Fiber Metal Laminates An Advanced Material For Future Aircraft

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Journal of

ELSEVIER Journal ofMaterials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394

Fiber Metal Laminates: An Advanced Material for Future Aircraft

A. ASUNDI and Alta Y.N. CHOI

Composite Research Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong


Fiber Metal Laminates (FML) consist of thin, high strength aluminium alloy sheets alternately bonded to plies of fiber-reinforced epoxy
adhesive. They provide an ideal combination of metals and composites that results in a material, which combines the best features of
organic matrix composites and metals, without sharing their individual disadvantages. FML offer substantial weight savings relative to
current metallic structures. Further. the number of parts required to build a component may be dramatically less than the number of parts
needed to construct the same component of metal alloy. This can lead to labour savings. sometimes offsetting the higher price of the
present materials. These features, together with superior fatigue behaviour, damage tolerant properties. inherent resistance to corrosion,
good fire resistance for safety improvement, make FML very attractive candidate materials for future aircraft structures {I-3].
Later a new concept apply on this hybrid material: Fiber-Metal Laminates with Splice or Spliced Laminates. The development of spliced
laminates has been a logical step after the identifIcation of the favorable behavior of FML. Spliced laminates may provide a good solution
obtaining substantially increased dimensions of spliced products. The splicing concept offers the same benefit (20 - 50% weight savings)
as for a regular FML panel, but for much wider panels (> 4 meters). This increased width capability can result in a significant reduction
in manufacturing cost. These attributes make spliced laminates promising candidates for fuselage and lower wing materials for the next
generation of Very Large Civil Transport (VLCT) aircraft and the Ultra High Capacity Aircraft (UHCA) for 600 to 800 passengers [4].

1. Introduction

The rapid development of 'Fracture Mechanics' in recent In aircraft design, the structural weight has a significant
years has led to a new design concept. which of 'Damage et1ect on flight performance. transport capacity and fuel
Tolerance' design. This new design philosophy was officially consumption. A low structural weight is of extreme importance
introduced by the United State Air Force first in 1974. Four because the ratio (maximum payload)1 (maximum take-off
years later, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) weight) is a measure for the aircraft efficiency, which is
published a new Federal Airworthiness Regulations (FAR) Part obviously improved by decreasing the weight of the aircraft
25.571, containing the damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation structure. In order to achieve weight savings for aircraft
certification requirements of transport category aircraft structures, high design stress levels have to be adopted. This
structures. The FAA has also outlined an acceptable means of means that materials with a high specific strength are required.
compliance of the FAR 25.571. The European aviation The design of an modern aircraft fuselage structure demands
authority has also accepted this new design philosophy and has more refined techniques and improved materials. One of the
issued it in JAR 25.571 (Joint Airworthiness Requirements). most important aspects of designing an aircraft fuselage
Despite the stringent airworthiness requirements, several structure is to consider skin cracks resulting from fatigue and
accidents still have occurred as a result of fatigue cracking or to choose materials and stress levels in such a way that the
incidental damage, one of the famous examples of which is the cracks will be discovered within a particular inspection interval
'Aloha accident'. Because of this accident, the airline industry prior to their reaching a critical crack length that can let to
has made significant changes in the operation and maintenance catastrophic failure: the fail-safe life corresponds to this time
of all flights. In the recent years much attention is paid to interval between inspections. The length of this inspection
damage tolerance evaluation of aircraft fuselage structure, interval is a function of the residual-strength reduction rate, the
particularly in pressurized fuselage shell structures. The crack propagation rate and the fail-safe design criteria which
understanding of fatigue crack growth has indeed increased limits the residual strength to a limit load established by the
considerably. Since the design of the first jet transport aircraft, certifying agency.
the load in the fuselage skin material has more than doubled This means that a crack which may initiate after an
due to the increase of the fuselage diameter and higher cabin inspection should not propagate to a critical length; i.e. the
pressures difference. However, knowledge of fatigue crack residual strength should not decrease below the fail-safe design
growth in aircraft materials does not necessarily imply that load before the next inspection, during which the crack should
critical situations will no longer occur. Higher loading is more be detectable. The crack growth behaviour of the structure is
often used to reduce the airframe weight. the decisive factor for the establishment of an inspection

