(2000) MATURANA & MPODOZIS - The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Drift

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural

73: 261-310, 2000

The origin of species by means of natural drift

El origen de las especies por medio de la deriva natural


Departamento de Biologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile
‘e-mail: hmaturan@uchile.cl, *e-mail: epistemo @uchile.cl


In this article we propose that the mechanism that gave rise to the diversity of living systems that we find today, as well
as to the biosphere as coherent system of interrelated autonomous living systems, is natural drift. And we also propose
Moreover, we do
this by proposing: a) that the history of living systems on earth is the history of the arising, conservation, and
diversification of lineages through reproduction, and not of populations; b) that biological reproduction is a systemic
process of conservation of a particular ontogenic-phenotype/ontogenic- niche relation, and not a genetic process of
conservation of some genetic constitution; c) that a lineage arises in the systemic reproductive conservation of an
ontogenic-phenotype/ontogenic-niche relation, and not in the conservation of a particular genotype; d) that although
nothing can happen in the life history of a living system that is not permitted by its total genotype, whatever happens
init arises in an epigenetic manner, and it is not possible to properly claim that any features that arises in the life history
of an organism is genetically determined; e) that it is behavior what guides the course of the history of living systems,
not genetics; and f) that that which a taxonomist distinguishes when he or she claims that an organism belongs to a

Key Words: evolution, natural drift, natural selection, lineage, organism, species.


En éste ensayo proponemos que el mecanismo que ha originado la diversidad de seres vivos que encontramos hoy dia,
y que también ha originado a la biosfera como un sistema coherente de seres vivos aut6nomos e interrelacionados, es
la deriva natural. Y también proponemos que aquello que los bidlogos connotamos con la expresion selecci6n natural,
es una consecuencia de la historia de la constitucidén de la biosfera por medio de la deriva natural, y no el mecanismo
que genera esta historia. Ademas, en el desarrollo de estas nociones, proponemos: a) que la historia de los seres vivos
en la Tierra es la historia del surgimiento, conservacién y diversificacién de linajes, y no de poblaciones; b) que la
reproducci6n bioldgica es un proceso sistémico de conservaci6n de una particular relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho
ontogénico, y no un proceso genético de conservacién de algin particular genotipo o constitucién genética; c) que un
linaje surge en la conservaci6n sistémica reproductiva de una relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho ontogénico, y no en
la conservaci6n de un genotipo particular; d) que aunque en la ontogenia de un ser vivo no pueda ocurrir nada que no
esté permitido por su genotipo total, cualquier cosa que ocurra surge de un modo epigenético, de manera que no es
posible sostener que las caracteristicas estructurales que surgen en la ontogenia de un organismo estan genéticamente
determinadas; e) que es la conducta, y no la genética, el factor central que guia el curso de la historia de los sistemas
vivos; y f) que aquello que un tax6nomo distingue cuando él 0 ella afirma que un organismo pertenece a una especie
particular, es una particular relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho ontogénico, que ocupa una posiciGn nodal en Ia historia
de diversificacién del linaje.

Palabras Clave: evoluci6n, deriva natural, seleccién natural, linaje, organismo, especie.

FOREWORD ontogénicos”, published in Spanish in 1992, as

the 46’ th special issue of the journal “Revista del
This essay is an English version of the article | Museo de Historia Natural de Chile”. We are in
“Origen de las especies por medio de la deriva great debt to the insight and courage of two
natural, o la diversificacién de los linajes através distinguish chilean biologists, Duis/PICapurros!
de la conservacién y el cambio de los fenotipos and §@Sé)WaiezVE who though that the ideas

(Received January 3, 1999; accepted January 15, 2000; managed by P. Camus)


here presented deserved to be known and central concerns of Darwin as he developed his
considered by the community of biologists in evolutionary theory, and to propose a new manner
general, and of those concerned with the of answering them. As we do so from the concep-
understanding of the history of living systems in tual perspective that we will propose here, we
particular, even though they were to a great extent shall find ourselves resorting the participation of
contrary to most of the modern evolutionary views behavior as a central factor in the history of
as they are based in genetic thinking. We want to diversification of living systems. Let us proceed.
thank them. We want also thank to the Direccion We think that the fundamental biological ques- vinculação direta a Darwin e ao
de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile, who tions that were the basic concerns of Darwin as he seu processo de formulação
published the original article in full trust of its was developing his evolutionary thinking can be teórica
quality in 1992. presently expressed under the form of the follow-
We say that this is the English version of that ing four questions:
article and not just its translation, because it i) how can we explain the diversity and similar-
became expanded as we rewrote it in English and ity we observe among living beings?
we attempted to make more explicit our thinking ii) how can we explain that the different types types = clases
in/FELAtOn|TO|SOMEIKEYIEORCEPIS Like those that of presently existing living systems live in their
refer to the Bpi@SHESiS| and the SHTOgenicyand natural medium in a way that is totally congruent
phylogenic drift of the relation organism/niche. to their circumstances, and that when this congru-
There was a first translation made by Cristina ence is broken, they die?
Maere that provided us with a vision of how it iii) how can we explain that taxonomists, who
would appear in English, and which we used to frequently classify living systems considering
some extent when making the present one, but only a few dimensions of their ongoing existence,
which eventually we did not use fully because we can classify them in systematic categories that
changed much of the contents of the article. None- order and relate them in a way that makes biologi-
theless we want to thank Cristina for the effort cal significance?
and appreciation for our work, as well as Julia iv) what is it that the taxonomist distinguishes
Tetel Andersen and Barbara Herrstein Smith who when he or she classifies a living being and in
collaborated with her. doing so he or she specifies a systematic category
In writing this essay we concentrated our atten- with biological significance?
tion on the presentation of our ideas and notions We also think that, in answering these ques-
on natural drift, and we have not attempted to tions, modern evolutionary theory use, as a con-
exemplify what we say with particular cases in ceptual background of basic notions, the follow- pressupostos da teoria evolutiva
which one could more easily see it. Of course we ing four assumptions that delimit and specify moderna
think that to see natural drift in action only im- what can be said within that framework:
plies a shift in attention, but to illustrate that
would no doubt require an independent work that
we shall also do. and that it is possible to speak, with
biological meaning, about organisms as if some
of them where better adapted than others, as well
I. INTRODUCTION as to talk about adaptive processes and adaptive
The main purposes of this essay are to reconsider 2. That the features of the medium that the
some of the fundamental biological questions different living beings encounter in the course of
that according to us were the explicit or implicit their respective particular ontogenic and

' A conceptual use of this assupmtion is revealed, for example, by the claim that organisms can only attain a sub-
perfect degree of adaptation, due to developmental constraints and ecological trade-offs (Seger & Stubblefield
fitness como um uso operacional da noção 1996). A more operational use of this assumption is revealed by the use, in many ecological and evolutive studies,
de adaptação exposta por Maturana of the differences in fertility and/or fecundity of the organisms that compose a population as an indicator of their
different biological adequacies, or fitness (as in Medel 1999).

? The use of this notion is particularly clear in many modern paleontological studies and descriptions, where
evolutionary novelties are envisaged as adaptative responses to environmental challenges. For example, it is claimed
that the forelimbs of primitive amphibians arises as adaptative solutions to the problem of land locomotion (Benton
1990); that flowering plants evolve as an adaptative reponse of the ancestral flora to the predation of plant-eating
dinosaurs (Bakker 1978); and that climatic and tectonic changes in the cenozoic era provide many opportunities for
fast speciation of marine ostracoda fauna (Cronin & Ikeya 1990).
Lacunas nono poder
phylogenic histories, are already there as such as
explicativo dada selegio
they are encountered by the living systems, even adapted, we can mention the following: a) the
though the same is not always assumed to be the temporal dynamics of the phyletic change; b) the natural
case for the niche. Therefore, evolution occurs as operational relation between phylogeny and on-
a process of progressive or saltatory adaptation to togeny; c) The establishment of “phylogenetic
a preexisting medium even when there is trends” in lineages; d) the differences between
coadaptation. ” the rhythms of molecular and organismic changes;
3. That, at a structural level, the evolutionary e) the conservative character of the evolutionary
process is mainly a process of genetic change. process; f) the neutral aspect of much of the
These genetic changes takes place in the organ- molecular evolution; and g) the presence of
isms, but appear expressed at the level of nonadaptive features or characters.
populations. Phenotipic changes are the results of We think that this situation requires a direct
the genetic changes, therefore, phenotipic changes reformulation of the questions presented above
follows historically the course of genetic under a different conceptual approach. This is
changes.? ; what we intend to do in what follows, and we shall
4. That every change requires the application of do it based on the understanding that living sys-
Há bastante diferenças nesses pontos
some sort of external force to be produced. Ge- tems as autopoietic systems (Maturana & Varela
netic changes, the structural substrate of organic 1972)
entre as versões. Parece ser um modo
evolution, are not an exception. The major force
de atualizar o debate.
that guides the course of the genetic adaptative
changes is the “selective pressure” imposed by
the environment upon the organisms. It is claimed
that there are a wide variety of selective agents live (adaptation). Accordingly, we shall reformu-
and processes that can act upon an organism, late these questions claiming that all
either in a continuos or punctuated way.*
Under these conceptual assumptions, the dif-
ferential survival observable among living sys-
tems, called “natural selection”, is considered to
be the mechanism that generates evolutionary
change and adaptation. Moreover, under those
assumption Furthermore, as we already
- mudança e adaptação poderiam ser condi- said at the beginning of this essay, we shall de-
ções constitutivas do vivente;
- sobrevivência diferencial poderia ser o velop our arguments showing
how behavior is a
resultado do processo evolutivo (e não o
mecanismo que o gera)
Although this essay constitutes a coherent con-
There is no doubt that the notion of natural ceptual whole, we have divided it into several
selection as it presently stands has had great sections that can be read independently in differ-
success in the deepening of our understanding of ent sequences according to the curiosity of the
the history of living systems on earth. Yet, in reader. Also, we have included at the end, as an
spite of its apparent great coherence and explana- appendix, a glossary that contains the meaning of
tory power, the present state of evolutionary theory the terms and notions that we introduce in this
is not completely satisfactory because it leaves essay without a previous history, as well as clari-
some serious gaps in several domains of Biology fications about others that are in common use
(Gould & Elredge 1977, Lewin 1980, Gould & when we think that it is necessary to do so in
Lewontin 1979, Brooks & Wiley 1986, Gould relation to what we say. We invite the reader to
1994). Thus, among the biological phenomena look into this appendix for its own value, and to
that modern evolutionary theory does not explain turn to it if the reading becomes obscure to him or
properly under the claim that every thing occurs her.
in evolution in a process of progressive adapta-

3 A contemporary and didactic exposition of this classic way of thinking can be found in Brandon (1990).

4 A detailed exposition of this way of thinking can be found in the book of Bell (1997). In the introduction ( page
xix), this author state:”there are many forces that hinder evolution - mutation, sampling errors, immigration and so
forth- but selection is the only process that causes evolution”.

Il. EPISTEMOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS of its living as this flows modulated by the course
of the structural changes triggered in it by its
I. 1, Structural determinism encounters in the medium (Maturana 1975).
Moreover, as a structure determined system a
Every explanatory argument, regardless of the living system only encounters those structural
domain in which it takes place, stands on the features of the medium that its own structure
explicit or implicit acceptance of structural deter- specifies. Therefore, the observer cannot see by
minism. That is, all explanatory arguments stand him or herself such features of the medium, and
on the explicit or implicit understanding that, has to use the structural changes triggered in the
external > relacional both in its internal and in its external dynamics, living system itself as an indicator or descriptor
every system operates at every instant in a man- of them. Also, it is because the living system is a
ner determined by its structure at that instant. The structure determined system that its structural
notion of structural determinism is not an onto- changes follow a course that in a strict sense is
logical assumption or an a priori notion. It is a indifferent to the way the observer describes the
descriptive abstraction that the observer makes of environment (surroundings) in which he or she
coherences = regularidades his or her experiential or operational coherences sees the living system, but which is contingent to
as he or she operates as such in his or her living, the course of its interactions with the part of the
and that he or she makes when reflecting on the medium (niche) that it in fact encounters.
operational coherences of his or her experiences Furthermore, due to its structural determinism
in the attempt to explain them. Even the notion of the living system cannot distinguish in its opera-
probability is valid only from the implicit or tion whether its structural changes are the result
explicit acceptance by the observer that makes a of its own internal structural dynamics or arise
probabilistic assessment that he or she operates in triggered in it by its encounters with the medium.
a domain of structural determinism that he or she In other words, the structural dynamics ofa living
cannot observe directly. The notions of system system is indifferent to the distinction that an
and mechanism imply structural determinism as a observer makes when speaking of what is internal
constitutive feature of what they connote (see and what is external to it. The distinction between
appendix, “structure determined system”). Finally, what is internal and what is external to a living
explanations in general, and scientific explana- system, or to any structure determined system, is
tions in particular, are possible only in a domain a distinction that an observer makes, and, there-
of structural determinism since they constitu- fore, does not participate in the operation of such
tively consist in the proposition of generative systems. From all that we have said in relation to
mechanisms or process that if allowed to operate living systems as structure determined systems, it Os fenômenos da dinâmica estrutural
according to the structural coherences that they follows that the phenomena of the structural dy- dos seres vivos ocorrem em um domínio
entail, will give rise as a consequence to the namics of a living system and the phenomena that fenomenológico distinto dos fenômenos
experience that the observer wishes to explain occur in its interactions in the medium, are phe- que ocorrem na sua interação entre o
(Maturana 1990) (we higly reccomend to see the nomena of different kind that occur in phenom- ser vivo e o meio
appendix, “organization” and “structure” at this enal domains that do not intersect, and cannot be
point). expressed one in terms of the other. In general
terms, this means, as we said already, that the
medium cannot specify what happens to the liv-
U.2. Living systems as structure determined ing system as this interacts with it. The medium
systems can only trigger in the living system structural
changes determined in the living system, and vice
As biological entities living systems are structure versa, and all that can happen in the history of ou o ser vivo e o meio modificam-se,
determined systems. This means that they are interactions of a living system and the medium ambos, de forma congruente
(conservando a coerência operacional
such that everything that happens in them and to that contains it, is that both undergo congruent
entre ambos), ou o sistema se
them, happens at every instant determined by structural changes that entail the conservation of desintegra.
their structure and structural dynamics at that adaptation or the living system as it remains in
instant, and that any external agent impinging on operational congruence with the medium, or it
them only triggers in them structural changes disintegrates.
determined in them. This implies that all the
structural changes that a living system undergoes
as it exists in interactions in the medium, are not 11.3. Scientific explanations
and cannot be determined by the features of the
medium, but arise in the living system as a result What is peculiar or proper of scientific expla-
of its own structural dynamics in the realization nations is the epistemological procedure that de-

fines them and validate them as such. This dies In other words, what constitutes a living
procedure, that we call the “criterion of validation system as a living system is its uninterrupted
of scientific explanations”, consists in the coherent operation in the continuous realization of its
satisfaction of four operations, one of which is autopoietic organization (be this of primary or
the proposition of a generative mechanism, that secondary order) in operational congruence with
is, a mechanism or process that if allowed to its circumstances of living (see appendix,
operate gives rise, as a result of its operation, to “autopoiesis”) . Still in other words, a living
the experience or phenomena to be explained. system remains a living system only insofar as its
(Maturana 1990). Succinctly, these four operations autopoietic organization is maintained in the flow
are: a) the description of what an observer must of the structural changes it undergoes, inde-
do to live the experience to be explained; b) the pendently of the origin of these changes (Maturana
proposition of a generative mechanism; c) the & Varela 1972, 1984), and as long as its
deduction from all the operational coherences operational congruence with the medium
implicit in (b), of other possible experiences for (adaptation) is also conserved (see 3.7. below,
the observer, and of what he or she should do to and also appendix, “adaptation”). Therefore, the
live them; and d) the realization by the observer individual history of a living being or ontogeny,
of what has been deduced in (c), and if the observer constitutively takes place as a history of structural
lives these additional experiences, then he or she changes with conservation of autopoiesis and
accepts the generative mechanism proposed in adaptation that follows a course that arises moment
(b) as a scientific explanation of the phenomenon after moment, determined by the sequence of its
to be explained as presented in (a). Furthermore, interactions in the medium that contains it. The
in as much scientific explanations consist in process of becoming in which a system follows a
generative mechanisms, and the experience or course of structural changes (or of change of
phenomenon to be explained arises as a result of position) through a history of interactions in which
the operation of such generative mechanism, the it conserves organization and adaptation (or
experience to be explained and the generative relation of operational congruence with the
mechanism pertain to different non-intersecting medium) is denoted in English by the word” drift”
operational or phenomenal domains. It is because (see appendix, “ontogeny” and “ontogenic drift”).
the experience to be explained and the generative Therefore we claim that:
mechanism that gives rise to it pertain to non- a) the ontogeny of a living system is operation-
intersecting phenomenal (operational) domains, ally a structural drift under conditions of conser-
that explanations in general, and scientific vation of its organization and adaptation;
explanations in particular, do not constitute b) the conservation of organization and adapta-
phenomenal reductions. In other words, scientific tion in a medium is the condition for the existence
explanations do not express the phenomena of of all living systems;
one domain in the terms of another domain. Since c) the conservation of organization and adapta-
our purpose is to answer the questions presented tion in the ongoing existence of a living system in
at the beginning of this essay giving a scientific continuous interactions in the medium is a gen-
explanation for the phenomena connoted by them, eral systemic phenomenon (see appendix, “sys-
our task will be to present a generative mechanism temic dynamics”), not a particular feature of the
that will give rise to those phenomena as a result biological phenomenology; and
of its operation. d) constitutively the ontogeny of a living sys-
tem, that is, its individual structural drift, hap-
pens in its ongoing existence without any effort
IIL. BIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS or intentionality or purpose.
Finally, it is according to all that we have said
III.1. Ontogenic structural drift that when we speak of the structural changes that
occur in a living system during its ontogeny, we
speak of its structural ontogenic drift, and we do
so insisting in that this is a spontaneous systemic
(Maturana & Varela 1984). That is, a living system process that as a constitutive feature of the reali-
is a dynamic structure determined molecular zation of living systems does not need to be
system, that exists as such only as long as the explained. And it is because all that we have said
closed network of molecular productions and above, that we claim that any attempt to explain
transformations that constitutes it courses in a the history of living systems on earth must rest on
way that its organization and operational those constitutive conditions (Fig. | and also
congruence with the medium are conserved, or it Maturana & Varela 1984).

ontogenic ——— <—h +

structural | {
drift SL Ne —
Fig. |. This figure attempts to represent the congruent structural changes undergone by an organism and
the medium along the ontogenic structural drift that takes place in the life history of an organism in the
conservation of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that defines its class identity. We show
at the extreme right of the drawing the ultimate end of any ontogenic structural drift, namely, death. In
this and succesive figures, the closed arrow represents a living system; the curved line under the closed
arrow represent the niche; the changing form of the closed arrow and the congruent changing form of the
line that represents the niche, represent the conservation of dynamic structural congruence between
organism and medium.
Esta figura representa los cambios estructurales congruentes sufridos por un organismo y su medio en el curso de la deriva
estructural ontogénica del organismo. En ésta deriva, el organismo conserva y realiza la relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho
ontogénico que define su identidad de clase. En el extremo derecho de la figura se ilustra el resultado final de cualquier
deriva estructural ontogénica, esto es, la muerte. En ésta y sucesivas figuras, la flecha curva cerrada representa al ser vivo;
la linea curva bajo la flecha cerrada representa el nicho; la forma cambiante de la flecha cerrada, y el cambio congruente de
la linea curva que representa al nicho, indican la conservaci6n dindmica de la congruencia estructural entre organismo y

HI.2. The Living System and its Domain of by the observer is not determined by the living
Existence system which only encounters the medium in
those aspects or dimensions that constitute its
During its ontogenic structural drift, the living domain of existence, and which henceforth we
domínio de existência do ser vivo
system and its domain of existence change together shall call the niche. The environment is which the
=== congruently. Indeed, since a living system is a observer sees or describes as surrounding the
nicho system that constitutively exists as such only ina living system in the moment of its distinction.
continuous structural drift in the conservation of c) The “niche”, or domain of existence of a Nicho ou
organization and adaptation in the medium, its living system is that part of the medium which the Domínio de Existência
domain of existence as that part of the medium in living system in fact encounters moment after
which it realizes its living necessarily arises with moment in the realization of its living. The ob-
it in the realization of its living as an actual server cannot see the niche directly, and he or she
process, and changes with it. Under these must induce it by observing the living system in
circumstances the domain of existence of a living its living. In other words, the niche or domain of
system does not preexist to the actual living of the existence of a living being cannot be character-
living system in the domain in which it is ized independently of the living being that lives
distinguished by the observer. To be more it, and the only way the observer can know the
accurate, we will make explicit the distinctions niche of a living system is by using the operation
that an observer can make distinguishing a living living being itself to describe it or as a reference
being in the circumstance in wich he or she for its description.
distinguishes it: Therefore, the living being appears in the dis-
Meio a) The observer distinguishes the “medium” as tinction of the observer as it realizes its niche in
the nameable or imaginable container in which he the medium that contains it encircled or sur-
or she distinguishes the living system in the reali- rounded by the environment (Fig. 2). For the
zation of its living. The medium, therefore, observer, who distinguishes the medium as con-
emerges with the distinction of the living system taining the living being as well as including its
as everything that the observer sees and does not niche, it may appear as if the medium or niche
see, but that he or she conceives to surround and preexisted to the living system that he or she sees
contain it. as occupying it. Yet, for the living system this is
b) The observer distinguishes as the “environ- not and can not be so, since its domain of exist-
ment” of a living system all that he or she sees ence emerges with its operation in the actual
surrounding it when he or she distinguishes it as realization of its living. For this reason, insofar as
such. That is, the surroundings or environment in the medium includes the niche, and the niche does
which a living system appears when distinguished not preexist the living being, the medium does not
o "meio" surge na mesma operação de distinção que traz a tona o sistema vivo, e consiste no
'domínio geral de possibilidades operacionais para a existência do sistema vivo'. Em outras EVOLUTION: NATURAL DRIFT 267
palavras, poderia ser caracterizado como o domínio que contempla todos os nichos possíveis há, na verdade, uma deriva
para um sistema vivo particular. preexist the living system that occupies it either. say that there is actually a costructural drift of co-estrutural do sistema
The medium emerges with the distinction of the living system and medium in the flow of their vivo e seu meio no curso de
living system as a general domain of operational recursive interactions. At the same time, we can suas interações recursivas
possibilities for the existence of the living system also say that whatever the observer sees as the
that the observer sees or imagines as possible environment of a living system, regardless of how
through the operational coherences through which valuable such vision may be for him or her to
he or she distinguished the living system. As understand or imagine the niche of a living sys-
such, the medium appears to the observer as a tem, only reveals what the observer thinks. In
background for the realization of the living of a these circumstances, and considering also what is
living system and for the continuous emergence expressed in II. 2., itis crucial for the understand-
of the same or different niches according to the ing of the history of structural change of living o entorno não é
kind of being or beings that a living system be- systems and of the biosphere that they integrate, operacionalmente relacionado
comes in the realization of its living. The niche or to make the distinction between the characteriza- ao ser vivo, mas o meio é.
o conceito de NICHO corresponde domain of existence of a living system corre- tions that the observer makes of the environment Confundir esses dois
substancialmente ao UMWELT, sponds substantially to what Von Euxkiill (1957) in which he or she finds a living system and what domínios leva a descrições
tal como definido por VON calls its Umwelt (Fig. 2). the living system finds in the medium as it real-
errôneas que quebram a
EUXKÜLL Given all that we have said above, we can not izes its niche in it. If we do not make this distinc-
say that in its ontogenic structural drift the living tion we are led to confuse these two domains by
barreira do que é próprio
negação da possibilidade de se being exists in the process of adapting to the assigning to the operation of the living systems do sistema e o que pertence
falar em adaptação ou seleção do medium, nor can we say that the medium selects phenomena that only belong to the descriptions à perspectiva do observador
meio sobre o organismo (em sentidothe changes that the living systems undergo in made by the observers, and vice-versa, and thus
bastante fisiológico de adaptação) their ontogenic and phylogenic histories. Such mislead ourselves in the course of our explana-
expressions entail the concept of preexistence of tions.
the medium to the living system that occupies it.
What we can say, though, is that neither the
medium nor the niche preexist to the living sys- IH, 3. Organisms
tem that occupies them, and that during the struc-
tural drift of a living system the medium arises at In Biology, we use the word organism as a generic
Como o meio é o conjunto dos the domain in which a living system can realize expression that refers to a living system of first
nichos possíveis, digamos assim, its niche, and that living system and niche neces- (unicellular) or second-order (multicellular),
então ele só pode ser determinado sarily change together congruently. Yet, we can emphasizing its internal composition as a network
a partir da existência do próprio ser vivo, isso porque aquilo
com o que o ser vivo não é capaz de interagir não configura surround surround
seu meio. Ex: uma pintura na qual uma mosca pousa, enquanto
objeto artístico, não interage com a mosca; apenas enquanto
superfície ou objeto físico. O meio enquanto mundo pré-existente Essa figura é trocada com a próxima em relação à
não está entrando na questão aqui, simplesmente porque é a NHEee versão espanhola. Aqui fala-se primeiro da relação
sistema-nicho-meio-entorno e depois dos diferentes nichos
estrutura do sistema vivo o parâmetro que determina com o que
ela pode interagir. Nenhum aspecto do mundo é, a priori, que um sistema opera dadas suas diferentes identidades;
necessariamente meio de todo sistema, vivo ou em geral. na versão espanhola é o inverso.
O entorno é o que o observador vê que existe ao redor do ser 4
vivo. Esses aspectos não necessariamente interagem com o sistema medium
vivo e dependem do observador para Fig. 2. This figure attempts to evoke the different views that an observer can have of a living system as
serem destacados e não da he or she beholds it and reflects about its existence. As the observer beholds the living system from a
estrutura do sistema vivo. Logo, distance: a) the medium appears to him or her as all that he or she may imagine as the great container in
which it exists; b) the niche appears to him or her as that part of the medium with which the living
aspectos do entorno podem ser system interacts and which it obscures, so that it can only be shown by the operation of the living system
definidos previamente à distinção itself: and c) the ambient or that which surrounds the living system, appears to him or her as that which
do ser vivo (mesmo que o próprio he or she sees around it but which being part of the medium is not part of its niche. Conceptually, the
entorno só é determinado quando niche and the ambient together constitute the medium.
é distinguido o sistema do qual ele Esta figura ilustra las diferentes distinciones que un observador puede realizar respecto del dominio de relaciones de un
organismo con su entorno. El medio es distinguido como todo aquello que, a juicio del observador, forma parte del gran
é entorno) continente o ambito relacional y de interacciones en que el ser vivo existe. El nicho es distinguido como aquella parte del
medio con la cual el ser vivo esta interactuando, y que por tanto queda oculta al observador, el que puede inducirla solo a
partir de las operaciones del propio ser vivo. El ambiente queda distinguido como toda aquella parte del medio que no
forma parte del nicho. El nicho y el ambiente juntos constituyen el medio.
ORGANISMO: sistema vivo de primeira ou segunda ordem, com ênfase em sua composição interna enquanto
uma rede de processos associados a subsistemas particulares que se considera que operam como os órgãos
(instrumentos [organon]) que realizam tais processos.
Essa definição abre muito espaço 268 MATURANA & MPODOZIS

