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“Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance,
learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all,
love of what you are doing or studying”.

In Class · Look at the example and use the prompts

How to learn be er in class given.
· Look at the board and take notes. · Use the language you have learned.
· Listen carefully to your teacher and the · Speak only in English.
· Ask your teacher when you don't Read
understand. How to do be er when doing reading ac vi es
· Speak in English as much as possible. · Before reading, try to predict what the
· Par cipate in pair work and group work text is about by looking at the pictures.
tasks. · Look for key words in the text.
· Read the text quickly to understand the
Outside the class main idea.
How to learn be er outside the class · Read the text carefully to understand the
· Read the dialogues and texts from your specific details.
book. · Use a dic onary to find out what unknown
· Study the vocabulary and grammar; words in the text mean.
Then, do your homework.
· Listen to songs in English. Listen
· Watch TV programs or see movies in How to do be er when doing listening ac vi es
English. · Before the listening ac vity, look at the
pictures and read the ques ons.
Vocabulary · Before a listening ac vity, try to predict
How to learn vocabulary be er what the speakers are going to say.
· Write down new words in a notebook with · While listening, try to understand the
its transla on / example / a picture. general idea, not every single word.
· Learn whole phrases, not just isolated · While listening, listen carefully before you
words. answer.
· Learn new words in context.
· When you learn new words, remember if Write
they are verbs, nouns, adjec ves, etc. How to do be er when doing wri ng ac vi es
Refer to the vocabulary building. · Make sure you understand what you are
· Prac ce the spelling and pronuncia on asked to write.
of new words. · Plan your wri ng and make notes before
· Try to use words you have recently learned you write.
when you speak or write.
· Join your wri ng ideas with and, but, or
and because.
· When wri ng a formal/informal
How to learn grammar be er
le er/email,
start and finish in an appropriate way.
· Refer to the Grammar builder.
· When you narrate events, write the events
· Have a grammar notebook to write ps,
in chronological order.
rules, example sentences, important
· A er you finish, check punctua on, capital
gramma cal points, etc.
le ers, word order, spelling, linking words,
· Prac ce and remember the sentences
vocabulary and grammar in your wri ng.
How to do be er when doing speaking ac vi es
· Before you speak, make sure you
understand the task.

1A Warm up - Vocabulary: Fun things to do p. 6

Unit 1
Fun things
1B Grammar: Present Perfect vs. Past Simple p. 7
to do
1C Communication: Interesting people, places or things p. 8

Unit 2 2 A Warm up - Vocabulary: Commitments p. 9

ice-cream 2 B Grammar: Present Tenses used for future p. 10

2 C Communication: Listening - A weekend away p. 11

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 1 - 2 p. 12


Unit 3 3 A Warm up - Vocabulary: Favors p. 13

Can you
me a 3 B Grammar: Requests, promises and offers with “will” p. 14

3 C Communication: Speaking - Unfavorable favors p. 15

Unit 4 4 A Warm up: Vocabulary: Relationship behaviors p. 16

4 B Grammar: Expressions with in nitives p. 17

4 C Communication: Dialog - Apologizing p. 18

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 3 - 4 p. 19

Reading to Writing Task p. 21 - 22

Workbook p. 27 - 38
Unit 1 Fun things to do
1A Warm up GOAL: Describing experiences. Present perfect vs. Past simple.

A. Match the phrases and the pictures. Then, listen and check your answers. 1.1

a. climb a mountain d. go to a spa g. try an exotic food

b. eat in a fancy restaurant e. go whale watching h. try an extreme sport
c. go camping f. ride a roller coaster i. go ballooning

1 f 2 a 3 i

4 e 5 c 6 h

7 g 8 d 9 b

B. Have you ever done the fun things in part A? Tell your partner.

6 Wb.27
1B Grammar
A. Look atthe picture. Where are they? How are B. Listen to the conversation. Then,
they? What’s the conversation about? practice with a partner. 1.2

Alice: Wow! This place is nice!

Kian: Have you ever eaten in a fancy
restaurant before?
Alice: Yes, I have. I’ve eaten in a few
expensive restaurants, but this
place is amazing!
Kian: You can try a lot of exotic food
here, and all of their dishes are
excellent. Oh, look! Tonight’s
special is frog legs.
Alice: Have you ever tried them?
Kian: No, I haven’t. But my brother tried
them once a few years ago.
Alice: Did he like them?
Kian: I don’t think so. He got sick later
that night.