0924-0136/97/$15.00 @ 1997 Elsevier Science SA All rights reserved

PII S0924-o136(96)02652-o
A. Asundi, A.Y.N. Choi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394 385

program. An acceptable safety level can thus be maintained by For this reason, ARALL Laminates material was
an inspection program. However, problems may also rise for introduced at 1978 in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at
several reasons: the Delft University of Technology (DUT). ARALL (Aramid
1. Inspections and repairs have an unfavourable effect on the Reinforced ALuminium Laminate) consists of thin, high
cost effectivity of the aircraft in service. strength aluminium alloy sheets alternately bonded to plies of
2. Inspection and repair depend on human skill, and the fiber-reinforced epoxy adhesive (Fig. 1.1) [I]. This new-class
quality of this type of work will vary from person to of material combines the best features of organic matrix
person. composites and metals. It has been widely regarded as a family
3. Fatigue critical areas can be detected during full scale of higher damage tolerance material with superior fatigue
tests under realistic conditions. If such tests are not behaviour and a high weight saving potential. However, it still
performed on critical areas, this could lead to catastrophic shows some disadvantages that are apparent after a better
failure in service. understanding of its fracture mechanism.
However, a structure containing features such as large
allowable damage and a long damage growth period is more
damage tolerant than a structure that depends on the inspection
programs. Unfortunately, catastrophic accidents of carefully
designed and tested, produced and maintained aircraft still
occur in service. It is very difficult to indicate the main causes
of such failures. Generally, most of the accidents are related to
some human factor and therefore can be prevented.
Three principal solutions for the problem are possible:
1. Shorten inspections period, which implies a less effective
use of the aircraft.
2. Decrease the allowable design stress, resulting in a
heavier aircraft construction.
3. Develop new aircraft materials with a better fatigue
resistance and preferably a higher specific strength and
lower density.
Obviously the last solution is the most attractive, both from the
point of safety and according to economic considerations. The
primary goal of a good fatigue design by using a new aircraft Fig.I.1 Build-up of a fiber-metal laminate
material is to attain a safe-life interval equal to the projected
lifetime of the aircraft. Based on the statistical aspects of Later, an improvement of ARALL with advanced high
fatigue, the safe-life may be defined as the initial life interval strength glass fibers, GLARE (GLAss REinforced), had been
during which the probability of crack initiation is at an developed in the same place at about 1990 [2]. GLARE,
acceptable low value. Fatigue failure during this interval compared to ARALL, has a better adhesion between the glass
implies fatigue crack initiation and not a complete failure. An tibers and the adhesive, provides a wider range of potential
optimum fatigue design should exhibit a high reliability safe-life applications (Fig. 1.2). Furthermore, it can apply the fibers in
for the purpose of aircraft availability and economical operation two directions to suit some place where biaxial stresses occur;
and a reasonably long fail-safe life for safety, and to some such as in fuselages and tailplanes. It has no fiber failure in
extent economical operation by minimizing the inspection fatigue load; such can occur in ARALL during particular
frequency. Generally, the aim in designing an aircraft structure loading situations (e.g.,R=O). International attention is now
in new materials is for it to carry the ultimate design load at the focused on the application of GLARE laminates as fuselage skin
end of its economic life, without inspection and repair during material.
that time.


Fig. 1.2 Build-up of a cross-ply GLARE laminate Aluminium

386 A. Asundi, A.Y.N. Choi I Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394

Further, a new concept for fibers - metal laminates The driving force behind such developments is the
(ARALL & GLARE), the Spliced Laminates, is launched by everlasting incentive of reducing aircraft operating costs without
the Structural Laminates Company (SLC) in 1992 [3]. Spliced impairing the aircraft saf«ty level. Fuel consumption and
laminates are defined as FML in which the aluminium layers maintenance costs are two decisive aspects of the 'Direct
are interrupted such that the dimensions of the spliced sheets Operating Costs'. Continuous efforts have been made to design
depend on the autoclave dimensions only (Fig. 1.3). The aircraft structures in new materials in order to obtain significant
spliced laminates concept provides a possible way to produce weight saving combined with minimum maintenance. That all
wide sheets (> 4 meters) for application as skin material for new materials deteriorate in service has to be taken into account
large wide body aircraft such as the VLCT and UHCA. Parts in design and in scheduled maintenance over the expected life:
reduction can be expected if spliced laminates is used, as a however, the aircraft designer still demands the strong and stiff
consequence of which weight and production cost saving can materials at an acceptable weight and cost.
also be expected as the main advantage.
2.2 The Development of Adhesive-bonded Sheet Metal

