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Major Research Project

Employee Job Satisfaction

Submitted for completion of the requirements

for Bachelors in Commerce (Honors) for
session (2020-2023)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Name of Guide Tanishka Gupta


(Affiliated to Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Badshai
Thaul, Tehri (Garhwal))
Laksar Road, Jagjeetpur Haridwar- 249408 (Uttarakhand)
I hereby declare that the thesis titled “EMPLOYEE JOB
SATISFACTION” submitted for the award of B.COM (HONS.) at
commerce is my original work and the dissertation has not formed the
basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any
other similar titles.

The material borrowed from other sources and incorporated the thesis
has been duly acknowledged. I understand that myself could be held
responsible and accountable for the plagiarism , if any detected later
on the research paper published based on the research conducted out
of and in the course of the study are also based on the study and not
borrowed from other sources.
Firstly, I’m thankful to the almighty god for all the blessings showered. I am
indebted to the HEC GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, HARIDWAR, Department
of commerce, which has accepted me for B.COM(HONS.) Degree program an
provided an excellent opportunity to carry out this research project and enhance
my erudition.

I sincerely thanks , (name of guide) at HEC GROUP OF

INSTITUTIONS, HARIDWAR, department of commerce from the bottom of
my heart for given me his/ her valuable guidance for the project and sparing his/
her precious time for me from his/her very busy schedule.

Apart from the efforts put in by me, I would like to appreciate the unflinching
support of my best friend, who has been pillar of strengthing the moments of
doubt and has been there when there is no one to answer my queries.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to (director name)

for this tremendous support and mentoring. Without his encouragement and
guidance this project would have been materialised the way it was.

I am grateful for the constant support and help given to me by my friends as I

felt motivated and encouraged every time we discuss about the project which
was vital for the success of the project.

The guidance and support received by my family and friends are beyond the

I remain grateful to all those who spared their valuable time in filling up the

Finally, I am sincerely obliged to all those who have helped me directly and
indirectly in the completion of this study.

The study of this project is A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE JOB

and this is solely an internal analysis of the company.

The project aims at analyzing the level of employee satisfaction

depending upon the work culture of TENHARD INDIA PRIVATE
LIMITED. The project is based on primary data. The primary data
was collected from questionnaire prepared and circulated to

The analysis is done through pie chart analysis and percentage


The study gives me the clear picture of the various factors that is
involved in determining the satisfaction level of the employees. Only
when the employees are satisfied and they relate themselves to the
company for a long run they can be valuable and main asset of the

Finally, it has given me a lot of opportunity to know the overall

business knowledge of TENHARD INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED.
Table of content


1. Introduction: About employee job


2. Introduction: About Tenhard India Private


3. Literature review on employee job


4. Research Methodology

5. Data analysis and interpretation

6. Finding, Suggestions and Conclusion

7. Bibliography

8. Annexures


Job satisfaction, an unquantifiable metric, is defined as a positive
emotional response, you experience when doing your job or when you
are present at work. Leading organizations are now trying to measure
this feeling, with job satisfaction surveys becoming a staple at most

It’s important to remember that job satisfaction varies from employee

to employee. In the same workplace under the same conditions, the
factors that help one employee feel good about their job may not
apply to another employee. For this reason, it is essential to have a
multidimensional approach to employee satisfaction, covering the
following areas:

 The challenging nature of work, pushing employees to new


 A level of convenience (short commutes, access to the right

digital tools, and flexible hours)

 Regular appreciation by the immediate management and the

organization as a whole

 Competitive pay, which employees maintain a good quality

of life

 The promise of career progression in sync with employees’

personal growth targets
Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an employee feels
self-motivated, content & satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction
happens when an employee feels that he/she is having job stability,
career growth and a comfortable work life balance. This implies that
the employee is having satisfaction at job as the work meets the
expectations of the individual.

There are a lot of factors which go together to ensure high job

satisfaction rates in a company.

To begin with hygiene factors like : good pay, work life balance,
perks, leaves etc., play a very important role in making sure that the
employee is content in the job. Job satisfaction can be a relative term
as it may depend on an individual's perception but overall job
satisfaction can be judged through various indirect parameters like
productivity, attrition rate, employee feedback etc. It may also differ
from industry to industry. The measurement or perception of job
satisfaction may be different from IT sector when compared to
manufacturing sector.

