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Easy way

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Home Beauty Natural Cures These 3 simple but powerful

rice water-based face packs will give you glowing skin in no time


These 3 simple but powerful rice water-

based face packs will give you glowing
skin in no time
Rice water has immense benefits for your skin, and
you can make face packs with it from the comfort of
your home!

Try these rice water-based face packs for even-toned, radiant and
smooth skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Grace Bains
9 December 2020, 10:32 am IST

There are multiple ingredients right in our homes

that can do wonders for all our skincare troubles.
Turns out, even the water you’re soaking or
cooking your rice in shouldn’t be thrown away,
since it can be used to improve your skin. Rice
water is essentially the leftover water after you
cook or soak rice. This seemingly mundane
residual water may appear to be nothing out of the
ordinary, but it is, in fact, regarded in Japanese
culture as a potent ingredient for skincare.


Rice water-based face packs can be a great tool

for nourishing your skin. Rice water is beneficial in
dealing with issues related to skin pores, as this
concoction is a natural astringent that can help
open or close skin pores, and cleanse them as

Face packs prepared with rice water can help your

skin get a radiant glow, smoothen and become
supple. To prepare it, soak 3 tablespoons of rice in
¼ glass of water for 2 hours, and then strain it.

So, with our base ingredient chilling in the fridge,

we bring to you three rice water-based face packs
that you can make from the comfort of your home
that will give your skin the much-needed
nourishment that it deserves:

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Rice water, honey and besan (gram

flour) face pack

Honey is a great ingredient, as it hydrates the skin

and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and
antioxidant properties. Gram flour, on the other
hand, whitens the skin and removes tan.
Combined with rice water, this face pack will make
your skin smooth and radiant.

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Also, read: Rice water is the hair saviour you’ve

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The benefits of rice water is many! Image courtesy: Shutterstock


Rice water
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp besan


Step 1: Mix rice water prepared beforehand with

besan and honey, until you get a paste-like

Step 2: Apply the face pack for 10 minutes and

leave it to dry.

Step 4: Once the pack has dried, rinse it off with

cold water.

Rice water, oats and milk face pack

This face pack will help to get that even skin tone
that you have been vying for, and will leave your
skin rejuvenated.


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A simple tip on how to

get your eyesight back
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Rice water
1 tsp milk
1 tsp rolled oats


Step 1: Mix oats with milk, until you get an even

consistency in the form of a paste.

Step 2: Then mix the rice water prepared before

with oats and milk.

Step 3: Apply the pack all over your face, and

leave for about 8-10 minutes.

Step4: Once the pack has dried, rinse it off with

cold water.

Slather on the benefits of this face pack! Image Courtesy:


Also, read: Here’s a face pack to help you take

your oily skin from dull to glowing this winter


Rice water and eggs face pack

This pack will help get rid of wrinkles and fine

lines as the protein and zinc in eggs tighten the


Rice water
2 egg whites


Step 1: Add the rice water and egg whites in a

bowl, and mix until it becomes a paste.

Step 2: Apply the pack on your face and leave it

for 10-12 minutes, until it dries.

Step 3: Once the pack has dried, rinse it off with

cold water. APP

Include this magic ingredient in your face packs for

glowing skin!

About the Author

Grace Bains

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to

make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you
will find her having chai and reading a book.

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Home Beauty Natural Cures Ayurvedic skincare: Here are

some easy home remedies for clear skin


Ayurvedic skincare: Here are some

easy home remedies for clear skin
Cosmetics laden with chemicals does not spell
great news for your skin. Instead, try these simple
Ayurvedic home remedies, and you’ll thank us later!

The aura of Ayurveda for your skin. Image courtesy:


Birla Healthcare Ayurveda

8 December 2020, 12:01 pm IST

Our skin is the largest and most prominent part

of the human body. The skin is a protective
fence between the external environment and the
internal organs of the body. When it comes to
skin care, Ayurveda is the most effective and
useful solution. Ayu (life) and veda (knowledge)
sums up as the knowledge of life, including
remedies for minor disorders to serious
diseases. These Ayurvedic remedies hardly
have any side effects and are purely natural.


Ayurveda is a splendid way to keep the skin

clear, bright and glowing, making it look healthy.
There are several factors that wreak havoc on
our skin, these include poor lifestyle choices,
stress, unhealthy diet, faulty sleep patterns,
excessive sun exposure, smoking, pollution,
alcoholism, lack of exercise and weather

Whereas washing or cleansing your skin daily,

avoiding direct sun rays, maintaining a healthy
diet, getting enough sleep, exercising, drinking
enough water, reducing stress, staying away
from intoxicants, protection from pollution and
dust, consuming healthy supplements, avoiding
chemicals and treating skin with natural
remedies contribute to healthy skin.

Additionally, chemical based products that are

used as skin care are harmful to the skin, and
can cause long term issues. Ayurvedic skin care
and remedies use natural treatments and reach
the root to exterminate the problem.


Causes of skin disorders:

Taking food at irregular times, improper

Suppressing natural urges
Having large amount of oily, spicy, sour taste
Increased stress levels
Exposure to dust and heat
Change in lifestyle
Decreased nutritional value in food
Hormonal problems
Age effect

Ayurvedic skincare routine can yield wonderful results. Image

courtesy: Shutterstock


Improving our lifestyle in terms of diet, sleep,

anxiety, exercise, stress
Reducing chemical beauty products
Increasing nutritional level of food
Avoid polluted environment

Here are some quick tips to follow:

Neem, sandalwood powder, tulsi and turmeric

fights aging and lightens blemishes
Honey and lemon containing vitamin C helps
fade acne scarring and are antiseptic, tomato
and multani mitti are natural sunscreens that
prevent cellular damage
Rose water works wonders as a toner
Drinking amla juice acts as an antioxidant,
and various oils like jasmine, rose, sesame or
lavender oil enhance the skin, and are
infused with anti-fungal and antibacterial
Several herbal teas help de-stress and keep
skin healthy.

All of these herbs, natural ingredients and oils

are found in ayurvedic products that are
available in the form of face packs, creams,
supplements, lotions, soaps, shampoos etc.
Ayurveda has now been adopted all over the
world, due to its inevitable benefits and cures.


TOPICS Ayurveda

About the Author

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda is a holistic wellness

centre attributed by Dr. Rekha.

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