B1 EXAM - Universidad de Vigo 2011-2012

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Examen de Inglés Intermedio B1 (Threshold)

Name & surnames: ___________________________

DNI: ___________________________ Signature: ____________________
Curso 2011-2012

ACLES exam
Read the instructions carefully. Write ALL your answers on the separate answer sheets.

Part 1: Reading (25%)

This part of exam consists of two texts (60 minutes). Please read the two texts carefully.

Transfer all your answers to the answer sheet. Anything written on a different piece of paper
will not be graded.

Task 1 (10 marks)

Text 1: The following text is about the safety of slow cookers. A slow cooker is an
electrical cooker that cooks food slowly over a period of 3-8 hours. Read the text and answer
the questions that follow.


Is Slow-Cooker Food Safe to Eat?

The facts about bacteria growth and slow-cooked meals.

by Elisa Huang

The idea of slow-cooking food for eight hours in your kitchen might cause fears of bacteria
and other unwelcome food invaders. But according to Mark Tamplin, M.D., a USDA
microbiologist and food-safety specialist, it's not a problem: "You won’t see growth of
harmful organisms in a slow cooker."

According to FDA guidelines, cooking food at temperatures above 140º F ensures "significant
destruction of bacteria." Slow cookers operate at temperatures between 170º F and 300º F,
well above the FDA recommendation. But bacteria can develop and grow at what the FDA
calls the "danger zone"―40º F to 140º F―and can multiply rapidly in food left at room

temperature for long periods, so it's better to let your cooker cook on low until you get home
than to set the automatic timer to turn it off in the early afternoon.

To reheat leftovers properly, you should heat food until it's very hot. If you leave food in a
slow cooker that's been turned off, Tamplin warns, "try not to leave it out for more than four
hours." And make sure that the cooker is on the "warming" function if you leave food in it
during a meal―and immediately refrigerate any leftovers in airtight containers.
Text 1

Questions (10 points)

Section A: Decide if the each statement below is true (T) or false (F) and write the
correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. This text is from the instructions to a slow-cooker T F

2. The article talks about the possibility of bacteria growth on food when using slow-cookers.

3. The writer of this article talks about studies she has personally performed on slow cookers.

4. According to the text, slow cookers cook food at safe temperatures. T F

5. According to the text, bacteria might grow on food left at room temperature. T F

Section B: Find the words in the text that mean the following:

6. Something that is unwanted (adjective) (paragraph 1)--

7. Something that might hurt humans (adjective) (paragraph 1)--

8. Rules (noun) (paragraph 2)--

9. Remaining food that can be eaten at a later time (noun) (paragraph 3)--

10. Does not allow air in (adjective) (paragraph 3)--

Task 2 (15 marks)

Text 2: Travel Authorization to the United States.

Read the following information taken from a United States Customs and Border Protection
website and answer the questions that follow.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Welcome to the Electronic System for Travel Authorization Web Site.

International travelers who are seeking to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver
Program (VWP) are now subject to enhanced security requirements and will be required to
pay an administrative fee. All eligible travelers who wish to travel to the U.S. under the Visa
Waiver Program must apply for authorization and then pay the fee using the following

Please refer to the Help link at the top of each Web page if you have questions.

Before you begin this application, make sure that you have a valid passport and credit card
available. This application will only accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, VISA,
American Express, and Discover (JCB, Diners Club).

Pleas provide all responses in English. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk (*).
Choose one of the following options:

Option A: Apply for and Authorization to Option B: Update or Check the Status of a
travel to the United States Previously Submitted Authorization to
Travel to the United States
Select this option if:
Select this option if:
You are a citizen or eligible national
of a Visa Waiver Program country You previously submitted and application for
You are currently not in possession of an electronic travel authorization and you
a visitor's visa. want to perform one of the following:
Your trip is for 90 days or less.
Determine the status of your travel
You plan to travel to the United States authorization application.
for business or pleasure.
Update your travel authorization
You saved your application
information and want to return to it to
pay your fee.

Applicant information:
Birth Date* ______________________
Passport Number* ___________________
Work Telephone ______________

Text 2 Questions: Multiple Choice (15 points)

Choose the best answer for each of the questions and write the letter on your answer sheet.

