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Interactive PDF Guide

Table of Contents

The information contained in this manual is confidential and proprietary to Aspen
Imaging Healthcare. This information is provided only to authorize representatives of
Aspen Imaging Healthcare’s customers solely for the purpose of facilitating the use of
Aspen Imaging Healthcare's products. No information contained herein may be
disclosed to any unauthorized person for any purpose whatsoever without the prior
written consent of Aspen Imaging Healthcare.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Copyright ©

2020 by Aspen Imaging Healthcare. All rights reserved.

The Aspen Imaging Healthcare logo is a registered trademark of Aspen Imaging


All trademarks, registered trademarks, and product names used within this document
are the property of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

Aspen Imaging Healthcare

801 Jupiter Rd Suite 200,
Plano, TX 75074, USA
TEL: (+1) 214 257 0113
FAX: (+1) 214 257 0116

Table of Contents

Revision History
Revision Change Description Date

1.0 Initial Release 24/11/2020


Table of Contents

● Introduction
● Hardware:
○ Specifications
○ Requirements
○ Windows Configuration
● Acquisition Software:
■ General Indicators
○ List Mode:
■ Work List
■ Registering a Patient
■ Study List
■ Search Tool
■ How to Print?
■ How to Export?
■ How to Burn to Disc?
○ Exam Mode:
■ Exposure
■ Adding or modifying projections
○ Review Mode:
■ Tools
■ Wizard Mode
● Configurations
○ Creating new accounts
○ Network configurations (MWL/PACS/PRINTER)
○ Network configurations - PACS
○ Network configurations - Printer
○ Network configurations - MWL
○ Flat Panel Detector configuration - Network
○ Setting wireless or tethered mode
○ Flat Panel Detector configuration - EConsole
○ Loading the Detector's Calibration files
○ Calibration

Table of Contents


With a wide variety of tools EConsole, an acquisition software, allows the user of an
XRAY station to manage operation in General Radiology Departments. In tandem with
the reliable EVS family, the software provides Quality images.

The EVS family offers versatility to satisfy the Operator’s need, being either a stable
detector inside a fixed Clinic/Hospital or a Detector for field operation and on the

This manual is designed to operate the workstation properly and it was developed by
Aspen Imaging Healthcare.

Please, contact Aspen Imaging Healthcare if you present any problem operating the

The software has 3 main modes:

● List mode: Two lists, one for registering patients/MWL and one for the
completed studies. All the administrative tools for managing studies and
patients such as adding, deleting, swapping, editing, exporting, sending to PACS,
● Exam mode: The examination or acquisition window, where the operator can
expose to acquire images, suspend the study or add projections. It is the first
visualization of the exposures,
● Review mode: This mode allows the user to manipulate and process the images
either with annotations, contrast & brightness, rotation, measurements and

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This chapter contains information about the hardware, the EVS family, including its
specifications, its requirements and preparations on the workstation computer prior
to its normal operation.

Table of Contents


The Flat Panel Detector series, EXPRIMER, are designed as a Digital Imaging Solution
to provide general radiological diagnosis of the human anatomy. These devices were
designed to replace the film radiographic systems in the diagnosis of every general

The Exprimer detectors have a Unibody design that allows for maximum durability and
minimum damages on drop. The devices ar portable due to its weight delivering
maximum mobility and is protected against moisture damage.

Key Features:

● Crisp Images: Generated by advanced image sharpening technology

● Light & Slim Design: thinner, Lighter panels to simplify wireless panel handling
● 2 Seconds Image Acquisition Time: 2 seconds for wired panels & 4-6 seconds
for wireless.
● High MTF & DQE: Panels engineered to provide the clearest images at minimal
● Truview Art: DRTECH’s proprietary image sharpening technology.
● Lossless AED: Fast image acquisition and battery efficiency technology.

IMPORTANT: These devices are not designed for mammography applications.

