(Gen) Realms of Terrinoth

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REALMS OF q) 3 ESBINOT | NTASY FLIGHT GAMES: © EXPANSION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT “Tie Cox, Tin Huiclbery, and Kattion Owrander ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Dine Allen, Ones Barnes EDITING Caine Cabs PROOFREADING ‘Molly Glover, David Johnson, ara Jem J Shaw RPG DEPARTMENT MANAGER Sate Stewart FICTION Ceol Cilla RUNEBOUND STORY REVIEW ‘Kara CentelhDunk and Daniel Loy Char GRAPHIC DESIGN ‘Duane Nichol and Baa Simonet GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGER ‘Bean Schomburg ee COVER ART ‘Apna Chrisenson — INTERIOR ART “Ales Apara, Alberto Borterpi, Andrew Bosley, Maras “Dmity Summa, Anns Cheserean, Ele Dens, Disiodtawing. Sinoa Dominic, Caolins Eade, Sanon Echer, Mariuse Candel, Nicholas repo, Joka (Grenier, Dastd Gaiich, Margaret Hardy Tyler Jano, ‘Thomas Karlson, David Kegg Jordan Kebow, Mathias ‘olleos, Limetowrs Stadion, Antonie Maiace, Ime Mateiner, Enrique Rivers, Mlchael Rooker, Chatters Le Scanff,Chrs Seaman, Tier Shewso, Stephen Z Somers, Florian: Suit, Sandaca Tang. Allscn Thus, Jokubas ogi, Wibben, and Matt Zellinger FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES ISBN978 1.63340-225.9 CREDITS td = ART DIRECTION ‘Taylor Ingearson MANAGING ART DIRECTOR Metis Shetlee ‘QUALITY, ASSURANCE COORDINATOR Zach Tevalthoomae ‘SENIOR PROEECT MANAGER Joba Franchi SENIOR MANAGER OF DROECT DEVELOPMENT Chiie Geer EXECUTIVE GAME DESIGNER Corey Konica (CREATIVE DIRECTOR Andrew Navas ASMODEE NORTH AMERICA PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Fron Bestdaln nd Megan Duche PUBLISHER Chrisian’T Peesen PLAYTESTERS: ‘etd Bailey, Janos Bigie, Wiliams feeriah Burner, ‘Dans Cetwright, James J Careweight, Daa Clark, ‘Anthony DeMinico, Al Eddy, Day Fannin, Mike Fannin, “Tim Flanders, Casey Grover, Mary Hershey, Sterling Hershey, Dominic Hoeppner, TX Jurola Sanders, ‘Keyan Klee, Chelan Knapp, Siler Latch, Joh Lene Brian Lewis, Jamie Lewis, Dean Ly, Thomas La, Pim Mauve, Nathanet Kyle Na. Tara Ng. Alison Patkes, Brandon Teno, Janes Quam, Rob Quien, Roos Ju Rosales, Michelle Stepp, Jake Tighe, Regloe ‘Malla Tighe, Jil Trler Wil Vauan, Rex Voges, Joss Noogd, Jan Kees Noo, and Alex West Fabio Aight Games 1995 West County Road BZ Roweile, MIN 33113) Usa, {© 2018 Fase Fight Cares. Genes and Ue Geney ego an trademara of Fanta Hight Games. Fanay fight Gunes ard the TEG logo ae sepstered ler ks of Faas igh: Guns ‘App Str ic aservec nuk Apple ln. Google My ica sadenusk of Goole ac. Product Code: GNSD3 for more information our the GENES Tne, free downlod, anssers a rules queries, an to pass on grectngs, ist ws online ac wwe Fantasy Fgh Gamencomm Primed in USA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Chapter: Tales of Darkness mennnminnimninn 2 The Maths of Creation. 24 hed “the War ofthe Shadow Ter RO ae “The'Troubled Rise a doe Younger Recs. » “The Esty Hint ofthe Duryea 0 Faaeteeley Sops Sth cn wa 3 “The Re of Lvar an the Urhck Villar 3 “The Rise of Pmmorran % ‘he Fist Dicknes.. i 5 “The Rican Fall of King Daan. Bies ond Dulac... The Rise ofthe Eder Kings “The Third Darknes.. “tha hge oF Lotter s “The Agelof Courage z 30 (Chapter Il: Calle Adventure 38 Greiting Your Hero 4 «0, Character Spies ee ninnn macnn Carers comm tem: 74 a1 Gear and Sexvices. Them Asahaseats and Enable Magic lems. Gong. Rideeys a “The Magic of Menaars. z Mage Salk i Rebound Shards < “The Strength of Devotion TheVirwer of Vere Spisispeakin Elen Magic. The Muslands heh oti one The Avia ‘The Dunwatr Mountains ‘The Molten Hear The Broken Pains “The Rb Steppes and Bayo ‘Whips ofthe Voter Larmor and the Torue Alber Lin. [loan welcome the REALMS OF TextnNOT This book supplement for the GENES’Samncline at lesyouuse f0ut Nuratne Dice Syst in thesanecpicfanasy world here the games DESCENT, JOURNEYS IN THE DR, RUNEBOUND, and RUNEWARS take plac In REALMS OF TERROTH youll become a ero of legend, ready to take up ond and spelook and cand ‘sunt the terra f she undead the rer ofthe dragons, and the dak wert of the demons rele: Whether yout become RR Cede fall goed jar, scarring ag ‘ot for riches an gory ora das viln srking unlimited cr, yo fr some amazing advensiey yoatealicady 50 cated that you cat si to yc start, fe ahead and ship to page 24, where-we delve int the bir fey of Ternoth, oF page 60 where se get in the mute apd bolerof how 1 ball and play youreharcter Otherwise, ‘ere going 1 fake 3 few minutes a elk shout exacly whst thishook land how youtl use i¢ and give you and overview of whats imide IE youre ew to olepaying gumes (or just bev to GENESYS) you may want w give tis sad fis WHAT IS THIS BOOK, AND HOW DO 1 USE IT? REAWS OF TERNDTH tea sourcchook or expansion for the GENESYS Core Rieke ‘Thar mean youll peel cary fof the Care Rulebook as well this hook eo ply. You ks ed some GENES#S Roleplaying Dic, ether by picking up = pick ofthe, or by downloiing the GERESYS Dice ‘App ongo your Andiuid © OS device, REAWSOF Teeenord serves ascting fate games ike the seins pesca in at If ofthe Core Rulebook, only muel ford tale. "hit means You use the Trae nudes out of Pit {ofthe Cone Rule book combined withthe ries proated bere The rl in REALMS OF TERRNOD ae egret caper tho nthe GERKSYS Core Ralehook—e0 whenever there sem ti te ctr, ate the ules inthis book For example, the GENEstS Core Rule- book hs hens foecharacte creation, ad youll el fallow the sors steps. presen there whe making a character for this game. Howeres, REAMS OF TERRROTH provides choices when you follow those tape To apatd this eample furher, during Step 2 you select a archetype cr species. In the GENE 1S Core Kuleboole, you woul! choose fom the four human archetypes. In REAINS OF TERANOTH, yu can choose ply 2 Haman, Dwar, EF, Or, Gnome, Cafe, oF one of the Ssoveral opheropvions found starting om page 60. REAEMEOFTERSINGTH WELCOME TO THE LAND OF STEEL FET CR In shor, the GENES(S Core Rulebook is wher you Bd the caigine that rune the game, and REALMS OF TERRNOTH flees thor ae ites game at adventinets and hero exploring s Kish ed delle niet al, TELL ME ABOUT TERRINOTH “Tenino ip lad of forgone greatness ad Te legates (nce ruled by the Hides Kings who elle! psn mighty mag [esto peloum gat deeds and work mares, the land ka sl red geal tthe hand ofits shice great foes the undead armies of Waigar the Buty, the demon pose hordes of the Moodehinty Uibuk ¥'ilan, and the trifying dragon of the Molten Heath Many oft grat cites have been act lows ino rains and many wondeaue secrets and power react have been lost Fr hurdteds of years, Terinath dlippeIe gloomy ad “decay. But heroes arse just when heir lands need hem the ‘most. Courageous adventures brave the runs of past ages and the Foul creates within so uncover she acme of their sneestop. The Dagan Buon, inhestons of the ancient Kg ‘domo, eet eis wall and muster Uair amis, while Use ‘siz of Greyhaven gather runes of power to aaen gant {aor of tons and ste. All hic ust ln Ge, fo she ancsot semis of the lw ces are aturing agua, and ‘Terie, needs champlons ofcourse and cunning (stand aglne the lng avers But Terinoth just one land tn te ast world of Menara and ll actos the realms good and ev miacer for facts once are. ‘To the south, the lve ofthe vast Aymbelin Fest cal forth the spins of the tees and the porers oft and alec Fl off the dome horder thar would, detpol their woodland ram. fa the Dar- ‘are Mrinal oe che oe Duarvee maser face ther hotel saemeses che great wyrms who nexrhy ecaryer! them wie fared 89 the cast the Ore bes of the Ba en Plaine prepare to honor hele sncient putts nod ight ingde the armiot of Humanity once more. The work even extends acess the seas to the fading sory ofthe Lorimce Beni, the frog vaste of Inc, the jungle of Zana, and the deer hing dom: of Al Kali, Allof chee lands are ripe with ori Walt {ng tobe told and full of eres jut wating foram adventurer bold enough to nearer ther. IS I> WHAT WILL I FIND IN THIS BOOK? Wes kin REALM OF TERRINOTH wp ince thice shape > Chapter Ie Tales of Darkness, way our the history ofthe stile eel of Merman A Kit of tis cmos acd hear, gathered by the noted zoholar Alanya of Greyhaven (Uhat bt Fy, wee let thinge pe foe you Yo noeak Hf you want your fv tory to go ina aighily diferent crestor), Ya Chepter (ye sat wih the very Goraing of the world id baw the yarous races cue 10 be, Wi then flow Mec ‘ara istry through the apocryphal War of the Shadow Tear thir tore the primordial Elven cites asunder and the thice gat Dears ae bave plagued this wortd eyes cilia Tesh Dashed ay «ew cociny that aeasly brnight Tes ‘th 0 is knees ony to be defeated by heroes Who rove €© lend thir land when they were accel mast Aavwtute rote may cots thet cath of the cnemice that brought about one of the three Daraneas—the Uikule, the asa, geet dogodetnve heen to et ance spain (Can the heroes of Ehes, Dwarves, Humanity and Ors send BORER tas of ihete mec sat orcas The ae af te ‘eal test in she hands of you snl your fellow plhyert “This ngewe co Chapter I: Call to Adventure, where we provide all the options youll need ro create and bull char- acters for advearating inthe lands of Terinoty and beyand. “The fre dhiod ofthis chap x basicaly an expansion of Part T. Chapieis 2-4 of the GeNeRYS Care Rulchwok, with sew sees kl, and lent foc uldig yur chances Te aes Ihessome nique rules for REALMG OF TERRINOTH, including = prem fr Seng nique and cmominble Hersbe AH ty Se your character The c2cond tie of the chapter kan expansion of the ged od tars fond in the frtny ecting cecton in Poet I of (GENESVE Weve taken the base geo Int fom that boole and really Bese! feat wih everything you could posuibly want to give your characes fra lie of svete! “The ina hid af he chapter goes aver magicin aurseting, and the ules for using fe, We hese this of the magi rales fund in Par It of the Genesys Core Rulebook, but whe those sues an capara teen. You can abo find «tof Ince (Eeing titer or what ules mop usiqucisTevinath Finally we have Chapter IIL: Lands of Magic. This as aha gectteer of Tercinoth and the rst af the world of Menara. IF your 4 GM, this sexton is going to be rally Felli for you, because cach locatin als inclidee profiles foe NPCé and enemies that we thought ir wl Ke in encounter (and fight) im your adeentures. So this chapter is el feat apmind by loca, Youll ako notte thet xatietedthmughot the bool te iwsallment tom The Jonrmal of Tork Al Farab. Tis x the record of servant of the Grest