para se pensar atribuições funcionais

codrift as a flow of congruent coherent structural
no interior da teoria da autopoiese, of processes associated to a particular subsystems
that are considered to operate as the organs changes in the conservation of their respective
uma vez que tais processos tornam-(instruments) that realize such processes. organizations and reciprocal adaptation as each
se funções quando se considera a Moreover, the notion of organism connotes both one is part of the niche of the other. That is, in
manutenção da rede de processos the operational unity of the realization of the ontogenic codrift, the recursively interacting
(autopoiese) como o processo de living as well as the unity of reproduction of the organisms follow reciprocally congruent struc-
referência ao qual contribuem os living systems. A unidade de reprodução da biologia é o ORGANISMO. tural drifts, and each one follows the path of the
processos funcionais An organism, therefore, can be characterized as structural changes in which it conserves its
a system of subsystems (organs, cells and systems organization and its adaptation in relation to the Quando um ser vivo é parte
of cells) which intersect in their structural reali- others, in an ongoing process that lasts until one do nicho de outro e
zation, so that all the subsystems are part of the of them separates or disintegrates. And, what is vice-versa, as mudanças
domain of realization of the niche of others. The more, this is the fundament for the constitution of estruturais de cada um deles
various subsystems that are in structural intersec- the biosphere as a system of structurally coherent
acarretam em mudanças no
tion in an organism, however, exist in it as inde- recursively interacting systems that conserve their
pendent kinds of entities because their respective respective different organizations in a flow of nicho do outro, que demandam,
organizations do not intersect, and only their continuous structural change, in an open dynamics para a continuidade da
structures do. Due to these circumstances, the of structural codrift that generates and conserves adaptação, mudanças
ontogenic conservation of an organism implies all and new systems in reciprocal structural estruturais neste outro.
the simultaneous independent conservation of the coupling (see appendix, “structural coupling”). Assim, a deriva estrutural de
different organizations of all the other systems Furthermore, it is this condition what makes of
cada organismo impacta na
(subsystems) that are in structural intersection in ontogeny (and phylogeny) a processes that consists
it. Thus, for example, and said explicitly, the in the simultaneous conservation of both the
deriva de cada um dos demais
ongoing existence of any particular organism en- organization of a system and its niche. com os quais interage.
tails the simultaneous conservation of: its
autopoietic organization (either of first or second
order, or both, according to the case), the organi- II. 5. The intercrossing of identities.
zation proper to the organism under considera-
tion, the different organizations of its different As we have already said in point III.3. above, the
types of cells, and the different organizations of structural realization of an organism as an
its different organs. Finally, in the reproduction autopoietic system entails the corealization of
of an organism, what is conserved is the initial many other systems in structural intersection with
os subsistemas dos sistemas
structure that constitutes the possibility of the it (subsystems), that, as they are defined by
vivos possuem diferentes
ontogenic realization of all the systems that inter- different organizations, exist as such in different
sect in its realization. That is, the reproduction of relational domains. These different entities or
organizações, logo, possuem
an organism involves or implies as a consequence subsystems in structural intersection have diferentes domínios de
the simultaneous reproduction of all the subsys- different structural dynamics, and undergo relações (relacionam-se com
tems that through their structural intersection with different ontogenic structural drifts in the o meio através de
it participate in its realization. It is because of this conservation of their respective non-intersecting propriedades distintas)
"A história evolutiva dos sistemas vivos that the evolutionary history of living systems is organizations even if they are not fully inde-
é uma história de conservação e mudança a history of conservation and change not only of pendent structurally, because their different
não apenas de linhagens de organismos, lineages of organisms (see 3.11 below and also structural dynamics participate in the realization
mas também de linhagens de outros tipos
appendix, “lineage” and “phylogeny”), but also of each other through their participation in the
de sistemas que intersectam com eles em
of lineages of other kinds of systems that inter- realization of the carrier system (the organism in
sua realização estrutural"
sect with them in their structural realization. Ac- this case) that they integrate. Therefore, although
cordingly, we shall speak of living systems when the subsystems in structural intersection in an
Todo ser vivo é vivo por possuirwe refer to them in general terms, and of organ- organism exist in different non-intersecting
uma organização autopoiética; isms when we want to refer to the ontogenic relational domains, they affect each other through
phenotypes (see 3.9 below and also appendix, their different structural dynamics as the structural
porém, cada organismo possui uma
“phenotype” and “ontogenic phenotype”) as the changes in one result in change in the structural
organização própria, que caracterizaways of living that living beings conserve in their realization of the others. As a general result,
seu fenótipo ontogênico próprio, ontogenic or phylogenic becoming. subsystems in structural intersection are in
o modo de viver que ele conserva em seu devir ontogênico e filogênico costructural drift in the system that carries them, assim, justifica-se que as
but they can also disintegrate independently if células possam morrer sem
III.4, Ontogenic co-driftting their disintegration does not disintegrate the que morra o sistema portador
carrying system.
The recursive interactions between two or more Any living system through the realization of its
organisms give rise to an ontogenic structural autopoiesis can be in the moment of its reproduc-

tion the phylogenic carrier of different organic system, all structurally intersecting entities exist
subsystems that exist in structural intersection individually in the realization of their respective
with it. Thus, for example, we as Homo sapiens niches in their respective domains of existence
operate as reproductive carriers of such different (Fig. 3; also Maturana 1988). Finally, what is
kinds of identities as vertebrate, mammal, and conserved in the reproduction of a living system
Sistema Portador primate. We have called carrier system the sys- as a carrier of other subsystems that exist only in
tem whose realization secures the phylogenic structural intersection with it, is an initial struc-
conservation of other systems that intersect with ture that allows in its epigenesis (see the two next
it. The same occurs with entities or systems of sections) the epigenic realization of the different
other kinds, such as organs or systems of organs systems that intersect in it.
that as particular subsystems also intersect in
their realization with the realization of the living
system that carries them. Such systems as organs IIL6. Epigenesis
are also conserved through the reproduction of
the system that carries them. We do not usually A living system is a molecular autopoietic system
consider organs as independently existing enti- of first or second order, and since it is as such a
ties because we do not easily see the domain in composite entity, its realization involves at every
which they exist as such. Yet, if we attend to the moment the participation of all its components,
evolutionary history of organs, we can see that and it cannot be claimed that any of them can
they form lineages defined by the conservation of alone be by itself responsible for its character-
some particular epigenic morphogenetic pattern istics. Indeed this is why it is not possible to
through the successive generations of the carrier speak with property of genetic determinism, or to
living system in the conservation of the realiza- say inanon-metaphorical way that certain features
tion of its niche. Indeed, the systems that inter- or traits that an organism exhibits as it operates as
sect structurally with a carrier living system can a whole are genetically determined, or to say ina
themselves be carrier systems for other systems non-metaphoric way that a particular trait of an
in structural intersection with them. Accordingly, organism as a whole is determined by the nuclear
sistema portador e subsistema when a carrier system disintegrates, all the sub- DNA of the cells of such an organism. What we
parecem ser termos usados para systems that are in structural intersection with it can say, though, is that nothing happens in the
criar uma espécie de hierarquia de also disintegrate. That is, and in general terms, ontogeny of an organism that is not allowed by its
níveis de ordem although the different entities that realize them- initial total genetic constitution, and that every
selves through the realization of a carrier system trait, characteristic, or feature in an organism as a
in the structural intersection with it depend for totality or in its components (cells, organs, or
their realization on the realization of the carrier systemic relations between cells and between
organs), emerges or results from an epigenic
process (see appendix, “genetics”; “total
genotype” and “genotype”). And we are also
Domains of Existence
saying, that starting from its initial total structure,
Aqui está a figura que apareceu antes na the life history of a living system courses as an
versão espanhola. ontogenic structural drift, and takes place as an
Primate ———-> <=) ¢——- Mammals epigenic process in which whatever happens in
the organism at any moment arises in it in the
interplay of its structural dynamics at that moment,
Homo sapiens ———+}
modulated by the structural changes triggered in
it by its interactions in the medium. So, the
Fig. 3. This figure attempts to show the several epigenesis is a process in which the initial total
identities that may exist in structural intersection structure of a living system does not predetermi-
in the realization any living system. Thus, a ne the structural changes that it will undergo in its
particular living system may be an Homo sapiens, ontogenic drift because these will arise moment
a primate, or a mammal in different relational after moment in the interactions of the structure
domains as different manners of realization of its of the living system and the medium in which it
lives. .
Esta figura muestra las varias identidades que pueden The initial structure of a living system consti-
intersectarse estrcturalmente en la realizacién de un ser
tutes a structural starting point that determines or
vivo. Por ejemplo, un cierto ser vivo puede ser al mismo
tiempo un Homo sapiens, un primate, o un mamifero, cada
specifies for that living system what an observer
uno con su propio dominio relacional y su particular sees as the particular domain of all the possible
manera de realizar su vivir. ontogenetic transformations that that living sys-

tem may live in an epigenic form. Yet, such a II.7. Medium, environment and niche again O ponto III.7. não existe na
domain of ontogenetic epigenic possibilities (see versão espanhola.
appendix “epigenetic field”) is conceptual be- It follows from what we said in section 3.2. above
cause only one of the ontogenies that the observer that as a living system lives, it in fact lives
sees as possible in the epigenetic field will be continuously realizing a niche that appears through
actually realized in the epigenesis of the living its actual living. In this dynamics the living system
system. Moreover, as we have already said, the does not encounter a preexisting niche because it
actual ontogeny that a living system lives arises appears with its living, and it does not see or
in the history of its interactions, and does not relate to a preexisting medium because it does not
exist as such except in the course of that history as encounter the medium beyond that which appears
this happens as an epigenic process. Accordingly,
duas ontogenias só seriam iguais in the realization of its niche. It is in the
only if the initial structure and the history of explanation of the operation of living systems
se iniciassem com uma estrutura
interactions are repeated during the epigenesis of and their characteristics as they appear in their
inicial igual e tivessem uma mesma the reproductive succession of living systems, the distinction by the observer, that the medium, the
história de interações. Ou seja, successive living systems will live the same on- environment and the niche exist as operational
duas ontogenias nunca serão togeny. It is only if an observer could affirm that relational dynamics that make the living of the
idênticas a particular phenotype emerges independently of living systems possible. Indeed, then, what the
só há determinismo genético se the course of the epigenic history of an organism, observer says is the following: a) as an observer
that he or she could say with operational meaning distinguishes a living system he or she distin-
um fenótipo particular emergir something similar to what one might want to say guishes it in a medium, and does so distinguishing
independentemente da história when speaking of genetic determination. A claim it as a structure determined entity that lives
epigenética do organismo of genetic determination, then, can only be meta- realizing its niche in a medium that it does not
phorical because a phenotype, even at the cellular see; b) in the flow of its living a living system
level, can only arise in an epigenic manner. That does not interact or accommodate to the medium,
an observer can associate a trait of the structure of the environment or its niche, it simply operates in
an organism in some instant of its ontogenic drift its closed structural dynamics, and as it does so it
with some aspect of its initial structure, does not realizes a niche that continuously arises de novo.
refute the fact that all the traits or characteristic In the explanation of how living systems exist
of an organism arise in an epigenic manner from and diversify in history, then, it is not possible to
its initial structure. What can be claimed with argue with any operational sense that living sys-
proper biological operational meaning, though, is tems diversify in a historical process of adaptation
what we have already said, namely, that nothing to a preexisting medium or environment. But to be
will happen in the epigenesis of an organism that aware of that, it is at the same time necessary to be
is not allowed by its initial structure as its total aware that both in the ontogeny and the phylogeny
genetic constitution. The total initial structure of of living systems, living system and niche change
an organism determines the field of all the epigenic together, and that indeed, living system and me-
courses that it may follow in its ontogeny, but the dium change together in a continuous becoming of
epigenic path actually followed by the organism the biosphere as an interconnected network of
in its ontogeny, necessarily arises anew moment living and not living systems that operationally
after moment in the course of its interactions as it arises at every instant as a novel present.
lives in the conservation of organization and ad-
In synthesis, epigenesis is the manner of exist- III.8. Reproduction and Heredity
ing of living systems in the realization of living,
and this is so regardless of whether they exist in The phenomenon of reproduction occurs in the
the metabolic realization of their living as single very moment in which a system undergoes a
cells, in the process of their embryonic develop- division or fracture that conserves in the resulting
ment as they exist as multicellular organisms, in fragments the organization of the original system,
the constitution of symbiotic entities, or in their and gives rise in that way to two or more unities
living as free autonomous beings. Moreover, in of the same kind as the first one. Something
all cases, the internal dimensions of the living similar but in the reverse happens when two or
system are part of the relational domain in which more unities of the same class fuse together and
its epigenesis takes place, and never can the fea- give rise to another unity of that class. Reproduc-
tures of the living system as such be claimed to be tion as a process that conserves the organization
the sole result of the operation of any of its of a progenitor system through the conservation
components (see also appendix “epigenesis”). of the particular structural dynamics that realizes
that organization in the resulting fragments of a

reproductive division, constitutes the phenomenon the particular course of interactions that this un-
of heredity (Maturana 1980, Maturana & Varela dergoes in its particular life history. Accordingly,
1984). As such, reproduction involves the both reproduction and heredity are systemic phe-
conservation in the progeny of the structure nomena not only because of the systemic character
required for the realization of the organization of the realization of the inner processes of the
conserved through it, as well as the conservation living system, but also because reproduction and
of the structural features of the medium that heredity result as phenomena of the life history of
permits the realization of such organization. Due living systems in the interplay between the internal
to its manner of occurrence reproduction occurs structural dynamics of the living system and the
as a systemic phenomenon that takes place when structure of the medium. Therefore, what is con-
the interplay of the structure of the reproducing served in reproduction is a manner of ontogenic
living system and the structure of the medium becoming that involves in a systemic way the
results in the conservation of the organization of epigenesis of the living system and the conserva- Esta coluna de texto não
Hereditariedade: the progenitor in the offspring. Said other words, tion of the features of the medium that permit the existe na versão espanhola
fenômeno de conservação de uma the phenomenon of heredity takes place as a realization of such ontogenic becoming. We have
organização através de uma divisão phenomenon of conservation of an organization call the manner of epigenic becoming that a living
through a systemic reproductive division. Due to system realizes in the course of its living from its
reprodutiva sistêmica
its manner of constitution through systemic inception to its death, “ontogenic phenotype”, and
reproduction, heredity in living beings does not the ontogenic phenotype is conserved through sys-
depend on any special kind of molecules, nor temic reproduction only if the possibility of the
a referência direta a ácidos even when there are special kinds of molecules realization of the “ontogenic niche” is also con-
A conservação da estrutura
nucleicos aparece apenas that secure particular process of molecular served as part of the process of systemic reproduc- inicial do sistema cria a
na versão inglesa production in the realization of the autopoiesis of tion. Accordingly, what is conserved in the sys- possibilidade da realização do
the living system, as happens with nucleic acids. temic reproduction of any particular kind of organ- fenótipo ontogênico;
Moreover, we claim that reproduction is a systemic ism, is an ontogenic phenotype that arises in an
phenomenon that is possible when the realization epigenic manner that entails the systemic conser-
A conservação do meio é o
of the organization of the system that reproduces vation of both the initial structure that makes such
(living system in our case) is not compart- ontogenic phenotype possible, and the conserva-
que levará o fenótipo
mentalized, but is distributed through its structural tion of the medium in which the history of interac- ontogênico meramente
dynamics in a way such that the system admits at tions that results in that ontogenic phenotype may possível a ser de fato o
least one reproductive fracture. Indeed, it is the indeed occur in the realization of its corresponding caminho epigenético do
non-compartmentalized distribution of the ontogenic niche. Or, in other words, in the sys- organismo
components and processes that participate in the temic reproduction of any particular ontogenic
structural realization of a system what makes phenotype, what happens is the systemic reproduc-
possible its reproduction, either directly by frac- tive conservation of the particular total initial struc-
ture or partition, or indirectly trough the ture and the particular features of the medium that
production of gametes, and not any particular result in the epigenic realization of the ontogenic
kind of components. Reproduction is a common phenotype reproductively conserved.
phenomenon in nature, and it is not in any parti- In summary, the main results of the systemic
cular manner proper to living beings, even though character of reproduction and heredity are three:
in them it currently occurs in many different ways one is that living systems and medium spontane-
that range from complex mitotic cell division, ously change together congruently in the course
passing trough meiosis and the production and of the generations of the living systems; two, that
fusion of gametes, to the fracture or separation of this occurs as a simple result of the history of
multicellular reproductive fragments as happens recursive interactions between living systems and
in various systematic and accidental ways in many medium; and three, that whenever a group of
different kinds of organisms. living systems begin to live together, their living
From a structural point of view, what is inherited together becomes a feature of the medium that is
in the reproductive division of a living system, is conserved in their reproductive history, until they
what we have called below (see 3.6.) the “total disintegrate independently or separate.
genotype” ,or “total initial structure” of the newly
arising living system. But that total genotype does
not specifies the future of the living system, it only L119. Ontogenic phenotype O ponto III.9. não existe na
establishes a domain of possible epigenesis, only versão espanhola
one of which will be realized in the internal and We have call ontogenic phenotype the particular
external structural dynamics that take place in the form of living that an organism realizes along its
ontogeny of the new living system modulated by ontogeny from its inception to its death as the

manner it lives in its interactions in the medium. systemically determined by the particular course
Therefore, the ontogenic phenotype that a living followed by the parental epigenesis. That is, the
system lives arises in an epigenic manner in a total initial structure of a new living being is not
process that involves the interplay of both the deposited by the reproducing organism just
structural dynamics of the living system and the anywhere, but rather it is deposited in a particular
structural dynamics of the medium, so that the place in a particular domain that is determined by
ontogenic phenotype that any living system the parent’s particular life history. Consequently,
realizes along its living, is not determined and what emerges in the reproduction ofa living system,
cannot be determined by the particular total initial is another living system that realizes a particular
structure with which an organism begins its li- ontogenic phenotype in the form of an organism
ving. That is, the ontogenic phenotype that a that turns out to live one ontogenic phenotype or
living system realizes in its living as a particular another depending on the epigenic path that it
kind of organism, is not and cannot be genetically happens to follow in its life history starting under
determined, even though the total genetic structural and interactional conditions in a medium
constitution of any newly arising organism must brought forth by the contingencies of the life history
permit the epigenic realization of the ontogenic of the progenitors. Accordingly, only if in the
phenotype that it actually realizes along its li- reproduction of a living system both the initial
ving. Therefore, no ontogenic phenotype can arise structure of the reproducing organism as well as
in the life history of a living system that is not the contingencies of its interactions in the medium
made possible from the total initial structure of are such that in the epigenesis of the new organism
the newly arising organism and the structure of the parental ontogenic phenotype is repeated, the
the medium in which it begins its living as a result parental ontogenic phenotype is conserved through
of the systemic reproduction that gives origin to systemic reproduction in the new generation in the
it. In other words, although neither the total initial recursive interplay of those two conditions.
structure of a newly arising organism, or the Moreover, when that happens, and an ontogenic
circumstances of the medium in which a living phenotype as well as the conditions of the medium
system lives, do not, and cannot determine what its
that permits it realization are conserved generation
ontogenic phenotype a living system realizes in after generation through systemic reproduction, a
"uma linhagem emerge como
its living, both must be such that they allow for lineage arises as a particular history of phylogenic uma história particular de
the realization of the ontogenic phenotype that structural drift in the conservation of an ontogenic deriva estrutural filogenética
the living system lives, whichever these may be. phenotype/ontogenic niche relation (see appendix na conservação de uma
Therefore, the realization of the ontogenic “Ontogenic phenotype / ontgenic niche relation”). relação fenótipo
phenotype that a living system lives occurs in the No doubt that the reproductive conservation of ontogênico/nicho ontogênico"
epigenic interplay of two dynamically independent an ontogenic phenotype can happen only if the
systems as a particular historical occurrence, and particular systemic relations that make it possible o fenótipo ontogênico é
the repetition or reenaction of a ontogenic occur as a historical coincidence in the recursive possibilitado por relações
phenotype requires the particular dynamic interactions between living systems and medium.
coincidence of those two independent systems But at the same time, that coincidence in the
that makes such a reenaction possible. history of living systems is the result of its very com suas interações
occurrence in the systemic reproductive conser- recursivas e sua ação no
vation of their organization and reciprocal adap- ambiente, os seres vivos criam
II.10. Lineage Formation tation in the constitution of a biosphere as a um ambiente estável, onde
network of lineages in which all living systems
coincidências históricas de
The total initial structure of a newly arising living participate as the medium of the others in the
system is not just any, it is some variation of the realization of their respective niches. Therefore,
interações sistêmicas podem se
parental one. Similarly, the field of the possible the constitution and conservation of a lineage of manter.
epigenesis of a newly arising living system is not organisms and the constitution and conservation
just any, it is some variation of the parental one. At of the biosphere as a network of coadapted line-
the same time the structure of the medium in which ages of organisms, occurs only if a systemic dy-
a living system begins to live and lives, is not just namics of reciprocal structural coupling between
any one, nor does not it change in a hazard way, it living systems and medium occurs as a systemic
changes in a historical manner that depends on the result of their recursive interactions. Either the
course of living of the progenitor living systems. living of living systems contributes to the arising
In these circumstances, the reproduction of a li- in the medium of the conditions for the realiza-
ving system does not occur in just any place or tion of their living, or they disintegrate.
circumstance, but it occurs in a particular place Moreover, as a result of the reproductive con-
and under a particular set of circumstances that are servation of the parental ontogenic phenotype in