In the fifties year, an important goal of aircraft materials

development was to improve the crack growth properties of
structural materials. At the Delft University of Technology, it
was found that the fatigue crack growth rates in adhesive-
bonded sheet materials can be reduced. If they are built up by
laminating and adhesively bonding thin sheets of the material,
instead of using on one thick monolithic sheet [5]. The
Fig. 1.3 Splicing concept in a fiber - metal laminate [3] advantage becomes highly evident if cracks start in one of the
sheets of the laminate only, the adhesive layers behaving as
For an ideal configuration, the locations of the splices is crack dividers. Under these circumstances the sheets that are
better not reinforced with doublers. Without doublers, failures still uncracked reduce the crack growth rate in the cracked
mechanisms are initiated by the splice line (the weakest place sheet. The reduction in the crack growth rates persists until a
of the panel) when loads transverse to the splice orientation are crack is initiated in the neighbouring sheet also.
applied, but when splices are located in the loading direction, As a result, cracks grow independently in all layers of the
the splices can act as crack stopper and may improve the laminate without mutual interference. Crack growth in thin
residual strength. sheet materials is slower than in plate material. because of the
The residual strength of a material is defined as: 'The plane-stress effect (Fig. 2.1). This explained why tiber - metal
strength of the material in the presence of a crack-like flaw'. laminates have such a high fatigue resistance, especially against
These flaw will occur in all engineering structures eventually. fatigue crack growth. The developments in Delft were primarily
It is important to know the consequence of these flaws with guided by the aim to obtain a material with a high fatigue
respect to the integrity of the structures. The tools to make resistance. The research on adhesive-bonded sheet metal
quantitative predictions on the residual strength are provided by laminates is then became the predecessor of a new class of
models generated under the name of fracture mechanics. For materials, the fiber - metal Laminates.
monolithic material fairly good models are available and are
currently being used in practice. For the fiber - metal C::==-_C=:=J11I-
laminates, the R-curve approach method can be used to predict
the residual strength. crock

~~~~~gh LI ~
2. The development of a new aircraft material

2.1 Introduction

The development of a new generation aircraft is

influenced significantly by new materials. The development of
new materials for aircraft engineering applications should
include the consideration of all of the possible kinds of design
fatigue load: 80~/'OMPa o 100 200 300 /,00 500 x 1000
crack growth life untill failure [cycles
and component manufacturing problems at an early stage of the
development. Generally it takes many years before structural Fig. 2.1 Fatigue life of laminated aluminium alloy sheets [5]
applications are accepted by aircraft designers. The aircraft
designer is very much aware of the risk of introducing a new 2.3 The Development of Al-Li Alloy and Composites
material, because much has to be learned about a large variety Material
of properties. New production techniques have to be
introduced. The introduction of a new material requires In commercial aVIatIOn and military transport aircraft
concerted efforts of various disciplines, and it anyhow starts where aluminum material counts for about 80% of the
with the investing much time and money: In other words, it is structural materials used, that material and its cost become
an economically risky. major economic problems. Aircraft manufacturers always want
A. Asundi. A.Y.N. Choi / Journal C?f Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394 387

to find a new replacement to reduce the cost and maintain the layer is supported by two metal layers, results in a very damage
standard of safety. During the last two decades, much attention tolerant material [7]. In the ARALL concept, unidirectional
had paid to two families of new structural materials; new fiber prepregs are used. This concept is very tolerant of
aluminium alloys, such as Aluminum - Lithium (AI - Li) Alloy material inconsistencies. The fiber orientation is chosen into the
and Composite Materials [6]. For some time it seemed as if direction of the main load. The laminates is designed such that
composite materials would replace aluminum as the material of the fibers do not fail, when fatigue cracks develop. That means
choice in new aircraft designs. they remain intact behind the tip of the propagating crack in the
This put pressure on the aluminum developers to improve metallic layers (Fig.2.2). They hinder the opening of the
their products, the result being the aluminum - lithium alloys. crack, and consequently, the crack tip stress intensity in the
Recently, these premier new alloys have become most aluminium sheet is reduced. [8]
important aluminum material development. The new AI - Li
alloys, developed for simple replacements of the traditional AI-
alloys, which is about 10% lighter than conventional aluminum C1luminium_
alloys and about 10 % stiffer, and about 15 % weight reduction
fibre layer_
can be achieved for new design. Other properties should be at
least equivalent to those of the older alloys. It has been aluminium_
established that the fatigue crack growth resistance of the Al -
Li alloy sheets is not yet satisfactory. The high cost of lithium fibres bridging a crack
in the aluminium
material, safety precautions in casting, the need for scrap
segregation and handling, and closer control of processing
parameters, all continue to an increase of product costs to more Fig. 2.2 Fibers bridging a crack in aluminium, restricting
than three times above those of conventional aluminum alloys. crack opening [8J
