gen_32:30.
Penny, or denarius, value of, Mat_18:28; Mat_20:2; Mat_22:19; Mar_6:37.
Penny, or denarius of Caesar, account of, Luk_20:24.
People of the land, common people, Lev_4:27.
Perez and Pharez, the same in the original, Neh_11:4.
Perez-uzzah, meaning of, 2Sa_6:8.
Perfumes and oil, general use of, Est_2:12.
Perga, situation of, Act_14:25.
Pergamos, description of, Rev_2:12.
Penzzites, their habitation, Deu_7:1.
Persia, description of, Est_10:2.
Persia, prediction respecting several kings of, Dan_11:2.
Persian king’s table, none but his mother and wife permitted to sit at,
Persian monarchs, no one, except their ministers, admitted to their presence,
Persian monarchs gave thru wives cities and provinces for supplying articles of
dress, Est_2:18.
Peruda and Perida, the same, Neh_7:57.
Peter’s denial, reconciliation of the apparent discrepancies of the Evangelists in
their accounts of, Luk_22:56.
Pethor, or Pathura, where situated, Num_22:5.
Petra, description of, 2Ki_14:7.
Pharaoh, signification and application of the name, Gen_12:15.
Pharaoh-hophra, account of, Jer_37:5.
Pharaoh-hophra, pride and wickedness of, Eze_29:2.
Pharaoh-hophra, his arms broken by Nebuchadnezzar, Eze_30:21.
Pharaoh-hophra given into the hands of his enemies, as predicted, Jer_44:30.
Pharaoh-nechoh, account of, 2Ki_23:29.
Pharez, meaning of, Gen_38:29.
Pharez and Perez, the same in the original, Neh_11:4.
Pharisees, character of them according to Josephus, Mat_23:14.
Pharpar, probably a branch of the Barrada, 2Ki_5:12.
Phenice, or Phoenicia, description of, Act_15:3.
Phenice, a sea-port town of Crete, Act_27:12.
Philadelphia, description of, Rev_3:7.
Philemon, meaning of the name, Phm_1:1.
Philemon, excellence of the Epistle to, Phm_1:15.
Philip Herod, who, Mat_14:3.
Philippi, situation of, Act_20:6.
Philippians, beauty and excellence of the
Philistines, fulfilment of the prophecies against, Eze_25:16.
Philistines, Divine judgments on, and given to Judah, Zep_2:7.
Plirygia, account of, Act_16:6.
Phylacteries, what, Mat_23:5.
Physicians, embalmers, Gen_50:1.
Physicians, ignorance of, among the Jews, Mar_5:26.
Pi-beseth, or Bubastum, situation of, Eze_30:17.
Piece of money, a stater, Mat_17:27.
Pieces of silver, probably shekels or staters, Mat_26:13.
Pieces of silver, word so rendered denotes drachms, Luk_15:8.
Pi-hahiroth, signification and situation of, Exo_14:2.
Pilate, Pontius, account of, Mat_27:2.
Pilgrimage, days of the years of, illustrated, Gen_47:9.
Pillar, seat by, honourable, 2Ki_11:14.
Pillows, or cushions, used to prop up the arms in the East, Eze_13:18.
Pins of the tabernacle, description of, Exo_35:18.
Pipe, the sound of the heart compared to, illustrated Jer_48:36.
Pisidia, description of, Act_14:24.
Pison, the Phasis, a river of Colchis, Gen_2:11.
Pit, mode of taking wild beasts in, Psa_119:85; ls 24:17.
Pit, he who diggeth one shall fail therein, Pro_26:27.
Pit, bars of, what, Job_17:16.
Pitcher, the vena cava so called, Ecc_12:6.
Pitching tents, time of, in the East, Jdg_19:9.
Plain, word so rendered an oak, Gen_12:6.
Planets, word so rendered, probably denotes the signs of the zodiac, 2Ki_23:5.
Plate of gold on the mitre of the high priest, description of, Exo_28:36.
Ploughing with an ox and ass, why prohibited, Deu_22:10.
Poison, the Apostles exempt from the deadly effects of, Mar_16:18.
Pollution from dead bodies, Num_31:19.
Polygamy, ill effects of, Psa_69:8.
Pomegranate, description of, 1Sa_14:2.
Pool, upper, probable situation of, 2Ki_18:17.
Poplar, green, properly white poplar, Gen_30:37.
Porters, to the temple, properly guards, 1Ch_26:6.
Porters, division of, 1Ch_26:1.
Portions of a banquet sent in the East to those who cannot attend, Est_9:19.
Posts, rather runners or couriers, 2Ch_30:6.
Posts, swiftness of, Job_9:25.
Pot, meaning of word so rendered, Mar_7:6.
Potters’ wheels, description of, Jer_18:3.
Pottage, red, description of, Gen_25:30.
Pound, maneh, or mina, weight and value of, Neh_7:71; Luk_19:13.
Power, used for the sign or token of being under it, 1Co_11:10.
Pygarg, description of, Deu_14:5.
Prætorium, what, Mar_15:16.
Prayer, houses of, among the Jews, Act_3:1.
Prayers, extraordinary length of some, among the Jews, Mat_23:14.
Precious things, meaning of, Gen_24:53.
Presents to a superior indispensable in the East, 1Sa_9:7; Mat_2:11.
Presents, acceptance of, a pledge of friendship, Gen_33:10.
Prevent, meaning of the word, Psa_21:3.
Prevented, meaning of, Psa_119:147.
Pride, crown of, a periphrasis for Samaria, Isa_28:1.
Priest, second, what, 2Ki_25:18.
Priests, why to be without blemish and impurity,
Lev_21:21; Lev_22:2.
Priests, portion of, Num_18:20.
Priests, courses of, continued till the time of Christ, 1Ch_24:10.
Prince of Israel, probably a temporal ruler, Eze_44:3.
Princes of the tribes, what, 1Ch_27:16.
Princes, offering of, at the dedication of the altar, Num_7:3; Num_7:5;
Num_7:7-10; Num_7:17; Num_7:84.
Princes, import of word so rendered, Dan_3:3.
Prison, import of word so rendered, Gen_39:20.
Prisons, account of eastern, Jer_37:15; Jer_38:6.
Profane, import of, Mat_18:5
Prolepsis, instances of, Gen_13:3; Gen_21:15; 1Sa_4:1.
Pronouns, the antecedents of, frequently understood, Eze_7:24.
Proper, used for fine or beautiful, Heb_11:23.
Property unjustly acquired, evanescent nature of, Pro_13:22.
Prophecy, word so rendered, an oracle, Pro_30:1.
Prophesy, import of, 1Ch_25:1.
Prophesying, import of, Num_11:25.
Prophet, import of the word so rendered, Gen_20:7.
Prophets, who, Intr. p.86.
Prophets, false, prediction of, verified, Mat_24:26.
Prove, to, a metaphor taken from the melting or refining of metals, Psa_66:10.
Province, Judea so called, Act_25:1.
Provision furnished by the Persian monarchs to their courtiers from their own
table, Dan_1:5.
Psalm, meaning of the Hebrew word so rendered, Psalms 3, title.
Psalm, meaning of the Greek word so rendered, Eph_5:19.
Psaltery, description of, Dan_3:15.
Psaltery, or Nabla, account of, 1Ch_13:8.
Ptolemais, Accho, or Acre, situation of, Jdg_1:31.
Ptolemy Epiphanes, prediction respecting, Dan_11:15; Dan_11:17.
Ptolemy Euergetes, prediction respecting, Dan_11:7.
Ptolemy Lagus, prediction of, Dan_11:5.
Ptolemy Philadelphus, predictions respecting, Dan_11:6.
Ptolemy Philometor, prediction respecting, Dan_11:25.
Ptolemy Philopator, prediction respecting, Dan_11:11; Dan_11:15.
Publican, meaning of the word, and explanation of the office of, Mat_5:46.
Publican, chief, what, Luk_19:2.
Pul, king of Assyria, account of, 2Ki_15:19.
Pul and Lud, used for the south, Isa_66:19.
Pulling down a city or tower by ropes, &c, instances of, 2Sa_17:13.
Pulse, import of word so rendered, Dan_1:12.
Punishment by precipitation, instances of, 2Ki_9:33.
Punon, situation of, Num_33:42.
Pur, and Purim, meaning of the word, Est_9:24.
Purifications among the Africans, Lev_14:9.
Purple, description of, Exo_25:4.
Purple and scarlet, frequently used indifferently, Mat_27:28.
Purses, value of eastern, 2Ki_12:10.
Put on a person, meaning of, Rom_13:14.
Puteoli, situation of, Act_28:18.
QUAILS, description of, Exo_16:13; Num_11:31.
Queen of heaven, the moon so denominated and worshipped, Jer_7:18;
RAAMIAH, probably a mistake for Reelaiah, Ezr_2:2.
Rabbah, or Rabbath-Ammon, now Amman, description of, 2Sa_12:26.
Rabbi, mening of, Mat_23:8.
Rab-mag, meaning of, Jer_39:3.
Rab-saris, meaning of, 2Ki_18:17; Jer_39:3.
Rab-shakeh, import of, 2Ki_18:17.
Rab-shakeh, account of, 2Ki_18:19.
Raca, signification of, Mat_5:22.
Rachal, perhaps the same as Hachilah, 1Sa_30:29.
Raguel, the same as Ruel, Num_10:29.
Rahab, the Delta, or lower Egypt, Psa_89:10.
Raiment, goodly, of Esau, what, Gen_27:15.
Rain, absence of, in Egypt, Exo_9:18.
Rain, caused by lightning, Job_38:25.
Rain brought by a north wind in Palestine, Pro_25:23.
Rain, former and latter, account of, Jer_3:3.
Rainbow, nature and appointment of, Gen_9:13.
Rainy season in Palestine, Eze_10:9.
Ram of consecration, description of, Exo_29:27.
Ramah of Benjamin, situation of, Jos_18:25; Isa_10:28.
Ramah of Asher, situation of, Jos_19:29.
Ramathaim-Zophim, now Ramla, description of, 1Sa_1:11.
Ramath-lehi, meaning of, Jdg_15:17.
Ramoth in Gilead, situation of, Deu_4:43.
Ramath, south, in Simeon, 1Sa_30:27.
Rameses, situation of, Num_33:5.
Rams’-skins, red, account of, Exo_26:14.
Rapha and Rephaiah the same, 1Ch_9:43.
Raven, description of, Luk_12:24.
Ravens really fed Elijah, 1Ki_17:5.
Ravening, import of the word, Eze_22:25.
Reaiah the same as Haroeh, 1Ch_2:52.
Reapers, servant set over, who, Rth_2:6.
Rechabites, some account of, Jer_35:2; Jer_35:6; Jer_35:19.
Red sea, why so called, and description of, Exo_14:16.
Reed, Ezekiel’s length of, Eze_40:10.
Reformation, emblematical representations of, Rev_14:14.
Refuge, cities of, Num_35:11; Num_35:14; Jos_20:7.
Refuge, cities of, imitations of, Deu_19:2.
Rehob, city of, where situated, Num_13:27.
Rehum and Nehum, the same, Neh_7:7.
Remphan, probably Saturn, Amo_5:26.
Renowned in the congregation, meaning of the phrase, Num_1:16.
Rested, import of the Hebrew word so rendered, Gen_2:2.
Restitution necessary to forgiveness, Num_5:7; Eze_33:15.
Resurrection, the opinions of the Jews respecting, Mar_12:24.
Resurrection of Jesus, reconciliation of the apparent discrepancies in the
accounts of the Evangelists respecting, Mar_16:2; Mar_16:5; Luk_24:1;
Luk_24:4; Joh_20:1.
Resurrection of Christ, evidence of, Joh_20:28.
Reuben, import of the word, Gen_29:32.
Reuben, inheritance of the tribe of, Num_34:15.
Reuel and Raguel, the same, Num_10:29.
Reuel and Deuel, the same person, Num_1:14.
Reverence of the aged prevalent among the Egyptians, Romans, etc.
Reverence, idolatrous, required by the Persian monarchs, Est_3:2.
Revenues in the East paid in kind, 1Ki_4:7.
Rezeph, situation of, 2Ki_19:12.
Rhegium, situation of, Act_28:13.
Rhodes, island, description of, Act_21:1.
Riblah, now Homs, account of, 2Ki_23:33.
Rich, not to labour to be, Pro_23:4.
Rich, he that maketh haste to be so not innocent, Pro_28:20.
Riches, vast, of some persons, Est_3:9.
Riches, instability of, Pro_23:5.
Righteousness, extensive meaning of the word so rendered, Isa_51:5.
Rimmon, signification of, 1Sa_14:2.
Rimmon, idol, account of, 2Ki_5:18.
Rimmon, rock, where situated, Jdg_20:47.
Rimmon of Judah, situation of, Neh_11:29.
Rimmon-parez, situation of, Num_33:19.
Rings worn on the ancles by eastern ladies, Isa_3:16.
Rising early, import of, Jer_25:4.
Rissah, situation of, Num_33:21.
Rithmah, situation of, Num_33:18.
Rivers and fountains places of resort in the East, 1Ki_1:9.
Rivers, banks of, used for religious meetings, Psa_137:1.
Rivers, drying up, with the sole of the foot, illustrated, Isa_37:25.
Rivers running like oil, meaning of, Eze_32:14.
Roaring, used for the pangs which occasion it, Psa_32:3.
Robe, description of, Exo_28:4.
Rock, inhabitants of, who, Isa_42:11.
Rock, shadow of, desirable in a hot country, Isa_32:2.
Rocks, dwellings in, Oba_1:3.
Rocks, used for places of retreat, Jdg_20:47.
Rod, passing under, meaning of, Lev_27:32.
Rod of Aaron, budding of, Num_17:8.
Rod of Moses gave rise to the Thyrsus of Bacchus, Exo_4:2.
Rod, or staff, a sign of office, Num_17:2.
Rods, strong, emblems of powerful sovereigns, Eze_19:11.
Roe, word so rendered, the rock goat, Pro_5:19.
Roe-buck, word so rendered properly the gazelle or antelope, Deu_15:22.
Rolls, ancient, account of, Luk_4:17.
Roman empire represented by legs of iron and feet of iron and clay, Dan_2:40;
Roman empire represented as a king of fierce countenance, Dan_8:23;
Roman empire represented by a great and terrible beast, with ten horns,
Roman empire, represented by a beast with seven heads and ten horns,
Roman empire, division of into ten kingdoms represented by ten horns,
Roman empire, invasion of by the Goths, predicted, Rev_8:7.
Roman empire, invasion of, by the Huns, predicted, Rev_8:8.
Roman empire, invasion of, by the Vandals and Moors, Rev_8:10.
Roman empire, gradual extinction of, Rev_8:12.
Roman citizens, privileges of, Act_22:25.
Roman hierarchy, represented by a beast with two horns like a lamb,
Romans, prediction respecting, Dan_11:36.
Romans, seven forms of government among, denoted by seven heads,
Romans, Epistle to, authenticity and excellence of, Rom_15:24; Rom_16:3.
Rome, situation of, Act_28:16.
Rome, Bishops and Church of, predictions concerning, Dan_11:36; Dan_11:38;
Rome, duration of the idolatry and tyranny of the church of, Rev_11:2.
Rorarii, or light-armed troops of the Romans, why so called, 2Sa_17:12.
Rosh, probably the Russians, Eze_38:2.
Round, keeping up, the abominable custom of, Est_1:8.
Royal family, instance of the destruction of, 2Ki_11:1.
Ruby, description of, Pro_8:11.
Rudder bands, what, Act_27:40.
Ruhamah, meaning of, Hos_2:1.
Rule, meaning of word so rendered, 2Co_10:13.
Ruler of the Israelites, office of, Lev_4:22.
Rumah, situation of, 2Ki_23:36.
Rump, or tail, of eastern sheep very large, Exo_29:22; Lev_3:9.
Sabbath, perpetuity of, Rom_14:5.
Sabbath, second after the first, what, Luk_6:1.
Sabbath, what the Jews deemed lawful on, Mat_12:11.
Sabbath, covert for, what, 2Ki_16:18.
Sabbath day’s journey, what, Act_1:12.
Sabeans, who they were, Job_1:15.
Sabeans, majestic appearance of, Isa_45:14.
Sackbut, meaning of, Dan_3:15.
Sacrifices to be perfect, illustration of, Lev_22:21.
Sacrifices to be a certain age, Lev_22:27.
Sacrifices, animals used in, Num_15:3.
Sacrifices, various kinds of, Num_28:2.
Sacrifices, monthly, account of, Num_28:14.
Sacrifices, annual amount of, Num_29:39.
Sacrifices, human, prevalence of, Deu_12:31; 2Ki_3:27; Psa_106:37.
Saddle, import of word so rendered, Lev_15:9.
Saint, meaning of the word, Col_1:2.
Salamis, situation of, Act_13:5.
Salathiel and Shealtiel, the same in the original, Hag_1:1.
Salem, probably Jerusalem, Gen_14:18.
Sallai and Sallu, the same, Neh_12:7.
Salmone, situation of, Act_27:7.
