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Conditionals (1): zero, first and 4 Complete each sentence with ONE
second appropriate word.
1 Did you see the acrobat juggling        she
1 Complete the sentences with the correct was hanging upside down?
form of the verbs in the box. There are 2 You can’t swing on the bars        you can
three extra verbs you don’t need. balance on the beam.
be | knock out of | not go | pull out of 3 We need to put on our helmets        we
say | stop | tell | watch get on the horses.
4 You’ll be able to go water-skiing as soon
1 If you see John,              him to        the boat gets here.
go to rugby practice later. 5 It’s not a good idea to go skiing the day
2 Your leg looks painful. If I were you, I        an avalanche.
             the competition.
3 If it is as windy as this tomorrow, we
             windsurfing. It would
Unit round-up
be too dangerous. 5 Complete the text with ONE appropriate
4 If they              the competition word in each gap.
in the first round, I’d be disappointed.
5 If Mum              you race today,
she would be so nervous! MUNI
2 Write sentences using the words given. Mountain unicycling, or ‘muni’, is catching on, as
1 I / go / the World Cup / if / have / money
people search for different ways of doing things.
If you (1)          a bike with two

wheels, you can ride a unicycle. However, it isn’t
2 If / Ben / not like skiing / not spend / the
winter / in the Alps
easy. I only worked out how to do it
(2)          a lot of attempts. You

won’t master unicycling (3)         
3 If / they / go / surf / need / a board / a wetsuit
you practise, that’s for sure. If you want to

unicycle, a good sense of balance
4 She / never / be / captain / unless / play / (4)          essential. If you’re
serious about muni, you (5)         

to buy a special unicycle with a large tyre. When
5 We / could / play / basketball / if / the club / I first tried unicycling, I said to myself, ‘If I don’t
not close
try it, I (6)          never know if

I like it or not.’ (7)          I knew
how to do it I loved it. Now, I much prefer it to
Time clauses riding a bike, because my hands are free. When
3 Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to fill I first went into the mountains with a friend,
each gap.
I didn’t know if I (8)          be
brave enough to go down a steep hill. But it was
1 The referee blew the whistle    Harvey scored
the goal. fantastic! As (9)          as you stay
a) soon b) as soon as c) until
calm and focus on your balance, you can ride
2 He won’t wear a wetsuit    he’s surfing, even
most trails. Some people have asked, ‘If you
though it’s cold today. (10)          off, what would you
a) as soon as b) once c) while
do?’ Well, you just get back on. If I were you, I’d
3 I’ll call you    we’ve finished our training.
(11)          it a go. What’s the
worst that can happen?
a) soon b) once c) while
4 I like to go horse-riding early in the morning   
it gets too hot.
a) after b) when c) before
5 We’ll start playing tennis    the other two
players arrive.
a) when b) soon c) until

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019.

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