Present perfect vs. Past simple

A. Look at the dialog. In pairs, answer the following questions.
a) What tense is question A? A Have you ever eaten octopus?
b) What tense are questions B and C? Yes, (I have).
c) Which question is general? B Who did you eat with?
d) Which question is specific? With my parents.
C When was it?
It was last month.

Use the present perfect to describe events or experiences at an unspecified time in the past.
Have you ever eaten in a fancy restaurant?
Yes, I have. I’ve eaten in a few expensive restaurants.
Use the past simple to describe events or experiences that happened at a specific time in the past.
Have you ever tried frog legs?
No, I haven’t. But my brother tried them once a few years ago.
Did he like them?
I don’t think so. He got sick later that night.

B.Complete the conversations with the present perfect or past simple forms of
the verbs. Then, practice with a partner.
have you ever ______
1. A: _____ seen (see) a whale?
haven't wanted (want) to.
have always ________
B: No, I _______. But I ________
2. A: ______ do
you ______ (do) anything fun last weekend?
B: Yes, I _____. went (go) camping with my friends.
I _______
ate (eat) in a fancy restaurant?
have you ever ______
3. A: _____
B: Yes, I ______.
do went
I _______ (go) to Lazaro’s last year.
4. A: What extreme sports ______ tried (try)?
you ______
don't try went (go) skydiving once!
B: I ___________ (not / try) any. But my brother ______
did do
5. A: What _____ you _____ (do) on your last vacation?
B: My friend and I ______ (go) to a spa.

Wb.28 7
1C Communication

Is that true?
A. Write four true sentences and one
false sentence about interesting
life experiences you’ve had.
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________

B. Group work. Share your sentences.

The group asks you questions and
guesses the false sentence.

A: I’ve been to a wrestling match.

B: Really? Who did you go with?

Interesting people, places, or things.

A. Choose one of the topics. Answer the questions.

Who is your friend?
A close friend I’ve had. How exactly did you meet?
Is this person your friend now? Why or why not?

Where is this place?

A special place I’ve been. What made this place so special?
Have you ever been back? Why or why not?

What did you do?

An interesting thing I’ve done. How did you feel after doing it?
Would you like to do it again? Why or why not?

My friend is Sebastián, he is a person close to me, he is very nice and supports me in everything, he was always
1. ______________________________________________________________________
very good to me.
We met a long time ago, we are neighbors and one day when I went out to play he also went out and from that
2. moment I like him.
He's still my friend to this day because we never get too far apart, we do almost everything together and it's
3. amazing, it's been a long time.

8 Wb.29
Unit 2 Commitments
GOAL: Talking about commitments. Present tenses used for future.
2A Warm up

a conference call
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

A. Match the words in columns A and B. Then, label the pictures above.

B. Listen and check. 2.1

1. a blind _______ a. appointment
2. driving _______ b. call
3. a birthday _______ c. date
4. a business _______ d. interview
5. a conference b
_______ e. lesson
6. a doctor’s _______ f. meeting
7. a job _______ g. party
8. a violin _______ h. practice
9. soccer _______ i. around

Wb.30 9
2B Grammar

Weekend Plans
A. Read Peter’s plan for the weekend.

My parents are arriving from out of town this weekend. I’m picking them up at
the airport on Friday night. Their flight doesn’t get in until midnight. They are
staying at my place for a couple of weeks. On Saturday, I’m preparing breakfast
for them. Then, I have a doctor’s appointment. In the afternoon, I’m taking them
for a drive around town. In the evening, I’m starting a new part-time job.
There’s a new movie I want to see on Sunday. I’m going with a friend of mine
from school. It starts at 9:00 p.m., so we’re having dinner first.

B. Which things do you think Peter will enjoy? Do you have any of the same plans?

Present Tenses used for future

Use the present continuous to describe arrangements and appointments.

E.g. My parents are arriving from out of town this weekend.
They’re staying at my place for the weekend.

Use the present simple to describe events that are on schedule or a timetable.
E.g. I have an appointment in the morning.
The movies starts at 9:00 p.m.

C. Complete the conversations with the present continuous or present simple.

1. A: What ________
do you do
(you) __________(do) tonight?
B: Oh, I ____________ goes
(take) my sister to the airport. She ________ (go) to
Miami. Her flight_____________ (leave) at 8:00 at night.
Are you doing
2. A: __________ (you) __________ (do) anything tomorrow?
B: I _____________ (have) soccer practice at 3 p.m.

