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Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11

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Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted

seawater: A mesocosm simulation study
Mehdi Hassanshahian a, *, Giti Emtiazi b, Gabriella Caruso c, Simone Cappello c
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR of Messina, Messina, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bioaugmentation (amendment with selected bacterial strains) and/or biostimulation (nutrients addition
Received 27 October 2013 and/or air supply) are relatively new fields in environmental microbiology for preventing pollution and
Received in revised form cleanup contamination. In this study, the efficiency of application of bioaugmentation/biostimulation
13 December 2013
treatments, for recovery of crude oil-polluted seawater, was evaluated. Three different series of exper-
Accepted 16 December 2013
iments were performed in a “Mesocosm Facility” (10.000 L). Natural seawater was artificially polluted
with crude oil (1000 ppm) and was amended with inorganic nutrients (Mesocosm 1, M1), inorganic
nutrient and an inoculum of Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2T (Mesocosm 2, M2) and inorganic nutrient and
Oil spill
an inoculum of A. borkumensis SK2T and Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1T (Mesocosm 3, M3), respectively.
Bioaugmentation/biostimulation During the experimental period (20 days) bacterial abundance (DAPI count), culturable heterotrophic
Mesocosm bacteria (CFU count), MPN, microbial metabolic activity [Biochemical Oxygen Demand and enzymatic
Alcanivorax activity (leucine aminopeptidase LAP, b-glucosidase BG, alkaline phosphatase AP)] and quali-, quanti-
Thalassolituus tative analysis of the composition of total extracted and resolved hydrocarbons and their derivates
(TERHCs) were carried out. The microbiological and physiological analysis of marine microbial com-
munity found during the three different biostimulation and bioaugmentation assays performed in
mesocosms show that the load of crude oil increases total microbial abundance, inhibits the activity of
some enzymes such as LAP while stimulates both AP and BG activities. The biodegradation results show
that bioaugmentation with A. borkumensis SK2T alone is able to produce the highest percentage of
degradation (95%) in comparison with the biostimulation treatment (80%) and bioaugmentation using an
Alcanivorax-Thalassolituus bacterial consortium (70%). This result highlights the reduced biodegradation
capability of the consortium used in this study, suggesting an unfavourable interaction between the two
bacterial genera.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction biostimulation and bioaugmentation, has proven to be an effective

method for cleaning up residual oil in a variety of environments
Petroleum hydrocarbons are the most widespread contami- (Van Hamme et al., 2003) and has been proposed as the only viable
nants in the environment (Santas et al., 1999; Yakimov et al., 2007) management option that can be implemented on a large scale in
entering into aquatic environments because of catastrophic acci- marine environments (Snape et al., 2001; Hassanshahian et al.,
dents (shipping disasters or pipeline failures), chronic pollution 2012b).
(ships, ports, oil terminals, freshwater runoff, rivers and sewage At sea, petroleum hydrocarbon degradation is mainly performed
systems), natural oil seepages and natural sources (Floodgate, 1972; by microorganisms, and the microbial communities of marine
Cappello et al., 2007a; Hassanshahian et al., 2012a). ecosystems involved in this process have been extensively studied
Many physical, chemical and biological technologies have been (Harayama et al., 1999; Yakimov et al., 2004).
developed to remove hydrocarbon pollutants from soils and marine Different studies have shown that marine communities of
environments. However, these techniques often are not able to fully hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria are composed of indigenous
remove pollutants from environments. Bioremediation, including members (Cappello et al., 2007b; Gertler et al., 2012) able to degrade
mixtures of hydrocarbons, like crude oil. It has been well-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 9132906971; fax: þ98 3413202032. documented that the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus signifi-
E-mail addresses:, (M. Hassanshahian). cantly enhances the growth of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, with

