Biologia 3

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The circulatory system is made up of two systems:

-Cardiovascular system
-Lymphatic system

From blood the intestinal fluid reaches the cell

In the cells, this liquid makes metabolism
Excess of water goes to the lymph and from the lymph to the blood

Homeostasis: Is the ability of the internal environment to keep stable

Cardiovascular System
Blood components:
-Plasma, is the liquid part, made up of: water,nutrients, waste, hormones and
proteins (Antibodies, transport nutrients)
-Cells, there are three types:
Red blood cells: Erythrocytes
White blood cells: Leukocytes
Platelets: Thrombocytes

-Red blood cells: They are small cells without a nucleus. They are sacs that
contain hemoglobin, the protein that transports O2 from lungs to cells. There are 4-5
million per mm3
-White blood cells: They are bigger than erythrocytes (Red blood cells) and they
have a nucleus. They defend us from pathogens. Some secret antibodies. They are
10.000 per mm3.
-Platelets: They are fragments of cells that clot blood when there is an injury in a
vessel. There are 150.000-300.000 per mm3

Blood Vessels
-Arteries: They carry the blood from the heart to the tissues. Leaving the heart by
the ventricles: Right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle. Their walls
are thick, strong and elastic.
-Veins: They carry the blood from tissues to the heart, they enter the heart by the
vencayas and pulmonary veins.
-Capillaries: Are made up of a single layer of cells to allow cells to exchange
substances with the blood. They connect veins and arteries

Cardiac Cycle
-Diastole (Filling): Atria and ventricles are relaxed. The pressure is lower, tricuspid
and bicuspid open and blood enters the heart.

Systole (Pumping):

-Atrial Systole: Atria contracts and blood pass to the ventricles.

-Ventricular Systole: Ventricles contract and pump blood to the arteries, tricuspid
and bicuspid close to avoid moves.

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