Caliph of ALKalim, charged swith eacling actos the world eo anlck the scree ofa myse ‘erious geo. Tak peuvidesyou with an ia-universe” guide w four setting. and his outsiders penpectie provides a comple= ‘scutay Yewpolat te your ew np whee he wits abet ‘Al:Kalin, which he obviously considers the most advanced pd sophiticsted nation in Mennar) REALMGOCTERRINOTHE 2 td Poet, a CANT USE THIS TO HELP MAKE MY OWN FANTASY SETTING? (OF couree you can! One ote goale when making GENERE swazto allo you to use ite erate your owe worlds ad that ‘ermaine ote goal with REALMS OF TERRAGTH, This hook ean bbe avaliable toal when yu bald your on Finiasy sting Instead of playing in our or cxample, oe rules for Orcs, Dwarves, Eh and Gomes work equally well in any fancy setting wish those species and ous weapons an gear ca likewise be ported ‘wholeale. RAMS OF TERAINOTH alo fats out GENESYS's gle sus to alt them toa fata setting, So you want bate magic in jou sting, go act and ime GPa Like Sse, the carers, talents and ble are all ele encigh to be Wed in jue about any fastay setting, and most of eur scdvenare like dragons and goblins coud be adepted without ‘uch trouble. Yous may cven want f0 uke the rules foe the runcbourd shuds and ether magi ems ume te. our t= ting. while charging che names and stories behind thems So that an overelewe of the book and how poem de Gon luck on your adventures, and we bope you have ght ‘me exploring the REALMS OF TERRINOTH = LIGHTS AGAINST — THE DARKNESS isan age of faded glory: an ag of courage in song.and poem of bulloned, legendary names cian age of story baring aw, ‘upon the living. Once, lang ago. mighty heroes stood against ad dismter They ate gape new, and though sume have emerged to take tei place, its aot enough, Heroes are needed now more than eve or Menara shall be lov forever “The mh and legen of Terrnoth and the other seams af ‘Mennara have avays spoken of heres, those figures who aise ac provicly the right dine wih enough courage. sl, and luk: to Wand uff whatcver doom hat sill out ont the land. Those svip heed the ell of the hero emease from every comer af the World apd from every walk of Hl Honorable haights stand Bem sit all that i unjue, ehlesealy roger vent ints Forgot te tombe and catacombs ia search of lot artifice Lithe hunt fr lncringly track dangene prey acrou uae distances, and wandering prietes of dhe gods hans evil wherever fe may lark “The al of the hers knows no bows and no lineages. Cynia, Dlasphering knaves might find themselves muching alongside zaloss ofthe gods in quests for justice and harmony. "They way have bee the biterestenemis anywhete che. but a heroes thet spit and cause become dear. In thew woubling tics, bewes atc as feat ¢ boon as eve ‘ne mate ile rc ation. Pate an «ay of eng tet Ris tures te the forefrnt. When x uillge burned, or «dar temple lunesrthed, or & world shattering monster ace fms the depth, themes wll ncrinbly appeiTe tele nod, Hilary Wael te the path forward becomes watile tall When mystical Habtnng solleacrsr the pain or pirates plunder the coast, hemes ate aie ‘the only ones withthe courage and skill to break the storm Whether through marl excellence, egpith cunning, oF gi ous ling. herocs push through avery, cach in their own, way. Heres line ren and fallen, but oo here of any stature has ser aly ca Foe Jong Fons the call of adveotne lewild land use athe pendula of story swings towand choor and dew ‘hoa, se docs it og lack in the elacetion of courage and es tance: Whether there tra coumic balance that must be msintaned fr the world eel reacts to thove lorcet thst would destoy i fone can ry All that ic cevtaln ie that herpes have ays eer spar ofthe history of the world, and dhey wil ensue to he 2 part ofthc hisony for as Hong as people seman soa.» eee pesy eerioas ce roxntin anges and nated Fores In nelghbaring Dun Price the Darrel communica, Deg orm, chill winds, and barren lasdseapes, ical pl spe of lie Duawere Mountains aden wy go halt on ith sagged ard hardy inhabitants Sil ther north, the gid lands of suite heusty skein de 2 place of rangulley and danger, (Where nights xe long and ete few, The la bts maciterean tor, carving oat gret waves of fe and sno, or Bis fecring whale fore, ring thishans etter, he ate sal bolas pices alalone in-an uncompromising ln eo gleaming satues Sil, aid wach ceed arta the ea, batten wastes dominate, luting tho ols nous to belive chat anything ether than death lcs at ice oF he Ru Steppes and the Change Watton Flos, Far fora ciation, beyond the lst othe tips oF the positon of the Dajan Lar, the acts ofthe wail insk doin, melee the grnand, and all egestion i upped by 3 constant arm of menos ines. Horafc pts of let forth the Yakbenae, Blood soaked ence and Yomi othe mo corraptedceghins of she Darklads wih of Terinoth, the forest ofthe Afmblin ses Sy hill nd moun Aland of whispers itis cal beauy to off the is borders, age, and teem inc canopy atk Artal and dank wo chat the Suck ae the works landscapes: bestia fg with pony and legends te made sl a Le, F<: } mK seALMSOFTEOTH ig Fo%, When Timmorcia was forced co shater the Orb, he Ako be. ased wo augment material, aries and moras cae see hinged dhe fice mcntal connection all brings hive te mage oc fit. Hlmsty, fa its ite fc Though the magical ature of the world tue! remaincd adapt to this ew station and Us thet abecs fr ite beac ase eed ane tens iy Gated een ao aise. wt le, ev the eel ave tue, unable to dean upon the powers that had ance comes alc foun ous in lenncth, ond eubousa sherds are fh Soe, le Wns, mere sil able to draw upon magi Bye ores Bue E any athens, the only sotine of mepic ‘maining were the shattered remnants of the Orb: che of Timmer, the those valuable toutes 08 aves could ree ape Wie the vunchound shade that power the oes mapa devices and alors the grestet weapon lar atthe niveey of Clagett However not all was lst, The dragons Inter forcibly clowelystidy these shade to lem more oftheir secrets gathered the shaseed rmioanis in time of tribe wa Freaking them further and carving them with binding ruses to bette haraes the potent aug within. Thus were born the ‘incbound soar sal piers ofthe Ox ofthe Sky tha ca Wars have heen ough! over the shades many being coy st their pono for their owen seh ends, hile heres ck them ut for che poser to stand aga Fes of imaginable sHeength. Tough i as oe dingy sie forevst. Th w give Hames and ther races hope agit athe ADVENTURES TO BE HAD the saying ges, “he tease was thes Fr the tak- Ing they could finde chai Hagits this Way dine Ge inenempel, npr ewer te lve inte the Fvgotien placer of Meni, ite ches and relies loot 1 history Fate fcr leaving couniess bl rsa fr finodh’ ruins cemiod is peopks of cir ancleat pas, che fie Ghat ther hehe becn awed to etsy speals of the saione thigh the centres “The lenncy of the sin oer he cout oh fog, sles Elder Kings, both in legend anid in their psicl wore, sone of bil teaching the Ison tht thine Whe fave powerful sragle do eal elec pet Baron Cale Soulsie, who begtin the rig ofthe Elda cares Jn nighy ved rock. The ancnt ety of Atchaut remus one such work, ox do the sencnel ton ce of the Thebvan Highway lading to Tamale. The nost decrepit castes vis of wovering sione and fount, end holds fromthe eas of the Danes ar veritable ucasure ones. Some of these bave ede Giencined in temples Adit to deconie ged ‘whe ellos beiey thay wil smal ration in Rare ad ach: oro the spider mother, whote believers ay se will weap the wold in aly hat ll night be held in her ok embrace Then elics of vain bullets ate the gain ofall adventures In Teint, The Soulstone line made aur that cach and every fests they bale as ell stale with trae, powerful - and the raghtlet weapeane of thee ope with which to defend the poople of Tersnoth, Thoogh many of Ahr uring fe baw scp bate of he most obs ‘ables, the magic dh lingers within chem i imaense, and the afc chae rain hidden may be the ost powexfl Paley atthe trcaoures to be dincnenel, bun the preter Bek ofall tornla the nincbourd shards, nINOTH How many ofthese shanlsarchiddlen acess the World noe can say Thebopeol finding une dives many vo plunge bead Tong ine danger and rks An sbsscloned cote ight be jst that~abandoned and empty-—but theres ava dhe chance that some pice of the ancient World rains bured Inelde, ripe fo the taking for thove of coutsge. Whether (op. sg Far power, ae seaport, aay hero whe Pad rncbound shard ard beeps eit of el hands fra boon all igheos beings Heroes may take heart, faradventfe and opportuni yet soit in chose decaying ype, Glen. caves and crumbling dlungeins, Where auch edifices nse aod proud, grid lept cies and pomerfl sclics sll ana i tele wiebered alls for thetc of cou‘age ued slo sTncore TERBINGTH DARKNESS RISING I is sid that the ink of history is made of blood and ashes, aid twee is this more tr chan in ‘Tenino, From dhe Foundiag iuell fom the dine when Humane fist fot upon its lad, tages) a swept dowe pen ther iseapubte wings of ie “The worst tragedis were the Ages of Darkness, those times when unspeakable evil emerged from beyond the wel inc chiles lands wo cavage, pillage, and destroy. Mone than ‘exe chios, this evil comprised forces whose purpose was to Sonic Terenas. Llovaz Waigas che deagoelrcs: these sremancs that echo through te, hove Yery utterance sis eae ard The fee, Leas, was a Deca Waller of immense pow hi bad been born’ wih « i for Sige sd» corse thos bo the Gee of thar cre, en: sel ena 3 host of his peple—the Dren-dragons and any the the Yoferael, He ised great Ushk Vlas well a de crs wo would fight alongside hin. The era when be and his forces atacked is Knowa as dhe Fint Darkness. the conflict shat oeadly destroyed Harn, Dnarve, al Elen ella tion. Next carne the betrayal of Walgar lace aight fener {nthe war against Lovar and ha horde, Walgar became ea cos and sisrurll of he alle, euceimbing 6 the alltre af ‘eprenedey fod rk owiglon Sat Abee ace TERIOR imercd desuctn at the hands of Lovar snd his demonic Fond, ites again Fighting a wat For i very suryinal fe chis fs, nan ot the Seeind Dadinein, th ning watt apanat Malgare untecling, unthinking zeny of undead hore. Weigar, too, ws eventually defeated. and for a dime i Sed that dathines bal oc banlabed foreves There rie fra brat eonfagratons) na ink wan, fod che stent battles citfed ito the tomer of history. Then, the drgoos fame. Neatly five huruded yeate ater the dfext of Walqar the draganlords fll upon Teernoth in s grt soem of kane and lame, driven with» hunger for