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JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 243:293–299 (2000)

Location of the Vector of Jaw Muscle Force

in Mammals
Walter Stalker Greaves*

Department of Oral Biology (M/C 690), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

ABSTRACT Previous work has suggested that the third vector inclined posteriorly intersects the tooth row far
molar lies just in front of the point where the resultant from the projection of the joint and an anterior vector’s
vector of jaw muscle force, estimated from dissections, intersection is relatively close. Only a vector perpendicu-
intersects the tooth row. This point meets the jaw such lar to the line from one end of the tooth row to the other
that the vector is 30% of jaw length from the jaw joint. intersects at 30%. This obvious point suggests a way to
Thus, the vector divides the jaw in the ratio of 3:7 when test the above hypotheses when the inclination of the
measurements are taken perpendicular to the vector. In vector is not known exactly. The predicted relationship
practice, however, distances along mammalian jaws are between the distance to the molar, as a percentage of the
typically measured on an easily determined line such as a total jaw length, and the approximate inclination of the
line from one end of the tooth row to the other. The
vector derived from muscle weights (posterior or anterior
position of the jaw joint is then projected onto this line. As
depending on whether the temporalis or the masseter/
a rule, such a line is not perpendicular to the vector and so
the distance from the projection of the joint, out to the rear pterygoid, respectively, is dominant) was observed in a
of the third molar (and the vector’s intersection), is differ- sample of 46 different mammals. J. Morphol. 243:
ent in different mammals. Rarely is this distance 30% of 293–299, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
total jaw length. However, when the location of the vec-
tor’s intersection is measured along the tooth row, this KEY WORDS: jaw muscle vector; jaw length; jaw muscle
position varies directly with the inclination of the vector; a weights; third molar

The jaw muscles seem to be attached at the rear of along a complete tooth row. Integrating a plot of
the jaws in mammals, although some would claim these bite forces produced a value for the sum of all
that this may not be true for all mammals. If this is the bite forces along the row. Changing the antero-
true for most, this condition is reasonable, even posterior location of the muscle resultant force
though the leverage is relatively poor, if gape is not changed both the length of the tooth row and the
to be limited by the amount of stretch in the muscles leverage of the jaw mechanism.
or if the avoidance of muscle interference with biting Thus, the sum of all the bite forces is different for
activities is important. each resultant location and is a maximum when the
On the other hand, if strong bite forces are re- resultant vector of jaw muscle force is located at a
quired, jaw-elevating muscles are expected to be point 30% of jaw length from the jaw joint. From this
attached more anteriorly because the leverage is point of view, the tooth row fills the anterior 70% of
then better. The out-put forces at some of the poste- the jaw while the posterior 30%, located behind the
rior teeth also can be larger than the in-put muscle line of action of the muscle resultant, is edentulous.
force. A muscle force located at the rear of the jaw This result is in agreement with what is derived
signals that the typical jaw lever system in mam- from dissections and is of considerable interest be-
mals is not very efficient and that other consider- cause it suggests that posteriorly located muscles
ations are probably more critical. are better after all.
One such consideration is the location of the re- Another important consideration is that if all the
sultant force of the jaw muscles. The resultant is teeth are in front of the resultant force, dislocation of
important because the strong jaw-closing muscles one of the jaw joints is avoided (Greaves, 1978; Spen-
are virtually all active at the point during the mas- cer, 1995, 1999). When the force of the jaw muscles
ticatory cycle when large chewing forces are applied is applied to the jaw anywhere between the most
(e.g., de Vree and Gans, 1976; Weijs and Dantuma, posterior tooth and the jaw joint, a force at the joint
1981). The location of the resultant has an impor-
tant effect on the magnitude of the average bite force
that can be applied along the entire tooth row. This *Correspondence to: W.S. Greaves, Department of Oral Biology
effect has been studied previously (Greaves, 1988). (M/C 690), University of Illinois at Chicago, 801 South Paulina Street,
This theoretical study considered all the bite forces Chicago, IL 60612-7213. E-mail:


