Customer Welcome Checklist

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Customer Welcome Checklist

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1. Customer signing checklist_______________________________. Contract Number _______

 Up-front payment made by customer (as deposit slip) is in line with approval letter and
entered into NAV

 Contract signed by the customer with the following fields filled in:
o Date
o Name and address
o Equipment, investment and interest rate amounts
o Grace period
o Repayment amounts (up front and monthly)
o Geographic location (see more below)
o Designated operator
o Transfer of ownership in case of death

 Geographic location (in case of equipment with a tracking device, e.g., tractors):
o Map with GPS coordinates discussed with customer and saved on Google Maps
o Customer signed a copy as an annex to the contract
o Contract section A.6 has specific mention of annex attached

 Summary of key terms and conditions read to the customer (see below)

 Upfront payment amount in lease agreement is correct

 Percentage of premium to be paid in lease agreement is correct

2. Key terms, conditions and messages

a) Payment Terms:
(Sheria za malipo):

• Repayments are to be made in regular monthly instalments.

Malipo yafanyike kwa awamu ya kila mwezi
• Repayments are only recognised if paid to BoA or CRDB account (otherwise the customer
assumes the risk).
Malipo yatatambuliwa tu kama yemelipwa kwa BOA au akaunti ya CRDB (vinginevyo mteja
akubali hatari).
• If you pay by cheque, please consider that 48 hours is generally required by most banks to
process the payment and for it to be seen in EFTA’s bank account. Penalties will therefore be
applied on the days beyond your repayment date for the payment to show in EFTA’s bank
Kama yatalipwa kwa hundi, tafadhali fikiria kwamba masaa 48 kwa ujumla wanatakiwa na benki
nyingi kwa mchakato wa malipo kukamilika na kuonekana katika akaunti ya benki ya EFTA.
Adhabu itatumika juu ya siku ya zaidi ya tarehe yako ya ulipaji, endapo kama malipo hayato
onekana katika akaunti ya benki ya EFTA.
• Penalties will be applied if a payment is late.
Adhabu (penati) itatumika kama malipo yatachelewa.
• There is a cash bonus for early repayment of the full loan amount.
Kuna fedha ya ziada kama zawadi kwa ulipaji wa mapema wa mkopo wote.
• Any repayment delays must be reported to EFTA in advance.
Ucheleweshwaji wowote wa mkopo unatakiwa kutolewa taarifa EFTA mapema.
• You understand the terms of your grace period and when your first payment will be due.


Tunaamini unafahamu kipindi chako cha neema na wakati wa kulipa marejesho yako ya kwanza.
• You understand your monthly repayment amount and the total repayment amount. You are
confident you will always repay these on time. It is not too late to change your mind if you worry
that the loan repayments will be too big for you. We will return your advanced payment and you
can always reapply again when you feel more ready for the loan.
Unatambua kiasi chako cha rejesho la kila mwezi na jumla ya marejesho yako yote. Unajiamini
kuwa na uwezo wa kurejesha kwa wakati. Hujachelewa kubadilisha mawazo kama kama una
wasiwasi kuwa marejesho yatakua makubwa kwako. Tutakurudishia malipo yako ya awali na
unaweza kuomba tena baadae ukijihisi uko tayari kwa mkopo.

b) Equipment Terms:
(Vifaa na Masharti):

• Equipment remains the property of EFTA until the loan is cleared.

Vifaa vitabaki kuwa mali ya EFTA mpaka mkopo wote utakapolipwa.
• During equipment delivery, please remember to request a supplier delivery note. This is important
as it helps to avoid any unnecessary arguments in case of problems. EFTA will then take a copy
of the supplier note for our records as the buyer of the equipment.
• Wakati wa kuchukua Mashine/Vifaa kutoka kwa muuzaji, tafadhali kumbuka kuomba fomu ya
makabidhiano ya mashine/vifaa. Hii ni muhimu kwani inaepusha usumbufu usiokua na lazima
kama ikitokea shida yoyote. Baada ya apo EFTA watachukua nakala kutoka kwa muuzaji kwa ajili
ya kumbukumbu kama wanunuzi wa mashine/vifaa husika.
• Equipment must always have a clearly visible EFTA tamper-proof sticker. Any evidence of
tampering is grounds for repossession.
Vifaa lazima viwe na stika kamili ya EFTA inayoonekana. Uthibitisho wowote utakobainisha jaribio
la kutoa stika hiyo adhabu yake ni kupokonywa vifaa.
• Equipment must remain within the agreed Geographic Location.
Vifaa lazima vibaki na viendelee kuwepo kwenye kijiografia ya eneo lilikubalika
• Equipment must be properly maintained, as specified by the Supplier.
Vifaa lazima vihimarishwe vizuri kimatunzo, kama ilivyoshauriwa na muuzaji.
• Equipment problems must be reported to the Supplier, with EFTA in copy. EFTA is not
responsible for arranging repairs or communicating to the Supplier. Repair delays are not a
reason for payment delays.
Matatizo yoyote ya vifaa yanatakiwa kutolewa taarifa kwa muuzaji, na nakala ya taarifa
kupelekwa EFTA. EFTA haitohusika katika mipango ya utengenezaji au kuwasiliana na muuzaji
Kuchelewa kwa matengenezo isiwe sababu ya kuchelewesha marejesho..

c) Vehicle Terms:
Suala la Mashine zinazojongea:

