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Bike :

Istanbul is a very crowded city so it is very difficult to ride a bike but cycling is very easy and
healthy. If you don't have your own bike, it's very cheap to rent.

Bus :

Bus is one of the most used public transportation in Istanbul.

The reason why the bus is so preferred is that it is easy and cheap.That's why sometimes the
buses can be very full.

In my view, there are many reasons why İstanbul is the most polluted in Turkey.
First there are factors causing air pollution are traffic and motor vehicles. The
population has increased too much as a solution public transportation can be
used. Moreover, the use of harmful cosmetics, exhaust gases, poor quality fuels
pollutes Istanbul, as a result, we should pay attention to all of them.

Hi Sofia,

I'm really sorry for not writing earlier, but I have been very busy since I got back from the UK.

Thanks for a wonderful four months. I loved being in Londra and I had a great time.

I have really good memories for example amusement park was a lot of fun. Historic places were
very good for example Tower of London and British Museum.

The stories of historical places were very impressive. We had so many good memories, I miss
you so much.

I have been a bit stressed for the last fex weeks because I'm trying to finish my school. I have a
lot of exams these days.

Thanks again for everything and I hope you know you're welcome in Turkiye at any time.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes


There are a lot of reasons why Disney+ is popular today. The first reasons ıt is very
easy and cheap to register on the platform. The second reason is that there are
many series, movies and documentaries that we can watch, for example, marvel,
dc and star wars can be watched easily.Third reasons, there is the possibility of
watching Disney+ on 4 screens at the same time, for example, you can watch it
with your friends and family at the same time.Fourth reason after downloading
the series, movie or documentary, it can be watched without internet.


Sümeyye is one of my best friends, so of course I know her very well. She's 18 years old.
She's a student at Kadir Has University. Her department is a lawyer. She has one sister.
She gets on very well with all of them and they are a very close family.

Sümeyye's an intelligent girl and very hard-working. The only problem with Sümeyye is
that she's a bit impatient. She often cannot wait for a long time or accept difficulties.
Also, her English is very good. She is currently studying English Preparatory.

In her free time, she likes to travel, listen to music and she's a really good dancer. She's
really funny you can go anywhere with her and have fun.

I think you will love it. Let me know if you need to know anything else. I hope this helps!



I think math and science classes should be reduced. There should be more art classes so
that students can find their skills.History education should not be reduced because it is
important for students to learn their history.

There are many benefits to starting gymnastics at a child.Firstly it gives the habit of
walking, running and posture. Muscle and bone is get stronger, gains flexibility, good
balance, does not experience posture disorder. In my opinion that starting gymnastics at
a young age is very important in terms of socialization as well as physical characteristics.
Children socialize there and their communication is strong.I think that when you start
this sport at a young age, you will be more outgoing and successful in the future.

There are many benefits to starting gymnastics as a child. Firstly it gives the habit of
walking, running, and posture. Their muscle and bone get stronger, gains flexibility, does
not experience posture disorder and have good balance. In my opinion that starting
gymnastics at a young age is very important in terms of socialization as well as physical
characteristics. Children socialize there and their communication is strong. I think that
when you start this sport at a young age, you will be more outgoing and successful in the
future. In short, starting gymnastics is very important for physicality and sociability.

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to apply for a job in administration at the World Athletics Championships

I am a qualified administration. I have been working in companies for 2 years. I speak

English very well. (level C1)

I attach my CV.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Duygu Görmez


Some people argue that homeworks should be removed, while others argue that it
should not be removed. In my opinion, homework should not be removed, I can say 2
reasons for this.
The first reason is that some students do not repeat the subject when they come home,
but understand the topics when they have homework or repeat the topics while doing
their homework.

The second reason is that they become responsible. When students do that homework,
it shows that they are responsible.

In short, homework should be given because students take responsibility, learn the
information better and the information becomes more permanent.

Hi Anna,

I've been waiting for an email from you from a long time. I'm sorry you're sick. Get well
soon. I'm fine, my university has started, and I'm studying my classes. Good luck with
your brother's new job. I think it is very good to work in a software company. By the way,
my family is very good. Everything is fine. I hope your family is well too.

I'm so happy you came here. I know a hotel very near to our house. The hotel is very
nice and very cheap. I think you will like it very much. I'm really excited to see you, we
hadn't met for a long time. I'll show you around and we'll go to beautiful places.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,



We had been driving for four hours when we saw the sign for a small hotel and decided
to stop. It had already gotten dark. The surrounding of the hotel was very quiet and

I immediately took our bags with my friends and entered the hotel. We made our
reservation and got our keys.On the way to our rooms, I heard shouts. Actually, I was
very tired, but I was very curious and decided to go to the place where I heard the voice
alone. I started to get a little scared walking towards it, but I decided to go anyway. I was
very surprised to see the person arguing because she was my childhood friend. She was
very surprised to see me too. It turned out that they were arguing over the rooms, and
he immediately left that man and came to me, we hugged and we started to talk.

I missed my friend so much. I haven't seen my friend for about 10 years because she had
changed cities for her work. We talked all night and made plans for tomorrow. I was
really happy to see her.


Most people come across advertisements a lot while watching their favorite TV series,
movies, news, and programs they like. Some people think advertising is helpful, some
people think it harms us. I like ads because they interest me and help me. In my opinion,
advertisements help us a lot.

First of all, hotel or holiday advertisements help us a lot. Through some of the sites I see
in advertisements, I can spend my vacation better and cheaper. I especially love
advertising with music. After watching those advertising, I always want those
advertisingwith music.

Apart from that, I also find food, chocolate, and ice cream advertisements useful.
Sometimes we get hungry when we see those ads, but they give us information about
prices and meals.

Finally, I love advertising even if they interrupt TV shows and movies. Advertising is
informative and beneficial. Most of the time, advertisements are very useful to us.

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