10 Wb.31
2C Communication

Listening: A weekend away 2.2

A. Listen to Peter talking with his neighbor Nancy. Check ( ) the true sentences.

1. Nancy has a date this weekend.

2. Peter’s train leaves Friday night at 8:30.

3. Peter’s grandfather is turning 70.

4. Peter and Kevin are going to museums on Sunday.

5. Peter and Kevin arrive home on Sunday evening.

6. Peter has a job interview on Monday.

B. Listen again. Correct the false sentences.


Speaking: What are you doing this weekend?

A. Find classmates who are going to do each thing. Write their names and ask
questions for more information.

Find someone who... this weekend. Name Extra information

is going out

is planning to stay home

has a lesson or an appointment

plans to meet friends

is spending time with relatives

Wb.32 11
A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
Use the present perfect or the past simple.

1. I ________ (be) to Mexico lots of times.

2. My sister __________ (eat) in a French restaurant yesterday.
3. Adriana ____________ (never / go) to a spa, but I ________ (go) to one last month.
4. ___________ you ever _________ (try) an extreme sport?
5. I __________ (try) skiing last year, but I _____________ (not / like ) it.
6. _________ Paul and Karen _______ (ride) a roller coaster at the park yesterday?
7. What countries __________ you ________ (be) to in the past?
8. My cousins _______ (go) camping last week, but I _________ (never/go) camping
9. That was the best concert I _______ ever _______(see)!
10. We _____________ (not / speak) to your sister for a long time.

B. Answer these questions with a short answer and complete a logical idea.

E.g. Have you ever lost your phone on vacation?

Yes, I have. I lost it on the beach.

1. Have you ever tried an extreme sport?

2. Did you go to the movies last weekend?
3. Have you ever been to Machu Picchu?
4. Did you have an exam last week?

C. Read the sentences. Check ( ) if the event is happening right now or in the future.

Now Future
1. I can’t have lunch now. I’m studying for my English test.
2. I have a doctor’s appointment on Friday.
3. Jeff is working late next week.
4. I’m eating a great sandwich. Do you want to try it?
5. We’re leaving for vacations in three days!
6. Lawrence isn’t answering his phone. He’s in a conference.

Unit 3 Can you do me a favor?

3A Warm up GOAL: Making requests, promises and offers.

Vocabulary: Favors
A. Match the phrases and the pictures. Then, listen and check your answers. 3.1

a) feed my cat d) lend me some money g) babysit my children

b) check my homework e) pay the bills h) see what’s wrong with my PC
c) get my mail f) water the plants i) lend me your charger

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

B. Who might you ask to do these things in part A. Discuss your ideas.

Wb.33 13
3B Grammar

A. Listen to the conversation. What things Is that all?

does Kate ask Ruth to do for her? 3.2

Ruth: Hi, Kate, What’s up?

Kate : Hi, Ruth. Listen, I’m going away this
weekend. Can you do me a favor?
Ruth: Sure. What do you need?
Kate: Can you feed my cat, please?
Ruth: No problem. I’ll feed her. Is that all?
Kate: Well, could you please get my mail, too?
Ruth: Sure. I could do that for you. I’ll put it
in your kitchen table. Anything else?
Kate: If you don’t mind, there’s one more
Ruth: What’s that?
Kate: I’m getting back at 11:00 on Sunday night.
Hot tip
Would you mind picking me up at the airport?
* Could and Would are
more polite.
Requests; promises and offers with will * Can is more informal.

Requests Promises and offers

Can you feed my cat, please? No problem. I’ll feed her.
Could you please get my mail? Sure. I’ll put it on your kitchen table.
Would you pick me up at the airport? All right. I won’t be late. I promise.
Would you mind picking me up at the airport? No, I don’t mind. I’ll be there.

B. Match the requests with the responses. Then, practice with a partner.

1. Can you lend me your car tonight? a) Sure. I’ll look at it after I help Tom.
2. Ms. Parker, would you check my homework, b) No problem. I’ll do it on Saturday.
______ c) Not at all. What time?
3. Can you give me a ride to class?
______ d) I guess so. I’ll give you the keys after
4. Would you mind feeding my fish? I pick up Mary.
5. Could you water my plants this weekend? e) Yeah, sure. I’ll be at your house at
6. Would you mind picking me up at the mall? f) No, I don’t mind. I’ll feed them after

14 Wb.34
3C Communication

Unfavorable favors
A. Think of three favors to ask your classmates. Use the ideas below or your own
ideas. Be creative!

