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Paduata: Thankyou for calling Winford’s Hotel,this is Jasmine

speaking how may I help you?
Mendoza: Hey, I would like to make a reservation for 2 please
Paduata: Sure! Let me help you with that, but before we proceed
to the reservation process. May I know who’s on the line?
Mendoza: It’s Precious.
Paduata: (snore) hays so sleepy…
Mendoza:Oh? Excuse me…
Paduata: Oh sorry for the interruption.Can you please repeat it
Mendoza: Whatever. It is Precious Camille V. Mendoza
Paduata: Thankyou for that information,Ms.Precious may I know
which date you would like to make a reservation?
Mendoza: Im Planning to stay this 22nd of May for 5 days, do you
have any vacancies?
Paduata: Hold on for a while let me check the availabilities of
the room on the said date.
10 mins after
Paduata:Sorry and thankyou for waiting.
Mendoza:What took you so long? Are you having bad time just
looking through the dates?
Paduata: Sorry maam,but we do have some techniqal issues.
Mendoza:so do you have any vacancies on 22nd of may?
Paduata: Yes,upon checking we do have several rooms available for
that particular days. May I know what type of room you would like
to stay?
Mendoza: Do you have available Deluxe Room?
Paduata: Absolutely,By the way we do have new room rates,is that
something you’ll be interested?
Mendoza: yah,Let me know the prices so I can make a decision.
Paduata: For Deluxe room that will be 6,500 pesos per night.
Mendoza: Awesome! Reasonable price.
Paduata: Would you like to confirm your reservation?
Mendoza: Yes! I would like to confirm my reservation.
Paduata: Perfect!your reservation is now verified. Can you please
confirm your mobile number?
Mendoza: Sure it’s 0922ban168711247
Paduata: Let me repeat that it’s 0922ban168711247 did I get
everything right?
Mendoza: yes,that’s correct.
Paduata:Ms. Precious how would you like the bill to be settled?
Mendoza: I would like to pay Cash!
Paduata: Perfect! You reservation has been made on 22nd of May
for 5’s a deluxe room for two people and the total amount
of it is 32,500 pesos that will be settled cash. Did I get
everything correct?
Mendoza:Yes it is.
Paduata:Excellent! By any chance is there anything else that you
would like to clarify?
Mendoza: No! that’s all thankyou
Paduata: No worries at all! Thankyou for calling Ms.Precious
We’ll see you on 22nd of May. Enjoy the rest of you day!
Mendoza: alright thanks,bye.
Paduata: Goodbye.

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