According to Smith et al. (1969), “job satisfaction is the feeling an

individual has about his or her job.”

Locke (1969), suggested that job satisfaction was a positive or

pleasurable reaction resulting from the appraisal of one’s job, job
achievement, or job experiences.

Vroom (1982), defined job satisfaction as workers’ emotional

orientation toward their current job roles.

Similarly, Schultz (1982), stated that job satisfaction is essentially

the psychological disposition of people toward their work.

Lofquist and Davis (1991), defined job satisfaction as

“an individual’s positive affective reaction of the target environment
as a result of the individual’s appraisal of the extent to which his or
her needs are fulfilled by the environment”.

We may already have an idea of ingredients that go into making work


Although it is subjective, job satisfaction research (Kumari, 2011) has

showcased the following:

 Communication
Communication can be extremely important to retaining levels of satisfaction,
on both a personal and professional level. It is exhibited in allowing employees
to be open, collaborative, trustworthy, and even confrontational when needed.

 Culture
Defining a company culture links to job satisfaction as it provides values and
guidance about topics ranging from organizational goals to appropriate levels of
interaction between employees.

 Security
It’s no surprise that once a culture is established in a workplace, satisfaction can
then be enhanced by added feelings of security. Security may arise from
knowing you work for a viable company with long-term goals, insinuating
feelings of belonging to that company (Berg, Grant, & Johnson, 2010). This can
be enhanced by having honest communication and transparency within a

 Leadership
Tied into increased motivation for employees, leadership, or influencing a group
toward the achievement of a vision or set of ggoals (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2006),
can lead to job satisfaction by making sure communication and instruction of
tasks is adequate and easily understood.
In turn, when employees feel that leaders can guide them through tasks, their
motivation and satisfaction increases.

With leadership having a crucial influence on job satisfaction, this related article
with leadership activities is a recommended read.

 Opportunities
Employees can gain more satisfaction with their job when more challenging
opportunities arise. This can lead to participation in interesting and diverse
projects and get employees away from the monotony of a role.

 Career development
Employees can become more satisfied with their job when they know there is an
individualized plan for them. Beyond the formal nature of appraisals, if there is
a path in place for growth, this can encourage employees to stay happier for

 Working conditions
Job satisfaction can be increased if a resilient workplace is a cooperative
environment. This means a place with respect for diverse ideas and opinions,
honest and constructive feedback, mentoring opportunities, and freedom from

 Employee personality
Most ingredients linked to job satisfaction may have roots in elements outside
of the employees’ control (such as leadership from managers and
communication from company leaders), but what about the employees
themselves? Can they control their own levels of satisfaction? Bakker, Tims,
and Derks (2012) talk about just that.

These researchers discuss how job satisfaction can be determined by how

proactive the employee is at work. Does the employee proactively seek out a
manager for feedback? Does the employee go the extra mile to achieve tasks
within a company? Does the employee try to stick to company goals, lead
meetings, and ask questions when unsure about how to complete a task?
If yes, these employees are ones who can show more satisfaction in the
workplace. Proactiveness in the workplace can lead to positive job appraisals,
which when fed back to the employee, can lead to satisfaction.

For more on constructive feedback, read our article discussing ways to

give negative feedback constructively.

 Pay and benefits

Organizational success and job satisfaction are also linked to employees’
perceptions of adequate pay and benefits (Edwards, 2008).

While pay and benefits are not the only reason employees find satisfaction in
their workplaces, research going back more than 30 years (e.g., Gerhart, 1987)
shows that pay and benefits, at least according to how employees view
themselves in their roles, has ranked high on lists of job satisfaction factors.

 Rewards and recognition

Beyond monetary gain and being paid fairly for the work they do, job
satisfaction for employees means that promotional policies are unambiguous
and in line with their expectations.

A key finding here (Kumari, 2011) is that satisfaction at a job is not exclusively
linked to pay, but to the perceived fairness of how one is recognized at work for

There’s no one definition of job satisfaction, and factors contributing to it will

depend on the nature of your workplace.
For example, a satisfied employee in the manufacturing sector looks different
from a satisfied software developer. However, there are ten traits that every
workplace geared toward employee well-being and satisfaction will have in

1. Does your company care about its employees?

Remember, it’s not enough to only care – communicate this care regularly to
employees through newsletters, rewards, informal recognition, paid incentives,
and other forms of communication.