Salome, account of, Mat_14:11.
Salt, description of, Luk_14:34.
Salt used for food or maintenance, and the symbol of friendship and
hospitality, Ezr_4:14.
Salt, in large quantities, destructive of vegetation, Jdg_9:45.
Salt, sowing with, import of, Jdg_9:45.
Salt, to be salted with, meaning of, Mar_9:49.
Salt, city of, where situated, Jos_15:62.
Salt, valley of, where situated, 2Ki_14:7.
Salt sea, situation and description of, Num_34:3.
SaIutations,eastern, Gen_37:4.
Samaria, city of, situation and description of, 1Ki_16:24.
Samaria, destruction of, by Hyrcanus, and rebuilding of by Herod, Mic_1:6.
Samaria, country of, described,
Samaritans, account of, Ezr_4:1.
Samgar-nebo, meaning of, Jer_39:3.
Samoa, island of, account of, Act_20:13.
Samothracia, account of, Act_16:11.
Samuel, meaning of the name, 1Sa_1:20.
Samuel and Shemuel, the same in the original, 1Ch_6:33.
Samuel, appearance of, real, 1Sa_28:19.
Sanctify, import of word so rendered, Exo_13:2.
Sanctuary, large portion assigned for, probably intimates the great extent of
the Church, Eze_45:1; Eze_48:15.
Sand of the sea, numerous forces compared to, 2Sa_17:11.
Sandal, description of, Mar_6:9.
Sapphire, description of, Exo_24:10.
Sarah, import of the name, Gen_17:15.
Sarah, the only woman whose age, death, and burial, are recorded in the
Scriptures, Gen_23:1.
Sardis, description of, Rev_3:1.
Sardius, description of, Rev_21:20.
Sardius, word so rendered, a ruby, Exo_28:17.
Sardonyx, description of, Rev_21:20.
Sarepta, description of, Luk_4:26.
Sargon, the same as Sennacherib, Isa_20:1.
Sarsechim, who, Jer_39:3.
Satan, meaning of, 1Th_2:18.
Satan, binding of, probable meaning of, Rev_20:2.
Satyr, word so rendered, properly a he-goat, Isa_34:14.
Saul and Shaul, the same in the original, 1Ch_1:48.
Saul and Doeg died with the same sword as that with which the priests of God
were slain, 1Sa_31:4; 1Ch_10:4.
Saul, history of among the Afghans, 1Sa_10:9.
Savour of life and of death, meaning of, 2Co_2:14.
Savoury meat, probable nature of, Gen_27:9.
Sayest thou, a solemn mode of affirmation among the Jews, Luk_23:3.
Scapegoat, account of, Lev_16:8; Lev_16:22; Lev_16:26.
Scarlet, colour, account of, Exo_25:4.
Sceptre, golden, borne by the kings of Persia, Est_4:11.
Scorpion, description of, Luk_11:12.
Scribe, ready, meaning of, Ezr_7:6.
Scriptures, contain sufficient proofs of their Divine origin, Luk_16:31
Scriptures, succeeding parts of, attest the truth of the former, Dan_9:13.
Scriptures, present us with a faithful delineation of human nature, 1Sa_27:10.
Scourging, horrible punishment of, Mat_27:26.
Scythians, probably Magog, Eze_38:2.
Sea, waters of, gathered, and retained by God in one place, Psa_33:7.
Sea confined by the tides, Job_38:11.
Sea, the sand placed as a boundary of, Jer_5:22.
Sea, brazen, size of, 1Ki_7:26.
Sea, brazen, capacity of, 2Ch_4:5.
Seah, capacity of, Rth_3:15; 2Ki_7:1.
Seas, God stilleth the noise of, Psa_65:7.
Seasons, division of, Gen_8:22.
Seat, empty, illustration of the expression, 1Sa_20:18.
Seats at banquets, disputes about, among the Jews in the time of our Lord,
Sebat, the month, account of, Zec_1:7.
See, sometimes equivalent to hear, Gen_42:1.
See one another, meaning of, 2Ch_25:21.
Seed of the land. Zedekiah so called, Eze_17:5.
Seed-times, two, in Egypt, Exo_9:31.
Seer, meaning of the term, 1Sa_9:19.
Seir, the present Shera, where situated, Gen_32:3.
Selah, probable meaning of, Psa_3:3.
Selah, or Petra, description of, 2Ki_14:7.
Seleucia, situation of, Act_13:4.
Seleucus Ceraunus, prediction respecting, Dan_11:10.
Nicator, prediction respecting, Dan_11:5.
Philopator, prediction respecting, Dan_11:20.
Sennacherib, account of, Isa_36:4.
Sepharvaim. situation of, Isa_36:19.
Sepphoris, situation of, Jdg_11:30.
Sepulchres, ancient form and splendour of, Isa_22:16.
Seraiah and Azariah, the same, Neh_7:7.
Seraiah, probably called Jehoiada, Jer_29:25.
Seraiah, put to death by Nebuchadnezzar, 1Ch_6:14.
Serpent, meaning of word rendered, Exo_7:9.
Serpent, crooked, probably the constellation Ophiachus, Job_26:13.
Servant, properly a slave, Mat_20:27.
Servant, the Messiah so called, Mat_12:18.
Servants, release of, Lev_25:50.
Seth, meaning of the word, Gen_4:25.
Seven, a number of perfection, Lev_4:6.
Seven, frequently denotes many times, Psa_119:164.
Sextarius, capacity of, Mar_7:4.
Shaalabbin, situation of, Jos_19:42.
Shadow used for night, Job_7:2.
Shadow, metaphorical use of the term, Num_14:9.
Shadow, the lengthening of, an emblem of the fleetness of life, Psa_109:23.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, miraculous preservation of, Dan_3:27.
Shaft, polished, applied to words, Isa_49:2.
Shallecheth, meaning of, 1Ch_26:16.
Shalmaneser, account of, 2Ki_17:3.
Shame, a nickname for Baal, Jer_11:13.
Shamer and Shomer, the same, 1Ch_7:32.
Shamlai, a mistake tor Shaalmai, Ezr_2:46; Neh_7:48.
Shammub, Shammoth and Shamhuth, the same, 1Ch_11:27.
Shammah, or Shammoth, why called the Harodite and Izrahite, 1Ch_27:8.
Shammuah, Shammua, and Shimea, the same, 1Ch_14:4.
Shapher, mount, situation of, Num_33:24.
Sharon, situation and description of, 1Ch_5:16.
Shaving the head, custom of, Deu_21:12.
Shearing sheep, ancient mode of, 1Sa_25:2.
Sheba, queen of, account of, 2Ch_9:9.
Shebah, meaning of the name, Gen_21:31; Gen_26:33.
Shechaniah and Shebaniah, the same, Neh_12:14.
Shechem, now Nablous, situation and description of, Gen_33:18.
Sheep roasted whole in the East, Exo_12:46; Num_9:12.
Sheep gate, situation of, Neh_3:1.
Sheepfolds, instances of persons taken from, to the throne, Psa_78:70.
Sheet, literal and emblematical meaning of, Act_11:5.
Shekel of the sanctuary, what, Lev_27:25.
Shekel, value of, Gen_23:15.
Shelemiah, an abbreviation of Meshelemiah, 1Ch_26:1.
Shelomith and Shelomoth, the same, 1Ch_24:22.
Shem, import of the name, Gen_10:21.
Shem, descendants of, Gen_10:21.
Shenir, same as Hermon, Deu_3:9.
Shepherd, dignity of the office of, in ancient times, Gen_29:9.
Shepherds, why an abomination to Egyptians, Gen_43:32; Gen_46:34.
Shepho and Shephi, the same, 1Ch_1:40.
Sheriffs, import of word so rendered, Dan_3:3.
Sheshach, probably a Babylonian idol, Jer_51:41.
Shew, vain, man represented as walking in, Psa_39:6.
Shew-bread, why so called, Mat_12:4.
Shibboleth, meaning of, Jdg_12:6.
Shield, description of, Eph_6:16.
Shields anciently anointed and placed in cases, Isa_22:6.
Shiggaion, import of, Psalms 7, title.
Shihon, situation of, Jos_19:19.
Shiloh, situation of, Jos_18:1.
Shiloni, the import of, Neh_11:5.
Shimeah and Shimeam, the same, 1Ch_9:38.
Shimi and Shimei, the same in the original, 1Ch_23:7.
Shimron, where situated, Jos_11:1.
Shishak, king of Egypt, probably the same as Sesonchis, 1Ki_11:40.
Shittim wood, description of, Exo_25:23.
Shittim, distance of, from Jordan, Jos_3:1.
Shobach and Shophach, the same, 1Ch_19:16.
Shoe, pulling off, disgrace of, Deu_25:9.
Shoe, plucking off, and giving it, a sign of purchase, Rth_4:7.
Shoes, ancient, rather sandals, Gen_18:4.
Shoshannim, import of, Psalms 45, title.
Shoulder, an emblem of government, 1Sa_9:24.
Shrines of Diana, what, Act_19:24.
Shubael and Shebuel, the same, 1Ch_26:24.
Shunem, situation of, 2Ki_4:8.
Shuppim, Shupham, and Shephuphan, 1Ch_8:5.
Shur. desert of, where situated, Gen_16:7; Exo_15:22.
Shushan, description of, Neh_1:1.
Shushan-eduth, meaning of, Psalms 60, title.
Shut up, meaning of, when applied to the extermination of a royal family,
Sia, a contraction of Siaha, Ezr_2:44.
Sibboleth, import of the word, Jdg_12:6.
Sibmah, situation of, Jos_13:19.
Side, children nursed or carried at, in the East, Isa_60:4.
Signet, description of, Gen_38:18.
Silk, word so rendered, denotes fine linen or cotton, Pro_31:22.
Siloah, Shiloah, or Siloam, pool of, description of, Neh_3:15.
Silver, an excessive heat required to purify it, Isa_48:10.
Silver, pieces of, probably shekels, Gen_20:16; See Pieces.
Silver cord, the spinal marrow so called, Ecc_12:6.
Simeon, import of the name, Gen_29:33.
Simon Magus, some account of, Act_8:13.
Simoom, or east wind, description of its terrible effects, Gen_41:23;
Simplicity of ancient manners, Rth_3:7.
Sin, the cause of all disease, Mar_2:5.
Sin, desert of, where situated, Exo_16:1.
Sin, Pelusium, or Tineh, situation of, Eze_30:15.
Sinai, mount, situation and description of, Exo_19:2.
Sinai, wilderness of, situation of, Exo_19:2.
Sincere, meaning of word so rendered, . Php_1:10.
Sinim, land of, probably China, ls 49:12.
Sinner, a woman which was, not Mary Magdalene, Luk_7:45.
Sion, the same as Hermon, Deu_4:48.
Siphmoth, probably the same as Shepham, 1Sa_30:28.
Sirion, the same as Hermon, Deu_3:9.
Sit down, word so rendered properly to recline, Mat_8:11.
Sitnah, meaning of the word, Gen_26:21.
Sitting, mode of, in the East, Isa_52:2.
Sitting on the ground, a posture of mourning, Lam_2:10.
Skill, to, an obsolete word for to be skilful, 2Ch_34:12.
Skin for skin, meaning of, Job_2:4.
Skins of the burnt-offerings given to the priest, Lev_7:8.
Skins used as mats or seats in tents, Lev_15:17.
Skirt, the spreading of, over a person, meaning of, Rth_3:9.
Sleep with the fathers, import of the phrase, Deu_31:16.
Slaves, female, the patrimony of a wife, Gen_16:2.
Slime, the word so rendered bitumen, Gen_14:10.
Sling, importance of, Jdg_20:16.
Smite with the palms of the hands, import of word so rendered, Mat_26:67.
Smiths carried away from various countries by conquerors, 1Sa_13:19.
Smoke, disagreeable effects of, on the eyes, Pro_10:26.
Smyrna, description of, Rev_1:11.
Snare, or toil, description of, Isa_24:17.
Snare, to cast, upon one, illustration of, 1Co_7:35.
Snail, word rendered, a species of lizard, Lev_11:30.
Snail, comparison of the wicked to the wasting away of one, illustrated,
Snow, account of the formation of, Psa_147:16.
Socoh, situation of, Jos_15:35.
Soldiers, meaning of word so rendered, Luk_3:14.
Soliders, pay of, consists of corn, etc. in the East, 2Sa_4:6.
Solomon’s porch, description of, Act_5:12.
Son, extensive use of the term, Lam_3:13; Dan_5:22.
Son, applied to grandsons, and also descendants, 1Ch_7:6; 1Ch_7:15.
Son, probably applied to a successor, 1Ch_3:16.
Son of God, meaning of, Mat_27:54.
Son of man, a title of the Messiah, Mar_14:62; Joh_5:27.
Son of Man, coming of, Mat_10:23; Mat_16:28.
Songs, spiritual, what, Eph_5:19.
Sorcerer, import of word so rendered, Exo_7:11.
Sorek, meaning of the word, Isa_5:2.
Sorrow of the world, how it worketh death, 2Co_7:10.
Sound, the rate at which it is propagated, Job_38:26.
Soul, distempers of, represented by those of the body, Psa_38:5.
Soul, immateriality of, Num_27:16.
Soul, immateriality and immortality of, believed by the Jews,
South, application of the word, Gen_13:1.
Sowing, mode of, in Egypt, Isa_18:2.
Spain, some account of, Rom_15:24.
Span, used to denote any short duration, Mat_6:27.
Spider, word so rendered, a species of lizard, Pro_30:28
Spider’s web, an emblem of life, Psa_90:9.
Spider’s web, the professions and works of a hypocrite like, illustrated,
Spicery, meaning of word so rendered, Gen_37:25.
Spices, great quantities used at funerals, Joh_19:39.
Spies, account of Eastern, Gen_42:9.
Spikenard, description of, Joh_12:3.
Spindle, mode of using, Pro_31:19.
Spirit, he that ruleth, superiority of, Pro_16:32.
Spirit, to be in, what, Rev_4:2.
Spirit, taking a man, illustrated, Luk_9:39.
Spirits, evil, clearly distinguished from bodily disorders, Luk_7:21.
Spiritual songs, what, Eph_5:19.
Spitting in the presence of any one in the East highly offensive, Isa_50:6.
Spitting before a person, a mark of detestation, Deu_25:9.
Spittle, to swallow, a proverbial expression, illustrated, Job_7:19.
Spoils, consecrated to God, Num_31:50.
Spoon, properly a censer, Num_7:32.
Springs, origin of, Psa_104:10.
Stacte, description of, Exo_30:34.
Stars, number of, seen by the naked eye, Deu_1:10.
Stars, amazing number of, Psa_147:4.
Stars, emblem of dependent states, Eze_32:7.
Stater, value of, Mat_17:27.
Stature, import of word so rendered, Mat_6:27.
Statute, import of the term, Deu_4:1.
Steel, word so rendered properly denotes brass, Psa_18:34.
Stocks, the real import of the word so rendered, Jer_20:2.
Stoics, some account of, Act_17:18.
Stone, casting one into a river or the sea, an emblem of irretrievable ruin,
Stone, head, or chief, the Messiah so called, Zec_4:7.
Stone, rejected by the builders, refers to the Messiah, Mar_12:10.
Stones, erection of, as a memorial, usual in the East, Gen_28:18.
Stones, heaps of, the ancient mode of burial, 2Sa_18:17.
Stones, heap of, raised over a criminal, Pro_26:8.
Stones, extraordinary size of, used in ancient buildings, 1Ki_7:10.
Stones, account of the roasting of, in order to extract ore, Jer_23:29.
Stones, and other inanimate objects, witnesses of words and actions,
Stones, smooth, worship of, among the heathen, Isa_57:6.
Stones, glistening, words so rendered, probably denote black marble,
Stoning, mode of, among the Jews, Luk_20:18.
Store, meaning of, Deu_28:5.
Stories in the heaven, meaning of, Amo_9:6.
Stork, description of, Psa_104:17.
Storm, description of, Psa_107:26.
Straight, a street in Damascus so called, account of, Act_9:11.
Stratagem of war, singular one, 2Ki_7:12.
Straw, use of, in the East, Jdg_19:19.
Straw, reduced to a kind of chaff, and used for food for the cattle in the East,
Straw used for making bricks, Exo_5:7.
Streets, word so rendered properly open fields or pastures, Psa_144:13.
Streets, obtaining, in a city, what, 1Ki_20:34.
Streets, doors of, lips so called, Ecc_12:4.
Stuff, import of the term, Eze_12:3.
Suburbs, application of the term, 1Ch_5:16.
Succoth, meaning of the name, and situation of, Gen_33:17.
Succoth, in Egypt, situation of, Num_33:6.
Succoth-benoth, account of, 2Ki_17:30.
Sukkiim, probably the Troglodites, 2Ch_12:3.
Summer and winter made by God, Psa_74:15.
Summer-fruit, what, 2Sa_16:1.
Summer-fruit, import of the emblem of a basket of, Amo_8:2.
Sun and Moon, how they rule the day and night, Psa_136:9.
Sun, worship of by the Persians, Eze_8:16.
