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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Haii. My name is Rizka Maulina. We are from 12 grade MA Al Musyaffa’. I am here, I want to
explain about one of pesantren-owned enterprises (BUMP) that is essential. What is essential?
Essential known as atsiri Indonesia. Essential is an oil that has many functions, the materials used in
the product are natural ingredients. The examples of the products are queen candle and moonlight.

The first is queen candle. What is queen candle? Queen candle is candle with thpusand functions, one
of them Is for relaxing the mind. As the ingredients, namely:

1. Parrafin (basic material for candle making)

2. Oil wick or stain
3. Essential oil
4. Citric acid
5. Candle wick
6. Wax mould

How to make queen candle:

1. Paraffin is melted for about 15 minute

2. Pour enough oil wick
3. Stir until dissolved
4. Wait until it is warm then add fragrance
5. Don’t forget to give it an axis and it must be uprigt
6. Finally, pour into the mould

The second is moonlight. What is moonlight? Moonlight is soap used to wash dishes and other
household items. As for ingredients, namely:

1. Sodium sulfate
2. Texapon
3. Mixed or camperlan
4. Citric acid
5. Perfume with a scent to taste

How to make:

1. Put texapon into the container, mix with water little by little until it turns white
2. Enter the camperlan
3. Pour water again
4. Add citric acid and the rest of the water
5. Pour the texapon little by little
6. Pour sodium sulfate until thicken
7. Add coloring and lime scent perfume
8. Wait 24 hour
9. Moonlight is ready for washing dishes

With that, we can fill our free time with useful things to develop our business. It is enough from me.
The last I say

Wassalamaualaikum wr wb

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