Companies with a high job satisfaction level, such as Google and Starbucks,
also feature employee happiness and satisfaction stories as part of their
communication strategy.

2. Does the workplace have room for employees to engage in their


Today, most of us spend a significant part of the week at work, but this doesn’t
mean we want to ignore our hobbies or personal interests.
A workplace where employees have enough free time to read a book, catch up
on the news, have a pleasant meal for example – and where such behaviors are
not considered slacking off – will better enable job satisfaction.

3. What is the average interval between promotions?

The current business environment is fast-paced, and employees will switch to

greener pastures if promotions aren’t forthcoming. A good rule of thumb is to
keep the interval between employee promotions below the average employee
tenure. For example, if employees stay with your company for five years and
two months on average, promotions should be scheduled at least at two-year
intervals. If such transitions aren’t possible, provide cross-training programs to
give every employee a chance to explore new roles in the organization. More
importantly, inform your employees about the promotion policies in your
organization so they know what to expect and when to expect it.

4. Do employees feel respected by their peers?

A workplace where employees feel regularly criticized or under some type of

scrutiny is ripe for dissatisfaction. You can detect their dissatisfaction via one-
on-one conversations with employees, or through anonymized data collected
via employee satisfaction surveys and then take appropriate measures to
improve their experience in this area.

5. Is there a culture of two-way feedback?

Employees need regular feedback (both positive and constructive) to know that
they are on the right track. Also, they want to share their opinions with
managers/HR/senior management to guide the future of the company. This
culture of two-way feedback is essential to maintaining employee satisfaction. It
is doubly necessary for you to act on the feedback you receive.

6. Does your company care about its employees?

Remember, it’s not enough to only care – communicate this care regularly to
employees through newsletters, rewards, informal recognition, paid incentives,
and other forms of communication .Companies with a high job satisfaction
level, such as Google and Starbucks, also feature employee happiness and
satisfaction stories as part of their communication strategy.

7. Where do you stand on the issue of work-life balance?

Companies must try to build a non-toxic culture of high performance, where
productivity isn’t prioritized over well-being. Positive work-life balance is
integral to this. As per the 2019 Workplace Happiness Report by Udemy, work-
life balance adds meaning to the job for 37% of professionals. Mandatory work-
from-home days, paid time off, and flexible working benefits are great ways to
help employees achieve this.

8. How do employees rate their relationships with their reporting heads?

We have all heard the axiom that employees don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses.
And this is confirmed by studies – a poll by Gallup found that 75% of voluntary
attrition can be attributed to the behavior of immediate supervisors and not the
job itself.
Again, targeted job satisfaction surveys (implemented on a team-by-team basis)
can help root this out.

9. Does your organization follow fair and inclusive policies?

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace have a positive impact on the business
bottom line, while also improving a company’s culture and work environment.
By ensuring fairness toward all your employees, regardless of age, gender, or
disability, you can increase the average level of satisfaction across the company.
In other words, job satisfaction shouldn’t be limited to a select few – everyone,
across the company, should experience the same level of well-being.

10. Can employees nurture their creative instincts in their jobs?

While this depends on your specific industry of operation, employees mustn’t
be stifled when showing a spirit of creativity in their jobs.
In fact, learning and development programs can be deployed to strengthen
creative skills, making your company more innovation-friendly. Otherwise, you
risk having a workforce that feels unheard, with the same rules imposed upon
them over and over again.

11. Do employees feel secure about their role?

Job security is now a major concern as technology upends existing processes,

and automation threatens legacy models of working. As a future-focused
employer, you must clearly explain how an employee’s role will transform over
the years and equip them for this change.
 Employees shouldn’t feel insecure about their jobs – you can ensure this by
maintaining a consistent line of communication between frontline employees
and senior leadership.
 Apart from basics such as compensation, employee benefits, and workplace
amenities, these ten factors go a long way in either improving or negatively
impacting employee satisfaction. And here’s why you can’t afford to have
dissatisfied employees.