Sun, an emblem of a king, Eze_32:7.
Suph, or Zuph, improperly rendered Red sea, situation of, Deu_1:1.
Swallow, meaning of word so rendered, Psa_84:3.
Swallow, the proper name of, in the original, Jer_8:7.
Swan, perhaps the goose, Deu_14:16.
Swiftness of foot reckoned a great accomplishment in heroes, 2Sa_2:18.
Swine, on the devils being permitted to enter the herd of, Luk_8:33.
Sword, to turn the edge of, illustrated, Psa_89:43.
Swords, beating of, into ploughshares, illustration of, Isa_2:4.
Swords, words compared to the piercing of, illustrated, Pro_12:18.
Swords in one’s lips, illustrated, Psa_59:7.
Sycamine tree, probably the same as the sycamore, Luk_17:6.
Sycamore tree, description of, 1Ch_27:28.
Sycamore, mode of ripening the fruit of, by scraping it with iron combs,
Sycamore, value of, to the Egyptians, Psa_78:47.
Sychem, or Shechem, the patriarchs probably first buried there, Act_7:16.
Syene, now Essuan, situation of, Eze_29:10.
Synagogue, import of word so rendered, Psa_74:8.
Syracuse, description of, Act_28:12.
Syria, description of, Act_15:23.
Syriac, import of the term, Dan_2:4.
Taanath-shiloh, situation of, Jos_16:6.
Tabbath, situation of, Jdg_7:22.
Tabernacle, plan of, Exo_40:33.
Tabernacle, description of, Exo_26:1.
Tabernacle, hanging for the door of, Exo_36:37.
Tabernacle, vail of, description of, Exo_36:35.
Tabernacle, boards of, description of, Exo_36:21.
Tabernacle, weight and value of the gold, etc. employed in, Exo_38:24.
Tabernacle, removal of, Num_4:5-7; Num_4:13; Num_4:16; Num_4:18;
Num_4:20, etc.
Tabernacle, imitations of, Exo_40:2.
Tabernacle of the congregation, description of, Exo_33:7.
Tabernacle, the term, applied to the body, 2Co_5:1.
Tabernacles, feast of, Num_29:12; Num_29:35.
Tabitha, meaning of, Act_9:36.
Table, eastern posture at, reclining, Luk_7:38.
Table, princely one of eastern nobles, Neh_5:18.
Table of shew-bread, imitations of, Exo_37:10.
Tables of stone anciently used for writing on, Exo_31:18.
Tablets, description of, Exo_35:22.
Tablets, import of word so rendered, Isa_3:20.
Tabor, mount, situation and account of, Jdg_4:12; Jdg_4:14.
Tabor, city, situation of, 1Ch_6:77.
Taches, meaning of, Exo_35:11.
Tadmor, or Palmyra, description of, 2Ch_8:4.
Tahapanhes, or Tahpanhes, situation of, Jer_43:7.
Tale, import of the word, Exo_5:8.
Talent, value of, Mat_18:24.
Talitha cumi, meaning of, Mat_5:41.
Talmuds, account of, Mat_15:2.
Tammuz, or Adonis, account of, Eze_8:14.
Tanach, probably the same as Aner, situation of, 1Ch_6:70.
Tares properly darnel, Mat_13:27.
Tarshish, situation of, 1Ki_22:48; 2Ch_9:21; 2Ch_20:36.
Tarshish, used for the East, Isa_66:19.
Tarsus, description of, Act_21:39; Act_22:28.
Tartan, signification of, 2Ki_18:17.
Taskmasters, Egyptian, Exo_5:6.
Tatnai, account of, Ezr_5:3.
Taverns, three, situation of, Act_28:15.
Teil-tree, description of, Isa_6:13.
Tekoah, situation and description of, 2Sa_14:2.
Tel-abib, situation of, ... Eze_3:15.
Telaasar, probable situation of, Isa_37:12.
Tel-harsa, and Tel-haresha, the same, Neh_7:61.
Teman, or Temani, situation of, Gen_36:34.
Teman, used for Idumea, Oba_1:9.
Temple, Solomon’s, size of, 1Ki_6:2.
Temple, a fast kept by the Jews for the destruction of, by Nebuchadnezzar,
Temple, second, magnitude and beauty of the stones with which it was built,
Temple, adorned and enriched with gifts, Luk_21:5.
Temple, how the glory of the second, surpassed that of the first, Hag_2:9.
Temple, total demolition of by Titus, according to the prediction of Christ,
Temple of Ezekiel, vast dimensions of, probably shews that it is to be
understood mystically, Eze_42:16.
Temple, described by Ezekiel, probable reference of, Eze_40:2.
Tempt, meaning of the word, Gen_22:1.
Ten times, the phrase used as an indefinite number, Gen_31:7.
Tent, women’s, distinct from that of the men in the East, Gen_24:67.
Tents used by persons of royal dignity, 1Ki_20:12.
Teraphim, description of, Gen_31:19.
Terebinth, or turpentine tree, description of, Isa_6:13.
Testament, properly covenant, Heb_7:22; Heb_9:20.
Tetrarch, signification of, Luk_9:7.
Thamah, and Tamah, the same in the original, Neh_7:55.
Thebez, situation of, Jdg_9:50.
Thessalonica, description of, Act_17:1.
Theudas, account of, Act_5:36.
Thigh, smiting on, an expression of deep affliction, Eze_21:12.
Thigh, inscriptions on customary, Rev_19:16.
Think, used for what is certain, 1Co_7:40.
Thirty, word so rendered, probably means captains, 2Sa_23:13; 2Sa_23:39.
Thistle, word so rendered, probably the black thorn, 2Ki_14:9.
Thorns, crown of, what, Joh_19:2.
Thought, to take no, meaning of word so rendered, Mat_6:25.
Three and four, singular use of, illustrated, Amo_1:11.
Threshold, those who leap on, who, Zep_1:9.
Threshing, account of the eastern modes of, Isa_41:15.
Threshing, with oxen, description of, Deu_25:4.
Threshing floors, description of ancient ones, 2Sa_24:18; 2Ch_18:9.
Throne, used for a palace, Neh_3:7.
Thumbs and great toes, cutting off of, not unusual in ancient times, Jdg_1:7.
Thunder, cause of, Job_38:26.
Thyatira, description of, Rev_2:18.
Tiberias, description of, Joh_6:23.
Tiglath-pileser, account of, 2Ki_15:29.
Tiles and bricks anciently used as tablets, Eze_4:1.
Timbrel, description of, Exo_15:20.
Time, a year in prophetic language, Dan_4:16.
Time, process of, meaning of, Gen_4:3.
Timna, the concubine of Eliphaz, 1Ch_1:36.
Timnath, situation of, Gen_38:12.
Tirhakah, account of, 2Ki_19:9.
Tirshatha, signification of, Ezr_2:33.
Tirzah, account of, 1Ki_14:17.
Title on the cross, the apparent discrepancies between the accounts of,
reconciled, Joh_19:19.
Titus called the prince, Dan_9:26.
Tob, land of, where situated, Jdg_11:3.
Toi, probably a mistake for Tou, 1Ch_18:9.
Tokens of God, at which men are afraid, what, Psa_65:8.
Tongue, a soft one, how said to break a bone, Pro_25:15.
Tongue, a lying one, hates those whom it afflicts, Pro_26:28.
Topaz, description of, Exo_28:17.
Tophel, a place near Moab, Deu_1:1.
Tophet, account of, Isa_30:33.
Tortoise, word so rendered, a kind of lizard, Lev_11:29.
Towers built in the desert, for what purpose, 2Ch_26:15.
Trachonitis, description of, Luk_3:1.
Tradition, import of, Mat_15:2.
Traffic, a land of, Chaldea so called, Eze_17:4.
Transposition, instance of, 1Sa_17:31.
Travellers, food used by, in the East, 2Sa_17:28.
Treasures, word so rendered illustrated, Dan_3:3.
Tree, high, an emblem of Jeconiah, Eze_17:24.
Tree, low, an emblem of Zedekiah, Eze_17:24.
Tree, dry, an emblem of the low state of the family of David, Eze_17:24.
Trees, longevity of,
Trees, all, of the field, a metaphor for all the inhabitants of the earth,
Trees for meat, probably emblematical of believers, Eze_47:12.
Trench, import of word so rendered, 1Sa_26:5.
Trench, or rampart, Jerusalem surrounded with one by Titus, Luk_19:43.
Trespass-offerings and sin-offerings, distinction between, Lev_5:6.
Tribes of Israel, number of, Num_1:21; Num_1:42.
Tribes, order of their inheritance, Num_34:17.
Tribute money, what, Mat_7:24.
Triumph, cause to, an allusion to triumphal processions, 2Co_2:14.
Troas, situation of, Act_20:5.
TrogyIlium, situation of, Act_20:13.
Troop, meaning of word so rendered, Amo_9:6.
Trumpet, description of, 1Ch_15:20.
Trumpets, form and uses of, Num_10:2.
Trumpets of ram’s horn, what, Jos_6:4.
Trumpets, feast of, Num_29:1.
Tubal, the Tibarenians, Isa_66:19.
Tubal and Javan used for the north, Isa_66:19.
Turks, predictions respecting, Rev_9:17.
Twig, a tender, an emblem of the Messiah, Eze_17:22.
Twigs, young, of the cedar, an emblem of the princes of Judah, Eze_17:4.
Tyre, description and history of, Isa_23:1.
Tyre, a colony of the Zidonians, Isa_23:12.
Tyre, why called the daughter of Tarshish, Isa_23:10.
Tyre, Nebuchadnezzar employed 13 years in the siege of, and found nothing
worth his labour, Eze_29:18.
Tyre and Sidon taken by Alexander, Zec_9:2.
Tyre, fulfilment of the predictions concerning, Eze_26:3; Eze_26:12;
Tyre, prince of, who Eze_28:1.
UNCOVERED, frequent meaning of the phrase in Scripture, 2Sa_5:20.
Understanding, import of the term, Exo_35:31.
Unicorn or rhinoceros, description of, Num_23:22.
Unjust, heathen magistrates so called, 1Co_6:1.
Ur, probably Ouri in Mesopotamia, Gen_11:31.
Urim and Thummim, description of, Exo_28:30.
Utter, import of the word, Eze_40:37.
Uz, land of, where situated, Job_1:1.
Uzziel, probably a mistake for Azareel, 1Ch_25:18.
VAIL, word so rendered, probably a finer kind of hyke, Rth_3:15.
Valley, word so rendered also means a torrent, Deu_21:4.
Van of the ancients, description of, Isa_30:28.
Vanity, original sense of the word so rendered, Psa_144:4.
Vapours, ascension of, caused by God, Psa_135:7.
Vashti, noble conduct of, Est_1:12.
Veil, indecency of appearing without one in the East, Pro_7:13.
Vessel, extensive use of the word, Gen_24:53.
Vine, uselessness of, when cut down, Eze_15:2.
Vinegar used with bread in the East, Rth_2:14.
Vinegar, effects on the teeth, illustrated, Pro_10:26.
Vinegar, meaning of, Mat_27:34.
Virgin applied to unmarried persons of both sexes, 1Co_7:25.
Virgins, a custom in the East for young men that were never married always to
marry them, Isa_62:5.
Vision, valley of, a periphrasis for Jerusalem, Isa_22:1.
Volume, import of the word, Eze_2:9.
Vows, laws of, Num_30:2.
Vows, estimation and redemption of, Lev_27:2; Lev_27:22.
Vows, execrable ones practised by the Jews, Act_23:12.
Vulture, meaning of word so rendered, Job_28:7.
WAIT, meaning of word so rendered, Psa_37:34.
Walls, very high in the East, Deu_1:28.
Walls, building of extensive ones, in short periods, Neh_6:15.
War, time of year to which it was limited in the East, 2Sa_11:1.
Warriors, ancient mode of summoning, Jdg_19:29.
Warriors, anciently buried in their armour, with their swords under their heads,
Washing the hands a symbolical action, Deu_21:6.
Washings, high importance of, among the Jews, Mar_7:3.
Watcher, who, Dan_4:13.
Watches, night, division of, among the Jews, Psa_119:148.
Watches, division of the night into, Mat_14:25.
Watchmen, account of the singular practices of Eastern, Isa_62:6.
Water, of what it is composed, Job_38:26.
Water, exact proportion of, for evaporation, Job_28:26.
Water, creation of the world from, 2Pe_3:5.
Water of Egypt very delicious, Exo_7:18.
Water, appearance of, as blood, probable cause of, 2Ki_3:22.
Water, drawing and pouring out of, meaning of the ceremony, 1Sa_7:6.
Water, pouring of, on the hands of a person, a mark of servitude, 2Ki_3:11.
Water gate, where situated, Neh_3:26.
Water pots anciently used, description of, Joh_4:46.
Waters issuing from the temple, probable meaning of, Eze_47:1.
Waters of the Dead Sea, healing of, its probable meaning, Eze_47:8.
Waters of separation, what, Num_19:9.
Water-spout, description of, Psa_42:7.
Wave offering, description of, Exo_29:27.
Way, preparing and making straight a practice among Eastern monarchs,
Way, used for the right way, Pro_23:19.
Wean, import of the word, Gen_21:8.
Weapons of war, length of time required to burn, illustrated, Eze_39:9.
Weasel, word so rendered, the mole, Lev_11:29.
Week, in prophetic language, seven years, Dan_9:24.
Weeks, seventy, Daniel’s prophecy of, Dan_9:24, etc.
Weights, divers, prohibited, Deu_25:13.
Well-favoured, meaning of, Gen_39:6.
Wells, importance of, in the East, Gen_21:25; Gen_26:15.
Wells, great depth of in the East, Gen_26:22.
Wells, stones placed on the mouth of, Gen_29:2.
Wells, stopping up of, Gen_26:15.
Wells frequented by banditti in the East, Jdg_5:11.
Well-spring of life, import of, Pro_16:22.
Whale, word so rendered denotes any large fish, Mat_12:40.
Whale, Pharaoh compared to, Eze_32:5.
Wheat-harvest, thunder and rain unusual in, in Judea, 1Sa_12:17.
Wheel in the middle of a wheel, probable meaning of, Eze_1:16.
Wheel, the great aorta so called, Ecc_12:6.
Whelps, emblems of young princes, Eze_19:2.
Whirlwinds, terrible effects of in the East, Job_1:19; Isa_21:1; Jer_23:19.
Whit, import of the word, 1Sa_3:18.
Whore, great Papal Rome represented by, Rev_17:1; Rev_17:3, &c.
Whoredom, idolatry so called, Hos_1:2; Rev_17:1.
Whoring, import of, Lev_17:7.
Wicked, prosperity of, thought by the heathen a reproach to God, Psa_73:3.
Widows in the East sometimes return to their father’s house, Lev_22:13.
Wilderness, inhabitants of, who, Isa_42:11.
Willows, abundance of, at Babylon, Psa_137:2.
Wind, the weight of, the gravity of the atmosphere, Job_28:25.
Windows of heaven, meaning of, Gen_7:11.
Windows, those that look out at, the eyes so denominated, Ecc_12:3.
Wine, description of ancient, Gen_40:11.
Wine, mixed, what, Psa_73:8; Pro_23:30.
Wine mingled with myrrh, probably the same as vinegar mingled with gall,
Wings, great, used for extensive empire, Eze_17:3.
Wings, shadowing with, probably a periphrasis for Egypt, Isa_18:1.
Wings of the morning, what, Psa_139:9.
Winnowing, eastern mode of, Rth_3:2.
Winter in Palestine, account of, Ezr_10:9.
Winter house, what, Jer_36:22.
Wisdom, import of the term, Exo_35:31.
Wisdom is strength, Pro_24:5.
Wisdom, why better than strength, Ecc_9:14.
Wisdom of God, probably a name assumed by our Lord, Luk_11:49.
Wisdom of God, peculiar meaning of the phrase, 1Co_1:21.
Wise man, strength of, Pro_24:5.
Wist, signification of, Act_12:9.
Wit, to, meaning of, Gen_21:26; Gen_24:21.
Witch, import of the term, Deu_18:10.
Wives sometimes purchased, Gen_29:18; Gen_34:12.
Wives of a king the property of his successor or conqueror, in the East,
Wizard, meaning of the term, De. 18:10.
Wolf, dwelling of, with the lamb, illustrated, Isa_11:6.
Woman, disgraceful to be killed by, Jdg_9:54.
Woman, used as an honourable appellation, Joh_2:4.
Woman in an ephah, an emblem of the Jewish nation, Zec_5:6.
Women employed as door-keepers, Exo_38:8.
Women employed to dance and sing before captive princes in the East,
Women, apartments of, separated from those of the men, Gen_24:28.
Women, apartments of, inviolable in the East, Est_2:11.
Women of the emperor of China shut up in a palace on his death, 2Sa_20:3.
Women, two, with wings like a stork, an emblem of the Roman armies,
Wood offering, feast of, Neh_10:34.
Word, frequently means a thing, Mat_4:4.
World, the term, applied to the Roman, Chinese, and Persian empires, &c.