• Equipment, esp. tractors/vehicles, need to have comprehensive insurance and any other licences
(e.g., vehicle registration). Tractor implements (e.g., tractor trailers, ploughs) need only third-
party insurance. Truck trailers need to have the comprehensive insurance.
Vifaa, hasa. trekta/magari, yanatakiwa yakatiwe bima kubwa. Zana za trekta (mfano., trela, plau)
hii inahitaji hata bima ya mtu wa watatu. Vifaa/Magari yanayovutwa yanatakiwa bima kubwa.
• If you are leasing a vehicle from EFTA with a tracking device, EFTA will immobilise the vehicle as
soon as you become 30 days overdue
Kama wewe umekopeshwa gari kutoka EFTA iliyofungwa kifaa cha kufuatilia, EFTA itakuwa
inafunga/inazima gari kwa haraka kama wewe utakuwa umezidisha siku 30 bila kufanya malipo


• If you are found to have tampered with the tracking device or your antenna, whether intentionally
or on purpose, you will be required to pay for its repair as well as the Utrack call out fee. This
tends to cost Tsh 200,000 in total. Tampering can also result in repossession if a customer is in
Ukibainika kuchezea na kuharibu kifaa cha kufatilia mwenendo wa mashine yako, iwe kwa
makusudi au madhumuni mengine utahitajika kuikarabati pamoja na gharama nyingine za
mafundi wa Utrack. Na hii inaweza kugharimu kiasi cha shilingi 200,000 kwa ujumla. Kuchezea
kifaa hicho inaweza kupelekea mteja kunyang'anywa mashine kama anamalimbikizo ya
• If you need to pay income tax on the vehicle, please refer the TRA to section 20 d) of your EFTA
lease agreement in order to satisfy the authorities that you are following correct procedures.
Kama unahitaji kulipa kodi ya mapato kwenye gari, tafadhali rejea kwenye ibara ya 20 d) ya
mkataba wa EFTA wa kukodisha ili kukidhi mamlaka ( TRA) kuwa wewe unafuata taratibu sahihi.

d) Customer Confidentiality:
(Usiri wa mtaja):

• We need to disclose your specific information to our investors from time to time, and may need
this for marketing purposes as well.
Tutahitaji kutoa taarifa zako kwenda kwa wawekezaji wetu mara kwa mara, na pia tutahitaji
kutumia taarifa hizo kimasoko.
• We will report on the status of your loan every month to the Tanzanian Credit Bureau. This
information will be available to all banks in Tanzania. If you are in arrears or complete your loan
with much time spent in arrears, other banks will not want to give you a loan in future. That is why
it is important you are certain you can comfortably pay back your loan to EFTA.
Tutatoa taarifa ya mkopo wako kwa Taasi ya Kukumbuku za Mikopo Tanzania. Hii taarifa
itapatikana benki zote Tanzania. Kama una malimbikizo ya marejesho au ukimaliza mkopo wako
kwa kuwa na malimbikizo kwa kipindi kirefu cha mkopo wako , benki nyingine hazitapenda
kukukopesha hapo baadae. Hii ndio sababu ya umuhimu wa kuwa uhakika vizuri kuwa na
unaweza kurejesha mkopo wako EFTA bila shida.

e) If the customer defaults, EFTA will:

(Kama mteja akikahidi, EFTA ita):

• Assess if the customer was acting in good or bad faith.

Tathmini kama mteja alikuwa anakaimu kwa nia njema au mbaya
• If in good faith, equipment will be repossessed and re-sold.
Kama kwa nia njema, itakuwa Vifaa vitachukuliwa na kuuzwa
• If in bad faith, as above, plus referees and financial institutions will be informed and adverts may
be placed in the newspapers.
Kama ni kwa nia mbaya, itakuwa kama hapo juu, ikifuatiwa na kuwataarifu wadhamini wako
pamoja na taaisisi za kifedha na pia tangazo kutolewa magazetini.
• If you are in arrears, EFTA may contact your references, business partners and suppliers to
ascertain the reason for this. We will always seek your permission first for this, but if you are
avoiding EFTA’s calls, EFTA will proceed with this, regardless of the reputational risk you may
Kama una malimbikizo yoyote, EFTA wanaweza kuwasiliana na wadhamini, washirika wa
biashara na wauzaji wako kujua sababu ambazo zinachangia malimbikizo yako. Tutakua mara
zote tuna omba kwanza ruhusa ya kufanya hili kutoka kwako, lakini ukiwa haupokei simu kutoka
EFTA, tutaendelea na hilo zoezi, bila kujali hatari inayoweza kujitokeza ya kuaribika kwa sifa


• If you are seeking a new loan from another institution while still processing your EFTA loan,
please inform EFTA. Failure to do so will be viewed negatively, especially if you are already in
Kama wewe unatafuta mkopo mpya kutoka taasisi nyingine wakati bado unafuatilia mkopo wako
EFTA, tafadhali wajulishe EFTA. Kushindwa kufanya hivyo ilaleta picha mbaya, hasa kama wewe
upo kwenye madeni.
• If you are a farmer and think you will only be pay after your harvest, rather than paying equal
instalments on a monthly basis, you must say so now. You will not be permitted to change
schedule after signing the lease agreement.
Kama wewe ni mkulima na unafikiri utakuwa tu unalipa baada ya mavuno yako, badala ya kulipa
awamu sawa kila mwezi , lazima kusema hivyo sasa. Huwezi kuwa na ruhusa ya kubadilisha
ratiba baada ya kusaini mkataba wa kukodisha .
Names (Majina) Signatures (Saini) Date (Tarehe)
Investment officer:

Customer (Mteja):


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