Abela Kiaro Field Report

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Abela Victor Kiaro

A Field Attachment Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Award of Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) of
Mzumbe University


I the undersigned certifies that; I have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by
the Mzumbe University Mbeya Campus College Board of Internal Examiners a field
attachment report done at Tumain Community Services Organization (TCSO) by
Abela Victor Kiaro in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Diploma in
Business Administration.


(Supervisor’ name)




“I Abela Victor Kiaro declare that this report is my original work and has not been
presented in any other institution for the purpose of academic award”.






This field report should not be reproduced by any means, in full or part, except for
short extracts in fair dealing, for studies, critical scholarly review or discourse with
an acknowledgement, without the written permission of the Vice-Chancellor
Mzumbe University.


Firstly, I would like thank our Almighty God for everything that he has done in my
daily life and the blessing that he continues to give to my lovely family, may him
proceed on giving us enough energy as well as health fit in conducting the other daily
activities. This field report would have not been successful without the love, support
and encouragement from my supervisor Dr. Hellen, my family, friends, relatives and
the Organization TCSO at large. In particularly I would also like to express my
gratefulness to the Management of TCSO for accepting me to conduct practical
training at their organization at Mbeya . This helps me to acquire knowledge and
experience on how to work and co-operate with others through their valuable
guidance, commitments, support and encouragement. In a special way I do
appreciate the contribution and assistance from Mr. Ambakisye Elias Kijinja (Mbeya
manager), My Host Supervisor at TCSO Mbeya Mr.Hance Gervas Nguvila and all
staff members for their cooperation, constructive views who generously devoted
much of their time in some morals, explanations, material support and constructive
items in making sure nothing goes wrong with or without their presence. Finally, I
would like to thank the Management of Mzumbe University Mbeya Campus College
for developing practical training curricular as it is significant in academic learning
and career development as well, moreover it provides an opportunity to students to
learn new things pertaining organizations behaviour which are essential to any
external clients


TCSO Tumain Community Services Organization

DBS Diploma in Business Administration


This field is an outcome of the field training which has been conducted at Tumain
Community Services Organization; The training is partial fulfillment of the award of
certificate of secretarial studies at Tumain Community Services Organization. The
field reports require a student to describe the task assigned and lesson learnt during
field training. Definitely the training was much based on the assigned duties and one
of those assigned duties are front desk or customer care. During the training student
observe and learnt various things that some of them are related with the theories
learnt in the class session such as customer handling, information management
system, which are also taught in class. This report is divided into five chapters which
are chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four and chapter five. In this
chapter each of them contains different explanations. In chapter one of the report it’s
all about introduction of the report whereby within introduction there are overview
field work placements. Organization profile, mission, vision, functions, location etc.
Apart from chapter one there is also chapter two which gives explanations of Duties
and Responsibilities. In chapter three it’s all about explanation of lessons learned.
Chapter four it’s all about the explanation of the challenges and mitigation strategies
during the field work and the ways to overcome. Chapter five apart from chapter four
in chapter five it’s all about the Conclusion and recommendations.

Table of Contents





ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS.....................................................................v


LIST OF FIGURE.....................................................................................................xi

CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................1


1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of TCSO..........................................................................................1

1.2 Organization Structure........................................................................................2

1.4 The Function of the Organization Structure Some of the functions of Tumain
Community Services Organization:..........................................................................4

1.4.1 Education:.....................................................................................................4

1.4.2 Health:..........................................................................................................4

1.4.3 Economic development:...............................................................................4

1.4.4 Community Empowerment:.........................................................................4

1.4.5 Emergency Relief:........................................................................................4

1.5 Major Product of TCSO /Services......................................................................5

1.5.1 Education:.....................................................................................................5

1.5.2 Health services:............................................................................................5

1.5.3 Economic Empowerment:............................................................................5

1.6 Level of Technology...........................................................................................5

1.7 Mission of TCSO................................................................................................5

1.7.1 Providing basic needs:..................................................................................5

1.7.2 Education:.....................................................................................................6

1.7.3 Empowerment:.............................................................................................6

1.7.4 Health:..........................................................................................................6

1.7.5 Advocacy:.....................................................................................................6

1.8 Vision of TCSO..................................................................................................6

1.8.1 Providing a safe and nurturing environment for children:...........................6

1.8.2 Access to education:.....................................................................................6

1.8.3 Empowering families:..................................................................................6

1.8.4 Promoting health and well-being:................................................................7

1.8.5 Advocating for social justice:.......................................................................7

1.9 The core values of TCSO....................................................................................7

1.9.1 Community Empowerment:.........................................................................7

1.9.2 Transparency:...............................................................................................7

1.9.3 Respect:........................................................................................................7

1.9.4 Collaboration:...............................................................................................7

1.9.5 Innovation:....................................................................................................7

1.9.6 Excellence:...................................................................................................8

1.10 Objectives of TCSO..........................................................................................8

1.11 Functions of TCSO...........................................................................................8

CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................10

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.....................................................................10

