Reviewer in Living in The IT Era

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Reviewer in Living in the I.

T Era management and sharing of hardware

resources and task in the computer.
What is computer?
• Utility Software – is a program that
• an electronic device, hardware device. performs maintenance tasks for the
• It operates and function under the control of computer resources such as clean up and
instruction called Program stored in its organizing file s and programs.
memory. • Device Driver – is a program that allows
• The information which enters the computer particular hardware device to work and
is data. communicate with the computer system.

Elements of computer system (6) Application Software

1. People Basic Application Software – includes word

2. Software processors, spreadsheets, database and presentation
3. Hardware software. An internet browser is also an important
4. Data basic software for one to connect and surf the
5. Connectivity internet.
6. Procedure Specialized Application Software – includes
People – most important element of a computer software for graphics multimedia audio, web
system. designing and many other applications that focus on
a certain discipline pr profession.
Software – program or instructions that a computer
must follow its task. Advantages of using computer

Hardware – physical components that you can feel 1. Speed – Computer operates on a data and
and touch. command at incredibly fast speed.
2. Storage – Computers can store enormous
Data – includes text and numbers, sounds images amount of data and information in their
and video that we input into the computer for memory.
processing. 3. Reliable – Modern computers rarely
Connectivity – means that the computer must be breakdown and when they do, they are easily
connected to other computers specially through repaired.
internet. 4. Consistent – If you input the same data into
the computer using the same program, it will
Procedure – are step by step instructions to follow give you the same result all the time.
when using hardware, software and data. 5. Communicate – People connect with others
AVR – automatic voltage regulator by the use of computers.