0141-1136/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
2 M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11

consequent stimulation of metabolic processes involved in oil 2.2. Set-up of experimental mesocosms systems
biodegradation (Gertler et al., 2012). Moreover, as a single species can
metabolize only a limited range of hydrocarbon substrates, a con- Experiments in mesocosms were performed in a “Mesocosm
sortium of many different bacterial species, with broad enzymatic Facility” designed and built at the Institute for Coastal Marine
capacities, is usually involved in oil degradation (Rölling et al., 2002). Environment (IAMC) e CNR of Messina, Italy (Fig. 1). The experi-
To understand how the composition of microbial community affects ments were carried out in a rectangular tank of 11250 L of capacity
the process of biodegradation, it is necessary to analyse the microbial (5000 cm long, 150 cm deep, 150 cm wide) filled with 10000 L of
response to oil pollution both at genetic and metabolic levels. It is natural seawater (Fig. 2). The mesocosm system was filled with
also important to develop a multidisciplinary approach for the study natural sea water (SW) collected directly from the Straits of Mes-
of microorganisms having high specificity for recalcitrant com- sina through a direct pipeline. Before the introduction in the
pounds, dealing with their structure and function. Knowledge of mesocosms, natural seawater was filtered through a 100 mm nylon
microbial diversity and metabolism in oil-polluted sites can be mesh to remove large metazoans and detritus. During the study the
helpful for bioremediation of oil spills, as human intervention by seawater was aerated and kept under agitation during the all
using specific microbial consortia can be planned for cleaning up oil experimental period. Mesocosm water was mixed by a pump
pollution (Denaro et al., 2005; Hassanshahian and Emtiazi, 2008). (35 l h 1), placed at the exit of each tank, that takes water from two
The application of bioremediation techniques (bioaugmentation opposite bottom corners and drives it below the surface. Seawater
and/or biostimulation) for the recovery of polluted marine envi- temperature (18  2  C) was checked for all experimental period;
ronments relies on the knowledge of oil weathering processes, pH values were also measured to detect possible variations.
biological dynamics (e.g. variation of the microbial community) and
rates of degradation of hydrocarbons (Genovese et al., 2013). 2.3. Bacterial strains
However, despite its proven utility, natural and non-destructive
character, bioremediation remains a controversial technology (Lee Two hydrocarbonoclastic bacterial strains Alcanivorax borku-
and Merlin, 1999; Genovese et al., 2013; Hassanshahian et al., mensis strain SK2T (Genebank accession number Y12579; ¼ DSM
2013). The effectiveness of bioremediation practice depends on 11573T; Yakimov et al. (1998) and Thalassolituus oleivorans strain
several factors, such as the presence of suitable hydrocarbon- MIL-1T (Genebank accession number AJ431699; ¼ DSM
degrading microbial consortia as well as of favourable environ- 14913T, ¼ LMG 21420T; Yakimov et al. (2004) were used in this
mental conditions (Hassanshahian and Emtiazi, 2008). Moreover, study (Fig. 3). Both strains belong to a collection of hydrocarbon-
advancements in this topic are often difficult due to the insufficient degrading bacteria hold at IAMC-Messina.
consistency between data obtained from laboratory experiments
and those obtained in “in situ” experiments (Reilly, 1999). The
“in vitro” experiments sometime produce few realistic data, which 2.4. Growth conditions of the bacterial inocula amendments
cannot be exported to natural environments. On the other hand, “in
situ” experiments are difficult to be carried out and the obtained Starting cultures of bacteria selected for bioaugmentation
data are not simple to be interpreted because of the complexity of (A. borkumensis SK2T and T. oleivorans MIL-1T) were prepared
the analysed biological processes (Cappello and Yakimov, 2010). As separately for each strain by inoculating one loop of bacterial cells
previously indicated (Cappello and Yakimov, 2010) the need to link into 10 mL of ONR7a mineral medium (Dyksterhouse et al. (1995)
the “in vitro” experiments e that can be statistically replicated but containing 0.1% (w/v) of tetradecane (C14H30, SigmaeAldrich,
are not performed under real conditions e and the experiments Milan, Italy) sterilized by filtration through a 0.2-mm syringe filter
performed in large-scale e in which intrinsic difficulties are related (Sartorius). After growth in a rotary shaker (New Brunswick C24KC,
to the inability to control environmental factors-, has lead to the Edison NJ, USA; 150 rpm) at 25  C for two days, 500 mL of the seed
increasing use of medium-scale systems, like microcosms and/or culture broth were transferred into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask
mesocosms. Different studies have demonstrated the great versa- containing 100 mL of ONR7a medium supplemented with 1% (w/v)
tility and potentiality of mesocosm systems in reproducing the of sterile Arabian Light Crude Oil (ENI Technology S.P.A.). The cul-
same processes occurring in nature (Alldredge et al., 1995; Reilly, ture was incubated in a rotary shaker (150 rpm) at 25  C for 5 days.
1999; Takeuchi et al., 2000; Lebaron et al., 2001) through the At values of microbial abundance (measured by DAPI count) of
control over both dependent/independent variables and the in- 108 cell mL 1 cultures were added in experimental mesocosms
teractions among the chemical, physical and biological parameters (Beginning of experiment, t0).
(Cappello and Yakimov, 2010).
However, no study has ever been carried out to test, in meso- 2.5. Design of mesocosm experiments
scale systems in the size (10,000 L) similar to those used in this
work, efficiency of bioremediation processes and biostimulation. Three different series of experiments were set up. In all the
The aim of the present study was to monitor the efficiency of experiments, natural seawater was supplemented with Arabian
application of bioaugmentation/biostimulation strategies, in the Light Crude Oil and inorganic nutrients. 1 L of Arabian Light Crude
mesoscale (mesocosm) systems, for the recovery of crude oil- Oil (ENI Technology S.P.A.) were added to all the mesocosms; 0.1%
polluted marine area. Some physiological, biochemical and enzy- (v/v) of squalene (C30H50, SigmaeAldrich, Milan) was also added to
matic assays occurring in the structure and composition of seawater crude oil as an internal spike/control to monitor the biodegradation
natural microbial communities were carried out to reach this goal. process. Inorganic nutrients were added to reach concentrations
higher than those in natural water (final concentrations: KH2PO4
2. Materials and methods 0.077 g L 1, NH4Cl 0.2 g L 1 and NaNO3 0.1 g L 1). The “control”
mesocosm, consisting of natural seawater with oil and inorganic
2.1. Site description and sampling nutrients, was indicated as “mesocosm 1 (M1)”. The mesocosm
amended with the isolate A. borkumensis SK2T only was indicated as
During mesocosm experiments, natural seawater (SW) was “mesocosm 2” (M2), while the mesocosm where A. borkumensis
collected, in November 2011, from the station “Marisicilia” SK2T and T.oleivorans MIL-1T were simultaneously added was
(38 12.230 N, 15 33.100 E) located in the harbour of Messina (Italy). indicated as “mesocosm 3 (M3)”.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11 3