the nest-infnie magic of the Sas of Tanmorran, The Tisd Daskness had descended, “The drags buired cies ane dew scores of peat eros sid despeeately, The world ef, crsumlag beat of seth banded who Fought again them vain of Menor itself rlled under the tell Bedets Macy of the sues of Tx NOTH togeter crest the dagons, bur the war ended as suddenly 45 hed begas, wih the dragon eusning ta cheir distant hhomelatd len -vitk phindesed mapisl eesoute The vet ‘nants fom this ea such ar the dragon bid let Lei and the fsa dragons ate cule of deacon soc, ll laine tnd ferie the Gaunteildecel Ter'noth without watsing, The Dragon Wars eft ‘Terinoth devastated, «shade ois formers, a derolate wasteland, La the aftermath ts people were at drained afegoc of i, of hope, that Phy feared ee Finoth eould not withstand another Age of Darkness The strength of ti ancient heiocs wis gooe, andthe digs had shatered dhe old wal line, plunged fortran ruin, a stolen countlas Star of Taumorzan. Now, shaciws gow long fn the ground aed the kil la the ais foveel acon is coming. Brhsps anctker Darkaoss brews of she hain, fone more devastsing than ani the pat DEFENDING CIVILIZATION cine iesometimes incremental, sometimes distously sudden, The nds of Menara ae ugh sosewire in eencen: Though dangerous foreen ase growing on the hore ‘on, without powerful snemy tb unite against ts leaders wil Fecab bees the ery Tet In Tentnoth, various pews coat pete With Gack ther for dorniance aye th Gontinent. nthe Dagan Beronios, fll pois dominateal, wich parochial [lit end btved outhe over anelentgrlevatcet sfes eal ric cons Boen the areca ited Fo te pronase the Free Cities is slowly ing replaced hy sls Gimpetvion. While chy are unwiling co dedare ousight hz, the Fece Cia ate above encroach ing upon cach other's triton, and sabotaging tae and craft ull for their own Lei “The imperial splendor thar once mated the peninsula of oer adhe jewel of Menara efi y and many ofthe Empires fous legionaryourposts an wari schools have been eeclimed by dhe wilderness. REAEMEOFTERSINGTH In the Torue Als the Queen’ let struggles te hecp Wat sing pints cro under conto, ad fer mars go sto rth the los of the ackipelye. Ble cen What t ALK, lik that is gn seems to be shrisng inthe erent age Waterays are becoming infest wih srange aquatic ces- fs, and the shadows of wlaged beasts pas ves lonely bis Aste aighs begin o em with mons bet common and tutenmtibn Watchers i ofl ata gee ‘The Lau Hes, coo, fel dhe woud lipefiag thvough dhe sre. The Nyman defines ae tng, but he ht ‘and oplender of the ancient Lat forces ha long since waned, totter dig the catalan of the Thied Danse Hhavhere, the Orch ees range fhe si farther cro (he plane search of lood and sll Reding, «Lagan loned teadiion of the nomadic Ore has aude 4 return, although the fal ade openly enone ek bebe Th the worth, the Dwarves sca dhemnseles int thelr hold hat sallow tc toutes to descchel ino Lek highways infested with bandits and rogues. With each pasing sx, the aliraber!f Dwarven shiprieats deci, and oe the Diyas Riche: ditance thomclves fom. the weil, the woe ditance tel from thers. Ae bot es, weve Within cach af these lands there have boon those who have Reels tha dalle of facing down dacenes, for whenever Diese bea eter ft heroes have elcn. Warne De fate eee ops of tried ders are thei derece= fc alles fm the Ynferael. Leas alld people to take ‘pati agate Waigar Sumnion an his legos of und Fevibes, Diplenats quer a ingly allcnce t@ allege ‘seemingly unwuppable hos of rampaging dragons. Wich- out dhe, vilizaion would have fallen to sul eaany mes throughout Mennam history. With shadows loorning ance again over ehilizatin, the nese for new heroes ta defend i€ MGOFTERRINOTIT inf As che Locant Saar has setined co dhicaten Tevinoth, Diagn patils ave tu Fai ben able w sepalee tele Bho socked elfrs. Batlemages from Groyhaven have lent their ‘edghity rine polas © fale the yile nerrocidite Sugls of the Undying One apd his armies of the Misdanc In other lands, Ory, Elves, Dares and other ees faces pris gale thele coma citations, "The sheets Sr greing, bu the actions of cauragrousindivieals cn have a ange impart agaist them, -Rampaging hones might be poised to eavage disparate i= fages along + countryside, but 4 ingle petwin with a ffi voice can unite disparate the inbableanes worm 30 ulied fone. Ghussly creases can slither out fon: che sos oflong-Forgoter keeps, only ta xe a group of brave aver ture ready to atop thelr teible menace before etl bat oes would be denastated. Ente entities and sinister ie rc probe for weakness fom which to stack, only to be tepuledohen met hy allont ete ver praia] ellos “This isa never ending batle agate the dager sha woul consume Meanses The combined eral a urge of people everywhere, lm Ikhelm to Zanags an A-Kalin to 1h, must prove themucuee acy and qi to the take cof ts defense lest the light of eivizarion be sould gut forever, odnsef Bint fs Meola A Taek A] 7 cme ont auger yet to be, for who Re] (Wate these wore, my ware te Tak A t Frrebt and. erm yor fether | ence hel he ete postion Kap of the Tid Key tothe Sl Door of the Lower Hal ney Mest Ghia Clips Cat f Wicton | pat my ely yrs cerveng the loosest cerns of the Cali, salying ny hots eh the svelte of the gat Cast of Wisk an a | ytd eck the wigs of te upper ll Eee re cra Secret a the bay ranks, een ot the expence of leas gftek enents of Be Caliph, ay te Crt Sut lek ext fara vpn Aries yy ric coin, the saat of the pty md sell ec bn contin to gr Erctialy Argh a aes of stage cea, ( carve ope esol pice ef oferrion censoring «gre este by At lbn Neb, Repro the iret Key te the Sin Dorf the Hap Hall My day othe Caliph oy the wn of sot frre inane hse ary day af Hs long a Aceh We, abl net ella sah ere coke to reed ach an alte estion, au so { brut ry iormetion te en eigucntince of wine. « friend narved Zebu Zeyg, wee seed me plein heer to the Crt Viner bf Ube deve sane sill serves for Zaha n the pat, ork the wean cote. no benring. Yau cm ionic vty supe, ty dears ak cvs yo to be, when | wee carsomed ned ‘to Zaybegs small dingy cflce, than, hat to the chambers of the Grant Vicker harelf Te Gowit Vist te ene pening leek ob ei, ite sie nok of her grt eat, gotuced tut we for veto flee er Apia axey wipetetion, {wn led, tn iced, dors, the pret audioce amber of the Calich bioncelf :- Upen otzivg the proce df the Caliph yy foe hrasing oe tery Ince hove wy cern, ( bac Pete a) pe Fores vere mee inst the cod ne of the dranbers fr: "Stand up.” {weal nae decentbe the dideed tenes of the Caliph ices « buh. ch vn cn, lrg thee was otaing ely ble He This ts the one?” Te Calighs ip secrveh to tbe on « droge, discvediing tr the turned 0 the Grd Vier, hs node "Yes, Holy One” Te Coli saved to reagent i wit earcting less than the edition vad respect ( wit hive widesk “Se, you fy yewelf comatig of «chaser de ya cul tl fre the yet rs tne the Fis wis 4 lese-thar- cary dessiption. Heware, thar ae ac sony meas of e weak Bar at pape ina na ( avee tw tothe denen the gat Sor Gow hen ek hive with 0 cea 0 gre a1 cal ster "Yee Majesty” ( sid thal the eal in my het “Gf by sco, yee meen 6 ie Reads of Taranol sf Meal of Yr A ns whe ples xd pls is the dart, who chs to turn ony isadomntge ef ahers inte ert for vse € sven wit no cee of cleat re ok map, ov, ese lene Tr gk ot hy yy brats eck ts coal up bis fated, ad [rsd hat 1 ii hae ened vn with oy craic, | mae torteatiuse “But of yore mean a van who Dende bic nainds uy Chapt to the btlrnert of our Mais aan, whe sch to bring ary oily he cares to beer ink he exces of ny le end etre nw veo camct hide ee tena nd ibemety whe fide ating lke a tame the heat of the Cat of Wieden, tothe tase of te Cat Caliph, may Keer ond tthe Dj cele amaly dn apo your last endow, Hh yes, Yar Mejety, (do fancy mays saretling of « branes! My wert, trucig 1 lg wl ettsttne pe, zed a lt bien savething ted Be Clg fd caving ad ( ws gifs to sec thee dark. lt ee ep it ith “Hes « dep eve The Caliph wack to the Got Vistar toe me to wile dey ap the steps to hs bir persbe hrene “Sh ns” Thc tun wiser to eary ark ek sniter tne for eat thas thar mpparet made As the Cal st en the olen et: vy yes Mike to the Grad Vita whe wee pollug cneing nd of all pods cd to bar weit Te Grud. Vizier reauget fosth into the fetering feonpligit drowning sewe of deep, vnciaing te The go come, fo eu wth ts mine eich vr ay ps feck ape it Ancol ta Ces cing sore poured at, hay wth the wie of "Din yac recgeine Os lone?” 1h tek vee 0 mera to lke off Ce wmsoyencing pewter of the jeatel, ond cucther te recite Cal was sping to ne V led hon, and be lade upen eain with thal ice tet sock to enon les een then (wn hae wed "Hay si an soe sche this bo” Th Cal repeated gusts sire achy if speing too idl, ead Eley cad dala cele ry bent (eee the gon atin, het daly the Grd ies foug, wile gre. Ub carne to ride wane of bert, ike « aane cone wedlst tdey the high dca. An yeh, the jewel arc tel end ac cl, bang the tas fe wath pale ge “Never hare ( beblt sud wlenter, ry fori saxrign” (bowed ais "twa be surprisch if yuh. Tc stone was cody discovered. by « cars wyester brig the Desobaticn of Frnese Acteing to her tele, the cme of the Decletion realy rected te the deep burns. Te tone wes ee within the mostly ewcocered. area” Aa the Clip rks, the Gem Veer waked rnd ne Mactan tr mcaid Ue pe eat ete ea et uct the de wa bring te beth te cpp de “A loser visi acquire the stone, ent a cai of elder, Mba ak apap he pn aft to arlock its mysteries Te Crliphe ice darkened. “The fools of the Collegiate Arcane tell et carts 0 at wel of paver bk they mcd le te nee of tis pore or ewe i valk The Calis ht we are str tha. oss os leah nto the depts of te he, bi spk ening in ns dat eye Tre are tes fram the North Keeper of tees of tae prove capable of rebing van « Eng, er een a yt’ Tred ast wick ile ve tthe eve. "Te ete, to recon hep at the Faost Clloge tll of «colection of sch tones thet eae sitter soe the Well. Bed they fc ge nw Al ge, eating to the ant. Bron canied han uy. se such now Gs fs Med We Calg cys td ned waver fron the soe wow. essed of less srt cek me, nd the see tthe cl bal gous heny Won te Cel ned nese wae te tan Kaen ne, subng 0 fon sone gk et °F vee cee bone wert, ree the en | weed seomane to sah ad the nlite ofthis sends ysttes, fe ring eck te bey toning ts powers" He brn, 1 fhe calle help te a ce vr b the gr, ak Ismet wards wae whtspand lnc, real tenes. "Te eulcking the ges of the Hews.” Ao jack the that, ny dre wes roscled. The ane and tot oy emt of the