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Submitted by: SHIVANI ROLL No. R277B47 CLASS: MCA(204)


This is to certify that SHIVANI student of MCA from LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY is presenting term paper based on STUDENT RECORD

A lot of help was being provided by


lecturer Term paper was completed by the help of visiting various sites and help of our teacher..















Drawbacks of Exiting System

Aeromotive Customs till date has a static site. So, therefore we come across many limitations of the present system. First of all the site is static to make any changes in the site client has to have full knowledge of the coding because change can only be done at coding part. But practically the client does not even know what is happening at the backend. Secondly, database connectivity is not there. In present system, no databases are created. All records, images are filled in manually at the coding part

The feedback form build is not connected to database. So, no entries of feedback are recorded. No search criteria are defined for the users. To search for a particular thing the user has to search all the links related to that which is mere time wastage. The present system is just an external one i.e. Information only about external issues is defined. Site is of no use to the company. It only tells customers about the company and its products. No provision for storing employee records is provided. No facility for maintaining and recording Inventory is there. Data related to supplier and dealers of the company is not fetched in the site.So; no

records are there in concern to dealers and suppliers of the company. Online order facility for dealers is not there. That is e-business factor is also eliminated.

Proposed System Study

The system which we have proposed after devoting a standard time on analysis is to develop a dynamic web site. So that it is fully equipped to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. We are going to design the site which broadly includes two factors-internal and external.Major stress is laid on the above defined categories.The new system will provide both innovative information to the user and side by side it will be beneficial for administrative use also.

The internal factor includes Recording of employees data,

maintaining list of suppliers and dealers. Will facilitate the proper maintenance Will also incur the yearly progress of inventory. reports of the company.

External issues take into account the

following factors: Online order forms facility Feedback forms having connectivity with database. Search criteria which will prove very beneficial for customers query.

Other links like contact info, products info etc will be maintained by database so, that any information Will needs to be change can be done by changing in the database itself. As usage of databases are very easy and convenient by client/users.

a) Objectives of New system The registration process is very simple. The members can register by filling up a simple registration form which has all the important fields needed for registration purpose. A successful registration will provide user with a username and a password that the members must use in all future transaction. The members can update their contact information. they can change their

password also for security reasons frequently or whenever they wishes to do so.

The selection process includes a products cart that is built automatically whenever a members clicks the REGISTER NOW link included for each product. When the members clicks a product, the data will automatically add to the product list . The members can change the selection while finalizing and even delete. If the user is already registered, his information is already available that is to be filled up while registration. He just has to login with his username and password and enter the required fields The feedback process accepts the memberss feedback out of while the valuable comments can be considered for further improvements.

Members should have the opportunity to download the catalogs and print it him or her.The discounts on the specific seasons and special discounts and attractive gifts Lastly, but more important the website will include an administrator login facility which is used by the administrator to update the order status, process feedback, proposals and request for catalogues, view the list of members registered and add, delete or update the products database. b) Need for new system The need for the new system arises of the fact that the todays world is the world of computer and electronics. Everyone stores and manage their data electronically for the sake of speed and accuracy. Computer provides very fast and accurate way of storing and retrieving data that greatly helps the person to retrieve the data relevant to him and not the whole data.

Normally, these days people avoid going into the market and select online because it takes lots of time. If the company has a website, what the entire company have and what it do for the members, will be available in the website. The members can go through website while sitting at office or home and make up his mind to establish relations with the other companys or not. Most members feel this process easy and less time consuming these days. Moreover, almost all small and big companys have their websites on World Wide Web. So, why should one stay behind? If the technology is there one should get best out of it. Therefore, there is a great need for a website to be developed so that it expresses the view and products that the company has.


Code source
/* Student Record System - C implementation

This is a simple Student Record System in C which uses file handling concepts.

