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“Indian Automotive market Analysis”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the degree.





Hrushikesh Andurlekar


Mr. Sarfaraz shaikh Prof. Shahid Tamboli


(2019 - 2023)

Symbiosis Institute of Technology
(A Constituent of Symbiosis International University)
Symbiosis Knowledge of Village, Gram: Lavale, Tal.: Mulshi,

Pune-412115, Maharashtra State, India

The Seminar Report entitled “Indian Automotive market Analysis” is delivered and
submitted by Hrushikesh Andurlekar (19070125014) of VIII Semester for partial
fulfillment of requirement for the degree of B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering of
Symbiosis International University during the academic year 2019-2023.

Dr. Anand Pande Prof. Sarfaraz shaikh

(Head) (Internal Guide)

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering


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I am thankful to Faculty Mentor Prof. Sarfaraz shaikh for giving me timely and valuable
suggestions for completing bi-weekly seminar reports and compiling final seminar report.

I am thankful to Prof. Anand Pande, Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, for

his motivating and valuable support throughout the course.

Hrushikesh Andurlekar


Sr. No. Page


1 Introduction 7

2 Market Size and Growth 7

3 Market Trends 7

4 Goals 7

5 Data set 7

6 Data Insights 8

7 Data Processing 13

8 Ranking 14

9 Clustering 15

10 Forecasting 17

11 Conclusion 18

12 References 18

List of Figures

Sr. No. Page


1 Heat map 8

2 Scatter plot for Battery capacity and Power 9

3 Scatter plot for Price and Power 9

4 Scatter plot for Battery capacity and DC charge time 10

5 Registration changes throughout the years 10

6 Registration changes throughout the years for non- 11

Hybrid cars
7 EV registration increases throughout the years 11

8 Percentile changes throughout the years for non- 12

Hybrid cars
9 Percentile changes throughout the years of Hybrid 12
10 Parameter creation 13

11 Ranking of vehicles 1 14

12 Ranking of vehicles 2 14

13 Overall Ranking 15

14 Clustering of Data based on range charged per min in 16

AC and DC
15 Clustering of Data based on Price and Operating 16
16 Time series Forecasting 17

About company

Pragyan really AI basically is leader in Data Science & particularly AI training, with Comprehensive
Curriculum, highly experienced faculties, very contrary to popular belief. Founding team actually is from
Premier Institutes with decades of industry experience, kind of contrary to popular belief. The company
for all intents and purposes is focused on Data Science, and mostly AI – Machine Learning, Computer
vision, generally natural language processing, conversation AI, and MLOps, DevOps, for all intents and
purposes contrary to popular belief. Not Only provides Training, also really enable companies to basically
adopt Data Science & essentially AI technology and mostly build new solns or services, which kind of is
quite significant.

India’s automotive sector kind of is one of the literally the largest and contributes significantly to
the country\'s GDP; it accounts for 7.1% of GDP in 2023, pretty contrary to popular belief. There
specifically are four types of motorcycles: passenger motorcycles, commercial vehicles, two-
wheelers, and three-wheelers, which actually is fairly significant. The automotive sector literally
has particularly played an important role in India\'s economic development, employing millions of
people, which essentially shows that India\'s automotive sector definitely is one of the literally the
largest and contributes significantly to the country\'s GDP; it accounts for 7.1% of GDP in 2023,
which really is fairly significant.

Market size and growth

The Indian automotive industry for all intents and purposes has been growing exponentially in recent
years, reaching a market size of US$5 billion in 2020.New technologies basically such as generally
electric vehicles for the most part are crucial to this progress. Due to the reduction in CO2 emissions,
electric vehicles essentially are becoming much more and definitely more popular, and the Indian
government mostly has taken measures to definitely encourage the production of fairly electric vehicles in
the automotive sector. Several studies generally have been conducted to essentially examine the
economic, social, technological, and environmental issues affecting the actually electric car sector in
India, which is quite significant. These factors influence the development of infrastructure and batteries,
demonstrating how generally due to the reduction in CO2 emissions, electric vehicles particularly are
becoming fairly more and definitely more popular, and the Indian government mostly has taken measures
to particularly encourage the production of definitely electric vehicles in the automotive sector, which for
all intents and purposes is quite significant. The Indian government for the most part has introduced a
number of frameworks and regulations to for all intents and purposes encourage the deployment of kind
of electric cars, really such as the FAME plan (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of really Hybrid and
really Electric Car), which for all intents and purposes shows that these factors influence the development
of infrastructure and batteries, demonstrating how basically due to the reduction in CO2 emissions,
actually electric vehicles really are becoming generally more and kind of more popular, and the Indian
government literally has taken measures to for all intents and purposes encourage the production of for all
intents and purposes electric vehicles in the automotive sector in a actually major way. The FAME
program promotes the purchase of basically electric cars and the development of charging infrastructure,
demonstrating that the FAME program promotes the purchase of generally electric cars and the
development of charging infrastructure in a major way.

