Revised Geography Lesson Plan - Jess N 4

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GUIDELINES for SS - Direct Instruction 6-Step Lesson Plan Template

(Lesson should take approximately 45 minutes)

Your Name: Jessica Norment

Teacher: Mrs. Becerra Grade Level: Third Grade

Compelling Question for the Unit: How can we use relative directions to find locations on a map?

Teacher Preparation
NC Essential Standard and Clarifying Objectives:
What NCSCOS social studies standard and clarifying objective are you addressing in this inquiry?

Social Studies Standard: 3.G.1 Understand the earth’s patterns by using the 5 themes of geography: (location, place, human-environment
interaction, movement, and regions).

Clarifying Objective: 3.G.1.1 Find absolute and relative locations of places within the local community and region.

Lesson Objective:
When you are done with the lesson, what do you want kids to know or know how to do (content or skills or both)? Separate each learning
objective (if you have more than one).

Using a screenshot from google maps of the area around Ayden Elementary School, students will be able to find and describe the relative
location of places within the local community and region scoring 5/6 (83%) accuracy according to the rubric.

Assessment Strategy:
Describe how you will assess student learning informally and formally in this lesson. Remember to include the criteria you are expecting to
be met for both types of assessment - What are you looking for to know if they are reaching proficiency?)

Informal Assessments: What formative assessment (informal) will you use to guide your decisions during the lesson?

● Evaluation Criteria: Describe how you will assess student learning and give feedback as you teach each section of the lesson.
○ Remember that you assess students all the way through your lesson, beginning with the introductory activity,
○ Think about the questions that you will ask and how you will respond to students’ answers.
○ How can you go beyond delivering praise to extending student thinking?

The formative assessments that I will use to guide my decisions during the lesson happen in the focus and review, teacher input, guided
practice, and closure. For the focus and review, I access students’ prior knowledge and ask them to help me find the location of a
classroom (using relative directions/location) as a form of pre-assessment, so that I can see if they know some relative
location/directions terms such as “right of, left of, down the hall, next to”. I will provide feedback by telling them they just used relative
locations and directions without even realizing, so they grow excited and hooked in what relative location is. For teacher input, I show
the students a video first and then we complete the anchor chart together, which gives me insight on if they are retaining the knowledge
from the video and through my instruction. My formative assessment here is mainly just observations, class discussions, questions, and
answers. For guided practice, the formative assessment is mainly observations, questions, and answers because they are doing a
scavenger hunt and answering questions while I walk around and listen for responses and discussion between groups. It also consists
of a class discussion because we go over their answers, but it is not graded. I can go beyond delivering praise to extend student
thinking in teacher input and guided practice by asking them deeper-level questions, so they feel more confident with the topic and in
themselves. For closure, my formative assessment is mainly oral tasks, class discussion, and self-assessment because the students
are sharing some things they learned while also telling me how comfortable they feel about the topic.

Formal Assessments: What product or performance assessment (formal) will you use as your summative assessment? This comes
from your independent practice section of the LP.

● Evaluation Criteria:
○ Include a rubric, checklist, or answer key to assess student learning outcomes of your assignment.
○ Be sure that your evaluation criteria are aligned with the Lesson Objective.
The summative assessment that I will use to guide my decisions during the lesson happens in the independent practice. Students work
individually to use a map and complete a worksheet. They need to fill in the blanks for 5 questions and are provided with a word bank.
Then they need to write an appropriate and content-related short sentence. The questions have 2-3 answers, but the students are only
putting one.