Programmed by: Kewal Krishan Kapoor

Subject Professor: Mr. MOHANTESH KODABAGI

*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h>


#include<stdlib.h> #include<ctype.h>

FILE *fp;

struct student{ char snum[13]; char fname[20]; char sname[20]; char mi; char ccode; }record;

void Temp1(void); void twolinebox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2){ int x,y; gotoxy(x1,y1); printf(""); //alt-201 gotoxy(x2,y1); printf(""); //alt-187 for(y=y1+1;y<y2;y++){

gotoxy(x1,y); printf(""); //alt-186 gotoxy(x2,y); printf(""); //alt-186 } gotoxy(x1,y2); printf(""); //alt-200 gotoxy(x2,y2); printf(""); //alt-188 for(x=x1+1;x<x2;x++){ gotoxy(x,y1); printf(""); //alt-205 gotoxy(x,y2); printf(""); //alt-205 } gotoxy(x1+1,y1+1); }

void printxy(int x,int y,char string[]){ gotoxy(x,y); printf("%s",string); }

void center(int y,char string[]){ int x=(80-strlen(string)+1)/2; gotoxy(x,y);printf("%s",string);


void Create(void){ char opt; center(21,"WARNING!!!"); center(22,"You are about to create a new file"); center(23,"This will erase all records in the file..."); center(24,"Are you sure you want to proceed?[Y/N] "); opt=getche(); opt=toupper(opt); if(opt=='Y'){ fp=fopen("Group4.txt","w"); center(24," center(24,"File successfully created!"); } getch(); fclose(fp); } void Add(void){ char opt;



clrscr(); Temp1(); gotoxy(19,8); scanf(" "); gets(record.snum); gotoxy(19,10); scanf(" "); gets(record.fname); gotoxy(19,12); scanf(" "); gets(record.sname); gotoxy(19,14); record.mi=getche(); record.mi=toupper(record.mi); gotoxy(19,16); record.ccode=getche(); record.ccode=toupper(record.ccode); gotoxy(5,22); clreol(); printxy(79,22,""); fprintf(fp,"%s %s %s %c %c",record.snum,record.fname,record.sname,record.mi,record.c code); gotoxy(5,21); clreol(); center(21,"Record successfully added!"); printxy(79,21,""); gotoxy(53,22); delay(1000); center(22,"Press any key to go to main menu..."); getch(); fclose(fp);

void Temp1(void){ twolinebox(2,6,79,20); twolinebox(2,20,79,24); twolinebox(2,2,79,24); center(4,"ADD RECORD"); printxy(6,8,"Student no: "); printxy(6,10,"First Name: "); printxy(6,12,"Last Name: "); printxy(6,14,"Middle init:"); printxy(6,16,"Course code: "); center(22,"Course code: [A]-CompSci, [B]-for InfoTech, [any key]-Sevices"); gotoxy(19,7); }

void List(void){

int count=0,i,x=0,page=1,CS=0,IT=0,Serv=0;


clrscr(); center(2,"Polytechnic University of the Philippines"); center(3,"Sta. Mesa, Manila"); center(5,"College of Computer Management and Information Technology"); printxy(10,7,"Record Course"); for(i=1;i<80;i++){ gotoxy(i,8); puts(""); /*Alt-205*/ } Student # Name

while(fscanf(fp,"%s %s %s %c %c",&record.snum,&record.fname,&record.sname,&record.mi, &record.ccode)!=EO F){ if(count!=0&&count%5==0){ printxy(5,23,"Press any key to continue..."); getch(); x=0;

for(i=10;i<=24;i++){gotoxy(1,i); clreol();} page++; } gotoxy(70,4); printf("Page %d",page); gotoxy(13,10+x); printf("%d",count+1); gotoxy(19,10+x); printf("%s",record.snum); gotoxy(37,10+x); printf("%s, %s %c.",record.sname,record.fname,record.mi); gotoxy(62,10+x); switch(record.ccode){ case 'A': printf("CompSci"); CS++; break; case 'B': printf("InfoTech"); IT++; break; default : printf("Services"); Serv++; break; } x++; count++; } printxy(25,17,"TOTAL"); gotoxy(15,18); printf("Comp Sci: %d",CS);

gotoxy(15,19); printf("InfoTech: %d",IT); gotoxy(15,20); printf("Services: %d",Serv); printxy(5,23,"Press any key to go to main menu..."); getch();

fclose(fp); }

void Quit(void){ clrscr(); twolinebox(2,2,79,24); center(8,"PROGRAMMED"); center(9,"BY"); center(11,"Group 4"); center(13,"Badion, Frederick A."); center(14,"Saosa, Emmanuel R."); center(15,"Zamora, Sweet Joan J."); delay(5000); exit(1);