The breakthrough of Al - Li alloys is still uncertain and
application in civil aircraft is still limited. However, aluminum This behaviour can lead to improvement in the crack
alloys will probably continue to be the principal materials in growth rates by a factor of a hundred and even more, as
airframe design for sometime yet, but these materials, however, compared to monolithic aluminium alloy sheet. This
will have to be improved. Work is being done to improve the improvement also allows for weight savings up to 30% in
ability of new aluminum alloys to resist corrosion and fracture. fatigue-critical aircraft components. Comparison of ARALL
The development of carbon fiber reinforced epoxies, the laminates on a structural level with other aircraft materials
so-called Advanced Composites, has a gentle improvement in show that ARALL laminates are very attractive materials,
recent years. They were announced already in the fifties as the especially for fatigue dominated structural parts, such as the
fatigue insensitive material, giving 20 to 30% weight saving. In lower wing skin and the pressurized fuselage cabin of an
addition, they were claimed to lead to cheaper production due aircraft [9J. In this way a new hybrid material ARALL has
to less components. However, with composite materials will been obtained. In 1984 two international patents were accepted
also be necessary to evolve new structural design concepts to and a pilot production of four different types of standardized
achieve the weight savings. Forty years later, large weight ARALL was started by the Alcoa Company after sufficient
savings and extensive utilization of these composite materials confidence in this material had been gained. One of these types
for primary parts in the aircraft structures is still rather low. was adopted to design a full scale lower wing panel tor the
For several reasons, such as: high material price and production Fokker-27. In a t1ight-simulation fatigue test and a tina I
costs and difficult prediction of material behaviours, extensive residual strength test on this panel, it was shown that a
application is still not yet realized for civil transport aircraft. considerable weight saving (30 %) and a considerably longer life
was possible [10].
2.4 The Development of Fiber - Metal Laminates: ABALL
2.4.1 The disadvantage of ARALL laminates
For an optimal structural design there is an obvious need
for new materials that combine high strength, low density and After an intensive study of ARALL laminates, some
high elasticity modulus with improved toughness, corrosion disadvantages of the standardized ARALL emerged:
resistance and fatigue properties. Fiber composites materials 1. The aramid fibers have a low interface strength between
almost cover all these demands, except for fracture toughness. the fibers and the adhesive. Then, it is not possible to
There is an important argument in favour of the continued use produce an ARALL laminate with a fiber volume fraction
of aluminium alloy in today aircraft primary structures, of above 50% with an acceptable peel strength and
especially so if fatigue is a design criterion. satisfactory interlaminar shear properties.
In the year of 1978, another fundamental improvement of 2. Fiber failure in the crack bridging fiber layer does occur
the fatigue behaviour in laminate sheets material was obtained under some fatigue load conditions (e.g. R=O). Although
by introducing a high strength Aramid Fiber into the adhesive the fatigue crack grow resistance is stil1 considerably
layers, the Dutch tiber Twaron which produced by Akzo being better than for AI-2024,it seriously affects the efficiency
selected. Therefore, the basic ideas of ARALL (Aramid of crack bridging. Post stretching can solve problems of
Reinforced ALuminium Laminates) as a highly fatigue-resistant fiber failure, but post stretching wil1 increase production
material were generated in the Structures and Materials cost and it is practically impossible for wide panel.
Laboratory of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Delft 3. The anisotropic properties of ARALL with unidirectional
University of Technology. The laminates, where every prepreg fibers prohibit its application in fuselage skin where a
388 A. Asundi. A.Y.N. Choi I Joumal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (/997) 384-394

biaxial stresses occur. A more isotropic ARALL with The GLARE laminates were primarily developed to obtain
fibers in more than one direction is desired. a material with a high fatigue crack growth resistance without
4. ARALL has relatively poor notch behaviour; especially its fiber failure, a better notch strength and fiber lay-up in biaxial
blunt notch strength compared to that of monolithic way. It implies that the application to the aircraft structure can
aluminium alloy. It is though that the limited failure strain lead to: (i) large weight savings; (ii) improved safety; (iii) high
(2.4 %) of aramid fibers is the main reason for the relative strength; (iv) fatigue insensitivity; (v) outstanding workshop
poor notch behaviour.[ll] properties: (vi) good and easy repairability; (vii) excellent
Moreover, ARALL laminates as a hybrid material consisting of damage tolerance; and (viii) production simplifications.
aluminium alloy sheets, fibers and adhesive, can be designed in The superior behaviour of GLARE laminates can be translated
different ways and lay-ups to overcome the problems as towards weight savings in aircraft structures combined with cost
mentioned above. Which ARALL variant should be used will savings in production" and maintenance. The production
depend strongly on the application. Extensite test series and simplification was proposed recently by Roebroeks [3], who
design studies are already carried out. pointed out that sophisticated design details in view of fatigue
may become unnecessary. Research has shown that the GLARE