A satisfied employee is always important for an organization as he/she aims to

deliver the best of their capability. Every employee wants a strong career
growth and work life balance at workplace. If an employee feels happy with
their company & work, they look to give back to the company with all their
Importance of job satisfaction can be seen from two perspectives:
For Employees
Job satisfaction from an employee perspective is to earn a good gross salary,
have job stability, have a steady career growth, get rewards & recognition and
constantly have new opportunities.
For Employers
For an employer, job satisfaction for an employee is an important aspect to get
the best out of them. A satisfied employee always contributes more to the
company, helps control attrition & helps the company grow. Employers needs
to ensure a good job description to attract employees and constantly give
opportunities to individuals to learn and grow.

The positive effects of job satisfaction include:

1. More efficiency of employees of workplace if they are satisfied with their
2. Higher employee loyalty leading to more commitment.
3. Job satisfaction of employees eventually results in higher profits for
4. High employee retention is possible if employees are happy.


Job satisfaction is related to the psychology of an employee. A happy & content

employee at a job is always motivated to contribute more. On the other hand, a
dissatisfied employee is lethargic, makes mistakes & becomes a burden to the
company. The elements & factors which contribute to job satisfaction are:
1. Compensation & Working conditions
One of the biggest factors of job satisfaction are the compensation and benefits
given to an employee. An employee with a good salary, incentives, bonuses,
healthcare options etc. is happier with their job as compared to someone who
doesn’t have the same. A healthy workplace environment also adds value to an
2. Work life balance
Every individual wants to have a good workplace which allow them time to
spend with their family & friends.
Job satisfaction for employees is often due a good work life balance policy,
which ensures that an employee spends quality time with their family along
with doing their work. This improves the employee's quality of work life.
3. Respect & Recognition
Any individual appreciates and feels motivated if they are respected at their
workplace. Also, if they are awarded for their hard work, it further motivates
employees. Hence recognition is one of the job satisfaction factors.
4. Job security
If an employee is assured that the company would retain them even if the
market is turbulent, it gives them immense confidence. Job security is one of the
main reasons for job satisfaction for employees.
5. Challenges
Monotonous work activities can lead to dissatisfied employees. Hence, things
like job rotation, job enrichment etc. can help in job satisfaction of employees
as well.
6. Career Growth
Employees always keep their career growth part as a high priority in their life.
Hence, if a company helps groom employees and gives them newer job roles, it
enhances the job satisfaction as they know they would get a boost in their
There are several theories given which help in evaluating & measuring job
satisfaction of employees at workplace. Some of them are:
- Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow
- Hygiene Theory by Herzberg
These help in understanding the parameters or factors which influence job
satisfaction of employees at workplace.


It is critical for any company to measure job satisfaction as the

efficiency, productivity and loyalty of an employee depends on it.
Companies can conduct surveys with questionnaires asking the
employees about their feedback and understand if they are satisfied or
dissatisfied with their job.
Companies can ask the following questions to measure job
satisfaction and can give multiple options like Satisfied, somewhat
satisfied, neutral, somewhat dissatisfied, dissatisfied:
1. Are you happy with your salary/incentives?

2. Is your contribution to the company recognized with awards?

3. Do you find your workplace conditions good, hygienic,


4. Do you have a good work life balance?

5. Are you happy with company policies for your career growth &
training and development?

Apart from the above questions, specific open-ended questions about

job satisfaction can also help in understanding employee pain-points
and how the company can improve to ensure a happy employee.


 Sets people management priorities for CEO

 Detects potential problem areas early

 Evaluates success of policies and practices

 Makes employees feel involved and cared about

 Customer and employee satisfaction are liked.



 Managers could get lost in data

 Inaction could destroy credibility

 Periodic change could paralyze company

 Employee may not revel innermost feelings

 Too general in scope to affect individuals.



Looking at job satisfaction statistics reveals a mixed bag of sorts. On

average, there’s an upward curve, as most employees are happy with
where they work. But there are also clear problem areas. Take a look
at these numbers from The Conference Board and Udemy to
understand exactly what we are talking about:

 54% of respondents say that they are satisfied, as per the

Conference Board’s survey of approximately 2,000 U.S.
employees. This is the highest that we have seen in the last
two decades. Contributing factors include better commutes,
the physical environment, job security, one’s colleagues,
and the nature of the work itself.