fclose(fp); }

void Err_mess(void){ sound(1000); center(22,"Invalid Input!"); delay(1000); nosound(); } void main(){ char choice; do{ clrscr(); twolinebox(29,6,51,8); twolinebox(20,5,60,18); twolinebox(2,20,79,25); twolinebox(2,2,79,25);

center(7,"MAIN MENU");

printxy(30,9,"Press:"); printxy(30,11,"[A]-Create File"); printxy(30,12,"[B]-Add Record"); printxy(30,13,"[C]-List Record"); printxy(30,14,"[D]-Quit Program"); printxy(30,16,"Enter your choice..."); gotoxy(50,16); choice=getch(); choice=toupper(choice); switch(choice){ case 'A': Create(); break; case 'B': Add(); break; case 'C': List(); break; case 'D': Quit(); break; default: Err_mess(); break; } }while(choice!='D'); }


Feasibility Study
It is always necessary to carry out feasibility study for the development of new project. This feasibility study serves as a decision document and answers the following questions: Is the website beneficial for companys owners? Is the website beneficial for members? Is there a better way other than website to present the existing system?

What are the costs involved? Is developing the website economically feasible? What is recommended for the website to be developed? Various types of feasibility studies are carried out in this phase that are:1. Economical Feasibility. 2. Technical Feasibility. 3. Social Feasibility. 4. Operational Feasibility.

Economical Feasibility:
The new system to be developed is measured according the details one has during the feasibility. A rough cost is estimated to see whether the system is economically feasible or not. As this project is website and this is to be developed by Web designers, an initial cost thus estimated easily on basis of the numbers of web pages that the website is going to have. So, developing this project does not involve much cost as cheaper web designers can be easily found thus this project is economically feasible.

Technical Feasibility:
The system after development is to run on the web server for which one have to buy web space. The amount of web space required depends upon the size of the website. The web servers have latest Hardware as well as Software with latest service pack installed on it. So, they will support this project fully. Moreover, from the members point of view, the members having an Internet connection can easily visit the website. So, no doubt about the project being technically feasible.

Social Feasibility:


Almost every members wishes to search and select product from Internet rather than personally visiting the company. Thus providing the up to date information on the website and a reliable selection process in an efficient manner makes the project socially feasible.

Operational Feasibility:
The system eventually run on a web server and the members view the website on browser software installed on his personal computer. He can view the required information. The project involves a special administrator can view new members, pending members, user feedbacks and suggestions. All these processes do not need downloading regularly and uploading the server with new information. The administrator can use this facility easily. However, the cost of running the website on a web server is fixed for a period of time.

a)Cost Estimation

The proposed system is to be developed is measured according the details one has during the feasibility. A rough cost is

estimated to see whether the project is economically feasible or not. As this project is website and this is to be developed by Web designers, an initial cost thus estimated easily on basis of the numbers of web pages that the website is going to have. So, developing this project does not involve much cost as cheaper web designers can be easily found thus this project is economically feasible.


System data flow diagram

Registered Student Content selection

Check Student

Get Studen t detail

Studen t record detail

Student Selection

Student get Whole the info.


Hardware Requirements and Software Requirement

The project is developed using the following hardware and software specifications: Hardware: Processor: Pentium IV RAM: 256 MB Hard Disk: 5 GB Server: SQL based Software: Operating System: Windows XP Web Server: IIS 5.0(Internet Information Server) Web Browser: Internet Explorer 5

Required Specifications


The minimum hardware and software requirements for the successful running of the website are divided into two categories:

Requirements for Host. Requirements for User. Requirements from the Hosting point of view: The following are the hardware and software requirements from the hosting point of view for the website.

Hardware Required: Processor: A high speed Pentium processor for Web Servers. Web Space: 10 MB Software Required: Operating system: Windows 2000 or XP Web Server: IIS

Requirements from the User point of view:


The following are the hardware and software requirements from the user point of view:

Hardware Requirements: The user must have an Internet enabled PC with following requirements: Processor: Pentium IV or higher speed processor RAM: Minimum 256 MB

Software Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP.Browser: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator etc






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