People – Computers touch people’s lives every day. Disadvantages of using computer
When we connect to the internet. Listen to music and 1. Safety and Security – People have to be
watch movies, do our assignments and play careful in sharing photos and personal
computer. People come in contact with computers. information on the computer and internet.
Software – are set of instructions that tell the 2. Health Risks – Long and improper use of the
computer what to do to fulfill its task. computer can be lead to injuries and hazards
to the user.
2 kinds of software 3. Environment – old computer must me
disposed off properly.
1. System Software
4. Use of power – computers need electricity to
• Operating system – is a program that is
basically responsible for the coordination
5. Privacy Violation – personal information only affordable by a large universities and
when stored in a computer can be viewed and enterprises.
stolen. - In its earlier days’ PCs, were bulky and
Ten Commandments of The Computer Ethics
- In 1981, IBM came into the arena by
- Was written by Dr. Ramon C. Barquin in introducing its first personal computer,
1992 for the Computer Ethics Institute termed as the IBM PC rapidly became
- He wrote a paper entitled “In pursuit of a popular in the market.
“Ten Commandments”. - Only few companies could survive the
popularity of IBM pcs, including Apple
Ten Commandments which remained a leading provider in the PC
1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other Market.
people - Later, other manufacturers adapted to the PC
trend advanced by IBM by developing IBM
2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's
clones, Clones were PCs with almost the
computer work
same configurations as IBM PCs, but at a
3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other lower price. Gradually, IBM lost their
people's files
dominance in the PC Arena.
4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal
5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false - Presently (as of 2011), the realm of PCs is
witness mainly divided between Apple Macintoshes
and PCs from other manufacturers.
6. Thou shalt not use or copy software for which
you have not paid PCs usually consist the following parts:
7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer
resources without authorization • Computer case
8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's • Power supply
intellectual output • Motherboard
• Random access memory (RAM)
9. Thou shalt think about the social
• Hard disk(s)
consequences of the program you write
10. Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show
2. Laptop
consideration and respect
- Portable wireless PC, it can do everything a
Types of Computers desktop can do, but it can do it on the more
which makes laptops generally more popular
1. The Personal Computer (PC) because you can use a laptop anywhere in the
- General purpose, cost-effective computer home.
that is designed to be used by a single end- - Generally, more expensive the desktops and
user. netbooks
- A desktop computer (PC) is a computer - Instead of mouse, laptops have touchpads
meant for a desk or a home, it is not wireless which is built in with integrated keyboard.
or portable. - Examples: Dell, Acer and Apple Mac
- Have a mouse, a keyboard and a base unit 3. Notebook/Netbook
which includes the computer components. - Smaller than laptops
- Desktops are generally cheaper than laptops - Notebook/netbook which is that is sometimes
have a longer life span. known as, is PC that a similar to a laptop but
- An example of a Desktop is an Apple Mac. it is cheaper, lighter and a lot small.
- In the mid-1960s and into the 1970s, - Netbooks are great for business men because
computers occupied entire rooms and were they can use them on the more and they can
also easily put them in a brief case or shoulder • Capacities vary widely, from smartphone-
bag without taking up too much space. like 32-64 GB models to ones with 150 GB
- Extremely light weight personal computer. or more.
- Typically, weight less than 6 pounds and are • Systems with solid-state drives offer higher
small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. capacities but the cost of the drives pushes
- Aside from size, the principal difference them to the upper half of the netbook price
between a notebook computer and a personal range.
computer is the display screen.
- Notebook computers use a variety of Features:
techniques, known as flat-panel technologies, • Like tablets, netbooks are built to use the
to produce a lightweight and non-bulky internet for accessing and using remote
display screen. services, saving data to the cloud, and so on.
What is netbook? • So, you won't find a DVD drive on most
netbooks. There are still multiple ports to
- The term “netbook” is a perfect description of attach USB devices, external monitors, etc.,
the product: a small laptop PC intended but the number and type of ports typically
mostly for using internet-based tools and goes down along with the price of the system.
services -- surfing the web, running 4. PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
lightweight apps, saving files to the cloud, - Phone like device that manage operation
and so on. - Most modern PDAs can access the internet
Advantages of Netbook and can operate like phones so they are now
commonly known as smartphones.
- Less costly than most laptop/tablets - PDA are becoming uncommon mainly
- Convenient to hold, carry and pack because phones can do all the things PDAs,
- Extremely lightweight can do, but they can also do more.
- Physical keyboard for email and business - PDA also known as handheld PC, is a variety
- Long battery life (generally) mobile device which functions as a personal
Netbooks have some major differences compared information manager
to laptops: - PDA have been mostly displaced by the
widespread adoption of highly capable
Processor: smartphone.
- Also called palmtops or handheld computers
• Netbook processors need to operate within
and pocket computers.
even smaller spaces than laptop processors,
- A typical PDA can function as a cellular
so netbooks typically use low-voltage, low-
phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.
power CPUs similar to those used in tablet
Unlike portable computers, most PDAs are
pen-based, using a stylus rather than a
• This limits their cycle times to the range of 1
keyboard for input. This means that they also
GHz to 2 GHz and makes advanced
incorporate handwriting recognition features.
spreadsheet or photo editing programs slower
- Some PDAs can also react to voice input by
than on other systems.
using voice recognition technologies.
Storage: - The field of PDA was pioneered by Apple
Computer, which introduced the Newton
• To achieve their light weight (typically about MessagePad in 1993.
2 lbs.), netbooks contain much smaller hard
drives and, therefore, less storage space.
5. Game Console Introduction of computer
- Purpose: to play video games
- Like most modern devices you can now