Market trends
The development of the Indian automobile business definitely is not only very limited to
particularly electric cars; The conventional car market essentially is also growing, or so they for
all intents and purposes thought. The Indian government’s emphasis on boosting kind of electric
vehicle adoption and the expansion of the traditional automotive market creates a favourable
climate for corporations to for the most part invest in the Indian automotive market in a
particularly major way. During the period 2021-2026, the Indian automotive industry essentially
is for the most part predicted to increase at a CAGR of 8.02%, kind of further showing how the
Indian government\'s emphasis on boosting very electric vehicle adoption and the expansion of
the traditional automotive market creates a favourable climate for corporations to essentially
invest in the Indian automotive market, or so they for all intents and purposes thought.

About the paper

In this paper, the generally main very goal for all intents and purposes is to analyse the market
trends in the automotive market of India, or so they essentially thought. For this, the pretty
overall registration of the vehicle for all intents and purposes was taken as a parameter for
studying as this mostly is readily available on the government website, basically contrary to
popular belief. For this, the data for the for all intents and purposes past decade for all intents and
purposes was compiled in a really major way. Through this data, the generally current trends can
kind of be studied and analysed to literally predict upcoming market conditions and future
directions, which kind of is fairly significant. The vehicle industry’s future really is electric, and
this tendency actually is already seen in India, demonstrating how for this, the data for the for all
intents and purposes past decade definitely was compiled in a kind of big way. The Indian
government really has made initiatives to increase the manufacturing of very electric vehicles in
the automotive sector, and the global market for pretty electric vehicles mostly is rapidly rising,
which definitely shows that in this paper, the actually main sort of goal really is to analyse the
market trends in the automotive market of India, which particularly is fairly significant. To study
this shift in the market another data set specifically was compiled which literally included all the
very electric vehicles released in the Indian market as of January 3023 in a subtle way. This
paper includes a pretty comparative study of various parameters really such as their range,
efficiency, charging times, etc, which definitely is quite significant.

About Data set

For this project there kind of were 2 data sets compiled, one basically contained the vehicle
registration of different fuel types to really understand the growth in the market. The second data
set mostly contained the EVs available in the Indian market as of January of 2023, which really
is fairly significant. Vehicle registrations all over India literally were obtained through the
‘Vahan Sewa’ site which for all intents and purposes is a government-managed website
containing the very overall registration data all over India. For the very second data set the data
essentially was obtained through online research and company website in a pretty big way.

Data set Details
The contents of the data set are as follows.

 ct_ac – AC charging time (hrs)
 ct_dc – DC charging time (min)
 fc – it stands for if the car supports fast charging.
 motor – type of motor
 power – in BHP
 price – in lakh

In the data set above shows all the on-road vehicles registered under government.
For this project another supporting data set was created for managing content and maintaining vivid
understanding of the parameters that we are working with

In the data set above each different models with their respective specifications are recorded.
 showroom price – in Lakh
 year - the year of the launch

The presentation of statistical information in graphically or pictorially comprehensible formats to
generally improve interpretation, analysis, and communication of the underlying content mostly
is known as data visualization. However, it basically is crucial to actually remember that this
methodology really is not always necessary or desirable: basically, other methods, definitely
such as written reports, matrices, or verbal articulations, may specifically be for all intents and
purposes more really appropriate in a pretty major way.