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of engineered and hydraulic system of “Mesocosm Facility” of IAMC-CNR of Messina used in this study. (1) Fill line with water treatment system
(filter); 2 and 3, system of water recirculation; the experimental tank (4) is made of a steel tower moulded-case covered with fibreglass. This structure is also covered by a gel-coat
whose chemical structure avoids the adhesion of oil to the interior walls of the tank and the release of substances which are potentially toxic to marine microbial flora. (5), seawater
and (6), crude oil.

2.6. Sampling strategy and parameters assayed stored at 4  C until analysis. After short-time (30 s) ultrasonic
treatment (Ultrasonic Bath Branson 1200, Branson, USA), samples
All experiments lasted 20 days. To monitor changes in the mi- were filtered on Nuclepore black polycarbonate filters (pore size
crobial community from the time zero (t0; introduction of oil, 0.2 mm) and the filters stained with 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
inorganic nutrients and bacteria) to the end of the experiment in (DAPI; SigmaeAldrich S.R.L., Milan, Italy, 5 mg L 1 final concen-
terms of bacterial abundances (total bacteria, heterotrophic bac- tration), according to standard analytical protocols (Zampino et al.,
teria and hydrocarbon degrading bacteria) and microbial activities 2004; Porter and Feig, 1980). Slides were examined under a Zeiss
(enzymatic activity and Biochemical Oxygen Demand), sub- Axioplan 2 Imaging epifluorescence microscope (Zeiss; Carl Zeiss
volumes (1 L) of sea-water were drawn (in triplicate) from the Inc., Thornwood, N.Y.) and the labelled cells present in at least 30
surface layer (5  1 cm) of the mesocosms on fixed days (day 0, 5, microscopic fields counted. The bacterial counts were expressed as
10, 15 and 20). At the same time of sampling, the composition of the total number of cells mL 1.
total extracted and resolved hydrocarbons and their derivates
(TERHCs) was also analysed. Triplicate measurements of all pa- 2.8. Culturable heterotrophic bacteria (CFU)
rameters were carried out.
The abundance of culturable heterotrophic bacteria was esti-
2.7. Total bacterial count (DAPI) mated by spreading 100 mL of 10-fold dilutions of water samples on