2.4.2 The improvement of ARALL: Care laminates laminates can be machined in much the same way as the
traditional Al - alloy (e.g. cutting, drilling, contour milling,
Later, a much stiffer ARALL with carbon fibers instead etc).
of aramid fibers, the Care Laminates, had been investigated in The characteristics of GLARE result in an excellent low-
DUT [12]. Recent research has shown that Care laminates also weight and tlame-resistant material. Tests have shown that an
have fiber failure occurred during tlight-simulation fatigue tests 1100°C oil-burner tlame does not penetrate through a GLARE
at elevated stress levels, which resulted in poor fatigue 3 sheet even after 15 minutes of direct tlame impingement [3].
performance. The limited failure strain of the carbon fibers Temperature measurements on the non-exposed side of the
(0.5-2.0%) was thought to be a disadvantage. Thus, it is sheet showed a significant heat reduction over the thickness,
sensitive to notch behaviour comparing to monolithic aluminium with the cold side not reaching 300 DC. During tlame testing
alloy. Due to the problem of galvanic corrosion between the the exposed thin aluminum sheet burns away in 10-20 seconds
carbon fibers and the aluminium sheet in moisture environment, and the bi-directional glass fiber layers delaminate from the
more research has to be done. The future of Care laminates is next aluminum layer and thus act as a flame barrier. This stable
thus still uncertain. situation will be reached within one minute and does not change
for the duration of the test. Recently tlame tests have been
2.5 The Development of GLARE Laminates completed approving GLARE for cargo areas.
The fire resistance of the materials used as fuselage skin
In the year about 1990, another attempt to improve is an important aspect of the crash worthiness of an aircraft.
ARALL laminates, adopting high strength glass fiber instead of The improved fire resistance should be considered for large
aramid fibers, called GLARE (GLAss REinforced, or ARALL passenger aircraft (> 500 passengers ) in view of the short
with glass fibers) was developed successfully. The adhesion escape time during a crash when the aircraft can catch fire.
between the glass fibers and the adhesive is much better than According to Airworthiness Regulations, in the event of fire,
that for aramid fibers. Moreover, glass fibers are much more emergency evacuation must take place within 90 seconds. With
resistant if loaded into compression. As a consequence, fiber the increased size of the aircraft it will be considerably more
failure in the glass fibers has rarely been observed during in difficult to achieve this requirement without additional, and
fatigue load. Other advantages of GLARE over ARALL are its probably significant, weight penalties (more emergency escape
higher tensile and compressive strength, better impact doors, etc.).A fire resistant material such as GLARE offers
behaviour, higher ultimate strain and higher residual strength. increased evacuation time, and as a consequence, weight and
Because of the good bonding properties of the glass fibers to cost benefits. However, GLARE laminates could be the only
the resin, it makes GLARE laminates with fibers build up in option from a safety standpoint of view for large parts of the
two directions is possible (Fig. 2.3). This being much more new generation of Ultra High Capacity Aircraft (UHCA).
suitable for some constructions where biaxial stresses occur.
These properties seem to make GLARE has a wider range of
potential application .
.r----------"7~ Aluminium layer

- Glass-prepreg layer in 0°
Glass-prepreg layer in 90°
~ Aluminium layer
Glass-prepreg layer in 90°
- Glass-prepreg layer in 0°
'-...,~- Aluminium layer

Fig. 2.4 A future Ultra High Capacity Aircraf (Super-Jumbo)

Figure 2.3 3/2 lay-up of cross-ply GLARE Laminate [2] for 600 to 800 passengers
A. Asundi, A.Y.N. Choi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394 389

GLARE promises lighter airframes with longer life and already realized or are in the final stage of realization. Due
better fatigue resistance. Such weight savings will result in toits excellent impact performance (13], GLARE is considered
greater payload for a given take-off weight, and hence greater by several aircraft manufacturers and airlines for floor
fuel economy. However, the acceptance of this new materials, applications; some have already specified, and baseline GLARE
as always, will depend on both the cost balance throughout the for this application. The impact characteristics also make
life of the aircraft and the development of new techniques of GLARE an excellent material for impact sensitive areas, such
construction to make the best use of the material's properties. as; the cockpit crown, forward bulkheads, the leading edge.
Regardless, these attributes make GLARE laminates promising Most of these components have already considered and
candidates for fuselage and lower wing materials for the next investigated by several manufacturers.
generation aircraft as mention above. The flame-resistant capability of GLARE makes it suitable
One possible disadvantage of GLARE is the slightly lower for flame sensitive areas such as; fire walls, cargo-liners, etc.
stiffness compared to that of monolithic aluminium alloy and However, this characteristic is especially attractive for fuselage
ARALL. This is especially true for laminates with crossed fiber design because of the considerable increase in safety and
layers (biaxial GLARE) which are used for fuselage skin evacuation time. The fatigue and damage tolerance aspects of
application. The high material price is also an obstacle for the GLARE provide signiticant weight as well as cost savings.
replacement of AI-alloy by GLARE, because the cost per Weight savings range from 15 to 30%. Applications of GLARE