World, how said not to be able to contain all the books that might be written of
Jesus, Joh_21:25.
Wot, meaning of, Gen_21:26.
Writing, various modes of, Job_19:23.
XERXES, his riches and wars foretold, Dan_11:2.
Year, how crowned by the goodness of God, Psa_65:11.
Year, in a certain one, frequently means after that period, 1Ki_18:1.
Year, solar, in use among the antediluvians, Gen_8:14.
Yoke, put on the necks of a new married couple by the ancients, Mat_19:6.
ZAAVAN and Zavan, the same in the original, 1Ch_1:42.
Zabdi and Zimri, the same, 1Ch_2:6.
Zacher and Zechariah, the same, 1Ch_9:27.
Zair, probably the same as Seir, 2Ki_8:21.
Zanoah, where situated, Neh_3:13.
Zaphnath-paaneah, signification of the name, Gen_41:45.
Zarephath, the same as Sarepta, Luk_4:20.
Zarthan, situation of, 1Ki_7:46.
Zattu and Zatthu, the same in the original, Neh_10:14.
Zebulun, import of the name, Gen_30:20.
Zebulun, town of, where situated, Jos_19:27.
Zechariah, son of Jehoiada, barbarous murder of, 2Ch_24:22.
Zedekiah, the captivity of, foreshewn, Eze_12:5-6; Eze_12:13.
Zelotes, meaning of, Mar_3:18.
Zemaraim, situation of, 2Ch_13:4.
Zephaniah, the second priest, Jer_29:25.
Zephathath, valley of, where situated, 2Ch_14:10.
Zephi and Zepho, variation of, caused by the mutation of two letters,
Zered, brook, description of, Deu_2:13.
Zerereth, probably Zartanah, Jdg_7:22.
Zeri and Izri, the same, 1Ch_25:11.
Zerubbabel, Messiah so called, Hag_2:23.
Zichri, Zaccur, and Zabdi, the same, Neh_11:17.
Zidon, now Saide, situation of, Jdg_1:31.
Zidon, fulfilment of the prophecies against, Eze_28:21.
Ziklag, situation of, 1Sa_27:6.
Zin, wilderness of, where situated, Num_13:21.
Zion literally ploughed like a field, and a description of its present state,
Ziph, wilderness of, situation of, 1Sa_23:14.
Ziph, town of, situation of, Jos_15:24.
Ziz, cliff, situation of, 2Ch_20:16.
Zizah, probably written Zina by mistake, 1Ch_23:10.
Zoan, situation of, Gen_13:10.
Zoan, or Tanis, account of, Psa_78:12.
Zobah, situation of, 2Sa_8:5.
Zorah, situation of, . . Jos_19:41.
Zoreah, Zorah, and Zareah, the same in the original, Neh_11:29.
Zoreah, situation of, Jos_15:33.

Prayers Index
Abiding in Jesus. T1301. Joh_15:7.
Accepted time. T1150. Psa_69:13.
Accordance with the will of God. T1302. 1Jn_5:14.
Afflicted, The. T1430. Act_12:5.
Affliction, In. T1217. Jas_5:13.
Affliction, Deliverance from. T1431. Psa_119:153.
Afraid. T1303. Hab_3:2.
Age, Help in old. T1555. Psa_71:9.
Agony. T1304. Luk_22:44.
Agreement, With. T1305. Mat_18:19.
Aid in keeping commandments. T1455. Psa_119:10.
All day. T1759. Psa_25:5.
All men. T1432. 1Ti_2:1.
All night. T1760. Luk_6:12.
All prayer. T1307. Eph_6:18.
All saints. T1684. Eph_6:24.
All shall pray. T1819. Psa_65:2.
All the heart. T1306. 2Ch_15:12.
All the fulness of God. T1504. Eph_3:19.
All things whatsoever. T1433. Mat_21:22.
Almsgiving. T1219. Act_10:31.
Alone. T1218. Mat_14:23.
Altar, At. T1176. Isa_19:19.
Altar, Rearing. T1220. 1Ch_21:18.
Always. T1151. Luk_18:1.
Amiss, Asking. T1793. Jas_4:3.
Angels. T1767. Luk_22:43.
Anger of God to be turned away. T1522. Dan_9:16.
Angry. T1308. Jon_4:1.
Anguish of spirit. T1309. Job_7:11.
Anointing with oil. T1221. Jas_5:14.
Answered beyond expectation. T1787. Jer_33:3.
Answers sometimes delayed. T1785. Psa_13:1.
Answers to prayer. T1434. Psa_27:7.
Ark, By the. T1177. Exo_25:22.
Ashamed. T1310. Ezr_9:6.
Ashes, In. T1222. Dan_9:3.
Asking. T1223. Mat_7:7.
Asking amiss. T1792. Jas_4:3.
Athirst, Soul. T1394. Psa_42:2.
Atonement, With. T1224. Exo_32:30.
Authorities. T1435. 1Ti_2:2.
Avenged, To be. T1436. Luk_18:7.
Backslidden. T1311. Jer_14:7.
Backsliding, Recovery from. T1437. Psa_119:176.
Baptism. T1225. Luk_3:21.
Battle, In. T1178, 1Ch_5:20. T1227, 1Ch_5:20.
Battle, Day of. T1158. 2Ch_13:14.
Battle, Going to. T1226. 1Ch_14:10.
Bed, In. T1179. Psa_4:4.
Believers, All to be one. T1629. Joh_17:11.
Believing. T1312. Mar_11:24.
Beseeching. T1313. Neh_1:5.
Betimes. T1152. Job_8:5.
Birthright, Contempt of. T1794. Heb_12:16.
Blameless, To be preserved. T1650. 1Th_5:23.
Bless. T1438. Psa_67:1.
Blessing on food. T1439. Mar_6:41.
Blessing on children. T1446. Psa_144:12.
Bloodguiltiness. T1795. Isa_1:15.
Bloodguiltiness, Removal of. T1440. Psa_51:14.
Blood, Sweating. T1285. Luk_22:44.
Boldness. T1314. Eph_3:12.
Boldness to speak. T1441. Eph_6:19.
Bondage, In. T1228. Exo_2:23.
Bowing. T1229. 1Ch_29:20.
Breast, Smiting. T1230. Luk_18:13.
Brethren, To see. T1693. 1Th_3:10.
Brevity. T1231. Ecc_5:2.
Broken heart. T1342. Psa_34:18.
Broken soul. T1396. Psa_119:20.
Broken spirit. T1412. Psa_51:17.
Brother, Sinning. T1442. 1Jn_5:16.
Business, Success in. T1717. Psa_144:13.
Captivity, In. T1232. 2Ch_6:37.
Captivity, Place of. T1180. Jer_29:14.
Cast away, Not to be. T1443. Psa_51:11.
Cast out devils. T1468. Mar_9:29.
Casting away garments. T1233. Mar_10:50.
Cave, In. T1181. 1Ki_19:9.
Certain days. T1761. Neh_1:4.
Chains, In. T1234. Act_28:20.
Chamber, In a. T1182. Dan_6:10.
Chastening, Against. T1444. Psa_6:1.
Chastened soul. T1398. Psa_69:10.
Children, Blessing on. T1446. Psa_144:12.
Children, For. T1445. Luk_1:13.
Children, Help for. T1448. 2Ki_4:1.
Children, To heal. T1447. Mar_5:23.
Children, How to bring up. T1449. Jdg_13:8.
Children, Little. T1452. Mat_19:13.
Children, To restore lives of. T1450. Mat_9:18.
Children, To spare. T1451. Joh_4:47.
Choice, Decision of. T1467. Act_1:24.
Christ Jesus, Through. T1123. Joh_14:13.
Christ, Interceding. T1315. Rom_8:34.
City, In a. T1183. Act_11:5.
Clean hands. T1316. Jas_4:8.
Clean heart. T1548. Psa_51:10.
Cleansed, To be. T1453. Psa_19:12.
Cleansed from secret sin. T1692. Psa_19:12.
Closet, In the. T1184. Mat_6:6.
Comforted, To be. T1454. Psa_119:82.
Commandments, Aid in keeping. T1455. Psa_119:10.
Commandments, Keeping. T1132. Psa_119:56.
Communion with God. T1456. Lam_5:20.
Confessing. T1235, Jas_5:16. T1317, Psa_32:5.
Confidence. T1318. 1Jn_3:21.
Contempt, Removal of. T1671. Psa_119:22.
Continually. T1153. 1Ch_16:11.
Continuance. T1319. Act_6:4.
Contrite heart. T1343. Psa_51:17.
Conviction of sin. T1698. Job_13:23.
Correction, For. T1457. Jer_10:24.
Counsel, For. T1458. Jdg_18:5.
Courage. T1320. Psa_27:14.
Covenant, For sake of. T1131. Dan_9:4.
Covenant, Remembrance of. T1460. Jer_14:21.
Covenant, With. T1321. 2Ch_15:12.
Covetousness, To be saved from. T1461. Psa_119:36.
Cross, On. T1185. Mat_27:46.
Crying. T1236. Psa_3:4.
Crying out, Heart. T1345. Psa_84:2.
Cup to pass from. T1459. Mat_26:39.
Daily. T1154. Psa_86:3.
Danger, Deliverance from. T1462. Psa_116:4.
Darkness, In. T1322. Isa_1:10.
Day, All. T1759. Psa_25:5.
Day of battle. T1158. 2Ch_13:14.
Day and night. T1155. Psa_88:1.
Day of trouble. T1159. Psa_50:15.
Daybreak. T1156. Psa_119:147.
Daytime. T1157. Psa_22:2.
Days, Certain. T1761. Neh_1:4.
Death. T1463. 1Ki_19:4.
Death, Deliverance from. T1465. Jon_1:14.
Death, In fear of. T1332. Mar_5:23.
Death, For happy. T1464. Num_23:10.
Death, Preparation for. T1466. Psa_39:4.
Debt, Help to pay. T1556. 2Ki_4:1.
Decision of choice by lot. T1467. Act_1:24.
Delayed, Answers sometimes. T1785. Psa_13:1.
Delight in Lord. T1323. Psa_37:4.
Depths, Out of. T1186. Psa_130:1.
Desolate heart. T1346. Psa_143:4.
Devils, To cast out. T1468. Mar_9:29.
Direction. T1469. Psa_25:4.
Disobedience. T1796. Deu_1:43.
Disregard of the law. T1804. Pro_28:9.
Distress, In. T1237. Neh_9:37.
Distress, Deliverance in. T1470. Psa_25:17.
Divide an inheritance, To. T1471. Luk_12:13.
Doing justly. T1324. Mic_6:8.
Doing the will of God. T1325. Joh_9:31.
Door of lips to be kept. T1606. Psa_141:3.
Door shut. T1797. Luk_13:25.
Doubting, Not. T1326. 1Ti_2:8.
Dreams. T1769. 1Sa_28:6.
Dungeon, In. T1187. Lam_3:55.
Duty of prayer. T1147. 1Th_5:17.
Duty of prayer for others. T1816. 1Sa_12:23.
Dying. T1237. Neh_9:37.
Dying, The. T1472. Psa_79:11.
Early. T1160. Mar_1:35.
Earnestness. T1327. Jas_5:17.
Earthquake, By. T1771. Act_16:26.
Earth, End of. T1188. Psa_61:2.
Earth, With. T1239. Neh_9:1.
Eating, After. T1240. Deu_8:10.
Encouragements to pray. T1766. 2Ch_14:7.
End of earth. T1188. Psa_61:2.
Enemies. T1473. Mat_5:44.
Enemies, In fear of. T1333. Psa_18:3.
Enemies, Destruction of. T1474. Psa_5:10.
Enemies of his people. T1798. 2Sa_22:42.
Enemies, To be saved from. T1475. Psa_59:1.
Ephod. T1770. 1Sa_30:7.
Eternal life, How to inherit. T1476. Mar_10:17.
Evening. T1161. Mat_14:23.
Evening, Until. T1765. Jdg_20:26.
Every thing. T1477. Php_4:6.
Every where. T1189. 1Ti_2:8.
Evil, Deliverance from. T1478. Mat_6:13.
Evil, To hide from. T1559. Psa_64:2.
Evil, To be kept from. T1479. Joh_17:15.
Evil, To be kept from doing. T1480. 2Co_13:7.
Evil of neglect of prayer. T1821. Jos_9:14.
Expectation, Answered beyond all. T1787. Jer_33:3.
Explanation. T1481. Gen_25:22.
Eyes failing. T1328. Psa_119:123.
Eyes of God to be upon his house. T1523. 2Ch_6:20.
Eyes to be opened. T1482. Psa_119:18.
Face to shine upon, God’s. T1524. Psa_31:16.
Fainting. T1329. Jon_2:7.
Fainting soul. T1399. Psa_119:81.
Faith. T1140, 2Ch_14:11. T1330, Mar_11:22. T1483, Luk_17:5.
Faith to increase. T1484. Luk_17:5.
Faith to not fail. T1485. Luk_22:32.
Faith perfected. T1486. 1Th_3:10.
Faithfulness, God’s. T1134. Psa_143:1.
Fallen. T1331. Mic_7:8.
Falling on face. T1241. Mat_26:39.
Falling, To be kept from. T1487. Psa_56:13.
Family. T1488. 2Sa_7:25.
Family, With. T1242. Act_10:2.
Famine, Deliverance from. T1489. 1Ki_8:37.
Fasting. T1243. Mat_17:21.
Fatherhood of God. T1145. Mat_6:8.
Fatherless, The. T1490. Psa_10:18.
Favor of God. T1525. Psa_119:58.
Favor of the good. T1491. Psa_119:79.
Fear of death. T1332. Mar_5:23.
Fear of enemies. T1333. Psa_18:3.
Fear of God. T1334, Psa_5:7. T1492, Psa_86:11.
Fear of punishment. T1335. Luk_16:28.
Fear of trouble. T1336. 2Ch_20:3.
Fear, To be saved from. T1493. Luk_1:74.
Fight for, God to. T1506. Psa_144:11.
Fire, By. T1772. 1Ch_21:26.
Fire, Heart on. T1348. Psa_39:3.
Fire, In the. T1337. Zec_13:9.
Fire to consume a company. T1494. 2Ki_1:12.
Fire to consume a sacrifice. T1495. 1Ki_18:24.
Fish, In belly of. T1190. Jon_2:1.
Flesh to eat. T1496. Num_11:18.
Food. T1497. Mat_6:11.
Food, Blessing on. T1439. Mar_6:41.
Footsteps slip not. T1702. Psa_17:5.
Forbidden, Prayer. T1789. Jer_7:16.
Forgiveness. T1498. Mat_6:12.
Forgiving. T1338. Mar_11:25.
Forgiving others. T1144. Mar_11:25.
Forgotten, Not to be. T1499. Psa_13:1.
Forsaken, Not to be. T1500. Psa_27:9.
Forsaking God. T1799. Jer_14:10.
Forty days and nights. T1762. Deu_9:18.
Frailty, To realize. T1501. Psa_90:12.
Fretfulness, Without. T1339. Psa_37:7.
Friends. T1502. Psa_35:27.
Fruitful of good works. T1503. Col_1:10.
Future good works. T1142. 1Ch_16:35.
Future life, Knowledge of. T1594. Job_14:14.
Garden, In a. T1191. Mat_26:36.
Gathering of people. T1244. 2Ch_20:4.
Giving to poor. T1245. Act_10:2.
Giving alms. T1219. Act_10:31.
Gladness, With. T1340. Psa_30:11.
Glory, God’s. T1126. Mat_6:13.
Glory of God, To see. T1526. Psa_63:2.
God, All the fulness of. T1504. Eph_3:19.
God himself in human form. T1773. Gen_32:30.
God, Communion with. T1456. Lam_5:20.
God, to come down. T1505. Psa_144:5.
God, Fatherhood of. T1145. Mat_6:8.
God, Favor of. T1525. Psa_119:58.
God, to fight for. T1506. Psa_144:11.
God, In fear of. T1334. Psa_5:7.
God, Forsaking. T1799. Jer_14:10.
God, to glorify his name. T1507. Joh_12:28.
God, to glorify his Son. T1508. Joh_17:1.
God, to be gracious. T1509. Num_6:25.
God, to judge between. T1510. 1Sa_24:12.
God, to keep. T1511. Psa_17:8.
God, Knowledge of. T1595. Psa_25:4.
God, to leave us not. T1512. Psa_27:9.
God, to look upon. T1513. Psa_25:18.
God, Nearness to. T1625. Psa_22:11.
God, to plead. T1514. Psa_35:1.
God, to return. T1515. Psa_6:4.
God, To see. T1517. Joh_14:8.
God, To seek. T1518. Psa_119:176.
God, to send. T1516. Isa_6:8.
God, to be surety. T1519. Psa_119:122.
God, to think upon. T1520. Neh_5:19.
God, Turning to. T1422. Psa_78:34.
God, Union with. T1738. Joh_17:21.
God, to visit. T1521. Jer_15:15.
God’s ancient servant’s sake. T1133. Psa_132:10.
God’s anger to be turned away. T1522. Dan_9:16.
God’s eyes to be upon his house. T1523. 2Ch_6:20.