is directed upward and toward the skull and the and the third molar might be relative to the vector,
joint virtually always resists a compressive load. it cannot be observed with the measurements that
This is true no matter where biting takes place along are usually used.
the tooth row. This is not true if the muscle force is
applied to the jaw more anteriorly at some point
along the tooth row itself. In this case, a resistant
The Model
food item, at any tooth behind the muscle force vec-
tor, could become a temporary fulcrum as the jaw is Table 1 lists the sample of 46 different mamma- T1
closed. Rotation of the jaw around this temporary lian species examined in this study. The hypothesis
fulcrum tends to dislocate one of the jaw joints. in this study makes two claims. First, the muscle
Joints are for the most part compression-resisting vector intersects the tooth row just behind the third
devices that may be damaged by anything more molar. Second, the distance from the joint to the
than modest tensile forces (e.g., Spencer and Demes, vector (and the molar) is 30% of jaw length, where
1993; Spencer, 1998, 1999). Thus, joint dislocation jaw length is the distance from the joint to the inci-
on a regular basis is not expected. A resultant vector sor, measured perpendicular to the vector. This
located at some point behind the tooth row com- model is an idealized geometric construct. Real an-
pletely eliminates this difficulty. imals are expected to approach the predictions of the
At the same time, for a given resultant position, model, not to mirror them exactly.
teeth farther back generally have higher bite forces In Figure 1, an L-shaped heavy line represents the F1
because the leverage is better. This suggests that, upper jaw viewed from the side. The horizontal part
accepting that joint dislocation is disadvantageous, of this line runs along the tooth row (Molar–Incisor).
the best position for the third molar is just in front of The vertical part of the “L” indicates the distance up
the resultant vector of jaw muscle force, which is to the small circle (J) that represents the jaw joint.
30% of the way along the jaw. Joint disarticulation is The projection of this joint onto the line along the
avoided and bite force along the entire tooth row can tooth row is j at the corner of the “L.” The arrow (V)
be maximized for a given in-put muscle force. (Note represents the resultant vector of jaw muscle force
that because of the three-dimensional geometry of and is anteriorly inclined in this example. The point
the jaw, the bite force at the third molar may be i is the projection of I onto one of the lines perpen-
somewhat lower than the force at the first molar dicular to the vector. Thus, Ji is the actual length of
[Greaves, 1978; Spencer, 1995].) In short, reason- the jaw in this analysis.
able gape, avoidance of muscle interference with Measurements along the two lines Ji and jMI will
biting, tooth locations with better leverage, maxi- be considered below (Fig. 1). Points of interest, (i.e.,
mizing the average bite force, and precluding joint teeth, joint, and vector intersection) are either on or
dislocation all require a muscle force in the observed projected onto these two lines and distances between
position near the back of the jaws. these points or projections are measured. Note first
Accepting these points, the correct location of the that the vector (V) intersects the jaw just behind the
third molar (and the resultant muscle force) can be third molar (M). The (perpendicular) distance from
observed only when measurements are taken per- the vector (V) to the jaw joint (J) and the (perpen-
pendicular to the resultant vector of jaw muscle dicular) distance from the vector to the incisor (I) are
force. This requirement constitutes a major practical measured along, or parallel to, line Ji because this
difficulty in real animals because the actual inclina- line is perpendicular to the vector. The distance to
tion of the muscle vector can only be estimated from the joint from the vector is three units and from the
dissections and is virtually never known exactly (cf. vector to the incisor seven units. Thus, the distance
Weijs and Dantuma, 1981). If the orientation of the from the joint to the vector is 30% of total jaw length.
vector is not known exactly, then measurements The analogous distances (jM and MI) measured
that are perpendicular to the vector are only as good along, or parallel to, the line that runs along the
as the estimated inclination of the vector. tooth row are in the ratio of 1.9:7.1 in this example.
Such estimates, as well as theoretical work, are (Measuring jaw length in different ways, such as
only partially acceptable and, not surprisingly, from the joint directly to the incisor, gives similar
many workers prefer not to rely on them. Rather, results, although the effect described here dimin-
they prefer to use actual morphological landmarks ishes with increasing condylar height.) The line jMI
when measuring skulls and jaws. While this is per- is taken to be the apparent jaw length in this anal-
fectly reasonable, the distances resulting from such ysis. The different ratios are due to 1) the fact that
measurements are rarely perpendicular to the mus- line jMI is not perpendicular to the vector while line
cle vector. Thus, in most studies the apparent loca- Ji is, and 2) the joint (J) is projected onto line jMI.
tion of the molar and the muscle resultant will de- Measuring projected distances along different lines
pend on how the measurements are taken. that meet the vector at different angles naturally
Accordingly, in many samples the third molar often gives different results. As obvious as this point is, it
appears to divide jaws in a variety of different ratios. nevertheless cannot be forgotten when studying a
Whatever the true location of the muscle resultant skull or jaw. Measurements along these two lines (Ji
TABLE 1. Species considered in this study

