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Give your insight about the relation of Mathematics and nature.

Write your answer on the space provide

below. Your answer will be rated based on: Content 5 points; Originality 5 points and Organization
5points. Use extra sheet of bond paper if necessary.

-Mathematics were created to better understand the rules which govern all things, including nature
and the environment that' s why Mathematics and the nature are directly related because everything
in nature is made within certain mathematical ratios, and these ratios scale no matter what life you
are looking at. The Fibonacci sequence and Golden Mean Ratio can be found in everything.


Analysis of the Artwork/Self-Evaluation

1.What was most successful about your work? WHY?

- i successfully input my future carreer in the boxes fittedly and staring at those pictures i inserted in
the collage makes me inspired to be a successful someday.

2.Described how the project could have been improved.

Though there's no improvement of the design in the collage but the pictures carried it's beauty in
1.Identify things in nature and explain the concept of mathematics embedded in it. (Post a picture of the
object you have selected.

A nautilus is a cephalopod mollusk with a spiral shell and numerous short tentacles around its mouth. A
nautilus shell is grown in a Fibonacci spiral. The spiral occurs as the shell grows outwards and tries to
maintain its proportional shape. Not every nautilus shell makes a Fibonacci spiral, though they all adhere
to some type of logarithmic spiral. Nautilus aren’t consciously aware of the way their shells grow; they
are simply benefiting from an advanced evolutionary design.


2.What is the most significant impact of the golden ratio to human development?

3.What is main function of mathematics in your course?

Accountants use math in order to interpret facts and figures it emphasize mainly on computational
skills . This requires some basic and intermediate knowledge of mathematical concepts and theories.
Having the knowledge and basic skills of mathematics enables a person to make personal and economic
decisions in everyday life.

4.Explain by citing examples, how is mathematics related to nature?

Translate the given verbal statements to mathematical statements. Let n, m and p are the numbers.
Every appropriate translation is worth two points otherwise its 1 point. Write your answer in a bond
paper and compile it in your portfolio.

1.The product of two numbers divided by 2 is 32

2.The square of the difference of two numbers is not equal to 10.

3.The square root of a number added its reciprocal

4.The product of a number and seven is equal to two more than the same number.

5.There exist two even numbers such that their products are also even
Translate the following mathematical statements to verbal sentence. Write your answer next to your
answers in A. Each appropriate translation is worth 2 points otherwise its 1 point. Compile your answer
in your portfolio to be submitted every week.


-An even number is a element of subset.

2.∀ x ∈Z, ∃ z ∈Z, xz∈Z+

- For every integer number x, there exist an integer number z such tht their product is a positive

3.∀ x ∈Q, ∃ z ∈Q, xy=Q

- For every rational number x, there exist a rational number z such that their quotient is a rational

4.2x+3 = 16

- The sum of twice a number and 3 is 16

5.2m+6 n>4m−3n

- The sum of twice a number and 6 time a number is greater than the difference of 4 times a number 3
times a number thrice a number.

Answer the following completely. Write your answer in a bond paper to be compiled in your portfolio.
Every correct procedure is one point.
1.Indicate which of the following statements describes a set. Write “Set” if the statement describes a set
otherwise write “Not”. Each correct answer is worth 2 points

(SET)a.The list of course offerings of Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines

(NOT)b.The animals

(SET)c.The set of different types of short barreled guns

(SET)d.The list of books

(SET)e.The collection of intelligent monkeys in a zoo

2.List down the elements of the set describe by each of the following rule method. Write your answer in
tabulation method. Each correct answer will be given 3 points, correct but incomplete answer 2 points,
and otherwise 1 point.

A = {x / x is the letters of the word Mississippi}


B = { x / x is the prime numbers between 90 and 120}

B={91, 93,95, 97,99,101,103,107,109,113,115,117}

3.Determine the cardinal number of A = { x / 0 < x < 4, x ∈ positive integers}.


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