Project Guidelines SIS

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PROJECT GUIDELINES-SIS You are supposed to pick up an industry of your choice and select 5-6 players in the industry.

Analyze how industry is influencing and is influenced by strategies adopted by these players. What is determining and driving competition in industry. Are the strategies of players good? Should players change the strategies? Analysis should be at least little different from what is available from publicly available sources (Thoda hatke, if not Pooraa hatke). The similar part could be similar to CAPSTONE and sensor industry. The project would have three component - proposal, mid term presentation and final presentation and Submission. The project should have table of content and roll numbers of all the group members. A. Proposal: The proposal should not exceed two pages. It should include description of the industry and players that you are interested in. B. Presentations: There would be two presentations by all the groups, one during the term and one towards end of the term with respect to the progress made by each group. Mid term presentation would cover industry analysis (Part 1 of the report below) and end term presentation(Part1,2 and 3 of the report below) would cover industry as well as competitive analysis. C. Final Report: The final project submitted can have following content. 1) Highlights of Sector(historical trends), industry and competition in which company is operating (National as well as global, present as well as future) a) PEST analysis of the sector (not more than 2 pages) i) Political factors influencing sector ii) Economic factors- like interests, GDP, Excise, customs, currency etc iii) Technological factor: Technological trends influencing sector iv) Social and Demographic: family, population, age, life style v) Environmental: regulations and expectations b) Industry Analysis (not more than two pages) i) Threat of new entrant(all sub forces) ii) Bargaining power of Suppliers(all kinds of inputs like raw material, labour, energy etc.) and Buyers(all sub force) iii) Competitive rivalry(products, markets) iv) Threat of substitutes

v) Explain the industry analysis as to how do the forces interact with each others as well as PEST) c) Market Trend i) Which are important markets ii) What drives markets iii) What are market dynamics (who is going up and who is going down) d) Competitive Analysis (not more than 2 pages) i) Recent and important moves(last five years) by different players and reasons behind those moves ii) Number of players iii) Their capacities iv) How are different players positioned in terms of prices, distribution, promotion, production capacities, plants, management practices, organizational structure, capital structure, shareholding patterns, HR practices, flexibility, technology adoption etc v) Their financial statements compared in a tabular forms vi) Comparison of cost structures, efficiencies and important indicators and drivers. 2) The internal Analysis of the players (not more than 5 pages) a) Capabilities/Resources i) Unique tangible resources ii) Unique intangible resources iii) Unique capabilities iv) Competitive advantage v) Important indicator and drivers vi) Competences b) Value chain Analysis i) Production process and planning ii) Supply chain iii) If possible, supply chain c) Strategic Intent of Organization i) Vision/mission ii) Values iii) Objectives, milestones iv) Leadership 3) Competitive and Corporate strategies (not less than 3 pages) a) Competitive strategies i) What are current competitive strategies (not more than 2 pages) ii) What should be future competitive strategies given 1 and 2 above. You analysis should be unique and based on YOUR ANALYSIS (Not less than 2 pages) b) Corporate Strategies i) Current corporate strategies (e.g. mergers, acquisitions, vertical and horizontal integration, alliances)- (Not more than two pages) ii) Future corporate strategies (what they should be, based on your analysis?)(Not less than two pages)

4) Contingencies( Based on national, global, present and future trends) a) What are your back up plans in case the strategies suggested by you are not successful (Not less than 2 pages) 5) Implementation Recommendation( Based on national, global, present and future trends)- (Not less than 4 pages) a) How recommended strategies should be implemented to ensure fit and alignment. 6) Implementing the chosen strategy through plan of action (Not less than 2 pages) EXHIBITS The content should be followed by detailed numbers represented in the form of exhibits.

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