Rubric: ____/5 correctly filled in the blanks (using the answers from word bank)
____/1 wrote appropriate and content-related sentence

Total score: ___/6

Teacher Comments:

Answer Key:
1. In front of, North of, under 10 minutes
2. In between of, next to, under 10 minutes
3. Behind, South of, under 10 minutes
4. Left of, Next to, West, under 10 minutes
5. Over 10 minutes, under 10 minutes
6. Multiple answers

-Look at picture of the map of area surrounding Ayden Elementary School
-Look over the words in the word bank to become familiar with relative location terms
-Read over questions
-Respond to questions 1-5 by filling in ONE answer on the blank line
-Complete the last question by writing a sentence
-Be sure to look back at the map while answering questions

Provide a detailed description of the content that is the focus of this lesson, written at a developmentally appropriate level for your
● Your response should be in paragraph format describing what the students learned previously and what the students will learn in
this lesson.
● Be sure to include the specific content you want your students to learn and the important connections you want them to make.
● Show the reader that you know the content you will be teaching.

Previously in 2nd grade, when the teacher did the lesson on the standard 2.G.1.1, the students learned how to interpret maps of
the school and community that contain symbols, legends, and cardinal directions. In this lesson (standard 3.G.1.1), the students
will learn how to find relative locations of places within the local community and region. The students will understand that
landmarks or points of interest can be used to determine the location of a place and that geographic coordinates may be used to
navigate people to specific places or locations. The students will know that relative location is one way of describing the positions
of places on the earth’s surface, how to use a map and a globe to find locations of places, how to use maps to describe the
location of places within the local community and region by applying concepts including relative location, direction, scale, etc. By
the end of the lesson, the students will be able to find relative locations of places within the local community and region on a
map, globe, etc and they will be able to use geographic tools to find specific places within a community or region.

Academic Language

Academic Demand (What you are expecting students to be able to Support (How you are supporting them in being able to
Language do?) do it?)

Vocabulary (Words with Subject Specific and Kid Friendly I am going to use anchor charts and videos to highlight
Definitions) some of these definitions, but for the most part, they
-Geography- the study of places and the relationships should already know what the words map, location,
between people and their environment. place, North Carolina, region, community, compass, and
-Map- drawing/representation of all or part of Earth’s direction mean from prior knowledge. If students are
surface/places. having trouble accessing that knowledge, I will help them
-Direction- the line or course along which something by guiding them toward the definition or by going over
moves, lies, or points. them briefly. The only definition I must go over is relative
-Location- where something is found. location and I will be using an anchor chart and video for
-Relative Location- location of one place compared or in that. I might also have to remind them what a county is
relation to another. when I hand them the guided practice, but I will do that
-Community- where people live, work, and play verbally.
-Region- an area of land that has common features.
-Place- location of an area. Where something is found.
-Compass- tool for finding direction (N,E,S,W)
-North Carolina- state in the United States.
-County- a geographical region of a country.

I am expecting studies to use these words throughout

the lesson.

Function (This should come from VERB/BEHAVIOR in your -Students will be provided with a short, kid-friendly
learning objective) YouTube video describing what relative location is and
how to use it to find places.
Identify one language function essential to the lesson. -Students will be provided with an anchor chart that they
The language function can often be found in an action can refer to later on when they are using the relative
verb taken from your NCSCOS standard or your lesson location to find places. I will use this anchor chart to
objective. Think about Bloom’s Taxonomy as you work provide them with some examples of relative location to
to identify your language function. model the skill to them.
-Students will be provided with visual supports such as
One language function: Find the YouTube video, the anchor chart, and the photos of
I am expecting my students to be able to find relative different North Carolina counties that will be posted
locations of places within the local community and around the room during guided practice where they will
region. use relative location to find and compare NC places.
-Students will be provided with a worksheet during
independent practice where they will have to find relative
locations of places within the local community using a
map of the area surrounding their school.

Discourse* (How students are making meaning in the lesson?) I am supporting my students to be able to do this by
leading the discussion so that they can talk to each other
How members of the discipline talk, write, and and me about their findings. This is so that I could see if
participate in knowledge construction,using the they retained the knowledge I taught them. Then for
structures of written and oral language. Discipline independent practice, I will support them by walking
specific discourse has distinctive features or ways of around and making sure they are properly writing in the
structuring oral or written language (text structures) or blanks and writing the last sentence or if they need help.
representing knowledge visually. The students can make meaning because they are able
to relate the activities to their lives since they are
The students are making meaning by having oral common places around them.
discussions of what they found in their guided practice
and by completing the independent practice by writing
relative locations that correspond with the map.

