All About Glaciers

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Name: __________________

All About Glaciers

Use the websites given to you to find out information about glaciers. Fill in
the blanks as you learn more!

What is a glacier?

A glacier is a large area of ____________________ that stays frozen over many


They ____________ flow and move over the land like a river of ice.

Where are they found?

_______________ of years ago, a lot of the Earth was covered by glaciers. Many

are now melted and gone.

There are thick sheets of ice in _________________.

Name three places we see smaller glaciers: _____________________________


How are they made?

Glaciers are made when snow and ice do not completely __________.

The snow piles up and gets heavy and puts _____________ on the snow under it

and causes it to turn to _________.

Why are they important?

Glaciers hold three-fourths of all the ____________________ in the world and

give us water to drink.

If temperatures around the world increase it will cause glaciers to _________

quickly and will cause ______________ as the sea level rises.

If you are done, watch the video and write down any interesting facts!







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