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Name: yazan iragi

Activity: Bioethics part 1

Total: /12x 5 = /60 grade recorded in gradebook

1.what are ethics? (1 point)

A. standards that establish right and wrong behavior.

B. standards that establish only what is wrong behavior.

C. standards that establish only what is right behavior.

Answer: A. standards that establish right and wrong behavior.

2. what are ethical concerns in using animals for research? Select all that apply.
(1 point)
A. Many animals can be studied at a time.

B. Some animals may have adverse reactions.

C. Animals are ideal biological models for experiments.

D. animals cannot consent to being used in experiments.

Answer: D. animals cannot consent to being used in experiments.

3. There is an amusement park based on sea life. Its purpose is to get the public
interested and caring about conversation of the world’s oceans. Some of the profits
of the organization go towards funding ocean research and conservation. In order to
get people interested, some of the shows in the park feature large marine animals
that do tricks. Some of the larger marine animals are housed in pools for viewing
instead of being allowed in their natural habitat. They also have rare and
endangered species on display to help increase awareness of them. They even have a
breeding program for some of the endangered animals.

describe an ethical concern that would be related to this park. (5 points)

An ethical issue that arises from the amusement park's efforts to promote ocean
conservation is the use of large marine animals for entertainment, which involves
the confinement of these animals in pools. While the park’s purpose is to increase
public awareness and contribute to ocean conservation efforts, it also ends up
harming the very animals they are trying to help. While yes, they may be giving a
lot of money to conservation and helping many animals in the wild as well as
endangered wildlife, they are actively harming the animals in their care.

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