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Firstly I would like to thank my electrical teacher mr. arvind chandan whose kind help and support helped me to complete my term paper. I would like to help him for giving me knowledge about my term paper and helping me in commencement of my term paper. Secondly I would like to thank the department of mechanical of lovely school of engineering and the library of lovely school of engineering which provided me the material for my term paper.

DEFINITION:- Electromagnetic induction is the production or inducement of
the voltage across a conductor situated in a changing or varying magnetic field or a conductor moving through a stationary magnetic field.

The phenomenon was first investigated in 183031 by Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday, who discovered that when the magnetic field around an electromagnet was increased or decreased, an electric current could be detected in a separate nearby conductor. A current can also be induced by constantly moving a permanent magnet in and out of a coil of wire, or by constantly moving a conductor near a stationary permanent magnet. The induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux cutting across the circuit.

Faraday found that the electromotive force (EMF) produced around a closed path is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through any surface bounded by that path. In practice, this means that an electrical current will be induced in any closed circuit when the magnetic flux through a surface bounded by the conductor changes. This applies whether the field itself changes in strength or the conductor is moved through it. Electromagnetic induction underlies the operation of generators, all electric motors, transformers, induction motors, synchronous motors,solenoids, and most other electrical machines.


Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction states that: , Thus: is the electromotive force (emf) in volts B is the magnetic flux in webers For the common but special case of a coil of wire, composed of N loops with the same area, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction states that

where is the electromotive force (emf) in volts N is the number of turns of wire B is the magnetic flux in webers through a single loop. Another than faradays law there is an another importanat law related with electromagnetic induction that is lenzs law which is mentioned below.. Lenzs law of electromagnetic induction: Lenz's law is an extension of the law of conservation of energy to the nonconservative forces in electromagnetic induction. It can be used to give the direction of the induced electromotive force (emf) and current resulting from electromagnetic induction. Heinrich Lenz postulated in 1834 the following law; "An induced current is always in such a direction as to oppose the motion or change causing it" The law provides a physical interpretation of the choice of sign in Faraday's law of induction, indicating that the induced emf and the change in flux have opposite signs. To determine the direction of the current produced when electric potential is induced, we use Lenz's Law: the induced current flows in a direction that opposes the change that induced the current.

Explanation of Lenz's law:

If the magnetic field associated with the current in a conductor were in the same direction as the change in magnetic field that created it, these two magnetic fields would combine to give a net magnetic field which would in turn induce a current with twice the magnitude. This process would continue creating infinite current from just moving a magnet: this would be a violation of the law of conservation of energy. Taking a permanent magnet and putting a coil in front of it, with the north pole nearest the coil, as the magnet is brought closer to the coil, this will increase the flux through the coil. Then, by Lenz's law, the current will be in counterclockwise direction from the north end of the magnet when looking into the coil from the south pole of magnet. If the magnet is brought away from the coil, this will decrease the

flux through the coil. Therefore, the current should be induced in the clockwise direction from the north end of the magnet. By keeping at rest but increasing the field strength of the magnet, the flux through the coil will be increased: thus the induced current should be in the counterclockwise direction from the north end of the magnet. This case is analogous to the case where we moved the magnet towards the coil. Similarly, if the magnet is kept at rest but the field strength of the magnet decreases, the current will be induced in the clockwise direction from the aforementioned position. Another possible situation is increasing the area of the coil. In this case, the flux through the coil is increased, so that a current is induced by Faradays law. Increasing the area of the coil is in fact equivalent to bringing the magnet closer to the coil; both cases effectively increase the magnetic flux through the coil. Therefore, the current will be induced in the counterclockwise direction from the north end of the magnet. Decreasing the area of the coil is equivalent to bringing the magnet away from the coil since both cases effectively decrease the flux through the coil. Therefore, decreasing the area of the coil will induce a current in the clockwise direction.

Connection with law of conservation of energy:

The law of conservation of energy relates exclusively to irrotational (conservative) forces. Lenz's Law extends the principles of energy conservation to situations that involve non-conservative forces in electromagnetism. To see an example, move a magnet towards the face of a closed loop of wire (eg. a coil or solenoid). An electric current is induced in the wire, because the electrons within it are subjected to an increasing magnetic field as the magnet approaches. This produces an EMF (electromotive force) that acts upon them. The direction of the induced current depends on whether the north or south pole of the magnet is approaching: an approaching north pole will produce a counter-clockwise current (from the perspective of the magnet), and south dick pole approaching the coil will produce a clockwise current. To understand the implications for conservation of energy, suppose that the induced currents' directions were opposite to those just described. Then the north pole of an approaching magnet would induce a south pole in the near face of the loop. The

attractive force between these poles would accelerate the magnet's approach. This would make the magnetic field increase more quickly, which in turn would increase the loop's current, strengthening the magnetic field, increasing the attraction and acceleration, and so on. Both the kinetic energy of the magnet and the rate of energy dissipation in the loop (due to Joule heating) would increase. A small energy input would produce a large energy output, violating the law of conservation of energy. This scenario is only one example of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's Law states that the magnetic field of any induced current opposes the change that induces it. Like if we take generator, which generates the current by the method electromagnetic induction . it has four main parts, field magnets, armature , commutator ,brush and brush gear.

Field magnets:- these are used to produce a uniform magnetic field,within

which the armature rotates. Armature :- it is a rotating part of a dc machine and is built up in cylindrical or drum shape.the purpose of armature is to rotate the conductors in uniform magnetic consists of coils of insulated wires around an iron and so arranged that the electric currents are induced in these wires when the armature is rotated in a magnetic field.

Commutator:- the commutator is a form of rotating switch placed between the

armature and the external circuit and so arranged that it will reverse the connections to the external circuit at the instant of each reversal of current in the armature coils.

Brushes:-the function of brushes is to collect current from the commutator and

supply it to the external load circuit. So in the process of electromagnetic induction the conductor moves in a uniform magnetic field. The armature present in the generator turns or moves the conductor inside the uniform magnetic field. When this conductor cuts the uniform magnetic field or flux then an alternating current is induced in the coil, then the brushes collect this current from the commutator and supplies it to the external load.. in this way the current is induced in a conductor and the process is known as electromagnetic induction.

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