1. feed my pet squirrel

2. check my homework
3. help me clean my room
4. lend me some money
5. lend me your cell phone
6. make my lunch
7. take my dog for a walk
8. iron my clothes

B. Find three different classmates to do the favors for you. If they decline a request,
they make an excuse. If they accept a request, make an offer or a promise.
A: Can you check my homework, please?
B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to do mine first!

C. Imagine you are the people in the pictures. Role-play the situations.

A: Could you do me a favor? _____________________ _____________________

Could you please take me _____________________ _____________________
picture? _____________________ _____________________
B: No problem. I’ll take it for _____________________ _____________________
you. _____________________ _____________________

Wb.35 15
Unit 4 Healthy relationships
4A Warm up GOAL: Expressions with infinitives

Relationship behaviors
A. Match the words and the sentences. Then, listen and check your answers. 4.1

1. apologize a) No, I’m not listening to you.

2. argue b) I think we really need to talk about it.
3. communicate c) I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your

4. compromise d) I know you’re sorry. It’s OK.

5. criticize e) Why don’t I wash the dishes and you do the
6. forgive laundry.
f) You’re being unfair. It’s your turn to take out
the garbage.

7. gossip g) I told her I liked her new dress. But I didn’t.

8. judge h) Others may disagree, but I think what you
9. lie said was awful.
i) Did you hear about Rita? You’ll never guess
what I heard.

B. Match the verbs and the pictures. Then, listen and check. 4.2

a) gossip b) argue c) apologize d) lie e) communicate f) criticize

1 2 3

4 5 6

16 Wb.37
4B Grammar

A. Read the relationship tips. Why is it a bad idea to criticize someone in front of others?

5 Tips for happy an d h e alt h y re lationships

1 It’s important to talk. It’s good to

communicate openly and listen
carefully to others.

2 It’s not a good idea to criticize someone

in front of others. This can embarrass
the person.

3 It’s helpful to compromise in any

relationship. It’s not good to argue
about little things.

4 It’s good to forgive someone who

apologizes. It’s not easy to say you’re

5 If you have a problem in a relationship,

it’s helpful to discuss it. Don’t keep
things inside.

B. What about you? Do you agree with all the tips? Why or Why not?

Expressions with infinitives

Use infinitives after It’s + an adjective.
It’s good to forgive someone. It’s not good to argue.
It’s important to talk. It’s never helpful to judge someone.
You can also use infinitives after it’s + a noun phrase.
It’s a good idea to accept an apology. It’s not a good idea to criticize someone.

C. Circle the infinitives for the best relationship advice. Then, compare with a partner.

1. It’s important to lie / to communicate in a relationship.

2. It’s helpful to share / to forget your feelings when you have a problem.
3. It’s nice to gossip / to think about other people before making decisions.
4. It’s a good idea to judge / to meet new people.

Wb.36 17
4C Communication

A. Is it difficult for you to say you’re sorry? Can you remember the last thing you
apologized for?
B. Listen to the conversation. What excuse does Kate give Jim?
Then, practice the conversation. 4.3

Jim: Hello?
Kate: Jim?
Jim: Yeah.
Kate: Hi. It’s Kate.
Jim: Hi, Kate.
Kate: Listen, I missed your party last
night. I’m sorry.
Jim: Oh, that’s OK. Is everything OK?
Kate: Yeah, but you’ll never believe what
happened. It’s kind of embarrasing.
I mixed up the date.
Jim: What do you mean?
Kate: I thought the party was on the 31st.
Not, the 30th.
Jim: Oh, I see.
Kate: So, how was the party?
Jim: It was great. But we missed you!

C. Number the sentences from 1 to 7. Then, practice with a partner.

_____ A: I’m really sorry I didn’t meet you at the restaurant yesterday.

_____ A: Hi. It’s Charles.

_____ A: Well, the repairs will be very expensive.

_____ A: My car broke down, and I forgot my phone.

_____ B: Is your car OK?

_____ B: Don’t worry about it.

_____ B: Oh. Hi, Charles.

18 Wb.38
A. Rewrite the questions. Use Would you mind. Then,complete the responses
with will.
1. Can you check my homework?
A: Would you mind checking my homework?
B: No problem. I’ll check it after dinner.
2. Could you pick me up at 10:30 a.m.?
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: Not at all. ________________________________ any time you want to.
3. Would you give me a ride to my doctor’s appointment?
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: No problem. _______________________________ a ride in my new car!
4. Would you tell Thomas that the meeting is tomorrow?
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: No, I don’t mind. _______________________ him when I see him at lunch.
5. Could you water the plant in my office while I’m out next week?
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: No problem.___________________________ it. How often should I do it?

B. Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

1. It’s / to help / a good / your neighbors / idea.

2. to apologize / it’s / you’re / nice / wrong / when
3. it’s / to compromise / with / your friends / important
4. it’s / to listen / in class / carefully / helpful
5. your / good / to argue / teacher / it’s / not / with

C. Make sentences using the following expressions.

It’s (not) useful - It’s (not) important - It’s (not) good

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________




A film review

FILM Review
The Hunger Games
Sci-fi adventure, 2012
In the future the USA is a new country called Panem. Every year the Capitol of
Panem chooses twelve boys and twelve girls to go on a TV show called “The
Hunger Games”. In this TV shows the teenagers have to fight until there is only
one person left. Katniss goes on the show and she has to run fast and fight to
save her life.
I love the actors in this film. Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth and Josh
Hutcherson are fantastic as Katniss, Gale and Peeta. My favorite character is
Katniss because she is very good at running and fighting. Also I think that the
film is good because it is exactly the same as the book.

I give The Hunger Games ,go and watch it soon!

Paola ( 13 years old, Mexico)

Fantastic! Bad
Really good! Terrible!

Top tips for writing

1. Start with the film title.
2. The type of film. When it was made.
3. Explain the film’s story but don’t explain the ending!
4. Your opinion of the film.
5. Should people go and watch the film?

Write an email refusing an invitation.


Phrasal Verbs


A. Make a sentence with each phrasal
Break away: to escape verb.

1. _____________________________________
Break into: enter by force
2. _____________________________________
Break down: stop working / lose control
3. _____________________________________
Break up: end a relationship
4. _____________________________________

B. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Burglars broke _________ my house yesterday and stole everything.

2. His car broke _______ while he was driving to work.
3. They weren’t happy together so they decided to break ________
4. The police officer grabbed the robber, but he managed to break ________

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”.
John Dewey
Unit 1 Fun Things to do

1A Warm up
A. Match the verb with the correct phrases.

camping – exo c food – whale watching – ballooning – mountain

extreme sport – a spa – fancy restaurant

1. climb a _mountain____ 6. try an __________ __________

2. go _______________ 7. go to ______ __________
3. try an e__________ ___________ 8. eat in a __________ f_________
4. ride a __________ ___________ 9. go _____________
5. go ______________

B. Look at the chart. Write sentences about what Bill has done using the information
in the chart.

never last year a few years ago lots of times

1. play golf

2. go bowling

3. do yoga

4. join a gym

5. lift weights

6. go camping

7. play soccer

8. try karate

1. Bill played golf last year.

2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________

1B Grammar
A. Complete the list of verbs.


B. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or past simple.

1. When Mary was young she ______ (love) skiing.

2. Thank you for your offer, but I ___________ (decide) not to accept.
3. Why are you crying? Because I _________ (cut) my finger.
4. We ________ (not / go) to the movies last weekend.
5. What’s the matter with your brother? He ________ (lose) his mobile.
6. My uncle ________ (arrive) in Paris last night, but he ________ (not / call).
7. _______ you _______ (go) abroad this year?
8. My students __________ (raise) a lot of money for charity.
9. I __________ (not / eat) anything since breakfast.
10. Yesterday I ________ (lose) my wallet.

C. Write questions to complete the conversation. Use the past simple

and the present perfect.

Paul: Hey Nancy. Have you ever gone camping?

Nancy: No, I haven’t. But my sister went camping last weekend.
Paul: Really?_____________________________________________________?
Nancy: Yes, she did. She had a lot of fun.
Paul: ___________________________________________________________?
Nancy: No, she didn’t climb a mountain, but she went kayaking.
Paul: Wow! ______________________________________________________ ?
Nancy: No, I have never gone kayaking. But I like to go sometime.
Paul. Me, too!

1C Communication

A. Look at the pictures and complete the email with the correct expressions from the box.
Use the correct tense. Present perfect or past simple.