 A staggering 84% of millennials are currently employed at

their “dream job,” found Udemy’s survey of 1,000+ full-
time U.S employees. 54% of baby boomers agree. Overall,
millennials are happy with the flexibility of their schedules,
remote work facilities, and investments made by employers
in their career development.
 Your company’s mission matters in the case of employee
satisfaction. 62% of employees across various generations
would be okay with a pay cut if their prospective employer
had a mission in sync with their personal values, found
 In both reports, there is a visible difference in job
satisfaction between men and women. Conference Board’s
survey found that work-life balance, communication, and
the people at work have a more significant impact on
female workers. On the other hand, men are more likely to
find satisfaction in financial drivers.

 Udemy’s survey confirmed that job satisfaction statistics

were skewed in favor of men. There was at least a 10
percentage-point difference between satisfaction with
remote working, flexible schedules, and investments in
employee development.

So, what do these statistics tell us? To begin with, companies seem
to be moving in the right direction, identifying the most important
factors for employee satisfaction. Next, millennials seem to be
benefiting the most from this trend. However, satisfaction drivers
among varied demographics need to be examined to ensure an
inclusive strategy for employee well-being.

Tenhard India Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 20 July

2020. It is classified as Non-government Company and is registered at
Registrar of Companies, Delhi. Its authorized share capital is RS.
100,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 100,000. It is involved in
Reproduction of recorded media [This class includes reproduction of
records, audio, video and computer tapes from master copies,
reproduction of floppy, hard or compact disks, reproduction of non-
customised software and film duplicating].

Tenhard India Pvt. Limited’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was

last held on30th November, 2021 and as per records from Ministry of
Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31
March 2021.

Tenhard India Pvt. Ltd., a Delhi based start up started in 2020 by

Miss. Parul Puri (CEO of the company). It brings a unique concept of
revolutionizing the reading habits and bringing a one-stop destination
for all. Tenhard’s sole aim is to take digital reading to the next level
and provide you with a one-stop destination for all your reading
needs. No more searching for your favourite magazine or newspaper
on different sites. Just read on the go from a myriad of categories.
Tenhard has listed the magazine from every genre to make your
search easier. Be it regional or international; you will find every
newspaper on Tenhard’s digital newsstand.

Apart from popular magazines and newspapers, you will be exposed

to a wide variety of blogs and articles from different genres. You can
also binge-read on your favourite novels and books from any corner
of the world. We have aligned all the books and novels from
renowned authors into distinctive categories so that you can easily
filter them out. Reach out to blog section to go through our freshly
brewed quality blogs on topics that intrigue, excite, and entertain you.
Tenhard has also started its own issue of magazines that will satiate
all your reading needs. From travel, food, business, sports to celebrity
and lifestyle, you can find it all here. With the current pandemic
situation, going digital seems to be the ideal way to stay protected.
We believe in digitalization. Hence, we bring you everything you
want to read under one roof. Read, subscribe, shop; Tenhard is your
next-door reading buddy that understands all your needs!

Tenhard India Private Limited is an unlisted private company

incorporated on 20 July, 2020. It is classified as a private limited
company and is located in East Delhi, Delhi. It's authorized share
capital is INR 1.00 lac and the total paid -up capital is INR 1.00 lac.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Tenhard India Private
Limited is U22300DL2020PTC366500.
The registered office of Tenhard India Private Limited is at J 68
LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, East Delhi, Delhi.
Tenhard India Private Limited has two directors - Ajay Kumar
Singh and Parul Puri.
Tenhard India Pvt. Ltd. is a leading name in the e -media industry.
We are publishers of renowned titles like Tenhard’s Traveller and
We provide digital versions of media from various publishers. Using
the latest technology, we help people get the latest news, digitally. We
also provide a huge platform to those who want to make their career
in sales, marketing, content writing or blogging by promoting their
talent on our e-media platform.
Tenhard India Pvt. Ltd. Situation Overview:

The increasing reading population due to the pandemic have led to the
growth of digital magazine industry and is expected to grow in double
digits in the coming future. Nearly 28% of the population is a vivid
reader globally. The products at Tenhard India are with respect to
Indian languages and Tenhard should focus on the material of Global
languages to increase its customer base.
Competitive Landscape
Tenhard India Pvt Ltd is 1 year old startup and it has to go a long way
in order to compete with the firms like Living Media India Ltd,
Outlook publishing India Pvt ltd, Digital 18 Media Ltd, Next gen
Publication, Upkar Prakashan, Competition Review Pvt Ltd, Nine dot
nine interactive Pvt Ltd etc (3)