2.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................10

2.1 Duties and Responsibilities...............................................................................10

CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................11
WORK DONE AND LESSON LEARNT...............................................................11

3.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................11

3.1 Lessons Learnt..................................................................................................11

3.1.1 Preparation of cash book and liquidation sample.......................................11

3.1.2 Customer Care............................................................................................11

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................12

CHALLENGES AND MITIGATION....................................................................12

4.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................12

4.1 Challenges.........................................................................................................12

4.1.1 Funding:......................................................................................................12

4.1.2 Limited Resources:.....................................................................................12

4.1.3 Lack of Community Involvement:.............................................................12

4.1.4 Limited Access to Technology:..................................................................13

4.1.5 Cultural Barriers:........................................................................................13

4.1.6 Insufficient of working equipment’s:.........................................................13

4.2 Ways to overcome.............................................................................................13

4.3 Mitigation Strategies.........................................................................................14

4.3.1 Improvement of the network system,.........................................................14

4.3.2 Buying enough working equipment,..........................................................14

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................15

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................................15

5.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................15

5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................15

5.2 Recommendations.............................................................................................15

5.2.1 Recommendation to TCSO........................................................................15

5.2.2 Recommendation to Mzumbe University...................................................16


APPENDIX I.............................................................................................................18

FIELD ATTACHMENT LOGBOOK....................................................................18


Figure 1.1 Organization Structure of TCSO.................................................................3



1.0 Introduction

This chapter explain about the Back ground of TCSO, Organization Structure, Board
member, Major products, Number of employees, Level of technology, Vision,
Mission, Core value of TCSO, Objectives of TCSO, and Function of TCSO. The aim
of this report is the student who study basic technician certificate in secretarial
studies at Tumain Community Services Organization (TCSO). The institute schedule
with many modules in this among of those modules is practical training. Field work
is the practical training session where by candidates are required to attend and
perform duties in accordance with the course attained by them (trainee) as prescribed
by respective institution. Also designed as means of revealing the candidate to have a
practical knowledge and challenging situation, which enable student to get wide
knowledge and practical skills in secretarial studies. Due to the important of
practical training the Tanzania public service college admitted me to attend practical
at TCSO- Mbeya.

1.1 Background of TCSO

The back ground of Tumain Community Services Organization Tumaini Community

Services Organization (TCSO) is a non-profit organization based in Arusha,
Tanzania, which was founded in 2006. The organization was established to improve
the lives of vulnerable children and families in the surrounding communities.
Tanzania is a country in East Africa with a population of over 58 million people, and
it faces various challenges, including poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to
basic services such as education and healthcare. TCSO was founded to address these
challenges and provide support to vulnerable populations, particularly children and
youth. TCSO's mission is to promote the rights of children and youth, support their
education and healthcare, and empower them to become active and responsible
members of their communities. The organization achieves this through various

programs, including: Education: TCSO supports access to quality education by
providing scholarships to disadvantaged children, supporting school infrastructure
development, and organizing teacher training programs. Healthcare: The
organization provides healthcare services to vulnerable communities, particularly
women and children, through mobile clinics, health education, and awareness
campaigns. Economic Empowerment: TCSO supports economic empowerment
through various programs, including vocational training, entrepreneurship, and
microfinance initiatives. Child Protection: The organization is committed to
protecting children's rights and preventing child abuse through child protection
programs, counseling, and community sensitization. TCSO's work has impacted
many vulnerable children and families in Arusha and the surrounding communities.
The organization has received recognition for its efforts, including the 2013 Human
Rights Award from the Tanzanian government, and it continues to expand its
services to reach more communities in need.