the constitution of a lineage, many subsystems ous result of the systemic dynamics of conserva-
that exist in structural intersection with it will be tion of the organization and adaptation of the
simultaneously conserved and form intersecting reproducing organisms. As we have indicated
operationally independent lineages that can exist above, when the constitution and conservation of
only as long as the lineage of the carrying on- lineages occurs in a group of living systems that
togenic phenotype is conserved. Or, in other interact with each other recursively in a way in
words, the conservation of the ontogenic pheno- which all operate as part of the medium of the
type that defines a lineage entails as part of its others, what occurs is the history of conservation
conservation the conservation of: a) the auto- of the reciprocal adaptation of many structurally
poietic organization of the living system repro- congruent ontogenic phenotypes in a non-living
duced as the carrier of all the subsystems that background, in a dynamic way that includes all
participate in its realization, b) the particular together in the constitution of a biosphere or an
organization that defines the class identity of the ecosystem. The spontaneous systemic constitu-
reproducing living system as the particular kind tion of lineages and the spontaneous systemic
of organism that it is; and c) the different organi- phylogenic shifting of the ontogenic phenotypes
zations of all the subsystems or component enti- in the constitution of a biosphere, as a result of
ties that, as they intersect in their structural reali- the conservation of living and adaptation, is what
zation with the realization of the living system makes the biosphere and the ecological systems
reproduced, reproduce with it. both resilient and fragile. They both can recover
Mutações If after a living system undergoes a reproduc- from disturbances within certain systemic limits,
tive fracture, the particular ontogenic phenotype but when those systemic limits are trespassed,
that realized it as a particular kind of organism is they disintegrate beyond recovery.
not conserved in the progeny, one or several
living systems appear that realize one or several
ontogenic phenotypes different from the parental HL11. Behavior
one. When this happens, a new type of living
system appears under the form of a new kind of The relational dynamics that we as observers call Comportamento
organism in the realization of a new ontogenic behavior when we distinguish a living system in es: Conduta
phenotype that is a variation of the kind of organ- interactions in the medium, occurs as the flow of No espanhol, esta
ism that the progenitor living system was. And, the encounter of the living system and the medium, seção é
when the latter happens, the new organisms may and is not something that the living system does | consideravelmente
or may not be the carriers of the same entities or by itself. That is, the behavior of an organism menor do que no
subsystems that intersected in the structural reali- takes place as the flow of its interactions as it inglês. Parece que
zation of their progenitor. Furthermore, if the operates as a totality in its domain of existence, este foi um tema
new living systems reproduce, two possibilities and involves both the structural dynamics of the desenvolvido
open for the constitution of new lineages: one is organism and the structural dynamics of the posteriormente
that a new ontogenic phenotype appears that be- medium. In other words, what we as observers see
gins henceforth to be conserved generation after as the behavior of a living system is the
generation, and a new lineage is immediately interactional and relational dynamics through
established; the other is that after a series of which a living system realizes its living as a
successive systemic reproductions with change in particular kind of organism in its domain of
the ontogenic phenotype realized in each genera- existence. As such, behavior is not something
tion, one begins to be conserved through systemic that the living system does; instead, behavior
reproduction in the conservation of the total ini- takes place, and arises moment after moment, in
tial structure and the configurations of the me- the recursive encounters of the living system and
dium that make the systemic reproductive conser- the medium. At the same time, what an observer
vation of that ontogenic phenotype possible. We sees as the behavior of an organism is not the
call this process “the phylogenic shift of the on- actual structural encounters of the organism and
togenic phenotype”. When this process happens, the medium, but what appears to him or her as the
what an observer that looks at the historical suc- flow of the interactions and relations that take
cession of lineages sees, is a phylogenic saltation place in the course of those encounters. In these
in the constitution of a new lineage. circumstances, if we look at a living system as it
The conservation of an ontogenic phenotype interacts in the medium in which it exists, we can
through the reproductive constitution of a lineage distinguish three dynamic domains in relation to
goes together with the conservation of the condi- how it actually operates in its behavior, namely:
tions of the medium that make the realization of a) the domain of the internal structural dynamics,
that ontogenic phenotype possible as a spontane- of the living system as it operates in the realization
Distinguimos três domínios dinâmicos em relação a como o sistema vivo opera em sua interação com o meio onde existe:
a) o da dinâmica estrutural do organismo;
b) o da dinâmica estrutural do meio;
c) o da operação do sistema vivo como totalidade em sua interação com o meio através das propriedades de ambos.
Fisiologia: domínio da
dinâmica estrutural interna 274 MATURANA & MPODOZIS
de um sistema vivo
of its living, which is the structural domain that encounter of the living system and the medium,
we usually connote when we speak of physiology; and hence, with the participation of both. That is,
b) the domain of the structural dynamics of the the internal structural dynamics of a living sys-
medium, which we frequently do not see as we tem does not determine its behavior, it only makes
treat the medium as a container and the behavior this possible. The converse situation is also the
as something that the organism does; c) the domain case. Accordingly, in the actual living of a living
of the operation of the living system as a totality system, the flow of its behavior generates at every
in the realization of its living as it relates and instant the circumstances under which it encoun-
interacts as a whole with the medium, and which ters the medium that contains it, and through that
is what we usually call the behavioral domain of it determines which structural configurations of As estruturas, tanto do
the living system (Fig. 4). As the physiological the medium, and in which sequence, trigger the organismo quanto do meio,
domain and the behavioral domain do not intersect, structural changes that happen in the living sys- são determinadas apenas
the phenomena of one cannot be deduced from the tem during the course of its recursive interactions
internamente. Porém,
phenomena of the other, and the operations that with the medium without specifying them. There- suas interações recursivas
take place in one of them cannot be expressed in fore, the continuous flow of behavior that a living
desencadeiam mudanças
terms of the operations that take place in the system lives in its encounters with the medium
estruturais em ambos. A
other. It follows from this that as the behavior constitutes the relational structural dynamics
dinâmica destas interações
takes place in the interactions of the living system through which the living system and the medium
modula o curso de
as a totality and the medium in which it interacts, change together congruently in a path in fact
mudanças estruturais de
the behavior operates as a guide in the course of guided by the behavior of the living system. Or, in
ambos, tornando-as
the interactions of the living system and the other words, as a living system and the medium
congruentes, o que leva à
medium, and as such it operates coupling the have operationally independent structural dynam-
preservação das
course of the structural dynamics of the living ics, the structural changes of the living system
características estruturais
system and the structural dynamics of the medium. and the structural changes of the medium remain
do meio que sejam
What happens is the following: As the behavior in operational congruence only as long as the
takes place, the structural dynamics of the living favoráveis à preservação
arising behavior of the living system continu-
systems triggers structural changes in the medium, do organismo e vice-versa.
ously results in the conservation of the organiza-
and at the same time the structural changes that tion and adaptation of the behaving living system.
A dinâmica interna do
take place in the medium as behavior takes place In these circumstances, four additional things
organismo determina como
trigger structural changes in the living system. As also happen in the domain of behavior as conse-
ele interage com o meio; a
living takes place in the continuous conservation quences of the operation of a living system as a
interação, se não destruir
of autopoiesis and adaptation by the living system structure determined system:
o organismo, modifica o
through its behavior, the behavior of the living a) That to the extent that the structural dynam-
system operates as the guide in the conservation ics of a living system does not determine its meio; com interações
or loss of the living through the coupling of the behavior, but this arises and takes place in the
sucessivas, o meio irá ser
structural dynamics of the living system and the interactions of the living system and the medium, transformado, quase como
medium. That is, even though the two operational the same behavior as the same interactional and que por uma seleção de
or phenomenal domains in which a living system relational dynamics seen by the observer that características
exists do not intersect, there is a structural names it, can arise under many different internal congruentes com o sistema
generative relation between them that couples the structural dynamics of the living system.
structural dynamics of the living system to the b) That the internal structural dynamics of a
structural dynamics of the medium, namely: the living system and the behavior that arises in its
course of behavior modulates the course of the interactions in the medium can vary independ-
structural changes of the living system, and the ently along the structural drift of a living system.
structural changes of the living system modulate c) That the domain of internal structural vari-
the course of behavior, and this takes place in a ability of any particular living system is poten-
flow of congruent changes of the living system tially much greater than the domain of its
and the medium along the path of the conservation behavioral variability.
of autopoiesis and adaptation in the living system. d) That as the behavior of a living system real-
In synthesis: Although the course of the behavior izes its manner of living in the recursive interac-
of a living system depends on the courses fol- tions between the living system and the medium
lowed by both its internal structural dynamics while these two operate with independent struc-
and the independent structural dynamics of the tural dynamics that are only coupled through the
medium, the internal structural dynamics of a behavior, conservation of organization (auto-
living system and the structural dynamics of the poiesis) and adaptation through behavior is what
medium, neither determines alone “its behavior” guides the ontogenic (and phylogenic) structural
because this arises and occurs in the recursive drift of a living system (and of a lineage).
Não pode haver
So, the part played by behavior in the ontogenic ingly, strictly speaking there is no genetic deter- determinismo genético
structural drift is fundamental in shaping the in- mination, nor can there be genetic determination pois todo caractere ou
dividual life history (and, hence, also the of any character or feature of the behavior of an comportamento possui
phylogenic history) of living systems. Indeed, to organism because the behavior occurs as a sys- um carater epigenético,
the extent that it is the behavior of the living temic relational dynamics in the recursive inter- surgindo pela interação
system what guides the course of the structural actions of the living system and the medium, that entre estruturas
changes triggered in it in the course of its interac- operate under independent autonomous structural independentes entre si
O fluxo de interações entre o
tions, it is the behavioral flow that arises in the dynamics. (sistema e meio)
sistema e o meio é o que permite
interactions of the living system in the medium 4. The reproductive conservation of any par-
que as mudanças estruturais do
what channels and guides the flow of its on- ticular manner of behavior in a lineage, entails
sistema mantenham-se dentro de
togenic structural drift within the confines that the satisfaction of three conditions: one, the re- A conservação de uma
uma 'zona segura', cujos limites
permit the realization of an ontogenic phenotype productive conservation of the initial structure conduta através das
devem ser respeitados para a
in the conservation of autopoiesis and adaptation. that makes possible that that behavior should gerações implica na
manutenção da vida
In other words, the course of the behavioral flow arise in the epigenesis of the members of the conservação das
of a living system guides the course of its epigen- lineage; two, the conservation in the structural condições estruturais do
esis, so that the actual course of the epigenesis of dynamics of the medium of those features in it sistema e do meio
a living system arises moment after moment in that make possible the realization of that behavior responsáveis por fazer
the interplay of the structure of the living system in the epigenesis of the members of the lineage; surgir aquele
and the structure of the medium guided by the and three, the coincidence of the two previous comportamento.
course of its behavioral dynamics along its on- conditions from one generation to the next.
togenic structural drift. But, at the same time, as
the behavior of a living system arises in the inter-
action of the living system and the medium, a
particular ontogenic phenotype can be repeated (> physiology sd
under the guidance of behavior only if the neces-
sary dynamic structural conditions of the living
it (————_ behavior
system and the medium are repeated. Some of the
systemic consequences of what we have said until
NI observer

now can be summarized as follows: Fig. 4. This figure attempts to show the two
O fluxo de conduta, por realizar 1. The behavioral flow of an organism in the
domains in which a living system exists: the
seu modo de vida, é um aspecto course of its life history realizes its manner of
do fenótipo ontogênico physiological domain and the behavioral domain,
living, and it is as such an aspect of its ontogenic The physiological domain is the domain in which
phenotype. the living system exists in the operation of its
2. The behavior that an observers sees as a components as a closed molecular autopoietic
configuration of dynamic relations that takes place system. The behavioral domain is the domain in
A conduta é parte da dinâmica in the recursive interactions of a living system which the living system encounters the medium in
relacional sistêmica que realiza and the medium, is part of the systemic relational the realization of its niche, and in which the
o sistema como um tipo de dynamics that realizes a particular living system behavior takes place in the interplay of the
organismo particular as a particular kind of organism. The inner struc- structural dynamic of the living system and the
tural dynamics of a living system does not deter- structural dynamics of the medium. So, the
mine its behavior, even though it participates in physiology involves the dynamic structure of
its generation because the behavior takes place in living system only, while the behavior involves
the organism-medium relations. At the same time, both the dynamic structure of the living system
the behavioral dynamics that an observer distin- and the dynamic structure of the medium in the
guishes in the flow of the interactions of a living niche.
Qual a diferença entre system in the medium does not specify or deter- Esta figura ilustra los distintos dominios en que tiene lugar
especificar/determinar e guiar? mine the structural changes that take place in the la existencia de un ser vivo: el dominio fisioldgico y el
living system, it only guides the course of the dominio conductual. El dominio fisiolégico es aquel en el
Isso remete à discussão sobre se cual ocurre la realizacién del ser vivo como sistema
constraints são causas structural changes triggered in it in its ontogenic
autopoiético, a traves de la operacién de sus componentes
structural drift. The same happens in relation to
moleculares y celulares. El dominio conductual es aquel en
the structural changes of the medium. el cual el ser vivo interacttia con su medio en la realizacién
3. Behavior as the dynamic realization of the de su nicho, y en el cual la conducta ( segtin la distingue un
A conduta é um aspecto da living of a living system in the flow of its interac- observador) toma lugar, como un continuo juego de
realização do modo de vida tions in a medium is an aspect of the realization of encuentro estructural reciproco entre el ser vivo y el medio.
do ser vivo, e ocorre como its manner of living, and takes place at every Entonces, la realizacién fisiolégica del ser vivo comprome-
parte das realizações do moment as part of the realizations of its ontogenic
te solamente su dindmica estructural, en tanto la realizacién

fenótipo ontogênico do organismo phenotype as a feature of its epigenesis. Accord- conduc!al de él compromete tanto su dindmica estructural
como la dindmica estructural del medio en el nicho.
como um aspecto de sua epigênese

IV. OUR EXPLANATORY PROPOSITION is the conservation of adaptation and organiza-

tion while living system and medium are in con-
Now we shall make use of the operational and tinuous change, what defines moment after mo-
epistemological fundaments that we have ment the courses that the continuous change of
presented in the previous sections in order to the living system and its circumstances follow,
propose a generative mechanism that would give and what makes that those changes remain dy-
rise directly or indirectly to the phenomena of the namically congruent in the conservation of the
organic evolution. living of the living system while this lives. Obvi-
We do not differ from Darwin and other evolu- ously we do not think that such a conceptual shift
tionists in what refers to accepting that the present with respect to the notion that natural selection is
diversity of living systems in the biosphere is the the generative mechanism of evolution is trivial
result of an evolutionary history based on because it will lead to the same final result,
phylogenic differential survival. But we differ in namely, differential survival. Quite on the con-
that we claim that the generative mechanism of trary, we think that such conceptual shift will
the evolutionary process is not natural selection permit us to have a more complete understanding
but what we call “phylogenic natural drift”, as a of the biological phenomena in general, and of
process of spontaneous constitution, conserva- history of the biosphere in particular.
tion, and diversification of lineages through the Let us see now in detail the operation of the
systemic reproductive conservation of organiza- mechanism that we claim gave origin to the his-
tion and adaptation under the form of an on- torical diversification of the living systems,
togenic phenotype, as well as the spontaneous through answering the basic questions that we
extinction of lineages when such systemic repro- presented at the beginning of this essay.
ductive conservation does not occur. In other
words, we claim that it is the process that we cail
phylogenic natural drift what gives rise as a result IV.1. Phylogenic drift
of its operation to the diversification, conserva-
tion, and extinction of lineages that we modern What is conserved generation after generation in
biologists say is the consequence of natural selec- a lineage of systemically reproducing systems
Seleção natural é a tion. Let us repeat: we claim that natural selection when that lineage is a lineage of living systems, is
consequência da evolução, não is the consequence of evolution, not its generative molecular autopoiesis and the conditions of the
seu mecanismo gerativo que é, mechanism, and that the generative mechanism of medium that make possible the conservation of
por sua vez, a deriva natural. evolution is natural drift. the realization of autopoiesis in the reproducing
Indeed, we are proposing a basic conceptual systems. When a lineage of a particular kind of
change in dealing with the same fundamental organisms is constituted, what is conserved
questions that lead Darwin to the theory of evolu- generation after generation with every living
tion by means of natural selection. We claim that system that appears as a member of this lineage,
change occurs continuously as a spontaneous fea- is the manner of realization of the ontogenic
ture of the molecular existence of living system phenotype of that particular kind of organisms
(and of all molecular systems), and that as an and the conditions of the medium that make that
intrinsic condition of the existence of living sys- realization possible. When a mammal lineage is
tems it must not be explained. What must be constituted, what is conserved generation after
explained is the course that change follows in the generation in every one of the living systems that
ontogeny and phylogeny of living systems. Moreo- appears as a member of that lineage, is the
ver, as we accept change as an intrinsic condition ontogenic phenotype “mammal” as well as the
of living systems, we do not have to think in terms conditions of the medium in which that ontogenic O que é conservado
of forces such as selective pressure to explain phenotype can be realized. In general terms, what geração a geração em uma
change or the course that change follows in the is conserved generation after generation in a linhagem de sistemas vivos
life history of living systems. It is a systemic lineage of systemically reproducing living systems que se reproduzem é o
condition that whenever in a system some rela- is the ontogenic phenotype that defines the lineage fenótipo ontogênico que
tions begin to be conserved, every thing else is and the conditions of the medium that make define a linhagem e as
opened to change around them (see appendix, possible the realization of the niche of that condições do meio que
“systemic dynamics”). We claim that in the sys- ontogenic phenotype. Yet, since an ontogenic tornam possível o nicho
tem living system/medium the relations conserved phenotype can be realized through many different correspondente a este
in the living of the living system are organization total genotypes, the conservation of an ontogenic fenótipo ontogênico.
and adaptation as the relation of operational con- phenotype through systemic reproduction allows
gruence between the living system and the me- the total genotype to vary in the course of the
dium in which it lives. Therefore, we claim that it generations as long as these variations do not
Um mesmo fenótipo ontogênico
pode ser realizado por diferentes
genótipos totais e em diferentes interfere with the realization of the ontogenic We claim that the historical permanence of a A permanência de uma
configurações do meio; disso se phenotype that is conserved. Similarly, since an lineage, that is, the continued conservation of an linhagem no tempo é
segue que podem surgir variaçõesontogenic phenotype can be realized under many ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation dada em termos
do meio e dos sistemas com a different configurations of the medium as long as through successive systemic reproductions, oc- sistêmicos e não
simultânea manutenção do this allows for the realization of the niche of the curs in a systemic dynamics thanks to the sys- genéticos. Não é uma
fenótipo ontogênico ao longo das ontogenic phenotype, the conservation of an temic and not to the genetic nature of the realiza- mudança genética o que
gerações ontogenic phenotype through its systemic tion of the ontogenic phenotype. In this process, determina o término de
reproduction allows for medium to change around the total genotype that supports and makes possi- uma linhagem, e sim a
the conservation of the conditions of realization ble the realization of the ontogenic phenotype descontinuidade de um
of its niche. Under these circumstances, if there is that defines a lineage without determining it, can fenótipo ontogênico.
systemic reproduction, there is the possibility for vary while the lineage is conserved within a do-
variation in the conditions of realization of the main of possible changes determined through the
ontogenic phenotype that is conserved in each conservation of the very same ontogenic pheno-
reproductive step through variations in the total type that defines the lineage. At the same time,
genotype of the reproducing living systems, as the structure of the medium is open to change
well as through variations in the configuration of according to its own dynamics of change and
the medium in which the niche of the reproducing through its interactions with the organisms that it
living system is realized. Thus, if what is contains while a lineage is conserved, as long as
systemically reproduced is autopoiesis (that is, if the structural dynamic conditions in it that make Uma nova linhagem se
what is conserved through systemic reproduction, possible the epigenesis that realize the ontogenic forma (como uma
Conservando-se a autopoiese e is living and the configuration of the medium that phenotype that defines that lineage are conserved. ramificação de outra já
as condições do meio que tornam makes living possible), then the possibility is In these circumstances, a new lineage will be
a autopoiese possível, ainda ficam open for a) variations in the way in which the
existente) sempre que um
formed as a branching of an already existing one,
abertas as possibilidades de newly arising living systems realize their whenever a new ontogenic phenotype that arises
novo fenótipo ontogênico
variações no modo de realizar a autopoiesis; and b) the establishment of a new in the realization of one of the epigenic possibili- (que surge na realização de
autopoiese e a partir disso, surge lineage or several new lineages of organisms as ties allowed by the total genotype of the progeny uma das possibilidades
a possibilidade do estabelecimento some of the new forms of realization of autopoiesis of one or more members of a “parental” lineage, epigenéticas possibilitadas
de novas linhagens. begin to be conserved in the living systems that begins to be conserved through systemic repro- pelo genótipo total da
arise in the course of their successive systemic duction when the conditions of the medium that progenia de um ou mais
reproductions. make the niche of that new ontogenic phenotype membros de uma linhagem
Let us describe this dynamics differently: an possible, are also conserved. That is, whether the
ontogenic phenotype is repeated in the reproduc- branching of a new lineage takes place or not ata
'parental') começa a ser
tion of a living system if a particular initial struc- given moment in the history of some lineage, conservado através de
ture is conserved in it, and if a particular history depends on whether the systemic relations be- reprodução sistêmica,
of interactions, under the form of a particular tween living systems and medium that make pos- quando as condições do
A conservação de um fenótipo configuration of encounters with the medium, is sible such a branching new lineage occur or not. meio que tornam possível o
ontogênico ao longo de sucessivas repeated in the epigenesis of the new living being The branching of a new lineage is a conservative nicho daquele novo
reproduções e, portanto, a during its ontogenic structural drift. Therefore, phenomenon in which both the particular features fenótipo ontogênico são
constituição de uma linhagem, the conservation of an ontogenic phenotype along of the new ontogenic phenotype conserved, and
também conservadas.
são processos que implicam em successive reproductions and, hence, the consti- the particular features of the medium that permit
cada geração a repetição da tution of a lineage, are processes that imply in the realization of the niche of the new ontogenic
dinâmica relacional particular every generation the repetition of the particular phenotype, arise as variations of conserved fea-
entre ser vivo e meio que torna relational dynamics between living being and tures of the epigenic dynamics of the realization
tal repetição possível. medium that makes such repetition possible. Thus, of the ancestral ontogenic phenotype. In these
for example, during the history of conservation of circumstances, if the new lineages thus formed
a particular lineage of mammals, what has to have were to undergo in their turn one or more branch-
been conserved in the succession of reproduc- ing episodes, a ramified system of lineages con-
tions is a certain initial structure and a particular nected by acommon origin and a common epigenic
configuration of relations and interactions in the history would be produced in which the new
individual ontogeny of every new living system ontogenic phenotypes as well as the conditions Deriva natural filogênica
member of the lineage, so that in the interplay of for the realization of their respective niches will é um processo de geração
these two conditions, the epigenesis proper to this have changed together congruently. We call “natu-
Uma linhagem surge na e ramificação de linhagens
particular kind of mammal would occur. In gen- ral phylogenic drift” to this spontaneous process
conservação sistêmica reprodutiva de organismos através da
eral terms then, a lineage arises in the systemic of generation and ramification of lineages of or-
geração a geração de uma sucessão sistêmica
reproductive conservation generation after gen- ganisms through the systemic reproductive suc-
relação fenótipo ontogênico/nicho reprodutiva com
eration of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche cession of living systems with conservation-and
ontogênico conservação e mudança
relation. change of the ontogenic phenotypes that define
dos fenótipos ontogênicos
que definem as linhagens e
das condições do meio que
permitem a realização dos
respectivos nichos

the lineages, together with the conservation and medium interact recursively triggering in each Conservação da relação
change of the conditions of the medium that per- other structural changes that they do not deter- do fenótipo ontogênico/
mit the realization of the respective niches of mine. Accordingly, in the natural phylogenic drift nicho ontogênico: Os
those ontogenic phenotypes. Natural phylogenic both the ontogenic phenotypes and their corre- fenótipos ontogênicos e seus
drift, then, is a process that happens spontane- sponding niches arise and change together con- correspondentes nichos
ously whenever the conditions mentioned above gruently following a path that arises moment surgem e mudam juntos
prevail. Furthermore, in strict terms, what hap- after moment in the natural phylogenic drift in the congruentemente seguindo
pens in natural phylogenic drift in the codrifting moment to moment transgenerational conserva- um curso que surge
of many lineages, is the constitution of a bio- tion of organization and adaptation. Indeed, this momento a momento na
sphere as a network of ontogenic phenotype / is what we connote when we speak of the conser- deriva natural filogênica
ontogenic niche relations, that arises as a histori- vation of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche na conservação
cal wave front of codrifting living systems that relation in natural phylogenic drift. transgeracional de
are each part of the medium in which the others As a consequence, nothing occurs during the organização e adaptação
Deriva filogênica, então, é um realize their respective niches. diversification of the lineages that occurs along
processo sistêmico histórico que Phylogenic drift, therefore, is a historic sys- the natural phylogenic drift, that one can properly
ocorre na sucessão reprodutiva temic process that takes place in the reproductive call a selective force or selective pressure. There
de indivíduos, que constituem succession of individuals as they constitute is no doubt that an observer who sees a differen-
sistemas ramificados de branching systems of lineages. Phylogenic drift tial survival of some of the kinds of individuals
does not take place as a process of diversification that compose a changing population, can legiti-
of populations even though this is a historical mately say that the survivors have been selected
Diversificação de populações consequence. Moreover, the process of phylogenic in the course of the history of the population. Yet,
é uma consequência histórica drift occurs through lineages formed by systemi- what the observer cannot say is that the mecha-
cally reproducing individual living systems, even nism that generated the differential survival ob-
when these depend for their existence on the served, is a selective pressure or selection proc-
conservation of the populations that they inte- ess, unless he or she claims that the phylogenic
grate. Furthermore, this is so even when some drift is the selective mechanism. But to say the
populations may themselves as a result of the latter would only be a way of obscuring or hiding
particular manners of relating (such as sexuality the process of phylogenic drift as the actual gen-
or symbiosis) of the individual living systems erative mechanism of evolution. Selection in evo-
that compose them, constitute unities that exist as lution is the result of the differential survival and,
such in some other relational domain. Multicellu- therefore, can not be its origin. Accordingly, and
lar organisms are an extreme case of this kind of as we have already said, what evolutionary biolo-
composition as they constitute multicellular uni- gists call natural selection while observing dif-
ties conserved through the systemic reproduction ferential survival when comparing populations in
of some of their cellular components. Finally, in different moments of their history, is in fact the
the lineages of organisms that interchange their result of the process of production and conserva-
genetic material and/or reproduce sexually, the tion of lineages under conditions of systemic
phylogenic drift takes the form of a network of conservation of autopoiesis and adaptation
conservation and change of ontogenic phenotype/ through reproduction, that we have called natural
Os mecanismos de transferência ontogenic niche relations that change and stabi- phylogenic drift, and not the result of the action
gênica configuram limites às lize within the dynamic boundaries set by the of any force.
dinâmicas de geração de constraints produced by the different mechanisms In these circumstances we can present as a
linhagens that restrict gene flow between them. general comment the following tautological state-
The structural dynamics of the medium is op- ments: a) that all the structural changes that the
erationally independent from the structural dy- members of a lineage undergo in the history of the
namics of the different kinds of organisms that lineage, occur coopted in the conservation of the
arise in it in the process of phylogenic drift, and ontogenic phenotype that defines the lineage fol-
these different kinds of organisms realize in the lowing a path defined by the systemic reproduc-
medium different niches that do not preexist to tive conservation of that ontogenic phenotype as
their actual operation as living systems in it. That long as the lineage is conserved; b) that the
is, the new niches corresponding to the new forms constitution and conservation of a lineage occurs
of living systems that arise in the natural as an opening for the continuous variation of the
phylogenic drift, arise and change with the reali- total genetic constitution of the members of the A constituição e a
zation of the ontogenic phenotypes that appear lineage within the boundaries defined by the con- conservação de uma
and are conserved or change along the natural servation in each systemic reproductive step of linhagem permite uma gama
phylogenic drift. Moreover, as structure deter- both the initial organic structure that can repeat
de variações dentro dos
mined systems the different organisms and the the ontogenic phenotype of the lineage and the
limites definidos pela
conservação do fenótipo e
das condições do nicho que o