God’s face to shine upon. T1524. Psa_31:16.
God’s faithfulness. T1134. Psa_143:1.
God’s favor. T1525. Psa_119:58.
God’s goodness.
T1135. Psa_25:7.
God’s glory. T1126. Mat_6:13.
God’s glory, To see. T1526. Psa_63:2.
God’s hand to be with. T1527. Psa_119:173.
God’s hand, To fall into. T1528. 2Sa_24:12.
God’s house. T1529. Isa_64:11.
God’s house, To dwell in. T1530. Psa_27:4.
God’s justice. T1129. Num_16:22.
God’s kingdom. T1531. Mat_6:10.
God’s love. T1532. 2Th_3:5.
God’s lovingkindness. T1136, Psa_25:6. T1533, Psa_17:7.
God’s mercy. T1127. Neh_13:22.
God’s name. T1124, Psa_25:11. T1534, Gen_32:29.
God’s name to be made known. T1535. Psa_83:18.
God’s people’s sake. T1138. Psa_7:7.
God’s power. T1130. Mat_6:13.
God’s presence. T1536. Psa_51:11.
God’s promises. T1125. 2Ch_6:16.
God’s righteousness. T1128. Dan_9:16.
God’s strength. T1537. 1Ch_16:11.
God’s truthfulness. T1137. 2Ch_6:17.
God’s way, To be taught. T1540. Psa_27:11.
God’s will to be done. T1538. Luk_11:2.
God’s will, To be taught to do. T1539. Psa_143:10.
God’s willingness to hear prayer. T1149. Psa_4:3.
Good, Favor of. T1491. Psa_119:79.
Good life, Past. T1141. Neh_5:19.
Good things. T1541. Mat_7:11.
Good works. T1299. Isa_58:6.
Good works, Future. T1142. 1Ch_16:35.
Grace. T1542. Rom_1:7.
Gracious, God to be. T1509. Num_6:25.
Groaning. T1246. Rom_8:26.
Grove, A. T1192. Gen_21:23.
Guidance. T1543. Psa_32:8.
Hand to be restored. T1544. 1Ki_13:6.
Hand to be with, God’s. T1527. Psa_119:173.
Hand, To fall into God’s. T1528. 2Sa_24:12.
Hands, Clean. T1316. Jas_4:8.
Hands, Holy. T1341. 1Ti_2:8.
Hands, Laying on. T1247. Act_28:8.
Hands lifted up. T1248. 1Ti_2:8.
Hands stretched out. T1249. Psa_88:9.
Happy death. T1464. Num_23:10.
Harvest, Laborers in. T1597. Mat_9:38.
Haste in helping. T1545. Psa_22:19.
Hating vanity. T1424. Psa_31:6.
Heads of men uncovered. T1250. 1Co_11:4.
Heads of women covered. T1251. 1Co_11:6.
Heal children. T1447. Mar_5:23.
Heal soul, To. T1706. Psa_41:4.
Healing. T1546. Jer_17:14.
Healing of spring. T1547. 2Ki_2:22.
Heard and answered in part. T1786. 2Ch_12:7.
Hearing of prayer. T1646. Psa_4:1.
Heart, All the. T1306. 2Ch_15:12.
Heart, Broken. T1342. Psa_34:18.
Heart, A clean. T1548. Psa_51:10.
Heart, A contrite. T1343. Psa_51:17.
Heart not condemning. T1344. 1Jn_3:21.
Heart crying out. T1345. Psa_84:2.
Heart desolate. T1346. Psa_143:4.
Heart enlarged. T1549. Psa_119:32.
Heart fixed. T1347. Psa_57:7.
Heart on fire. T1348. Psa_39:3.
Heart lifted up. T1349. Lam_3:41.
Heart melted. T1350. Jos_7:5.
Heart overwhelmed. T1351. Psa_61:2.
Heart panting. T1352. Psa_38:10.
Heart perfect. T1550. 1Ch_29:19.
Heart poured out. T1353. Psa_62:8.
Heart prepared. T1354. Job_11:13.
Heart, Pure. T1355. 2Ti_2:22.
Heart, Regarding iniquity in. T1802. Psa_66:18.
Heart rejoicing. T1356. 1Sa_2:1.
Heart rending. T1357. Joe_2:13.
Heart sore pained. T1358. Psa_55:4.
Heart sprinkled. T1359. Heb_10:22.
Heart, Tender. T1360. 2Ki_22:19.
Heart, True. T1361. Heb_10:22.
Heart, Understanding. T1551. 1Ki_3:9.
Heart, Wounded. T1362. Psa_109:22.
Heathen, For the. T1552. Psa_2:8.
Heaven. T1193. Rev_5:13.
Held up, To be. T1553. Psa_17:5.
Hell. T1194. Luk_16:23.
Help. T1554. Mat_15:25.
Help for children. T1448. 2Ki_4:1.
Help in old age. T1555. Psa_71:9.
Help to pay debt. T1556. 2Ki_4:1.
Help from sister. T1557. Luk_10:40.
Help in trouble. T1558. Psa_60:11.
Help in unbelief. T1736. Mar_9:24.
Helping, Haste in. T1545. Psa_22:19.
Helping, Holy Spirit. T1364. Rom_8:26.
Hide from evil. T1559. Psa_64:2.
Hiding of God’s face, Against. T1560. Psa_27:9.
Hindrances avoided. T1252. 1Pe_3:7.
Hindrances overcome. T1253. Dan_6:10.
Holy Ghost. T1774. Act_4:31.
Holy Ghost, In the. T1363. Jud_1:20.
Holy Spirit, The. T1561. Act_8:15.
Holy Spirit, helping. T1364. Rom_8:26.
Holy Spirit, interceding. T1411. Rom_8:27.
Holy Spirit, Not to take away. T1562. Psa_51:11.
Hope to abound. T1563. Rom_15:13.
Hoping. T1356. Psa_42:11.
House, A. T1195. Act_10:30.
House of God. T1196, 2Ch_20:5. T1529, Isa_64:11.
House, To dwell in God’s. T1530. Psa_27:4.
House, For one’s. T1564. 2Ti_1:16.
Housetop. T1197. 1Ki_17:19.
Humble, The. T1565. Psa_10:12.
Humility, With. T1366. 2Ch_7:14.
Hunger and thirst, Deliverance from. T1566. Psa_107:5.
Hungry and thirsty. T1254. Psa_107:5.
Hypocrites. T1800. Job_27:8.
Hypocrites, Not as. T1255. Mat_6:5.
Idolatry. T1801. Eze_14:3.
Immediately, Sometimes answered. T1784. 2Ki_20:4.
Importunity, With. T1367. 1Sa_7:8.
Incense, With. T1256. Luk_1:10.
Iniquity in heart, Regarding. T1802. Psa_66:18.
Instruction. T1567. Gen_25:22.
Inviting others. T1257. Psa_95:6.
Interceding, Christ. T1315. Rom_8:34.
Interceding, Holy Spirit. T1411. Rom_8:27.
Jerusalem. T1568. Psa_122:6.
Jerusalem, Toward. T1258. Dan_6:10.
Jesus, Abiding in. T1301. Joh_15:7.
Jesus to abide. T1569. Luk_24:29.
Jesus, To be with. T1570. Joh_17:24.
Jesus, To come to. T1571. Mat_14:28.
Jesus to come quickly. T1572. Rev_22:20.
Jesus to have dominion. T1573. Rev_1:6.
Jesus to depart. T1574. Mar_5:17.
Jesus to dwell in us. T1575. Eph_3:17.
Jesus to be glorified. T1576. Rev_1:6.
Jesus, To behold glory of. T1577. Joh_17:24.
Jesus, To lay hand on. T1578. Mat_9:18.
Jesus, To be one in. T1579. Joh_17:21.
Jesus to receive Spirit. T1580. Act_7:59.
Jesus to send away woman. T1581. Mat_15:23.
Jesus not to send into deep. T1582. Luk_8:31.
Jesus, To sit beside. T1583. Mar_10:37.
Jesus, to speak a word. T1584. Mat_8:8.
Jesus, to touch blind man. T1585. Mar_8:22.
Jesus, To touch garments of. T1727. Mar_6:56.
Jesus, Through. T1123. Joh_14:13.
Journey, For prosperous. T1658. Rom_1:10.
Joy. T1586. Psa_51:8.
Joy, To be filled with. T1587. Rom_15:13.
Judge, God to. T1510. 1Sa_24:12.
Judgment. T1588. Psa_7:8.
Judgments, Removal of. T1589. Num_21:7.
Justice, God’s. T1129. Num_16:22.
Justify the righteous. T1590. Psa_7:9.
Justly, Doing. T1324. Mic_6:8.
Keep, God to. T1511. Psa_17:8.
Keeping commandments. T1132. Psa_119:56.
Keeping commandments, Aid in. T1455. Psa_119:10.
Kept from evil, To be. T1479. Joh_17:15.
Kept from doing evil, To be. T1480. 2Co_13:7.
Kept from falling, To be. T1487. Psa_56:13.
Kept from sin, To be. T1700. Psa_19:13.
Kept from stealing, To be. T1712. Pro_30:9.
King, A. T1591. Act_13:21.
King, For the. T1592. 1Ti_2:2.
Kingdom of God. T1531. Mat_6:10.
Kneeling. T1259. Dan_6:10.
Knocking. T1368. Mat_7:7.
Know our sins, To. T1701. Job_13:23.
Knowledge. T1593. Job_34:32.
Knowledge of future life. T1594. Job_14:14.
Knowledge of God. T1595. Psa_25:4.
Knowledge of things to come. T1596. Isa_45:11.
Laborers in harvest. T1597. Mat_9:38.
Late, Too. T1803. Luk_16:25.
Late prayer. T1787. Pro_1:28.
Law, Disregard of the. T1804. Pro_28:9.
Lazarus, To send. T1598. Luk_16:24.
Leader, A. T1599. Num_27:16.
Leprosy, Cure of. T1600. Mar_1:40.
Letter spread out. T1260. 2Ki_19:14.
Life. T1601. Psa_21:4.
Life, How to inherit eternal. T1476. Mar_10:17.
Life, Long. T1602. Psa_21:4.
Life, quiet, A. T1662. 1Ti_2:2.
Life, Restoration to. T1603. Act_9:40.
Light of God’s countenance. T1604. Psa_4:6.
Likeminded, To be. T1605. Rom_15:5.
Lips, Door of, to be kept. T1606. Psa_141:3.
Lips to be opened. T1607. Psa_51:15.
Lips only, Not. T1261. Mat_15:8.
Little children. T1452. Mat_19:13.
Loft, A. T1198. 1Ki_17:19.
Longing soul. T1402. Psa_84:2.
Longsuffering among Christians. T1608. Col_1:11.
Look upon, God to. T1513. Psa_25:18.
Looking to Jesus. T1369. Heb_12:2.
Lord in human form, The. T1775. Gen_18:1.
Lot. T1776. Act_1:26.
Lot, Decision of choice by. T1467. Act_1:24.
Love between Christians. T1611. 1Th_3:12.
Love of Christ, To know. T1612. Eph_3:19.
Love, God’s. T1532. 2Th_3:5.
Love to abound. T1609. Php_1:9.
Love to all men. T1610. 1Th_3:12.
Love to God. T1370. Psa_116:1.
Love to his people. T1805. Deu_23:5.
Loving God’s house. T1371. Psa_26:8.
Loving mercy. T1373. Mic_6:8.
Lovingkindness, God’s. T1533. Psa_17:7.
Lunatic, For a. T1613. Mat_17:15.
Lying, To be saved from. T1614. Psa_119:29.
Man, Not to fall into the hand of. T1615. 2Sa_24:14.
Man and beast. T1262. Jon_3:8.
Master. T1616. Gen_24:12.
Meekness, With. T1372. Zep_2:3.
Men, All. T1432. 1Ti_2:1.
Mercy. T1617. Psa_4:1.
Mercy, God’s. T1127. Neh_13:22.
Mercy, Loving. T1373. Mic_6:8.
Mercy seat. T1199. Exo_25:22.
Midnight. T1162. Psa_119:62.
Mightily. T1263. Jon_3:8.
Ministers. T1618. 1Th_5:25.
Morning. T1163. Psa_5:3.
Moses to speak instead of God. T1619. Exo_20:19.
Mountain, A. T1200. Mat_14:23.
Mourning. T1264. Joe_2:12.
Mouth filled with praise. T1645. Psa_4:1.
Mouth, Watch before door of. T1744. Psa_141:3.
Murderers. T1620. Luk_23:34.
Mysteries, To understand. T1621. Isa_45:11.
Name, God’s. T1124, Psa_25:11. T1534, Gen_32:29.
Name, God to make known his. T1535. Psa_83:18.
Nation, The. T1622. Gen_20:4.
National pardon. T1623. 1Ki_8:34.
Nations, The. T1624. Psa_9:20.
Nearness to God. T1625. Psa_22:11.
Need, Our. T1146. Php_4:19.
Need, Time of. T1164. Heb_4:16.
Needy. T1265. Psa_72:12.
Needy, The. T1626. Psa_40:17.
Night. T1165. Psa_119:55.
Night, All. T1760. Luk_6:12.
Ninth hour. T1166. Act_3:1.
Noon. T1167. Psa_55:17.
Now. T1168. 2Co_6:2.
Oath, With. T1266. Psa_132:2.
Obedience. T1627. Psa_143:10.
Obedience, With. T1374. 1Jn_3:22.
Offense, To be without. T1628. Php_1:10.
Offerings, With. T1267. 1Ch_16:29.
Often. T1169. Luk_5:33.
Oil, Anointing with. T1221. Jas_5:14.
Old age, Help in. T1555. Psa_71:9.
One, Believers to be. T1629. Joh_17:11.
One in Jesus. T1579. Joh_17:21.
Opened, Door of lips. T1607. Psa_51:15.
Oppressed, The. T1630. Psa_10:18.
Oppression. T1806. Mic_3:4.
Oppression, Deliverance from. T1631. Psa_119:134.
Oppression, Under. T1268. Psa_119:134.
Order, With due. T1269. 1Ch_23:31.
Ordered, Steps to be. T1713. Psa_119:133.
Our need. T1146. Php_4:19.
Overcome, Hindrances. T1253. Dan_6:10.
Overwhelmed, When. T1170. Psa_61:2.
Palace. T1201. Neh_2:4.
Palsy, Cure of. T1632. Mat_8:6.
Panting heart. T1352. Psa_38:10.
Pardon, National. T1623. 1Ki_8:34.
Past blessings, For sake of. T1139. Psa_119:132.
Patience. T1375, Rom_8:25. T1633, Col_1:11.
Peace. T1634. Jer_29:7.
Peace of Jerusalem. T1568. Psa_122:6.
Perfect heart. T1550. 1Ch_29:19.
Perfect heart, To be made. T1636. Heb_13:21.
Perfected in faith. T1486. 1Th_3:10.
Perishing, To be saved from.
T1637. Mat_8:25.
Permission to bow before Rimmon. T1682. 2Ki_5:18.
Permission to enter swine. T1719. Mat_8:31.
Persecution, For deliverance from. T1638. Psa_7:1.
Persecutors. T1639. Mat_5:44.
Pestilence, Deliverance from. T1640. 2Ch_7:14.
Plague, Removal of. T1641. Num_16:46.
Plead, God to. T1514. Psa_35:1.
Pleading. T1376. Job_16:21.
Pollution. T1807. Mal_1:7.
Pollution, To avoid. T1642. Act_11:8.
Poor. T1271, Isa_41:17. T1643, Psa_72:12.
Poor, Disregard of. T1808. Pro_21:13.
Poor, Giving to. T1245. Act_10:2.
Poverty, To save from. T1644. Pro_30:8.
Power, God’s. T1130. Mat_6:13.
Power to speak. T1708. Jer_1:6.
Power, With. T1377. Hos_12:4.
Praise, Mouth filled with. T1645. Psa_71:8.
Praising. T1378. Psa_63:3.
Pray, All shall. T1819. Psa_65:2.
Pray, How to. T1647. Luk_11:1.
Prayer, All. T1307. Eph_6:18.
Prayer, Answers to. T1434. Psa_27:7.
Prayer become sin. T1815. Psa_109:7.
Prayer to become sin. T1648. Psa_109:7.
Prayer besought. T1817. Jer_37:3.
Prayer denied, but subsequently granted. T1790. Jdg_10:10.
Prayer, Duty of. T1147. 1Th_5:17.
Prayer, Evil of neglect of. T1821. Jos_9:14.
Prayer for others, Duty of. T1816. 1Sa_12:23.
Prayer forbidden. T1789. Jer_7:16.
Prayer, God’s willingness to hear. T1149. Psa_4:3.
Prayer heard and answered in part. T1786. 2Ch_12:7.
Prayer heard but not granted. T1791. Jer_15:1.
Prayer heard but punishment inflicted. T1792. Psa_106:15.
Prayer, hearing of. T1646. Psa_4:1.
Prayer necessary to secure certain gifts. T1818. Mat_17:21.
Prayer to be accepted as incense. T1649. Psa_141:2.
