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Data Analysis Plan

The performance level of the respondents was identified through computing the use of mean,
difference score, difference score squared, mean of the sample difference score, and SS D. On the other
hand, to compute the significant difference on the level of performance of the respondents as based on the
result of the pretest and posttest, paired t-test has been used (t-statistic). According to Bevans (2020), a t-
test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. It is often used in hypothesis
testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population of interest, or
whether two groups are different from one another. And if the groups come from a single population (e.g.
measuring before and after an experimental treatment), perform a paired t-test.
The study started in January 2023, covering the 2nd quarter of academic year 2022-2023.

Results and Discussion

This part of research discusses the results of the study on the application of audio-visual presentation
on a daily basis to improve the numeracy skills of Grade 5 students of Gov. D. M. Camerino Integrated
School. Statistically, the problems of the study were answered by the following data gathered by the

Item Number Score in Pre-Test

1 24
2 1
3 0
4 2
5 8
6 20
7 1
8 13
9 2
10 13
11 14
12 6
13 12
14 14
15 3
16 13
17 11
18 14
19 3
20 12
21 15
22 17
23 21
24 14
25 16
26 11
27 11
28 8
29 5
30 1

Total 305
305 ÷ 30
Mean M = 10.17
Table 1: Level of performance of Grade 5 pupils before the intervention
It could be seen from Table 1 that the level of performance of grade 5 students before the

intervention was low. Pre-test indicated that not all thirty (30) students were correct in every item they were

asked to answer and they did not know what they were going to answer due to lack of knowledge in

numbers and number sense. The sum is 305 and the mean is about 10.17

Item Number Items Correct Items Correct

(Pre-Test) (Post-Test)
1 24 29
2 1 2
3 0 4
4 2 7
5 8 19
6 20 27
7 1 1
8 13 19
9 2 8
10 13 18
11 14 25
12 6 19
13 12 20
14 14 21
15 3 8
16 13 23
17 11 17
18 14 22
19 3 15
20 12 18
21 15 29
22 17 29
23 21 29
24 14 27
25 16 28
26 11 22
27 11 15
28 8 21
29 5 15
30 1 3

Total 305 540

305 ÷ 30 540 ÷ 30
Mean M1 = 10.17 M2 = 18

Table 2: Level of performance of Grade 5 pupils after the intervention

Table 4 showed evident results after the intervention was implemented. Post- test results got a

remarkable improvement. They got the sum of 540 and the mean is about 18. Post- test indicated that

students who were taught with material employing the audio-visual presentation had significantly better
retention of facts and concepts and were superior in applying this knowledge in problem-solving exercises.

They gained higher than the expected of the lesson presented.

Pre-Test Post-Test Difference Difference2

24 29 -5 25
1 2 -1 1
0 4 -4 16
2 7 -5 25
8 19 -11 121
20 27 -7 49
1 1 0 0
13 19 -6 36
2 8 -6 36
13 18 -5 25
14 25 -11 121
6 19 -13 169
12 20 -8 64
14 21 -7 49
3 8 -5 25
13 23 -10 100
11 17 -6 36
14 22 -8 64
3 15 -12 144
12 18 -6 36
15 29 -14 196
17 29 -12 144
21 29 -8 36
14 27 -13 169
16 28 -12 144
11 22 -11 121
11 15 -4 16
8 21 -13 169
5 15 -10 100
1 3 -2 4

305 540 ΣD = -235 ΣD2 = 3599

305 ÷ 30 540 ÷ 30
M1 = 10.17 M2 = 18

Difference Scores Calculations

Mean: 7.83
μ = 0
N = 30
S2 = SS⁄df = 428.17/(30-1) = 14.76
S2M = S2/N = 14.76/30 = 0.49
SM = √S2M = √0.49 = 0.7

T-value Calculation

t = (M - μ)/SM = (7.83 - 0)/0.7 = 11.17

Table 3: T- Test on the Significant Difference between the Pre-test and Post- test Results applying audio-
visual presentation

It could be gleaned in the table 5 that there is not significant difference in the pre-test results. This

means that students are not knowledgeable on the topic because it was not taught. But during the post-

test period after the lesson was taught through intervention, it showed significant difference. This means

that the experiment which used audio-visual presentation significantly better retention of facts and

concepts and were superior in applying this knowledge in problem-solving exercises.

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