Intensifying Competition: The huge development potential of digital

readers is attracting the attention of new national, local, and regional
businesses, while incumbent players are expanding their investment.
Because the sector is price-sensitive, local businesses sometimes
compete exceptionally strongly on price, affecting industry margins.
Intensifying Competition: The huge development potential of digital
readers is attracting the attention of new national, local, and regional
businesses, while incumbent players are expanding their investment.
Because the sector is price-sensitive, local businesses sometimes
compete exceptionally strongly on price, affecting industry margins.
Market Concentration The digital media business increased its market
size from Rs 13,683 crore in 2019 to Rs 15,782 crore in 2020, a 15.3
percent increase over the previous year. Digital media will expand at a
20% annual rate to a market size of Rs 18,938 crore by 2021, and at a
CAGR of 22.47 percent to a market size of Rs 23,673 crore by 2022.

Key Trends 13
Growing Online Retailing with over 460 million internet users, India
is the second-largest online market, trailing only China. With the
current government's Digital India plan, internet penetration is likely
to rise even more, driving the market to new highs. Online sales are
predicted to grow in the future as a result of escalating rivalry among
store-based retail shops and an increase in the amount of time spent
by the general public on the internet. Furthermore, the easy financing
options and multiple discounts available on e-commerce are driving
consumers to prefer this channel over traditional in-store shopping.
(3) Growing Technological Advancement: Increasing urbanisation
and the time-saving techniques of food preparation preferred by many
Indian women are pushing the industry, encouraging industry
participants to develop further on the extension of existing features.
Certain food processors, such as coffee grinders, bread machines, and
electric pressure cookers, are currently in great demand due to their
increased use in restaurants, bakeries, and homes.

MAGZTER VS. TENHARD INDIA Magzter Inc. is the world’s
largest and fastest-growing digital e-reading platform, which was
established in June 2011 by Girish Ramdas (CEO of the company)
and Vijay Radhakrishnan (President of the Company). The company
headquartered is in New York. Currently, the company is working
with more than 3,400 publishers from over 175 countries and in more
than 50 languages. In a nutshell, Magzter is the market leader in this

Roles and Responsibilities

I was appointed as management trainee and was allotted different

tasks named as Marketing and sales, Marketing research and strategy
making, Social media marketing, marketing analytics etc. Getting
familiar with different departments and their functions in Tenhard.
The vision of the Company

Tenhard’s sole aim is to take digital reading to the next level and
provide you with a one-stop destination for all your reading needs. To
be the market leader in the digital media industry by to
managers and helping them in completing daily tasks was a inspiring
The 4 pillars of our vision that will help us achieve it are:

 To be a leader– we are committed to being a leader in all facets

of our businesses, rather than being just another participant in
this race.

 To be a role model – we will not become leaders by cutting

corners or making compromises. Whatever we do, we will strive
to be the best in class. And if we are the best, then our customer
will have no reason to go elsewhere – therefore our leadership is
assured, on pure merit.

 To be a broad -based player – we are committed to meeting all

the felt and unfelt needs of our target customer. And thereby, we
can retain him or her across their needs and life- stages.

 We aim to be an integrated player – we believe that this

approach gives us a competitive edge through sharing of best
practices, deriving cross –business synergies & providing talent
pool with world of opportunity to grow.

 The extending product line and strengthening technical
platform, through strategic acquisitions and collaborations, with
various authors and publication houses help the company gain a
competitive advantage.
 The company provides a variety of e-book content, along with
blogs, newspapers and articles, which helps it to expand its user
base across various verticals.


 Low Presence in overall market.

 Lesser advertising as compared to competitors.
 Lack of trust amongst prospect clients being a new entrant in the


 The company focuses on new author acquisition and genre

upgrade on a regular basis, which enables it to serve the
changing needs of the market.
 Considering the current pandemic situation, and being an E-
Reading website, Tenhard can spread its roots in the E-reading
industry and creating a brand for itself by focusing on delivering
compelling reading experiences, eliminating the need for
physical books as well as newspapers.


 Stiff competition from other leading E-Reading websites.