conditions of the medium that make such repeti- of the members of a lineage through its participa-
tion possible; and c) that for the conservation of tion in the systemic reproductive conservation of
a lineage there is no particular restriction on the the manner of living that defines the lineage, acts
initial total genetic constitution of the organisms through the succession of generations as a mecha-
that arise in it, or on the particular features of the nism of cooption for the realization and conserva-
circumstances of the medium in which these be- tion of the ontogenic phenotype/ ontogenic niche
gin their living, other than those that permit the relation that defines the lineage of any variation
realization of the epigenesis that realizes the on- of the total genotype of the members of the line-
togenic phenotype that defines the lineage. age. And it does so by setting a systemic opera-
Finally, and as a synthesis of this point we tional boundary that separates what is conserved
propose: and what is not conserved from one generation to
1. That the history of diversification of living the next in each reproductive step. It follows that
systems as well as the configuration of the bio- in the succession of generations that arise through
sphere, is the result of the spontaneous generation systemic reproduction, it is the actual behavioral
and diversification of lineages in the natural history lived by the reproducing organism in the
phylogenic drift that begun with the systemic course of their individual ontogenies what deter-
reproduction of living systems. mines what variations in the total genotype are
2. That the natural phylogenic drift is a history conserved from generation to generation and what
of conservation of ontogenic phenotypes and of determines the course of the phylogenic drift in
variation of the ontogenic phenotypes conserved which those organisms participate. In particular,
through systemic reproduction, in a process in as in each organism the genotype remains hidden
which the organisms and the medium change to- under the realization of the epigenesis that it
gether in the conservation of some form of organ- happens to live in its ontogeny, the systemic
ism/medium relation. reproductive conservation of any particular on-
togenic phenotype/ ontogenic niche relation, op-
erates as a mechanism that necessarily coopts all
IV.2. The participation of behavior variation of the genotype for the conservation of
the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche rela-
Living systems exist as totalities in a relational tions that define the lineage (Figs. 5 and 6).
space, and it is their realization in that relational Let us now summarize what we have said in the
space what determines and constitutes their next four statements.
ontogenic and phylogenic histories. Furthermore, 1. We call behavior the flow of interactions of Comportamento:
as we Said already, the realization of the living of a living system in its niche in the realization of its - Fluxo de interações do
a living system ina relational space appears to an living whatever its kind. As such, for an observer sistema vivo individual
observer as behavior, and the flow of living as the the behavior of an organism entails at any mo- com seu nicho particular;
flow of behavior. In these circumstances, and ment visible and invisible dimensions of interac- - Aspecto interacional da
Conduta: Fluxo de encontros according to what we said in section III. 11. tions that can become apparent for him or her only
in the course of his or her observation of the
realização do modo de vida
dinâmicos entre sistema e meio behavior as the flow of the dynamic encounters
between living system and medium, is the domain epigenesis of the organism. The behavior is the de um sistema vivo;
of the ontogenic realization of a living system as interactional aspect of the realization of the man-
O ser vivo realiza-se como um a particular kind of organism that determines ner of living of a living system in the realization
determinado tipo de ser vivo no moment after moment the course of its inter- of the ontogenic phenotype/ ontogenic niche rela-
actions, and specifies the path followed by its tion that it happens to live.
domínio relacional: nos encontros
epigenesis. At the same time, behavior participates 2. We propose that it is the behavior of the
com o meio é que ele especifica o in the same manner in the systemic reproductive organisms as the flow of their interactions in their
curso de sua epigênese, gerando realization and conservation and of an ontogenic particular domains of living in their actual reali-
assim sua conduta phenotype, and by determining the course of the zation of their individual ontogenies, and not
interactions of the reproducing organisms, it de- their genetic constitution, or any kind of direc-
termines the phylogenic cooption of all the genetic tional external pressure on the course of the reali-
variations that may occur in the history of a zation of their living, what guides through sys-
A conduta dos organismos
lineage in the conservation of that lineage. temic reproduction the course followed by the guia o curso da deriva
Then, the flow of behavior, or in more general phylogenic structural drifts of living systems in estrutural filogenética
terms, the flow of the interactions of a living evolution. (através da reprodução
system along its living in its domain of existence, 3. We propose that in general terms, the manner sistêmica)
operates as a relational and interactional dynam- of living conserved through systemic reproduc-
ics that channels the path followed by its struc- tion ir a lineage sets an operational boundary to
tural drift during its ontogeny. That is, the behavior the genetic changes that are conserved through
A conduta de um organismo 'canaliza' a deriva estrutural do ser vivo
ao longo de sua ontogenia: as interações que o sistema tem com o meio O modo de vida conservado através de reprodução sistêmica estabelece uma
mantêm as mudanças estruturais limitadas ao que é necessário para a barreira operacional às mudanças genéticas conservadas nos membros de uma
manutenção da identidade do sistema que é manifestada no domínio linhagem e guia, desse modo, o curso da deriva genética filogênica sem
relacional determinar quais mudanças genéticas serão produzidas

\€— reproduction

NY \
i ontogenic phenotype of WY

Lenn ne
original ontogenic new ontogenic i new ontogenic
the original lineage
phenotype phenotype ' phenotype I
pore oe ee ee ee ee at
~vter mater Ut ater. =e --\ r
1 . \
1 \ \ \
t \ a \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \

—} \ \ \
Ly L4y Ly Ly}

new ontogenic
new ontogenic reproductive conservation of
phenotype Il phenotype II the ontogenic phenotype Ill

"A nova linhagem surge através Fig. 5. This figure attempts to evoke a view of the ——---—— new lineage ——}
progressive shifting of the genetic constitution in
da conservação reprodutiva the successive members of a new lineage. The new
sistêmica de uma variação da lineage arises through the systemic reproductive Fig. 6. This figure attempts to illustrate the change
realização epigenética padrão conservation of a variation of the standard or shift of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
niche relation realized in each living system along
própria a uma linhagem parental" epigenetic realization proper to the parental a series of systemic reproductions steps in which
lineage. The progressive shifting of the genetic
organic living is conserved. When this occurs, the
constitution of the members of the new lineage
change or shifting of the ontogenic phenotype /
gives rise to the progressive shifting of the
ontogenic niche relation continues until some
epigenic field of the new lineage as well as to the
particular ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
genetic stabilization of the organic conditions that
relation arises that begins to be conserved from
make the conservation of the new lineage
generation to generation through systemic
possible. In this figure and in figures 6 and 7, the
reproduction (a new lineage is established), or the
branching design over the closed arrows (living
reproduction of the organic living comes to an
systems) represents the field of the possible
epigenetic courses that the ontogeny of a living
Esta figura ilustra el corrimiento de la relacidn fenotipo
system may follow in its individual life history;
ontogénico/nicho ontogénico, realizada por cada ser vivo, a
the zigzag in line over some living systems lo largo de una serie de etapas de reproduccién sistémica,
represents the particular epigenetic course that the en cada una de las cuales el vivir orgdnico es conservado.
life history of that living system actually follows; Cuando esto ocurre, el corrimiento de la relaci6n fenotipo
and the straight arrow and the small r indicate the ontogénico/nicho ontogénico continta, hasta que surge
moment of reproduction. alguna particular relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho
ontogénico que comienza a ser conservada generaci6n tras
Esta figura ilustra el progresivo corrimiento de la constitu-
generacfon a traves de la reproduccién sistémica (un nuevo
cién genética en los miembros sucesivos de un nuevo
linaje es establecido), 0 esa sucesién de seres vivos se
linaje. El nuevo linaje surge a traves de la conservaci6n
reproductiva sistémica de una variacién de la realizacién
epigenética “standard” del linaje parental. El corrimiento
sucesivo de la constitucién genética de los miembros del
nuevo linaje da lugar al corrimiento progresivo del campo
epigenético del nuevo linaje, y también a la estabilizacion systemic reproduction in the members of a line-
genética de las condiciones organicas que hacen posible la age, and guides in that way the course of the
conservacion de éste. En esta figura, y en la figuras 6 y 7, phylogenic genetic drift of the lineage without
el disefio de ramas sobre las flechas cerradas (seres vivos)
determining which genetic changes are produced
representa el campo de posibles cursos epigenéticos que un
ser vivo podria seguir durante su ontogenia; la linea en
in it (see appendix, genetic drift ).
zigzag sobre algunos de los seres vivos representa el curso
epigenético particular seguido en la ontogenia de ese ser
vivo; la pequefia flecha recta y la letra r indican el IV.3. Reproductive shift of the ontogenic
momento de la reproducci6n. phenotype

To the extent that in the epigenesis it is the

behavior of the organism what guides the course
of its interactions in the medium, and it is the

A conduta é o fluxo de
interações do ser vivo com o
meio, ao mesmo tempo que guia
o curso destas interações.

behavior of the organism what determines when field” of the systemically reproducing organisms.
and where reproduction takes place and the The systemic reproductive displacement of the
offspring appears, three different phenomena can epigenetic field is the result of the shift in each
O que é um fenótipo ontogênico occur after a reproductive event in which a basic generation of the total genotype of the members
básico? ontogenic phenotype is conserved: of the organisms that participate in the shift of the
a) That the particular ontogenic phenotype of ontogenic phenotype. The arising of a new line-
the progenitors that is carried by the basic one is age in the conservation of anew ontogenic pheno-
conserved in the epigenesis of the offspring’s of type/ontogenic niche relation through systemic
the successive generations. When this happens reproduction is not the end of the process of shift
the lineage of the progenitors is conserved. of the epigenetic field, and does not entail the
b) That the particular ontogenic phenotype of necessary stabilization of a new total genotype.
the progenitors is not conserved in the systemic But it does show that in the relation living system/
reproduction of the basic ontogenic phenotype, medium the systemic epigenetic dynamics that
and a new particular ontogenic phenotype is real- realizes in each new generation the ontogenic
ized in the epigenesis of the progeny through the phenotype that defines the new lineage, is con-
realization of the carrier basic ontogenic pheno- served, and that every other aspect of the genetic
type. If when this happens the resulting organ- system of the members of the lineage is open to
isms reproduce depositing their offspring in a change. In other words, the establishment of a
place in which these realize in their epigenesis, new lineage implies the arising of a systemic
the new ontogenic phenotype giving rise from dynamic relation living system/medium that will
then on to the condition (a), a new lineage arises. be conserved only as long as the variations pro-
c) That the particular ontogenic phenotype of duced in the total genotype and in the medium do
the progenitors is not conserved in the systemic not interfere with the conservation of the epige-
reproduction of the basic ontogenic phenotype, netic realization of the ontogenic phenotype/on-
and a new ontogenic phenotype appears such that togenic niche relation that defines this lineage.
at the moment of the reproduction of the organ- That the arising of a new lineage is not a genetic
isms that realizes it yet another new particular process, but the result of the systemic conserva-
ontogenic phenotype appears, and so successively tion of adaptation in the relation organism/me-
until condition (b) occurs. When this happens dium while both organism and medium are in
what an observe see is that a new lineage appears continuous change, and that this is so even though
after a series saltatory shifts of the ontogenic the total genetic constitution of the participating
phenotype realized in each generation. organisms is what makes possible the new on-
When case (b) occurs, a new lineage arises in a togenic phenotype from the perspective of the
single shift of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic organisms, is what makes possible the diversifi-
niche relation conserved through systemic repro- cation of lineages as a process that can occur in
duction. If case (c) occurs, there arises a succes- few generations in the interplay of conservation
sion of saltatory shifts of the ontogenic pheno- and change. At the same time, that this should be
type/ontogenic niche relation realized generation so is what makes possible the codrifting of differ-
A "abertura genética" é o
after generation that lasts until a new particular ent systems that have operationally independent que torna possível a
lineage is established through its conservation dynamics of structural change, and the conse- 'co-deriva', o ajuste mútuo
through systemic reproduction. The successive quent constitution of ecosystems and biosphere’s.
changes of the ontogenic phenotypes produced However, that is not all. We have said that
through the process of saltatory shift of the on- behavior operates in fact as the systemic rela- Behavior = Comportamento
togenic phenotypes may appear big or small to the tional dynamics that involving the operational
observer, but in the actual process the magnitude congruence between the organism and the me-
of each saltatory change of the ontogenic pheno- dium, secures the reproductive conservation or
type is of no importance, what matters is that such the reproductive shift of the ontogenic pheno-
a process takes place, and eventually may result type/ontogenic niche relations or manners of liv-
in the appearance of a new lineage, or in the end ing in the systemic reproductive history of living
of such series of saltatory shifts. We call this systems, and thus guides the course followed by
whole process “systemic reproductive shift of the their phylogenic drifts. Thus, any new configura-
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation”. tion of ontogenic behavior that begins to be con-
The process of reproductive shift of the on- served through systemic reproduction in a line-
togenic phenotype carries with it the systemic age of living systems, constitutes not only a change
reproductive displacement of the field of possible in the ontogenic phenotype conserved in the re-
epigenesis for each new organism in what we call production of these living systems but also the
“the systemic reproductive shift of the epigenetic foundation of a new particular lineage of organ-

isms. In the history of this new lineage (as occurs paragraph will be expanded in some of the fol-
in the history of any lineage), the systemic repro- lowing sections (see VI., Consequences).
O comportamento ontogênico é o
ductive conservation generation after generation 2. The ontogenic phenotype of systemically re-
que define uma linhagem of the configuration of ontogenic behavior that producing living systems can undergo a progres-
defines the lineage, will operate as a channeling sive shift or transformation in a saltatory mode
boundary for the course followed by the recursive without giving rise to a lineage immediately, or
variations of the total genotype of the organisms giving rise only to very short successive lineages
members of the lineage conserved around the until a long standing one is established, as a feature
conservation of the genetic and medium condi- of the uninterrupted process of the phylogenic
tions that make possible the ontogenic pheno- drift. In this process, what is conserved at every A linhagem 'portadora', que
type/ontogenic niche relations that make possible reproductive step is the lineage of living systems, é mantida mesmo em
and realize that configuration of ontogenic and what changes is the particular form of living, períodos de saltacionismo, é
behavior. Or, in other words, the phylogenic ge- or ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation, a linhagem de 'seres vivos',
O comportamento dos membros netic drift in the new lineage will follow a course of the living systems in systemic reproduction. In
de uma linhagem é o que define olead by the behavioral conservation of the reali- ou seja, a ininterrupta
these circumstances, the lineage of living systems autopoiese. O que mudam
curso que a deriva filogenética zation of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche operates as the carrier of all the other lineages that
desta linhagem seguirá relation that defines the lineage. Moreover, this intersect with it until it or they disappear. In gen-
são as linhagens ligados a
will occur as a process that results in the recursive eral terms, given the dynamics of phylogenic drift, modos de vida particulares
association of the conservation of that relation in any ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation
the shifting of the total genetic constitution of the that is conserved in a reproductive sequence can
members of the lineage and the shifting of the operate as a carrier of one or more ontogenic
configuration of the medium that entails the con- phenotypes that intersect with it, and reproduce
servation of this relation, through the shifting of through it. When there is structural intersection of
the epigenetic field of the members of the lineage. several ontogenic phenotypes in the manner indi-
In general terms, behavior as a relational process cated above, the phylogenic drift of the carried
Estes sistemas sobrepostos,
as well as the systemic reproductive conservation ontogenic phenotypes as well as their correspond- que intersectam em suas
of a configuration of ontogenic behavior, consti- ing domains of possible epigenesis, follow a path estruturas, formam uma
tute a dynamic of operational coupling of the defined generation after generation by the ontologia baseada em níveis.
ontogenic and phylogenic structural drifts of the phylogenic drift of the carrier lineage. The general Fenótipos ontogênicos
organism with the ontogenic and phylogenic struc- result of the operation of the process of structural portadores de outros
tural drifts of the niche in a lineage. intersection of ontogenic phenotypes is the sponta-
O curso das transformações do fenótipos ontogênicos guiam
Let us summarize this point in three statements: neous generation of new lineages, intralineage
genótipo total dos membros de 1. The course followed by the shifting of the variations, lineage changes, and ramifications of
a deriva estrutural e
uma linhagem não segue uma total genetic constitution of the members of a lineages that follow the phylogenic drift of the filogênica destes.
dinâmica seletiva (baseada em lineage will occur not as the result of a selective carrying ontogenic phenotype.
vantagens competitivas ou dynamics constituted in terms of actual competi- 3. The shift of the ontogenic phenotype/on-
tive advantages or optimization of relations of togenic niche relation through a series of sys-
otimização de relações de
adaptation, but as the result of a phylogenic ge- temic reproductions happens either in the realiza-
adaptação) netic drift that arises delimited operationally by tion of some of the different possibilities of a
A deriva genética filogênica é the natural phylogenic drift of the lineage through single domain of possible ontogenies, or as some
delimitada pela deriva natural a dynamics of systemic reproductive conserva- partial changes in a given epigenetic field. Fur-
filogênica. A manutenção da tion of an ontogenic phenotype or manner of thermore, this process is always the result of the
linhagem é coexistente com a living (Fig. 7). If one looks at the phylogenic systemic reproductive conservation of a particu-
variação do genótipo total dos result of this process, it is as if the conservation of lar basic kind of living system in a medium that
the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche rela- appears and changes along the behavioral realiza-
membros da linhagem tion operated as a selecting force on the genetic tion of the newly arising organisms in a phylogenic
variability of the members of the lineage, but we dynamics that follows moment after moment the
claim that it is not so because what is involve is path of structural change in which the living
the actual process of living and conservation of systems involved conserve their organization and
living in living, not a comparative survival. In adaptation. At the same time, and given the sys-
these circumstances, then, the differential sur- temic behavioral conservation of the ontogenic
vival that an observer can see along the history of phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that defines a
living systems and which he or she calls natural lineage, two things happen: a) that the lineage is
selection, is a consequence of evolution, and not conserved as long as the changes that take place
its generative mechanism. The consequences of in the total genotype of the members of a lineage
what we just said in this and in the preceding do not interfere with the conservation of the on-
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that

q—r. , {+ ro {— r.
‘ \ ‘
\ \ \

\ \ \
— —} — —y
it Nee
Fig. 7. This figure attempts to illustrate the change or shift of the epigenetic field as well as the change
of the genetic constitution that takes place in the course of the generations while the particular ontogenic
phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that defines a lineage (and that is epigenetically realized as the
arrow and the r indicate), is conserved from generation to generation through systemic reproduction.
Esta figura ilustra el corrimiento del campo epigenético, y también de la constitucién genética inicial, que ocurren
transgeneracionalmente en un linaje, mientras la relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho ontogénico que define a ese linaje (y
que es epigeneticamente realizada, como lo indican la flecha y la r), es conservada generacién tras generaciGn a traves de
la reproduccién sistémica.

defines the lineage; and b) that as any change in The medium, therefore, participates not only as
the total genotype of the members of the lineage a general container, but it operates fundamentally
entails a change in the field of their possible as the domain of the realization of the ontogenic
epigenesis, it also entails the possibility for the niche of the living systems that it contains. Ac-
appearance of some new lineages through the cordingly, it is not possible to consider the living
behavioral conservation of a change in the on- systems independently of the medium. But at the
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that same time we must not forget that the medium
the organism involved realize in their living if the does not specify what happens to the living sys-
circumstances of the medium allow it. tems that it contains and with which it interacts
because these are structure determined systems,
nor that the medium is operationally independent
IV.4,. The participation of the medium of the livings systems that it contains even as it
undergoes structural changes contingent to its
The medium, as all that the observer sees or interactions with them, nor must we forget that
imagines as containing a living system or a group the living systems are operationally independent
of living systems in their realization as such, of the medium because they have operational
appears in his or her distinction of it as a boundaries defined by the conservation of their
structurally determined system with a dynamics autopoiesis that separate from it. Finally, we must
of structural change independent from the not forget that a living system and the medium
organism or organisms that it contains. Under (which ever its composition) in which it realizes
conditions of codrift, the organisms involved are its ontogenic niche change together congruently
part of each other’s medium, and operate with the spontaneously as long as the living system con-
non-organic features of the medium as a back- serves organization and adaptation in it.
ground of variable interactions in which all the
different organisms flow in their respective
ontogenic and phylogenic structural drifts in V. ANSWERS
conservation of organization and adaptation. In
these circumstances, the observer explaining the Let us now see our answers to the questions
ontogenic and phylogenic drift of the living presented at the beginning of this essay without
systems that he or she distinguishes, treats the repeating them here, but inviting the reader to
medium as an independent source of opportunities reconsider them again:
for the shifting of the ontogenic phenotypes, and
for the realization of variations in epigenesis
along the history of conservation and diver- V.1. The origin of biological diversity
sification of lineages.