For total bacterial counting, suitable volumes of seawater (1e

2 mL) were fixed in formaldehyde (2% final concentration) and

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences for bacterial strains
(Alcanivorax borkumensis strain SK2T (Genebank accession number Y12579; Thalasso-
lituus oleivorans strain MIL-1T (Genebank accession number AJ431699) used in this
study and recognized species of the genus Alcanivorax and principal hydro-
carbonoclastic bacteria. Percentages of 100 bootstrap resembling that supported the
branching orders in each analysis are shown above or near the relevant nodes. The tree
Fig. 2. In principal picture image of the mesocosm used during this study. In particular was rooted and out grouped (black arrow) by using the 16S rRNA sequences of
in (A) is shown particular of superficial seawater at the begging of experimental period, Methanococcus jannaschii (M59126). Evolutionary distance is indicated by vertical
in (B) is shown particular of superficial seawater at the end experimental period after lines; each scale bar length corresponds to 0.05 fixed point mutations per sequence
introduction of (Alcanivorax borkumensis strain SK2T). position.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
4 M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11

the surface of Marine agar (Difco 2216, Milan, Italy) plates, further superficial seawater samples were acidized; TERHCs from samples
incubated at 20  C for 7 days. The colonies growing on plate were were extracted on a shaking table using dichloromethanee
counted and the results expressed as colony forming units seawater (10% v/v). This procedure was repeated three times, and
(CFU mL 1). the CH2 Cl2 phase was treated with anhydrous Na2 SO4 to remove
residual water. Extracts were concentrated by rotary evaporation
2.9. Hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial count (MPN) (Rotavapor model R110; Büchi Labortechnik, Flawil, Switzerland) at
room temperature, followed by evaporation under a stream of ni-
Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria present in the mesocosms trogen and taken up in a solution containing heptamethyl-nonane
were enumerated by a miniaturized Most Probable Number (MPN) as an internal standard (79 mg mL 1). A high-resolution GCeMS
method, according to Brown and Braddock (1990). As previously using a PerkineElmer Turbo MS Auto System XL GC (PerkineElmer
reported (Cappello et al., 2007a), MPN test was performed using Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) equipped with a DB-TPH fused
sterile 24-wells (3 mL each) tissue culture test plates containing silica capillary column [30 m by 0.32 mm (inner diameter); J and W
2 mL per well of sterile Bushnell-Hass (B-H) medium (Difco) added Scientific (Folsom CA, USA)] was used for the analysis. The samples
with 2% NaCl, pH 7. Tenfold serial dilution of samples (10 2e10 9) were quantified according to previously described protocols (Dutta
was made in B-H medium. Wells were inoculated by pipetting and Harayama, 2001) and as described by Denaro et al. (2005). Data
100 mL from the sample dilutions. Following sample inoculation, obtained were normalized by squalene (internal spike/control of
10 mL of Arabian light weathered crude oil, sterilized by filtration biodegradation) and indices Pristane/Phytane (Pr/Ph) were used in
through a 0.2-mm syringe filter (Sartorius) was added, with care, in order to evaluate the relative biodegradation of n-alkanes.
the central area of each well. The remaining four wells of each plate Moreover, the percentage of degradation of n-alkanes was
were used as a reference (B-H medium þ oil) as a negative control. expressed as the percentage of TERCHs degraded in relation to the
Plates were incubated at 20  C for 20 days. Wells were scored as amount of the remaining fractions in the appropriate control. The
positive when oil emulsification was clearly indicated by the biodegradation efficiency (BE), based on the decrease in the total
disruption of the oil film and/or the oil ‘ring’ produced on the concentration of hydrocarbons, was calculated by using the
surface of the medium in contact with the wall of the well, expression described by Michaud et al. (2004):
accompanied with changes in the oil colour. MPN index was
calculated according to the American Public Health Association 100 ðAs*100=AacÞ
(APHA, 1992).
Where As ¼ total area of peaks in each sample, Aac ¼ total area of
2.10. Microbial enzymatic activities peaks in the appropriate control.

