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yoo) 23 qnesdoay| eh 1s™ pe che point in aninh compres S1b)2 S{utde having Spherical Poloy co-orAinaees Cr) QW) Khe Verociky ComPoaneheS Xe Lamv> cosas MY” Sih® o} pwheve MIS hat pe Nereciks iS of Constkan®: Show *& 2 oer Icind: Find d\v &> > 9 -2- > eo Comsine® C25 % * amy? sino) WW = a. A 7 4 : Sysing yp [-2"y Song ¢ 2M SIND) The flo is oF Pokenki a eine) C.: Curl a 9) Lee gF Cry) beKHe PF IOP rigs Veyocrsy Pox eCnsiad oy = yy slemv 3 O30, SIE cavid» 7 v3 SING s oD we 26 , Ve DE Uwe od ay 2a ay =~ 28 2g mov coSt Ped <-> =™ SIKBAY =M¥* Sing hae ee Sina 2 Otz 2 Axe 22 Ay+ ah de aw oy at age ae art 2h ao4 2d Ay ov EN dy Ag = Hemt? cesQ- MV SIR Jags -S [amv C58 amv 33a) #= fatev= cose) ox my > coS® Vnes ove ax 2 ay = 9% Ww N The LVKaALIonS OF *HE SETEAM Ww a= Cwww) Caen) are, | ay | = Ao amy? 950 =&sinway M73 Sino YsinAP + cesor) 3 es > YsConst AY . so com cudvevde® 4 To cA NZ Sin8 ay 2 aC 3) saeco Sine = 2ootks Ag ake : Sauer 2e jae Ee 2 JS ror8 de® x 09% 22e de f ee Jogrws & f coS@ Ae = ei = \o9 cx") ) pur, eee. =o SIND 109 (min) 2099 ake = 6958 Ad beg cmnyeioanale9 2 ade i _ se = . = sa Z)os* lacy => = oe a E sing) +1 29% pee at jose =I109 sinte 129 ae RSre The equarions of Khe Seream lines Sed cohst yeAein®® D023 Example sud] test Whether Khe mokion Sfecified by yor + Be i? Cxj-9D = Cle= Constant) wry Passing Mnclon 9:5, 6 is & Possible motion for an jHoOMPrEssible Fluid TF So, dQkeymine Khe eEYUations oF Khe Skryeamlines. Also te St Whether | she motion IS of the Potential) kind and if So dekemmine Khe Vejocicy potential. Devivakions Possjuje Motion if g.q 20 | Now) Bie (hes i oa (5 37) = re eae +s] Wye aay 2. (HE) 6 +E xe SS tay e eye = elem mt (22) Ic oe (355) ay peteye W zp | 2 Tee Seay . Lea) 2-9 Cxtey2)™ act [ Catey®) Co) - 2C 2 | Ae ee Coty Swen gs Lexy- 2) Cate y7® J+ Vie o Thus, Khe 2vuakiens oF Continuity For An incompressible Fluid is SaxisFied ANd So Such A mekioh js possible ee ee a7 ' Qe tu viw) Eun wl= f —ie bye — 1 =? por Oe | ocd we Gs pce ory AkionS oF Khe SeVZAMI hes, 2 Thes-eyw we Oe wal ef deo } : NS N w 5 AR S OE aK lsasd \<7 2 ° oc a sraicing khe SITS wo TALIOS az = dy age Ix xy rye ax say 2 Eo red ve-sdy scAx+Ydy so 2 aeayt ec 2 = mw ayre 2 OY xestoe The equariohS of Khe Sereamlin2S aye 20% Y *e oe Cone c a, we = | 7 I €£ ae Pre Oy OL IIe?’ ex oo yr ICY —¢ a pia (aie y) oz yt oS Lamy re lene [ne acC2%) stan se) ae ie ceca ees co Cage Coty? 2 = Se ie foe eet xrastes*) | Cryo? YTAV=O The Forential lind sx Vs0 Wile T, Vr-vge -@, w= -% Sp z-f -1679 ers) xe yr okey 2B = 122 5)" 1, ete ’ | ox Braye Seat of = en ag ree. » oF. 