The current diversity of the living systems on ess of lineage formation results in the recursive
earth is the result of a history of formation, production of systems of lineages that entail simi-
transformation, and extinction of lineages in an larities as well as differences between the mem-
ongoing phylogenic codrift in which the living bers of the different lineages of the system of
systems and the non-living aspects of the medium lineages. This conservative character of lineage
are for each other part of the medium in which formation is the result of the conservative charac-
they realize their respective niches in the ter of the shift of the ontogenic phenotypes in a
conservation of their respective organizations. background of systemic conservation of epigenic
The mechanism that gives rise to the codrifting of process.
lineages of living systems is systemic repro- The fundaments for the answer the question 1)
duction. In systemic reproduction the conservation presented at the beginning in the introduction to
of autopoiesis from one generation to the next this essay, are as follows:
entails the conservation of the ontogenic 1. As long as living systems are autopoietic
phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that realized systems (of first or second-order) existing in struc-
the living system that reproduced. Although the tural ontogenic co-drifting; and
total genetic constitution of a living system deter- 2. As long as living systems undergo systemic
mines what may happen in its epigenesis, the reproduction in the conservation from one gen-
reproductive conservation of the ontogenic eration to the next of an ontogenic phenotype/
phenotype is not a phenomenon determined by ontogenic niche relation; then
the total genetic constitution of the reproducing 3. The consequences are: a) the production of
living system. The reproductive conservation of lineages and of systems of lineages that exist in
the ontogenic phenotype of any particular kind of co-structural phylogenic drifts through the shift-
living systems and the consequent constitution of ing of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
lineages, is a systemic phenomenon that entails relation conserved through systemic reproduc-
the realization and conservation of the ongoing tion, b) the systemic reproductive conservation of
existence of the living systems involved as they variations of the ontogenic phenotypes / ontogenic
live in a continuous flow of interactions in a niche relations that they realize, with the conse-
changing medium in a process that lasts as long as quent constitution of new lineages, c) the sys-
the medium changes congruently with them. If temic conservation of epigenic similarities across
the medium, in which the natural phylogenic drift lineages, and d) the conservation of lineages as
of a lineage occurs includes the lineages of other long as conditions 1. and 2. are conserved, and the
living beings that are also in phylogenic drift, extinction of lineages if they are not.
either the phylogenic drifts of the lineages braid Then, our answer to the question i) presented in
and form a system of lineages in co-structural the introduction is: similarities and differences
phylogenic drift in which the different lineages — between presently existing living systems are the
change in their respective structural drifts in result of the manner of constitution of lineages
congruence with each other, or they separate, or through the systemic reproductive conservation
some, or all become extinct. of ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations,
The ongoing phylogenic co-drifting of living under circumstances in which new lineages arise
systems that form the biosphere, occurs sponta- from shifts of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
neously, and begun also spontaneously with sys- niche relations that are conserved through sys-
temic reproduction as a complication in the on- temic reproduction.
togenic codrifts of the original living systems.
Systemic reproduction did not change the nature
of the phenomenon of structural drift, but changed V.2. Adaptation Adaptação:
its scope giving rise to the history of living sys- relação de concordância operacional
tems in the process of phylogenic structural drift, The conservation of adaptation, that is, the dinâmica entre o sistema vivo e o
meio no nicho
and the diversification of lineages. conservation of the relation of dynamic ope-
The constitution of a lineage is a conservative rational concordance between the living system
process, that is, it takes place in the systemic and the medium at the niche, is a condition of
reproductive conservation of an ontogenic phe- existence of the living system. The same is the
notype/ontogenic niche relation. At the same time, case for the conservation of the autopoietic
the diversification of lineages entails the sys- organization of the living system as a molecular
temic reproductive conservation of changes discrete entity. Living systems exist only as long
around a basic ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic as their autopoiesis and adaptation is conserved.
niche relation that is conserved as the carrying These two constitutive conditions for the existence
lineage. This conservative character of the proc- of living systems allow us to answer question ii)

in the following terms: The operational con- necessarily change together in their recursive in-
gruence and harmony between living systems and teractions. If that were not to happen, the living
their circumstances connoted with the expression system would die, and if it dies before reproduc-
adaptation, is a constitutive condition of their tion, and there are no other living systems carriers
existence and does not require explanation. That of the same ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
is, either the living system conserves its adaptation relation, its lineage would come to end.
and lives, or it does not conserve adaptation and This is our answer to question ii) presented at
it dies. Adaptation is a relation of operational the beginning in the introduction to this essay.
congruence with the medium in which a living
system conserves living, not a form of living.
That is, a living system can exist and, accordingly, V.3. Diversity and similarity
be distinguished as such by an observer, only
under the condition of interactions in which its What we have said about the conditions of
autopoiesis and adaptation are conserved in the constitution of living beings as autopoietic
realization of its niche. Therefore, the condition systems, and about reproduction as the process
of existing in adaptation in the medium of a living that generates the phenomenon of heredity through
system is necessarily an invariant as along as it is the conservation of a total genotype that either
living. Consequently, given that living systems opens or denies the possibility of conservation of
Adaptação, em termos de necessarily exist in adaptation in their niche in a lineage, shows that the similarities and
acoplamento estrutural entre o their realization as such, there can not be, and differences that we see among living beings result
sistema e o meio, é invariante e there are not comparatively better or worse adapted from the systemic dynamics of constitution and
binária, não quantificável living beings. The claim that there are or that a conservation of lineages, and are not determined
living system is more or less adapted to the by the presence of certain particular types of
medium, reveals the opinion of the observer about molecules such as the nucleic acids (DNA) or
what he or she considers would be an adequate proteins, even if this are necessary for them to
living for the living system that he or she obser- occur. The different types of molecules and their O foco na epigênese retira
ves. different forms of production in the cell, as well do DNA, de proteínas ou de
It follows from all that we have just said, that as their different ways of transmission in the outras moléculas o caráter
the distinction of a living system by an observer reproductive process, participate in the con- determinante no surgimento
always necessarily brings forth a living entity in servation of the characteristics of the organisms, ou conservação de
operational congruence with its circumstance asa or in their disappearance, but do not determine
living being. And this is so even if in the way of them because these arise in an epigenic process.
looking of the observer who imagines it in other Indeed, the different kinds of molecules that
circumstances, or who imagines a possible future compose the living systems as well their different
(becoming) for it, it does not always seem to be manners of production, determine different classes
so. It also follows that the loss of adaptation of genetics insofar as they constitute different
necessarily brings with it the death of the living ways of generating genealogies through their
system, and that insofar as a living system is distribution in the offspring in the moment of
alive, it conserves the relation of adaptation with reproduction, but they do not generate or determi-
the medium through the realization of its niche, ne the phenomenon of heredity which is a systemic
even if for the observer the living system looks as phenomenon that involves both the organism and
if it were about to die. Since the conservation of the medium (see VI. 4.) This is why no particular
the adaptation is a constitutive condition for the class or type of molecules determines, nor can
existence of living systems, adaptation does not any one by itself determine the ontogenic
result or emerge from the operation of a mecha- phenotype/ontogenic niche relation or manner of
nism like the one that we biologists connote or living that define the identity of the different
indicate when using the notion of natural selec- classes of living systems that they make possible.
tion as if this were the mechanism that generates The total genetic constitution of an organism, as
adaptation. we have said along this essay, determines a domain
But there is a fundamental consequence to all of possible epigenesis, but which of those possible
that we have said so far, and it is that to the extent epigenesis occurs along the life of any particular
that the conservation of adaptation is a constitu- living system, is the result of the actual interplay
tive condition in the realization of the living, the of the living of the living system and the medium
conservation of adaptation operates as the dy- in the realization of its niche.
namic reference around which all structural But there is more. We have previously state, as
changes must occur in the conjoint structural drift a general systemic condition, that whenever in a
of the living systems and the medium as they collection of elements of any kind and in any

A conservação de um aspecto do domain, some particular configuration of rela- in the epigenic path previously conserved in a
sistema abre espaço para mudança tions begins to be conserved, a space is open for lineage, and it arises as the systemic realization
nos demais aspectos que possibili- all other relations in that collection of elements to of one of the possible epigenic path permitted by
change around the configuration of relations con- the total genotype with which the corresponding
tem esta conservação served. A consequence of this systemic condition living system begins its life. Because of this
in relation to living systems, is that as a lineage manner of origin of the new ontogenic pheno-
arises through the systemic reproduction of an types, every new ontogenic phenotype which ap-
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation, the pears in the natural phylogenic drift of a lineage,
whole molecular constitution of the living sys- necessarily includes a bigger or smaller part of
tems members of the lineage becomes open to the initial part of the ontogenic phenotype of the
change around the dynamic molecular configura- previous generation. In these circumstances, the
tions conserved in the conservation of the on- new ontogenic phenotype will frequently be only
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that a modification of the temporal dynamics of the
defines the lineage. As a result, the total genetic realization of the ontogenic phenotype of the
constitution of the members of a lineage drifts parental generation, or an expansion or suppres-
along a path defined by the systemic reproductive sion of one or another aspect of its realization
conservation of the ontogenic phenotype/on- (see VI.11). In any case, however, every new
togenic niche relation that defines the lineage. In lineage will arise as a historically stabilized sys-
the history of living systems the genotype follows temic reproductive conservation of a new on-
the ontogenic phenotype in a process that sponta- togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation as a
neously moves towards the genetic facilitation of result of successive shifts of the ontogenic phe-
the realization of the ontogenic phenotype/on- notype along some unspecified number of gen-
togenic niche relation conserved through sys- erations. In this manner, phylogenic natural drift
temic reproduction in the constitution of a line- is the source both of the conservation of similari-
age. In a way this is what Julian Huxley (in his ties and generation of diversity. This is also our
book “Evolution: the New Synthesis”, 1963) im- answer to question (ili) presented above in the
plies when he speaks of the accommodation of the introduction.
genome in the course of the generations. A more
deatiled reflection on this latter point is presented
in section VI. 6. V.4. Biological fundament of systematics
All this allows us to amplify our answers to the
questions (i) and (ii) above, as follows: The dy- As a consequence of the mechanism of lineage
namics of the constitution of lineages that we formation that we have already discussed, and
have described above is spontaneous, and leads starting from any point in the reproductive history
both to the stabilization of the lineages as well as of living systems, the natural phylogenic drift Toda linhagem surge como
to the production of new ones, depending on the will necessarily produce a system of lineages that
modificação de linhagens
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation will emerge in a linear or branched sequential
realized through the interactions of the living process as a series of successive modifications of
system and the medium in its epigenic realization a primary ontogenic phenotype. The phylogenic
that is conserved along successive generations drift flows as a historical process in which every
through systemic reproduction. The living sys- reproductive shift of the ontogenic phenotype/ Toda modificação
tems and the medium that contains them are sys- ontogenic niche relation conserved until then can reprodutiva de um modo de
tems that operate historically braided in an ongo- result in an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche vida até então conservado
ing flow of congruent structural changes in a relation that may become conserved giving rise to
pode resultar em um novo
process involving both ina single structural codrift anew lineage that will last until it is extinguished,
or history of structural coupling. Yet, as a living or until a new shifting of the ontogenic phenotype/
modo devida conservado
system and the medium that contains it are opera- ontogenic niche relation conserved gives rise to que dá origem a uma nova
tionally independent in their respective structural another new lineage. In this process, a system of linhagem
dynamics as structure determined systems, dif- lineages is spontaneously formed in which the
ferent types of organisms will give rise to differ- earlier ontogenic phenotypes appear more or less
ent classes of phylogenic drifts, with or without included as part of the epigenesis of the later
formation of lineages, depending on the temporal ones. The conservation of more or less extended
relation of their different structural dynamics and epigenetic configurations of the ontogenic
the structural dynamics of the medium in their phenotypes of the ancestors in the realization of
codrift. When, in the flow of the natural phylogenic the later ontogenic phenotypes of the members of
drift there is a shift in the ontogenic phenotypes, a system of lineages, results in that different
each new ontogenic phenotype arises as changes epigenic configurations constitute lineages of
"A conservação de configurações epigenéticas mais ou menos extensas dos fenótipos ontogênicos dos ancestrais na
realização dos posteriores fenótipos ontogênicos dos membros de um sistema de linhagens, resulta que diferentes
configurações epigenéticas constituem linhagens de fenótipos ontogênicos que são portados por linhagens de
fenótipos ontogênicos que os incluem em sua realização como os sistemas de ramificação de uma árvore."

ontogenic phenotypes that are carried by lineages the taxonomist organizes different classes of
of ontogenic phenotypes that include them in ontogenic phenotypes that he or she distinguishes
their realization as the branching systems of a according to how they contain one another, in their
tree. The natural phylogenic drift occurs as a similarities and differences, he or she will propose
system of ramifications of lineages in which the a Classification in which the taxonomic categories
smaller branches retain features of the larger stems that can be called “higher” will necessarily be
from which they arose. A transversal section of a based on the distinction of ontogenic phenotypes /
system of ramification of this kind seen from ontogenic niche relations that correspond to the
above, allows us to group the sectioned branches conservation of the oldest epigenetic confi-
according to similarities that depend on the history gurations. So, we claim that given
the of the
of origin of each one of them as modifications of
a previous configuration. In these circumstances
we answer the question (iv) presented in the
introduction of this essay as follows: To the extent
that we living beings are the present of an
uninterrupted branching history of lineage
formation in a natural phylogenic drift, a have, because of this, biological meaning. In these
taxonomist that classifies the living systems that circumstances, it also follows that major taxonomic
he or she distinguishes in different categories categories correspond to the distinction of
defined by their different degrees of similarity, ontogenic phenotypes that are realized as aspects
can do nothing but to group them either by of the epigenesis of ontogenic phenotypes that
constellations of similarities that have their origin define minor taxa. Thus, when a living system that
in a history of phylogenic conservation of some is distinguished as a member of a particular species
epigenic configuration, or by similarities that do realizes its ontogenic phenotype as a member of
not have such a character. In these circumstances, that species, it realizes simultaneously the
ataxonomist, who in doing a classification of any epigenesis of the ontogenic phenotypes proper to
category cannot but put together organisms that the genus, family, class, type, and kingdom to
resemble in constellations of features that appear which it belongs as a result of being
the present
to him or her in a non historical context, will form of the phylogenic drift that gave origin to it.
spontaneously prefer those similarities that It follows, then, that the taxonomic categories
resulted from the conservation of epigenic constructed by a taxonomist are not arbitrary tothe
coherences in different lineages because they will extent that they are based on the distinction of the
unavoidably include or reveal additional ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations that
unexpected phenotypic correlations that would define the different lineages that he or she conno-
have not been possible if his or her classification tes in his or her classification. And it also follows
had been based on accidental similarities only. that a good taxonomy is precisely one that has been
The result is and has been in many occasions, that constructed by a biologist who has become a
experienced taxonomists have made taxonomic taxonomist by learning the operational looking that
groupings that have had biological historical allows him or her to make distinctions that grasp the
relevance even when they did not considered similarities that reveal historical relations. This also
possible evolutionary relations. Moreover, the means that the generative mechanism of the higher
classificatory vision of taxonomists has been a taxonomic categories is not different from the
basic source for evolutionary insights in the generative mechanism of lower ones (Fig. 8).
history of biology. Taken together, sections 4 and 5 above express
what constitute our answer to the question (iv)
presented in the introduction of this essay.
V.5. Biological significance of the taxonomic
If the taxonomist creates taxonomic categories
following in his or her classification distinctions In what follows we will make some final
of ontogenic phenotypes common to the different reflections in which we will examine several
forms of organisms that he or she distinguishes, he consequences of what we have already said for
or she will make biologically significant taxonomic the understanding of the history of living systems
categories by revealing the present moment of the and the constitution of the biosphere, and we shall
historic becoming of the living beings thereby sketch some answers to a few of the open questions
classified. Moreover, if in classifying living beings in such a domain.

class into the dynamics of systemic reproduction,

expands the genetic variability of the organisms
family through molecular recombination, but heredity
remains the result of the systemic reproductive
genera conservation of an epigenesis that remains capable
of realizing a particular ontogenic phenotype/
tHH t+ ontogenic niche relation. With the expansion of
species —-} 4«-—— species the genetic variability that sexuality entails through
genetic recombination and gene occultation, the
fields or domains of epigenic variability are
amplified at the same time that they are
phylogenically conserved as bonded or closed
networks of genetic configurations that constitute
lineages of polytypic ontogenic phenotypes, one
of which is, of course, sexual dimorphism. With
Fig. 8. In this figure we attempt to illustrate a
the amplification of the epigenic variability that
phyletic tree in wich the different branching
sexuality brings, the possibility for the shifting of
systems represent different ontogenic phenotype/
the ontogenic phenotypes conserved through
ontogenic niche relations conserved as differents
systemic reproduction, is expanded in every
lineages. The magnitude of the lateral
reproductive occasion, At the same time, the
displacement of the vertical course of the branches
restrictions on genetic recombinations entailed in Sexualidade aumenta a
at each nodal point represent more or less
any mechanisms that interferes with the gene estabilidade do fenótipo
extensive shifts of the ancestral ontogenic
flow between different communities of inter- ontogênico ao restringir
phenotype/ontogenic niche relations. The tips of
breeding organisms, result in that the genetic
the phyletic tree correspond to the present species. variantes incompatíveis
variability within a sexual lineage becomes
The horizontal arrows above the phyletic tree com os processos sexuais
systemically constrained along its phylogenic drift
represents the different ontogenic phenotypes/
ontogenic niche relations connoted by the
within bounds defined by the stability of such
taxonomist as he or she distinguishes different
restrictions. Yet, none of these phenomena that
taxonomic categories while grouping the actual modulate the course of the phylogenic drift of the
species. sexual organisms, alters the systemic nature of
reproduction and heredity, or the nature of the
Esta figura ilustra un arbol filogenético, en el cual los
diferentes grupos de ramas representan diferentes relacio-
phylogenic drift in the terms that we have
nes fenotipo ontogénico/nicho ontogénico conservadas presented.
como diferentes linajes. La magnitud del desplazamiento
lateral del curso vertical de las ramas en cada punto nodal
representa un desplazamiento mas o menos extensivo de la VI.2. Natural selection
relaci6n fenotipo ontogénico/nicho ontogénico ancestral.
Las puntas del arbol filetico representan las especies
actuales. Las flechas horizontales indicadas sobre el arbol
filogenético representan las diferentes relaciones fenotipo
ontogénico/nicho ontogénico connotadas por un taxonomo As a result, modern
cuando este distingue diferentes categorias taxonomicas al biologists see adaptation as a variable, and think
clasificar las especies actuales.
that the diversity of living systems is the result of Visão apontada por M&M como
a historical process of continuous improvement a visão padrão dos biólogos com
of the adaptation of the living systems to the quem eles não concordam
medium in which they live. In these circumstances
VILLI. Sexuality

In our previous discussion we did not refer to

Não há diferenças significativas sexuality, because we think that such a reference That is, the
no fenômeno de deriva filogênica does not introduce a substantial modification to notion of natural selection is used in biological
the phenomenon of phylogenic drift. Certainly, discourse as if it constituted the generative
Pode-se dizer que isso se deve sexuality modifies the phenomenon of genetic mechanism of the evolutionary change. Under
ao fato de que sexualidade traz drift by establishing closed networks of gene this view a force or external agent is needed to
novas dinâmicas particulares, mas flow, and through that adds a new dimension to produce the adaptive change, and this force or
the dynamics of conservation of ontogenic external agent is referred to as selective pressure
não modifica a base do processo phenotypes and manners of living. Yes, sexuality or selective strategy. As we said above, we think
by adding cell fusion or molecular interchange differently.

Living systems as molecular autopoietic sys- occurs “as if there were selection”, he used the
tems exist in recursive continuous structural active form of the notion of selection to refer to
the result of a generative mechanism or process
that had to be operating in the present of each
Living systems stay alive organism so as to generate differential survival.
only as long as they operate conserving their But Darwin used the notion of competition under
dynamic structural congruence with the medium the expression of “survival of the fittest”, which
in which they realize their living in the realiza- is in fact an explanatory metaphor that the ob-
tion of their niche. This operational structural server uses to account for the differential survival
congruence between the living system and the that he or she observes in the reproductive history
medium as the living system realizes its niche, is of populations. The use of this metaphor has
what we connote with the word adaptation, and resulted misleading because it has obscured the
what we say when we say that the conjoined view of the actual mechanism of the differential
conservation of adaptation and autopoiesis is a survival that results in the course of the genera-
condition of existence in living systems. It is in tions in natural selection,
agreement with this condition of existence of
living systems, that we claim: a) that it is not the According to us, then, the generative mechanism
origin of change or the origin of adaptation what that applies to each organism in the present of its
has to be explained in the history of living sys- living and generates differential survival in the
tems on earth, but course of generations, is the “survival of the fit”.
and And we connote this with the general expression
b) that the mechanism that guides the course of that the history of living systems has followed the
path of phylogenic natural drift. Kimura and Weiss
(1964) when speaking of the survival of the lucky,
and Cavalli-Sforza (1996) when speaking of ge-
netic drift under the confines of natural selection
see this to some extent, but do not fully realize

Or, in other words, we claim that the Indeed we think, and we repeat, that the bio-
process that gave rise to the diversity of living logical phenomenon that a biologists connotes
systems that we find today in the biosphere is not when speaking of atuRallSelection,
some operation of some mechanism of selection,
O intuito dos autores parece ser but the differential survival in the realization of
muito mais atacar a visão de um living and constitution of lineages in the conser-
progressivo 'melhoramento' das vation of adaptation through systemic reproduc-
tion, that we have called natural phylogenic drift.
espécies, em favor de uma visão In these circumstances, natural selection is not phylogenic structural drift and co-drift. Moreo-
ver we claim that when there is sexuality, the
neutralista dos sistemas vivos: the mechanism that generates differential sur- ontogenic and phylogenic drift and co-drift occur
cada um deles está igualmente vival in the evolutionary history of living sys- for every system of sexual lineages within the
apto a viver pois está vivo, e não tems. Evolution is the history of diversification limits of the gene flow and gene recombinations
diferentemente apto a viver por of living systems that takes place through natural established by the different mechanisms that re-
estar mais ou menos próximo de phylogenic drift. And natural phylogenic drift strict the gene flow between non-interbreeding
populations. The phylogenic drift of sexually re-
um ideal de ser vivo adaptado. occurs in course of the systemic reproductive
conservation of autopoiesis and adaptation in the producing organisms is not an exception, and
recursive encounter of the living systems and the occurs under the same fundamental mechanism of
medium as structure determined systems that ex- the ontogenic and phylogenic structural drift and
ist under independent dynamics of structural co-drift of asexual individuals and lineages, that
"A diversificação de linhagens em change. Furthermore, the
diversification of line- is, through the conservation and shift of ontogenic
phenotype/ontogenic niche relations in the terms
sistemas vivos não ocorre em uma that we have already described.
dinâmica competitiva através da Moreover, we think that what has happened
sobrevivência do mais apto, mas since Darwin is that the use of the notion of
segue o curso da sobrevivência natural selection as connoting a force in order to
dos aptos na conservação de We think that when Darwin (1872) said that the explain adaptation, and the attention on popula-
autopoiese (vida) e adaptação." process of historical change of living systems tions as an opportunity to quantify and predict the

Essa tese não toma a competição como constitutiva do processo evolutivo. Ela toma a diversificação como fundamento, que

course of evolution, has obscured our view of VI.3. Species and speciation
evolution as a process that occurs in the present of
the living individual organisms through systemic The extensive controversy concerning the notion
reproduction along the path of conservation of of species arises somehow from the effectiveness
autopoiesis and adaptation as the mechanism that of the taxonomist’s way of looking and his or her
generates differential survival. In these circum- effectiveness in making organic categories that
stances, the difficulty of seeing natural phylogenic have biological significance in a background of
drift as the generative mechanism of evolution, doubts about the fundaments of the biological
even when there is awareness of the permanent legitimacy of such effectiveness. The question
presence of genetic drift, is that natural selection has been: are the taxonomic categories biological
is treated as if it were the mechanism that gives entities, or are they only artifacts of classification?
direction to differential survival notwithstanding Does the species as a taxonomic category represent
that one knows that natural selection is a conse- a biological entity while the other taxonomic
quence of the course followed by the differential categories represent mere classification artifacts?
survival that it is supposed to direct (Cavalli- With the notion of the biological species as a
Sforza 1996, pp 75 - 84). We also think that this genetically closed system of interbreeding
attitude is the result of not seeing reproduction as populations developed by Ernst Mayr (1963), the
a systemic process, as well as of not seeing that matter of giving fundament to the notion of species Sobre o conceito biológico
what gives direction to the evolutionary process as representing a biological entity seemed come de espécie (grupo de seres
in the constitution of a biosphere as a network of to an end. And it seemed so because the view of intercruzantes)
interrelated lineages, is that lineages arise in the the biological species as a genetically closed
systemic reproductive conservation of an on- system of interbreeding populations revealed a
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation biological mechanisms that restrict the gene flow
through the conservation of both adaptation and a between its members and the members of other
manner of living, and not through the conserva- different interbreeding populations, clearly
tion of a genetic constitution. pointing both: a) to a biological entity with a
Evolution according to us takes place in the historical existence, and, b) to the biological
dynamics of generation and diversification of lin- mechanism that would generate such an entity by
eages, and not in the change of the genetic consti- enclosing a group of organisms in a common
tution of populations which is only aresult. Living evolutionary destiny of change and conservation
occurs in the present of the operation of the living of dynamic configurations of gene relations.
system in the realization of its living, and nothing Moreover, this view of the species as a system of
occurs in the living system determined by the interbreeding organisms was in total concordance
future. So the differential survival connoted by the with the notion that evolution had to be understood
expression natural selection must be the result of a in terms of the changing genetic constitution of
process obscured by such a notion, and that proc- populations. According to us, however, the old
ess must take place in the continuously changing conceptual difficulties do not disappear totally.
present that the flow of living is. It is in these And this is so because the biological species
circumstances that we claim that the process that notion arises as a notion associated with the view
gives rise to the conservation and differentiation of natural selection as the generative mechanism
A conservação de modos de vida
of manners of living that we biologists connote of the evolutionary process in terms of
é fruto do processo de deriva with the notion of evolution, is the dynamics of populations, which, according to us, is something
natural filogenética generation and differentiation of lineages through that cannot be accepted because the mechanism
the systemic reproductive conservation of on- that generates natural selection as the consequence
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations. In- of its operation is natural phylogenic drift.
deed, we claim that since systemic reproduction Additionally, the biological species notion as it is
conserves dynamic relational configurations be- usually understood, is associated to a view that
tween organism and medium (in the conservation of treats adaptation as a variable, and sees natural
ontogenic phenotypes / ontogenic niche relations), selection as operating on adaptive advantages
and not genetic configurations per se, that natural and disadvantages in face of a continuous
phylogenic drift channels the genetic drift in a way competition for survival, while considering that
that does not result in genetic homogenization. the history of diversification of living systems or
Therefore, it is in these circumstances that we claim evolution, is the history of genetic change of
that it is natural phylogenic drift what gives rise to populations. Finally, the notion of biological
the directionality of the evolutionary process that species arises in a way of thinking that invites
we biologists have attempted to explain since Dar- accepting the idea that all the characteristics or
win with the notion of natural selection. traits of an organism that an observer can identify