mifely Caliph of Al-Kelion ay sister it light lend alas nt is dealer: ws to be sad wert on fle ered Nort, to the an of flee erases end deluded crortetans, where ts sei the voy iris colt cna to sack the Ue fram onc hanes, od te fol fre the by Ue cant he aty drt stone “Do net Wisk me vnyrrtel” he filly coined Caled seth the sy nfl of coe, the ae tha capt eros is ips true lessens ton ie har "Wer vam ta el to M-Kaki wit Bess of as tne in ec posi, ony grate weld. on mo baad” Seah on of fan seh « wom, gt ea wc. Bid here ws ene seach of Us dca: eke fr the err cof the Nery, that ctnek sme “Caert Cali, wy ll the powers of Be bene sire den upon yeu ing yt perce, viet yur ele event eke one reget, te ak ben i Ws ee, deere ee saniels. strike the ack tail ct thorce Unto bien” Th get ts lke den ren cf bath eee, gel res and gett for eto crt "Ws wd pace oo rble joy My traf ee sy ete ay vhf ar of wes fo can en hope for weit wht cone to. ps fer ya, vay ome augers ye tebe. "My lnk, wife (dag is mya Terns aloft al Feat gon with ie irko the North, 0 Bick wight mre diely ont the barbers the for asst En os the Wonks ft oy ed, (br tom fol Te Calis, ify reng the stony, wie evens the so et teen vse the bngrtect vind of AKelony, wld nar lee 20h «brane buppet ye heads ofc bspr of ay Such a fo the goat nd perth d Ae tba | reas ty het that dey we jie eck rt, oho Ina thd te Cobh did nt 2c Gk 0 ton Whe sede of vy Ions raw decponel futher: an (feo es nt ck (ha fee nting boc tay Ue At tha be loaf Th Grd Vier edn He mth nk eth ag _perssays,caredy capable of tbig 0 berth lly cove to ar cer, wing tems fran tar ees “Cetin i he, ek cont ben be wey" The Clip turned foe vie Chen, an (ha Che crnyect fling that 1 wad ner eyes agen the ron spin. eck to the (rls, bets hy pc a seandclerel chet Hecke set atta nk bn eb ce tht ttt coin pracy 50 Sas wall nary vert wrth ths, Keeper nd ye wal fad ad whad yaur wits od. your brvey dle Shadt yas surite Be jure co fl to reton, cad ths te Cal hee erate amy creas Shade yr betray bie, ya vl be beaten nd drape ck te the Cart of Wisden tn dri, Macro wil rks a leng, paid, ont cbjing tele ‘hel wl op causes of the Caliph fide roads fon nating « curler wettate The bag wns hear, dt os heavy es these works | wins chard devin Cra the palce by a vines ction, leang the geet pple to endenplte the cei guetions of he real, Back yl ran, sk the nad dey te gn iy hn, ei considered iy pions (wl no le by Hoyo pans ras ns een of rd al irl the the of lening te eins capper int the ect, to ste ad om ray dn oo cnc ip ne dein eld aged retin Page, fet Be eine bid, vy Moappaarnee wall gp ororeetel? Bud the Nor? Taine cd the a lds ins hei nein a ne eel gtk the te of Kalin Ue dong, Por eal, nd ae by se, ee a hin Ince meting of the racic ed cnsiertins of Lilie Wis tla tet ler ep the gat vos nd a en es a pc, vd gre on gt cing, ewig yee ar is es bind Fee A-fedon, we cll nani the te Woe Wager te Uncgure Walger the Belt. Wagar tn Nebar Bagan, hese apts bre he ar osc the wea wider wend as jutfit Ie ecko foe ch the caries to core: He sony of drangras, the Achtes, i il odo with ve ant vce, wa ile cede gc to te lites Bed hve rechakofra tt wol fo brs tothe wet 1 wd bc Fe Lng (ny ea, wire wit et ud tc by vay an dsk ogni UE vat hae bao hap nko the niet, hewn, when eft tp om ny her lake id ny pds a, My bly vost od ing os (tick to snk. Bently ( rpc rn, terry prey to he dae ad eaing fer vy vk ts oer cia aw nok, ak by Ks bes escaned he wine soe faction of the Clif inet The ax seed vere, dating ents ccs the dk hal bin ion ed eddy snall by ne Har “1 caf Be Calpe ogy gre god fee i wide" Te wae gue ajery wed, ding nebing to dispel ney png deabte “He hc coe ta eee wid yer essed 1 stn Use conbuc nd are, ak eck of perce wrsebcky pace a teria cnc tortling ft He hel the yak tome, Te dine Jou rt tate with ya” A tiesserds au of joy was ninety desoved to He dy ess of apie (ele, ing my hey to "U el gy eb oe be Cbs kth hos for bis Seg heat Yen dah” "Mel the fee w the a's ages lak. Te Cah conde bes Being wit Mes bm, orc bis dese ak ye eae oh cre for the Nort A deeper burning far began to rie pin ry throw, a tek ep vey fre the vn ec he held the ba egvie Yas int be ge by dawn. The Caliph washes yar to go gel Haar the Fs of Fei, Le ne ene bce ye ove his coven. on tte « dp fs Codpaurse Bay” Wis tle was ecrving li uk wie Why wet Be Coby cde, with oe of he wd pois daca, ito Boat lawless dan of pres? Yad ped vet the Caliph’ (tied te pads past the on, arcing te Bape if ald edit ceplen, Je ed to step ne, Peng the avd ike ny wiles rp "No, Yas wall beak north wee, woth: delay’ The fr was still there, bd nowt cage with a alt rs (6 ies thn thet (nei the les the ball bd Iam Tay wre hark anv, thar bins Wrage nda colored fabric, cruel sefentars naked. in their hands. And hen (wal be lacing wth the tone vig ero ae oa ea ste ito the dll of the deat night, the pitring igits of the Cat of Ws fang bid sve, by the tame (relied thet the celtices 2) Irak ved boon wening te cade of the Cope ol hd Groce of Abdulla REALS OPTERRINOTH TALES OF DARKNESS: A BRIEF COMPENDIUM OF HISTORICAL LEARNING as compiled by ALANYA of GREYHAVEN THE MYTHS OF CREATION soled upon th cit leyenda of dae Elves st el lenge the imagination for We ate the it that pence BIG SSI fore thexe nie ah things pene and Bek stegs ofr ton Gcemrmed befols at we rod cg site ar form. Arpecs of thore myts sem Incomprshenibe, ‘rough sanealcory Dida say traveling days {consulted with Eyes nysell shout chee matters bt rarely foul che eerie enlightening. The biel esis that their accounts, which blend the mete phicsal Wit the literal, acme repent the anne uth, Teaae sey Thave much fondness for Elven fll. While they bye been ertle alics tot in timer past remember that apple Ele cyl har that °a urea ie tb a ae” Mell, if mays matched us for eight. srength and wil, we sight Fein espect for them! Another thing: they love w lon t over as with regard t0 their sleep wisdom. However, by thet own aceoune, Elen ory iy marked by folly of sath curemes that the worst ‘Human blunders em rival in eutpatison. STe ray scnoy, he Zee gta octets hes legend, and whose wou should we est sane chan that ofits author, Taometras Lokander? Should you evr be lcky neugh to come actow acollection of his theses, be nrc to cam fats Your neve ith the Wiis therein forbes boo aay yeorcalce Jha the Fortine wo tu fe Hwee, even Te therm, with lhe org, ba ta tae the wad Ate Bex on this ie ad sx you wl no doubt go on lea, Terr coat not ale he nc judge of charac THE FIRST AND THE COLD VOID. Timagine, if you can, « ime before buon, before wars, beloxe Gh ail aia and i, Klon aedyintteaed owes ol satroe tps, Below Unce ws chen physical fon of ime ot hens, there were the Hee. To coset of thers {el ae dhe pronoun thon! farsi of simabuity the Fie being thought of st hebher angle nor plural nether male or Fema) imagine Cg fea a Ta ere pee Ieee pa ‘il dan mighty gos, for iene Fs tat pals ne heron steele they alse, for che Fine ck persona and Fie, ad hcrfne have sorhing ao which a chinking eave es “The legends set no cleat are whether the Vad care ate being with the Firs othe Fin ceed the Val. Some ft pretasions suggest thas they are one and she same, Whatever she cuth, che Vid s the sice wishin which ll ser ceaion took plus THE LAYS OF THE FIRST, AND THEIR ECHO Without breath, tongue, of lps, the Fit are sald ta have tered tonge of poems that shiped the Vaid defining i potential ad giving birth tall ings These yrs deserbel ‘eal forme ad ratte. Ese inst tha echoes of the Lays his ay in she syns of ature: They say the seunds uf dheseyogs asus spt lke fod, and i se his teuliion that the Wealdncavers wen thei rls cn be heard THE YRTHWRIGHTS Xe tKe qs) lee introduce the mater of dregons and their See Berne eyes peer eeror ees Teen eri Fe pus camyserari paige ic eae eNO FT oath Mame beg vec sere merregenyr ev pee rake realm, foes rere eer when i cere eens Segre eee ee nregia ee ee ee ey a rey eater eer Cee See ry yin ee nessa, pees see eee eer eer a en eel Fee nena nT omonegn wena Se coe MERE eS oe a aa erage ee ee ae eee hee REALNSOF THREE PLANES OF POWER ARE CONJURED FROM THE VOID The Fist copjared thrce distinc exstnesr fom the Vaid, called the Plans of Poyer, The highew of thee isthe Empyre 6,2 place perection. Ever lepends alle ofthe four sphere ep bre ih ai ie nod Goons Teer epee exit Teka sicdoltersed Ser inthe Empyrenn thatthe cams of tounge. age, ad discomfort ae utterly unknown ther “The lor ofthe Manes of Power theVofernal. Whether the Fist Intended the Ynforac, or whether fe wae through the infhence of some other malign power, i qite unknown Whar i¢-ear is tha ic is a dismal place populated by son cous cote that cave to ybit torture ad degradation upon Bestel The Elves speak of aval ihre that they eocate with the Vafeemael, sd these inelde (but may not be limited 0) Dadines, Pain, Death, and Hunger Bete them, the Acalong was orc he elon to whic tHibplene'f physical eter ie caneacted. The Acaking a pfeil ple, however boleyd 1 be the sare i th abled Bre) Elects spoken ofa the practient ofthe Dream Walle. Cristie heriang tere ful of de okie oP Seni, Hilbengilepsfnied things tht belong in nether the Empyrean, nor the Yotermel, norte mortal realm. SETTING IN MOTION THE VERTO MAGICA The Fist then atlas ection the Verto Mais, which yous nay’ have heatd tfered to or “the Turning.” According t Elkes ees cents the Vers Magica, the Fiat opined Geert aFopiital icchanler involving there and fl of the BE oy ste ed the Yared place Wither the Verto Mog, Jes, vey woukl be fied in place. ao se would tae sui, Learaed belags propose sat fo: something w cccu de si fer vil ns currchce ast ie, wd Lapeculee that alls cacegy induc the Tursing You may mae an objection het; in dha the earlier myths il heexienceofsuah chines ay eoonernent and the pas ing oF ime, Afr al, the Void exited before the Ee, di it pot Dechaps purely pint aitence docs not reguie sack thing: a tinction between dhe iguative an the eal PRIMORDIAL CREATURE: THE FAE AND THE DIMORA nce the Acohong was established, che Fist waned thee ‘aeadion tothe cation of life. Els sources sugges chat by (Heine ly: thomeclis ye crea other Betts alieady sxined, including two acs that bear semblance ie oracves fn that they porters corpored bodies and thinking minds Whether theve being were crate by the Pit ina deliberate Fotnacl or ner ubicrroded mpiertetioar of the Brcyrean phew fale at a etd mate EREINOTH %, nts Pav, AND THE DARKWOOD | feghacsereen treanpestnane Ce ee rere