Syntax* (What are the requirements for the ordering of symbols I will help support my students in doing this by making
or language?) sure they are using the correct rules and form for their
sentence. Because some students can’t write, I will have
The rules for organizing words or symbols together into them speak out their sentence to me and I will write it for
phrases, clauses, sentences or visual representations. them. I will also be providing the students with sentence
One of the main functions of syntax is to organize starters on the independent practice so all they will have
language in order to convey meaning. to do is look at the word bank and fill in the blank with
the correct answer. Then for the last problem on that
Students are able to write a sentence during the worksheet, I will provide sentence starts on the board for
independent practice by using capital letters, spaces, my students so that they can either choose from those
and correct punctuation. options or create their own sentence using relative
location. For example, some sentence starters that I will
write on the board are:
-My house is ______ away from _______.
-Ayden Elementary School is _________ of _______.
-My house is _______ of ________.
-Ayden Middle School is ______ of _________.
I will also be modeling this problem by referring the
students back to the anchor chart with my own
examples, and by creating my own sentence and writing
it on the board above the previous sentence starters. I
will write my example “Ayden Elementary School is 20
minutes away from my house” on the board and then
read it out the students before they begin working on
their worksheet.

*You will probably have only discourse in your lesson but if your lesson involves a syntax demand include it in the chart above.

Differentiation Strategies:
Think about specific learning needs, cultural differences, funds of knowledge. Also, think about how the theories of learning you know can
help you differentiate for your students.
● Specifically how do you plan to meet the needs of diverse learners?
● How might you modify the content, process, product for individuals or groups of students?

How does your lesson connect Student interests: My lesson connects to student interests because the students like working
to student interests and cultural together and completing hands-on activities, which is why I did the guided practice the way I did. It
influences? helps them move around and get their energy out, while also working with a partner to complete
the task. My students are interested in activities that don’t take too long, so I tried to condense my
activities and make them short, engaging, and enjoyable for my students.

Cultural influences: My lesson connects to cultural influences because some students don’t have
access to certain materials, so I meet their needs by providing supplies if other students don’t have
it. It also connects to cultural influences because the students are exposed to different regions of
North Carolina, and if I were at the school longer, I could eventually lead into different parts of the

How will you modify the content, activity, or performance assessment for specific students?

student name/group of students What and how are you modifying? What is your rationale for the modifications?
(Think about Process, Content, Product) (supporting theories)

Jaiden This student is developmentally delayed and needs The rationale for the modifications is that it
all instructions and questions read aloud to them. will help my student better understand what
I am teaching and help them be engaged.
Content: I will provide the anchor chart and place it The student will be in various stages within
at the front of the classroom for the student to refer
back to. I will be sure to include pictures, so the initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, and
student doesn’t have to read as much. I will use pre-operational stage. The student would fit
visual clues. under the preoperational stage in Cognitive
Development because they rely on how
Learning environment- I will place student closer to things look (pictures, pretend scenarios). I
the front of where I am teaching so they can hear have to make sure the student interacts with
and understand what I am saying better.
others and build off of social interactions.
They need to work in groups since they are
egocentric and need to learn from each
-Initiative vs Guilt- I have to provide positive
feedback and allows the student to assess
their own feelings about something by
having them provide a happy or sad face.
-Industry vs Inferiority- the student needs to
be producing stuff that they can take home
and feel proud of.