1. The text in "Reading 1" is from

A. an official government website

B. a travel agency website

C. a website that gives advice to travelers

2. This website is designed to help travelers

A. apply for a visa to get into the U.S.

B. apply for a passport to get into the U.S.

C. apply for permission to enter the U.S. without a visa.

3. Applicants must

A. complete their application before paying.

B. make their payment before filling in the application form

C. record their application number before completing their application

4. Which of the following is NOT necessary to apply for authorization:

A. U.S. citizenship

B. a valid passport

C. a credit card

5. Applicants are can pay for authorization

A. in cash

B. with a money order

C. with a Diners Club credit card

6. Applicants must fill in the application form

A. in black ink.

B. at least one year before traveling

C. in English

7. The Visa Waiver Program is NOT designed for

A. tourists wishing to visit Disney World.

B. salespeople who work for mult-national companies doing business in the U.S.

C. people wishing to immigrate to the United States.

8. Which of the following pieces of information is NOT required for applicants?

A. Birth Date

B. Passport Number

C. Work Telephone Number

9. A person should choose Option A if she

A. has already applied for the Visa Waiver Program and is checking on her status.

B. is only planning to visit the U.S. for a short period of time.

C. has filled in the proper information and only needs to pay the fee.

10. A person should choose Option B if he

A. has already applied for the Visa Waiver Program.

B. wants to stay longer than 90 days in the U.S.

C. doesn't have a credit card.

Part 2: Listening (25%)

This part of exam consists of two Listenings. Please read the questions first.

Transfer all your answers to the answer sheet. Anything written on a different piece of paper
will not be graded.

Listening comprehension task 1 (15 marks)

Listen to the interview and answer the questions TRUE or FALSE. (5 points)

1 The modern form of solar cooking was invented 70 years ago

There is more than one reason why solar power is a good way to

3 There are several different types of solar oven

4 It is not easy to use a solar oven

5 Solar cooking is becoming popular in different parts of the world

Listen again and answer the following questions. (10 points)

6) What are the advantages of solar cooking?

……………………………….……… ………………………………………

7) She says that using trees for firewood is not good for the environment. Why not?

“It’s a major cause of ……………………………………………………………”

8) In Kenya, who usually has to find the wood to cook with?


9) Do solar ovens require any kind of sophisticated technology?

10) Are cooking temperatures the same as with traditional cooking?

11) She says that the use of solar ovens is spreading to other parts of the developing world.

Where? ……………………………….. ……………………………………………..


Listening comprehension task 2 (10 marks)

Listen to a lecture by a university professor about Emotional Intelligence and answer
the questions. You will hear the recording twice. (10 points)

1) According to the professor, the first step is to…

“…say things like …… ………… …………….”
2) Name two of the adjectives he mentions to describe feelings:-
……………… …………………
3) He says that “we should take more ……………………………………….. for our
4) Another important point is ………………………
5) When we turn our anger into energy, what kind of action should we take?
“……………………………………….. action”
6) To conclude, he gives 2 pieces of advice. What advice does he give?

“Don’t criticize,………………………………………………………………… or
lecture others.

Just ……………………………………………………………………… and in a non-

judgemental way”.

7) How should you behave with people who invalidate you?

………………. them

Part 3: Writing (25%)

This part of exam consists of one question dealing with the use of English and two pieces of
writing. Please read the instructions carefully.

Transfer all your answers to the answer sheet. Anything written on a different piece of paper
will not be graded. You must answer all of the questions.

Instructions for your writing the letter and the composition:

· Use language structures and vocabulary appropriate to the B1 level.

· Use language which is appropriate in terms of reader, style and formality.
· Use punctuation which will facilitate ease of comprehension.

Writing task 1: Use of English (5 marks)

1. Vocabulary & grammar questions. Rephrase the second sentence in each pair in
such a way that it means exactly the same as the first. Where there is a word in
brackets included in the second sentence, you must use it. (Use three words
maximum, and conjugate verbs even the ones in the brackets!).

Example: We broke up six years ago

We _____split up__________ (up) six years ago.

1.1. When I told her what I did, she got angry.

When I told her what I did, she _________________________ (lose)

1.2. My sister and I have a good relationship.

My sister and I _________________________ (well)

1.3. She knew the subject very well.

She knew the subject _________________________ (inside)

1.4. I need to revise Maths in order to do this exercise.

I need to _________________________ (brush) Maths in order to do this

1.5. Can you lend me $6?

Could I _________________________ $6.

1.6. I usually go sightseeing when travelling.

I usually visit the main _________________________ when travelling.

1.7. I used to go to the swimming pool every day in the summer when I was ten.

I ________________ go to the swimming pool every day in the summer when

I was ten.

1.8. Joanne Rowling has written the Harry Potter saga.

The Harry Potter saga _________________________ by Joanne Rowling.

1.9. Marlon, who is a lawyer, has a brother who works with ex-criminals.

Marlon is a lawyer _________________________ brother works with ex-


1.10. She said (to me): “Be quiet!”

She _________________________ be quiet.

Writing task 2 (10 marks)

2. Write a letter to a friend of yours describing a city you know well. Don’t forget to
mention some aspects of the city such as landmarks, places of entertainment,
history, how to get around and customs (at least 100 words). Bear in mind that
you must write it in the form of a letter.

Writing task 3 (10 marks)

3. Write about the different mass media giving your opinions about the written
press, TV and the Internet and why you have those opinions (100-120 words).

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