mg Ju sometimes outside or crossing ft them seal. These locations presen yt another cullen are Peers erecta veneer Sears ee afr ee rin Ee eine aesiagey eee aa Pease errno vet een gene rene ete er pum any eee Gia ser ere ree earn are ET ee rite ae Sere gs ae PARR as chile eet arene i eater hres ers Pr be ee nn ees Sree POE Ce erecta a eee era eee: Ce eer enone pea eet eee eee ee eee ts (ar er ein ee! “The talesy that these singe Were the Fae andthe Deno, Soi career es Mat pant cle the and the Dimora are wild, hawile. and rarely seen alrhoueh they do ave the rudlmens of language and culate Lil is lesen of dha, anderen in iy vagabond dia T'ody ce fretless of throne I could offen ova ahteted opinion thacthep fe cape ‘ments on the ersaton of imtellgent fe tht met thm Hiccemy and fe nec quite fal aa we kno scoliy Tie Fue sre at home in the sl nd the Dimors in the cath: shay are belived co he ditusbing even te one another and are aid to hushor mua! abkoreace The only kaawn procs tence ae gid with the thick meta THE ELVES he Ft dheo wesc the ceaion of mote ilar boeing. and prominent among them mere Lord Eroril apd Lady Latina, elled Father and Mother 1 the Elves If the Elven myths are true (and T remind you of all the usual \asnigs against aking them 100 serous) the light (in be form of an archetypal sua) and ai (in dhe form of a peime= sal sy) were inilally created separately, bat thea “light was (the Legend Magen bas 1), and the ewa were mari, ‘This tle may well relawe to the creation of Porat and Ltarana and the rliionship becween ther, (rhe was si robe the Losd Proceciorof Light and she she Lady Potecress of Ale Quite what light and ais seeded protection from i a yicty (© me, bu the granting of such affees nevertheles ene to hays beet eure oF pret pide The Eee chee ‘ohn the Eropyrens ane ad ane 1a do with soe geal fisenceln the moet esl, frstead, tet epi were nous ished wholly through their racion to che spheres Fe fet early lear whether Fmorial snl Latarana were hemasves the progenitors of te Elven people, or merely the fire oF them to be creed and gan particular recogoition. If they nee the ical Puc and Mathes ofthe Elven a’ sa ave ide Feared par fr soon easngh he Eres auc fe legions. Certainly the vere loves and weds im the osb- jo of thee fel DESIRE AND BETRAYAL “The Turns vired sel ie paced, and Lady Lanai Aloly began t0 covet ore tha her curent eitence, She Tonge for greater power than she Ehes had in the Empyrean plane. and sbe told Emorisl of her hears fervent desire 2 Grown of Drea and Life, Scholars ponder ever why’ Latarana became ararcious, but consensus suggests that shadowy spet fom dhe Yaferacl plane tempted he in accret murmucs. Others suggest that the Fes, king personality, were too cold an ene (er entities) foe Hives to form any aort of deep rctionship veh them. Whatewer her motive, she eaoled hee husband and mace ceaclns reget for him #9 wn her dominion over the p= mary spheres, oF pera all the sphets, of the Empyrean Enmovialeventally ace to her ples, an vo please his love hese off eo grant ber wish, He caeled co the arest ge ff creation and called forthe First co slingush control. The ist not so much a deign 19 repund, Leaving Emeril Ipumilited and abl He sete co the Eves and mated then Ba tng psi! the Fin. He marched his host throush the Gate of Year, Lady Letsrans at bie side. The Elver thought they sould pas into de hall ofthe Fi, ba tend und them selves pa bridge overs great ver Though thy di nels they were crowing ove inte the Acrlong THE ELVES ARE IMPRISONED Ft Coundess days, the Eles marché, pechape ever tela Tg they ete hopelealy low. They fll to the predation of the Bac an she Dimora. They aver dhe hasacdous waves of the Grey Lads Tes, one day, they found thermeles on ‘rare eal hat led through a great lorckoding fares, and they came, erntaaly, to grt gre alade bathed in golden surlight Thi war the Ayia fot, whose northernmont her rich Into the lade af Torin fo thie dae ora bet moment, Eivoral dated to think chattel eu Feared ae Actas wit te or hemo ‘he Empyrein had been won, Then he sped she atchitew of the glade, a great winged serpen'—the Yrebwrighe Menmars. “The mesic drag i slo hae hell Emotals cal pve swith ie own implacable ane, and ie pase the jdgments of the Fire down pon the cebllos Elves. They were exkd frdathe Eimprican. Ligh and Alc would no Jonge be this ta command. The Lays of the First would no lenges come freely to thle ears to nocich them, Lay they were nom Impracned oa the moral plane whi the Ever no ra feed they hod emerged ito ducing thee march. Then the relation dawned on Emovta that for thele desis, the Ever ‘would be bound t she eject that war both thei dextinstlon and thes damnation, xerwing realm of light. of ait. of if, ‘ad of dreams, This wool. Our world, which cme dare eume sce the Veehrig ofthis le. THE TEARS OF LATARIANA “The Bes bepgecl Meninara for mens, but it would aot hecd thems Instead, ture to Latachns, and it oer hora ter ble choice. Ht suggested that vere wag 4 yay the Eves sight som am eventual epricne. A window to che Empyrean could be lt open for the Hes te rsturatheough one cay, but the coat fr ach a or wae high Latina would hove to emter the Voi, aking with her the Ynieraeltempetions tha had Hed to het greed oeTEREINOTH Wid» beny bear, Litaiana agiesd. She wed w Emo tial, ad she whipped to hi Uh ast cre wots he not vet bea. They embrace! then, and she wept brave teas of ae tow and rere before cimbiag on the back of the Vekieght The maja creature then spread its vast winged flew up ne the dadienog dies he Elves watched atLatetana was beens fon the weal fs the Void, an as she grew to distant tase, 3 beght ight shone ther place—the fine eae More stare begin #9 apps, teminvers of Lata sacfie for her poole and the Ever swacched them in sora and awe ‘ut oe could not look: Emo was staring 3t hit hand, ‘wer wich the rar of Lcaiana Bere hi ys, he ay rane formed into elven stunning pearkocsnt jones, us mete cos of hislst lve’ beau: Like te sas, they were whens ‘ot hope for dhe Eley signs that dey could earn forgiveness However, Emoral was wracked wich shame, anges, atl ssf The promise of eventual forgvenes he could ot cou tenance for bimsell, He called fort ceven Ehen table an shared between them the Tent of Lata, The eve Gute to serve ar marks of ofc, for Emowial divided his host sn leven telbes, apd cece the nobles ws lead each fictlan, He bade them tale his people Inte the Ginie f thle new word ‘ania path bac te the Empyrean ws made cer “Then, he took ip hie oe an wih coi iy ne heat, Jef his pape. The Elves sy that he journeyed the Yor tae} plane, secking to mete aie vengeance on she eorapting slow tha had snunoure temptations wo his bride. THE WAR OF THE SHADOW TEAR esas fet that history Focuses mote on yoke moments {tan on posieds of peace, and so itis tat chee is He wo bye aid of the harmonious year in which Elves acted in the onal cle, To, center fete arivalthe tls wat tered to far Ang erodes and developed tinct culture. Chl) she sar Pes Renin sl acest claw og thecleven Even eribes kept links of trade and friendship THE DISMAL HISTORY OF MALCORNE Mleome war the proud bearer of = Tear of Lastiana ane chhiefiain of she eleventh Even tre. che Mala. They ven- ‘uted fork fom she boughs of the Aymbelin and woaiped fr foes other Hes, setling at hot in what would become how 1 the Jerall Mouncans, where Emovial wan believed te have pared dhe detmors into vacir home. Among the ethers, Maleome’ folk had a mised eputation. They wore balled ss heres for etrying Uionals legacy into the preset, but so sometimes eaced ae aloof sad afer eticaed for tak fing action without conslting with the other ibe. In thelr effcs to Fight the Yara, chey bad begun eo sad ad sie the demons! very power agtinat them, earning them she commtrtation of ther lis, During ane parol, Malcorne was leading a band of demon Ibuniets dcp onthe eaveres when thc rc Gnsed w save In thar separated him rom the other. He wap thought to have petted along the treacherous demons, and his tise wept Ge fhe abt leadee: Wheh he returned tthe Malar ct ving torachow miraulounly sured his encounter with 4 lemon, Naleorne wae = changed chieftain, gen #9 brooding ‘eed and regarding his lows with suspicions glances Th tise MGkeree ghee! « rel cote of Wr most tested alles to his ise and explained that in bie wander: und mora, shel king ngs he explained in disguise, poreatal eno Malcoroe thatthe Teas of Learns were ef cxbtcace—to the Aealong allowing the Ehes to seta to thai fl home. In Emin time nuting days the fore $e Ya lrcut cone velit Ua te ie we Gra ofaki abel Foundee trope had ile the Ee would exp them cabmerient Tele pric rel heeled isp by ele ys eile The prom the Siraet bod given Latkes wen 4 Be he fle il tl hit fo the wt of stern. In his dying breath, Eoorat charged Mak fevealing he truth of the Fuso the other Elven ube and leading ther i ecblioa agar ti foroner masters, lt Uy be pulsoncraforene, The Laat hes maa wo cis day chat was not Enola whos Maleorae encounesed in the ee utd cttaing demon wenn his ee A TEAR IN SHADOW ‘Malcieas knee the Elves would nel ationg alle i they wets te cet down the Fs, ae te ned he Tew to pal deh be ibaa best Poon Dacre one Ang ee found de alice hc en ooking fra hore of demons wh fal sons ose fim where the Yn! overlapped wich th Anon nv thas mores, she Tear of Laat sae Mal posse grew dll aad shady, sng the ight once bel Once he fad Uhl bicighs, Maleotne el the Shadow Tent Oph Up fees in dhe ek: of ale Howe the proces nas anluous Makeene reached out tthe ether telex, caphaining the Roundeales He and hat thes Tees fore ‘Seeded in one teak the chiles of the pay ger sls fora the Acalong, he othe tres sv Mlcorne pl what they wets cl acon, ted by the whlapengh demo The fo der auld nat he meena so Malia Taunched an atace on the other Elven tbs, determined 6 pe thee precious Ths of Lata by ‘Bache by as of savage deenoas and packs of Yafermael czcatuses, Malcofacs followers eavaged and routed the fist foe Een atmice cent to stop them. Soon, the other Elven tober scattered belore Maleonte and what Uy called the Dae ‘wel ar” Tvis Fallen” Eves The surviving Eh fed ts remote ‘rajons, ditaneieinds, ancl lonely mountsinteps ia order ts pote thel precio Tears om capt THE BATTLE OF ENFREIL Ii the depts of darkness, howeeer,# beacon of hope shone ‘Hoth, Glace Snowsay, xin o he chief ofthe trl ib, the Nils had winced fisthand the devasstion of Maleates teen bat hue give in to dapat le mci his