- go camping - try an exotic food - try an extreme sport

- go to a spa - climb a mountain - go whale watching

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Hi Paul and Tina,

We are having a lot of fun in Canada with our friends. Victoria is a beautiful city. Last weekend
1 2
we went camping near the ocean. It was great. We ______________________________
3 4
on Saturday, and we __________________________ on Sunday. James and I even _____
___________________ It was really exciting!.
This week, we’re staying in a nice hotel. We had dinner at a very nice restaurant last night I
5 6
________________________ I ate broiled rainboat trout with rice. I've never __________
___________ However, Janice went to the spa of the hotel. Can you believe it?
I have to say good-bye now. We’re going to an amusement park in Vancouver.

Write soon,

Unit 2 Commitments

2A Warm up
A busy week
A. Complete the conversations with words from
the box.

birthday soccer
blind job
violin doctor’s
business conference

A. Jake: Hey, Tony. Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday?

Tony: I’m not sure. I have a __________ appointment at the hospital at 2 p.m.
What time is the party?
Jake: It starts at 4p.m. and there’s someone I want you to meet. Her name is
Tony: Well, I can come to the party. But I don’t know about Olivia. I’ve never
been on a ______________ date.
Jake: It’s not really a date. You’re both just going to be at the party, it’ll be fun.

B. Bob: Hi, Don. How are you?

Don: OK. I’m a little nervous about my _______________ interview at BCP Bank.
Bob: Oh, right. When is it?
Don: Today at 2:00. Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Nelson have a lot of _________ meetings,
so we are going to have a ___________ call. I won’t have an interview face
to face.
Bob: Wow! That’s different. Good luck!

C. Liza: Hello, Kristell. Do you want to have lunch tomorrow?

Kristell: I’m sorry. I can’t. I have a ___________ lesson tomorrow.
How about on Saturday?
Liza: I have ____________ practice in the afternoon.
Let’s have dinner on Saturday night.
Kristell: OK, great. And we can go to the movies after dinner, too.

2B Grammar

B. Check ( ) the correct sentences. Rewrite the wrong sentences with the correct forms
of the verbs. Use the present simple or present continuous.

2C Communication

A. Complete the calendar with your own plans for next week. Write sentences with the
present continuous or the present simple.

Example: Sunday: I have gymnastics practice or I’m visiting my grandparents.

Weekly Calendar








Unit 3 Can you do me a favor?

3A Warm up
A. Circle the correct phrase to complete
the conversation.

1. A: Algebra is difficult.
B: Do you want some help?
A: Yes, you can help me with my
résumé / homework.
2. A: That restaurant is too expensive.
B: I know, but the food is really good.
A: Well, OK. Could you lend me some
money / water my plants?.

3. A: Hi, Jim. It’s Susan.

B: Hi, Susan. You’re calling me early. Is there a problem?
A: Yes, my car isn’t working. Can you check my homework / give me a ride to work?

4. A: Look at those flowers! Your garden is so beautiful!

B: Thanks. Would you mind watering the plants / getting the mail for me?

5. A: Julia is so nice. She always wants to help.

B: I know. She’s feeding my cat / giving me a ride while I’m on vacation.

6. A: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

B: I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m getting my mail / picking up my parents at the airport.

7. A: I need to find a job.

B: My office needs some new workers.
A: Really? That’s great. Could you help me with my résumé / pick me up?

8. A: Does anyone stay at your house when you travel for work?
B: No. My neighbor usually gets my mail / checks my homework.
And also feeds my fish.

3B Grammar
A. Complete the conversation with words from the box.

- can you do - I’ll clean - I won’t forget - would you mind

- could you take - I’ll cook - Would you make cleaning

Tina: Kate, can you do me a favor?

Kate: Sure, Kate. What is it?
Tina: I’m going to be late tonight, around 7:00.
Kate: No problem._______________________tacos
and rice and beans.
Tina: Oh, that sounds great! And _______________
out the garbage?
Kate: Definitely. ____________________. I promise.
Tina: Thanks. Oh, and ________________________
the apartment? Our new neighbors, Rita and
Fred, are coming over for dinner. Remember?
Kate: Uhm, OK. I guess._____________________it
before I make dinner.
Tina: Thanks. You’re the best!