 Competitive Pricing of other E-Reading websites
 Lack of reading options in niche genre.



 Competitive rivalry
 E- Reading industry is becoming highly competitive with major
settled players operating in the industry
 Companies are competing on price and also using low price and
high return strategy for customer to lure them

 Threats of new entrants

 Other E- Reading companies can enter the industry
 Difficult to enter E -Reading industry as a small “start -up”
player due to capital and regulatory requirements

 Substitute product
 Similarity in services makes switch over a potent threat
 Quality and option -oriented customers can switch to other

 Bargaining power of supplier

 Suppliers being the Authors or Publication houses have high

bargaining power because they have customer database and can
influence Customers in making choices
 Threat of suppliers or other competitors hiring away key
professional and executive talent

 Bargaining power of buyer

 Bargaining power of customers especially in corporate is very
high because they bring in a lot of potential readers.
 Individual consumers are not a major factor
 Many substitutes in the E – Reading industry


 Exceeding expectations of all stakeholders.
 Develop a mutually trusted relationship with business partners.
 Provide superior value compared to competitors.

Tenhard – Your Best Read is Just One Tap Away!

Maybe you can hold a bundle of magazines in hand or read two

newspapers at the same time. But, to stay connected with this rapidly
pacing world, you need to change your old school mode of reading.
Tenhard brings you a wide collection of hundreds and thousands of
magazines and newspapers from leading media houses from across
the world. Everything is just one tap away at Tenhard!
Tenhard’s sole aim is to take digital reading to the next level and
provide you with a one-stop destination for all your reading needs. No
more searching for your favourite magazine or newspaper on different
sites. Just read on the go from a myriad of categories. We have listed
the magazine from every genre to make your search easier. Be it
regional or international; you will find every newspaper on our digital

We don’t intend to stop right there. Apart from popular magazines

and newspapers, you will be exposed to a wide variety of blogs and
articles from different genres. You can also binge-read on your
favourite novels and books from any corner of the world. We have
aligned all the books and novels from renowned authors into
distinctive categories so that you can easily filter them out.


20 July, 2020 / 2 years
30 November, 2021

INR 1.0 Lakhs
INR 1.0 Lakhs
Manufacturing (Paper & Paper Products; Publishing, printing and reproduction
of recorded media)
Unlisted Private Company
Company limited by Shares
Non-government company

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Website not known. Click here to let us know.
J 68
East Delhi - 110092
Delhi - India


Provided here are the financial indicators for financial year ending on 31 March, 2021. Actual
numbers and more financial data, updated until 31 March, 2021* are included in View Sample
Here is a summary of financial information of TENHARD INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED for the
financial year ending on 31 March, 2021.

 Revenue / turnover of TENHARD INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is Revenue

 Net worth of the company is Net worth
 EBITDA of the company is EBITDA
 Total assets of the company is Assets
 Liabilities of the company is Liabilities
Operating Revenue Under INR 1 cr

EBITDA 000000

Net worth N/A

Debt/Equity Ratio 3.78

Return on Equity 21.84 %

Total Assets N/A

Fixed Assets N/A

Current Assets N/A

Current Liabilities N/A

Trade Receivables N/A

Trade Payables N/A

Current Ratio 1.26





Estimated Revenue & Valuation

 Tenhard India Pvt Ltd.'s estimated annual revenue is currently $27.1M

per year.(i)
 Tenhard India Pvt Ltd.'s estimated revenue per employee is $133,650

Employee Data
 Tenhard India Pvt Ltd. has 203 Employees.(i)
 Tenhard India Pvt Ltd. grew their employee count by 95% last year.


To study the employee job satisfaction in TENHARD INDIA PVT.
LTD. Company.

 To understand the various aspects related to employee’s satisfaction in the
 To know employee’s understanding of company’s mission and vision
 To check employee’s satisfaction level and their team leaders, with the
management and within the team members.
 To measure employee’s satisfaction on compensation and benefits.
 To find out the expectation of employees from management.


 Only the domestic market in the focus of this study.

 Sample size is limited due to the limited period allocated for the survey
 The analysis is completely based on the information provided by the
employees and hence could be biased.
 Taking appointment of the respondents become a little difficult.
 Geographical area is restricted only to Chennai region.
 Employees felt that the questionnaire was too big.

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