1.2 Organization Structure

The organization Structures What are the Organization Structure of Tumain

Community Services Organization Tumaini Community Services Organization
(TCSO) has a structured organization to efficiently manage its operations and carry
out its mission of supporting vulnerable children and families in Tanzania. The
organization's structure includes the following: Board of Directors: TCSO is
governed by a board of directors, which provides strategic direction and oversight of
the organization's operations. The board is responsible for setting policies,
monitoring performance, and ensuring that the organization operates in accordance
with its mission and values. Executive Director: The executive director is responsible
for the day-to-day management of TCSO. The executive director works with staff
and the board of directors to develop and implement strategies and programs that
support the organization's mission. Program Staff: TCSO has a team of program staff
who are responsible for implementing the organization's programs and initiatives.
The program staff includes program managers, coordinators, and officers who
oversee education, health, economic empowerment, and child protection programs.

Finance and Administration: TCSO has a finance and administration team
responsible for managing the organization's finances, operations, and administrative
functions. This team includes a finance manager, human resources officer, and
administrative assistants. Field Staff: TCSO employs field staffs who work directly
with communities to implement programs and initiatives. The field staff includes
community mobilizers, health workers, and education officers who work closely with
communities to identify needs and provide support. Volunteers: TCSO relies on
volunteers to support its programs and initiatives. Volunteers provide support in
various areas, including education, health, and economic empowerment. Overall,
TCSO's organizational structure is designed to facilitate effective management and
delivery of its programs and initiatives. The organization's leadership, staff, and
volunteers work together to achieve its mission of supporting vulnerable children and
families in Tanzania.
Figure 1.1 Organization Structure of TCSO

1.4 The Function of the Organization Structure Some of the functions of
Tumain Community Services Organization:

1.4.1 Education:

Tumain Community Services Organization provides access to education for

disadvantaged children and youth through scholarship programs, mentoring, and
extracurricular activities. They also support schools in rural areas by providing
textbooks, school supplies, and infrastructure improvements.

1.4.2 Health:

The organization provides health services to communities in need by organizing

medical camps and health clinics. They also work to raise awareness about important
health issues such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and sanitation.

1.4.3 Economic development:

Tumain Community Services Organization supports entrepreneurship and economic

development in underprivileged communities by providing training and resources to
start and grow small businesses. They also facilitate access to microfinance and offer
financial literacy training.

1.4.4 Community Empowerment:

The organization works to empower communities by fostering leadership and

advocacy skills, promoting civic engagement, and encouraging community members
to participate in decision-making processes.

1.4.5 Emergency Relief:

Tumain Community Services Organization responds to emergencies and disasters in

the community by providing relief supplies and support to those affected. Overall,
Tumain Community Services Organization aims to empower and improve the lives
of underprivileged communities through education, health, economic development,
and community empowerment initiatives.

1.5 Major Product of TCSO /Services

1.5.1 Education:
Tumain Community Services Organization provides scholarships to children and
youth from underprivileged backgrounds, enabling them to access quality education.
They also support schools in rural areas by providing textbooks, school supplies, and
infrastructure improvements.

1.5.2 Health services:

The organization offers a range of health services to communities in need, including
organizing medical camps and health clinics, raising awareness about important
health issues, and providing support to those affected by HIV/AIDS, malaria, and
other diseases.

1.5.3 Economic Empowerment:

Tumain Community Services Organization provides training and resources to start
and grow small businesses, promotes entrepreneurship and economic development,
facilitates access.

1.6 Level of Technology

The level of technology used at TCSO is at a middle level because there are few
numbers of computers, network failure, printers, also the in adequate of other sources
of electricity like generator that can use to operate the all system during the job so
due to that situation the technology still at the middle level due to the few resources

1.7 Mission of TCSO

1.7.1 Providing basic needs:

Tumain Community Services Organization aims to provide basic needs such as food,
shelter, clothing, and healthcare to vulnerable children and families in the

1.7.2 Education:
The organization is committed to providing access to education for vulnerable
children, including those who have dropped out of school due to poverty or other

1.7.3 Empowerment:
Tumaini Community Services Organization provides vocational training and life
skills to empower children and families to become self-sufficient and break the cycle
of poverty.

1.7.4 Health:
The organization provides health education and services to improve the health and
well-being of the community, including HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.

1.7.5 Advocacy:
Tumaini Community Services Organization advocates for the rights of vulnerable
children and families, and works to raise awareness about the challenges they face in
the community.