Terrell This student is developmentally delayed and needs The rationale for the modifications is that
all instructions and questions read aloud to them. these things will help ensure that the
student is obtaining the content in a way
Content: I will provide the anchor chart and place it
that they can understand and remember
at the front of the classroom for the student to refer
back to. I will be sure to include pictures, so the best. This student needs extra support and
student doesn’t have to read as much. I will use monitoring sometimes.
visual clues. I will use the video for the student to The student will be in various stages within
understand the content better. initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, and
pre-operational stage. The student would fit
Learning environment- I will place student closer to
the front of where I am teaching so they can hear under the preoperational stage in Cognitive
and understand what I am saying better. Development because they rely on how
things look (pictures, pretend scenarios). I
have to make sure the student interacts with
others and build off of social interactions.
They need to work in groups since they are
egocentric and need to learn from each
-Initiative vs Guilt- I have to provide positive
feedback and allows the student to assess
their own feelings about something by
having them provide a happy or sad face.
-Industry vs Inferiority- the student needs to
be producing stuff that they can take home
and feel proud of.

Kevon This student is developmentally delayed and needs The rationale for the modifications is that it
all instructions and questions read aloud to them. helps the student learn and obtain the
This student sometime struggles with writing. knowledge in a way that they can remember
and learn best. This student needs extra
Product: Because the student struggles with writing,
Mrs. Becerra often writes for him. So for the support in writing.
independent practice, I would have him speak out The student will be in various stages within
the sentence he wants me to write and the word he initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, and
wants me to put in the blank, and I’d write it for him. pre-operational stage. The student would fit
under the preoperational stage in Cognitive
Process: I would group this student with one who is Development because they rely on how
able to write during guided practice so that he could
things look (pictures, pretend scenarios). I
speak out what his ideas and the partner can write
it. have to make sure the student interacts with
others and build off of social interactions.
Content: I will provide the anchor chart and place it They need to work in groups since they are
at the front of the classroom for the student to refer egocentric and need to learn from each
back to. I will be sure to include pictures, so the other.
student doesn’t have to read as much. I will use -Initiative vs Guilt- I have to provide positive
visual clues.
feedback and allows the student to assess
Learning environment- I will place student closer to their own feelings about something by
the front of where I am teaching so they can hear having them provide a happy or sad face.
and understand what I am saying better. Mrs. -Industry vs Inferiority- the student needs to
Schaefer (assistant teacher) is also there to help be producing stuff that they can take home
this student out, so I could have him work with her. and feel proud of.

Malique This student is developmentally delayed and needs The rationale for the modifications is that it
all instructions and questions read aloud to them. helps the student understand what is being
asked and helps them obtain the knowledge
Content: I will provide the anchor chart and place it in a way that they can better learn and
at the front of the classroom for the student to refer remember it. It also helps the content fit
back to. I will be sure to include pictures, so the their interests more so that they are more
student doesn’t have to read as much. I will use engaged.
visual clues. I can also create content that fits their
interests more. The student will be in various stages within
initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, and
Learning environment- I will place student closer to pre-operational stage. The student would fit
the front of where I am teaching so they can hear under the preoperational stage in Cognitive
and understand what I am saying better. Development because they rely on how
things look (pictures, pretend scenarios). I
have to make sure the student interacts with
others and build off of social interactions.
They need to work in groups since they are
egocentric and need to learn from each
-Initiative vs Guilt- I have to provide positive
feedback and allows the student to assess
their own feelings about something by
having them provide a happy or sad face.
-Industry vs Inferiority- the student needs to
be producing stuff that they can take home
and feel proud of.