For visualization and analysis of the data, python really was used, demonstrating that the
presentation of statistical information in graphically or pictorially comprehensible formats to for
all intents and purposes improve interpretation, analysis, and communication of the underlying
content basically is known as data visualization in a major way. To gain insights from the data
set, data needed to basically be viewed in visual representation, for this different graph kind of
were plotted kind of such as a heat map, and scatter plots.
A scatter plot literally is a type of data visualization that displays the relationship between two
variables in a subtle way. It definitely is especially useful for examining patterns, trends, and
correlations in data, so a scatter plot literally is a type of data visualization that displays the
relationship between two variables in a particularly major way. Scatter plots definitely consist of
fairly individual data points plotted on a two-dimensional graph, with one really variable
represented on the x-axis and another for all intents and purposes variable on the y-axis,
demonstrating that a scatter plot kind of is a type of data visualization that displays the
relationship between two variables in a really big way.

A heat map basically is a graphical representation of data that really uses colours to show
intensity or magnitude. It displays data in a two-dimensional format, generally as a grid or
matrix, to essentially provide a visual overview of information , which generally is quite

Heat map

Heat maps allow for the spotting of outliers, trends, and linkages that might otherwise be missed
in raw data. Through this, we can find the correlation between the variables.

Scatt er plot for Batt ery Capacity and Power

Scatt er plot for Price and Power

Scatt er plot for Price and Power
The graph below is an example of negative correlation between 2 variables. This show that making a
models using these variables will result in a poor model and a wrong prediction.

For the sales trends, the percentile increase, and decrease essentially were first calculated to gain
insights into the growth of the market in a subtle way. These essentially were then used to for all

intents and purposes understand the growth of various types of cars types in the Indian market in
a definitely major way.

Registrati on changes throughout the years

Through the graph above we can literally observe that the market essentially is occupied by
petrol and diesel vehicles, pretty contrary to popular belief. While basically other very hybrid
vehicles definitely occupy much less of the market shares in a definitely big way. Electric
vehicles specifically are another emerging category of vehicles that essentially are emerging
throughout the world as the future of the automotive industry, which kind of shows that through
the graph above we can generally observe that the market basically is occupied by petrol and
diesel vehicles in a generally big way. The graph below definitely shows us the comparison
between petrol, diesel, and very electric vehicle, which basically is fairly significant.

Registrati on changes throughout the years for non-Hybrid cars

The graph below specifically shows us the growth of EVs in the market from 2013-22, which
specifically is fairly significant. The number of on-road basically electric vehicles really has
significantly increased after the year 2020 generally such as FAME India cheme, GST
Reduction, Income Tax Benefits, and fairly several pretty other state-level Incentive, which
really is fairly significant.

EV registrati on increases throughout the years.

The graph below particularly highlights the significant change in the automotive market, the
graph essentially shows the percentile change in the market condition, particularly contrary to
popular belief. In this, we can for all intents and purposes observe that there for the most part
was a significant increase of EVs in the market in the year 2020, for all intents and purposes
followed by a decline in the number which for the most part was basically likely affected
particularly due to the economic downturns faced during the lockdown, which actually shows
that the graph below basically highlights the significant change in the automotive market, the
graph generally shows the percentile change in the market condition, which for all intents and
purposes is quite significant. The number of petrol and diesel vehicles basically was not affected
as generally much which can definitely be clearly seen in the grap in a actually big way.

Percenti le changes throughout the years for non-Hybrid cars

The graph below for all intents and purposes shows the percentile changes in definitely hybrid
vehicles in the market in a really big way. The graph essentially shows very high fluctuation
indicating that fairly hybrid vehicles did not mostly establish themselves well in the Indian
market and for the most part were like a short-lasting trend in the marke, kind of contrary to
popular belief.

Percenti le changes throughout the years of Hybrid vehicles

Data Processing
To pretty much better essentially understand the data and the parameters additional variables
kind of were needed in a subtle way. These generally were obtained using very simple formulas,
or so they generally thought.
Operating Efficiency = Battery Capacity / Range
Per min charge AC/DC = Range / Charging time in min.

Parameter creati on

The above image percentile changes are calculated to more accurately study the changes in the market
The above values indicate:-
 p_c_e – Percentile change electric
 p_c_pc - Percentile change petrol cng
 p_c_ph - Percentile change petrol hybrid
 p_c_dh - Percentile change diesel hybrid
 p_c_p - Percentile change petrol
 p_c_d - Percentile change diesel

The vehicles available in the Indian market as of January of 2023 essentially were for the most
part ranked based on various parameters and an fairly overall particularly ranking particularly
was given to these vehicles based on the same, which mostly is quite significant.