as being conserved through evolution, are lineages that may arise from it will have the same
genetically determined, and have emerge and are nodal character in the course of the natural
conserved as the result of a selective process that phylogenic drift. We can also say that a species is
retains them according to their adaptive a nodal lineage in the terms implied above. We
advantages in a domain or field of competition for also think that the biological species of Ernst
survival. Accordingly, we think that the approach Mayr as an interbreeding population of organ-
Críticas ao conceito biológico de
that sees species and speciation in terms of isms that is constituted as a genetically closed
espécie, proposto por Mayr, na populations faces several difficulties under the unity through the biological restriction of the
forma de fenômenos que o conceito form of phenomena that it cannot explain. The genetic interchange with other such populations
não consegue explicar following are three that we consider the most by means of various isolating mechanisms, is a
salient ones: special case of the systemic reproductive conser-
a) the conservation of asexual lineages of or- vation of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
a) organismos em linhagens ganic forms that are maintained either perma- relation that includes sexuality. Nothing can hap-
assexuais não possuem um domínio nently or transitorily by means that do not entail pen in the life history of an organism that is not
fechado de fluxo gênico (e não the constitution of a closed genetic domain as permitted or made possible at the beginning of its
cruzam entre si) claimed to be required for speciation under the existence by its total genetic constitution. Yet,
biological species concept; whatever actually happens along the life history
b) há características às quais não b) the presence of features of the organism that of a living system arises in it as a systemic epigenic
se pode atribuir uma origem the observer can clearly distinguish as being con- process, and whatever is conserved generation
served in a lineage, but to which he or she cannot after generation as a manner of living, is con-
adaptativa aceitável attribute some acceptable adaptive origin; and served through systemic reproduction with the
c) a relevância biológica de taxons c) the biological relevance of the taxonomic participation of the genetic system but not deter-
[poderíamos pensar, em especial distinctions that an experienced taxonomist makes, mined by this. So, although genetics and gene
flow, or lack of gene flow, participate as features
taxons mais gerais do que a espécie]no matter what may be the taxonomic category
distinguished. of the constitution of the biological species, it is
Our way of dealing with these and other ques- not genetics what determines in any case its par-
tions in the matter of speciation and taxonomy, ticular identity, but the systemic reproductive
follows a path different from that of Ernst Mayr. conservation of the ontogenic phenotype/on-
We think that what a taxonomist does as he or she togenic niche relation that defines it. Therefore, it
claims to distinguish a species, and his or her is because of the systemic character of the conser-
distinction makes biological organic sense in the vation of the ontogenic phenotype that defines a
context of a system of taxonomic distinctions, are lineage, that sexual and asexual lineages (spe-
two things: one, to distinguish an ontogenic phe- cies) are constituted and conserved in the same
notype that defines a lineage of organisms; and way in the phylogenic drift. In these circum-
two, to claim that the ontogenic phenotype/on- stances, the difference between sexual and asexual
togenic niche relation distinguished as a species lineages, is that in the asexual lineages the ge- linhagens assexuais geram
has a nodal position in the ramification of line- netic variability of the members of the lineage
diferenças genéticas
ages in the phylogenic drift, because the new that opens the possibility for genetic variations in
lineages that may arise from, are also species. If the ontogenic phenotypes conserved, emerges only
através de recombinações
another taxonomist were to claim that the classi- from internal recombinations and / or mutations, e mutações; linhagens
fication made is not adequate, he or she would be while in the sexual lineages such variability is sexuais adicionam a estas
claiming either that the classification that the expanded through sexual gene recombination. a recombinação genética
first taxonomist made did not correspond to an Let us summarize in the next I1 statements:
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that 1. The taxonomist claims to recognize the mem-
defines an organic lineage, or that the lineage bers of a species through traits that he or she
defined by the first taxonomist does not have such considers to make part of the ontogenic pheno-
nodal position in the phylogenic drif because it is type/ontogenic niche relation that defines the lin-
only a variation of one, namely, a subspecies. eage, and is successful to the extent that the
Therefore, we consider that an appropriate char- course of the natural phylogenic drift shows that
acterization of the species as a taxonomic cat- he or she indeed distinguished a nodal lineage.
Uma espécie é... egory is: A species is a taxonomic category that 2. The ontogenic phenotype that characterizes a
...uma categoria taxonômica que corresponds to the distinction of a lineage de- species, is not genetically determined although
corresponde à distinção de uma fined by the conservation of an ontogenic pheno- its realization in the members of the species de-
linhagem... type/ontogenic niche relation that may or may not pends on the total genetic constitution that makes
... definida pela conservação de include sexuality, and which a taxonomist con- it possible at the beginning of their existence .
uma relação fenótipo ontogênico/ siders that has a nodal character in the dynamics What defines a lineage, is the conservation through
nicho ontogênico... of diversification of lineages because the new systemic reproduction of an organism/medium
... que pode ou não incluir sexualidade, e...
... que um taxonomista considera que possui um caráter nodal na dinâmica de diversificação de linhagens pois...
... as novas linhagens que podem surgir dela terão o mesmo caráter nodal no curso da deriva filogenética natural

dynamics under the form of the systemic repro- the interbreeding populations will be closed do-
ductive conservation of an ontogenic phenotype/ mains of gene interchange and they will be more
ontogenic niche relation. or less uniform genetically according to the de-
3. Sexuality and genetic isolation modulate the gree of panmixing of their interbreeding. In the
becoming and conservation of the sexual species, case of nonsexual organisms, the populations that
but do not determine what is conserved along its they form will be more or less uniform geneti-
history because that arises in the systemic repro- cally depending on how much the organism /
ductive conservation of an epigenic process re- medium relation restricts the epigenic variability
gardless of the presence or absence of sexuality. in their ontogenic realization.
The isolating mechanisms that restrict the gene 7. To the extent that the phylogenic drift and the
flow between populations, operate as features of speciation that it entails occurs in a domain of
Coerências ecológicas são o
the systemic dynamics that conserves the on- interacting and interrelating living systems in the modo como se manifesta a
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that spontaneous dynamics of the flow of living in co-especiação: o resultado
defines a species, regardless of any reference to conservation of organization and adaptation, co- necessário da co-deriva e
genetic determination. speciation is a necessary outcome under the form co-especiação
4. Phylogenic drift is a process of continuous of local and distant ecological coherences in the
Como os seres vivos,
transformation and diversification of lineages constitution of a biosphere. That is, what an ob-
through the systemic reproductive conservation server sees as ecological congruencies between
individualmente ou em
along the history of a lineage of variations in the species, or what he or she sees as ecological co- grupo, são parte do meio
- Deriva filogenética é um processoontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations adaptations, are an unavoidable result of sponta- de outros seres vivos, suas
de contínua transformação e that defines it. When in this process a particular neous co-drifting and co-speciation. mudanças são mudanças do
diversificação de linhagens; variation of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic 8. Speciation will necessarily occur as a spon- meio que podem canalizar
- Uma espécie surge quando uma niche relation in a lineage begins to be conserved taneous process in small populations where local mudanças epigenéticas nos
nova relação fenótipo ontogênico/through systemic reproduction in a way that it habits of living can be conserved as ontogenic demais
nicho ontogênico começa a ser becomes a nodal lineage, a new species arises. As phenotypes through systemic reproduction. Fur-
conservada de modo a formar umasuch speciation occurs in the systemic reproduc- thermore, in large populations of sexually repro-
Fenômenos próprios de
tive dynamics that conserves the structural cou- ducing organisms, the systemic reproduction of
linhagem nodal. pling between organism and medium, and if there habits and behavioral preferences will disrupt the pequenas populações e de
are different kinds of organism living in a way in possibilities of panmixing, creating domains of grandes populações de
which they form part of each other’s medium, inbreeding which add the dimension of mating organismos sexuais
speciation will necessarily occur as a systemic preferences to the behavioral channeling of the
process of co-speciation in the constitution of a genetic drift (see appendix, “Habits”)
biosphere. 9. In the process of speciation, the shifting of
5. Speciation is not a population phenomenon the ontogenic phenotype will appear as saltatory
because a species as a nodal lineage may or may or as gradual to an observer according to the
not include sexuality. Asexual species form temporal perspective from which he or she makes
populations as systems of coexistence that do not his or her observations. Yet, in a strict opera-
entail gene interchange. Sexual species, form sys- tional sense, the process of speciation will always
tems of coexistence that constitute populations of be saltatory, with big or small saltations depend-
actually or potentially interbreeding organisms. ing on the number of generations involved from
So the word population is either used to refer to the beginning of the shifting of the ontogenic
collections of organisms that live in some rela- phenotype until the final establishment of the
tion of coexistence, or to refer to organisms that new lineage.
form networks of actual or possible gene inter- 10. An observer who compares populations of
change through sexuality. Whatever the case, organisms in different moments of their history
populations are incidental to the process of while attending to the relative frequency of the
Especiação não é um fenômeno
speciation, and do not constitute it. different genotypes observable in them without
6. Even though speciation is not a population
populacional; contudo, espécies considering that speciation takes place as a
formarão diferentes tipos de phenomenon, the manner of conservation of the phylogenic drift of ontogenic phenotypes, will
populações com diferentes ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that see any change in the relative frequency of the
participações na realização do defines a species will result in the constitution of different genotypes observed as a result of a
different kinds of populations that will partici- change in gene frequencies produced by a process
modo de vida que define a espéciepate differently in the realization of the manner of of positive selection of certain genes and of nega-
living that defines the species. Sexual and asexual tive selection of others. Such an observer will fail
organisms will constitute different kinds of to see that the change in gene frequencies ob-
populations, and hence, different domains of co- served is a result of a differential survival of
existence. Thus, in the case of sexual organisms, ontogenic phenotypes in a process in which all
"Hereditariedade não depende de nenhuma
estrutura molecular particular, embora a
EVOLUTION: NATURAL DRIFT estrutura molecular conservada no ato da 293
reprodução sistêmica a torne possível"
genetic changes are coopted in the realization of though the molecular structure conserved in the
the ontogenic phenotypes conserved in the con- act of systemic reproduction makes it possible.
servation of living. Change in the genetic consti- And we have done so by showing: a) that heredity
A hereditariedade implica
tution of the organisms members of a population occurs or takes place in the conservation of na conservação das
along the latter’s evolutionary history, is a result organization and adaptation through systemic estruturas do sistema e
of the differential survival of the members of the reproduction; and, b) that systemic reproduction do meio que tornam
population along a history of phylogenic drift, so occurs as a process of division that involves possível a realização da
it occurs in a dynamics of drift too . organism and medium through the conservation organização própria do
11. As a closed population with respect to ge- in the systems that result from that division of the sistema dividido nos
netic interchange with other similarly genetically structures that make possible the realization of
closed populations, the so called biological spe- the particular organization of the dividing system,
sistemas originados.
cies is a special case only because of the partici- as well the conservation of the structural features
pation of sexuality in the ontogenic phenotype/ of the medium in which the new resulting systems
ontogenic niche relation conserved in it, and not may remain realizing that particular organization.
because of the form in which this is conserved So, in the biological domain, what the word
that is the same as with asexual lineages. heredity connotes is a systemic process in a
According to us, therefore, speciation occurs in structural dynamics that associates living systems
Resumo acerca de the systemic reproductive conservation and change and medium in the conservation of the structures
ESPECIAÇÃO of lineages of ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic and relations of the living systems and the medium
niche relations in a systemic dynamics that in- under which living is conserved. As such, the
volves the living systems and their niches as process connoted with the word heredity operates
operational totalities in continuous change while guiding the transgenerational conservation and
the organization and the adaptation of the partici- change of all classes of living systems in their
pating organisms are conserved. That is, speciation historic becoming by setting boundaries, through
is not a feature of the history of living systems what is conserved, to the variability of the
only, but it is a feature of the history of the molecular process that make possible the
biosphere. Speciation is a biological process in conservation or extinction of the different
which living systems and medium change to- ontogenic phenotypes that arise through the
gether congruently in a way in which each living systemic reproduction of the living. Finally, it is
system and what it does operates as part of the because heredity is a systemic phenomenon and
medium of the others. At the same time, we think not a molecular one, that behavior as a participant
Comportamento define o
that it should be apparent that species, as they in the systemic dynamics of living and repro- que é e o que não é
appear in the act of classification, have a cat- duction, plays acentral role in the course followed conservado em cada classe
nitidez categórica
egorical neatness that does not reflect the fluidity by the phylogenic drift of living systems by de sistema vivo
of the evolutionary process, and that the taxono- defining what is conserved and what is not
mist in the act of classification makes a magnifi- conserved in the ongoing existence of every class
cent feat of historical abstraction. As abstractions of living system along the constitution and
of historical dynamics all taxonomic categories conservation of lineages through systemic
are historical biological entities, not mere taxo- reproduction.
nomic constructs. Taxonomic categories appear
in the distinction of the observer, but they make
biological sense only if the taxonomist has enough V1.5. Evolution and the origin of living systems
biological understanding and insight to see
through analogical abstractions the past in the As we have stated before, whenever in acollection
present, and to make from the present a future that of elements a configuration of relations begins to
future biologists will accept. be conserved, a system arises defined as a unity
A persistência no tempo de
by the configuration of relations conserved which uma organização e da
henceforth becomes its organization. At the same relação de adaptação com o
V1.4. Heredity time that a system begins to be conserved, either meio são condições de
the conditions of the medium that make its existência para qualquer
The phenomenon of heredity as it appears with conservation possible also begin to be conserved sistema (não apenas
systemic reproduction, operates as the fundament in the system / medium relation, or the system
sistemas vivos)
of the history of living systems as a factor in the disintegrates. So, as a system arises the conditions
constitution and conservation of lineages. In this of its existence arise as well, and, therefore, a
essay we have shown that due to its manner of system begins and exists in the conservation of its
constitution the phenomenon of heredity does not organization and adaptation to the medium in
depend on any particular molecular structure even which it exists. As a system begins its existence

in the conservation of its organization and phenotype/ontogenic niche relations. And we also
adaptation, its ontogenic structural drift begins. claim that this is why there are different inde-
Evento fundamental do surgimento
This must have happened in the origin of living pendent and intersecting kinds, types, and classes
da vida: systems with the spontaneous arising of discrete of lineages, each existing in the operational do-
"o surgimento espontâneo de molecular autopoietic unities that lasted as long main in which the ontogenic phenotype that de-
unidades autopoiéticas as the system medium relation that made them fines it occurs, and each according to the way of
moleculares discretas" possible were conserved. Furthermore, when these generation of the components of the composite
original living systems underwent reproduction entities that realize or carry such ontogenic phe-
through a simple division that resulted in the notypes / ontogenic niche relations in the moment
systemic reproductive conservation of their of their systemic reproduction. Finally, we wish
molecular autopoietic organization, evolution to emphasize that the natural phylogenic drift Na deriva filogenética
begun as a phylogenic structural drift in which all occurs in the recursive interactions between liv- natural, cada sistema vivo
could change around the conservation of the ing systems and medium as a process that neces- opera em todas as
autopoiesis and adaptation of the living systems sarily flows in a continuous co-drifting that in- dimensões de seu domínio
thus generated. In other words, we claim that as volves for each living system at every moment all
de existência a todo
living systems appeared on earth with the the dimensions of its domain of existence while at
spontaneous occurrence of molecular autopoietic the same time each living systems operates as part
momento, enquanto cada
unities, these first living systems existed in of the medium of others. Or, in other words, since sistema vivo opera como
ontogenic structural drift in a non-reproductive the natural phylogenic drift occurs as a spontane- parte do meio dos demais.
dynamics of epigenic structural variations in the ous dynamics in the continuous conservation of
realization of living and dying. We also claim that the structural coupling between medium and liv-
when reproductive fracture and fusion begun to ing systems through the conservation of their "a biosfera emerge como
occur in the dynamics of ontogenic structural reciprocal co-adaptation, natural phylogenic drift uma rede multidimensional
variations of the living systems, phylogenic drift constitutes a process in which the biosphere de relações de fenótipo
begun in the systemic reproductive conservation emerges as a multidimensional network of on- ontogênico/nicho
of different ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations that
relations with the consequent constitution and form a system of complementary phylogenic co-
ontogênico que formam um
ramification of lineages which lasted as long as drifts as a gigantic entangled systems of ecologi- sistema de coderivas
autopoiesis and adaptation were conserved through cal coherences. . complementares, como um
systemic reproduction. With what we have just emaranhado gigantesco de
said, and with all that we have presented along this coerências ecológicas"
essay as features of the operational domain of VI.6. The ontogenic phenotype pulls along the
living systems, we have shown the spontaneous total genotype
dynamic conditions that must have given origin to
the constitution and history of structural changes The establishment of a lineage in the conservation
of the terrestrial biosphere in a dynamics of change of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation,
and conservation that has resulted in the present frees the genetic variability of the living systems
diversity in the manners of existing of the living members of the lineage within boundaries
systems of today. That is to say, we claim that the operationally set by the epigenetic field that permits
historical process that we connote with the word the realization of such ontogenic phenotype, and A constituição e conservação
evolution as the generative mechanism of the creates a domain of genetic cooption of all those
present diversity of terrestrial living systems, is
de uma linhagem depende da
variations for its conservation. In other words, the
the process of natural phylogenic drift. constitution and conservation of a lineage in the
conservação reprodutiva
In other words, what we propose with all we systemic reproductive conservation of an ontogenic sistêmica de uma relação de
have said before is: that the lineages of cells as phenotype/ontogenic niche relation, permits that fenótipo ontogênico/nicho
well as the lineages of groups of cells that are the in every reproductive saltation the total genotype ontogênico
organisms (be they homogenetic symbionts, as all may change in an open drifting, as long as those
those whose different tissues come from the same changes still conserve the initial conditions that
founder cell, or heterogenetic symbionts, as those permit the epigenic realization of the ontogenic
that come from heterogeneous cellular groups phenotype that defines the lineage. If that were not
that aggregate themselves in the constitution of a to occur, the lineage comes to an end, or there is a
unity) that exist and have existed in the bio- shift in the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
sphere, were formed under the same mechanism, relations generated or conserved through the
namely, natural phylogenic drift. At the same systemic reproduction of the living. A basic
time, we claim that what we have said before is consequence of this is that the longer a lineage
valid for all composite biological entities in their lasts, the more the total genotype may shift towards
domain of constitution as particular ontogenic a condition that facilitates more and more the
"uma condição que facilita":
O que quer dizer 'facilitar' nesse caso?
As condições do meio podem ser 'mais' ou 'menos'
favoráveis à ocorrência de um curso epigenético?
A conservação de uma relação de A deriva filogenética segue
fenótipo ontogênico/nicho ontogê- relational dynamics between living system and defines it, the phylogenic drift, as a historical
necessariamente um curso
process in which each moment along it arises as a unidirecional, definido pela
medium in which occurs the epigenesis that realizes
nico tem como motor a conservaçãothe ontogenic phenotype that defines the lineage. modification of the previous one, will necessarily
de estruturas nos sistemas subse- Furthermore, in this process the medium par- conservação de uma
follow a unidirectional path defined by the on-
quentes e no meio ao longo das ticipates with its own dynamics of structural togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation con-
relação fenótipo
gerações. Se Seleção Natural é o change, and the systemic conservation of an served (see also section VI.13. below); and ontogênico/nicho
resultado desse processo, então ontogenic phenotype allows the medium to change 3. When there is intersection of several differ- ontogênico
seria válido dizer que são selecio- in all dimensions as long as the realization of the ent ontogenic phenotypes in the realization of a
particular carrier lineage, the course of the ge-
nadas todas as estruturas que niche of the reproductively conserved ontogenic netic change in the phylogenic drift of the carrier
phenotype is also conserved.
constituem condições para a relação As evolution begun, the total genotypes of the lineage will entail the co-option of all the genetic
conservada (estruturas tanto do members of the different lineages became open to changes that conserve the realization of the dif-
sistema quanto do meio)? drift along their phylogenic conservation within ferent ontogenic phenotypes that intersect with it
Ex: seleção gradual das muitas boundaries defined generation after generation (see VI.8. below).
by the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche rela- That the genotype should follow the phenotype
modificações realizadas pelo própriotions conserved in each systemic reproductive in evolution seems obvious after what we have
ser humano no meio, que tornam step. In other words, when a lineage begins, the said. What is not obvious is which are all the
mais fácil a realização do fenótipo total genotype of the members of the lineage dimensions of genetic variability involved in that
ontogênico característico (que follows a path of drift defined by the conservation process.
modifica-se ao longo do tempo de of the lineage, in a process of genetic drift con-
forma congruente com o nicho) tained within bounds defined by the conservation
of the epigenic realization of the ontogenic phe- V1.7. Behavior and Evolution
notype/ontogenic niche relation that is conserved.
In evolution it is the phylogenic drift of the on- That the ontogenic-phenotype/ontogenic-niche
togenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations what relation in the constitution of a lineage should be
guides what is conserved or lost in the genome conserved through systemic reproduction and not
along the history of genetic change in a lineage or through genetic determination, has made behavior,
system of lineages, and not the reverse: the ge- as the domain of the relational epigenesis, the
netic change of the genome follows the ontogenic central agent in the establishment of the course
phenotype in natural phylogenic drift under the followed by the natural phylogenic drift in
form of a genetic drift bounded by the systemic evolution. That behavior guides the course of the
reproductive conservation of the ontogenic phe- natural phylogenic drift becomes apparent when
notype/ontogenic niche relations. In these cir- we recognize that behavior is an aspect of the
cumstances, through the systemic conservation epigenesis, and that the epigenesis seen in its
and shift of the ontogenic phenotypes that occurs relational aspect in the domain of realization of
in phylogenic drift, all genetic variations that do the living system as a totality in the medium is, in
not interfere with the epigenic realization of the effect, behavior. The total genotype determines
ontogenic phenotype realized in each generation, in each living system at the moment of its inception
become co-opted in the realization of the on- the domain of all the possible epigenic courses
togenic phenotypes conserved. This co-option of that it may follow along its life history, even
the genetic variability, is part of the operational though only one will in fact take place in its
and structural background that modulates the field ontogeny. Furthermore, the total genotype also
of possible epigenic courses that makes possible determines in each living system at the beginning
the shifting of the ontogenic phenotype / on- of its life the domain of all the behaviors that it
togenic niche relations in the phylogenic drift. may possible live in its interactions in the medium
And this can happen, of course, because the on- without specifying any one. And the total genotype
togeny of a living system occurs as an epigenic does so, because behavior also arises in a systemic
process, and there is no genetic determination of manner in the actual relations of the living system
what happens in the life history of a living sys- and medium as an epigenetic process of realization
tem. Finally, it is worth noting that: of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
1. Due to the epigenic realization of the on- relation that begins with it . It is because behavior
togenic phenotype, the notion of selective value arises in the encounter of the living system and
of genes is not necessary to explain the process of the medium while both operate as structurally
evolution; independent systems, that it is not possible to
2. As the genetic changes in a lineage follow the speak of genetically determined behavior, and the
path defined by the systemic conservation of the idea of the inheritance in the lamarkian sense of
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that behaviorally acquired characters, is not tenable.
não é defensável