ate? “Tear and setled to tev to dhe Verhighté own home, nhere the would ate the dragons or she guidance and hela in lest ig the coupled Een chicfla. Along the iy, heathen Gorepandons Fo BIC case High Pecan Celensh of the Saleh, the Fel orererKel:arim, Brel the Si ofthe Lato and thers. The extent of Glace adventes and the expos of his ‘ompanians have sae det way iota countess aya aces sung ia the render scents of dhe Ayala “Thediagonn, whon the Fist bd take wich proving dhe orld scmed te antkipate Clasels coming but semiscd lof cen as he bragel thom fr aid. hey ebuled laces WFO i the Bees own ding, wel ie Eres wot peed to best this burden. Vet che Nevis lrdling would pot sive up. When he rlaced to leave, the dragon explained that {ehey intercded ie the Elsa, one day the tlser would bye forced to pay tribe pice. Glace ould ot alle hx people to sir any longer, and arcepted the dragons dea ‘Glace and his Companions eetmed to rally date remectve ‘thes with a light of dragons ar thei back. On she Pins ff Eni they fought a final boule agains: Malcerne. le the ‘Worlds ment despeate hour thee combined forces alimacely achieved etery and struck down che dark Eber lord “The femalning Dacyyl ees rctcate Lio the combined Elven ard desconic lorem, hoping to hide themlver ava: "The picts could not afford for Uke corruption to spread 2 they hunted down thee fore to burn them from the fae of. thle world. Maleornc wretched ube was needy extinguleed Inthe slaughter Many wry that mall enelaes of the Dae- ‘yal lurk in the dark nooks ofthe wor, bur at east one group. claims to hare come back 10 the Tighe. Now calling Ahennches the Deep He, the sek to atone for dei iss by doteoying demons in this calin—ard in thers beyond THE TROUBLED RISE OF THE YOUNGER RACES he Wat ofthe Shacow Tet had been won, but the Eves ‘ll eed trouble. Daenyl torcerer had opened up ‘many rifts between the mortal realm and the Vefermacl, and ary demon withing to emer Mennars could te them wo eos erin our ler worl OFTEREINOTH cs ewe raaa tone oe arse Hes these sents wees cure, but fin ous poser tive, peshaps they should be thought ef a: sensed blesing “The dace influcnce of the Valernae ito doubt inimical to lies demons lave nothing more than vo couse sufi for metal binge. However th indirect comequcace of Ye ‘el crergicr bleeding through was geographical change and the alteration of smimel kinds that hated fe se we know The Her strove to Iocae the nite and clove them, sealing ‘them with poster wards of Empyrean magic yet they never fund them all. and despite thelr efforts o guard the sies of asda portals, Ouewsl agents tl occasionally managed sabotage their work, 1 as during this ne ear other wae eve nao Bc ‘ough the mutating Fores of Yoleruel power. came ta mike thelr matk on the wold. The Dragoukia bid always saced & serablance of clue and larg and had sted che Bes the post but sew they were jlncd by younger race, such a the Dwarves, cs, and we Hurnane. The Ever ere concerned by the emergence of ach fll, but after much debate, dey Arce 1p alle the younger races to live and develop tele ‘wn svluations. The Dragoniin dd nee concur Unilin lvcrat with the newcomers, they cut cei ewe the Ever and journeyed tothe crgay volenc wastes ofthe fr ont THE YEARS OF HUNGER [Ne onc hows what caused the Great Catach, 2 sees fof quater and upheaval of unpieccdeated proportion that ‘wracked our world. Is terapests washed avay great swaths of land of shatred thems into szchipelagoe. Scholae: ave sdvanced aumerous theater about i orgies Some sy Ynlernael energies tore the lad apart, or tha ie was the work fof the Daewy in an appalling act of revenge. Others stiggest Jews rerible mishap resulting fom Elven res designed seal she remaining portals shu. Many, however. tend to agree that such upheavals ace simply a fac ofthe works nature aa that we will bar witas to even greater destruction i the Rillnen of tiue—athew mye hare, ‘Most sar odd thee dic Great Catetlpin acted se bil thosaabel of years afer toe Elie arta in the spot tole (one of mgy Grephaven college te quite Bien it ss, sssetlythice thousand and thity yeas. In the wake of the Aectuztion, the younger racer began to play preter roe the shaping af history: Prevamably, the ancestor of Dinan, (Ons, and Haman were crested and performed great acts dur- Jing the dines we think of as prekis, bur the Fven nara {vedaes pot deign vo renloa mack about thle styles. ‘The Yeas of Hunger nese appropsiney aun. or in the yess fllowing the Creat Catalan, thesis cahened, and the wateloaged soll yebed meiger harvests Hat times ate said to prodace hued peopl, and will w suvive drove the ‘Humans and the other acwer aces onward. A mass, nomad Je cule war sinning » reputitin for ruhlor manuiding fp the for northera waste peraps chore bubartant were the ancestor ofthe great and terdble Ushok people I's, they ‘canbe credited ar she oes ofthe Human cslations, ust a6 ‘with the nex breath hey can be condemncl fr desending Aeeper fara savegerycvce since, FROM DUBIOUS MYTH TO REC O« Wold is an ancicat and ofien mysterious Rese aera paneer ee Ret eens pees Bary Eee Sera Once gay, {ill ee the ees et ori cel [eee ete Pere dr Serer ert ere Pieper. eet ere Tap, the appearance of sentient races besides the Eee reer ron rete seen reel eet erie ere oe poe estar error ie Pear ileal cer Per ee ets Humanity spread from the Ry Steppes inca her land Testope these Humans fed of refigeex Fm the sneer of the Uthuk. In che lands chat were to become Terinoth, they found emnperace dimes, coat Is teeming with a, aban sit woodlands aad fail alleys: Early ick oi Fund that they were ale w give up thei ouming ways in favor of ferrancesie Tesidener ta loge and fated, THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE DWARVES We ‘che I have said about the Elves, atleast some Thave proven Willig ttl fo tnsThe Drath vera sinharlyclosemouthed about thle pat Faell my journeys through the Dunmiasr Mounting sad visit 9 thelr ‘pital of Thelgrna, my bes insights came from an inert ‘Dyrirven slr in Orr This sory cone mew lng simpho- ‘a of strong wit and the worst headache Uhave ever sulle, for of cours she insted Ljpin er in enjoying the gif (Wat 1 tated and hee dace coombunted ox epel ous veto de Ranescibes Could braiee—wacthat Dusen bistoy hac een a series of rages ht ha cen spe con stanly lee deeper ant deeper underground. Hse in thern what ‘night have become of our om sac i such ely days had ye ot beloesvnch at Timaaiern snd Dap ones Se ee eS é SSS oa - ‘Whin the rent li by the Shadow 1 worldly cnctgcs aos: the world, fave sprung forth froma the eck fe wrethed cage of the Molten Heath, which certainly Rit withthe grim, deur benspnnor aed fy terpee, Thbary oper ese it ‘elttoble etince emenest the Eau eutcrappdogs ond li Boyes of the Molten Heats hea, hurting the clamanders shot basked along the shores ofthe mole les and foraging for shat-oots and Tindergros beneath the rocks THE EPIC OF HELKA THE BOLD Anoogs the Dwarves Used a skilled anlaer narned Haka, we snuggle tase hes daughter, Vani, ler the death of ber mates the legend ay’ hat ene day Vale grew sc roms the aladen sie, and all new thst she would soon dle ‘Bac Flt refueed to acon hi, and laren hove o jouey ‘vith her daughter deep into the heart af the Heath 9 fine the geet and tech belngs that made shel ltr dhe alest. fe-mounisins. Ther, she woold demand the dragons aki ar spied other be Dwarves are mil a "The oumey wns log and pers, but Bally, Hells fon avast cnn the tp ofthe let mountain Within delle jth ver seals ard polden ees, regatd- fing the Dwarf one might study a lscet cling up oo sata. Feslesly Hells faced the daa and demanded that it help save hee daughter’ ie The dagen gestured to the walls ofthe cave, and Hella ‘ould sce daw-carved capes covering the rock. The deagon ‘woul let her ie the pane to sve er daughter, bu Ia tr, fe would elke Hellas sight, so that she could not pass that lnerlaige of other The Dive ogre andthe dagen ened her Which eles could be spoken to healer child, They would be the last Seg i Noes lcs Vg etre tee scared her eyes. The mighty being lef, and Helka spoke the ‘words of power eure Vlnir Then, she fle her way to the cave wall snd, by touch, boa memorizing dhe shapes of the lite sites eel ico dic eve wall ‘Amorous serpent ‘When Hey return co her kin, she took # wene and fesse evety de she conlcincnber Ino ws of baal Ate Dwarves began to wack tho sets, the das of thet paalive xen ended. THE KAROK DOUM The sar contained dhe scr of eugie, methadone tng, ned maconry. Wath the Knowledge, heaves were able Hate doen hc Orecrthed fer dod rg he pes ee ties that ented he Heath. They bail great cles of brass snd basalt inthe mountains overlooking cheve verdant lands, ‘nd called dic home the Karok Doust or “pif of egos” ins the Deven tage, Fos many seat choy oiled so GEL 2 real of ably apd peace, ot Hels the Bod continued tad thc acres he ire ane Valais Beta Gea los of her people: Hut the peace wat not to lt. eee Ley THE WAR OF FIRE “The duagoncof the Meltea Heath gew se sen: the Dwar (alling Geet Wieves who lad’ stcke draconte Keticodagy They east wroubfal ees on the growing Karke Dou, aad ‘event they wea wo war Though the Drarves fought valisnly, such war cou tly have one outzrac: One by one, dei cities burs. The sfatefd sean of tiie armics cece a fal snd ot Black Ember Gorge, Schind them, corsa of rlugeer Med from the Heath loro the hill and plane heyonel. Before therm, he Dee iie ae ‘Though ol and fl, Hell the Hold ela eal army agunet the drags, eling Vali to lead che retainer af their poo= pew safety: Ar the at, Hella war said ta have unleashed her ‘ment devastating runes to dest the pase alg with many tdagens. Alas, the rune magic aso wok the lives of Hella and the brave Darves who ste with her that al da. EXILE TO DUNWARR The Dyseves found no sfuge in the ling toler nd tecep rinks that bordered the Malten Hlth tothe sul Sect Beata omer this wanderings led them to avast mouniain chain. Some journeyed east, Farming the tt ments in the Jorall mountains, hile ahers contin re sling soush, Bevidea volcano in she hea af a bourse. these teigees would bul the city of Yethwright’ Forgr— ‘named as remitder of the glory oftheir forme Kingdon, However. Yalnir and pray of her- people instead bull homes amoags: the mis-shuouded peaks wo the noch of whete Tesch ould tebe. The eceniceal deugon sl ew out of the north, and so the Dwarves began to build their Freres: Aisleipati An they Bllowel cave deep below the