Species Vector jM3/L Species Vector jM3/L

Turnbull (1970) Lagomorpha

Marsupialia Oryctolagus cuniculus ⫺73.9 0.27
Didelphis virginiana 09.4 0.41 Rodentia
Insectivora Sciurus niger ⫺64.2 0.25
Centetes ecaudatus 51.0 0.39 Marmota marmota ⫺60.3 0.18
Echinosorex gymnurus 25.0 0.32 Rattus norvegicus ⫺47.0 0.20
Primates Erethizon dorsatus ⫺50.7 0.28
Perodicticus potto 00.5 0.37 Cavia porcellus ⫺63.8 0.23
Cebus apella 15.8 0.40
Saimiri scirurus 12.2 0.40 Davis (1964)
Macaca mulatta 20.5 0.39 Carnivora
Papio cynocephalus 23.6 0.42 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 21.4 0.29
Mandrillus sphinx 33.1 0.43
Theropithecus sp. 41.0 0.41 Storch (1968)
Erithrocebus patas 19.7 0.42 Chiroptera
Colobus sp. 00.6 0.35 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 44.5 0.36
Pongo pygmaeus 16.8 0.48 Taphozous nudiventris 55.0 0.41
Homo sapiens 06.1 0.36 Myotis myotis 58.0 0.33
Carnivora Phyllostomus discolor 58.0 0.42
Canus familiaris 43.6 0.32 P. hastatus 61.7 0.36
Ursus americanus 36.6 0.34 Carollia perpicillata 55.5 0.44
Thalarctos maritimus 45.8 0.35 Artibeus lituratus 62.4 0.40
Procyon lotor 40.4 0.34 Noctilio leporinus 68.2 0.34
Perissodactyla Megaderma lyra 67.2 0.41
Equus caballus ⫺73.8 0.23
Sus scrofa ⫺37.1 0.29
Camelus dromedarius ⫺08.4 0.27
Cervus sp. ⫺56.0 0.27
Odocoileus virginianus ⫺39.0 0.25
Capreolus capreolus ⫺43.9 0.25
Bos indicus ⫺78.2 0.24
Bison bonasus ⫺78.8 0.30
Kobus sp. ⫺51.7 0.27
Cephalophus sp. ⫺52.6 0.24
Ovis aries ⫺45.9 0.28
O. musimon ⫺48.1 0.27

The numbers in the column labeled ‘vector’ reflect the orientation of the net masticatory muscle vector. The numbers in the column
labeled ‘jM3/L’ is the distance from the projection of the jaw joint (j) to the third molar divided by the length of the jaw measured from
j to I.