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Lee P be the Peiht in che StYeam [howing CY Clindri Cal Polsay Coordinates | | } } | CRIMD AKA Jet Ps be ILS Preveckion on the | tT-axis, Tatcing p tobe che Skream Funckien, ASSICratLed with Pandk tere Khak for Po, Since the volume Flowing From right «o \eFe through che circutar disc. bea HEA bY YeVoIVINd PPo about | She Te-arcis ig FeRtU, it Folows chat 2RY = 7ERTRV ov Y=oRE VU =) pty 2 Zz | Talking Ro +sin Bet | Wheve, ¥= OP | | CL) SimPie Sources | FotA SimPIQ Source oF Strength Mat the ovigin, che value of p ata Point pmay be Found by USINg the eauatin | Ve 4 ave | eae a 20 " YFSing 98 23,0223 wedhnesday CC ’'W! ———— hotacton Used, NVr=m 72 Ve So tl hok Khese Svuations gives © inD, => = ° \ - ay mM 2) Tsing wy Te YrSIN® S =»>a Y —M sing = ay Oy cy a ar =Msing At 72s dx+ea of eae wy AY S29 dvr ay gg id ae AY = 04 Cmsinerde Sing b.s, \ =- Sit c- ©0508) YY =mcose C3) Doubler At oO, AXIS along OZ EW sPherical Pelay covrdinates, che Vejocity Potencia) Sew 9) = MCeS2 ye Where Mis &he SETCHSEH OF Of Khe dowble& Then, : mcese yrCo)- I | ee ~ Cra 2 = cau as = 2AM ceS® x # a3 = el 7 ye A (sine) | Ve =Msine 13, Vea +! ay Sing 7 Wy soe + y 30 Y?rSing “28 substiewking Khe WAIWe ws Vs VE in Lhe Mbove SYAAtIONS os =. Ss ay mMese a) ay 1 FSing XY ne ytsine Se MISIBtO! Ub > 2M ces8Sihe _ wy as % er 28 Ata Woda 2B 9d. dcamcadvavdla, a 29 7 SA Lavy ays 22 dv> 2% ae oy av a2 dys mainte ax- 2m co50 Sn) de z Ayv= a [se] a ATrsI he Cesedg - =e Msinrs ay P= ones, = ) sinve ve tf Cs) POABIRL Tin unserem SLYeam : ies Khe doubler specified WWD ising WA FoTM skeveam Uhose Nelocik8 1S -UlE. Then combining HOe YRSUIKS OF Ci) Wd Chi), Khe StVEND Fanceion Y ak Pw sphesicarld Polaris > U ‘ Y te “= Sinrs Taice Re Tsing web yrsinrs u- A sin z re | Khe SkYeany Sanckisn Ysenss® Srace Conse = jd yrsint gu- MM. sinre eae v const= sinte f ur - »\ SS ¥ Tn Pars ONY Wee ie. foro. oo wrt = ° | sinrd ( et es | ie | in eet bee ee Br e ease oe Se z y > oe vrs 22 y3 = 2M " 3 wp’y = ™j0) Cy = PAW) Form Line Sornrce Alena “OZ — 2 F co FIsure Shows ® Uni sorm Hine Sour a Ce OF FIVi A SoctkendAin y nrenea OL From ote A. Let Qralbe neighbouring Poinks chon, Where SS=0 +00 og = 1452 AISO, 2P=r, [PAA= 28. enstes She Stvenseh TS RT ee “exe Cone yetd Pyx = ~ (BV 42H) ) Bx Oy Pex = B (2x 42W> ee Ox)? WE ObLain, AOE Oe eae OD) At P37 SINCE K=-2/3B A FoD a compressible FIVIA AHA Since D=o For ah incomPressible Suid Khis ovuction ney be WrILERK Whambisyously Sor che Wwe Cases jhe Form AW = x-1 OP 4NIFATLY BB Ae Pox 3 Ox Thus the ematloh oF metloh ih*&KhL Khvee directions may be Wren AW yt oP SNe to 2h Z a ae P 3x Isc oe aE avaev * Lyon 20 jt At iG 23 os = .. BE aNatulad 4 Qe de iP rhe. hone : ation TS The Lenser Fovm of khese erertio PS 2-1 Pi evO gga Noy 2O oe ? 