Prayer too late. T1788. Pro_1:28.
Preparation from God. T1148. Psa_10:17.
Preparation for death. T1466. Psa_39:4.
Prepared, Heart. T1354. Job_11:13.
Presence of God. T1536. Psa_51:11.
Preserve soul, To. T1707. Psa_86:2.
Preserved blameless, To be. T1650. 1Th_5:23.
Presumptuous sins, To be saved from. T1651. Psa_19:13.
Pride. T1809. Job_35:12.
Priests. T1652. 2Ch_6:41.
Prison. T1202. Act_16:25.
Prison, Deliverance from. T1653. Psa_142:7.
Prison, Soul in. T1405. Psa_142:7.
Prisoners. T1654. Psa_79:11.
Proclamation, With. T1272. Jon_3:7.
Promises to be fulfilled. T1655. 2Ch_1:9.
Promises, God’s. T1125. 2Ch_6:16.
Promises, Remembrance of. T1656. Psa_119:49.
Prophets. T1777. 1Sa_28:6.
Prosperity. T1657. Psa_35:27.
Prosperous journey. T1658. Rom_1:10.
Protection. T1659. Gen_28:20.
Proved, To be. T1660. Psa_26:2.
Punished instead of the innocent, To be. T1661. 1Ch_21:17.
Punishment, In fear of. T1335. Luk_16:28.
Punishment of the wicked. T1752. 1Ki_8:32.
Pure heart. T1355. 2Ti_2:22.
Purity, With. T1379. Job_16:17.
Putting away sin. T1380. Psa_66:18.
Quiet life, A. T1662. 1Ti_2:2.
Quickening. T1663. Psa_80:18.
Raiment. T1664. Gen_28:20.
Rain. T1665. Jas_5:18.
Rain, To prevent. T1666. Jas_5:17.
Recovery from backsliding. T1437. Psa_119:176.
Redemption. T1667. Psa_26:11.
Refuge. T1668. Psa_57:1.
Regeneration. T1669. Psa_51:10.
Rejoicing. T1381. Psa_40:16.
Rejoicing of enemies. T1143. Psa_13:4.
Rejoicing heart. T1356. 1Sa_2:1.
Remembrance. T1670. Luk_23:42.
Remembrance of covenant. T1460. Jer_14:21.
Remembrance of past mercies. T1382. Psa_119:52.
Remembrance of promises. T1656. Psa_119:49.
Removal of bloodguiltiness. T1440. Psa_51:14.
Removal of contempt. T1671. Psa_119:22.
Removal of plague. T1641. Num_16:46.
Removal of rod. T1673. Job_9:34.
Removal of stroke. T1674. Psa_39:10.
Rending garments. T1273. Ezr_9:5.
Repenting. T1383. Act_8:22.
Repetition, Without. T1274. Mat_6:7.
Reproved by the righteous, To be. T1675. Psa_141:5.
Reproach, Removal of. T1672. Psa_119:39.
Resignation. T1384. Mat_6:10.
Rest. T1676. Psa_55:6.
Restoration to life. T1603. Act_9:40.
Return, God to. T1515. Psa_6:4.
Revelation of secret. T1677. Dan_2:18.
Revival. T1678. Psa_85:6.
Riches, Against. T1679. Pro_30:8.
Right spirit, A. T1711. Psa_51:10.
Righteous. T1385. Pro_15:29.
Righteous, To justify the. T1590. Psa_7:9.
Righteous not to be punished with the wicked. T1680. Gen_18:23.
Righteousness. T1681. Psa_5:8.
Righteousness, God’s. T1128. Dan_9:16.
Rimmon, Permission to bow before. T1682. 2Ki_5:18.
Riverside. T1203. Act_16:13.
Rod, Removal of. T1673. Job_9:34.
Rough valley, In. T1213. Deu_21:4.
Running. T1275. Mar_10:17.
Sacrificing. T1277. Isa_43:23.
Sackcloth. T1276. Dan_9:3.
Safety. T1683. Psa_4:8.
Saints, All. T1684. Eph_6:24.
Salvation. T1685. Psa_31:16.
Sanctification. T1686. 1Th_5:23.
Satisfied, To be. T1687. Psa_90:14.
Saved, To be. T1688. Psa_119:94.
Saved, How to be. T1689. Luk_3:10.
Saved from sin, To be. T1651. Psa_19:13.
Saved from temptation. T1722. Mat_6:13.
Sea, At. T1204. Psa_107:28.
Sea, Bottom of. T1205. Jon_2:5.
Sea, Deliverance at. T1690. Jon_1:6.
Sea shore. T1206. Act_21:5.
Searching. T1691. Psa_139:23.
Secret, In. T1278. Mat_6:6.
Secret sin, To be cleansed from. T1692. Psa_19:12.
Secret, Revelation of. T1677. Dan_2:18.
Seek, God to. T1518. Psa_119:176.
Seeking. T1386. 2Ch_7:14.
Self-righteousness. T1810. Luk_18:14.
Send, God to. T1516. Isa_6:8.
Send forth laborers into his harvest, God to. T1597. Mat_9:38.
Servants. T1694. Luk_7:7.
Seven days. T1763. 2Sa_12:18.
Shaving head. T1279. Job_1:20.
Sickness, In. T1280. Jas_5:14.
Sickness, Recovery from. T1695. Psa_30:2.
Sighing. T1281. Psa_12:5.
Sight. T1696. 2Ki_6:20.
Sign, A. T1697. Isa_7:11.
Silently. T1282. 1Sa_1:13.
Sin, To be cleansed from secret. T1692. Psa_19:12.
Sin, Conviction of. T1698. Job_13:23.
Sin, Deliverance from. T1699. Psa_39:8.
Sin, In. T1387. Luk_18:13.
Sin, To be kept from. T1700. Psa_19:13.
Sin, To know our. T1701. Job_13:23.
Sin, Prayer become. T1815. Psa_109:7.
Sin, Prayer to become. T1648. Psa_109:7
Sin, Putting away. T1380. Psa_66:18.
Sin, Sorrow for. T1391. Psa_38:18.
Sin, To be saved from. T1651. Psa_19:13.
Sin, Turning from. T1421. Isa_55:7.
Sinning, Brother. T1442. 1Jn_5:16.
Sincerity, With. T1388. 2Ch_7:14.
Sinfulness. T1811. Isa_59:2.
Sitting. T1283. 1Ch_17:16.
Slip not, That footsteps. T1702. Psa_17:5.
Smite, The righteous to. T1703. Psa_141:5.
Soberly. T1389. 1Pe_4:7.
Solitary place. T1207. Mar_1:35.
Sorrow, Deliverance from. T1704. Psa_69:29.
Sorrow, In. T1390. Dan_10:16.
Sorrow for sin. T1391. Psa_38:18.
Sorrowful unto death. T1407. Mat_26:38.
Soul among lions. T1393. Psa_57:4.
Soul athirst. T1394. Psa_42:2.
Soul bowed down. T1395. Psa_44:25.
Soul broken. T1396. Psa_119:20.
Soul in bitterness. T1397. Job_7:11.
Soul chastened. T1398. Psa_69:10.
Soul, To deliver. T1705. Psa_116:4.
Soul fainting. T1399. Psa_119:81.
Soul following after God. T1401. Psa_63:8.
Soul full of trouble. T1400. Joh_12:27.
Soul, To heal. T1706. Psa_41:4.
Soul lifted up. T1403. Psa_143:8.
Soul longing. T1402. Psa_84:2.
Soul melted. T1404. Psa_119:28.
Soul, To preserve. T1707. Psa_86:2.
Soul in prison. T1405. Psa_142:7.
Soul poured out. T1406. Psa_42:4.
Soul sorrowful unto death. T1407. Mat_26:38.
Soul trusting. T1408. Psa_57:1.
Soul waiting. T1409. Psa_130:6.
Soul, With the. T1410. Eph_6:18.
Speak, Boldness to. T1441. Eph_6:19.
Speak, Jesus to. T1584. Mat_8:8.
Speak, Power to. T1708. Jer_1:6.
Spirit, Broken. T1412. Psa_51:17.
Spirit, Commending to God. T1709. Luk_23:46.
Spirit, Double portion of. T1710. 2Ki_2:9.
Spirit helping, Holy. T1364. Rom_8:26.
Spirit, interceding, Holy. T1411. Rom_8:27.
Spirit not to be taken away, Holy. T1562. Psa_51:11.
Spirit, A right. T1711. Psa_51:10.
Spirit, The Holy. T1561. Act_8:15.
Spirit, With the. T1410. Eph_6:18.
Sprinkled, Heart. T1359. Heb_10:22.
Standing. T1284. Luk_18:13.
Stealing, To be kept from. T1712. Pro_30:9.
Steps to be ordered. T1713. Psa_119:133.
Strangers. T1714. Psa_119:19.
Streets. T1208. Mar_6:56.
Strength. T1715. Psa_86:16.
Strength, God’s. T1537. 1Ch_16:11.
Stroke, Removal of. T1674. Psa_39:10.
Stumblingblock, Against being. T1716. Psa_69:6.
Success in business. T1717. Psa_144:13.
Sun and moon to stand still. T1718. Jos_10:12.
Surety, God to be. T1519. Psa_119:122.
Sweating blood. T1285. Luk_22:44.
Swine, Permission to enter. T1719. Mat_8:31.
Tabernacle. T1209. Exo_33:7.
Taking hold. T1413. Isa_64:7.
Taught, To be. T1720. Psa_86:11.
Tears. T1298. Psa_56:8.
Tears, With. T1286. Psa_119:136.
Tempest, In. T1287. Mat_8:24.
Temptation, In. T1414. Mat_26:41.
Temptation, Deliverance in. T1721. Luk_22:32.
Temptation, To be saved from. T1722. Mat_6:13.
Tender heart. T1360. 2Ki_22:19.
Testimony, Giving. T1288. Psa_34:11.
Thanksgiving, With. T1415. Php_4:6.
Think upon, God to. T1520. Neh_5:19.
Thirsty. T1289. Psa_63:1.
Thorn in flesh to depart. T1723. 2Co_12:8.
Three times a day. T1171. Dan_6:10.
Three weeks. T1764. Dan_10:2.
Threshing-floor. T1210. 1Ch_21:18.
Thummim and Urim. T1724. Deu_33:8.
Thunder. T1777. 1Sa_12:18.
Thunder and hail to cease. T1725. Exo_9:28.
Thunder and rain. T1726. 1Sa_12:17.
Time of need. T1164. Heb_4:16.
Tithes, Giving. T1290. Luk_18:12.
Today. T1172. Psa_95:7.
Tongues, Forbidden in unknown. T1291. 1Co_14:14.
Torment, In. T1292. Luk_16:23.
Trance. T1779. Act_10:10.
Tree, Under a. T1211. Joh_1:48.
Trial, In. T1416. Zec_13:9.
Tribe, For a. T1728. Jdg_21:3.
Tribulation, In. T1417. Deu_4:30.
Tribulation, Deliverance in. T1729. 1Sa_26:24.
Tribulation, Deliverance from. T1372. Zep_2:3.
Trouble, In. T1418. Psa_107:6.
Trouble, Day of. T1159. Psa_50:15.
Trouble, Deliverance in. T1730. Psa_34:17.
Trouble, Help in. T1558. Psa_60:11.
Trouble, In fear of. T1336. 2Ch_20:3.
Trouble, Soul full of. T1400. Joh_12:27.
Trouble, To be preserved from. T1731. Psa_32:7.
True heart. T1361. Heb_10:22.
Trusting in God. T1419. Isa_50:10.
Trusting, Soul. T1408. Psa_57:1.
Truth, In. T1420. Joh_4:24.
Truth to be sent out. T1732. Psa_43:3.
Truth, To understand the. T1733. Dan_9:13.
Truthfulness, God’s. T1137. 2Ch_6:17.
Try, To. T1734. Psa_139:23.
Turned, To be. T1735. Psa_80:3.
Turning from sin. T1421. Isa_55:7.
Turning to God. T1422. Psa_78:34.
Unbelief, Help in. T1736. Mar_9:24.
Understand mysteries, To. T1621. Isa_45:11.
Understand the truth. T1733. Dan_9:13.
Understanding. T1737. Psa_119:27.
Understanding heart. T1551. 1Ki_3:9.
Understanding, With the. T1423. Joh_4:22.
Union with God in Christ. T1738. Joh_17:21.
United. T1293. Act_1:14.
Upper room. T1212. Act_1:13.
Urim and Thummim. T1780. 1Sa_28:6.
Valley, In rough. T1213. Deu_21:4.
Vanity. T1181. Job_35:13.
Vanity, Hating. T1424. Psa_31:6.
Vanity, Removal of. T1739. Pro_30:8.
Victory in war. T1740. 2Ch_6:34.
Visions. T1781. Act_9:10.
Visit, God to. T1521. Jer_15:15.
Voice, A. T1782. Luk_3:22.
Vow, With. T1425. Psa_50:14.
Waiting. T1426. Psa_37:34.
Walk worthy of the Lord. T1741. Col_1:10.
Wandering, To be saved from. T1742. Psa_119:10.
War, Victory in. T1740. 2Ch_6:34.
Washing. T1294, Psa_26:6. T1743, Psa_51:7.
Watch on door of mouth. T1744. Psa_141:3.
Watch, Setting a. T1296. Neh_4:9.
Watching. T1427. Mar_14:38.
Water. T1745. Isa_41:17.
Water, Living. T1746. Joh_4:15.
Water, Pouring out. T1295. 1Sa_7:6.
Wavering. T1813. Jas_1:7.
Way committed to God. T1428. Psa_37:5.
Way, To be taught God’s. T1540. Psa_27:11.
Wayside. T1214. Mat_20:30.
Weak. T1297. Psa_6:2.
Weeping. T1298. Psa_56:8.
Well, By a. T1215. Joh_4:12.
What to do. T1748. Act_9:6.
Whatsoever, All things. T1433. Mat_21:22.
Whatsoever ye will. T1747. Joh_14:13.
While he is near. T1173. Isa_55:6.
While he may be found. T1174. Isa_55:6.
Wicked, For the. T1749. Isa_53:12.
Wicked, Deliverance from. T1750. 2Th_3:2.
Wicked, Not to be driven away with. T1751. Psa_28:3.
Wicked, Punishment of. T1752. 1Ki_8:32.
Wickedness. T1814. Pro_15:29.
Wilderness. T1216. Luk_5:16.
Will of God, In accordance with. T1302. 1Jn_5:14.
Will of God, Doing the. T1325. Joh_9:31.
Will of God, To be taught. T1539. Psa_143:10.
Will, God’s to be done. T1538. Luk_11:2.
Wings. T1753. Psa_55:6.
Wisdom. T1754. Psa_51:6.
Woman with head covered. T1251. 1Co_11:6.
Wonders. T1755. Act_4:30.
Word to have free course. T1756. 2Th_3:1.
Works, Good. T1299. Isa_58:6.
World, The. T1757. Joh_17:21.
Worldly advantages of prayer. T1820. Psa_37:9.
Wounded heart. T1362. Psa_109:22.
Wrath, Without. T1429. 1Ti_2:8.
Wrestling. T1300. Gen_32:24.
Youth, In. T1175. Jer_3:4.
Zion. T1758. Psa_51:18.
Proverbs Index
Acceptable words. Pro_10:31-32; +*Pro_25:11.
Access to neighbors. Pro_25:17.
Accusation rebuked. Pro_30:10.
Affliction, value of. Pro_15:10; Pro_17:3.
Affliction, powerless to correct a fool. Pro_27:22.
Affliction, support in. Pro_15:15.
All-seeing eye of God. Pro_15:3; Pro_15:11; Pro_16:2.
Anger, quick, is foolish. Pro_14:17.
Anger, soft answer turns away. Pro_15:11.
Anger, discretion defers. Pro_19:11.
Anger, great, brings repeated punishment. Pro_19:19.
Anger, a bar to friendship and fellowship. Pro_22:24.
Anger, a bad influence, snare to others. Pro_22:25.
Anger brings strife. Pro_29:22; Pro_30:33.
Angry countenance drives away backbiting tongue. Pro_25:23.
Anger, control over, a great asset. Pro_16:32.
Anger, control over, possessed by man of understanding. Pro_17:27.
Anger, controlled by prudence. Pro_19:11.
Anger, controlled, by those who are honorable. Pro_20:3.
Angry man, warning against friendship with. Pro_22:24-25.
Ants, pattern of industry. Pro_30:25.
Appetite for the Word. Pro_4:7; Pro_8:9; Pro_8:34; Pro_27:7.
Appetite, rules for. Pro_23:1-3.
Appetite, insatiable. Pro_30:15.
Appetite for sin. Pro_17:4.
Apostasy. Pro_1:32.
Apostasy, moral. Pro_2:16-19; Pro_26:11.
Attention to the Bible. Pro_22:17; Pro_23:12.
Babbling. Pro_10:8; Pro_10:19.
Backbiter, described. Pro_25:18.
Backsliding. Pro_14:14.
Balance, false and true. Pro_11:1; Pro_20:10; Pro_20:14.