Sadie This student is developmentally delayed and needs The rationale for the modifications is that it
all instructions and questions read aloud to them. helps the student understand what is being
asked and helps them obtain the knowledge
Content: I will provide the anchor chart and place it
in a way that they can better learn and
at the front of the classroom for the student to refer
back to. I will be sure to include pictures, so the remember it.
student doesn’t have to read as much. I will use The rationale for the modifications is that it
visual clues. The student will be in various stages within
initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, and
Process: I will pair this student with one who can pre-operational stage. The student would fit
read a little better for the guided practice and under the preoperational stage in Cognitive
provide more verbal instructions, since this student
Development because they rely on how
sometimes struggles with reading.
things look (pictures, pretend scenarios). I
Learning environment- I will place student closer to have to make sure the student interacts with
the front of where I am teaching so they can hear others and build off of social interactions.
and understand what I am saying better. They need to work in groups since they are
egocentric and need to learn from each
-Initiative vs Guilt- I have to provide positive
feedback and allows the student to assess
their own feelings about something by
having them provide a happy or sad face.
-Industry vs Inferiority- the student needs to
be producing stuff that they can take home
and feel proud of.
Sergio This student is developmentally delayed and needs The rationale for the modifications is that it
all instructions and questions read aloud to them. helps the student understand what is being
asked and helps them obtain the knowledge
Content: I will provide the anchor chart and place it in a way that they can better learn and
at the front of the classroom for the student to refer
back to. I will be sure to include pictures, so the remember it.
student doesn’t have to read as much. I will use The student will be in various stages within
visual clues. initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, and
pre-operational stage. The student would fit
Learning environment- I will place student closer to under the preoperational stage in Cognitive
the front of where I am teaching so they can hear Development because they rely on how
and understand what I am saying better.
things look (pictures, pretend scenarios). I
have to make sure the student interacts with
others and build off of social interactions.
They need to work in groups since they are
egocentric and need to learn from each
-Initiative vs Guilt- I have to provide positive
feedback and allows the student to assess
their own feelings about something by
having them provide a happy or sad face.
-Industry vs Inferiority- the student needs to
be producing stuff that they can take home
and feel proud of.

Provide a comprehensive list of all materials/resources needed for this lesson. Include links to anything online (videos, prezi, game, etc.)
or the title and author of books.

-Statement of objective written on board

-Marker for whiteboard
-Erase for whiteboard
-Smartboard for YouTube Video
- (Teacher Input)
-Anchor chart (Teacher Input)
-Marker for anchor chart
-Pencils for students
-Pens for students
-Erasers for students
-9 photo/question cards placed around room (Guided Practice) make 2 copies of each picture, so 18 total.
-Relative Location Scavenger Hunt worksheet for each pair of students (Guided Practice) make 11 copies.
-Clipboards for students (Guided Practice)
-What is the Relative Location? Worksheet (Independent Practice) 20 copies.
-20 copies of photo of google map of area surrounding Ayden Elementary School (Independent Practice)
You must have at least one visual that displays the important content of your lesson. Really think about how you can present the content
in a visual way.
● Graphic organizers work well here. Students need to input information visually as well as auditorily.
● Use words and pictures to help your ELL/struggling readers.
● Attach any PP, photos, or texts used.

**All of your materials and visuals for the lesson must be finished when submitting the lesson, as they are key to the inquiry and the
lesson cannot be evaluated without those materials.

-Anchor Chart (Teacher Input)

-Photo of map on anchor chart (Teacher Input)
-YouTube video (Teacher Input)
-Photos of Counties in North Carolina (Guided Practice)
-Photo of Google Map screenshot of area surrounding Ayden Elementary School (Independent Practice)
-Icons embedded in questions on worksheet to help find relative locations (Independent Practice)

Learning Experiences - Procedures

The Focus and Review is a short activity that must “hook” the students’ attention and activate their prior academic learning on the content
that you will be teaching.
● Also include any prerequisite skills the student will need for this lesson.
● Help the students connect the new information they will be learning with their lives, their knowledge base, or their interests.
● Using a visual related to the content you will be teaching is a great stimulus to grab the students’ attention for the lesson to
● It is not best practice to use a children’s book for the focus and review.