However, any particular behavioral realization of VI_.8. Symbiosis and the spontaneous constitution
an organism that as a habit or preference of composite living beings
participates in securing the conditions that make
possible through systemic reproduction the Whenever in any given domain of elements a
reappearance of such preference or habit in the configuration of preferential interactions between Borda operacional:
next generation, permitting the conservation of some its elements begins to be spontaneously - Surge quando uma
an ontogenic phenotype that includes such conserved, an operational border arises that configuração de interações
preference or habit as one of its features, is an separates the elements that participate in the preferenciais entre elementos
opportunity for the constitution of a lineage in realization of such configuration of relations from começa a ser conservada
which the total genotype will be carried in its other elements of the domain, and a composite - Separa os elementos que
phylogenic drift following the conservation of unity or system as well as its niche or domain of participam de tal configuração
such ontogenic phenotype. If that were to happen, existence arise. When that happens, the newly de relações dos que não
such habit or preference would constitute the arising composite unity and its domain of existence participam
operational condition that makes possible the emerge together spontaneously in co-ontogenic
beginning, and then, eventually, the establish- structural drift. Moreover, all this happens with
ment of a lineage. Moreover, such a systemic independence of the actual manner of composition
dynamics will spontaneously result in that the of the composite unity, of the kind of elements
total genotype of the members of the lineage thus involved in it, and of the domain of existence of
constituted, will drift following a path delimited the new unity as a totality. When the elements
Simbionte: Entidade composta
by the systemic conservation of the realization of that participate in the composition of a composite
cujos componentes são
a behaviorally defined ontogenic phenotype. entity are living systems that conserve their
To be sure if there were such a thing as a large condition as such while participating in the
sistemas vivos que conservam
panmixing population of sexual organisms, composition, the composite entity is a symbiont.
sua condição
behavior would constitute a guide in the phylogenic Symbionts may reproduce as symbionts and give
and genetic drift only if it constituted a factor of origin to a lineage in the conservation of an
reproductive isolation. That is why we think that in ontogenic phenotype. Finally, the type of
O comportamento guia o curso sexual populations the shifting of an ontogenic phylogeny that is generated in the constitution of
filogenético ao constituir um phenotype will occur more easily in small commu- a symbiotic system depends on the type of
fator de isolamento reprodutivo: nities in which habit and learned behavioral pref- reproduction in which it participates as a totality
em geral, quando os hábitos e erences determine sexual encounters. And this is and the manner of reproduction of its components.
preferências aprendidas delimitamSO, we insist, precisely because habits and learned Thus, eucariotic cells arose-as a lineage of Aqui os autores incorporam
heterogenetic symbionts that became singular to-
as áreas habitadas e as escolhas preferences set boundaries to the areas of habita- totalmente a teoria de
tion as well as to the reproductive choices of the talities through the total inclusion as symbionts Margulis sobre a origem das
reprodutivas. organisms in a way defined by the actual circum- of some originally independent cells into an other células eucarióticas via
stances of their living in the locality that they one that acted as the carrier through its reproduc-
endossimbiose (proposta por
inhabit, and they do so in a spontaneous systemic tive division. Multicellular organisms arose as
ela em 1981). Este trecho não
dynamics that maintains such habits and prefer- homogenetic symbionts composed of cells that
ences as long as the local circumstances are con- did not separate after their reproductive division,
existe na versão de 1992.
served through those very same preferences and and that reproduced as multicellular totalities
choices. When Darwin (1872) an other contempo- through single cell separation, body fracture, or
rary authors (as reviewed in McFarland 1993, pp gamete fusion. In all cases of multiceliular organ-
Seleção sexual: deriva genética 113-126), speaks of sexual selection, he is speak- isms what is inherited in reproduction is an initial
O genótipo total é de onde
guiada na deriva filogenética de ing of genetic drift guided in the phylogenic drift cellular structure, the total genotype, from which surgem as diversas linhagens
uma linhagem pelos hábitos de of a lineage by the mating habits and preferences all the cellular lineages that compose the homo- celulares que compõem o
cópula e preferências dos of the members of the lineage. genetic symbiont as a whole organism, originate. organismo pluricelular
membros da linhagem. What we say in relation to the participation of In heterogenetic symbionts that arise through cel-
behavior and habits in guiding the course of lular association without fusion, such as lichens
phylogenic drift in general, and of genetic drift in or termites, the reproductive process involves, in
particular, is not a hidden way of speaking of the constitution of the founder unity of the new
lamarkian inheritance of acquired characters, nota generation, the coming together of members of
way of diminishing the biological significance of several different component lineages. As they do
genetics. Nothing happens in the life history of a so, the different kinds of cells that come together
living system that is not permitted or founded on in the composition of such symbiotic unity enter
its initial genetic constitution. But we are pointing in a phylogenic co-drifting in which their respec-
to a phenomenon that requires more attention, that tive phylogenic drifts find themselves subordi-
is, to the epigenic modulation of inheritance as a nated to the conservation of the heterogenetic
result of the systemic character of reproduction. symbiotic lineage that they integrate. In other
"a modulação epigênica da hereditariedade como um
resultado do caráter sistêmico da reprodução"
Todo ser vivo é portador de
EVOLUTION: NATURAL DRIFT diferentes subsistemas com
organizações próprias em
words, the phylogenic conservation of the hetero- with it, and that are conserved from one generation intersecção estrutural com
genetic symbiotic system results in that the dif- to the next through its systemic reproduction. The ele
ferent phylogenic drifts of the component line- result of this is that every lineage of living systems
ages necessarily become subordinated to the operates as the carrier lineage of a system of
phylogenic drift of the symbiotic heterogenetic lineages of structurally intercrossing ontogenic
lineage that they integrate; and they do so in a phenotypes that otherwise exist in different
dynamics of subordination that can lead to the total relational domains than the carrier one. We have
"Linhagens integradas"
loss of their reproductive independence. Moreo- also said that such embedded lineages can have,
ver, as there is no intrinsic limitation for the kinds and indeed frequently have, different historical
of biological components that may integrate an dynamics of phylogenic drift than the carrier
heterogenetic symbiotic system, these can be cel- lineage precisely because their members exist in
lular or organic, and in principle there is no limit to different operational domains than the members
the diversity of systems and kinds of phylogenic of the carrier lineage. This is the case with the
drifts that can arise through symbiosis. different ontogenic phenotypes that the taxonomist
Finally, in this dynamics of composition, either distinguishes as the different higher categories,
through the coming together of independent bio- such as genus, family, class, or types, to which
logical entities, or through the systemic internal each member of a species belongs, and which are
differentiation of organs, many different systems conserved through these in the realization of their
or composite unities intersect and are conserved respective ontogenies and lineages through
in a carrier lineage as we described in the text systemic reproduction. Other cases are lineages
above in section III.5. We mention this here to constituted by the phyletic conservation of kinds
emphasize that what happens in symbiosis is only or systems of organs, cellular types, metabolic
an aspect of the general dynamics of the compo- systems, or supracellular systems such as
sition and structural intersection of entities that communities constituted in a behavioral operation
exist in different relational domains, as we shall that is part of the way of living that defines the
further see in the next section. whole lineage of its members (social insects).
All that we have said in relation to the constitu- What makes possible these intersections of
tion of composite unities, is valid independently of lineages, is the conservation through the systemic
whether the observer is or not able at any moment reproduction of the carrier ontogenic phenotype/
to show the limits of the unity or unities to which ontogenic niche relation of a particular total
Quando um observador distingue um he or she refers when speaking of a composite genotype that is capable of the epigenic realization
sistema simbiótico, não é necessário unity. And this is so because by referring to the of all the different ontogenic phenotypes of the
que ele seja capaz de distinguir os conditions of constitution of a system or compos- intersecting lineages as long as the relational
limites da unidade, pois a dinâmica ite unity, the observer refers both to the dynamics domains in which they exist do not interfere with
operacional desta é que os definirá; of its composition and to its possible becoming its realization as a carrier ontogenic phenotype.
o simbionte possui sua própria estru- once the conditions for its existence and conserva- From all we have said, we can conclude that the
tura e organização, é portador dos tion arise. What happens is that in the moment in more basic is the ontogenic phenotype that defi-
sistemas componentes, e sua deriva which an observer distinguishes a system or com- nes the carrier lineage, and, therefore, the more
filogenética tem prevalência sobre as posite unity, he or she implies an organization as numerous the different forms in which this can be
derivas filogenéticas das linhagens well as a structure, and in so doing he or she realized, the larger is the number of lineages that
dos organismos que compõem o implies an operational dynamics that defines and can intersect in it.
simbionte. constitutes its limits. According to our explana-
tion, the history of living systems has taken place
as anatural phylogenic drift, with the spontaneous VL10. The rate of the evolutionary change
constitution of many different kinds of organic
systems and composite unities in many different Since a living system and the medium that contains
domains, through the interplay of many different it have operationally independent structural
kinds of ontogenic and phylogenic co-drifts that dynamics, different lineages can have different
have intersected in many different ways. rates or rhythms of phyletic change depending on
the particular dynamic relations between the li-
ving systems and the medium that prevail for the
VI.9. The intersection of lineages conservation or shifting of the ontogenic
phenotype/ontogenic niche relations in each
As we have already said in section III. 5. every lineage in the succession of their generations.
living system operates in the realization of its But, at the same time, since all living systems
ontogeny as the carrier of many different exist in the present, the different temporal
organizations that exist in structural intersection dynamics of all the biological processes entailed
Sistema vivo é portador de muitas organizações que coexistem em intersecção estrutural com ele
e são conservadas ao longo das gerações por meio de reprodução sistêmica.

in the co-ontogenic and co-phylogenic drift of tem emerges continuously through systemic re-
living systems that integrate an ecosystem or a production in phylogenic drift, as a unique chang-
biosphere, will either harmonize through the ing present in the interplay of the different tem-
conservation of their reciprocal co-adaptation in poral dynamics of all the biological and non-
the continuous present of their living in co- biological processes involved around the conser-
drifting, or the ecosystem, or the biosphere, or vation of some configuration of living while every
themselves, will disintegrate. Let us say this ina thing else is open to change. The result is that an
few systemic statements: a) the temporal dynamics ontogenic phenotype can be conserved in the
at which the different processes involved in the evolutionary history of a system of lineages only
realization of living systems take place, are a as long as the temporal coherence of all the intra-
feature of their structural dynamics; b) the tem- organic and extra-organic processes involved in
poral dynamics of the processes realized through the realization of the organisms members of that
independent structural dynamics are intrinsically lineage, as well as of those members of the other
independent; c) as the structure of a system lineages participating with them in a history of
changes, its structural dynamics changes too, so co-phylogenic drift, is conserved in the actual
that the temporal dynamics of the processes realization of those living systems in the present.
realized in it, or through it, will change as well, In general terms then, we think that the temporal
unless the particular configuration of that harmony of all the cyclic and non-cyclic proc-
structural dynamics is a feature of what is esses within the organisms and in their relations
conserved in the living of the living system in in the medium observable in the presently living
which that process takes place; and, d) as a systems, has become established along the his-
consequence of the above, if two living systems tory of the biosphere as the spontaneous and
through their recursive interactions enter in necessary result of the structural coupling of the
Harmonização das dinâmicas structural coupling, the otherwise independent organisms that compose it in co-phylogenic drift.
temporais de diferentes sistemas temporal dynamics of the processes realize
proporcionada pelo acoplamento through them will undergo a dynamic harmo-
estrutural nization defined by what is conserved in each of VIII. Recapitulation: relation between ontogeny
them through their structural coupling. In general and phylogeny
terms, it is in fact the constitutive condition of
operational independence between the temporal We have said that every new lineage arises in the
dynamics of structure determined systems what course of the phylogenic drift of an ongoing one
makes every particular history of structural as a new ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
coupling between them, a history that drifts relation begins to be conserved from generation
through the conservation of that structural to generation through systemic reproduction.
coupling in a course of temporal harmonization Moreover, we have also said that as the new
of processes that otherwise take place with ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation
operationally independent rates. The result in the necessarily arises in the conservation of the basic
Sincrônico: relativo à conformação
em um dado momento específico biological domain is the generation of the carrying one, the new ontogenic phenotype must
synchronic and diachronic harmonization of all be realized in its epigenesis as a variation in the
Diacrônico: relativo à história de
the biological process that integrate a biological epigenesis of the preceding one. One of the
modificações que acarretaram no entity regardless of their different particular consequences of this manner of origin of a new
momento atual temporalities. lineage, is that the members of every new lineage
Os membros de linhagens
So, the diversity of evolutionary rates in the must repeat in their epigenesis all or some aspects
posteriores repetem parte da
history of the biosphere, is a consequence of the of the initial epigenesis of the members of the epigênese dos membros de
independence of the dynamics of structural change lineage from which they arose. Another con- linhagens anteriores
that exists between living systems and medium in sequence, is that in a succession of lineages, the
a gross systemic dynamics that has conserved the epigenesis of the members of a later lineage must
biosphere. Furthermore, there is no fundament to repeat successively those aspects of the epigenesis
expect that different lineages should have simi- of the ancestral lineages that have been historically
larly evolutionary rates, and all that can be ex- conserved in the later lineage as a result of the
pected is what we have already said, namely, that manner of origin of a new lineage. What an
the processes realized through systems that enter observer sees as a result of the process of
in structural coupling should spontaneously enter phylogenic drift as he or she compares different
in a temporal harmony that lasts as long as their classes of living beings are two things: one, that
structural coupling lasts. is usually referred to as the “recapitulation in
But this is not all. The configuration of all ontogeny of aspects of phylogeny”, is the
organic relations in any particular biological sys- similarity between early features of the epigenesis

of the organisms that belong to recent lineages, through systemic reproduction allows for free
and features of the adults organisms of phylo- variation of all epigenic processes that do not
genically ancestral lineages; an other, which is interfere with the realization of the ontogenic
certainly related to the first one, is the conservation phenotype/ontogenic niche relation under
in the epigenesis and the adult structural phylogenic conservation, there is always space in
configuration of the organisms of inferior taxa, of the phylogenic drift of a lineage for the systemic
intersecting ontogenic phenotypes that define the conservation of processes and structures that
superior taxa. Yet, there is an additional thing participate in the realization of the epigenesis of
that must be mentioned. As phylogenic drift flows a living system but are not directly connected
as a process of change and conservation of the with the realization and conservation of the
epigenetic possibilities of the members of a ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation
changing lineage through the shift of their conserved in the lineage. Such structures and
epigenetic fields, most of the epigenetic processes can vary or remain invariant as long as
possibilities that are conserved in such a process their variations or stability does not interfere with
remain hidden under what is actually realized in the double conservation of the organization and
the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations adaptation of the living systems that carry them.
conserved through systemic reproduction. Under If at any moment these structures or processes
these circumstances, it must necessarily happen begin to participate directly in the conservation
that there should be cases in which it is possible of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
to modulate through molecular or relational relation that defines the lineage, they stop being
manipulation the epigenesis of an organism, and free to change and their phylogenic drift becomes
thus obtain the realization in it of some epigenetic associated with the phylogenic drift of the
configuration that had been hidden or displaced ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation that
in the phylogenic drift, and do so without having defines the lineage. Moreover, if we consider that
to change its genetic constitution. The studies of the realization and the reproductive conservation
Kollar and Fisher (1980), on epigenetic induction of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
in the development of birds constitutes a good relation in the members of a lineage are systemic
example of this latter situation. processes that occur in the present of the living of
the members of a lineage, and are not the result of
a comparison between these and other living
VI.12. Non-adaptive characters systems, it will become apparent that the notions Vantagem adaptativa ou valor
of adaptive advantage or adaptive value do not adaptativo são metáforas
The notion of nonadaptive traits in modern biology connote the mechanism of historical change of geralmente enganosas, que
refers to those traits of an organisms that appear living systems in the biosphere, and are only of a não explicam a mudança
as features of its ontogenic phenotype, to which metaphorical significance which is often histórica dos seres vivos na
an observer cannot assign a functional reason that misleading. biosfera
justifies their presence according to a selective
history. Such nonadaptive characters are called
like that in the context of an evolutionary theory VI.I3. The directionality of evolutionary change
Teoria da evolução "adaptativa" ou that considers that anything an observer can "A palavra evolução conota
"funcionalista" distinguish as a trait or characteristic in a living The word evolution connotes a manner of
uma maneira de explicar a
being is there because it has some function in its explaining the present diversity of living as a atual diversidade da vida
survival, and has been selected because it has result of a history of descent with modification. como um resultado de uma
given to the ancestors of the organisms that exhibit As we have shown along this essay, we consider história de descendência com
it, or these themselves, some competitive that the mechanism that generates change through modificação"
advantages over some of their contemporaries. descent with modification is natural phylogenetic
As must be now apparent, we do not think that this drift. And we claim that it is because the history
way of looking at the history of living systems of living systems takes place as a process of
connotes the actual mechanism of the history of natural phylogenic drift, that evolution takes
diversification of living systems that we modern place as a process that courses without aim or
biologists call evolution. The conservation of an purpose, without following any preestablished
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation direction. Yet, historical processes in their being
through systemic reproduction, results in that historical, that is, in their being processes that
everything that participates in the epigenic occur as a becoming in which every moment is
realization of a living system can be conserved in originated as a transformation of a preceding
a lineage. At the same time, as the conservation of one, appear to the observer that looks back from
an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation the present as having followéd a course of change

from their ancestral form that directed them to an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation
A direcionalidade do processo
attain the form that they have now. But historical under conditions of conservation of adaptation,
processes do not follow a preestablished or and not from a process of genetic selection in a
evolutivo é resultado da
intended course or direction, and the direction domain of variable adaptation.
conservação dos organismos
that an observer sees in them is only the result of aptos, e não da seleção de
the way that they take place. The directional organismos mais aptos que
O caráter direcional de processos outros
históricos resulta do fato de que character of historical processes results from the VI.14. Asynchrony in molecular and organic
toda nova situação determina um fact that every new situation in them restricts the evolutionary change
domínio restrito de mudanças domain of the changes that can possible follow
possíveis que podem se seguir dela to it. So, the present in the history of living That the conservation of an ontogenic phenotype
systems is aresult, not an attainment. Or in other in the phylogenic drift of a lineage should be a
words, we can say that in the case of living systemic consequence of the conservation of a
systems: since in natural phylogenic drift living particular dynamic relation between living system
Qualquer variação da relação FO/NO system and medium change together congruently, and medium, results also in that if there is
que seja conservada através da any shift of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic intersection of ontogenic phenotypes in the epigenic
reprodução sistêmica irá constituir niche relation that is conserved through systemic realization of a living system, the intersecting
uma barreira operacional para as reproduction in any particular lineage of living ontogenic phenotypes will undergo interlaced but
futuras variações da relação FO/NO systems, will constitute an operational constraint independent phylogenic drifts. The phylogenic
assim como para a deriva genética for future shifts of the ontogenic phenotype/ drifts of such intersecting ontogenic phenotypes
na deriva filogenética da linhagem ontogenic niche relation as well as for the genetic run independently because each of them exists ina
em questão drift in the phylogenic drift of that lineage. The different relational domain, but, at the same time,
result will be that all lineages will indeed follow these same phylogenic drifts form a co-drifting
directional courses of change in which the system with each other and with the living systems
different directions that they follow are not that carry them. When this occurs, the phylogenic
preestablished but arises de novo moment after drift of such ontogenic phenotypes run inde-
moment in their phylogenic drift. Thus, for pendently because each one of them exists in a
example, the systemic reproductive conservation different relational domain but, at the same time,
of the habit of running and jumping with these same phylogenic drifts flow in structural
movements of the anterior extremities that result intersection because they are all constituted and
in a change of direction in the jump while the realized through the systemic reproductive
animal is in the air, either during escape from conservation of the autopoiesis of the carrying
predators or during the capture of a prey, can living system that is realized through them. This is
have established the direction of the phyletic valid for all ontogenic phenotypes, independently
A conservação de um hábito change that originated birds as a manner of of their existence in the organ domain (organs like
delimita o curso da deriva estru- moving whose conservation delimited the path the liver), in the cellular domain (like the immune
tural em uma linhagem, ou seja, of the structural drift in a lineage of runner system), or in the domain of the molecular
estabelece a direção da mudança dinosaurs. Similarly, the conservation in productions (as the system of protein synthesis or
terrestrial animals of the habit of feeding while the cycle of Krebs). In these circumstances, the
swimming in the sea, either as herbivores or as basic consequence to the independence of the
carnivores, could have established the direction phylogenic drift of intersecting ontogenic
of the path of natural phylogenic drift that led to phenotypes that concerns us here, is the following:
current marine mammals. Accordingly, and in the temporal courses of the phylogenic drifts of the
general terms, we think that in order to visualize ontogenic phenotypes that intersect in the
the possible origin of the different forms of realization of a living system are independent, and
current organisms, we have to imagine what they can differ greatly in rhythms if their synchrony
basic ontogenic habits have to have been is not necessary for the phylogenic conservation of
Um hábito estabelece a direção da conserved generation after generation through the carrying system. That this is what happens, is
mudança filogenética quando ele systemic reproduction so that these current forms apparent in the asynchronies that can be observed
torna-se uma função evolutiva. could have appeared as lineages defined by the if one compares the rhythms of evolutionary change
reproductive conservation of epigenetic va- of molecular and organic intersecting ontogenic
riations in the realization of those ontogenic phenotypes.
The shift of understanding implied in our pro-
posal entails the recognition that the directionality VI.1IS. The conservative character of evolution
seen in the path followed by the natural phylogenic
drift in a lineage or system of lineages, results Natural phylogenic drift is a process of systemic
from the systemic reproductive conservation of reproductive conservation of ontogenic pheno-
processo de conservação de relações
FO/NO em uma rede de organismos type/ontogenic niche relations in a network of co- VIL FINAL WORDS
drifting organisms that constitutes a biosphere.
We claim that what we biologists connote with The history of living systems on earth and the
the expression biological evolution is this process. arising of the biosphere to which we human beings
The ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation belong, is the results of the spontaneous
whose conservation constitutes the fundament of constitution and conservation of a network of
the natural phylogenic drift, and which in its ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations
conservation is the carrier of many others that through the systemic reproduction of living
intersect with it, is autopoiesis. So, in a strict systems. In this history, at least with the
História de conservação da autopoiesebiological sense, the evolution of living systems appearance of us human beings as languaging
em sistemas independentes is the history of conservation of autopoiesis in the animals, reflection about living and self
systemic reproduction of operationally inde- consciousness as awareness of self awareness
pendent systems that exist in co-drift in the have become part of what happens in the biosphere
constitution of a biosphere. Or, in other words, and, hence, of the flow of the natural phylogenic
História de produção, ramificação e evolution is the history of the production, drift that makes it, the biosphere, moment after
intercruzamento de linhagens de ramification, and intercrossing of lineages of li- moment a continuously changing present. That is,
variantes de sistemas autopoiéticos ving systems in which the different ontogenic now what we human beings think about ourselves
phenotype/ontogenic niche relations conserved and about the world we live, has become part of As teorias científicas,
are variations of the manner of epigenic realization the medium in which the systemic history of the enquanto parte da atividade
Processo de conservação de linhagens
and co-realization of autopoiesis. Moreover, biosphere occurs. Both our vision and our humana, têm impacto sobre a
de variantes autopoiéticas em co-derivaevolution, as a process of phylogenic conservation blindness counts now in the flow of biological
história dos seres vivos e a
of co-drifting lineages of variations in the manner evolution. This is why explanations and under-
constituição da biosfera.
of realization of autopoiesis, is the actual history standing are not trivial, they define the domains
of the systemic reproductive conservation of of knowledge in which we human beings exist,
Evolução e agregamento biológico
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relations in and, therefore, what we do as living systems
phylogenic co-drift that constitute, in many ca- components of the earth’s biosphere. And this is
ses, aggregates of living beings. The latter can why it is not trivial that we think that natural
A evolução dá origem a diversos have many different forms, either as heterogenetic selection is the generative mechanism of evolution Aceitar alguma teoria ou
sistemas de seres vivos agregados: symbionts that form reproductive autonomous and adaptation, or that we think that the explicação nos faz agir de um
- simbiontes heterogenéticos; unities with a phylogenic drift in which the conservation of adaptation is a constitutive modo determinado, e nossa
- simbiontes homogenéticos; systemic reproduction of the living systems that condition for the existence of living systems and ação é parte do meio no qual
compose them is subordinated to the systemic that the mechanism that generates evolution is
- unidades ecológicas de seres a história sistêmica da
reproduction of the symbionts as totalities, or as natural phylogenic drift. We act differently in
vivos interdependentes homogenetic symbionts that reproduce as totalities
biosfera ocorre.
each case.
through single cells, or as systems that as totalities No doubt what seems most impressive as one
are not symbionts but constitute ecological unities looks at the biosphere at large and contemplates
composed of living systems with interdependent living systems in their natural existence, is the
ontogenic phenotypes as a result of their codrift. diversity of manners of living that they exhibit,
The evolution of living systems, therefore, is a and the normal dynamic structural coherence or
process of constitution and diversification of adaptation between the different forms of living
lineages through natural phylogenic drift that systems and the particular circumstances in which
Processo conservativo de fenótipos
conserves through systemic reproduction any each of them lives. As a result, when we want to
ontogênicos em co-deriva ontogenic phenotype in co-drift with others if the explain that diversity as a result of the history of
systemic circumstances that make possible sucha change of the biosphere we become so concerned
conservation occur, and takes place in a dynamics with change and the attainenment of the different
of non-genetic systemic determination that is forms of adaptation in which the different kinds
modulated by the regularities of the molecular of living systems live, that we do not see properly
productions that genetics reveals. As such, what is conserved, even though we know that the
evolution occurs without any limitation to its history of living systems has necessarily taken
continuation other than the persistence of the place as a history of change around the conserva-
relational conditions that make possible the tion of living. Furthermore, the belief in genetic
systemic reproductive conservation of autopoiesis, determinism and in the slowness of the process of
and occurs in a systemic way in which all the selective adaptive change, have blinded us so that
living systems that participate in it are involved we have not been able to easily see the constitu-
in the creation of those conditions in the tive systemic dynamism of the history of the
constitution of a biosphere. biosphere, and the actual participation of the dy-
namics of conservation and change in that his-

tory. Accordingly we have not been able to see “lamarkian” sense. But it is the claim that the
that the conservation of the living through the particular life lived by an organism plays a cen-
reproduction of living systems and the constitu- tral part in what happens in its descendants by
tion of lineages is a systemic process, nor have we participating in the creation of the conditions in
been able to see that the course followed by the which they will live and in what is conserved
epigenetic change in the life history of a living from one generation to the next. Under the claim
system or the evolutionary change in a lineage or that all the features of an organism arise through
system of lineages, takes place through the sys- genetic determination those features that cannot
O curso que a mudança segue, em temic conservation of living and adptation. Change be said to be genetically determined are dismissed
qualquer domínio e em todo instante, is taking place continuously in dynamic systems, as irrelevant phenotypic variations, mere habits,
é definido sistemicamente pelo que but the course that change follows in any domain or only learned behaviors, with no direct evolu-
é conservado. of change at any instant, is defined systemically tionary consequences unless genetic inheritance
O curso da mudança é determinado by what is conserved. And what is conserved in appears. But not even in the passion of blind
pela conservação da organização e da systems in general, and in living systems in par- genetic reductionism is it possible to claim that
adaptação do sistema mutante a um ticular, is both organization and adaptation. all the features of an organism can be genetically
meio também mutante. In this essay we claim that change and adapta- determined without denying that we know that
tion are not what we have to explain because the relation organism/ medium necessarily courses
living constitutively takes place under continu- as an epigenetic process. In these circumstances,
ous structural change in the conservation of as we the authors claim that heredity is a systemic
autopoiesis and adaptation. That is, we claim in phenomenon associated to systemic reproduction,
this essay that the history of living systems has we also claim that the course of evolution is
occurred as a conservative process in which what guided by behavior, and that habits and learning
has to be explained is not structural change but as phenotypic realizations by expanding ontogenic
the course that it has followed from its origin to variability must have expanded and conserved
the present. It is in this understanding that we lineage diversification by modulating the shift
emphasize that the history of living systems has and conservation of manners of living. Definição de GENÓTIPO TOTAL
occurred in the interplay of conservation and Nothing can happen in the epigenesis of a living "a estrutura total inicial da
change. But what we wish to emphasize now, is system that is not made possible by the total initial célula ou grupo de células
the systemic and not causal nature of the interplay structure of the cell or group of cells with which it com a qual um sistema vivo
of conservation and change. begins its individual existence. But, at the same inicia sua vida individual"
Os processos de especificação são Nucleic acids genetics participate in the speci- time, whatever happens in the actual life history of
um dos processos de produção que fication of the organism through the molecular a living system is a result of the epigenetic realiza-
constituem a autopoiese reproductive conservation of the basic features of tion of the particular ontogenic phenotype/on-
the initial structure of each new organism, and togenic niche relation that this happens to live, and
through that it participates as a basic determinant is not in any way predetermined by its total initial
of what is and what is not possible in the epigen- structure. Genetic recombinations, mutations, and
esis of any organism. Nucleic acids genetics is no the modulation of genetic activity in epigenesis,
doubt a fundamental aspect of the constitution are sources of the variability of the initial total
and conservation of lineages; as such, genetic structure with which a living system begins its life
change is in the long run the background on which history in the midst of the genetic and systemic
all phyletic change stands, but we claim that it is conservation of that total initial structure. At the
not and cannot be the guide of phyletic change same time, the medium in which a living system
due to the epigenetic nature of all aspects of the lives also has dimensions of systemic stability and
realization of a living system as a particular or- dimensions of non-systemic change that introduce
ganism, and the systemic character of reproduc- variability in the conditions under which systemic
tion and heredity. Therefore, in this essay we reproduction takes place, opening possibilities for
maintain that what is conserved when a lineage is the shifting of the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
conserved, is the dynamic interplay between liv- niche relation that is realized in each generation.
ing system and medium that give rise to the sys- Yet, none of these two operationally independent
temic reproductive conservation of an ontogenic domains of stability and change determines by
phenotype/ontogenic niche relation under the form itself what happens in biological evolution; it is in
of an epigenetic process in which there is no their interplay where the dynamics of evolution
genetic determination. takes place, and it is in the operational independ-
Our claim that heredity is a systemic phenom- ence of these domains where the systemic repro-
enon in which nucleic acids play a fundamental ductive conservation of autopoiesis and adaptation
part but do not determine it, is not a claim of occurs as the source of both stability and diversi-
inheritance of acquired characters in the fication of lineages.