3 the Writing We Cryst) Fe Cue) j is Uearly NeCkovial Form oF equation O is Ve! 2 Ly? ay =F-sJ oe +Vgty tENICS yo>@ Ae Now, aa uCes Cv be Be 2 = (2% Vem G2 vi - WACO AW), Se yrs Ge v9 VACINA) = VCO-V)- VY So thot © may also be wrikkeh oy N( £9?) -wa Caay) so VCS) ‘ TEN [OF 4% wa cue) —wEACangy pes a) PNY oF che seems ©» @.@ ave calied the navier- Seelces CS UArIons oF Metion- : For incomPressibie Flows Khe Forms @) ® SJiNe, dv 2p Cd IP +tvy2q, dt ree) VP -Via Gay s@ Where, aS before, AV/AtMeaY be Aeveloped ih £he form on Uys os © Pas | The eration G Shows chat fox ; : NcomPressible Flow Khe ewrortlen oF reohioh a; iFfers From Enser!s Cvuction of metion 1A ied: 1 invisciaA Syow bY EF& Lem -N UA CIAYD- This kevm, due £0 Yiscosieys INCTOASES jacveasind the order khe compiercity bY of Khe Afferent al equation: Ths An sevuired additional boundary condition 1S aA &Y +4ehe CO! FP between a viscous This is SuTnishe Adieion Khae there must be 0° sli s boundav Fer prtioh &o che Suid and I= kehig Yeasohs Not ObEAIH Khe SO inviscid FIow \exeingd Veo We Can Problem by corres Pondi Wg saiviha® and Kher perve ™ : axrwen!s thermodynamic Relation D hs The 55 RQ Firse jaw OF ke hevinodYhamicg f APPL xo Ahy WorIh9 SUbSe ance iS Oe ag eee Mheve da is «he heat ha} -LhH&F9Y. Gained ay is the {HreeP PAN is &he excerha were done ANd Wig the Veiner: : cept vey WsIng ‘Khe. Vaya oh : Yev- cveR a> Tds > © Cytcv=R From @ in O- cue R, | Y-1 qas= aurPay => dave tds-Pav 2D The evuacien dv is an Srcack aiffevential oa: _—— = oF = Ge Thon BIS wedesine, HevUtPN. 20 eA Khe ShehalPI Per ee ronss: call seate- Thus HIS o gonckion os ans dUt Pave vAP. due tas t+ var, -© Ab muse be ar Re ACk : A), > Kes = >? Write AN GETS Fis alSo AFH culon oF state, and is cated Free energy af = du—fras+sdt) AFS du-tds-sat ar = —Pav-sdaT AF is an &xack ore as ( oa \, 2S >® Finay, write G = UthY —)F me cuted =e Gibb S Fanceion Dnad ie TSH FuURncet or OF SEALS sat) pav+vaP- Cds t avt+ yvaP- Ths —saT. an= av - PAV AG = NAP- SAT Aq = ARIS Ar B2CAace VI ) Ao pw.) =-(2 ), 7@ (Gi ie ye J. The Four equatisn O» ®,6,@ a rmaxwelrl> Theyme AYNHaMics bey are Lhe hee be re calle eSSars and Leheyvmodyhamic yelakiens. T Radicons fore crions oF SUFFILICHES C&P Funckeions uy Wo Fs @ SP be guh SAK: 5% The mil Mhe- Thomsen Circle Theorem = ; FO Vighk arcuiay cyindey % TnSinide IRhgth 3s inerduced inte a 90" won dimensional Sows 14S WAYS being Aligned With khe Coordi hate OFF PRPenA CUlay +9 he Possible to devive RH genera) tt ecity Poeendi a) khis end WE & gueke PrFeSso7y’ bow eves, exPiaih