B. Answer each request. Use your own ideas. Then, practice with a partner.

1. A: Would you mind turning down the volume?

B: ____________________________________________________________________

2. A: Could you possibly clean your room this afternoon?

B: ____________________________________________________________________

3. A: Do you think you could take the dog for a walk?

B: ____________________________________________________________________

4. A: Would you mind feeding the cat?

B: ____________________________________________________________________

5. A: Do you think you could babysit my little brother?

B: ____________________________________________________________________

3C Communication
A. Match the dialogs with the pictures and write the request for each dialog.

1 Stella: _________________________________________________?
Lisa: I am in the kitchen, and my hands are full right now, Stella.
Can you get it?
Stella: Oh, all right, but it’s probably for you.

2 Mr. Hall: Yes, Helen, what is it?

Helen: _____________________________________________?
Mr. Hall: Of course. I’ll be in my office after 3:00.
Helen: Great! Thank you. I’ll come at 3:30.

3 Jack: I’m going to the store, Jill. Need anything?

Jill: _____________________________________________?
Jack: What kind do you want?
Jill: Oh, it doesn’t matter. Just get a large one.

4 Mom: _____________________________________________?
Tom: But I just walk him an hour ago!
Mom: That was more like three hours ago, and anyway, he wants to go
Jill: Oh, OK. Here, boy! Let’s go!

Healthy relationships

4A Warm up
A. Complete the advice column. Use the infinitive forms of the correct verbs from the box.

apologize (2x) argue be communicate lie

Ask Amy

Dear Amy, Dear Amy,

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell my I gossiped about my friend to some
parents the truth. I’m a pretty good other people. I feel terrible, and now
son, but I make mistakes. I don’t she won't talk to me. Please help!
want my parents to get upset. I know
that it’s not good ___________, but - Pamela Rivers
sometimes it’s hard to be honest.
What’s your advice? Dear Pamela,
- Stress-out Son When someone is upset with you,
it's useful ________________. If she
Dear Stress-out Son, doesn't want to talk to you, tell
It’s not always easy ________ honest, her you're sorry in an email. If
but you should try. It’s very important she knows how you feel, she may
forgive you.
________________ to your parents.
If you say you made a mistake, it
might help them understand. They
used to be young and they made
mistakes, too.

Dear Amy,
My friends and I are planning a vacation, and we are arguing. Two people want to
go to the beach, and one person wants to go hiking. What should we do?

- Ralph

Dear Ralph,
It's never a good idea ____________ with your friends. It's important
_________________. Why don't you go to a park with mountains near the ocean,
like the Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica? You can hike in the mountains
and go to the beach!

4B Grammar

A. Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

1. it’s / your / a good / help / neighbors / to / idea

2. apologize / it’s / nice / wrong / you’re / to / when
3. your / to argue / it’s / good / teacher / with / not
4. it’s / your friends / compromise / important / to / with
5. helpful / it’s / in class / listen / carefully / to
6. friends / never / it’s / about / idea / gossip / to / your / a good

B. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use expressions from
the box.

It’s (not) a good idea It’s (not) helpful It’s (not) useful)
It’s (not) good It? (not) important

Example: At school: It’s important to be on time.

At school
1. ________________________________________________(do) your homework.
2. ________________________________________________(use) a dictionary.

With your friends

1. __________________________________________(communicate) dishonestly.
2. __________________________________________(plan) activities that everyone

At a library
1. _________________________________________________ (talk) quietly.
2. _________________________________________________ (write) in the books.

4C Communication

I’m really sorry.

A. Circle the correct phrase to complete each conversation.

Jim: Hi, Paul. That’s OK / I’m

really sorry I missed your birthday

Bob: There’s no need to apologize. /

I’m sorry.

Jim: Well, it’s not nice to miss a

friend’s birthday.

Bob: Please, Jim. I’m sorry. / Don’t

worry about it.

Jim: OK. But let’s celebrate on Friday.

Bob: Great!

Kelly: Hi, Tom. There’s no need to apologize / I’m

sorry, but I can’t go to the movies with you
on Friday.
Tom: That’s OK. / My apologies.
Kelly: No, It’s not. I feel terrible. My apologies / Don’t
worry about it. Can you come over on Saturday?
I’ll make dinner.
Tom: OK. That sounds great!

B. Make a new conversation. Use some expressions from exercise 1 and your own ideas.

You: I’m very late. _______________________________________________________________________ .

Friend: _________________________________________________________. Is everything allright?

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

be was / were been

beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
can could been able to
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
freeze froze frozen
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

leave left left

lend lent lent
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
sting stung stung
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written


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