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Company Background

Contour Software is a rapidly growing company that was founded in Karachi, Pakistan in 2010
with a team of just over a dozen people. Today, it has more than 1,400 staff members and offices
in three major cities in Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. The company provides
services covering all functional areas to over 200 divisions and corporate departments located
around the world, making it one of the top tech employers in Pakistan.

The company was founded as a result of 18 months of pre-acquisition diligence and pilot
projects involving Pakistani freelancers. Its ultimate parent company, Constellation Software
Inc., is a rapidly growing conglomerate of vertical market software (VMS) companies that was
formed in 1995 and became publicly listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange in 2006.
Constellation's strategy is to identify promising VMS firms, acquire them, and integrate them
into the Constellation family while building on their fundamental strengths to help them become
world-class organizations. Contour Software's Managing Director, Syed Bilal Mahmood, moved
from Canada to Pakistan after Constellation's acquisition of Gladstone PLC UK to take the
Karachi branch forward as a joint venture between the two operating groups. Contour has since
expanded to serve most of the parent organization's operating divisions.

While initially an offshore Development Centre, Contour has grown into a full-featured Global
Centre providing services to public and private sector enterprises globally. The Constellation
software systems run a wide range of businesses such as utility companies, city transit systems,
paper mills, schools, hospitals, hotels, manufacturing companies, construction firms, retailers,
leasing, financing and digital banking companies, Agri food businesses, amusement parks,
museums, city governments, attorney offices, and jails.

Problem Statement

Hiring Process
As a subsidiary of Constellation Software Inc, a leading Canadian-based conglomerate of
vertical market software companies, Contour Software is dedicated to providing top-notch HR
services to its parent company. This involves not only sourcing and hiring the best candidates but
also ensuring that they are an excellent fit for the positions they are hired for. This process is
challenging and time-consuming as the HR team has to carefully review each job description and
specification to ensure that they identify the most suitable candidates for each position. The
recruitment process typically involves several rounds of interviews and tests, and the selected
candidates are then hired for specific roles such as software developers, HR managers,
accountants, and marketers. However, despite their best efforts, the issue of talent deployment
often arises, where some candidates may not fully meet the required specifications. This can be
due to a lack of technical skills, poor communication or interpersonal skills, or insufficient
management skills, among other factors. Nonetheless, Contour Software continues to prioritize
talent acquisition and deployment to support the growth and success of its parent company.

One potential problem that Contour Software may face is finding and retaining top talent in a
highly competitive job market. As the company continues to grow and expand its operations, it
must ensure that it can attract and retain the best employees to maintain its competitive edge.
Additionally, given the complex nature of the company's operations and the diverse range of
industries it serves, finding candidates with the right mix of technical and soft skills can be a
challenge. This problem could potentially hinder the company's growth trajectory and its ability
to provide high-quality services to its clients.

Another problem related to hiring and recruitment that Contour Software may face is ensuring
diversity and inclusion in its hiring practices. With a focus on sourcing top talent, there may be a
risk of unintentionally creating a homogenous workforce. This can result in a lack of diverse
perspectives and experiences, which can limit innovation and creativity. Additionally, failure to
prioritize diversity and inclusion in hiring can also lead to issues with employee retention and
morale, as team members may not feel valued or included. This problem could potentially harm
the company's reputation and make it less attractive to prospective employees, which could
ultimately impact its ability to grow and thrive in the long run.

Workforce Matrix
As Contour Software continues to expand its global reach and serve more clients, it has
encountered a workforce management challenge related to its diverse, remote staff. With
employees working from various locations around the world, it can be difficult to effectively
manage and coordinate their work, track their performance, and administer benefits and payroll.
To address these issues, the company has implemented a Human Resource Management
Information System (HRIS). However, due to heavy workloads and a lack of proper training
mechanisms, some newly hired employees are struggling to adapt to the system, leading to
resistance in task performance and delays in completing work ("IMPLEMENTING
ADVANTAGE," 2007). These challenges can result in additional time being consumed in fixing
previous and current tasks, leading to errors and resource-intensive processes. Failure to
effectively address these challenges could ultimately impact the company's ability to efficiently
manage its workforce and deliver high-quality services to clients, potentially impacting its
bottom line and reputation in the industry.

Furthermore, the use of an HRIS has introduced a new set of challenges for Contour Software.
With a diversified workforce spread across different locations, there is a lack of standardization
in terms of data entry, data management, and data security. This has resulted in discrepancies in
employee data and difficulty in tracking employee performance across different locations. In
addition, the HRIS has increased the workload of the HR department, and they are struggling to
keep up with the additional tasks that come with managing the system.

Another challenge faced by Contour Software is the recruitment and retention of top talent. With
the expansion of the company and the increasing competition in the market, it has become
difficult to attract and retain skilled employees. This has led to a shortage of qualified candidates
for certain positions and an increased turnover rate in some departments.

Moreover, the company is facing a talent deployment issue where some employees are not fit for
the job requirements, leading to inefficiencies in task performance and an increased workload for
managers. This has resulted in a decrease in overall productivity and a loss of revenue for the
company. Therefore, there is a need to streamline the recruitment process and implement training
programs to ensure that employees are adequately trained for their respective roles.
Proposed Hiring Process
To address the problem of finding and retaining top talent, Contour Software can consider the
following steps:

1. Develop a strong employer brand: To attract the best talent, Contour Software should focus on
building a strong employer brand that communicates its values, mission, and culture. This can be
achieved by showcasing employee testimonials, sharing success stories, and highlighting the
company's unique selling points.

