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With its infectious nature, the coronavirus affected almost every county around
the world rapidly, and the number of infected people and death increased
alarmingly. From March of 2020 to the later periods, countries were trying hard
to slow the spread of the coronavirus by implementing appropriate measures.
Schools, colleges, universities and all other educational institutions were ordered
to remain closed during the public holiday. Therefore, all in-person classes were
canceled, exams and other on-campus activities were postponed.
Although both students and teachers were familiar to the modern-day internet-
assisted learning practices, the sudden formal initiation of online-based distance
learning produced various complexities both for the learner and educator groups.
Online-based distance learning was initiated to get rid of inactivity in the ongoing
educational scheme but with its provoked issues, it raised questions about the
quality of the education.
However, online-based distance learning was initiated with the best of intentions
to mobilize the education system during the pandemic situation, but in reality, the
results and effectiveness of this initiative are yet to be determined.


1. To reveal the various forms of online teaching-learning modes adopted during

COVID-19 pandemic.
2.  The fundamental transformation of formal education and the practice of
online-based distance learning.
3. To study the perceptions of teachers and students on online teaching learning
during COVID-19 pandemic.
4. To examine the challenges faced by the teachers and students in
adjusting to the online teaching-learning process during COVID-19 pandemic.

Before covid
Before covid when I used to go to school and college. I had many friends and
some foes. We used to gossip and play and sometimes fight over silly things. They
were very nice and loyal to me. Though we weren't brilliant students in fact were
average ones but still, we respected our elders and loved our youngers. Apart
from sharing lunches, we also used to share our silly secrets.
We used to play our own created games and draw for fun. We also used to have
bets and treats for rewards on childish things but we never played pranks on
anyone. Those days was indeed really amazing and simple. We found fun in subtle
but beautiful things. In my school days, we sometimes used to play in the rains,
make paper boats, eat ice-creams and enjoy every drop of water and after getting
all bathed up in water, we used to have hot chocolate drinks.
During covid
Before covid, I have always done physical classes in my school and college I have
never participated in an online education system. So, when the government
closed all educational institutions and declare the online education system it was
very new to me. From my experience, I can say that I have discovered myself
through a new education system. At first, I have had a lot of problems with this
new education system but I also learned new things that I have never heard of.
For example, Google meet, Zoom, PDF, BLC. I have no idea about these. I did my
first university class online. which was my first online class. I was in the village,
that’s why I have to face some problems during online class. Like internet issue,
device issue, electricity problems, new online experience problems. The online
system was fully new for me, so that I’ve to face many problems at the beginning
of the covid. Since I was in the village, I have faced the load shedding problems
during exam and quiz time. That was very challenging for me. Sometimes the
internet runs very slowly when I was giving my exam. Without that sometimes
device works very leggy for multitasking. But it was a new experience for me to do
these things. I got to know about many new things because of this online system.
I learned how to use google meet or zoom to participate in class. Before online
education I’ve no idea about classroom app. But now I know how it used and
what its task. This covid introduce me with new system BLC, Quizeez and About
After Covid
After opening school, college and university I came to Dhaka to attend my
physical classes and exams. After coming I met with my new friends from
university, that was really a good moment for me. At first it was very difficult for
me to find them. Because I never met them before. Then I attend my first
university class physically, it was totally a new experience for me because the
weather was new for me. There were also some problems. Since all students are
not vaccinated, we have to use mask all the time in classroom, have to maintain
physical distance, have to sanitize us before entering the varsity. And the main
problem was our class was online and physically mixed. For this sometimes we
have face different issue during studies because there was no consistency. At first,
I thought I can handle this situation very easily. But it was not that easy. I have
had many problems. For example, if I missed only a particular class on an online
platform, I can easily get the recording of that particular class. Now since we
doing offline class, we are not getting any kind of recording. This means that if you
somehow miss a single class, you will never get those lectures. So, now this is my
biggest problem. When I was attending classes online, I was able to complete all
the classes from home. But now because of offline classes, I have to go to the
university to take my classes which is costs me a lot of time and money.

The transition of the educational process on distance learning in the world of
quarantine, provided by the experts of UNESCO, the organization for economic
cooperation and development the European trade Union Committee for
education, the World Bank and virus experts in the field of educational policy,
scientific community, you can generate the basic guesses that a suitable response
to global crisis regime the transformation of education.
Public authorities need to focus on developing strategies for repaid
implementation of specific measures to support students and teachers
throughout the forced break in the educational process.
Technical and organizational support needed for people who, for various reasons,
do not have the necessary equipment, internet connection and other online tools
that provide access to distance education.
During this busy period, it is vital that the rights and wages of education workers
who are at the forefront of the education systems response to COVID 19 and are
under significant pressure are protected.
Ensuring social equality and inclusiveness avoiding additional social stratification
due to the fact that the weakest students from marginalized groups are
disproportionately(প্রপ্রোশনেটলি) affected by school closures.
It is very important to protect the personal information of students and teachers
to prevent or minimize risks arising from interaction in the virtual space, including

Despite the benefits, we were facing some problems in our academic life during
this pandemic. Due to the bad internet connection, sometimes our academic
activities were being disrupted. There was a lack of proper interaction with all the
people of our institution. As a result, we could not share all of our academic
related problems properly. Hence, the difficulties were not understandable. For
instance, Academic pressure was increasing during this pandemic. So, the student
and professor relationship should have been built more generously. Academic
entertainment was not happening because of this pandemic. Repeating the same
activities on a regular basis was making us feel bored. Even sometimes we could
not find any encouragement in our academic life. Due to the lack of academic
entertainment, it was difficult to assess creativity. So, to remove this boredom we
should organize some recreational works. Despite all difficulties, we are trying to
carry out all of our academic activities in an appropriate manner by overcoming
all the obstacles during this Covid-19 pandemic. Surely, an online learning
experience can never be an alternative to the traditional offline way.

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