alae, the lef the sky behind. Eventual, they ale the mounts the Durwart, oe “sanctus” The children of Valais b the fret Deeplods, protecting and leading tate peep HUMANITY STEPS FORTH set keep ealzndars. a the lands chat woul go 0 wo become Tesiaoth vere lagey ualnhabted save for 4 few Hedging fiemitene end Vilage LORD ARCUS PENACOR AND THE AGE OF STEEL cts the st he Hanne tthe cme of Tied Arce Rac eh woul besos fe of he Pesce Age Ass rm ble chins af ala heal vig’ eldest he tv da ofthe Yoo Fler bb: ead od errr tk bs I ch aceon whe mck! reel eee he ere Bldg Keg Arcus forge a conferation wich aeighboring Fi, con- | incing thei to pool ssours ad lighters in gale to saute Di ser end Soon ae, thee uns amis ranged ther enemas Lond Arcus, who had not only provided the rion 9 focm the confederation but ab fought bravely in many tls wae baled ara her by the people ofthe Lands. He wax slelare Ling ofthe new zslen of Tlindon, the centel Ming ‘dom of the cnneinene. [som cis mornencous event, nealy tr thousand years ago, thac we date our yeas \ King Arcs proved w be a capable rer He seeo dean ‘hattets tha: eodifed the gwerning of Tlindon, and one can fcc aces of these ancien laws in che codes tha the Dagan Tos enforce coy. He mised fonds for temples and gest svorks oft. He kept che people sale, etablshing fciese sions, border patrols, and chivalric order. Fortune smiled on the newiound kingdom, and ie many siong children ded ted thete on effont tes glory. THE EARLY DAYS OF THE KING OF GRIEF ‘The Yeats of Hanger were over end for neal thiee cena fie, dhe can outished unser the aul of the Penaco: Kings. When he fstcame to ti dhonc in the year 296, King elon Tenacor showed every oign of proving worthy of the crow Hs capable queen, Riga, was cebeated a cut for her ntl Ligerce and charm, and their infant sone, Farengol and Fat ‘endea, showed ctery sign of becoming fine pincer of the Denaco ine. “Love tere the reales apart, however, a i i ver Want to do. ‘ipl accounts (Queen Kiya and the king greatest end and bighes counsor, Rustica? Lerma. ha Fllen deeply fr ach saher despite scr especie wows 0 husband and throne ‘Whea the king armed of this, bs picts and advisors begged bm w show ao clemency, wating hin that v tolerate such a berayal few the face of the wil of dhe god and nade bhi wel inthe eves of ie peuple But Kieg Jrion tl! loved ie queea, and he grow melaachclc ruher than wrathful He pled hy rarrage an forever banished Riya and Kusticar fram the macent Ling ‘Alnege group nf the ing subjecsfoined Rustica and Rips I ile, 1 ae happensttce: that leas ic wonder there was moce to the betrajal than mere love. King Jeon scene to have hal trouble commanding the loyly of his sib- jects and ths speaks click of charms or osher weakness fciacacter: Whatever the wuth, Rustica was prove a geat leader ad Riya atleast his qual in all matters, Shoedy alee fring oo the doors of the wertesn coer they unde! leguey of ther own tht rivaled srything the Penacarline pre tdleed (os ert ar tht ay be to ste), Thi of cout, the Larimor Emplc, and we wll speak more efi later FARRENGOL PENACOR'S. WAYWARD WAYS: ‘i Talindon, King Jel laracoted his lot lve. He eve ta ‘countenance taking another queen. Behind is bac, els outers began to ell bien the King of Geet REAM OFTERRINGTH [enh Psa Like some other young aobles whoun 1 night meacion, Prince Farcagol ad slays bese a boisterous cil, bat with ‘ibs other ese and Hs father lo Go rclachcy, he nowy lacked any sort of porental hard. Excengol tek to taining ie the tyand with some of the coarser members of hi fathers “hetehold goa and on uated bond of ibe pri sae forge The garde taught the young prince how tke anc fight. bur they ako brought im. aloog when they seme raided far-flung Eateads for cele own mertimen. For his par, the prince made sue chat his fends ever bad ro face any serious consequences for tele wicked behavior (On the occas ofthe prince’ sscendh birthday, dhe court ister performed a verse penned forthe occasion. Whea Pa scogolrealzed that che fist ter ofeach line peed out the ‘ord “bastad” he fe into ere age and summoned bis ‘ends they galloped fom the cate, calling fora posto take he morore hing and hl gossiping ett. Thy di not return In time; news pred of vicious outlas who st upon trl rand loated farms in the north of the court, around the bordevs and wild lande of Nerthall, Reports of he crimes ‘were gre and only incensed te froquerc, but the gloomy ‘King f Gre woul! nor come himfr order their caus Te-was thus lef up othe Low of Nerul ca place bounty fon the heads of dhe outlaws. Roving nights soon cached the fouilaws down ta farmstead. ‘The scone withia was one of Uunipeakable borro “The next morning, nant feof knights anived atthe ‘gates of che Lard of Newell cae: They caries umber of long poles fom which dangled «score of heads. Under the Arid blood and grime f the road, some af the heads could be eognlza a thove of membets ofthe household gustd whe od een owt with Prince Farengal The prince wa there, ‘00, He and his elorest companions had heen taken allie, ane thom they sa astride the knight spa horses. shee hands an feet held fst in oa fees. THE FORBIDDING TOWER OF NEREK (Nerchtll yarns for the srg al filding ns athe pt lowly downs inte nto of the eoglon. Mo Ga ‘ ft Resmestends tina inthe thaden of he‘Tower of Newly for sof a it aspect chat 9 deep sense of foreosling began {0 gra at thesanty of anyane who spent any ime nearby. It ‘id that Elven originally ui the tomer, dough they thse ‘e confi this ruse and eae no cain om the elisa ain Anyone whe lived is dhe viisity found thie sleep mache ‘ik nightmares, and delusions coming to haunt thelr wal hough The Lard of Nezekhall wed ise pion. i Prince Forge anc hi Gimpaiont were insted Wade snd lft thereto wat fa the King, forthe Lord of Neve! ‘ai: Cecuraspect decals sett on leer I the dare might the tower, the group is aid to have decoy ced the secret ehind the tere ll repute: a Dewy] portal rested ip an atic nook, and within an Ynfermal shade. ego no sooner eacouoters the demon than he promise! it ely if only cami sonichon grant his Fceom. REALMGQFTERENOTHE ‘When King Jslon aived a the keep of the Land of Ner= chal he was presented with evidence uf hi sons cme and the head of bs houchold guard. the King waved lite tie Jn condemning Prince Farengol to deat He ordered the out lays 2a be kenge fom the Tawer of Nerek and thir bodies {alien nom the border of Talindon and cist into the mir of the nartheateen stampa RETURN OF THE DREAD PRINCE “The King of ef returned to his cate, anther, he eked ft «fey more miserable years, dying 2 Honey ancl egely ‘uamourned menaich. His surviving son, Fancndon, shared ‘pone of his lars ellis and displayed more of che robust spine ansocated with the Penacor fine Atel yet, Pace Bireagol and his compenions had rot yet pated from this work Their bodies lap putreied in she ‘Stamp, but the shade inthe tower hod aot logotten it prom. ue Lnvigrats by dark magic, th bodies af Farengol and bis companions at lt rove from the sump and set about thee (eta cncs races The indesd iden tcrmatand tetany) homesteads the nestled aro the borders of the swamp, and wih thelaee und wsapons chy cape dey set pa fines of thee ia, inhabiting ined beep among the Misty His tat overlooked dhe marshes that had been thei grave, Led orrcaghist, a9 the foul ict carne to be Laon, went on to terorze the surrounding lands with hi sheet! lellowers “They sere aa plague upoo thi region, scoring unstoppable favthle dak dss, THE RISE OF LLOVAR AND THE UTHUK Y'LLAN ore than century would pars before» alist band feught Forreaghaet. That wae blicted to be Als er, but 1 kno of accounts that have him funding Tezinots ster ines are then. Desplie datwights atlas Hoe peti of relative pence sete on most the land in these yeas Tak peeved which the Peace Kings ele Br wae er adversary. Ths was the tebe Uthle Villa, whose origin isfeund amongthe nomadic Loth K’harThe Lath K’har may Ihave been one ofthe oldest of Hun ciation, but they cerbinly became the moe hori THE WANDERING LOTH KHAR AND THEIR METHODS OF DIVINATION ‘During good ime, the Loth Khar ned she pains, earcg ‘for fra grating grounds fr thet enlnals and ring Gi pany settlements that singed the water, Um leaner tes, ‘would eum into cio raider, fling on those vameset= tlements for le Thee shamans large of ela ken ak ‘T'mara Vrusheen. ai from it they gleaned prophetic advice ‘The most shill among dese shamans formed a caste Known sb the geet They wor sad to aye beca dase to membets fr iste Ehren ec wh ee ldap dy hi alc that they called thee te Les (Gases, Ever fr ‘dream sralers” From this seem, the Lath Khar derive thee asia THE EVIL THAT SLEPT IN THE SANDS. By ourhest reckoning. Morar Ruronit Lan Adervas born in dae year $12, The peuple of Fis porate were seed aang the Lath ‘hae for dei bili 19 survive even inthe Gereariern’ wanes, whee Hite grows and deep volcanic vents usher poisonous lamer from the Worlds depths. Llowar® fry eae noted in the tbe for producing many snowed nighocers apd chic ard Llvati ier ether, Lance, had shown quality a: 2 rides ap forage deopte his tendes yeas Mick was expected of she young Liv bur even so, he defied expectations. Scholars called w accoune foe his prodiny suspect chat fone of the Dacwpl nts beteen out moral ‘ais andthe Yokel con be Baud within the eastern waster, ane that Llvar was st Hive to the inlaznes of the Inf. An intresting theory If perkope one foyer w be waproven given the quit deely ‘ection sha region bas tomar vos oil Bee 5 LLOVAR ASCENDANT ‘owar gaily became rangnized for his prodigious dream walling abies carn thee f abuses by his eleventh Eithday. He pew incecinglyseckles, though, aed during « Teng sjouin in the Tara rushers, Leva sald to be Pose Wirk enitcpect afthe Yolerssd aid to have fallen ints Hipsmecble orrepton ‘Within the bash bur otherwine pcs society of the Lach chan, Lovars prowess and wayward genius wa celebested hipster sp of mal laflcpe The Young ft woe balled by she cheftsins hi tbe aca holy gut, brow I lero Sale le eet etter Seo ey made him thee pee thon the Ler Those who oppose Hlosars increasing power and. influence’ were shunned ot fxccuted, thougls tissu chat Lande rrmined «dose oo dene of Llovar despite having voiced mingvings shout his ester rl THE NIGHT OF SUMMONS Lovet sprung his catculy id scheme during he Night of Sunsmons. Promising geat cewards sod using farce bidigs, he led his ull’ pratet wattoes oto the Tae ‘hushecn. They emerged