and jMI) take on additional relevance when com- resent different animals, even though they are on
bined with another equally obvious observation. the same diagram (e.g., herbivore vs. carnivore).
F2 The diagram in Figure 2 includes three vectors, A line (jI (a, v, or p)) passing along the tooth row is
each with a different inclination, but is otherwise chosen to represent the horizontal parts of the jaws,
similar to the drawing in Figure 1. Each vector is the as in Figure 1. The posterior muscle vector (Post)
same distance (three units) from the jaw joint and so intersects this horizontal line farther from the pro-
each is tangent to the circle around the joint that jection of the joint (j) than does the anterior vector
has a radius of 3. This study accepts the idea that (Ant) [Mp as opposed to Ma]. In this example, the
strong jaw muscle activity at the maximum of the distances are 35 and 20% of the distance along jMI
power stroke of the chewing cycle, in any given an- (p or a). The vertical vector that is perpendicular to
imal, will generally produce a vector with a single the tooth row intersects at a point (Mv) in between
inclination. The inclination is expected to change these two at 30% of jMI (v and v) [light vertical line].
when muscle activity is reduced or the animal is The inclination of the vector (i.e., the angle it makes
using the jaw in a different way. with the line along the tooth row) defines distance
A dominant temporalis muscle, whose fibers are jM (a, v, or p) and vice versa. (Note that total jaw
posteriorly inclined, produces a resultant vector length when measured along line jMI changes with
(Post) that is also posteriorly inclined (cf. Weijs and vector inclination [jIa, jIv, or jIp], but is always 10
Dantuma, 1981). A dominant masseter/pterygoid units long when measured perpendicular to the vec-
complex is anteriorly inclined and therefore shifts tors [Jia, Jiv, and Jip ⫽ 10 units].)
the resultant vector (Ant) to an anterior inclination. The following analysis is based on two simple
These two vectors, as well as the vertical one with- ideas: 1) a 30% location of the vector of muscle force
out an arrow (light vertical line), are meant to rep- can be observed only when distances are measured
from the larger, dividing by the total weight of all
the elevating muscles, and multiplying this result by
100 gives a number between zero and 100. Numbers
representing larger temporalis muscles, and there-
fore posteriorly oriented resultant vectors, are taken
to be positive. Numbers representing a larger
masseter/pterygoid complex, and thus anteriorly ori-
ented vectors, are treated as negative.
As indicated above, this procedure only gives an
estimate or an approximate indication of whether
the vector is inclined anteriorly or posteriorly (but
see below) and whether it is inclined strongly or
weakly. It clearly does not give the inclination of the
muscle vector exactly, which is what is required in
an ideal case. A correlation is nevertheless expected
between the vector’s inclination and the measured
distance from j out to the rear edge of the third
molar. This follows because the vector’s intersection
Fig. 1. The heavy L-shaped line represents a lateral view of with the line along the tooth row is directly related
the upper jaw. The vector of jaw muscle force is represented by
the arrow. See text for further discussion. to the vector’s inclination (Fig. 2).
Jaw muscle weights are unavailable for most
mammals. However, some information is available
(e.g., Storch, 1968; Turnbull, 1970). Unfortunately,
perpendicular to the vector, and 2) vector inclination measurements along the tooth row are unavailable
is related to the point of intersection of the vector for the specimens that were used to gather the mus-
with line jMI. Taken together, these obvious ideas cle weight data. Therefore, distances along the tooth
allow an additional estimate of the muscle result- row were taken from skulls in the Department of
ant’s intersection along the jaw. This new approxi- Oral Biology, from older datasets, and drawings in
mation uses a small number of reasonably unambig- the literature (e.g., Davis, 1964; Storch, 1968). This
uous measures. procedure assumes that all members of a single spe-
The vector is hypothesized to intersect the tooth cies have similar relative jaw measurements.
row just behind the third molar. To test this hypoth-
esis approximately, the actual measured distance
from j to the rear edge of the third molar can be RESULTS
compared with line jM (a, v, or p) that has been Expected Results
derived from the analysis. This follows because vec- Figure 3 is a diagram that indicates the expected F3
tor inclinations are correlated with the lengths of results when vector orientation is plotted against
the line segments jM (a, v, or p). That is, when the
inclination of the vector predicts, say, a short dis-
tance from j to the vector’s intersection (jMa), the
measured distance from j to the third molar should
also be short. In part, the hypothesis claims that,
ideally, the distance from j to the third molar equals
line segment jM (a, v, or p).