1.8 Vision of TCSO

1.8.1 Providing a safe and nurturing environment for children:

Tumaini Community Services Organization envisions a community where all
children have access to a safe and nurturing environment where they can grow and

1.8.2 Access to education:

The organization envisions a community where all children have access to quality
education, regardless of their socio-economic background.

1.8.3 Empowering families:

Tumaini Community Services Organization envisions a community where families
are empowered to become self-sufficient and able to provide for their children's basic
1.8.4 Promoting health and well-being:
The organization envisions a community where all individuals have access to basic
healthcare services and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to maintain good

1.8.5 Advocating for social justice:

Tumaini Community Services Organization envisions a community where the rights
of vulnerable children and families are protected, and they are treated with dignity
and respect. The organization works to advocate for social justice and to create a
more equitable society for all.

1.9 The core values of TCSO

Tumain Community Services Organization (Tumain) is a non-profit organization
based in Kenya. Their core values include:

1.9.1 Community Empowerment:

Tumain is committed to empowering individuals, families, and communities to
become self-sufficient and achieve their full potential.

1.9.2 Transparency:
Tumain believes in openness, accountability, and honesty in all its activities,
operations, and relationships.

1.9.3 Respect:
Tumain values diversity and respects the dignity and worth of every person it serves.

1.9.4 Collaboration:
Tumain recognizes the importance of working together with individuals,
organizations, and communities to achieve its mission.

1.9.5 Innovation:
Tumain embraces creativity and innovation in finding solutions to the challenges
facing the communities it serves.

1.9.6 Excellence:
Tumain strives for excellence in all its endeavors, seeking to deliver high-quality
programs and services that meet the needs of its beneficiaries.

1.10 Objectives of TCSO

Providing education and vocational training to marginalized children and youth to
equip them with skills for personal and economic development.

Promoting health and wellness by offering medical care, nutrition programs, and
other health-related services to individuals and communities.

Advocating for the rights of vulnerable groups, including women, children, and
people with disabilities.

Facilitating access to clean water, sanitation, and other basic needs in rural and
underserved areas.

Supporting environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture practices to

promote food security and environmental sustainability.

Promoting peace and social cohesion by offering conflict resolution training and
supporting community-based peace initiatives.

Providing emergency relief to communities affected by disasters such as droughts,

floods, and other emergencies.

Collaborating with government agencies, community-based organizations, and other

stakeholders to promote community development and improve the lives of
vulnerable individuals and communities.

1.11 Functions of TCSO

Education and vocational training: Tumain provides education and vocational
training to marginalized children and youth to equip them with skills for personal and
economic development.

Health services: Tumain offers medical care, nutrition programs, and other health-
related services to individuals and communities.

Advocacy: Tumain advocates for the rights of vulnerable groups, including women,
children, and people with disabilities.

Water and sanitation: Tumain facilitates access to clean water, sanitation, and other
basic needs in rural and underserved areas.

Environmental conservation: Tumain supports environmental conservation and

sustainable agriculture practices to promote food security and environmental

Peace building: Tumain promotes peace and social cohesion by offering conflict
resolution training and supporting community-based peace initiatives.

Emergency relief: Tumain provides emergency relief to communities affected by

disasters such as droughts, floods, and other emergencies.

Collaboration: Tumain collaborates with government agencies, community-based

organizations, and other stakeholders to promote community development and
improve the lives of vulnerable individuals and communities.



2.0 Introduction

This chapter explains about the duties and responsibilities a student was assigned, the
student performed the following duties customer care,

2.1 Duties and Responsibilities

Customer Care, the student was assigned with a task to welcome the customer
student was helping and instructing customers on different aspects relating to TCSO
such as how to fill the preparation of cash book, scanning of financial documents for
the purpose of reporting to donors.

To fetch quotation for purchase in procurement process and invoices for received

Purification of the completion and accuracy of the payment voucher of the backups
(receipts and reports) taken through in the mobile payment system (tigo wallet) and
making few samples of payment

Preparation of cash book and liquidation sample

Scanning financial documents for the purpose of reporting to donors

Preparing bank references (payments reports) to be attached in payment voucher



3.0 Introduction

This chapter explains the Lessons Learnt from the organization

3.1 Lessons Learnt

3.1.1 Preparation of cash book and liquidation sample

3.1.2 Customer Care

The student was assigned with a task to welcome the customer student was helping
and instructing customers on different aspects relating to TCSO such as how to fill
the preparation of cash book, scanning of financial documents for the purpose of
reporting to donors.