The belief in genetic determinism also has ent domains in which different biological proc-
blinded us to the structural fluidity of living sys- esses or phenomena take place. Moreover, through
tems, and has lead us to evolutionary considera- that attitude we do not see that a living system
tions that interfere with our vision of what is exists in two phenomenal domains that do not
conserved in the domain of permanent change in intersect, namely, the domain in which the living
which living takes place, so that we do not prop- system exists as an interacting totality (as some
erly see the interplay of change and conservation kind of organism), and the domain in which it
which we know must be there. There is no doubt exists as a molecular system (as an autopoietic
that genetic conservation is a central part of the molecular network). The living system lives, that
conservation of the ontogenic phenotype from is ,exists as an organism, in the realization of its
O 'sistema genético' pode mudar ao one generation to the next, but since genetics does niche in the medium which is the domain where it
longo das gerações sem que seja not determine the ontogenic phenotype, the ge- operates as a totality with a changing structure.
percebida esta mudança, caso ela não netic system is open to change in manners that we At the same time, the living system is possible as
interfira na realização do fenótipo do not see because we do not expect them. The an organism as it also exists a a dynamic molecu-
ontogênico ontogenic phenotype as the actual realization of a lar system in continuous structural change, that
living system hides all genetic variations that do is, as an autopoietic system open to the flow of
not interfere with its realization or systemic re- matter through it. As these two phenomenal do-
production. The same can be said about the reali- mains do not intersect, what occurs in one cannot
zation of the ontogenic niche which hides all the be expressed in terms of the phenomena of the
variations of the medium that do not interfere other, but the organism is conserved through the
with its realization along the ontogeny of any structural changes of its molecular realization,
particular living system. And it is precisely the and its intrinsic structure as a molecular
occultation of the genetic variability and the vari- autopoietic system follow a path of change con-
ability of the medium by the realization of an tingent to its interactions as an organism in the
ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation realization of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
what permitted evolution to occur as a process of niche relation. In these circumstances what is
natural phylogenic drift through systemic repro- conserved and what can change along the living
duction. The epigenetic realization in each organ- of a living system is different in these two phe-
ism of a particular ontogenic phenotype as a nomenal domains. Thus, as a living system con-
particular case in the domain of possibilities of- serves its relational identity as a particular kind
fered by the epigenic field of the initial cell or of organism, its molecular structure is open to
system of cells in its encounter with a dynamic change within bounds defined by the relational
medium, is what has permitted the diversification identity conserved. At the same time, as a living
of lineages through the shifting of the ontogenic system conserves its organization as a closed
phenotypes realized and conserved through the molecular autopoietic network through its con-
successive systemic reproductions of living sys- tinuous molecular changes, its relational identity
tems in the conservation of autopoiesis and adap- as a totality is open to change within the bounds
tation. It is due to this condition of occultation of defined by the conservation of its autopoietic
genetic variability and medium variability in the realization. The relation between these two do-
realization and conservation through systemic mains of existence in living systems is systemic,
reproduction of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic not causal, and what happens in one only sets
niche relation that there is no restriction to the boundaries for what can happen in the other while Este argumento é basicamente
temporality or to the diversity of the processes the living system is alive, while both aspects of anti-redutivista: do biológico
that give rise to new lineages other than those of the living modulate each other through dynamic ao químico, do ecológico ao
the particular constraints of the historical circum- structural relations. It is this double existence bioquímico ou do evolutivo ao
stances under which a particular ontogenic phe- what makes possible the evolution of living sys- genético
notype/ontogenic niche relation is conserved in tems through natural phylogenic drift. And it is
natural phylogenic drift. due to this double existence that behaviors and
A source of difficulty for the understanding of habits guide the course of phylogenic drift by
the systemic relation between conservation and defining what is conserved in the relational do-
change, is the frequent belief in that scientific main in which the organism operates, as well as
explanations consist in expressing what occurs in what can change in its internal molecular struc-
one phenomenal domain in terms of the processes tural dynamics.
of a more fundamental one. This belief is at the The biosphere as a system of living systems that
basis of the reductionist attitude that pretends form part of a network of intercrossing lineages
that all biological phenomena are genetically de- in phylogenic co-drifting, flows as a'wave front in |
termined. Such attitude blinds us about the differ- a continuously changing present. Nothing hap-

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Adaptation: Relation of operational congruence after moment in the course of its ontogeny (in the
between a living system and the domain of existence
realization of its living) starting form its initial
in which it conserves its organization because its total structure (total genotype). The epigenesis
interactions in such a domain trigger in it only take place as two interlaced processes of structural
perturbations (changes of structure without loss of transformation of the organism as a whole: one
organization). As such, the relation of adaptation takes place as the
organism as a totality in
in living systems is necessarily an invariant; that the medium, and the other takes place in the cellu-
is, either adaptation is conserved in the flow of lar and organic differentiation as that internal proc-
existence of the living system as it only meets ess that is usually connoted as morphogenesis. The
perturbations in its interactions with the medium, first one, that we shall call 6rganismiclepigencsis)
and the living system continues to live, or the occurs as a transformation that takes place in the
living system disintegrates as it enters in an interplay of the organism’s own structural dynam-
interaction that triggers its disintegration. In other ics and the structural changes triggered in it along
words, the conservation of adaptation is a condition the course of its interactions in the medium, and
of existence of living systems. Furthermore, since follows a course contingent to the course followed
a living system exists in continuous structural by its interactions. In the organismic epigenesis
change, either the living system slides in the the autopoietic organization of the living system
medium following the path of interactions in which and its relation of operational congruence with its
it conserves adaptation in a structural dynamics in domain of existence (niche), that is, its adaptation,
which living system and medium change together are conserved. In organismic epigenesis, then, the
congruently, or the living system undergoes a living system and the niche change together con-
destructive interaction and dies (Maturana, 1988). gruently in the realization of the ontogenic pheno-
type/ontogenic niche relation proper to it. The
Autopoiesis: A system that is constituted as a unity second process of epigenetic transformation, and
as a closed network of productions of components which we shall call Mierphogeniclepigenesis, oc-
which through their interactions produce the same curs as an epigenetic process in which all the
kind of components that produced them, is an components, molecules, cells, and organs of the
autopoietic system. A molecular autopoietic sys- organism, undergo structural transformations
tem as an autopoietic system whose components modulated moment after moment by their indirect
are molecules, is a living system. A living system and direct interactions with each other in the con-
as a molecular system is open to the flow of matter servation of the systemic constitution of the organ-
(molecules), yet, at the same time, a living system ism in the realization of its living. Strictly speak-
as an autopoietic system is a system closed in its
dynamics of states. It is in the interplay of this
ing, then, theepigenesis
of a living system is the
openness and closure, that a living system exists in
a flow of continuous structural change while it As such the epigenesis occurs as a continu-
conserves autopoiesis and adaptation. It is neces- ously changing present without reference to the
sary to remark at this moment, that as a molecular past or the future. It is for this condition that there
autopoietic system a living system is an autono- Epigênese é outro termo
mous entity in a domain of components (the mo- que Maturana usará em
lecular domain) whose existence does not require can not be a genetic determinism. At the same desacordo com o que
any accessory support. Molecular thermal agita- time, it is because the epigenesis occurs as a chang-
normalmente se quer dizer
tion is part of the molecular condition, molecular
interactivity is part of their structural condition,
ing present that the two epigenic processes that it (pelos biólogos em geral)
Sistemas não moleculares são feitos de and molecular interactions give rise to molecules.
entidades cuja existência não é autônoma;
estes componentes existem sobre o suporte All other systems that are claimed to be autopoietic
de outras entidades que os fazem operar are made of components that exist under the sup- without alternatives (Fig. 9).
como operam. port of other entities that make them do what they
are required to do for the realization of the claimed Epigenetic field or domain of possible epigenetic
Aqui Maturana e Mpodozis parecem
defender que só pode haver autopoiese autopoiesis. In this sense, as molecular system,s paths: An observer can say that the total genotype
em um domínio molecular pela independêncialiving systems exist as the kind of entities that are (total initial structure) that constitutes the begin-
das entidades moleculares de entidades de perhaps the only ones that are autopoietic. ning ofa living system, specifies for it an epigenetic
outros domínios
field as the domain of all the epigenetic paths pos-
Epigenesis: Epigenesis is the process of structural sible to it in its life history, and from which only one
transformation undergone by an organism moment will be realized. In other words, the epigenetic field

total genotype and total genotype

domain of possible and ontogenic phenotype
Fig. 9. This figure shows the continuous shifting of the genetic constitution of the members of a lineage
that takes place along the systemic reproductive conservation of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
relation that through its epigenetic realization hides genetic variations.
Esta figura ilustra el corrimiento continuo de la constitucién genética inicial de los miembros de un linaje que ocurre
juntamente con la conservacién, por reproducci6n sistémica, de una relacién fenotipo ontogénico/nicho ontogénico. Puede
verse que la realizacién epigenética de esa relacién oculta las variaciones genéticas.

is the domain of all the possible ontogenicdriftsthat inaccording

a course tothatthe arises moment after moment anew
structural interactions that it has at
that moment with the medium in the realization of
its niche, in a process that lasts until it dies. So, the

Nevertheless, in a strict sense,

such a field of possible epigenesis exists only as a
domain of possibilities for an observer. And thisis (Fig. 10).
so because the epigenetic path followed by every
organism starting from its initial structure (total Genetic drift: The expression genetic drift is used
genotype) is the only one that it can actually follow to refer to the genetic changes conserved in a

domain of possible epigenesis

of “epigenetic field”

structural begining
or total genotype

4 4
possible epigenetic courses
‘ . . . r

Fig. 10. This figure depicts the many epigenic courses that an observer may conceive as possible for the
ontogeny any living system at its conception. Only one of all these conceivably possible epigenetic
courses will actually occur in any individual life history. That course is indicated in this figure as the
path that leads to the arrow that points to an initial new living system through systemic reproduction.
Esta figura ilustra los muchos cursos epigenéticos que un observador concibe como posibles de realizarse en la ontogenia
de un ser vivo dado. Solo uno de estos cursos posibles ocurriré en la historia indivudual de ese ser vivo. Ese curso es
indicado en ja figura como el camino que Heva hacia la flecha que apunta a un nuevo ser vivo inicial, resultante de un
proceso de reproduccién sistémica.

population thought to occur without association to Genotype: The ensemble of genes proper to the
natural selection, due to its neutral character, or as germinal cells of an organism, constituted by the
a consequence of accidental isolation, and random totality of their nucleic acids.
population sampling (Beatty, 1992; Kimura, 1992).
We shall talk of genetic drift in a wider sense to Habits: Habits are behaviors that are recognized as
refer to the genetic changes conserved from one arising as relational features of the epigenesis of
generation to the next in systemic reproduction. an organism and that become conserved in it along
Genetic drift is not a special process, but it is the its ontogeny as manners of living acquired out of
result of the liberation of the genome to change in preference. Habits guide the daily living of an
any possible way while the ontogenic phenotype/ organism and participate in the specification of the
ontogenic niche relation is conserved in a lineage. relational conditions in which it lives as aspects of
In other words, insofar as a living system is real- its ontogenic phenotype, and contribute in this way
ized in an ontogenic phenotype, genetic drift is a to the systemic dynamics under which systemic
consequence of the liberation of the genotype to reproduction occurs conserving epigenetic features
vary in a phylogenic drift that coopts all genetic of the parental manner of living in the ontogenic
variations within a domain defined by the systemic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation of the next
reproductive conservation of an ontogenic pheno- generation. So, habits if they are conserved through
type. Genetic drift, then, operates as a systemic systemic reproduction, guide the course of the
dynamics that takes place generation after genera- phylogenic structural drift of a lineage.
tion in the history of a lineage as a process of
cooption of all genetic variations in the conserva- Lineage: A phylogeny defined by the conservation
tion or shifting of the ontogenic phenotype/on- of a particular ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
togenic niche relation that is conserved through niche relation through systemic reproduction. The
systemic reproduction. ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation con-
served through systemic reproduction defines the
Genetics: Study of the configuration of genealogies lineage, and a lineage arises in the moment in
in relation to the way the phenotypic characteris- which in a particular ontogenic phenotype/on-
tics and molecular classes that constitute the dif- togenic niche relation begins to be conserved in
ferent types of living systems are produced and successive systemic reproductions. A lineage lasts
distributed through systemic reproduction. We as long as the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche
think that there are different forms in which relation that defines it is conserved generation
genealogies are produced according to the differ- after generation through systemic reproduction,
ent ways or manners of distribution of phenotypic and ends when this process ends. A lineage, then,
features in a cellular phylogeny. Thus, we think is in fact the result of the systemic reproductive
that the form associated with the manner of pro- conservation of a phenotype, a manner of living,
duction and replication of nucleic acids, that is the and not of the conservation of a genotype.
one generally connoted in speaking of genetics, is
the most fundamental one given their participation Ontogeny: The particular history of structural trans-
in the synthesis and structural specification of formation of an organism in the epigenic realiza-
many classes of molecules as well as in their tion of its ontogenic phenotype. Ontogeny flows as
regular distribution in cell division. But, at the an epigenic structural drift under conservation of
same time, we think that there are other genealogi- organization and adaptation. The ontogeny of an
cal systems such at those that give rise to different organism is its epigenetic realization. Processo de transformação
cellular lineages in embryonic development and in estrutural
cellular differentiation, and which depend only Ontogenic drift or ontogenic structural drift: The
indirectly on nucleic acids because they occur as flow of epigenic structural changes ofa system in Fluxo de mudanças
features of the epigenesis. Moreover, the actual its domain of existence along its ontogeny is what estruturais
cellular activity and cellular differentiation occurs we call ontogenic structural drift. The ontogenic
as an epigenetic process in which what takes place structural drift of a living system follows a course
in a cell in the operation of its genetic system that arises moment after moment following the
(DNA) is moment after moment modulated by its path in which the organism simultaneously con-
own systemic dynamics and its direct and indirect serves organization and adaptation through its
interactions with the structures of the medium and interactions. The structural drift of a system is an
other cells in the systemic realization of the multi- “all or nothing process”, that is, the system under
cellular system that they may integrate. structural drift either conserves simultaneously
organization and adaptation, and thus remains in
structural drift, or it disintegrates. Furthermore,

in the ontogenic structural drift of a living sys- work of interdependent lineages held together
tem, the living system and the circumstance in through structural coupling in the conservation of
which it exists change together congruently, so interrelated co-ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
that a living system will never find itself out of niche relations.
place or in lack of congruence with its domain of
existence while it is alive. When the operational Organization: The organization of a system is the
congruence (adaptation) between a living system configuration of relations between components
and the medium is lost along its structural drift, that defines and constitute the class identity of that
the living system disintegrates and no longer system. That is, it is the organization what defines
exists. and constitutes a system as a system of a particular
kind, and not its components. The organization
Ontogenic phenotype: Phenotypic transformation that defines a system as a system of a certain class
of a living system during its epigenesis, that remains invariant while the system conserves its
extends from its conception or beginning as a class identity. Or, in other words, as long as the
singular entity, until it dies. As such the on- organization that defines the class identity of a
togenic phenotype is the configuration of struc- system is conserved, the system conserves its class
tural transformation that a living system under- identity. To say that a system remains a system of
goes in its epigenesis in the realization of its the same kind after some structural changes, means
particular life history. The ontogenic phenotype that the structure of the system has changed, but
is not the same as the particular life history that a not its organization.
particular living system lives, even though it may
coincide with it during shifts of the ontogenic Phenotype: The moment after moment structural
phenotype, but corresponds to a form of life his- and relational present of an organism that deter-
tory. When a particular ontogenic phenotype be- mines at every moment its way of relation and
gins to be conserved generation after generation interaction in a medium during its realization as
through systemic reproduction, a lineage arises such in the flow of its ontogeny, is the phenotype.
defined by the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic The phenotype of an organism its continuously
niche relation that is conserved through it. In arising moment after moment in the encounter of
more general terms, it is the ontogenic pheno- the organism with the medium. An organism oper-
type/ontogenic niche relation conserved through ates as a totality in its domain of interactions
systemic reproduction in the organisms of a line- according to how it is arising in its phenotype.
age or system of lineages, what defines that line- Furthermore, the phenotype of an organism changes
age or system of lineages as some particular spe- in the course of its ontogeny in the continuous
cies, kind, or class of organisms in the flow of the interplay of its internal structural dynamics and
natural phylogenic drift. So, that which an ob- the changes triggered in it during the flow of its "O fenótipo de um organismo
server distinguishes when he or she distinguishes interactions. The phenotype of an organism is at é a cada momento o presente
the “vital cycle” of a certain kind of organisms, is every moment the present of its epigenesis at that de sua epigênese naquele
the ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche rela- moment. The phenotype, therefore, is not an ex- momento. O fenótipo, então,
tion that defines or characterizes that kind of pression of the genotype of the organism, but it is
não é uma expressão do
organisms. a moment in its epigenetic living. As an observer
distinguishes an organism, he or she does so inter-
genótipo de um organismo, mas
Ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche relation: acting with it according to dimensions defined by é um momento em seu viver
Both living system and medium change together it in its phenotypic present, and the phenotype of epigenético"
congruently along the ontogenic and phylogenic an organism emerges in the distinction of an ob-
drifts in which they participate under conditions server as the interactional realization of the organ-
of systemic conservation of autopoiesis and ad- ism at that moment of its epigenesis. Therefore,
aptation. In these circumstances, what is in fact according to how the observer orients his or her
realized along the history of a lineage of living attention in the distinction of an organism, he or
systems, is the systemic condition in which the she can distinguish structural, behavioral, or rela-
living of a living system entails the simultaneous tional aspects in its phenotypic present. In sum-
realization of its ontogenic phenotype and of its mary, the phenotype is the operational realization "o fenótipo é a realização
ontogenic niche. Furthermore, it is this systemic of a living system in its domain of existence, and operacional de um sistema
dynamics what we connote when we claim that the different phenotypic features that an observer vivo em seu domínio de
what is conserved in a lineage or system of line- distinguishes in it correspond to different dimen- existência"
ages is an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic niche sions of the realization of the living system that
relation, and it is this systemic dynamics what we appear in the distinction of the observer through
connote as we claim that the biosphere is a net- his or her interactions with it.

Phylogeny: reproductive succession of ontogenies instant only a subset of all the relations realized
with conservation of a fundamental ontogenic in the structure of the system at that instant, and
phenotype and conservation or shifting of other it exists as such only as a configuration of rela-
secondary ontogenic phenotypes that intersect tions conserved in the structural dynamics of the
with the fundamental one in its realization. In system that define its class identity. This means
other words, since the ontogeny of an organism that the organization of a system is not independ-
implies the simultaneous realization of many other ent of the structures that realizes it. Therefore,
entities or different systems that intersect with it the structure of a system can vary in two ways: a)
in its structural realization, there is intersection in a way such that the system conserves its or-
of phylogenies in such a way that the realization ganization, and, therefore, conserves its class
of one implies the realization of others. identity; and b) in a way such that the system
looses its organization, and as it does not con-
Structure determined system: A structure deter- serve its class identity, it disintegrates.
mined system is a system such that all that hap-
pens to it or in it, arises in it in a manner deter- Structural coupling: When two or more structure
mined by the operational coherences of its struc- determined systems enter in recursive interac-
ture. Or, in other words, a structure determined tions and undergo structural changes without los-
system operates at every instant according to its ing their respective class identities, their struc-
structure at that instant in the interplay of the tures change together congruently, and there is
properties of its components. The structure of a structural coupling. We call structural coupling
structure determined system determines all that both the dynamics of coherent structural changes
occurs in its internal dynamics as well as what it that occur in such a case, and the condition of
admits as an interaction. Therefore, it is possible structural coherence that takes place as aresult of
to say that the structure of a structure determined that dynamics. Structural coupling lasts as long
system determines: a) the structural changes that as it lasts.
it can undergo with conservation of organization,
i.e. changes of state; b) the structural changes that Systemic dynamics: A system is any collection of
it can undergo in which it does not conserve its elements interconnected by a configuration of
organization, i.e. disintegrative changes: c) the relations that constitutes the organization that
structures of the medium that can trigger in it defines and specifies its class identity as a dis-
structural changes with conservation of organiza- crete whole. As long as the organization of a
tion (changes of state), i.e. perturbations; and system remains invariant, the system conserves
finally, d) the structures of the medium that can its class identity. And vice versa, to say that a
trigger in it structural changes with loss of or- system conserves its class identity is to say that
ganization (disintegrative changes), i.e. destruc- its organization has remained invariant. The dy-
tive interactions. Points (c) and (d) indicate that it namic conditions that permit a system to conserve
is not the structure of the environment that the its class identity liberate its structure to change
observer sees as acting upon a structure deter- within the limits of the conservation of the or-
mined system what triggers in it a structural ganization that defines its class identity. When
change, but that it is the structure of the sytem we talk about systemic dynamics, we are talking
what determines what structures of the medium it about what happens in a system as a system as a
may encounter as its niche, and what they may result of a dynamics that arises as a result of the
trigger in it. The notion of structural determinism structural coherences of all the components of the
is not an ontological assumption, but it arises as system as they participate in the conservation of
an abstraction that the observer makes of the the relations that define it, independently of the
dynamic and relational coherences of his or her type of system that it may be. For example: the
operation as such. freeing of the structure of a system to change
within the limits defined by the conservation of
Structure: The components and the relations be- the organization of the system when the condi-
tween them that realize a particular system as a tions in which this conserves its class identity
particular case of a particular class, is the struc- occur through its inclusion in a larger system (the
ture of that system. Since the structure of a sys- medium), is a systemic phenomenon. Ontogenic
tem includes its components and the relations that drift and phylogenic drift are systemic phenom-
hold between them, the structure of a system ena in the sense that they occur in the dynamics of
involves more dimensions than those involved in conservation of an ontogenic phenotype/ontogenic
its organization which includes only relations. In niche relation in the living of living systems
fact, the organization of a system includes at any without and with the involvement of systemic

reproduction respectively. In both cases, living division, or through the fusion of two gametes, or
systems and medium form a system in coherent through the union in symbiosis of heterogenetic
transformation that lasts as long as autopoiesis cells, or it may also have been a group of cells as
and adaptations are conserved through their re- in the case of organisms that form lineages by
cursive interactions. gemation or by fractures that separate multicellu-
lar unities. The total genotype as the total initial
Total genotype: The total genotype is the total structure of an organism determines the domain
initial structure of an organism, and as such it of all the possible epigenetic paths that such
includes all its components, and not only its ge- organism may follow inits ontogeny, even though
nome. The total genotype of an organism may it will follow only one that will arise moment
have been a cell that arose through a mitotic after moment in its epigenesis.

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