I will start this lesson by gathering my students up at the carpet. I will say “good morning everyone! Today we are going to be
doing a geography lesson. Can someone raise their hands and tell me what geography means? (Gather a few student
responses) I like what I am hearing! Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their
environment. Often, we use maps and globes when we learn geography. Raise your hands if you’ve ever looked at or used a
map before. (Wait for responses). Awesome! Today we are going to be looking at some maps, so if you have never used or
looked at one before, today is your lucky day! Before we begin, I need your help with something, does that sound okay? Okay so
I need to get to the cafeteria after this lesson, but I don’t know where that is! Before shouting anything out, can y’all tell me is it to
the right or left of here when you walk out the door? (Wait for student responses) Is it down the hall or right next to here? (Wait
for student responses). Is it across the inside of this building or is it near the gym? (Wait for student responses) Wow! Thank you
for your help! Without even realizing, you all just used relative location to help me find her classroom.” Lead right into Statement
of Objective.

Is your Focus and Review short? It will take about __5____ minutes to complete

Statement of Objective:
State the students’ content objective for the lesson. What will they learn and why is it important?
● One to two sentences only.
● Presenting this information verbally and in written format strengthens the students’ understanding of what is expected of them.
● It is possible that different students or groups of students will have different content objectives.
I will say to the students, “Today you will learn how to find the relative location of places within the local community and region. Repeat
after me, I can find the relative location of places within the local community and region. (This will be written on the board before asking
them to repeat after me, and then while they are repeating the sentence, I will be pointing to each word as they speak.)

Teach to the lesson objective. Teach them content.
● The TI should include a description of teacher actions, instructional techniques- modeling, demonstrations, directions, monitoring
and adjusting for understanding, adapting instruction for individual learning needs, and questioning.
● TI should also include description of how the students are actively involved in the learning of the academic language and content
(signaling, Smartboard activities, interactive visual, and/or questioning). These actions should encourage the students to interact
and practice with the content.
● Consider using a teaching strategy such as graphic organizers, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw, example/non-example,
compare/contrast and/ or higher level questioning that leads to explanations or ask questions that build on student responses to
help students extend their understanding of the content.
● Also consider subject specific teaching strategies that you are learning about in your social studies methods course.
● If you are using different content/activities for different students or groups of students, make sure you explain what each is doing
and why.
Keep students remaining on the carpet. After reading the statement of objective, I will ask the students to raise their hands if they have
ever heard of relative location (pause for student responses). I will tell the students that in just a moment, we are going to complete an
anchor chart together so we can learn what relative location is, but first I am going to play them an introductory video. (I am playing this
video because I noticed that the students in the class don’t retain knowledge well if they are just learning from an anchor chart. To me, it
seems like they learn better through videos, so I thought it was a good idea to include a video to summarize and introduce relative location
before we go over the anchor chart.) I would pull up the YouTube video ( and remind my students that the
volume level should be 0 right now. Play the video.

After the video, put up the relative location anchor chart. Anchor chart will have relative location title, definition, example sentences, and
the map. But the space in between the definition and examples will be blank and filled in with students. Say to the students, “Based off
that video, who can tell me what relative location is?” (Wait for student responses). Read over definition of relative location (in red on
anchor chart). “We heard some relative location terms in the video, can y’all raise your hands and list some?” Students will hopefully list
the ones they heard in the video such as across the street, north (I will then ask for the others: south, east, west AND tape a picture of a
compass), time, cost, distance. I will write these on the anchor chart and include any that we leave out. I will then include some more
examples (next to, in front of, left of, right of, behind, in between of). I will also tape pictures of the left hand and right hand so students can
get a visual of that. I can also draw some drawings when they list examples like next to, right of, in between, left of, behind, in front of, etc.
This was just a rough draft. After we fill in that area, we will read over the examples. I will tell them that what is written in blue is the
relative location term. After we look over the examples, I will tell them to look at the map on the anchor chart. I will ask them questions
such as “Where is the pet store in relation to the bank?” (to the left of). I will tell the students to notice how I am saying “in relation to”
which comes from the word relative, which we saw from the video. Some more questions I will ask are “Where is the fire department in
relation to the diner?” (to the right), “Where is the bank in relation to the food store? (North, in front of, above), “Where is the school in
relation to the food store?” (Behind, below, or South). I will tell them that for some of these relative locations, you can use multiple terms
just like it showed in the video. You also read the map from top to bottom and right to left, so if something is above another place, it would
also be North and in front of. I will ask my students if they can come up with an example of something in relation to another place (Ex: The
fountain is to the right and next to the red house). If something is below another place, it would also be South and behind of. I will ask the
students if they have any questions. If they don’t, I will move into guided practice and inform my students that I will be leaving this anchor
chart on the board so they can refer back to it. For the students that need differentiation, I would put those students closer to the anchor
chart so they can hear me and see better.
The Teacher Input will take ___15___ minutes to complete

