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- Motion: Position, trajectory, displacement. Types of motion.

- Speed. Definition and units.
- Acceleration. Definition and units.
- Uniform Rectilinear Motion (URM).
- Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (UARM).

Motion: Position, trajectory, displacement. Types of motion.

A body is in motion when it changes coordinates with respect to some axes.

Position vector: It is the place the moving object occupies in relation to

coordinates origin (r).

Displacement: This is the shortest distance between the initial and final
position (∆r).

Trajectory: It is the path travelled by an object in its displacement.

The motion of an object can be classified according to the line of its trajectory:

- Rectilinear motion: The object moves in a straight line.

- Circular motion: The object moves along the circumference of a circle.
- Parabolic motion: The object moves in a curve under the influence of

Speed. Definition and units.

To find out (descubrir) how quickly we finished a route, we have to calculate the

Speed is the distance an objects moves per unit of time.

v = s/ t

The SI unit of speed is metres per second (m/s). Kilometres per hour (km/h) is
also used.

You can convert a unit into another, this is a conversion factor:

1 km/h . 1000 m / km. h / 3600 s = 0,2777 m / s

The speed of a moving object at any particular moment is known as

instantaneous speed (v).

The average or mean speed (velocidad media) (vm) is the quotient between
distance moved and the time taken:

Vm = d / t

Acceleration. Definition and units.

When travelling in a car, you do not always go at the same speed. When you
increase speed, you accelerate, when you reduce speed, you slow down.

Acceleration is the variation in speed by unit of time.

The SI unit of acceleration is metre per squared second (m / s 2).

The average or main acceleration (am) is the ratio between the variation in
speed and the time taken:

am = vf - vo / t

The positive values of the acceleration indicate that the mobile increases in
speed. Negative acceleration values indicate that the mobile slows down.
Uniform Rectilinear Motion (URM).

Trajectory: It is straight (it is moving in a straight line).

Speed: is constant.

Acceleration: Null or zero.

In this motion the instantaneous speed is always the same as the average

v= s/t; s=v.t ; t=s/v

For a moving object that begins at x0, its position at the instant of time, t, will be:

x = x0 + v . t

Uniform rectilinear motion occurs when a moving object travels along a straight
trajectory at a constant speed.
Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (UARM).

Trajectory: It is straight (it is moving in a straight line).

Speed: Variable.

Acceleration: Constant.

To calculate speed and the distance travelled by a moving object in a UARM,

we must remember that every moment of its acceleration is the same at its
average acceleration.

a = vf - v0 / t ; v = v0 + a.t

The position is calculated with this equation of motion:

x = x0 + v0.t + ½ a. t2

1.- Calculate the distance a runner travels in a straight line for 10 minutes at a
constant speed of 18 km/h. Express the result in metres and kilometres.

2.- An object is travelling at a constant speed of 12 m/s, along straight road,

how long does it take to travel 26 m? What will be its position after 1 minute?

3.- A golf ball accelerates from 0 m/s to 30 m/s in 0,1 s. Calculate the golf ball’s

4.- A girl is riding her bicycle at 10 m/s. She brakes (frena) to 0 m/s in 2 s.
Calculate her acceleration.

5.- A car is moving with an acceleration of 2 m/s2 and moves along a straight
road. Calculate the speed and position at 1, 2, 3 and 4 seconds. Draw the
graphs for the values obtained on the axes: a-t ; v-t; x-t.

6.- The information in the table shows the speed of a runner in a race:

Time (s) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speed(m/s) 0 2 4 5 7 8 8 9 10 10

a) What type of motion does the information describe?

b) Convert the speeds into km/h.

7.- Are the following sentences true or false?

a) In URM, the v-t graph is sloping (inclinada) straight line.

b) To calculate speed, we need to know the distance moved and the force

c) Speed is constant in UARM.

d) In UARM, the variation in speed is constant.

e) The unit of acceleration is km/h.

f) The v-t graph for UARM is a straight line parallel to the OX axis.

g) The v-t graph for URM is a straight line parallel to the OX axis.

h) In UARM, average speed and instantaneous speed are the same.

i) The trajectory of circular motion is a circumference.

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