access the internet play other types of media - A computer is an electronic device, operating
and talk with friends. under the control of instructions stored in its
- Examples: PS3 and the xbox 360 -4th own memory that can accept data (input),
generation game consoles process the data according to specified rules,
6. Tablet produce information (output), and store the
- Wireless phone like computer information for future use
- Enables you to control the pointer by moving
Functionalities of a computer
your finger around the screen.
- Use a virtual keyboard rather than physical Any digital computer carries out five functions in gross
one. terms:
- Tablets are bigger than PDA and phone and
1. Takes data as input
are more limited to what they can do
2. Stores the data/instructions in its memory and
compared to a laptop or notebook.
use them when required.
- E.g., tablet is the iPad.
3. Process the data and converts it into useful
4. Generate the output
Mainframe Computer 5. Controls all the above four steps.
- IBM 1970 – output is punch card Computer Components
- Less powerful than super computers but are
capable of great processing speed multi- Any kind of computers consists of HARDWARE
tasking capability and high data storage. AND SOFTWARE.
- They are used by most banks to process
1. Hardware:
information of depositors 1 million of daily
bank transactions Computer hardware is the collection of physical
- Insurance companies use them for their elements that constitutes a computer system.
policy holder’s database. Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or
- These computers have specialized wiring components of a computer such as the monitor,
system and usually occupies a big room with mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard drive
temperature control. disk (HDD), system unit (graphic cards, sound cards,
memory, motherboard and chips), etc. all of which
Super Computer
are physical objects that can be touched.
- Must powerful available
- High capacity that run continuously are being
2. Software
use by very big organizations mostly big Software is a generic term for organized collections
companies. of computer data and instructions, often broken into
- Include NASA and US government, some big two major categories: system software that provides
schools of companies the basic nontask-specific functions of the computer,
- Used for sensitive and calculation. and application software which is used by users to
Supercomputers have been used for highly accomplish specific tasks.
compute-intensive tasks such as quantum
physics, weather forecasting, climate
research, oil and gas exploration, molecular
modeling, and physical simulations.
The CPU is comprised of three main parts :
1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): Executes all
arithmetic and logical operations. Arithmetic
calculations like as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division. Logical operation
like compare numbers, letters, or special
2. Control Unit (CU): controls and co-ordinates
computer components.
Input Devices 1. Read the code for the next instruction to be
Input device is any peripheral (piece of computer executed.
hardware equipment to provide data and control 2. Increment the program counter so it points
signals to an information processing system such as to the next instruction.
a computer or other information appliance. Input 3. Read whatever data the instruction requires
device Translate data from form that humans from cells in memory.
understand to one that the computer can work with. 4. Provide the necessary data to an ALU or
Most common are keyboard and mouse register.
5. If the instruction requires an ALU or
specialized hardware to complete, instruct the
hardware to perform the requested operation.
3. Registers: Stores the data that is to be executed
next, "very fast storage area"
Primary Memory:-
1. RAM: Random Access Memory (RAM) is
a memory scheme within the computer
system responsible for storing data on a
temporary basis, so that it can be promptly
accessed by the processor as and when
needed. It is volatile in nature, which means
that data will be erased once supply to the
storage device is turned off. RAM stores data
randomly and the processor accesses these
data randomly from the RAM storage. RAM
is considered "random access" because you
can access any memory cell directly if you
know the row and column that intersect at
that cell.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) 2. ROM (Read Only Memory): ROM is a
permanent form of storage. ROM stays active
A CPU is brain of a computer. It is responsible for
regardless of whether power supply to it is
all functions and processes. Regarding computing
turned on or off. ROM devices do not allow
power, the CPU is the most important element of a
data stored on them to be modified.
computer system.
Secondary Memory: -
Stores data and programs permanently: it’s retained
after the power is turned off
1. Hard drive (HD): A hard disk is part of a Output devices
unit, often called a "disk drive," "hard drive,"
An output device is any piece of computer hardware
or "hard disk drive," that store and provides
equipment used to communicate the results of data
relatively quick access to large amounts of
processing carried out by an information processing
data on an electromagnetically charged
system (such as a computer) which converts the
surface or set of surfaces.
electronically generated information into human
2. Optical Disk: an optical disc drive (ODD) is
readable form
a disk drive that uses laser light as part of the
process of reading or writing data to or from
optical discs. Some drives can only read from
discs, but recent drives are commonly both
readers and recorders, also called burners or
writers. Compact discs, DVDs, and Blu-ray
discs are common types of optical media
which can be read and recorded by such
drives. Optical drive is the generic name;
drives are usually described as "CD" "DVD",
or "Bluray", followed by "drive", "writer",
etc. There are three main types of optical
media: CD, DVD, and Blu-ray disc. CDs can Example on Output Devices:
store up to 700 megabytes (MB) of data and 1. Monitor
DVDs can store up to 8.4 GB of data. Blu-ray 2. LCD Projection Panels
discs, which are the newest type of optical 3. Printers (all types)
media, can store up to 50 GB of data. This 4. Computer output Microfilm (COM)
storage capacity is a clear advantage over the 5. Plotters
floppy disk storage media (a magnetic 6. Speaker(s)
media), which only has a capacity of 1.44 7. Projector
3. Flash Disk: A storage module made of flash Note Basic types of monitors are
memory chips. A Flash disks have no a. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
mechanical platters or access arms, but the b. Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD).
term "disk" is used because the data are c. light-emitting diode (LED)
accessed as if they were on a hard drive. The Printer types:
disk storage structure is emulated. 1-Laser Printer.
2-Ink Jet Printer.
3-Dot Matrix Printer

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