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Model EVS 4343 EVS 3643W EVS 2430W

Detector Type Direct deposition Direct deposition Direct deposition

CsI or Gadox CsI or Gadox CsI or Gadox

Dimensions (mm) 460 (H) x 460 (V) x 386 (H) x 460 (V) x 267.5 (H) x 327.5
15 (D) 15 (D) (V) x 15 (D)

Weight (with 4.5 kg 2.98 kg (including 1.85 kg

battery) Battery 3.3 kg)

Active Area 430 x 430 mm 358 x 430 mm 233.47 x 291.84


Pixel Pitch 140 μm 140 μm 76 μm

Resolution 3072 x 3072 pixels 2560 x 3840 pixels 3072 x 3840 pixels

Grayscale 14 bit 14 / 16 bit 16 bit

Power DC 12 V, 5.0 A DC 12 V, 5.0 A DC 12 V, 5.0 A

Communication Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet,

Type IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11n

X-ray I/F Lossless AED / Lossless AED / Lossless AED

Sync Trigger Sync Trigger

Image Acquisition Wired: 2.0 s Wired: 4.5 s | Wired: 4.5 s |

Time Wireless: 6 s Wireless: 6 s

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Systems that use EConsole require certain resources to operate correctly. The optimal
specifications cover most of the possibilities and requirements of an X Ray department
in terms of speed, space and performance. The minimum specifications will allow the
software to be used in the computer and be functional.

PC Specifications Optimal Minimum

Operative System Windows 10 64bits SP1 Windows 7 64bits SP1 (or


CPU Intel Core i7 4.2 Ghz (or Intel Core i5 2600 (or
higher) higher)

RAM 16 Gb 8 Gb (or higher)

HDD C Drive 1Tb C Drive 1Tb

D Drive 1Tb (Optional) D Drive 1Tb (Optional)

Lan Card (Included) Gigabit (for the Detector) Gigabit (for the Detector)
Intel Pro 1000 series Intel Pro 1000 series
Minimum requirement : Minimum requirement :
1Gbps 1Gbps
Jumbo Frames: 9K Jumbo Frames: 9K
Receive Descriptor: 2K Receive Descriptor: 2K
(Higher than 1024) (Higher than 1024)

Monitor 1920 x 1080 (or higher) 1024 x 768 (or higher)

Disc Drive (CD, DVD or CD or DVD R/W CD or DVD R/W


When it comes to the XRAY room or environment, a calibration with the XRAY source
when installing is optimal to ensure the best function posible between the XRAY
system and the detector.

Table of Contents

Windows Configuration

During the installation, the computer must be configured to allow the software to
operate normally. The main configurations have to do with the security settings, screen
resolutions and energy. This configuration must be procured to avoid any interference
with the software performance.

1. Screen Resolution: In settings, change the resolution to 1920 x 1080 or

2. User configuration - Notifications: In the Control Panel, select User Accounts
and reduce notifications to a minimum.
3. Energy: In the Control Panel, select Power Options and Change Advanced
Power settings.
a. Turn off hard disk (On battery and Plugged) after: Never
b. Turn off display: Never
c. Put the computer to sleep: Never
d. Hybrid Suspension: Never
e. Selective USB-Setting: Disabled
f. Sleep button and lid settings to: Don’t do anything
g. Power button to: Turn off
h. Processor Power Management (Minimum and Maximum states): 100 %
4. Firewall: In the Control Panel, select Windows Defender Firewall and
Deactivate the Firewall state in the advanced configurations for the domain,
private and public profiles.
5. Windows Defender and Smartscreen: In settings, open Windows Defender
Security Center.
a. Deactivate the notification and all Virus & Threat Protection Settings (Real time
protection, Cloud delivered protection and automatic sample submission)
b. Open App and Browser Control and turn off all the options.

*Uninstall any Antivirus software as it probably will interfere with EConsole’s proper

IMPORTANT: Before using the panel, the detector should be configured to the
network adapter (wireless or tethered).