The metabolic activity of the marine microbial community was 2.13. Statistical analysis
studied by the analysis of three enzymes: leucine aminopeptidase
(LAP), b-glucosidase (BG) and alkaline phosphatase (AP). LAP is All the DAPI, MPN, CFU, BOD and enzymatic activity data ob-
involved in protein degradation, BG in carbohydrate degradation tained during the experiments in the mesocosms M1, M2 and M3
and AP in the release of phosphorus from organic compounds. were subjected to Analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Microbial extracellular enzymes were estimated according to the
Hoppe’s method (Hoppe, 1993), using different fluorogenic sub- 3. Results
strates, each of them specific for the enzyme to be assayed
(Cappello et al., 2007a). The substrates for the determination of LAP, 3.1. Total bacterial abundance
AP and BG were L-leucine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarine (Leu-
MCA), 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate (4-MUF) and b-D-gluco- The total bacterial counts obtained by DAPI staining are shown
side, respectively. Fluorescence measurements were carried out in Fig. 4. In the control mesocosm, indicated as “mesocosm 1” (M1),
with a Turner TD 700 fluorimeter immediately after substrate from the10th day onwards the microbial abundance increased by
addition and after 2 h of incubation at ‘in situ’ temperature, at 365/ one order of magnitude (106 mL 1), with respect to the bacterial
445 nm (excitation/emission wavelengths), except for LAP (380/ abundance detected at the beginning of the experiment.
440 nm). Enzymatic activity rates were expressed in terms of In the “mesocosm 2” (M2) total cell numbers increased by two
maximum velocity of substrate hydrolysis (Vmax), in nanomoles of orders of magnitude, reaching on the 10th day a maximum value of
product released from the substrate per litre and per hour 107 mL 1; at the end of experimental period, they decreased by one
(nmol l 1 h 1). order of magnitude.
The “mesocosm 3” (M3) showed throughout the experiment the
2.11. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) highest total bacterial density, being amended with the bacterial
consortium. At t0, the abundance of the total bacterial community
To assess the indirect capability to degrade pollutants, mea- was approximately 105 cell mL 1, while it increased significantly
surements of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) were carried out after the first 24 h up to 109 cell mL 1. Bacterial counts remained on
using a BOD sensor (VELP Scientific, Milan), in accordance with the high magnitude orders until the end of experiment (20 days).
manufacturer’s instructions. A general decrease in total bacterial numbers was noticed from
the 15th day onwards in all the mesocosms.
2.12. Hydrocarbon analysis
3.2. Culturable heterotrophic bacterial count
Total extracted and resolved hydrocarbons and their derivates
(TERHCs) were obtained by extraction from 1-L of superficial Culturable heterotrophic bacterial counts obtained from the
seawater; TERCHs composition was analysed by high-resolution mesocosms are reported in Fig. 5. The concentration of culturable
GCeMS and quantified according to previously described pro- heterotrophic bacteria in the mesocosms M1 and M2 increased
tocols (Cappello et al., 2007a; Denaro et al., 2005; Dutta and from the starting day to the 3rd day (1  105 CFU mL 1); it remained
Harayama, 2001). After collection with using of clean beaker almost constant in the mesocosm M1, while in the mesocosm M2 it

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11 5

Fig. 4. Bacterial densities determined by DAPI (cell mL 1) staining during mesocosm experiment. Concentration of the cells observed in “Mesocosm 1” (Seawater with crude oil and
inorganic nutrients; empty squares), “Mesocosm 2” (seawater with crude oil, inorganic nutrients and a single Alkanivorax borkumensis inoculum; empty triangles) and “Mesocosm
3” (seawater with crude oil, inorganic nutrients and the bacterial consortium Alkanivorax borkumensis-Thalassolituus oleivorans; empty circles).

decreased progressively until the 20th day. The highest concen- In the mesocosm M2, hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria
tration of culturable heterotrophic bacteria was detected in the increased their numbers from t0 to the 5th day (5.2  102 and
mesocosm M3, like what observed for total bacterial counts. On Day 1.1  105 MPN index mL 1, respectively). After the 5th day onwards,
10, culturable heterotrophic bacteria reached a peak value of the abundance of oil-degrading bacteria dramatically decreased
1  106 CFU mL 1 which corresponded to a three orders of (103 and 102 MPN index mL 1 at t10 and t15, respectively).
magnitude increase compared to the counts obtained at t0. From In the mesocosm M3, like in M1, the number of hydrocarbon-
the 15th day onwards, in all the mesocosms, the concentration of degrading bacteria showed a rapid increase during the first days
culturable heterotrophic bacteria depicted a decreasing trend of the experiment and reached a maximum concentration on day
similar to that described by total bacterial numbers. 10 (106 MPN index mL 1).