2. Leverage social media and other digital platforms: In today's digital age, social media and
other online platforms can be effective tools for sourcing and attracting top talent. Contour
Software can leverage these platforms to advertise job openings and engage with potential

3. Develop a comprehensive employee value proposition: A comprehensive employee value

proposition that includes competitive compensation, benefits, and career development
opportunities can help attract and retain top talent.

4. Streamline the recruitment process: Contour Software can streamline its recruitment process
by using automated tools and software to reduce the time and resources required to source,
screen, and interview candidates. This can help the company identify and hire top talent quickly
and efficiently.

To address the problem of diversity and inclusion in hiring practices, Contour Software can
consider the following steps:

1. Develop a diversity and inclusion policy: Contour Software can develop a diversity and
inclusion policy that outlines its commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce. This
policy should include specific goals and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in hiring
and employee development.

2. Expand the candidate pool: To ensure diversity in the candidate pool, Contour Software can
expand its recruitment efforts to target a wider range of candidates. This can include sourcing
candidates from different geographic locations, partnering with diversity-focused organizations,
and reviewing job descriptions and requirements to ensure they are inclusive.
3. Use structured interviewing and assessment tools: To avoid bias in the hiring process, Contour
Software can use structured interviewing and assessment tools that are designed to minimize
subjectivity and increase objectivity in the selection process.

4. Provide diversity and inclusion training: To ensure that all employees are committed to
creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, Contour Software can provide diversity and inclusion
training to all employees, including hiring managers and recruiters. This can help promote
understanding and respect for different perspectives and experiences.

HRIS Implementation – Workforce Matrix

To address the workforce matrix issue, Contour Software can consider implementing a
comprehensive HRIS training program for its employees. This training program can be designed
to provide employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use the HRIS
system. The program can be conducted in-house or outsourced to a third-party training provider.

The training program can be structured into different levels, starting with basic HRIS training for
new hires and then moving on to advanced training for employees who have been with the
company for a longer time. The basic training can cover the basics of the HRIS system, such as
how to enter employee data, track employee performance, and administer benefits and payroll.
The advanced training can cover more complex features of the system, such as generating
customized reports and analyzing data.

The training program can be delivered through a combination of online courses, in-person
workshops, and on-the-job training. The program can also include regular refresher courses to
ensure that employees stay up-to-date with any updates or changes to the HRIS system. In
addition to the training program, Contour Software can also consider appointing a dedicated
HRIS administrator who can act as a point of contact for employees who need assistance with the
system. The HRIS administrator can also be responsible for ensuring that the system is updated
and maintained regularly, and for troubleshooting any issues that arise.

By implementing a comprehensive HRIS training program and appointing a dedicated HRIS

administrator, Contour Software can improve its HRIS adoption and usage rates, and streamline
its workforce matrix management. This can help the company to better track employee data,
monitor employee performance, and administer benefits and payroll, ultimately leading to a more
efficient and effective HR department.

Implementing a HRIS system can be a complex process that requires careful planning,
preparation, and execution. Here is a detailed description of the steps involved in implementing a
HRIS system:

1. Needs assessment: The first step in implementing a HRIS system is to identify the
organization's needs and requirements. This involves analyzing the existing HR processes,
identifying pain points, and determining the features and functionalities required in a HRIS

2. Vendor selection: After identifying the organization's needs, the next step is to select a vendor
that provides a HRIS system that meets those needs. The vendor selection process should involve
researching and evaluating different vendors, requesting proposals, and conducting demos.

3. Data migration: Once a vendor has been selected, the organization needs to prepare for data
migration from the existing HR system to the new HRIS system. This involves identifying the
data that needs to be migrated, cleaning the data, and mapping it to the new system.

4. System configuration: The next step is to configure the HRIS system according to the
organization's needs and requirements. This involves setting up user accounts, configuring
workflows, defining security roles, and customizing the system to meet the organization's
specific needs.

5. Integration with other systems: If the HRIS system needs to be integrated with other systems,
such as payroll or time and attendance systems, this step involves configuring those integrations
to ensure that data flows seamlessly between systems.

6. Testing: Once the HRIS system has been configured and integrated, it needs to be thoroughly
tested to ensure that it meets the organization's needs and works as intended. This involves
testing all features and functionalities, running test scenarios, and identifying and resolving any
issues or bugs.
7. User training: After the HRIS system has been tested and is ready for deployment, the next
step is to train the users. This involves providing comprehensive training to all employees who
will be using the system, including HR staff, managers, and employees.

8. Go-live and support: Once the HRIS system has been deployed, the organization needs to
provide ongoing support to ensure that the system works as intended and meets the organization's
needs. This involves providing technical support to users, monitoring the system for issues or
bugs, and implementing updates and upgrades as needed.

Overall, implementing a HRIS system is a complex process that requires careful planning,
preparation, and execution. By following these steps and working closely with the vendor and
internal stakeholders, organizations can successfully implement a HRIS system that improves
HR processes, streamlines workflows, and increases efficiency.

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