square-meter of GLARE is about ten times greater than that of in fuselage skins has shown weight savings of 15 to 25 % for
A12024-T3 price. the Airbus family. In a cooperative effort, Airbus Industries,
Deutsche Aerospace Airbus and Structural Laminates Company
2.5.1 The production of GLARE have designed and manufactured a spliced GLARE window
panel for the Airbus A-330/340.
At the present time four standard GLARE laminates International attention is now focused on the application
materials are available commercially produced by Structural of GLARE laminates as an aircraft fuselage skin and structural
Laminates Company (SLC, a joint venture of Akzo and Alcoa. material. Most of the design requirements for GLARE fuselage
ARALL laminates is a trade name used by Alcoa for ARALL structures are much the same as those for monolithic
with aramid fibers. GLARE is another trade name used by aluminium. An important feature of the fuselage structural
Akzo for ARALL with R-glass fibers). design in GLARE is that no reinforcements are necessary at the
ARALL and GLARE are produced with a standard location of the stringers and the frames that attach to the skin.
bonding technology. After the hot-curing (l200C) cycle in the The skin of the fuselage pressurized cabin is carrying a biaxial
autoclave, the fiber-metal laminates carry a residual stress cyclic tensile stress at a very low frequency during each flight.
system over the thickness of the material, with a small tensile The riveted joints in pressurized fuselages are exposed to severe
stress in the AI-sheets and compression in the fibers: this is not fatigue loading in both the longitudinal and circumferential
favourable for fatigue behaviour. A post-stretching operation directions. For the application as a fuselage skin material, a
after the curing cycle can reverses the residual stress system cross-ply build up GLARE 3, with excellent fatigue resistance,
and solve the problem, thus a tension stress occurs in fibers and higher tensile strength and lower density compared to monolith
compression in the AI-sheets. But post-stretching causes extra aluminium, is necessary to fit the severe and biaxial-load
production cost and it is practically impossible for wide panels. conditions in the fuselage skin.
Since GLARE has proven to be a highly fatigue resistant
2.5.2 The application of GLARE material with a lower specific weight comparing with
monolithic aluminium alloy. The lower specific weight is very
Aircraft manufacturers, institutes and universities are important because GLARE is much more expensive than
continuing investigation of GLARE. Some applications are aluminium alloy as was mentioned in paragraph 2.5. Therefore,

Table 2.1 Commercially available standard GLARE products [2]


Aluminium-alloy 7075-T6 2024-T3 2024-T3 2024-T3

Thickness (AI) (mm) 0.2 - 0.5 0.2 - 0.5 0.2 - 0.3 0.2 - 0.4

Thickness (fiber) (mm) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.375

Fiber orientation Unidirectional Unidirectional Cross-ply 50/50 Cross-ply 67/33

Post stretched 0.3 - 0.5 % - --- --

Fatigue Superior Good Good Good

Strength Superior Superior Good Superior

390 A. Asundi, A. Y.N. Choi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394

GLARE can only replace aluminium alloys if considerable and propagation. Reinforcements are also needed at the
weight savings are possible. If GLARE 3 is supposed to be a locations of the joints for the same reason. If possible, the
weight saving material for fuselage skin, it implies that higher joints should also be designed without reinforcements: the
allowable stress levels in both the longitudinal and reinforcements at the joints of the aluminium alloy design are
circumferenctial directions need to be adopted. The higher mainly meant to reduce the fatigue stresses.
stress may be considered as combined effect of the lower skin For GLARE 3, with excellent fatigue properties,
thickness and the lower Young's Modulus. reinforcements will not be necessary from a fatigue point of
Feasibility studies for the application of GLARE materials view. The presence of reinforcements will not only increase the
in wide body aircraft fuselage skin have confirmed that a structural weight but will also increase the production costs of
weight savings can be obtained without changing the skin-frame the aircraft manufacturers and the operating costs of the
connection design [14). Therefore, it is possible that only an airliners. The production cost is an important aspect for the
exchange of the skin material is required. Feasibility studies for aircraft designer and the manufacturer, whilst the operating cost
the application of a GLARE 3 skin in a narrow body aircraft is a decisive aspects for the airliners.
Airbus A-320 fuselage have been performed [15, 16). The
results of the studies were very promising for the use of 2.6 The Concept of 'Spliced Laminates'
GLARE 3 in a fuselage skin. The studies revealed higher
loaded frames in the GLARE 3 fuselage, compared to the Current aluminum alloy, as well as FML sheets, are
conventional monolithic aluminium fuselage. somewhat limited in width due to available rolling mill
However, this may be the main disadvantage of cross-ply dimensions. However, there is now a new possibility of
GLARE 3 in particular, is its relative lower stiffness, compared minimizing the number of joints and for parts reduction. using
to that of monolithic aluminium. This lower stiffness can cause Spliced Laminates. Spliced laminates are defined as fiber -
higher loads in fuselage frames when GLARE 3 is used as a metal laminates (ARALL & GLARE) in which the aluminium
fuselage skin material. A modification of the frames and/or layers are interrupted such that the dimensions of the spliced
frame-skin attachments could be required tor particular types. product depend on the autoclave dimensions only. The
That is better a new improvement of this material that the restriction of the width (±2.3 meter) of the thin aluminium