3.3. Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria count 3.4. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) measurements

Hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial counts obtained by MPN In all tested mesocosms the consumption of oxygen, as indicated
method are shown in Fig. 6. In the mesocosm M1, MPN index values by BOD data, was at its maximum level on the 5th day (Fig. 7). After
remained constant during all the experimental period, and only on this day until the end of the experiment, a decreasing trend in BOD
the 10th day an increase to 103 MPN index mL 1 took place. values was found in all the mesocosms. A peak value of BOD

Fig. 5. Distribution of culturable heterotrophic bacteria grown on Marine Agar plates (Colony Forming Units, CFU mL 1) obtained during mesocosm experiments. M1, M2 and M3
mesocosms are indicated with squares, triangles and empty circles, respectively. Refer to Fig. 4 legend for the description of mesocosms’ amendments.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
6 M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11

Fig. 6. Most Probable Number (MPN) index obtained during mesocosm experiments. M1, M2 and M3 mesocosms are indicated with squares, triangles and empty circles,
respectively. Refer to Fig. 4 legend for the description of mesocosms’ amendments.

(670 ppmO2 mL 1) was reached in the mesocosm M1 on the 5th was on the 3rd day, while the peak in bacterial abundance was
day; on the other hand, among all the mesocosms, M1 exhibited the observed on the 15th day. For mesocosm M2 and M3 similar
highest BOD values, while the lowest ones were recorded in the pattern were found that BOD peak was on the 5th day, while the
mesocosm M2, where values never exceeded 90 ppmO2 mL 1 and peak for bacterial abundance was on the 10th day. Thus the bac-
showed mostly an unchanged trend over the whole experimental terial community increased in abundance after that the biochem-
period. ical demand for oxygen required by organic matter decomposition
3.5. Relationship between the total bacterial community and BOD
3.6. Microbial enzymatic activities
BOD measures the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria to
degrade the organic matter present in waters, thus when there is a The results of enzymatic activity measurements are shown in
high concentration of biologically degradable organic matter also Fig. 9. For the three enzymes, the highest enzymatic activities were
BOD increases. Fig. 8 shows the relationship between the total measured in the mesocosm M3. LAP decreased its metabolic ac-
bacterial community and BOD. Similar patterns, with a temporal tivity over mL in all the mesocosms, with the exception of the
shift between the peaks in BOD and DAPI counts, were observed in mesocosm M3; this decreasing trend suggested that oil amend-
all three mesocosms. Particularly, in mesocosm M1, BOD peaked ment caused enzymatic inhibition, so impairing the proteolytic

Fig. 7. Dynamics of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) recorded in “Mesocosm 1” (white grey), “Mesocosm 2” (grey) and “Mesocosm 3” (dark grey) experiments.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11 7

note that consortium bioaugmentation mesocosm (M3, 70%)

showed lower degradation of n-alkanes compared to single bio-
augmentation mesocosm (M2) and biostimulating mesocosm (M1,
Effect of petroleum “weathering” during the mesocosm exper-
iment was monitored in a separated tank filled with sterile
seawater and Arabian light oil. The obtained results indicated that
evaporation of light petroleum hydrocarbons did occur and resul-
ted in a loss of 5% of TERHCs fraction (data not shown).