Table of Contents

Acquisition Software

This Detector has 2 main software programs: ECali and EConsole. ECali is for
Calibration and Configurations, while EConsole is used for Acquisition and Operation
center. EConsole has 3 main modes, List Mode, Exam Mode and Review Mode.

Table of Contents

General Indicators

When operating EConsole, the bottom bar is a constant in all the modes and screens of
the software. It has all the key information regarding the connection to the panel, the
network connections with different systems, available space in the drive, date, time
and the user. This information hands the operator full control over the operation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1. Acquisition Mode: AED, SYNC or USB HANDSWITCH

2. WIFI Signal
3. Battery
4. Connection with FPD
5. Temperature
6. Network: MWL, PACS and Printer
7. Free Space in Drive: as a percentage.
8. Date
9. Time
10. User: the name of the account being used.
11. Logout
12. Configuration

Table of Contents

List Mode

This mode is designed as a hub to manage patients and studies. Which allows the
operator to create, modify or delete patients.

In this mode there are two main Lists: Work List and the Study List.

● The work list contains the patients registered or pulled from a MWL
system before starting the study.
● The study list contains the finished studies, allowing the operator to
review them, edit them, postprocess, export, print and burn into CD’s.

Table of Contents

Work List

Everytime the operator starts the software, by default it will open in the Work List.
This list contains registered patients or patients pulled from a MWL system. When the
operator selects a patient and press the Exam button, it will start the examination and
take the user to the Exam Mode.

The tools available in the work list are (from left to right and from top
to bottom):

● Add Patient: To register a new patient.

● Edit: To modify any information about a registered patient.
● Import List: To open a list from an Excel compatible format.
● Delete: To remove a patient.
● Send Worklist to detector: For using in the Detector’s CR Mode.

Table of Contents

Registering a Patient

To create a patient, the user must be on the

Work List and click on the “+” button. This way,
the “Add Examination” window will pop up and
require the patient’s data (ID, Acc. Num.,
Name, Physician, D.O.B and Sex).

When clicking on the “Emergency” button, the

operator will create an “Emergency Patient”
and go automatically to Exam Mode with a
Chest PA projection by default.

Click on the “Edit” button to select projections.

Click on the figure to select a region,

then select the Projection and the
Position. The user can choose many
projections and arrange them in the
order he desires with the arrows.
Once all the needed projections are
registered click on OK to return to
“Add Examination”.

To continue, the operator can click “OK” to register the patient and go back to the
Work List or click “Exam” to start the examination of this study directly and go to Exam

Table of Contents

Study List

This list has the completed studies and when selected one or more (highlighted) the
selected images will appear on the bottom as miniatures. To use export/delete/send,
check the selected miniatures (yellow tick). Use double click to select or de-select.

This are the Study List tools (from left to right, top to bottom):

● Open Study: Opens the selected study in Review Mode.

● Re-expose: To take more exposures in the same study.
● Merge: Move images from one study to another.
● Export: Export the selected study to a Drive, Print or Burn to CD.
● Edit: Edit the information regarding the study.
● Delete: Remove the complete study or selected images.
● Export List: Export the work list on a Excel compatible file.
● Report: Make a report document for the study.
● Analysis: Check the statistic data of the study.
● Send to PACS: Send selected images to a PACS, if configured.

Table of Contents

Search Tool

Either on the Work List or the Study List, on the

top right corner there is a Search tool for
sorting the studies by ID, Accession number,
Name, Operator, Gender and Date.

NOTE: Remember to clean the search fields after using this tool.

Table of Contents

Export tool

Depending on the need of

the Clinic/Hospital, the
images can be used out of
the environment of

This way the operator has

the options of printing the
images (with a previously
configured DICOM printer),
exporting them and handing
them on an external drive
and even burning them on a
blank CD if the computer has
the hardware to do it.