The distance from j to the molar is easily mea-
sured. A measure of vector inclination is also re-
quired, but one that will mirror this variable exactly
is lacking. However, the following analysis only re-
quires an estimate that is reasonable; an exact mea-
sure is not needed. For that reason, the method
ideally requires a relatively large number of in-
stances. Weights of the jaw-elevating muscles can be
used to approximate vector inclination. A posterior
inclination is assumed when temporalis is larger Fig. 2. A diagram similar to that in Figure 1 but including
three representative muscle vectors. Ma, Mv, and Mp ⫽ the
than masseter and medial pterygoid taken together. intersection of anterior, vertical, and posterior vectors, respec-
An anterior inclination is indicated by the reverse. tively. Ia, Iv, and Ip ⫽ the anterior incisors for jaws with anterior,
Subtracting the smaller muscle, or muscle group, vertical, and posterior vectors.
posterior teeth. The third molar at the left is close
(0.1) to j (at the corner of the L) and the molar on the
right is relatively far away (0.5).
Four representative cartoons (a, b, c, and d) are
located within the graph space itself. This space is
divided into four quadrants (A, B, C, and D). Each
cartoon shows the jaw morphology of a taxon in its
quadrant. Both the vector and the posterior teeth
are indicated in these cartoons. In the upper left
quadrant (A) the vector intersects far from j (0.4)
because the vector is posteriorly oriented since the
temporalis is large. The third molar on the other
hand is reasonably close to j (0.2). In this quadrant
the vector does not intersect at the rear of the third
molar but rather somewhere in the middle of the
tooth row. The hypothesis predicts that the vector
intersects just behind the third molar and so quad-
Fig. 3. A diagram to indicate the expected location of data rant A is expected to be empty (no data points). The
points when plotting vector inclination (as a proxy for vector lower right hand quadrant (D) is also expected to be
intersection) on the Y axis against the distance from the projec- empty. In this case an anteriorly oriented vector
tion of the jaw joint out to the third molar (as a percentage of total
jaw length) on the X axis. Distances are measured along a line intersects close to j (0.2) but the third molar is much
drawn along the tooth row. The cartoon (a) shows the jaw mor- farther away (0.4). Again, the vector does not inter-
phology of a taxon represented by a point in quadrant A, the sect just behind the molar but much farther back
cartoon (b) shows the jaw morphology of a taxon represented by a toward the jaw joint.
point in quadrant B, etc. In reality, taxa are expected only in
quadrants B and C (see Fig. 4).
The cartoon (b) in the upper right hand quadrant
(B) indicates that both the vector intersection and
the third molar are far from j (0.4). Here the vector
the location of the third molar. The vertical axis intersects just behind the third molar. This intersec-
extends from ⫺100 to ⫹100 and indicates the vector tion can only be approximately determined because
inclination as estimated from muscle weights. Pos- of the nature of the data (see above). Data points are
teriorly and anteriorly oriented vectors are plotted expected in this region. Data points are also ex-
above and below zero, where zero indicates a vector pected in the lower left hand quadrant (C) because
that is perpendicular to the line along the tooth row. here both the intersection and the third molar are
Points near ⫹100 indicate that the vector has a close to j (0.2). Again, the data are not robust enough
significant posterior inclination and thus an inter- to say that they fall at exactly the same point, only
section far from j. Points closer to zero represent a that this is likely.
less severe inclination with an intersection that is
closer to j. Anteriorly inclined vectors are plotted
below zero. Strong anterior inclinations are close to Actual Results
⫺100 and indicate intersections very close to j, while
The data from Table 1 are plotted in Figure 4. The F4
weak inclinations are found nearer zero and farther
points on the graph are distributed in the quadrants
away from j.
more or less as predicted. All of the posterior vectors,
These relationships are illustrated with cartoons
except that representing the giant panda, are paired
positioned at appropriate points along the vertical
with distances from j to the third molar that are
axis. In these cartoons, the jaw is represented as an
greater than 30% of jaw length and are located in
L-shaped line and the vector as an arrow. As in the
quadrant B. Anterior vectors are paired with dis-
previous diagrams, j is located at the corner of the
tances less than this and are located in quadrant C.
“L.” Posterior vectors (large temporalis) point up
Except for the point representing the panda, the
and to the left while anterior vectors (large
vertical line at 30% of jaw length separates the two
masseter/pterygoid complex) point up and to the
groups of data points.
right. A vertical arrow represents a vector where the
temporalis and masseter/pterygoid complex are ap-
proximately equal. The arrows intersect the jaw at DISCUSSION
greater and lesser distances from the corner of the
“L” (j). The tooth row is not shown in the cartoons Ideally, muscle weights and jaw measurements
along the vertical axis. should be taken from the same adult animal. How-
The distance out to the third molar as a percent- ever, a large amount of information of this kind does
age of total jaw length is plotted along the horizontal not exist. Multiple examples of each species are also
axis. The cartoons below the horizontal axis show desirable, but again are simply not available. Fi-
only the jaw and a rectangle that represents the nally, a larger sample of different mammals would