4. Discussion

Biodegradation of hydrocarbons by natural microbial pop-

ulations is the primary mechanism by which oil contaminants are
removed from the marine environment (Yakimov et al., 2007).
However, one of the main reasons for the prolonged persistence of
hydrophobic hydrocarbons in polluted environments is their low
water solubility, which limits their availability to biodegrading
microorganisms (Cappello et al., 2012).
Research concerning the degradation of petroleum in natural
environments has been intensified and different alternative tech-
nologies have been proposed to treat oil polluted systems; how-
ever, bioremediation methods (which use specific bacteria to break
down hydrocarbons) are more attractive because of this low cost
compared to other technologies (Cappello et al., 2012). Bioreme-
diation is based on the enhancement of the activity of indigenous
organisms (biostimulation) and/or on the addition of microbial in-
oculates (bioaugmentation) to enhance the clean-up pills
(Syutsubo et al., 2001; Hassanshahian et al., 2010).
Different studies have indicated that many chemical and phys-
ical parameters (e.g. pH, T, oxygen concentration) of seawater may
affect bioremediation of crude oil in marine environments. Many
researchers use scale systems for mimicry of natural processes
occurring in marine environments, such as effect of radiation or
pollution on ecosystem etc (Pukall et al., 1999; Troussellier et al.,
2005). The use of experimental mesocosms gives important infor-
mation about the temporal effects of addition of various pollutants
on the structure and functioning of natural aquatic ecosystems
Fig. 8. The relation between total bacterial population and biochemical oxygen de- (Cappello and Yakimov, 2010). The growth of bacteria in a natural
mand (BOD) as determined in three mesocosms. environment is regulated by insufficient levels of energy and nu-
trients and physiological and phylogenetic changes, in a bacterial
community, are the result of specific survival strategies (Cappello
activity. This negative effect was partially overcome by the et al., 2008). Experimental or natural (during accidental oil spills)
amendment with the bacterial consortium (mesocosm M3) at least addition of crude oil to natural microbial populations results in a
until day 5, while afterwards the bacterial inocula were no more significant decline of the metabolic activity and physiological index.
able to stimulate the protein decomposition. Conversely, both AP These changes lead to a strong selection of petroleum-degrading
and BG activities increased in the three mesocosms, particularly in bacteria that are usually found in low numbers in pristine marine
the mesocosm M3. Particularly, AP increased from a value of environments (Cappello et al., 2007a; Harayama et al., 1999; Rölling
38 nmol L 1 h 1 recorded at t0 to a peak of et al., 2002; Cappello et al., 2012; Syutsubo et al., 2001; Kasai et al.,
350 nmol L 1 h 1measured on the 10th day after bioaugmentation 2001).
with the bacterial consortium. BG increased from 125 nmol L 1 h 1 In natural marine environments nutrient availability is insuffi-
to a maximum of activity (1440 nmol L 1 h 1) measured on the cient to support a significant increase of microbial growth when
15th day of experiment. considerable inputs of organic matter such as crude oil are intro-
duced/discharged. Thus the process of petroleum degradation un-
3.7. Crude oil biodegradation in mesocosms der nutrient depletion is very slow and hardly operable (Rölling
et al., 2002).
The concentration of crude oil components (n-alkanes) was In the present study, the effectiveness of three designed meso-
normalized using the squalene and pristane/phytane ratio, and the cosms on marine microbial community and biodegradation of
values obtained in triplicate sub-samples were averaged. The re- crude oil has been investigated, through the set up of three
sults, expressed as percentage of oil degradation, are presented in different biostimulation/bioaugmentation methods. In all experi-
Fig. 10 n-alkanes biodegradation described increasing patterns in mentations some abundance parameters (total bacterial counts,
all the mesocosms from the 5th to the 20th day of the experiment. culturable heterotrophic and hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial
The mesocosm M2 showed the highest degradation of n-alkanes counts) as well as metabolic (enzymatic activity, BOD) and chemical
(95% on the 20th day) among all the mesocosms. It is interesting to parameters (TERHCs) have been assayed.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
8 M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11

Fig. 9. Enzymatic activity patterns measured in M1, M2 and M3 mesocosm experiments (indicated with empty triangles, circles and squares, respectively): (a) leucine amino-
peptidase; (b) b-glucosidase; (c) alkaline phosphatase.

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11 9

Fig. 10. Relative degradation values of major TERHC fractions of crude oil detected in “Mesocosm 1” (white grey), “Mesocosm 2” (grey) and “Mesocosm 3” (dark grey) experiments;
all data were expressed as the percentages compared to initial petroleum sample (time zero). Control means the effect of petroleum “weathering” during mesocosm experiment
monitored in a separated tank filled with sterile seawater and Arabian light oil.