Table of Contents

How to Print?

If the workstation has a Printer configured, the operator can print a selected
study on the Study List and clicking on the Export Icon and “Printer” tab.

Select the configured printer on the drop list as well as the size and orientation.

The user can create a layout to print multiple images on the same film by typing the
numbers and clicking on the “Divide” button. To undo this, select the spaces while
holding control and click on Merge.

When using a layout, select the space and double click on the image list on the right to
order them as desired.

Once everything is prepared, press the “DICOM Print” button.

Table of Contents

How to export?

If the operator needs to export the study into an Internal or External Drive,
the operator has to select the study on the Study List and click on the Export
Icon and select the “Drive” tab.

Select the Drive (either internal or external) and select the format.

EConsole offers 5 image formats: BMP, JPG, PNG, TIF and DICOM.

There is a tool in the Exam Mode and Review Mode with,

Save Image As, which can export the image acquired or
being reviewed to any of the 5 formats.

Table of Contents

How to Burn to Disc?

If the workstation has a CD/DVD tray or adapter, to burn a Disc with the
Patient’s study the operator has to select the study on the Study List and
click on the Export Icon and select the “CD/DVD” tab.

Insert a Disc and click on the “Burn” button. This will burn the study into the Disc
including a DICOM visualizer executable to open in any Windows computer.

Table of Contents

Exam Mode

The examination or acquisition window, where the operator can expose to acquire
images, suspend the study or add projections. It is the first visualization of the

The operator can access this window by registering a patient and clicking on “Exam”,
double clicking a patient on the Work List, Selecting a patient from the Work List and
clicking on “Exam” or re-exposing a patient selected from the Study List.

The exam mode has some of the tools from the Review Mode to post-process the
images directly after acquisition. It is recommended to use the tools on Review Mode,
as the detector will be ready in this Exam Mode to receive another exposure.

Table of Contents


When starting an examination, the operator must be certain and check that the Busy
button changes to Ready. If the button remains on Busy the detector will not acquire
any images despite being exposed.

The image will be digitally processed depending on the projection selected on the
right bar. If the operator needs to re-expose, he just needs to check that the right
projection is selected and expose. This will not replace the image, it will only generate
a new image without erasing the last image.

When the button is in “Ready”, the operator can expose the panel. It will display a
previsualization in 2 seconds and the final image in 4 to 6 seconds. The image will
appear in the center of the screen.

When the study is finished, click on Finish. (If the user wants to save any
post-processing changes click on SAVE & if the user wants to send the image to Pacs
click on SEND)

Table of Contents

Adding or modifying projections

If you need to change the selected projection or add

more projections, the operator can click on this button
to open the “Edit Body Part” window.

Click on the body region, the projection and the position.

Then the user can click add to include this new
projection or edit to change the projection selected on
the right list.

The images added with the same body part will be visible together. The images added
with different body parts will generate a new element on the drop list.

Table of Contents

Review Mode

This mode allows the user to manipulate and process the images either with
annotations, contrast & brightness, rotation, measurements and more.

To get to this mode, you can double click on a selected study in the Study List or you
can select a study and click on the “Open Study” button (Open folder icon).

This Mode will open on the EXAM Mode Tab, but instead of the BUSY or READY
indicator, it will show a “REVIEW” indicator.

Here the images will show all the patient information in the overlay (corners) as well as
a measurement ruler (which can be calibrated for fixed installations).

Table of Contents


Both, the Exam and Review modes, have tools to operate more confidently adjust the
brightness and contrast of the image as well as annotations, measurements and
layouts to compare different images.