Beauty, vanity of. Pro_11:22; Pro_31:30.
Behavior acceptable to God. Pro_11:20.
Bible, completeness of, +*Pro_30:5; +*Pro_30:6.
Bible, holiness of, +*Pro_30:5; +*Pro_30:6.
Bible, perspicuity (clarity) of, +*Pro_8:9.
Bible, continued study brings increasing light. +*Pro_4:18.
Bible, God’s "medicine bottle." Pro_4:20-22.
Bible, importance of studying. Pro_2:1-6; Pro_4:7; Pro_4:21-23; Pro_7:1-5.
Blessing of God. Pro_10:6; Pro_10:22; Pro_11:26.
Boastful spirit. Pro_25:14; Pro_27:1.
Bountiful spirit. Pro_11:24; Pro_22:9; Pro_31:20.
Brawling woman. Pro_21:9; Pro_21:19; Pro_25:24; Pro_27:15; Pro_30:23.
Buying the truth. Pro_22:23.
Care for souls. Pro_24:11.
Character. Pro_27:19.
Character and its consequences. Pro_10:24.
Charity, Christian. Pro_3:27; Pro_19:17.
Chastening of God. Pro_3:11; Pro_11:31; Pro_13:24; Pro_15:10; Pro_18:6-7;
Chastening, parental. Pro_3:11-12; Pro_11:31; Pro_13:24; Pro_15:10;
Pro_18:6-7; Pro_19:18.
Children, anxiety of. Pro_10:1; Pro_15:20; Pro_17:25; Pro_19:26; Pro_23:15-
16; Pro_29:3; Pro_31:1.
Children, blessing of. Pro_18:6.
Children, joy in. Pro_10:1; Pro_15:20; Pro_23:15-16; Pro_29:3; Pro_31:3-7.
Children, promise to. Pro_8:17; Pro_20:11.
Children, sorrow in. Pro_10:1; Pro_17:21; Pro_17:25; Pro_19:13; Pro_28:24;
Christian, dignity of. Pro_12:26; Pro_21:8.
Communion of saints. Pro_16:24; Pro_27:9; Pro_27:17.
Company, good and bad. Pro_13:20.
Competency. Pro_12:8; Pro_22:29.
Concealment, the glory of God. Pro_25:2-3.
Conceit, evil of. Pro_12:15; Pro_19:20; Pro_28:11.
Confession of sin. Pro_28:13.
Confidence, Christian. Pro_1:33; Pro_3:23-24; Pro_10:30; Pro_14:26;
Pro_22:17; Pro_24:13; Pro_28:5.
Conies (badgers), description of. Pro_30:26.
Consideration, importance of. Pro_3:27; Pro_15:28; Pro_22:7; Pro_25:17.
Contention, evil of. Pro_13:10; Pro_18:19; Pro_25:8-10; Pro_26:20-22;
Contention, uselessness of. Pro_29:9.
Contentment, value of. Pro_15:15; Pro_16:8; Pro_17:1.
Conversation, vain. Pro_14:23.
Corruption of human nature. Pro_20:9; Pro_21:4; Pro_22:15.
Corruption, total. Pro_30:11-14.
Counsel, value of. Pro_11:14; Pro_15:22; Pro_20:5; Pro_20:18.
Counselor, the Great. Pro_8:14; Pro_12:15; Pro_15:23; Pro_20:18.
Counsels, divine certainty. Pro_19:12; Pro_20:24; Pro_21:25-26.
Covering of sins. Pro_28:13.
Covetousness, evil of. Pro_15:27; Pro_16:8; Pro_28:8; Pro_28:22; Pro_28:27.
Creation, work of. Pro_3:19-20; Pro_8:22-31.
Credulity, evil of. Pro_14:15; Pro_26:23-27.
Cruelty. Pro_15:20; Pro_30:11-14.
Cruelty, punishment of. Pro_11:17.
Cruelty and compassion. Pro_12:10.
Curses. Pro_26:2.
Death of wicked and righteous contrasted. Pro_14:32.
Deceit, evil of. Pro_8:7; Pro_14:8; Pro_20:17.
Dependence on God. Pro_16:1; Pro_19:16.
Depression of spirits. Pro_12:25; Pro_15:13; Pro_17:22.
Desires, insatiable. Pro_13:25; Pro_27:20.
Desires of the righteous. Pro_11:23; Pro_13:19; Pro_18:1; Pro_19:22.
Desires of the slothful. Pro_13:4; Pro_19:21.
Despair, temptation to. Pro_18:14.
Despising chastening, sin of. Pro_3:11-12.
Despising neighbor. Pro_11:12; Pro_14:21.
Despising of parents. Pro_15:5; Pro_15:20; Pro_28:24; Pro_30:11-14;
Despising reproof. Pro_1:24-31; Pro_29:1.
Despising our ways. Pro_19:16.
Despising wisdom. Pro_1:7; Pro_23:9.
Despising the Word of God. Pro_13:13.
Destruction of sinners, willful. Pro_1:32; Pro_8:34-36; Pro_17:15.
Devices, wicked. Pro_14:17; Pro_14:22.
Diligence, value of. Pro_11:27; Pro_12:11; Pro_21:5; Pro_23:29; Pro_27:23-
27; Pro_30:24.
Diligent and slothful compared. Pro_10:4; Pro_12:24; Pro_13:4.
Discretion, lack of. Pro_11:22.
Discretion, value of. Pro_2:10; Pro_19:11.
Dishonesty, sin of. Pro_11:1; Pro_20:14; Pro_20:23; Pro_21:6; Pro_29:24.
Diversion of mind, evil of. Pro_17:23.
Divine omniscience. Pro_15:3.
Dress, importance of due attention to. Pro_31:13-27.
Drunkenness, evil of. Pro_20:1; Pro_23:19-21; Pro_23:29-35; Pro_31:3-7.
Dumb, advocate for. Pro_31:8-9.
Education, discipline of. Pro_15:5; Pro_25:12.
Education, responsibility of. Pro_10:1; Pro_12:20-22; Pro_13:24; Pro_22:6.
Egotism, described. Pro_27:2.
Eloquence, natural. Pro_16:21.
Enemies, compassion for. Pro_24:17.
Enemies, forgiveness of. Pro_20:22; Pro_25:21.
Enmity of the gospel. Pro_24:15-16; Pro_29:9; Pro_29:17.
Envy described. Pro_14:30; Pro_23:17; Pro_24:1-2; Pro_27:3-4.
Evil company, danger of. Pro_1:10-16; Pro_2:12-15; Pro_4:14-17; Pro_8:20;
Pro_9:13-18; Pro_22:19-21; Pro_22:24-25; Pro_28:7; Pro_29:24.
Extravagance. Pro_21:17; Pro_27:14; Pro_29:5.
Face, hardened. Pro_21:29.
Faintness, encouragement under. Pro_24:10.
Faith, happiness of. Pro_16:3; Pro_16:20.
Faith, nature of. Pro_14:15; Pro_22:17-21.
Faith, parental. Pro_17:21; Pro_17:25; Pro_20:11; Pro_22:6; Pro_31:1.
Faith, power of religious. Pro_14:26.
Faith, prospects of. Pro_29:16.
Faithful man, rarity of. Pro_11:13; Pro_28:20.
Faithful wife, blessing of. Pro_31:11.
Faithfulness of God. Pro_10:3.
Falsehood, reproved. Pro_25:14.
Family, trials of. Pro_17:25; Pro_19:13.
Family relationships. Pro_11:29.
Family religion. Pro_20:7.
Family ungodliness, evil of. Pro_11:29; Pro_14:1; Pro_29:15.
Father and son. Pro_27:11.
Favoritism in the study of the Bible. Pro_30:5.
Fear of God, blessing of. Pro_3:7; Pro_8:13; Pro_9:10-11; Pro_10:27;
Pro_14:26; Pro_15:33; Pro_16:6; Pro_23:17; Pro_24:21.
Fear of God’s Word. Pro_13:13.
Fear of man. Pro_29:25.
Fear of sin. Pro_14:16.
Feet, keeping of. Pro_4:23-26; Pro_19:16.
Female character, loveliness of. Pro_11:16; Pro_12:4; Pro_31:11; Pro_31:28-
Filial obligation. Pro_1:8; Pro_22:22-23.
Flattery, evil of. Pro_20:19; Pro_26:28; Pro_29:5.
Fool. Pro_26:1.
Fool, mischief of. Pro_26:4.
Fool, pleasures of a. Pro_10:23; Pro_19:10.
Fool, punishment of. Pro_3:35; Pro_10:14; Pro_18:6-7; Pro_30:21.
Fool, treatment of. Pro_26:4-5; Pro_29:9.
Fool, way of. Pro_12:16; Pro_14:8; Pro_15:5; Pro_15:14; Pro_15:21;
Pro_17:11; Pro_17:16; Pro_18:1; Pro_29:11.
Fool, wrath of. Pro_27:3.
Foolish child, evil of. Pro_27:11.
Foolishness, natural. Pro_22:15.
Foolish woman. Pro_14:1.
Forbearance. Pro_17:9; Pro_19:11; Pro_20:3.
Forgiveness. Pro_10:12; Pro_28:13.
Foundation of righteousness. Pro_10:24.
Fretfulness rebuked. Pro_24:19.
Fretting heart. Pro_19:3.
Friendship. Pro_17:17; Pro_27:5; Pro_27:9-10; Pro_27:17.
Friendship, Divine. Pro_17:17; Pro_18:24; Pro_27:10.
Frowardness. Pro_6:12-15; Pro_11:20-21; Pro_17:20; Pro_21:8; Pro_22:5.
Furnace of trial. Pro_17:3; Pro_27:21.
Future life, knowledge of, in Old Testament. Pro_15:24; Pro_21:12.
Gifts, corruption of. Pro_17:8; Pro_17:23; Pro_21:14; Pro_29:4.
Gifts, use of. Pro_18:16.
Gifts and bribes. Pro_17:8.
Godliness, blessing of, to the family. Pro_14:1.
Godliness, blessing of to the state. Pro_11:10; Pro_14:34; Pro_28:12;
Good man, described. Pro_12:2.
Gospel, comfort of. Pro_12:25; Pro_24:11-12; Pro_25:25.
Gospel, invitations of. Pro_1:20-23; Pro_7:24-27; Pro_19:1-6; Pro_23:6-8;
Gossip and slander. Pro_25:8.
Greyhound, alluded to. Pro_30:29-31.
Happiness. Pro_15:13.
Happiness in religion. Pro_3:13-15; Pro_10:28; Pro_14:10; Pro_15:13;
Pro_15:30; Pro_17:22; Pro_21:15; Pro_21:20; Pro_22:17-21; Pro_29:6.
Harvest, importance of gathering. Pro_10:5; Pro_13:23.
Hasty spirit. Pro_14:29; Pro_16:32; Pro_18:13; Pro_19:2; Pro_19:11;
Pro_21:5; Pro_25:8-10; Pro_19:20.
Hatred, sin of. Pro_10:12; Pro_10:18; Pro_26:23-27.
Hatred of God. Pro_8:34-36.
Hatred of reproof. Pro_12:1; Pro_15:10.
Health, religion conducive to. Pro_3:16; Pro_14:30.
Hearing, caution concerning. Pro_19:27.
Hearing, diligence in. Pro_8:32-33; Pro_23:12.
Hearing ear. Pro_20:12; Pro_23:12.
Heart, danger of trusting. Pro_28:26.
Heart, depth of. Pro_18:4; Pro_20:5.
Heart, hardness of. Pro_28:14.
Heart, to be given wholly to God. Pro_3:1-2; Pro_23:15-18.
Heathen, state of. Pro_14:34; Pro_29:18.
Heavenly walk. Pro_15:24.
Hezekiah’s labors. Pro_25:1.
Hoary head. Pro_16:31; Pro_20:29.
Holiness, of the Gospel. Pro_16:6.
Honesty and dishonesty. Pro_13:25.
Honey, sweetness of. Pro_25:16.
Horse, referred to. Pro_26:3.
Horseleech. Pro_30:15-16.
Human nature, the same. Pro_27:19.
Humility. Pro_3:34; Pro_11:2; Pro_13:7; Pro_15:33; Pro_16:18-19;
Pro_18:12; Pro_27:2; Pro_28:5; Pro_29:23.
Hypocrisy. Pro_11:9; +Pro_26:23; Pro_27:5-6; Pro_27:14; Pro_28:9;
Independence, Christian. Pro_19:27; Pro_22:7.
Independence, proud. Pro_24:21-22.
Idleness, evil of. Pro_7:6-23; Pro_14:23.
Impatience, evil of. Pro_15:16-17.
Inability, moral. Pro_20:12; Pro_21:4.
Inconsistent profession, evil of. Pro_25:26.
Indulgence, carnal. Pro_25:16; Pro_21:27.
Industry, blessing of. +*Pro_10:4; Pro_12:11; Pro_13:11; Pro_13:23;
Pro_27:23-27; Pro_30:24-28; Pro_31:13-27.
Industry, blessing of spiritual. Pro_12:11; Pro_21:25-26.
Infidelity. Pro_22:17-21.
Ingratitude. Pro_17:11-13.
Inheritance of fathers. Pro_19:13; Pro_20:7.
Inheritance of vanity. Pro_11:29; Pro_14:18; Pro_20:21.
Inheritance of the wise. Pro_3:35; Pro_8:18-21; Pro_13:22; Pro_17:2.
Injustice. Pro_17:15; Pro_17:26; Pro_18:5; Pro_18:13; Pro_20:20;
Pro_24:23-26; Pro_28:21; Pro_29:4.
Instruction, importance of receiving. Pro_1:5; Pro_8:5-11; Pro_8:32-33;
Pro_10:17; Pro_23:12.
Instruction, sin and danger of despising. Pro_1:7; Pro_5:1-14; Pro_15:31-32;
Instruction, value of parental. Pro_1:8-9; Pro_4:10-13; Pro_4:20-27;
Pro_6:20-24; Pro_13:1; Pro_23:19.
Instruction of fools. Pro_16:22.
Integrity, moral value of. Pro_1:3-7; Pro_19:2; Pro_20:7; Pro_20:23.
Judgment, right of private. Pro_19:27.
Just, blessings on. Pro_3:33; Pro_10:6-7.
Justice. Pro_21:3; Pro_29:7.
Justice, administration of. Pro_13:23.
Justice of God. Pro_16:4.
Justification of a sinner. Pro_16:6; Pro_17:15.
Keeping the heart, importance of. Pro_4:23-27.
King, favor of. Pro_14:35; Pro_16:14-15; Pro_19:12.
King, fear of. Pro_24:21.
King, godly. Pro_17:26; Pro_20:26; Pro_20:28; Pro_25:4-5; Pro_29:4;
King, honor of. Pro_14:28.
King, manual for. Pro_14:28; Pro_16:10-13.
King, power of. Pro_16:14-15; Pro_30:32-33.
King, power of God over. Pro_21:1.
King, wrath of. Pro_16:14-15; Pro_19:12.
King and his people. Pro_14:28.
King’s duty to search. Pro_25:2.
Knowledge, concealment of. Pro_12:23.
Knowledge, despised. Pro_1:7.
Knowledge, dispersing. Pro_15:7.
Knowledge importance of. Pro_8:12; Pro_15:2; Pro_15:14; Pro_18:15;
Pro_19:2; Pro_20:15.
Knowledge, laying up. Pro_10:14.
Labor. Pro_10:16; Pro_14:23; Pro_16:26; Pro_31:13-27.
Landmarks, removal of. Pro_22:28; Pro_23:10-11.
Landmarks, sacredness of. Pro_22:28.
Leech. Pro_30:15-16.
Liberality. Pro_3:9; Pro_11:24-25; Pro_22:9; Pro_28:27.
Life, blessing of long. Pro_3:1-2; Pro_3:16-18; Pro_8:34; +Pro_10:16;
Life, of the gospel. Pro_12:28; Pro_15:24; Pro_19:23.
Life, the self-disciplined. Pro_10:17.
Light, cheering comfort of. Pro_15:30.
Lion, image of Christian boldness. Pro_28:1.
Lion, image of ruler. Pro_19:12; Pro_20:2; Pro_28:15-16; Pro_30:30.
Lips, righteous. Pro_10:13; Pro_10:20-21; Pro_10:31-32; Pro_12:13-14;
Pro_12:19; Pro_16:10-13; Pro_16:21; Pro_16:23; Pro_22:11.
Lips, ungodly. Pro_12:13.
Lizard. Pro_30:28.
Locusts described. Pro_30:24-28.
Lot, use of. +Pro_16:33; Pro_18:18.
Love, spirit of. Pro_10:12; Pro_17:9.
Loyalty. Pro_24:21-22.
Lust, danger of. Pro_5:1-14; Pro_6:25-29; Pro_7:6-23; Pro_9:13-18.
Lust, means of resisting Pro_5:20-23; Pro_6:20-24; Pro_7:1-27; Pro_23:26-
Lying, evil of. Pro_12:19; Pro_13:5; Pro_18:7; Pro_19:5; Pro_19:9;
Lying, listening to. Pro_17:4; Pro_29:12.