Bioaugmentation is based on the increase of metabolic activity increased after t0, following the introduction of oil into the meso-
of indigenous microbial community. Bioaugmentation performed cosm, but the increase of total bacteria was inhibited by oil toxic
on a mesocosm scale is a combination of microbial ecology and effects. Only a few days later, on the 10 and 15th days, the bacterial
biological engineering and has been the topic of recent research in community becomes adapted to oil and its abundance increased.
the last decades. Ruberto et al., 2009 designed some microcosms In order to measure the physiological properties of the meta-
systems to study the effect of biostimulation (with N and P) and bolically active members of the microbial community, the activity
bioaugmentation for recovery of Antarctic soil oil polluted. of some microbial enzymes involved in organic matter decompo-
Vanbroekhoven et al., 2004, used the microcosms system for study sition, although not specifically related to hydrocarbons degrada-
the effect of bioaugmentation in polluted soil and evidence as the tion, has been quantified (Hoppe et al., 2002). In fact, the enzymatic
addition of Acinetobacter strain B22 resulted in hydrocarbon reme- measurements performed in the current study have aimed only at
diation (estimated around 75%), with contemporaneous increase of assessing the effects induced by oil and bacterial amendment on
the fraction of heterotrophic bacteria in the soil and progressive the decomposition of polymers such as proteins, polysaccharides
decrease of microbial diversity. Biostimulated mesocosms have also and organic phosphates, which are among the most frequent
been used for bioremediation of oil-polluted seawater. Schafer organic substrates in aquatic environments; furthermore, it must
et al., 2001 designed biostimulating mesocosms for bioremedia- be noted that in the natural seawater not all the micro-organisms
tion of oil contaminated Mediterranean Sea water and concluded may express metabolic pathways involved in hydrocarbon
that biostimulation induce major changes in marine microbial decomposition with potential bioremediation. Although not
community and select for specific bacterial groups (Schafer et al., directly associated with primary oil degradation, microbial extra-
2001). cellular enzymes, like peptidase and b-glucosidase, have been
The results of the present study confirm that the abundances of assayed as indicators of heterotrophic microbial activities in oil-
total bacteria, hydrocarbon-degrading and culturable heterotrophic contaminated surface seawater from the Deepwater Horizon oil
bacteria increase in the bioaugmented mesocosms from t0 (oil spill and enhanced activity rates have been recorded (Ziervogel
addition) until the 10th day of experiment. The measured abun- et al., 2012).
dances are correlated with the amounts of microbial inoculate The different behaviours among the three enzymes measured in
amended to each mesocosm. The decrease recorded in their counts this study suggest a diversified metabolic response of the microbial
after the 10th day until the end of experiment may be explained by community to oil amendment. Both BG and AP activities are
the fact that, as soon as the degradation of oil proceeds in the stimulated significantly by oil and bacterial inocula amendments
mesocosms, the substrate for bacterial growth disappears. Also (ANOVA F-values 8.33, P < 0.01, and 3.51, P < 0.05, respectively),
BOD measurements, giving the amount of oxygen consumed for compared to the control mesocosm. The highest activity rates of
organic decomposition, prove that the bacterial community is these enzymes are recorded in the mesocosm M3 on the 10e15th
metabolically active; BOD values are inversely related with total day after the beginning of the experiment. Conversely, LAP activity
bacterial counts, suggesting that the total bacterial density in- is inhibited by oil contamination, but interestingly, the amendment
creases as soon as the demand for oxygen e needed to sustain the with the bacterial consortium allowed a recovery of this enzymatic
heterotrophic metabolism e is decreasing. activity at least within a few days from the amendment with the
Particularly, in the mesocosm M1, BOD peaked on the 5th day, inocula. A significant enhancement of AP activity was recorded in
while a peak in bacterial abundance was found later, on the 15th soil microcosms after treatment with chemical pollutants
day. Thus the bacterial community increased in abundance after (Dougherty and Lanza, 1989); some enzymes involved in break-
that the biochemical demand for oxygen required by organic down of organic matter are considered useful probes to assess the
matter decomposition decreased. The reason for this inverse trend degree of ecological damage occurring in polluted areas (Lanza and
was that the consumption of oxygen by the bacterial community Dougherty, 1991). Increased leucine aminopeptidase and beta-

Please cite this article in press as: Hassanshahian, M., et al., Bioremediation (bioaugmentation/biostimulation) trials of oil polluted seawater: A
mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),
10 M. Hassanshahian et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2013) 1e11

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mesocosm simulation study, Marine Environmental Research (2013),

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