stiffness has to be increased in a way that they can be used as alloy sheet available to the aircraft industry can be solved by
a skin material without major changes of fuselage design. means of spliced laminates. Thin aluminium sheets are
The number of parts that used in aluminium alloy fuselage laminated with a very narrow seam in between. The seams in
skin structures can also be reduced by using GLARE 3 because the various aluminium sheets are at different locations such that
of the superior fatigue and damage tolerance behaviour of this they are bridged by both fiber layers and the unspliced
material. The number of locations where doublers are required aluminium layers (see Figure 1.3).
will be reduced for GLARE 3. No reinforcements are needed Spliced laminates should be considered in the first place
at the location of the stringers and frames, which is in contrast for aircraft components of a large size; the pressurized
with the current structures in aluminium where reinforcements fuselage, the tension skin of the lower wing and the tailplanes.
at these locations are needed in order to retard crack initiation They will provide only a moderate (±3%) weight reduction

Iongerons Lower wing skin
Lower wing stringers


Cowling cover

Spar caps ---->--L1

Access covers --+-.t:l'

Access doors
SlalS ---1-1/;;":'


Fig.2.4 Candidate areas tor Aerospace ARALL and GLARE [17)

A. Asundi, A.Y.N. Choi I Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394 391

(reduction of joints over the whole fuselage), but a tremendous The demand for a high pay load necessitates an
cost reduction in production. In small fatigue critical parts, the economical use of the materials of construction, and hence a
weight saving may be limited, but the high life-time, and more more accurate prediction of .strength than is the case with most
in particular the long inspection intervals, can be very engineering structures. This is enhanced further by reduction of
attractive. Beside the weight saving in aircraft constructions, safety factors, over recent years, from the general value of 2.0
saving in production costs is always an important motive for the to 1.5: a factor of 1.33 may be considered in the future.
application of a new material. Since such costs amount to about Decisions involving the use of new materials in aircraft fuselage
35 % of the total aircraft initial expense. For spliced laminates structures will frequently be based on whether or not it will be
the number of lap joints in the fuselage skin can also be cost effective in the intended application. Raw material and
reduced by 50 %! manufacturing costs will therefore be important consideration.
Obviously, the splices are a kind of joint which might A very small niargin of weight can determine the
cause a reduction in performance if loads are applied difference between excellent and poor performance of an
transversely to the splice lines: this has been investigated in airplane. If the structure and equipment of a successful model
some tests carried out by the authors. The reduction in material were increased only 5 % of its gross weight, the consequent
performance is rather small. However, if loads applied in the reduction in fuel or pay load may well mean cancellation of a
direction of the splice lines, the splices act like crack stoppers contract. In transport aircraft the gross-weight limit is definitely
in the test and the residual strength can be improved. The stipulated; thus, any increase in empty weight will be offset bya
fatigue properties were also seen to have a comparable reduction in fuel or pay load. Structural weight, and therefore
behaviour in other test carried out by Roebroeks [18). the use of new light materials, has always been important.
It was realized that materials can be accepted only if their When a modern full-loaded subsonic transport aircraft takes off.
behaviour is well understood in terms of failure mechanisms only about 20% of its total weight is payload. Of the remaining
and the consequences of the production techniques employed. 80%, roughly half is aircraft empty weight whilst the other half
There is the need to have a close look at the material to see is fuel. Hence, any saving of structural weight can lead to a
what happens to it, and to try to understand its behaviours. This corresponding increase in payload. Alternatively, for a given
is more relevant in view of the hybrid character of spliced payload, saving in aircraft weight means reduced power
laminates. However, as for any new material, application requirements. Therefore, it is not surprising that the aircraft
requires developments studies to explore the various manufacturer is always prepared to invest heavily in weight
technological and design requirements involved: it is not simply reduction.
a matter of consulting handbook data on the mechanical and If performance and strength are kept constant. a saving of
physical properties of the material. Fortunately, a lot of work structural weight is also accompanied by savings in fuel, the
has already been done by many predecessors. use of smaller engines, smaller wings to keep the same wing
loading and so on, such that the savings in take-off weight of
the aircraft to do the same job is much greater than the weight
3. The Practical use of spliced Lamillates ill Aircraft sa ved on the structure alone.
Fuselage Skin
3.2 The Applicatioll of Spliced Laminates in Aircraft
3.1 Illtroduction Fuselage Skin

The modern aeronautical engineering of aircraft design has The most efficient aircraft fuselage structure is the one
been an evolutionary process accelerated tremendously in recent with the least number of joints: in an effort to minimize the
times from the demanding requirements for safety and the number of joints, a realistic solution is available with spliced
pressures of competitive economics in structural design with laminates (Fig. 3.1). Thus, large skin panels. limited only by