Students practice new content, academic language, and/or skill with scaffolding from teacher and/or peers.
● Include the directions you will give the students for completing the activity or work
● Include a plan for monitoring what students are doing and how you will help those that need assistance.
● Consider using a teaching strategy such as graphic organizers, Think-Pair-Share, a review game, examples/non-examples,
compare/contrast, formative assessment strategy (3 minute conference, 3-2-1, goal setting chart) and/ or higher level
questioning that leads to explanations.
● Be sure to explain when students are using a different process or completing different products.

I will start off by telling my students that for this next activity, they will be working a partner (group them up beforehand based randomly).
There will be 8 groups of 2 and 1 group of 3 (9 total groups). Already placed around the room will be 9 pieces of paper with different North
Carolina counties on it and a multiple-choice question with answers (fill in the blank style). This is seen below (the first image) and was
created by me. I will hold up the recording sheet and inform the students that with their partner, they are going to walk around the room
and find the numbered cards (numbered 1-9) that matches the corresponding number on their recording sheet. I will tell the students that
with their partner, they are going to discuss and decide on the relative location/direction that matches each question by circling the correct
answer or filling in the blank on their worksheets (worksheet seen below on the second image and created by me). I will tell the students
that they can either take turns circling, or one partner can do the left column (1,5,7,9) and the other partner can do the right column
(2,4,6,8). I will tell the students that once everyone is done, we will come back to the carpet and go over the answers. I will tell the
students that there should be one group per card (since there are 9 groups and 9 cards around the room). I will ask the students if they
have any questions, and if they don’t, I will send them off one at a time.

While the students are working, I will be walking around the room and observing. If any students need help, I will help them locate the
counties and go through all of the choices with them, in order for them to see which one works. I will provide positive feedback to students
who are working well together and who are correctly circling the relative locations. Once the students are done, they will return back to the
carpet and sit next to their partner. We will go over the worksheet together by me reading out the questions and them calling out the
answers. This is also so I can see who got what right or wrong. Those who got multiple questions wrong, I will know I need to revisit this
with them later or provide extra guidance. I will also have the cards with me so that we can look at the images while we go over them. I will
ask students questions such as “using the compass in the right corner, what is ___(county) in relation to _____(another county)?” Once
this activity is completed, they will turn the worksheets in to me and head back to their desks for the next activity. This activity helps the
student learn relative location, while also learning more about the regions of North Carolina. For my students that need differentiation, I will
read the directions to them and I will pair them with a partner who can read (if they can’t read) or write (if they can’t write).




Answer Key: 1. C, 2. D, 3. C, 4. D, 5. A, 6. B, 7. D. 8. B, 9. C

The Guided Practice will take about __10____ minutes to complete

This activity should match your lesson objective. This activity helps you assess student learning and understanding of the content and
academic language taught in the lesson. It allows the child to independently demonstrate understanding of the content through the use of
academic language in a different context, situation, or activity.
● Include the directions you will give the students for completing this activity or performance-based assessment.
● The feedback the students receive on this activity should add to their understanding. Include how you will monitor and document
student learning during independent practice.
● Be sure to make note whether students are using a different process or completing different products.