ROI (Region of interest) tools:

● 8x10 inches
● 10x12 inches
● 14x17 inches
● 17x17 inches

Annotation tools:

● “Right” Annotation
● “Left” Annotation
● Free text annotation
● New Region of Interest
● “Antero-Posterior” Annotation
● “Oblique” Annotation
● “Flexion” Annotation
● “Extension” Annotation
● “Erect” Annotation
● “Supine” Annotation
● “Sitting” Annotation
● “Stress” Annotation

Table of Contents


First row (from left to right):

● Rotate 90° Counterclockwise

● Rotate 90° Clockwise
● Flip Horizontally
● Flip Vertically

Second row (from left to right):

● Square Region of Interest

● Circle Region of Interest
● Adjust Window Leveling and Width
● Invert Image

Third row (from left to right):

● Zoom in and out

● Move image or Panning
● Partially enlarge image (local zoom)
● Fit Image to Screen

Fourth row (from left to right):

● Delete Image
● Reset to original
● Copy image
● Delete Measurements

Table of Contents


First row (from left to right):

● Display screen as 1x1 layout

● Display screen as 1x2 layout
● Display screen as 2x1 layout
● Display screen as 2x2 layout

Second row (from left to right):

● Measure Length
● Measure Angle
● Check DICOM header
● Stitch

Third row (from left to right):

● Save Image As… (Export)

● Ruler Calibration
● Change window level Sensitivity

Table of Contents

Wizard Mode

One of the tools that make post-processing and window leveling easier is the wizard

First, once you click on the icon, you get a more specific menu to change the different
processing values such as Contrast, Sharpness, Mask, Brightness and Smoothness.

But if the operator clicks on “Wizard”, the software will open a 3 by 3 grid filled with the
selected image with 9 different processing suggestions. This way the user can choose the
image he likes the most with a double-click.

Table of Contents


This chapter contains some of the configurations that can by done in the software.
Some other configurations are available only with an Admin account to personalize the
workstation in accordance of the operator/clinic’s needs.

Table of Contents

Creating new accounts

In case of having many operators/technicians, EConsole have the option of creating

different accounts with their respective roles, Guest or Administrator.

Click on System at the bottom right and go to the “User Accounts” tab.

1. Click on “Configuration”.
2. Select the “Account” tab.
3. Click on Add and type the information on the fields.
4. Click “Ok”

This account will now be usable for Login when starting the software.

Table of Contents

Network configurations

To configure the connection of a MWL, PACS or Printer with EConsole the

user/operator must contact Aspen Imaging Healthcare to review the network
infrastructure of the clinic/hospital as well as the MWL/PACS /Printer providers for
any further permissions with their systems. The engineers will require at least these 3
fields regarding the MWL, PACS or Printer information to configure the system.

● AE Title
● IP Address
● Port

Table of Contents

Network configurations - PACS

To configure the connection of a PACS System with EConsole the user/operator must
contact Aspen Imaging Healthcare to review the network infrastructure of the
clinic/hospital as well as the PACS provider for any further permissions with their

The engineers will require at least these 3 fields regarding the PACS information to
configure the system.

● AE Title
● IP Address
● Port

In EConsole:

● Login
● Go to “Configuration”
and then to the
“Network” tab.
● Select the “PACS” tab
● Fill the fields.
● Click on Verify

Table of Contents

Network configurations - Printer

To configure the connection of a PACS System with EConsole the user/operator must
contact Aspen Imaging Healthcare to review the network infrastructure of the
clinic/hospital as well as the PACS provider for any further permissions with their

The engineers will require at least these 3 fields regarding the PACS information to
configure the system.

● AE Title
● IP Address
● Port

In EConsole:

● Login
● Go to “Configuration”
and then to the
“Network” tab.
● Select the “Printer” tab
● Fill the fields.
● Click on Verify

Table of Contents

Network configurations - MWL

To configure the connection of a PACS System with EConsole the user/operator must
contact Aspen Imaging Healthcare to review the network infrastructure of the
clinic/hospital as well as the PACS provider for any further permissions with their

The engineers will require at least these 3 fields regarding the PACS information to
configure the system

● AE Title
● IP Address
● Port

In EConsole:

● Login
● Go to “Configuration”
and then to the
“Network” tab.
● Select the “MWL” tab
● Fill the fields.
● Click on Verify

Table of Contents

Flat Panel Detector - Network:


To configure the Flat Panel Detector communication with the Workstation we will set
the network adapter, either Wireless or Ethernet, first.