new materials. The primary objective of the aircraft structural available manufacturing techniques, are possible. The use of
designer is to achieve the maximum possible safety margin and spliced laminates offers a very suitable alternative, thus the
achieve a "reasonable" lifetime of the aircraft structure. restriction of available widths of thin aluminium sheet can be

- Aluminium layer
-Glass pre. layer 0°
Glass pre. layer 90°
Aluminium layer
Glass pre. layer 90°
Glass pre. layer 0°
Aluminium layer

Figure 3.1 The splicing concept for GLARE 3

392 A. Asundi, A.Y.N. Choi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394

solved. Stringers, rolled from strip stock, have a limited length, It would be expected that the splices have an effect on
which can be increased by using spliced laminates. material properties. However, the results of a continuing
Reduction of the number of joints has three primary beneficial research program indicate only a limited reduction in strength
effects: and very limited effect on the fatigue performance. This
I. It will reduce the manufacturing cost of the fuselage by material will be of special interest for the fuselage of the VLCT
significantly reducing the number of rivets and affording whereby two fuselage production concepts can be considered.
a reduction in workshop effort (drilling,sealing and Manufacturing the fuselage with sheets transverse on the
riveting, etc ... ). fuselage (see Figure 3.2 a ), will reduce the number of
2. It will reduce the weight of the structure. transverse joint, including stringer couplings. It also provides
3. The operational cost can be reduced by reduced the possibility of locating large doors and their surrounding
maintenance cost, i.e., inspection as well as repair costs. structures within one' sheet, which will result in weight
FML allow for the possibility of fabricating very wide reduction as well as cost reduction. If skin sheets are located
sheets by the splicing technique. longitudinally at the fuselage (see Figure 3.2 b), wide width

Figure 3.2 Spliced laminated GLARE sheets on fuselages

a. Transverse located

I. ·1


b. Longitudinal located

T 1j-'_ _~__..,.-_--:_>_1°_01.-;-_ _-:-_ _..,.-_--:_ _. . ;.1


., ."'"
A. Asundi, A.Y.N. Choi / Journal qf Materials Processing Technology 63 (1997) 384-394 393

sheets will reduce the number of longitudinal joints and material. For a fuselage skin with a biaxial GLARE with
consequently reduce weight and cost. It has been assumed in splices, the residual strength and remaining fatigue life after
the present investigation that the splice location in GLARE 3 large scale accidental damage seem to be the realistic
will not be reinforced with doublers as for the Deutsche certification subjects.
Aerospace Airbus (DAA) spliced fuselage panel. This will
result in failure mechanisms initiated by the splices for loads 4 CONCLUSIONS
transverse to the splice orientation. Therefore, reinforcements
at the splice area may be necessary to meet the static and/or FML (ARALL and GLARE) provide the favorable mechanical
residual strength requirements (Fig. 3.3) .That can prevent the properties as followings. It inclUding:
fracture toughness reducing in comparison to the basic (non- I. High strength, thus a greater allowable design stress.
spliced) laminates. Reinforcements may only apply on the 2. Low density, thus' greater possible weight savings.
inside of the fuselage skin, thus maintaining the aerodynamic 3. Fire resistance, with improved safety and the need for less
qualities of the fuselage structure. However, from the point of emergency exit doors.
view in weight and production cost saving, the un-reinforced 4. Fatigue insensitivity, with less repair and a longer
splice is always the ideal configuration. maintenance period
Fundamental for the success of spliced laminates (biaxial 5. Outstanding workshop properties, with production
GLARE) for using as aircraft fuselage skin material is base on simplifications and significant cost reductions.
the material quality and the laminate behaviour. GLARE is an 6. Excellent damage tolerance, less additional parts in
aerospace material with superior fatigue properties. It is very component structures providing weight and production-
attractive especially for fatigue-dominated structural parts, since cost reduction
the glass fibers are fatigue insensitive and able to bridge the The above favorable factors make FML a promising candidate
cracks in the aluminium layers. Fatigue is therefore no longer for the fuselage and lower wing skin materials for the next
the critical design parameter as it is for aluminium alloy. It generation of large aircraft. After the splicing concept
then becomes possible to apply high design stresses in the successfully apply on the FML, it is possible to produce a
originally fatigue critical components of the aircraft structures. wider panel. Component parts and joints can be further
The critical design parameter for GLARE now appear to be reduced, weight and production-cost saving being the main
residual strength. The residual strength of a structure, depends advantages. The splicing concept could be the only option from
mainly on two factors: (i) the design features, i.e. the structure a safety point of view for the large parts of the new generation
design concept; and (ii) the fracture toughness properties of the of Very Large Civil Transport (VLCT) aircraft and Ultra High
Capacity Aircraft (UHCA)[19) .

• ~ fiber direction transverse to splice direction

b@m::·m:";~il§i~@j = fiber direction parallel to splice direction

GLARE 3 - 2/1 - 0.2

Z024,·Tl 0.2""""

I:::: .; .:; : ;: :;:;( ;::


if;'~E:i;a~:};::~£~1~r":::::':.:~: : : : :; : .1 ::::::::
• t

~! Spliced GLARE 3 - 3/2 - 0.3

1.5 inch 1.5 inch' 1.5 inch 1.5 inch

Figure 3.3 Reinforcement with GLARE Doubler over splice area


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