phiyskally eamfotmed, shaped by Yafete influence, Their wiy eauales became wuperaats sally portly and theis vexy ous beesme Weippe tt fptshed thongh telecine great spikes and lade With dase wartions tile Llevar began te fot oe Gleraton of tla, eatignering, thee who, rfee ol frat alliance wllagy Buen the chief she Seal and Ln eer ‘whlch wert my ss nec thn the Cote hater site lence 16: evar. Son his carypsign blaomes! nea fllscale lvl war between the udbes of she plas. The Loth Khar and hele alics tk ow «new tle, she Uc Vl, which wens ost sien’ in the language ofthe plain people, a they cogaceed see mid Pooks of the Ra THE RISE OF TIMMORRAN the Night of Summons, anders wife, Rua, gave bith to sen. Nighocers led the child, prophesy Ing that be woul gree ito 4 man of great ixpor. Fessal of Iie beother=tnressng depravity, Llane snd ie Fal ed tthe wastes tat life anew hefae dhey too became fe Mine of Lovars blond-coaked predation. LLANDER'S FLIGHT TO LORIMOR “Thefagitver made foe Lorimor which wae by sow a hugo Tg ctl Opies with = veportian for carmel cate Sh a (Gonraete acd Arcait tryal and eel for Vater forces to curse the sanaways The effectiveness of sch cree sno: kriows. though Rul ded of a ingering sickness on the ‘ead and Llande: mysteriously vanblhed shory before Tim ssciran, by avy a boy of fe, reached the gutes of Lacimor Bewwthewet TIMMORRAN STUDIES MAGIC “Timmsoeran struggle for 3 while sea frends oophan, beg (95 appr alm Be the stents of Lerten fa srg were Untenined, bur already apparen, and he tuomed to sree sorcery in oer to aberin money, (There are those who suggest he vse rick to strlen rob, thongh Faget we eave wo the acceped history that he pcformed miracles for the eatcetalamcat of astonished cuss) A conclave of local wizards learned of Tuwmatranis le, tid they swiliy inducted him into dice odor and taght bes apply msic ia a more mcthoclcal fasion, (Stidents bait bear his in mind while reading there werd Tiramor atl cetera te ett GFK lloorng hielo be cltipline by hi teacher) ASSASSINS OF THE Q'ARO FENN Ac Timmocsanis pers grea nightsee warned Liar abet the threar bis nephow posed, prophesying tha one day Tim ‘motrin would srike dawn the Lord of the Uchuk Yon ‘evar publicly scorned such pessimisnn and had che alght- secs bins struc fom his shal. ‘While bis pablic aninade was anogint ane disnisive. be ssuat have ben secelly concerned, for he dispatched thice lulers, Feared mage-ssaine known athe servants of Q aro ena, to find and day Timmorrn. (Qlaro Fern te thought fo be ame 0 mitch ara dle that walter roughl ae ‘demon-hone witch” i ove language. OF at eet one af lesgyec whe sides ee tongue of the eaves land nay 1 eee at Beh aces rey doe hs gr priate, avshe was one of Lowa’ licarenante and chief of his ‘ssasinsaccoiding wo some of Taunerarlswucings) OFTEREINOTH cs ewe raaa tone se THE MERCURIAL SAL MERINGYR 4 Lorimes, Timatomau had become apprenticed to a eck brated wisaed nares Sul Mesingye. The aypuliy Sal oe chal great power and Kewl, but helbed wiv opciyecting mbition we pur the posblty of eysllising arcane ac 1 Alice ll, were aot the Tees of Lrarnc appre ps {alle Empymean energy? Whilshe mst be ten tn Glo phstng this dangerous Wes tn ble yous speeches, the ft fe tht without Sal Mesingys, the tle of mmorean would have end here, The asasns ofie Qaro Fen fly tracked Timmorn down al ase hit, bt Sal oh 0 sve his apprentice, Kling owo of die assins and seid the tid ino light. The wizasd paid dearly fr his banery ad ied ofthe wounds he tecivel that Trmmotas: fled wns the som vo dhe foro eaotecsat (Chom snd mada new life forkimselfin A Kalin, abe news: the Sunderland, He oflersd hi service to the tbc of Ahan the Elder ke grey ta corns an ores or potent eae and adventure, Well aa rend to one Walgur Sumation THE FIRST DARKNESS: zoning to ancient recon, Llovse had Bnsed hie com- ten ofthe tober nf the eethern plaic by the yes 478 The armies of she Uk Vln lnsgh aoe the dime the Fs Dikoss as they marched w despite southern fan LLOVAR SWARMS INTO THE WEST “The Uthik Yan already compriced a feanome hes of waa, fled hy Vofenacl energies ed filled with « de co pillage feacgn anda and cletny ay restance. Yet whi these warns swe ert, Lower cud noc have boosh yar "lind without dhe help of ales who sere dheneles to hiseause The (Ors ofthe Broken Plans ere the iste pledge allegiances to the Last Lon, thibellcove Chief Luks cling any oppor tunity for lence. Late, they wer joined by Watlond Hell span ane his hand of drigane From the fe north Tt fest combined nto + great army. showgh the Ui Ml abeays formed he vanguaed, and Llova wacrve final say on mattert of rag He ed the Uhok sop his flowed ste Die c= ‘ivorous beast head personaly summoned fiom che Yana ‘War carne w Teaco ll, and the ates of ova cae tered the uncoucdinaied forces they met actos the region. ‘Thesaghour 478, they buined the eastern gnoves of he Aymbclin and plundered Talndon. King Falldir Penosor smurtred ble salen to fice the fe, ut they were compre Ihensvly beste in open butl A chief ef the Uthu named [Noshala stele lng Falla from hie steed and wat poled Algptch him, but a desperate countcratack By Price Pare forced the foc hack log enough to rescue the king and carry ‘Wan from the Geld. While King Flldir rue his wound, {he atc ectasants of Ms any Besane mercy » fgive band of easabonds, ale vo dole more than haan waywasd ana straggling unis om Llovars bone. SoM “The flloWing year, Loar adeted his Orcallesw cniinue aiding thoughout ‘Taliaden while he marched his Ushi orth through narrow defies in the Dumwarr Mountains tothe fits ofthe geet Fort of Thelgim. Llvar considered the Dyyatver capital 4 particular prize, far commande» pos tian rom which sa army could sre at setegelly mperant locations throughout sounding lands and opened up the mire northern border of Talindon. Thelgrim also stad Tmporvane supply coates dough the mountains. As powerful ss Llova’ forces wete, howeve, shy did not hve dhe equip- ‘nent wo soem Thelin; instead, dey encircled the fortes, planpiog starve die defender ino urronder AN ALLIANCE FORMED Esllaic Pensor worked ely to etre aw and onder to ti teas lowing te dearacion wrought by the Ubu, bute ete ws on borroed tine, Lover wert bea “Thelin, be would dou ern vo rage Pena nde falladie mustered anew army wih which to confone the Locus Swarm bat those wleers who anne the cil wesc fen in ibe bul and, and cpp ‘The uation grew iocreningy aim and even us he ge Ao sles va orig, King Filadle was Feed to hang « ‘eumbcr of bisa fr thei ull of suurcinee—an action that may seer cateme, but I seruind say reales that these ‘yereindced extrema times Then, rom the Ajraelin marched afore of Lata: Ele: ld by King Tarlevar They pledged 03 fight alongide the Punscor forces and so begon a geet trad tion afaliaceheeween Humane and Elves again: Yatensel thras. An elite force was hastily assembled. combing the best ofthe fist and hant-htsing tops thar they could muster, “They fores-marche through, moots passe and fl upon the tear of Lava’ forces in a devasating surprise aack. “The Humans and Phees thew dhe Usbuk ies sary and forced Lvar to sett and segsoap. Falls and Ttumvar were ab to glleye the Daren forts and entrated the Dyrares to ji the war, but the Dursvace Deeplards were unwilling to sora ro mlitaryaction. While thy did prom |e tse tne of Thelgrira to the new alliances, they stubbornly efted to allo Yoeirown oops tobe ake in atte, cai tng they woul igh only tn seldefence. A Dwarven Deep- font mamed Halgt Son of Grom argued that the Dwvarver should accee thee shate of responses on the bateicl bur dhe her Deeps ignore hs ple. {the meant, Ushuk cadets preyed pon Penacor fees Folds, and a old cacmay reemerged From the sllen Misty Hills eo dhe northeast mucched «column of skeletal arson wth Ferrnlaot siding at uit head Some, speclly ose far from Nerckal, had lergotten his ei, but he wana deat fees cure on the land ‘The vile wight hod 90 hesitation, of scotia pledging his axstance fo the Yaferael cae REALS OFTEREINOTH ao [enh Psa THE HEROES OF OLD AND THEIR GREAT DEEDS In the year 41 ‘Timmeoeran sera ib fiend Maha the Elder to snd forces to the defonac of Talindan, rearonng that {lover could not be stopped there, he would bring ar (Chom a time. They eranged forse armyef Sundermen tobe scembled and sere deal wth the fleet of Larmor all them from Ghom #9 Lesimor ard chen ap the Flaca Rivet 1 jn Falla’ forces, The plan rook afl peat ro come 0 feuidon, and ia 482, Tanatosrantenforced the allance: His array began to mop up hands af rlers that were haromieg the Errand oF uthoaststa Tendon, 4-483, Tinmorsaris campaign began nearest, Wit the consent of Flair ed Tcl be onkred the all army (eopliciato two eoatingents, one comtanded by hiawell ane he other bythe famed Sunderland general Waiga Sarscion. ‘Timmonan sent Waisar to relive Tearing, which as once apuin besieged, and the tade proved simple cnctgh for the Sunderman (who wae 2 proficent wizard a wel a sled roils leader) By sum, he had even grown bore! with bls day an devised ic oun campaign agai the toeen of orreaghast. Ths carmpalga proved grt succes, and Wale ‘af forces banished the undead hore 1 meantime, immorrn force, now joined by Ballad Tamlavar, sought our the Ushuk and heir alles AC the atte of she Bunning Hil, chey bated an any of Orc io attacking thei trang, elevated penition, lading to «conch sive vietory in which Timmoran struck down Chief Lacs ‘Wh fs rnugis Timmer coteideiad Ors Yikes Eve bu he srl tha they ed litle lve forthe Yalernach He reckoned that the only zexon Hvar could tly on bie Ore lice woe becatte of Lukoshsbloodt hay brand of personal layaley. Sure enough, the Oreetona hegaa to deer the Ynfer tel case and by 485 Llovne woul longer he able to call pon angle Orcish regiment ‘Waigar was keen to pres the advineage though Timor sa was more ceeumspec, advising tha the alles conslidate theie vitores and concenuate on defeating Udi forces io souhern Tallacon, Regrettably, Waigar would net heel tis advice He patted wathoot end el them ina the wastes of the Charge, dicey to whore Hvar was nico have rataed 2 ret lsc: Cadel frre which he Was cilectng hie campaign “Tnmughout 485, Tinmoeran continued to oteree the rcongut of Denacor lands, and his armies scattered the Uthul before thom. Timmer found W hard to celebrate, however for there warn newer what had hecam of Waigat rd ie army, Tall appearances, they had imply wane! Jno the Charge Wastes

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