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Submitted to: Mr.DINESH Submitted by: SHANKEy NARANG MCA (Hons) Roll No.R282B31

Reg No. 10806234

I, Shankey Narang thank my teacher for provide me with all necessary material for completing my project and also the help is appreciated without which completion could not have been possible. Shankey Narang

Introduction toMailmerge:
Mail merge is to used quickly creat form letters,mailing labels,envelops,and catalog by merging the information from two different files.Those two files are generally the main document and data source file.After creating those two files,they are merged to get the desired result.Genrally,Mail merge is used to print multiple copies of a particular letter addressed to many memberMain document: merged with the main document.Therefore,the format of the letter and where the The main document contains the subject matter of the letter to be can contain text ,graphic objecfields(data) which are to be inserted into the letter.When merging ,data will be data from data source file must be inserted is specified in the main document. Data Source: Data source file contains the information in the form of records,Which is to be inserted to the main one Recods,one member information is storedFor example,one persons address.the individual information in the records is called a field.Actually,the data written in these fields will be inserted in the main document during merge.

Merge requires 3 steps as follows: 1.creating main document. 2.creating data source. 3.merging of two files. 1.Creating main document: First,open a new document to creat a main document by selcting on selecting File->new.Then select Tools->mailmerge.The following dialog will be displayed on the promting where to creat the main document .click on Active window to creat the main on the button CREAT to display the available format(form letter,mailing labels,envelops or catalog) of the main document.The following list will be displayed. Then,A dialog will be displayed document in the active window. The edit button will be displayed to the right of creat.Before selecting edit the master document,specify the address of members to whom the letters must

be sent .

Dear-----, You are informed that your attendance and marks in each subject in the 1 semester of MCA (HONS) are given below. SUBJECTSATTEDANCECOMPUTING-1----------------------NETWORKING------------------------ELEMENTS OF IT-----------------------OPERATING SYSTEM-------------------------TOTAL---------------------------st

With thanks The chancellor, Mr. Ashok kMittal

THE FOLLOWING STEPS ARE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION MAIN FILE:1. Open the MS-word and right click on menu bar. Now it also open a new mail Merge toolbar is opened.

2. This mail merge toolbar has many tools as: main document

setup, open data source,

mail merge recipients, as insert

address block, insert greeting line, as insert merge fields.

3. Click on the main document setup tool, a dialog box will

appear. In this there are 3 options (1) letter (2) envelop (3) level.
4. Choose the letter option and click on ok .Open the new

document and type the body of letter and all other text and graphics that we want to be included in each letter as shown in fig.

Save the document.

6. Open the MS-excel and enter the data of students i.e.

marks and attendance of the students in each subject and also find their total marks and total attendance.

Save the document and close the file.

8. Open the MS-word and open the document in which

the body of letter is written.


Click on the open data source. A dialog box will

appear. From this open the file from my document, open that file in which data of students is stored i.e. their name, attendance, marks, total attendance, total marks.
10. Now click on the mail merge recipients. A dialog box

will appear which contain the name of students, their

marks, total marks, attendance and total attendance. Choose all the students from the list and close the dialog box.

Now we want to insert merge fields in main

document. Move the mouse pointer at the desired position where you want to insert fields. Now click the insert the merge field button from the mail merge toolbar. A list of fields will display. Select the required field and either click the mouse button or press Enter key from keyboard. We will see that the selected field will be placed at the mouse button cursor position (selected location in the document file). We can proceed this process and insert the required fields by selecting it from the source data and inserting these into the desired position by moving the mouse pointer in the document file.
12. As we have completed the process of entering fields

from the source data into the document file. Now we want to see the merged fields with data on the document file. For this click the view merge data button on the mail merge toolbar. Ms-word will display all the fields with the corresponding value from the first record of the data source files if we want to see view of more document

letters with the merge toolbar. Also we can use previous record button to see the previous record. We can view the previous record by clicking the last record button. Note that record no. will be displayed in selected record box.
13. After completing the all process, click on the merge

to new document. Then we obtain the no. of letters equal to no. students that we have entered in the data source.
14. After we want to print the mail merge letters. Then

click the mail merge button from the mail merge toolbar. A merge dialog box will be displayed as shown in the fig.

2.Creating data source:

The address must be stored in data creat the data file ,click on get data in data source.the following list will be displayed. Click on creat data source to specify the fields (items) to be includedin the address,like name,place etc The existing field names will be displayed on the screen to the right.unwanted fields can be removed by clicking and by clicking on the button remove field name.
NAME VIPLAV SHANKEY TARUN RAHUL HARLEEN ANSHITA COMPUTING 1 NETWORKING O.S. 90 90 89 89 97 89 98 96 87 97 90 89 87 79 80 89 86 87 ELEMENTS OF IT 90 98 80 87 97 99 TOTAL ATTEDANCE 91.25% 90.75% 84% 90.5% 92.5% 91%

3.Creation of mailing labels:

The process of creating mailing lable is same as creation of envelops.suppose you have created your source data file .the first of all open the new document open the mail merge helper box using defined the creat button and select mailing labels.choose the active window button to choose the current the get data button and choose the open data source file. Now click the set up main document

Merge Merge to Records to be merged All From To When merging records Dont print blank lines when data fields are empty. Print blank lines when data fields are empty. No query option has been set

and the select the type of the Ok the insert merge field button to insert the required ok button.use the merge button from the mail merge helper dialog box for click merge to printer button on the mail merge toolbar for printing.


Dear viplav, You are informed that your attendance and marks in each subject in the 1 semester of MCA (HONS) are given below. SUBJECTSATTEDANCECOMPUTING-190NETWORKING98ELEMENTS OF IT90OPERATING SYSTEM87TOTAL91.25

With thanks The chancellor, Mr. Ashok kMittal


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