Fig. 4. Vector inclination plotted against distance to the third molar in a group of 46 different
mammals. See text for further discussion.

be appropriate, but realistically, data from only a is present. However, this muscle, while large, has a
few hundred different species can be expected. much more vertical orientation than does the tem-
Another difficulty is that a straight line along poralis muscle in a typical carnivoran (cf. Davis,
most tooth rows can be drawn only approximately. 1964). The resultant muscle vector, in this admit-
Often the row is curved or even bent. Forcing a tedly odd carnivoran, is thus probably somewhat
straight line along such rows has the effect of in- anteriorly inclined and not posteriorly inclined. This
creasing the spread of the data points in Figure 4. suggests that this data point should be located in the
More critically, the vertical distance between the lower left quadrant of the graph with the other
jaw joint and a line along the tooth row varies in groups with an anterior vector. This case empha-
mammals. In Figure 2 a second horizontal line (j⬘I⬘) sizes that one of the assumptions in this analysis,
represents a line along a tooth row that is closer to
that the temporalis is a muscle that is strongly pos-
the jaw joint. Distances to the intersection of the
teriorly oriented, is not always true.
vector measured along jI and j⬘I⬘ are not the same.
Therefore, the apparent distance out to the third Another animal that seems to be out of place is the
molar varies with the height of the joint above the bison. With a very large masseter/pterygoid com-
tooth row. This relationship also contributes to the plex, a shorter distance between j and the third
spread of the data points in Figure 4. molar is expected. The position of this data point
In spite of the many difficulties with these data, calls attention to another assumption in the analysis
very few animals seem out of place in Figure 4. The that was mentioned but not examined. Namely, the
point on the graph representing the giant panda is analysis assumed that a vertical vector is perpen-
located just inside the otherwise empty upper left dicular to a straight line along the tooth row. Exam-
hand quadrant. The distance from j to the third ination of bison skulls shows that the muscle vector
molar in the lower jaw of the giant panda is expected is almost perpendicular to the tooth row even
to be longer because a dominant temporalis muscle though it is clearly anteriorly inclined with refer-
ence to the skull as a whole and according to the model. Very often these studies find that the lever
weights of the jaw muscles. arms of jaw muscles and/or teeth seem to vary from
Various other points (e.g., those lying on the hor- one animal to another. As one common example, a
izontal line at 0.0) also seem out of place. Once study will conclude that lever arm differences are
again, the orientation of individual muscles, the an- related to different feeding regimes. However, while
gle between the vector and the tooth row, or the individual muscles may have different lever arms,
nature of the data may explain these poorer fits. data have been presented in this article that support
Since muscle weights produce only a general ori- the idea that the lever system of the resultant mus-
entation in any case, perhaps skull measurements cle force is virtually the same in one sample of mam-
that reflect muscle weights, such as areas or dimen- mals and that this is probably true for most of these
sions of muscle attachment sites, would be prefera- animals. Moreover, this study implies that if larger
ble. Information of this kind, while less robust, is bite forces at the teeth are required, the major al-
potentially available from thousands of specimens ternative is to increase the force supplied by the jaw
from both living and fossil animals. This kind of muscles because the location of the resultant muscle
information, from a very large sample, is arguably force is not expected to change. Muscle force can be
better than muscle weights from a smaller number increased by increasing muscle size, changing mus-
of animals, especially since muscle weights are only cle architecture, increasing the size of the entire
a proxy for vector orientation, which is the unavail- animal, or some combination of these.
able information that is actually needed.
Acceptance of the analysis above leads to a con-
sideration of how it can be applied in actual cases. In ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a real animal, three points are of interest in lateral
I thank B. Patterson and W. Stanley of the Field
view. These points are the jaw joint (not really a
Museum of Natural History for permission to study
point), the middle of the rear edge of the third molar
specimens in their charge. I thank the reviewers for
at the alveolar border, and the anterior end of the
their insightful comments, M.L. Greaves for helpful
anterior incisor. The problem is to determine the
discussion and editorial assistance, and J.S.
orientation of a vector that has its tail just behind
Greaves for assistance with the drawings.
the third molar. This vector must also be three units
of jaw length from the jaw joint and seven units of
jaw length from the incisor. Imagine such a vector LITERATURE CITED
with an orientation chosen at random. Imagine also
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