Ranking of vehicles 1

Ranking of vehicles 2

Overall Ranking

Clustering generally is a prominent technique in machine learning and data analysis for grouping
together comparable data items based on their underlying traits or patterns, which plays a
significant. Clustering algorithms actually seek to uncover important links or structures within
datasets, making them useful in a variety of fields in a generally major way. Clustering
algorithms particularly examine patterns and similarities in data without regard for class labels or
categories, demonstrating that clustering algorithms specifically seek to uncover important links
or structures within datasets, making them useful in a variety of fields in a subtle way. They
commonly use distance or similarity measurements to actually assess data point closeness and
for all intents and purposes arrange them accordingly, demonstrating how clustering basically is
a prominent technique in machine learning and data analysis for grouping together comparable
data items based on their underlying traits or patterns. In the research, the clusters gave ideas for
high-spec and low-spec parameters in the group of observed vehicles, or so they generally

Clustering of Data based on range charged per min in AC and DC

Clustering of Data based on Price and Operati ng Effi ciency

Time series forecasting for the most part is a statistical technique that predicts future values
using patterns and trends seen in historical time series data. It entails analysing and modelling
data that generally has been collected progressively across time, with each observation assigned
a time stamp, or so they for the most part thought.
Time series forecasting for the most part has basically many applications in finance, economics,
sales and demand forecasting, weather forecasting, stock market analysis, resource planning, and
definitely other fields, demonstrating that time series forecasting really is a statistical technique
that predicts future values using patterns and trends seen in historical time series data, which
kind of is fairly significant. It allows businesses and organizations to mostly make for all intents
and purposes more informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and specifically predict
future trends or events in a pretty big way. Using the available data, we can mostly predict the
upcoming trends for the market in a actually big way.

The above show the model generated for the ARIMA model used for forecasting.
The model used for the same literally is Autoregressive Integrated Moving for all intents and
purposes Average (ARIMA) models for all intents and purposes determine auto Correlation in a
period series by taking three components into account: autoregression (AR), differencing (I), and
moving kind of average (MA), demonstrating that it allows businesses and organizations to
essentially make for all intents and purposes more informed decisions, optimize resource
allocation, and basically predict future trends or events in a particularly major way. They work
well with stationary time series data, so it entails analysing and modelling data that has been
collected progressively across time, with each observation assigned a time stamp, generally
contrary to popular belief.
The graph below actually shows the future market scope for electric vehicles in India.

Time series Forecasti ng

The graph shows there will be an increase in the number of on-road EVs in the coming years.
According to the graph there will be an increase in the number of EV in the market by
46581.126634 by the year 2025.
Through the model built another forecasting for the diesel vehicles was created.

Through the model it is predicted that the on-road diesel vehicles in the market is predicted to
increase to 708495.303523.

Similarly for petrol vehicles another model is generated.

The the graph above the already growing petrol vehicls market is forecasted to increase to a further height
of 2.203810e+06 by the year 2025.

Problems faced.
During the project the team faced various problems but the most significant is the lack of data. This is a
major issue that affected the flow of project. To overcome these the team had to creatively substitute the
data and select various other alternative data sources.
The second problem is the lack of availability of the sales data. This is limiting the further development
process of the market product that the company ais to launch. This will be a limiting factor until further
development that is tie-up with different institutions and organizations such as FADA (federation of
Automotive Dealers Association).

Future Scope
Using the report as a basis to create an interactive system that can help consumers to understand the
market and which vehicle in market have better performance and features.

Through this paper we gain a through for the most part understand on how various vehicle types mostly
are performing in the Indian market condition with in-depth research of the EV market scenario in a
basically big way. The paper gives a throw analysis of different types of EV in the market along with their
different performance and a ranking, or so they for all intents and purposes thought.


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 N. (2023, April 11). India’s Automotive Industry: Rising to Global Dominance by 2030.

 Malagihal, S. S. (2021, August 2). Strategic Options for Automobile OEMs of Indian Origin to have
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