1. Go into Network Settings

2. Go to “Change Adapter Options” and select the network adapter where the
Detector is connected.
3. Double-click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and configure the IP
suggested by the Panel’s Manufacturer ( sith a 255.255.255. 0
submask for DRTECH).

Note: If the panel is connected wireless through AP Mode (Mode 4) or Wireless

(Router), connect to the WIFI network Detector AP or Drt_1.

Table of Contents

Setting wireless or tethered mode

Depending on the model of the detector it can be connected through EVS’ Control
System on a Wireless or Wired configuration. (The green AP LED blinks)

1. Go to configurations and enter the Engineering Mode on ECali1.

2. Go to configurations and go to the DetectorA window.
3. Click the Detector Advanced Settings button.
4. Go to the Wireless window and select the type AP.

● When the AP LED blinks 1 time every 2 seconds, the system is configured on
tethered mode.
● When the AP LED blinks 2 times every 2 seconds, the system is configured on
wireless mode (AP_1).
● When the AP LED blinks 3 times every 2 seconds, the system is configured on
wireless mode (AP_2).
● When the AP LED blinks 4 times every 2 seconds, the system is configured on
wireless mode (DETECTOR_AP).
● When the AP LED blinks 5 times every 2 seconds, the system is configured on
wireless mode (Portable Mode).

Table of Contents

Flat Panel Detector - EConsole:


To configure the Flat Panel Detector with the Acquisition Software, the settings must
be accessed through DROC Config Software.

1. Open ECali1 and check if the Gain/Pixel/Panel Icons are green.

2. Check if the detector is connected.
3. On the top left corner of the screen, click the “Option” tab and then click on
4. In general, select the model of the detector and set the number of required
images to 7.
5. Uncheck the automated dose check.
6. Set exposure interval to 60 seconds.
7. Go to the “Detector A” tab.
8. Type the Serial Number in the respective field.
9. Save

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Table of Contents

Loading the Detector’s Calibration files

EConsole software uses the Panel Calibration files to acquire images. This are the
steps to retrieve this files from a DRTECH detector:

1. Open ECali1 and check if the Gain/Pixel/Panel Icons are green.

2. Check if the detector is connected.
3. On the top left corner of the screen, click the “Option” tab and then click on
4. Go to the “Detector A” tab.
5. Download the 3 Map files if they are not available already (Pixel, Gain & Panel).
6. Make a copy of the files and save one of those sets in This PC - Windows -
EConsole1 / Map
7. Select the path for the Map files.
8. Save.

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Table of Contents


Physically, before the calibration, the panel must be placed at 1.10 m SID with the
collimator fully opened (to cover the entire surface of the detector). The panel should
be outside of the Bucky.

To calibrate the FPD on Ecali (In this case for a DRTECH detector) one must first check
if the Gain / Pixel / Panel icons on the bottom right corner are green. When these icons
are green and the detector shows connection one can calibrate the system.

1. Click on “Acq Mode” the Play Button (Acquisition mode) and the Ready icon on
the bottom will change from red to green.
2. Take an exposure with 40 kV and 4 mAs and check the Mean Value at the
bottom left corner. This value must be between 3000 and 4000 Gy to make sure
that there are no scatter exposures.

NOTE: If the value is not achieved with this technique, it can be modified by one or two
steps on kV or mAs to achieve it.

3. Click on the “G” icon in the top left corner to start calibration.
4. Expose the panel with the same technique to start calibration.
5. Between exposures, a timer will pop-up. Make the next exposure after the timer
goes to 0:00.
6. Expose the panel a total of 7 times.


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