Lying, prayer to be delivered from. Pro_30:9.
Marriage. Pro_5:15-19.
Marriage responsibility in. Pro_12:4; Pro_14:1; Pro_25:24; Pro_30:21-23;
Meddling spirit, evil of. Pro_18:6-7; Pro_20:3; Pro_26:17.
Meekness commended. Pro_15:1; Pro_15:18; Pro_25:15.
Men, good and evil. Pro_10:6; Pro_28:1.
Mercy, reward of. Pro_3:3-4; Pro_11:17.
Merry heart. Pro_15:13; Pro_17:22.
Messenger, faithful. Pro_13:17.
Messenger, unfaithful. Pro_10:26; Pro_13:17; Pro_26:6-9.
Messengers and servants. Pro_13:17.
Middle path. Pro_4:23-27; Pro_8:18-21.
Minister, Christian, not to be flattered. Pro_27:21; Pro_29:5; Pro_29:12.
Mirth, sinful. Pro_14:13; %Pro_17:22.
Mischief, love of. Pro_10:10; Pro_10:23; Pro_26:18.
Mocking at sin. Pro_14:9.
Morality and religion. Pro_14:2; Pro_28:9.
Morality, civic. Pro_11:10.
Mouth of the righteous. Pro_10:11; Pro_13:2.
Mouth of the wicked. Pro_10:14; Pro_10:31; Pro_12:5-7; Pro_15:4;
Murder, sin of. Pro_28:17.
Name, value of a good. Pro_22:1.
Name of the Lord. Pro_18:10-11.
National judgments. Pro_28:2; Pro_28:28; Pro_29:2.
National sins. Pro_14:34; Pro_28:2.
Nemesis of folly and wrongdoing. Pro_17:11.
Obedience, Christian. Pro_19:16.
Obedience to parents. Pro_1:8; Pro_15:5.
Odious woman. Pro_30:21-23.
Old age. Pro_16:31.
Oppression. Pro_14:31; Pro_28:3; Pro_28:15; Pro_30:14.
Order, proper. Pro_14:8; Pro_27:8; Pro_30:21-28.
Ordinances, love for. Pro_8:34-36.
Oversight of man’s life, God’s. Pro_16:1.
Oxen referred to. Pro_14:4.
Parents addressed. Pro_1:20-22; Pro_4:3-9; Pro_11:29; Pro_15:16-17;
Pro_19:22; Pro_20:7; Pro_28:7; Pro_31:1-2.
Parents, confidence of. Pro_17:21; Pro_20:7; Pro_20:11; +*Pro_22:6.
Parents, obedience to. Pro_1:8; Pro_15:5.
Parents, rebellion against. Pro_15:5; Pro_19:26; Pro_20:20; Pro_30:11-14.
Path of life, The. Pro_14:12.
Patriotism, Christian. Pro_14:34; Pro_29:8.
Peace. Pro_12:20; Pro_16:7.
Persecutions. Pro_28:28; Pro_29:10.
Perverseness. Pro_15:4; Pro_19:1; Pro_19:3.
Plans and expectations. Pro_11:7.
Poor, better condition of godly. Pro_15:16-17; Pro_19:1; Pro_28:6;
Poor, harshness to. Pro_18:23; Pro_21:13.
Poor, kindness to. Pro_14:31; Pro_19:17; Pro_28:27; Pro_29:7.
Poor, neglect of. Pro_14:20; Pro_17:5; Pro_19:4; Pro_29:7.
Poverty and wealth. Pro_10:2.
Practical jokers. Pro_26:18.
Promises, rash. Pro_11:15.
Promises of God faithful. Pro_22:6.
Poverty, advantages of. Pro_13:8; Pro_30:8-9.
Poverty, trials of. Pro_10:3; Pro_14:20; Pro_19:4.
Practical religion. Pro_8:32; Pro_21:2; Pro_22:6.
Praise, danger of. Pro_21:28; Pro_26:23-27; Pro_27:21.
Praise, importance of renouncing. Pro_27:2.
Praise, value of. Pro_22:1.
Prating spirit. Pro_10:8; Pro_14:6.
Prayer, abomination when offered by the lawless. Pro_28:9.
Prayer, privilege of. Pro_15:8-9; Pro_15:29; Pro_25:17; Pro_28:5.
Preaching, value of. Pro_19:25.
Preparation of heart. Pro_16:1.
Pride. Pro_3:34; Pro_8:13; Pro_11:2; Pro_11:12; Pro_12:9; Pro_13:7;
Pro_13:10; Pro_15:25; Pro_16:5; Pro_17:19; Pro_18:12; Pro_21:4;
Pro_27:20; Pro_28:5; Pro_28:25; Pro_29:23; Pro_30:13-14.
Prosperity, fruit of diligence and blessing of the Lord. Pro_10:4; Pro_10:22.
Prosperity, snares of. Pro_1:32.
Prudence. Pro_6:6; Pro_8:12; Pro_12:23; Pro_13:16; Pro_14:8; Pro_14:15;
Pro_16:21; Pro_18:15; +*Pro_22:3; Pro_24:27; Pro_27:12; Pro_29:11.
Punishment, capital. Pro_28:17.
Purity of heart. Pro_22:11.
Quarrels. Pro_15:18; Pro_26:17.
Ransom, riches. Pro_13:11.
Ransom of the wicked. Pro_21:18.
Refiner’s furnace. Pro_17:3; Pro_27:21.
Report, gladness of a good. Pro_15:30; Pro_25:25.
Reproof. Pro_9:7-9; Pro_10:17; Pro_12:1; Pro_15:10; Pro_15:12; Pro_15:31-
32; Pro_17:10; Pro_19:25; Pro_26:4-5.
Retirement, blessing of. Pro_18:1-2.
Retributive justice. Pro_18:3; Pro_19:5; Pro_26:23-27; Pro_28:10;
Revenge, evil of. Pro_20:22; Pro_24:28.
Reward and retribution. Pro_26:27.
Rewards and punishments, providential. Pro_10:3.
Rich and poor. Pro_27:7.
Riches, blessing of the Lord. Pro_10:22.
Riches, crown. Pro_14:24.
Riches, danger of. Pro_10:15; Pro_11:28; Pro_23:4.
Riches, reward of diligence. Pro_10:4.
Riches, use of. Pro_13:8.
Riches not to be envied. Pro_28:11.
Righteous, honor of. Pro_12:26; Pro_14:19; Pro_16:8.
Righteous, perseverance of. Pro_11:28; Pro_12:3.
Righteous, recompense of. Pro_11:18-19; Pro_11:30; Pro_13:21; Pro_18:4.
Righteous, security of. Pro_18:10; Pro_30:5-6.
Righteous, thoughts of. Pro_12:5-7.
Righteousness. Pro_10:2; Pro_11:3-7.
Righteousness, blessing of. Pro_14:34.
Rod, discipline of. Pro_10:13.
Royal court, The. Pro_25:2.
Ruined child. Pro_29:15.
Rulers, bad. Pro_28:2; Pro_28:15-16; Pro_29:4; Pro_29:13.
Rulers, good. Pro_16:10-13; Pro_24:23-26; Pro_28:15; Pro_29:14.
Sanctification of the gospel. Pro_16:6.
Satisfaction, godly. Pro_13:2; Pro_13:25; Pro_14:14; Pro_19:23; Pro_27:20.
Schism. Pro_6:19.
Scorner. Pro_1:20; Pro_9:7; Pro_9:12; Pro_15:12; Pro_19:25; Pro_19:28-29;
Pro_21:11, Pro_21:24; Pro_22:10.
Scriptures, faithful keeping of. Pro_22:12.
Scriptures, favoritism in selective prooftexting. Pro_30:5.
Scriptures, perspicuity (clarity) of. Pro_8:9.
Scriptures, purity of. Pro_30:5-6.
Secret of the Lord, Pro_3:31.
Secrets, discovered. Pro_11:13; Pro_25:8-10.
Security of the ways of God. Pro_1:32; Pro_3:13-15; Pro_3:23-26; Pro_10:8;
Seducer, warnings against. Pro_7:24-27; Pro_9:13-18; Pro_30:18-20.
Self-deception. Pro_12:15; Pro_14:2; Pro_14:12; Pro_16:2; Pro_16:25;
Pro_21:2; Pro_28:9; Pro_30:11-14.
Self-discipline. Pro_17:27-28.
Selfishness. Pro_11:26; Pro_14:21; Pro_19:4; Pro_19:6-7; Pro_21:13;
Pro_22:16; Pro_28:27; Pro_29:7.
Self-justifying. Pro_18:16; Pro_28:13; Pro_30:32-33.
Self-righteousness. Pro_27:7.
Selling the truth. Pro_23:23.
Serpent described. Pro_30:19.
Servants, diligent. Pro_22:29; Pro_27:18.
Servants, faithful. Pro_13:17; Pro_25:13.
Servants, indulged. Pro_29:21.
Servants, ruling. Pro_19:10; Pro_30:21-23.
Servants, unfaithful. Pro_10:26; Pro_26:6-9.
Servants, unruly. Pro_29:19.
Servants, wise. Pro_14:35; Pro_17:2.
Service of God. Pro_13:21; Pro_27:18.
Ship in the sea, described. Pro_30:18-20.
Sickness and grief. Pro_14:10.
Simple, described. Pro_1:20-23; Pro_14:15; Pro_22:3; Pro_27:12.
Slander. Pro_10:18.
Sleep. Pro_20:13.
Sluggard. Pro_6:6-11; Pro_10:4; Pro_10:26; Pro_13:23; Pro_15:19;
Pro_18:9; Pro_19:15, Pro_19:24; Pro_20:4; Pro_21:25; Pro_22:13;
Pro_24:30-34; Pro_26:13-16.
Snow. Pro_25:13; Pro_26:1; Pro_31:21.
Sobriety. Pro_20:1.
Solomon’s history. Pro_4:1-3.
Son and his parents. Pro_10:1.
Sons, wise and foolish, compared. Pro_10:1; Pro_15:20; Pro_28:7.
Sorrow. Pro_14:13; Pro_15:13; Pro_17:22; Pro_18:14.
Sovereignty of God. Pro_16:9; Pro_20:24.
Speech, foolish. Pro_26:28.
Speech, temperate. Pro_10:19.
Spider (lizard), described. Pro_30:29-31.
Spirit, importance of rule over. Pro_16:32; Pro_25:28.
Spirit, mischievous. Pro_10:10; Pro_10:23; Pro_26:18.
Strange woman. Pro_2:16; Pro_5:1-14; Pro_22:14; Pro_23:29-33;
Strength of God’s ways. Pro_10:29.
Strife, evil of. Pro_10:12; Pro_13:10; Pro_15:18; Pro_17:1; Pro_17:14;
Pro_17:19; Pro_20:3; Pro_25:8-10; Pro_28:25; Pro_29:22.
Suretiship. Pro_6:1; Pro_11:15; Pro_17:18; Pro_20:16; Pro_22:26;
Suretiship of Christ. Pro_5:1-5; Pro_11:15;
Sweetness of the ways of God. Pro_16:24.
Sweetness of the Word of God. Pro_24:13-14.
Sympathy, Christian, imperfect. Pro_14:10; Pro_27:9; Pro_27:19.
Talebearers. Pro_11:13; Pro_17:9; Pro_18:8; Pro_30:10.
Talkativeness. Pro_14:23.
Teaching, false, warning against. Pro_19:27.
Temperance. Pro_25:16; Pro_25:27.
Temporal promises. Pro_10:3.
Temptations. Pro_1:10-15; Pro_2:16-19; Pro_4:14-17; Pro_4:23-27;
Pro_6:25; Pro_28:10.
Temptations, preservation from. Pro_2:10-11; Pro_7:1-5; Pro_13:14;
Temptations, warning against. Pro_1:10-16; Pro_6:20-24; Pro_9:13-18;
Thief, not excused. Pro_6:30.
Thief, partner of. Pro_29:24.
Thorns, trial of. Pro_15:19; Pro_22:5.
Thoughts, sinfulness of. Pro_15:26; Pro_24:8-9.
Tongue, blessing of. Pro_12:13; Pro_13:2; Pro_15:2.
Tongue, evil of. Pro_12:18; Pro_13:3; Pro_15:4.
Tongue, wisdom of. Pro_10:31-32; Pro_12:19; Pro_15:2; Pro_25:11.
Treasure, durable. Pro_8:18-21; Pro_15:6.
Treasure of the wise. Pro_21:20.
Treasures of wickedness. Pro_10:2.
Trust in God. Pro_3:5-6.
Truth, perpetuity of. Pro_12:19.
Truth and falsehood. Pro_12:17.
Understanding, a well-spring of. Pro_16:22.
Understanding, characteristics of. Pro_11:12; Pro_14:29; Pro_15:14;
Pro_15:21; Pro_17:27.
Understanding, definition of. Pro_9:10; Pro_21:30.
Understanding, fruit of. Pro_1:5; Pro_2:11.
Understanding, priority of. Pro_4:5; Pro_4:7.
Understanding, source of. Pro_15:32.
Understanding spirit. Pro_8:5-11; Pro_28:5.
Unfaithfulness. Pro_25:19.
Unity of the church. Pro_18:19; Pro_27:8; Pro_30:24-28.
Unsettled professors. Pro_19:2; Pro_27:8; Pro_29:11.
Uprightness. Pro_10:9; Pro_11:3-7; Pro_11:20-21; Pro_14:2; Pro_16:17;
Vainglory. Pro_25:27; Pro_27:2.
Values, material and moral. Pro_16:8.
Vanity, the fruit of sin. Pro_13:10; Pro_22:8.
Vices and follies. Pro_25:20.
Victory, Christian. Pro_16:32; Pro_29:25.
Virtues. Pro_25:13.
War, spiritual. Pro_20:18.
Wastefulness. Pro_13:11; Pro_18:9; Pro_19:26; Pro_21:20; Pro_28:24.
Water, refreshment of cold. Pro_15:25.
Ways of God, dark. Pro_18:1-2; Pro_25:2-3; Pro_28:5.
Whisperers, evil of. Pro_16:27-30.
Wicked, course of. Pro_15:8-9; Pro_21:4; Pro_28:4.
Wicked, destruction of. Pro_1:24-31; Pro_4:19; Pro_10:24-25; Pro_11:18;
Wicked, energy of. Pro_1:17-19; Pro_4:14-17; Pro_6:12-15; Pro_11:18-19;
Pro_16:27-30; Pro_21:10; Pro_24:1.
Wicked, enmity of. Pro_29:10; Pro_29:27.
Wicked, multiplying of. Pro_29:16.
Wicked, responsibility of. Pro_8:34-36; Pro_16:4; Pro_21:4.
Wicked, sacrifice of. Pro_15:8-9; Pro_21:27.
Wicked, thoughts of. Pro_17:5-8.
Wicked, worthlessness of. Pro_10:20-21; Pro_15:6.
Wicked words. Pro_17:5; Pro_17:7.
Wife, blessing of. Pro_5:15-19; Pro_12:4; Pro_14:1; Pro_18:22; Pro_19:14;
Wife, contentious. Pro_12:4; Pro_19:13; Pro_27:15-16.
Will, liberty of. Pro_19:21; Pro_20:24.
Wine, evil of. Pro_20:1.
Wisdom, attribute of. Pro_3:19-20.
Wisdom, call of. Pro_1:20-23; Pro_8:1-4.
Wisdom, heavenly. Pro_2:7; Pro_3:35; Pro_8:1-4; Pro_10:13; Pro_10:31-32;
Pro_12:8; Pro_14:33; Pro_15:2; Pro_15:7; Pro_15:24; Pro_17:16;
Pro_17:24; Pro_19:8.
Wisdom, Personal, type of Christ. Pro_8:14; Pro_8:22-31.
Wisdom, rules for study of. Pro_2:1-6; Pro_7:1-5.
Wisdom and folly. Pro_14:1; Pro_26:12.
Wise men, value of. Pro_15:7; Pro_29:9.
Wise servant. Pro_14:35; Pro_17:2.
Wise son. Pro_10:1.
Wise men and fools. Pro_10:8.
Witness, faithful. Pro_12:17; Pro_14:5; Pro_21:28.
Witness, false. Pro_12:17; Pro_14:5; Pro_14:25; Pro_19:5; Pro_19:28-29;
Pro_21:28; Pro_24:28-29; Pro_25:18.
Women and marriage. Pro_11:16; Pro_25:24.
Work and idleness. Pro_10:26.
Wounded spirit. Pro_18:14.
Young, addressed. Pro_2:16-18; Pro_2:20-22; Pro_8:17; Pro_13:15;
Pro_13:18; Pro_18:12; Pro_19:16; Pro_19:27; Pro_23:26-28; Pro_27:11;
Pro_28:7; Pro_28:24; Pro_29:3.
Young, Christian word to. Pro_4:10-13; Pro_10:8; Pro_14:7.
Young, Proverbs book for. Pro_22:14-15.
Young, snares for. Pro_2:12-15.
Young, teachers of, addressed. Pro_2:20-22.

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