I will start off by telling my students that for this next activity, they will be working individually at their flexible seating spot. Each student will
get their own copy of a screenshot from google maps of the area around Ayden Elementary School (this is seen below on the first image)
and a “What is the Relative Location?” worksheet (fill in the blank style + 1 write full sentence), which is also seen below on the second
image and created by me. I will hold up the “What is the Relative Location?” worksheet and inform the students that individually, they will
complete the worksheet by looking at the map and the word bank provided to them to fill in the blanks. I will also tell them to look at the
pictures to the left of the place so that they can help find it more easily on the map if they cannot read very well. After the fill in the blanks
section, they have one question that requires them to write a full sentence. I will model this by saying that Ayden Middle School is in front
of Ayden Elementary School and that Ayden Middle School is also North of Ayden Elementary School (and I will point to each location on
the map and the compass). I will point out to the students that I used two relative locations and inform them that some questions have
multiple answers, but they only need to write one. I will also tell my students that they can use the compass on the map to help find some
directions. I will tell the students that once everyone is done, they will be turning it in to me. I will ask the students if they have any
questions, and if they don’t, I will let them begin their work.

While the students are working, I will be walking around the room and observing. Because this is their independent practice, I won’t help
them as much as I did in teacher input and guided practice, but if any students need help, I will tell them to locate the places by using the
icons or words and go through all of the choices, in order for them to see which one works. I will provide positive feedback to students who
are working well and who are correctly identifying the relative locations. Once the students are done, they will hand it in to me, which I will
later grade according to the rubric below (this is shown below on the third image and created by me). Those who got multiple questions
wrong, I will know I need to revisit this with them later or provide extra guidance. Once this activity is over, we will move on to the closure.
This activity helps the student learn relative location, while also learning more about the local community of North Carolina. For my
students that need differentiation, I will read off the directions and the questions to them. If they cannot write, I will have them speak out
what they want to put down, and I will write it for them.




Rubric: ____/5 correctly filled in the blanks

____/1 wrote appropriate and content-related sentence

Total score: ___/6

Teacher Comments:

Answer Key:
1. In front of, North of, under 10 minutes
2. In between of, next to, under 10 minutes
3. Behind, South of, under 10 minutes
4. Left of, Next to, West, under 10 minutes
5. Over 10 minutes, under 10 minutes
6. Multiple answers

The Independent Practice activity will take about __10____ minutes to complete

Summarize the content that you wanted your students to learn. This is a good place to ask higher order thinking questions where the
students use the content they learned to answer the questions.
● At the very least, ask some question to check for understanding and to review the content.
● Consider using a teaching strategy to wrap up your lesson by reinforcing major lesson points
● This is your opportunity to conduct an informal final assessment (i.e. exit ticket, 3-2-1, goal setting chart, discussion) and/ or
higher level questioning that leads to explanations by the students about their learning.

The Closure will take about __5____ minutes to complete

Gather the students back up at the carpet. Say to the students, “You guys did an awesome job today, so give yourselves pats on the back.
Together we learned so much about relative location! After today’s lesson, you can now find relative locations of places within the local
community and region. Who can raise their hand and tell me a relative location? For example, a relative location I know is to behind or
below. (Call on a few students to hear their responses and give positive feedback). One last thing, I want everyone to close their eyes for
a moment. Keeping your eyes closed, I want you to hold up either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 fingers to indicate how comfortable you feel about using
relative location.” Tell the students that 1 is that they are not understanding the topic at all, 3 is they feel in the middle, and 5 is that they
understand the topic and feel comfortable moving on. Check students’ responses and make notes on the students who held 1 or 2 fingers.
Talk to those students one-on-one at an appropriate time. Tell students to open their eyes. End the lesson by saying, “thank you so much
for all of your hard work and participation!”

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