4.0 Introduction

This chapter explains about the challenges, ways to overcome and mitigation
strategies. The challenges are Network problems, Insufficient of working
equipment’s. The way to overcome is provided of the Alternatives Source of
Electricity like Generator source and solar energy. The mitigation is Improvement of
the network system, buying enough working equipment.

4.1 Challenges

4.1.1 Funding:

Tumaini relies on grants and donations to support its programs and services, and
securing funding can be a challenge. To overcome this challenge, Tumaini can
explore different fundraising strategies, such as crowdfunding, partnership with other
organizations, and seeking support from local businesses and government agencies.

4.1.2 Limited Resources:

Tumaini has limited resources, including staff, infrastructure, and supplies. To

address this challenge, Tumaini can prioritize its programs and services based on the
needs of the community and seek partnerships and collaborations with other
organizations to leverage resources and expertise.

4.1.3 Lack of Community Involvement:

Community involvement and ownership are essential for the success and
sustainability of Tumaini's programs. However, some members of the community
may be hesitant to engage with the organization due to lack of trust or
communication barriers. To overcome this challenge, Tumaini can prioritize
community engagement and outreach efforts, including community meetings,

education and awareness campaigns, and involving community members in program
design and implementation.

4.1.4 Limited Access to Technology:

Technology can play a significant role in improving the effectiveness and efficiency
of Tumaini's programs, but many community members may not have access to the
necessary technology, such as computers or the internet. To address this challenge,
Tumaini can seek partnerships with other organizations or businesses that have
access to technology, provide training to community members on how to use
technology, or explore low-tech alternatives to digital solutions.

4.1.5 Cultural Barriers:

The community in which Tumaini operates has a diverse culture with unique
customs and beliefs, which may create cultural barriers to the success of the
organization's programs. To overcome this challenge, Tumaini can work with
community leaders and engage in culturally sensitive practices, including cultural
awareness training for staff, involving community members in program design, and
respecting and incorporating local customs and beliefs into program implementation.

4.1.6 Insufficient of working equipment’s:

TCSO also facing the challenge of not having enough equipment’s which are used in
day to day activities hence the number of officers and the working equipment’s are
not matching hence this led to the hindering the performance of the other

4.2 Ways to overcome

Overall, Tumain can overcome these challenges by prioritizing community

engagement, seeking partnerships and collaborations, and being creative and flexible
in its approach to program design and implementation

4.3 Mitigation Strategies.

4.3.1 Improvement of the network system,

Due to the challenges of the network problem in the customs the government should
increase the working network system which will enable the officer to perform a huge
work at short period of time so as to minimize the jam in the organization.

4.3.2 Buying enough working equipment,

Government should provide funds in Tumain Community Services Organization so

as to have enough equipment in performing in their day to day responsibilities which
enable the number of officers available to perform their duties effectively.



5.0 Introduction

This chapter explain about the conclusion and the recommendation of the report,
Recommendation to TCSO and The Recommendation to Mzumbe University Mbeya

5.1 Conclusion

During my field attachment Student learnt a lot of thing especially having learned
practical experience on how to work with different department and on how to give
services to the customers. Student advise the government to increase salaries to the
employees so that to motivate the worker in their work and their performance will be
better. Also, my practical

training gives me more knowledge, skills and experiences so this prepared on the
future professional employees on a particular organization. The university of
Mzumbe at Mbeya Campus should provide enough time during practical training in
order to help students to practice more than theory.

5.2 Recommendations

5.2.1 Recommendation to TCSO

Student recommend that the TCSO at Mbeya Region should be provided with
enough funds to enable them to buy equipment required in the office like computer
so that they can improve the performance of desired goals of the organization
(TCSO). And don’t depend on TANESCO electricity because any time can switch
off so in order duties performed must have another sources such as generators and
SOLAR, TCSO Mbeya should visit another offices so that they can know where do
they fail in performing their daily activities to do so may remove of gaps between
actual and desired organizational goals. Also, TCSO should increase experience

among the workers in organization, this was due to the worked in every day give
ability to capture the skills which led to the experience because makes more practice
in the organization.

5.2.2 Recommendation to Mzumbe University

Student recommend the Mzumbe university to increase the time for training in order
to get more time during the field work, Also Student recommend the organization of
Mzumbe to increase the course that appearing in the organization like TCSO
example the training of preparation of Cash Book.


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