Jor Khe Wew, VY Ahe cylinder Te GL abli Sh H PowR7Fr) Lheoreny L->M. b Milhe- Tomsen: We FIT See Some barmitnelegy sHvelViN9 Conjgagares OF Compler Furnceiok suppose +15 a Fem srartable And Khe Fle) = VCE HN ce) Where UCED. VEE) are Teal Fonct ions when € isvealThen Fle) is heve w complex Functions of Ehe Fear variable +: Tes conjugate Fed is degrned to be Sley= vce -ivee) TZ we how FErlace sche Teal vari ablet by Khe complex Variable ZEXti9s, hen $F CH, Fe) ave desihed & to be Flay =ucw + ivew, Fcep = cz iver) Fustherw F(Z) 9F cz) aye giVeb bY FCTIS UGItTW Gz) F cZ)= UII). compasxihg the Forms above Fox F(t Fz), WE See Chak Since pexriy, B= HAV. Vn &he Value OF Fery 36 opeained From FC bY FEMMACING | KEyoughout bY —i TH OEher Word S F(Z is che comPle% Conjugate OF Fx) ANA We May write F CH) = ¥F cw) WR hexrt jmdsoduce the jdea OF Sih gwlayicies 1H two-dimensional by deo~ AYnamical Fyows Te will be Vecalled Lhat Che ComPiek Potentials dueto a line Source, Aline deublet And Aline Vortex eachhave «he vespective forms ik Msg Cz-21), We vl jog (2-21, C-ty 27 IHRE Usual Hotation, Each of &hese FawckionsS has a Singuiaxity a T=t> el Sewhere Rach 1S Ahalydic. Hh the Above / Case the Sjnguiavities oF F(z) ave bose OF UCL) AHA Vow) AAd Hence Ehey aye AlSo Ahose OF F(u> : The Statement of milAe- Thom Sap!s Cixcje Kheorem is: Lek $£(2) be the comPlek Velocity Pokehta\ Fox a FIoW havihg ho siaid boundaviesS And such thot theve ave ho SirPguiarities oF flow wikbintha circle )2)< a-Theh , oh jHtwodUcing the Sold circular Cylindey )T =a jHto the How ,the rew Complex Vesocity potehtial TS given by WE FLD 4 F Car /2I FSP Ie1Za. Proos; ANY thy A es vir IN SUlTILIES OF FULD cabunrch nes Ou . TCES: Sihics, doubless oF VOTEICES Moy be P en CESENL) OCCAT jnthe yegion E17 % 50% F he sinsalaricies 05 FCara) Vie ih Wy ca. 7 Hence the Sihgutavicies OF FLa*/t) NISe ire i © lie@inizea- thes FC) ond Seed pF OUD bo kh ‘ have che Same Singulazixies ih the VES IDI >a Onda So both Function S consi deved AS ComPlek Neleciky Pokenrials, raay be aScrieed ko &he some hydvedynomical DISK iGUrions IH th 2 vegion 12! 7% Ontche circle Itt EO, We EMIS z=ne?. S and et So ei8 4 F Cae’): Then ati = ae woz FO) + FCATID =5o = $(aei® + F Lae! hus on 1s 0, HIS ahe sun oF & quantity and i&S corp jek Cohjugare joye o eal hom owe that Khe CIFCALAY conmPyex ber Hence Y =tmLy) Onhd iS be Te. =o Oh jz)ea- THIS Sh Leundary 15 % strveamlin FS wwjd Frows: Fence IL) CATS WH POSibIC boundory g WH FCT) FF LOI) IS | &@ ALTOSS Whi Cho Sox che new Flow ah Poh Ae complex Nelo city Potential the arPre Sor & hehe Flow: Wence Khe Proog.

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